-•J "••• 'v '" • "•"-•-"'x'V' C j - r , . v ••• " /••:•«:••-v:- : - ••'• ^ Mow (Continued From Other Side) , ? v - i f t - . ^ , • . . ; . . . w; shall be the same and nearly as possible from one end of the block to the other. Said engineer shall furbish a plat of the grade so established by him to the Board of Trustees of said Village and said Board of Trustees, or some person authorized by them, shall upon application furnish such plat or grade of said sidewalk to the person, firm or corporation desiring to build, lay or * construct said walk. Section 4^No sidewalk shall . be laid, built or constructed under the provisions of this ordinance at any different grade or upon any other level than that of the adjacent sidewalk and the grade as established by the engineer hereinbefore mentioned, provided the grade of said adjacent sidewalk corresponds with the grade as established by said engineer. Section 5. That any person, firm or" •I corporation desiring to lay or construct any concrete or cement walk » within the corporate limits of the Village of McHenry shall before be- . ginning the construction of said walk make application and obtain a permit to lay and construct the same from the committee on side walks of said Village, and shall also ascertain the proper grade at which said: walk should be built. Section 6. That any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined in a sum of not less than Five Dollars ($5.00) nor more than Twenty Dollars ($20.00) for each and every offense and if any person, firm or corporation shall build, renew, lay or rplay or attempt to build, renew HOT relay, or knowingly assists in so doing, any side walk or portion thereof, where no grade has been estab- „ lished, without first obtaining a grade therefor, from said committee on ridewalks or upon a grade contrary 'o that established by said committee «B sicjswalks, such person, firm or corporation so offending shall be fined in a' sum of not less than $5.00 nor more than $20.00 for each and everyoffense, ahd a like sum for every day faid person, firm or corporation shall fail, neglect or refuse to relay, re- , new, build or construct such sidewalk, or portion thereof in conformity with the provisibns of this ordinance. ^ Section 7. .That all ordinances or pai%s of ordinances heretofore passed in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 8. This ordinance shall take . effect and be in full force from and •Iter its passage, approval and pub- • ligation, as provided by law. John O. Olson, President of Board of Trustees. Attest: Wm. G. Schreiner, • ____ Village Clerk. ^ Passed this 7th day of July, A. "D. --I§19. Approved this 7th day of July, A. D. 1919. Published this 10th day of July, 1919. __ ADDITIONAL PERSONAL8 Miss Mary Bonslett was home from DeKalb for the week end. Dr. N. J. Nye was a professional visitor in Chicago Tuesday. Wm. Smith attended to business matters in Chicago Tuesday. F. E. Covalt has returned from a week's trip to Green Bay, Wis. Everett Hunfcer attended to business matters in Chicago Tuesday. Theo. Schiessle was among the Chicago passengers Monday morning. Varina Wentworth is ing the week with Rockford relatives. Susie Zens of Waukegan Sunday as a guest in the home of her mother, Mrs. Anrta Zens. J. W. Smith transacted business matters in the metropolitan city Monday. Wm. O'Connor Of Chicago spent the week end as the gfiest of friends in this village. Miss Tillie Robison of Chicago was the guest of friends in this vicinity over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kennebeck attended the funeral of Wait. Wienke at Woodstock Monday. S. J. and Al. Frazer of Chicago spent the Fourth as guests in the W. D. Wentworth home. Miss Ann Mullen of Chicago was the guest of McHenry friends the latter part of last .week. Alfred Nicholls of Chicago was & Sunday guest in the home of his sister, Mrs. Frank Zuelsdorf. Miss Madge Smith and Mrs. Carl Mack of Elgin 'were guests of Ifc- Henry friends the Fourth. Misses Eva and Lillian Stilling were among those to board the Chicago train Tuesday mottling. Miss Elizabeth K. Miller was the guest of friends at the county seat the latter part of last wee* £ Mr. and Mrs. Peter Uijfssen and children of Waukegan were guests of McHenry relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. TSrickson an# daughter, Charlotte, were guests of Rockford relatives Sunday. Miss Alta Wentworth and S. J. Frazer spent Saturday at the home of R. R. Turner at Solon Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pich of Chicago passed a few days last week as the guests of McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Frankenhauser of Chicago passed the Fourth as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Geier. Mr. and Mrs. Ged. Steilen and children of Chicago were week end guests in the home of Mrs. Helena Heimer. MR and Mrs. D. Watt of Chicago passed the week end as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kennebeck. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. pahlstrom and children of Chicago passed the week end at their cottage at McCollum's lake. Edward O'Neil and Arnold Blake of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday as the guests of McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Abrons and son of Rockford spent the Fourth at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wentworth Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Price and children of Wauconda. attended the celebration and home-coming here last Friday. Miss Harriet Chapell of Chicago isspending the week as a guest in the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Alsena Smith. Miss Clara Degen of Kenosha, Wis., passed the week end as a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Degen. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Worts of Chicago passed the latter part of last week as guests of relatives in and near McHenry. Miss Vera Turner of Dennison, la., and Geo. Yanke of Spring Grove were guests of Miss Alta Wentworth over the Fourth. George Heimer of Camp Grant passed the latter part of last week as a guest in the home of hismothej, Mrs. Helena Heimer. f Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Bickler and child of West Chicago passed the latter part of last week as the guests of McHenry relatives. Miss Kathryn Thurlweil of Rock- CLASSIFIED MMRNI FOR RENT--A modern flat. Inquire of N. J. Justeh, West McHenry, 111, 2 FOUND--A pair of glasses. Call at residence of Andre* Miller, McHen-, ry, 111. 4-lt? FOR SALE--To dose estate, the Jacob Hoyt property. AVty. A.1 H. Pouse, West McHenry, 111. I-4t FOR SALE--The John A. Smith estate farms, one of 169 acres ami one of 145 acres. S.' H. Freund, McHenry, 111. ___2 FOR SALE CHEAP--A gasoline engine for boat in A-l oondition. Henry Ahrens, West McHenry, 111. Phone 53-J. 4-tf FOR SALE--A Inquire of L. F. Henry, 111. I buggy." rest Mc- S-tf WANTED--A second hand cook stove. Inquire at The Plaindealer office. 4-lt WANTED--Small acreage of imrov'ed or unimproved land, improved preferred. Have cash purchasers. Ben Stilling, McHenry, HI. 49 --- FOR SALE--The C. H. Parks house and property on the corner of John .nd Center streets in West McHenry. Z. W. Stenger, West McHenry. 3Sfc<tf FOR SALE OR RENT--The Kelter arm of 120 acres situated east of the •illage of McHenry. Apply to or write C. W. Stenger, West McHenry, III. WANTED TO RENT--A small cottage on the Fox river or Pistakee bay for the month of August. C. E* -Patterson, 134 S. XaSalle St., Chicago, •• ... . FOR SALE--Several tons of good old hay. $20.00 per ton in barn. Also hay fork, track and rope. t Cheap if taken at once. Apply at The Plaindealer office. . LOST--Somewhere in McHenry |||f Friday, July 4, a pair of toctoise rimmed pincher glasses. C. D. Peacock case. Finder kindly leave at this office. $14500 buys 160 acre farm near Pistakee Bay, 2% miles from Johnsburg and McHenry. Good farm buildings, house, barn, silo, etc. Simon Stoffel, West McHenry, 111. l-4t ferd passed the week end as a guest* in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thurlweil. Misees Kathryn Karls and Dolly • demons and Wm. Karls of Chicago were week end guests in the home.of .• Mr. and Mrs. Fred KarlS. Miss Mae Kane of Elgin spent the latter part of last week in the home of her mother, Mrs. Stacia Kane, northwest of this, village. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Effer, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kling and daughter, Miss Myrtle, of Chicago were week end vistors at McColum's lake. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Abrons, Mrs. Nizzie Holly and Mrs W. D. Wentworth and daughter, Varina, motored to Lake Geneva Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Gafke and Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Martin and daughters of Woodstock were Fourth of July guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Page. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McArthur and daughter, Ruth, of lUlgin ahd Miss Anna Wolff of Chicago were week end guests hi the home of Mrs. A. Wolff. Mr. and Mrs. S. Wilson and children of Evanston passed the latter part of last week as guests in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mi*. John O. Olson. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Loomis and grandchildren, Lloyd and Darline