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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 May 1919, p. 5

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TB|-ii«aenT n igmutflt, ibBDOMr, ill. A fiOOII^UCE TO GET W*X' '1 GOOD DRUGS •S;- i"*£«.• '* > r 2£o one, w«< think, will question the statement that we have an unusually complete stock of high-grade drugs. Largre as It is, it is a constantly growing one, because it keeps pace with every advance in medicine or pharmacy. It is obvious that a store like this one is a good place to get family drug? or to havte prescriptions filled. Drugs here are handled by competent pharmacists of large experience. You get ideal service at seasonable price*. r.." now civ N. H. PETESCH drbgcisi WE MAKf; Buying Safe For You • 'f'U •, t.'ff No one knows just when prices will go down. At the present they are about at a standstill. We may lose when prices go down, but we try to 4keep an assortment of merchandise tor you at the best prices we can get. You buy as'Vou need "things, We take the only chance. That is the service we are giving. \ SMITH BROS. McHENRY, ILLINOIS The Be& Suite We Had! \ 13|* finest Dining Room Sulte#e had in None of our stores was sold last week to an out-of-town customer. ^ .Drive over and see this beautiful Furniture at prices no higher. .]}[•.; A. Leath Sc Co. Stores 79-74 Grove Ave. -Aockford, Opposite Court House Dubuque, 57584 Main St. Aurora, 31-33 Island Ave. ffreeport, l(3-ltS Galena St. Waterloo, 312-314 B. 4th St. •ploit, (17-621 4th St. f*liet. 215-217 Jefferson St. y Ssy&Leath's '. i furnishers of Beautiful Homes EAST SIDE m MARKET & (iROCERY WE HANDLE KERBER'S Lard, Bacon, Ham and Sausages. Fresh Vegetables at all times. Orders promptly delivered. Henry Heuser PHONE 57-M McHENRY, ILL-•% CASH AND CARRY GROCERY SALE! Dinner Plates, each--..lie Cups and Saucers.. 29c Oatmeal Dishes, each. - .lie M««t Platters, each, .lie Star Cut Tumblers .... lie Fruit Saucers, 6 for 4ie Sugar Bowls -_15e Vegetables, large... - We Vegetables, small 2Se Water Glasses, 3 fifiv..V lie Fireproof Glassware at reduced prices . i RINGWOOD James Bell and family were Spring Grove visitors last Sunday. Mrs. Lora Klintworth is entertaining , company from the city. Mr. ami Mrs. 6. A. Stevens of Eltrin were visiting relatives in town last, week. Next Sunday evening meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Harrison. Miss Martha Daily spent the we^k end with her friend, Miss Helen jKruse, at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jackson end Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bell of Solon were in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Bacon of North Crystal Lake were visiting relatives in town Sunday. Mrs. Katherine Adams of McHenry spent several days last wiek with her son, George, and family. Mrs. W. A. Dodge .went to Antioch last Friday evening to visit her daughter, Mrs. Lora Bacon. Mrs. Lucinda Francisco of Woodstock has been Spending several daysvisiting: relatives around town. Raymond Hall and Bruno Butler have, been working, for the Bowman Dairy company at Dundee the last few days. /. T. H. Murray of Harvard and Jim Turner of Solon were in town last week, laying plans for re-organizing the boys* and girls' club work. Mrs. Margaret Merwin and children and Mrs. Clarence Ritter and son were visiting their uncle, Will Bonslett, and family at McHenry last Wednesday. Bern Bell of Richmond has been spending several days in Ringwood with his brother, James, and other relatives. His many friends were very glad to see him. The W. C. T. U. will meet with M rs. W. M. Foss on Satuirday of this week. The last meeting was helc^ with Mrs. Priest and it was a very good meeting and well attended. There will be an exhibit of drawing at the schoolhouse next Tuesday evening, May 13. Everyone should come out and see the good work our children are doing along this line. There will be a Mothers' day service at the .Methodist church next Sunday at 2:30 p. m. There will be special music and the M. W. A. are requested to attend in a body. Everybody invited. There will be a community supper at the M. W. A. hall next week Friday evening, May 16. There will be several speakers from out of town. Remember the date and place, for everyone is invited. Frank Hawley, who has just returned from the fighting line in France and has received his discharge from the service, was in town from Saturday until Monday visiting his parents and friends. Mrs. A. W. Smith gave a luncheon party in honor of her sister, Mrs. S. H. CoveTl, last Thursday. Those who attended were: Mesdames Clara Harrison, Lucinda Francisco and Libbie Allen of Woodstock; Mesdames Libbie Ladd, Carrie Smith, Lousia Tabor, Hattie Buckland, Jennie Spaulding, Josephine Coates, Emma Brown and Jessie Smith of Ringwood. x ^ OSTENO Mrs. Lou Francisco was a week end guest of her cousin, Mrs. Abbie Martin. , The Richardson family is still patiently waiting for Alfred to be discharged and return home. He is still in New York. Some of the farmers have been unable to finish sowing grain on account of continued rain. 'Several have barley yet to sow. Math. Jung and Fred R. Eppel are preparing to press hay. Perhaps they think there is a prospect of plenty this year. The Greenwood grocery man made his regular trip on Monday, delivering groceries and picking up eggs at 40 cents per dozen. Miss Ammie Francisco is suffering with rheumatism in her back and hip. She is taking treatments for it of Dr. Erickson of Woodstock. Henry Hobart has drawn gravel and fixed the drive to the mail box. We notice several more that are in very bad shape. Certainly the rural carriers would appreciate it if the drives were so that they could get to the box without getting into the ruts and water several inches deep. 'Nj, John Stoffel, - West McHenry TERRA COTTA .Ben Brown of Woodstock called in this vicinity Tuesday. Miss Agnes Frisby spent Tuesday evening with MpHenry friends. M. Knox attended the ,K. of C. initiation at Woodstock Sunday. Mrs. Taylor was a business caller at Crystal Lake Monday evening. Mrs. Stella Peck of Elgin visited at Henry McMillan's Saturday and Sunday. Geo. L. Bryant of Crjhtal Lake was a business caller here one day last week. Miss Florence Knox was the guest of McHenry relatives from Friday until Sunday. * Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Nelson fend son, Melvin, were McHenry callers Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and daughter were callers near Algonqhin and Cary last Friday. Mrs, Fred Bergman of Chicago spent Monday and Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Leisner. Thomas and George „Phalin, Leo Conway and Thomas Frisby spent Sunday at Woodstock and attended the K. of C. initiation. Cracked corn, $3.50 per hyndred pounds. Wm. Spencer, West McHenry nfl| BXDGEFIELD Mrs.. A. H. Skinner spent part of last week in Chicago. . Mrs. W. F. AbbotC did shopping at Woodstock last Friday. Helen Carlson was a Woodstock shopper lalst Thursday. . I-. Yauke made a business trip to Crystal Lake Saturday. tfrs. J. M. Coates was a Woodstock: shopper on Wednesday last. Miss Lois Levey was calling on friends at Crystal Lake Friday. D. Dufield spent "Sunday as the guest of relatives in this village. M. H. Fitzsimmons was at Chicago on business one day last week. Mrs. Albee and daughter were shopping at Woodstock last Friday. Mrs. F. Senne and son, Elmer, spent the first of the week in Elgin. F. Anderson, wife and two children spent Monday afternoon at Crystal Lake. ' v J. H. Slater and Miss Mildred Pierson were Woodstock- passengers Monday. Abram Levey and wife were calling on friends at/-'Crystal Lake last Thursday. Clarence Anderson attended to matters of a business nature At Crystal Lake Saturday. Mrs. W. R. Wagner attended to business matters at the county seat last week Thursday. Mrs. I. F. Burdick and sister, Mrs. S. Walser,- wgre shopping at Woodstock one day last week. • Mesdames A. Anners, A. Peterson, W. R. Wagner and son, Charles, were Crystal Lake shoppers Monday. Mrs. W. F. Abbott and daughter, Dorothy, were visiting friends at the county seat last week Wednesday. JOHNSBURG Mrs. Nell visited Mrs?*John Pftxen Sunday. Henry Klapperich was a AftHenry visitor Monday. Miss Barbara Smith -was a Woodstock caller Friday evening. Miss Margaret Huemann of McHenry was home over Sunday. George Lay of Kenosha is spend/ ing a few days at his home here. Missr Mamie Smith of Chicago spent the first of the week at her home here. Henry Nell of Woodstock visited his mother, Mrs. Geo. ^Nell, here Tuesday evening. Mrs. Wm. Oeffling, son, George, and daughter, Katherine, were Woodstock shoppers Monday. Mrs. Jos. Huemann passed a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. E. G. Hogland, in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner and daughter were pleasant callers as J. A. Millfer's Tuesday evening. Wm. Althoff returned to his home here Tuesday from overseas. He was welcomed by old and young. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Miller were guests of the former's brother, Jacob, at Zenda one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob It. Justen, who reside in North Dakota, have the sympathy of the whole community in the loss of their two childen. They were brought , here for burial Wednesday. Mrs. John Mertes went to Chicago on Thursday of last week to visit her daughter, who is confined in a hospital in that city. She retained home Monday.- ' SPRINGGROVE N*. N. Weber was a Chicago passenger Friday. Corp. Paul Protine arrived home Monday evening. Jos. G. Wagner transacted business in Chicago Monday. Mrs. J.-J. Freund spent Monday in the home of her sister, Mrs. John V. Freund. Mrs. Howard Christensen entertained Mrs. John Weber and daughter, Marjorie, Monday. Mrs. Ford Jackson spent Friday in the home of her. parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Frett, at Johnsburg. Mrs. Jas. Bell of Ringwood is spending a few days in the home of her mother, Mrs. Hubert Rauen. Mrs. Wm. Oeffling and daughter, Mrs. Richard Guyser, of Johnsburg were callers in town Wednesday. Mrs. Elizabeth Laures of McHenry spent Tuesday and Wednesday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Christensen. Mr. and Mrs. F. Wagner and daughter, Julia, and Miss Agnes Weber motored to McHenry Tuesday evening. VOLO Mrs. Ves Wagner was a McHenry shopper Friday. Mrs. Peter Stadtfeld was a recent Libertyville caller. Wm. Harris of Wauconda attended church here Sunday. Frank Hironimus has purchased Ed. Lusk's Jeffery ca& John Kirwan is spending a lew weeks with his brother here. W. Hughes of Wauconda was a business caller in town last week. Mrs. Wm. Dillon entertained the Volo Aid society today (Thursday). Mrs. Marshall Smith of Roseville was a caller here the first of the week. Miss Ruby Brooks spent Saturday and Sunday at her home near Slocum's lake. Sunday school every Sunday at 2:00 p. m. Preaching after by Rev. El E. Palmer. All are welcome. Miss Ella Moore spent the past week in Wauconda and attended the Auxiliary meeting Thursday at E E. Palmer's. • Basket Social Everyone is cordially invited to a basket social to be held at the Chet-ry Valley school, about' five miles west of McHenry, on May 10. Program begins at 8:30 o'clock. • • . ^ ' Laretta Wagner, Teechsr V '•***'t ?#• IN MON THERE STRENGTH •mm -jm »-r. UNITED EFFORT UNITED FRANCES Vh\f /' ^McHenry people want McHenr^ jto Grow, Improve and Prosper. We are asking ourselves What we can do to assist in bringing these conditions about. We want to help. Permit us to suggest that it can best be brought about by everyone boosting and pulling together for anything and everything that will build up McHenry. Let us all work in harmony for that purpse. Concentration of effort and finances is necessary. Each person * can be of some help, We invite and urge you to do your share by systematically adding to the financial strength of the community, through depositing all surplus funds with McHenry Banks. WE SOLICIT SUCH DEPOSITS „ V HOY BANKING COMPANY MCHENRY, ILLINOIS it's only in the exceptionally large family thaf the job of doing the week's washing will spread over more than a quarter of a single working day when it's done by means of an ® Electric Washing Machine About two hours is usually sufficient. There's no drudgery in the operation. The machine does all the work. You look on. Federal Electric Washing Machine Sold on Monthly Paymenta K.N down puu a Federal in youtbou^ Public Service Co. OK NORTHERN ILLINOIS Those Who Have Moved Elva Moore of Carpentersville has moved his family into the Nordquist house on Pearl street Mr. Moore began work in the Hunter factory this week. E. J. Hauswirth and family have moved from the Hoyt cottage on Center ^street to the Edmund Knox houSe at the end of Waukegan street. Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Babcock and daughter are again occupying their cottage on Main street, having moved therein from .the Bonslett farm. - Mr. and Mrs. P. Bostwich have rented the. J. M. McOmber cottage on the east bank of Fox river, where they expect to make their home until the completion of their new home further down the river. Frank Weingart, an employe of the Borden factory, has moved his family from the Justen flat over the West Side hardware store to the Hoyt cottage on Center street. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Bickler expect to occupy the flat made vacant by the Weingart family. M. A. Thelen and family have moved from the flat over the N. A. Huemann Jewelry store to the H. Buchert house on John street. The place thus vacated is now occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Lqeis Adams, who moved to this village from Chicago a short time ago* Mr. Adams is now employed at the store of M. J Walsh. G. C. Boley has mosefl his family from the Chris Blalcft house on the ^corner of Green and Pearl streets to the Mrs. Nicholas Martin house on Water street. The Blake house is now housing the family of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Michels, who recently moved to this village from Chicago, Mr. Miehels having accepted a position in Frett's sanitary meat market gipi the Weet Sfcfe. ( USE EARLY KEER FLOUR Manufactured by the McHENRY Flour Mill Wesft McHenry, 111. Seed! We have always been lucky in securing good farm seeds. We have good, home-grown Seed Corn on hand and samples of Learning Fodder Corns. Would be pleased to have you stop in and get my prices. ~ * • «, Afrtm nf--x-itJI* JOS. J. MILLER McHENRY, ILL. AT THE Special For Custard Cream Puffs Chocolate Fingers and a full line of good Coffee Cake We close at 6:00 o'clock on Tuesday and Thursday evenings of each week. McHenry Bakery McHENRY. ILL IN or PAINT! WK -*•!&£ "-v I How about your painting and decorating this spring? We have the largest and best assortment of Paints, Kalsomines and Varnishes thane ver before. The prices range from $3J0 per gallon up. McHENRY, ILL. PICKLES !>' "*r- CONTRACT NOW WHILE PRICES ARE HIGH Vat run, $2.00 per 100 lbs. - $1*00 for 100 It*. Nubbins, 60c per 100 lbs. «• • Contracts can be had ofA. Krumpeil^ . 5 Also John Stoffel's Store C. F. Claussen & Sons M • i Bead Tie Ptatndealer; 1 Jein the Bay Scoatsu

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