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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Jul 1919, p. 5

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'i1"W%: l:'«- 1 "W,MJIU nyi .I i i|i MUl-ii T*? Sf >;» -'-*>s i«* "f; "• -.0% XTW%% .'I65i r . ,l.r, '> *i f -' J ' ^ . * < . , " "4« * ' •wf&H' &L&tim ,iM . i* • 1'. * . . X" r.» ... > J.S rj ... ;•• • **•' -% .;rPV:r.W. " * r ; " :<v•.••« • V r% , $ *•" • 4. <i'd» , ,«' ,' > ? *~ ' , "^at" , ' / >t & ** •i&xW:"- • :i.'<v». •» :..!»,• s •%» ~- ^r.xjgf^.< - y **>&. . .>>• > Mrt rvn i Vfi* ;> rM->" ':, Drugs and Patent Medicines ^.5, •* •: vyvt-i..*': ,<f - ' ' •.!" r." - ' -V MAIL ORDERS 'PHONE 60-W 'PHONE »w N. H. PETESCH BROGGIST EARLY RISER Manufactured McHENRY Flour Mill Werft McHenry, III. PAINT! How about yojjjr:, painting and decort Siting this spring? We have the lai|j-. «st aqd best assort- | ment of Paints, Kq}- • aomines and Var- £ishes thane ver be- "tore. The prices" r Jguige from $3.00 |er gallon ypv J MCHENRY, ILL. Hot Water All over the House The need for hot water in the house is fully at great, if not actually greater, than the need for cold water. Yet you have running cold water at the turn of a faucet. i. < The hot water you have to heat for yourself i# ft 1 teakettle which takes time. WITH AN AUTOMATIC _ GAS WATEI^ HEATER installed in your home all the vexsome bother and delay of heating water is abolished. The mere turn of the tap gives you a steady, running stream of steaming water. Opening the faucet lights the burners and heats the water. Closing the faucet shuts of the bmaere and stops the slight expense. Have modern hot water service in your home. Let us explain our easy payment plan. *t1irvWesterr)Ur)itecf Gas fm% '^51^ and Electric Company ^5tv E M. WOWOUH, blAlcilfcwgw Fall Term Begins September 2, 1919 It pays to attend the Ellis School, because of its reputation. You cannot afford to attend anything but the kes& Fine equipment. Expert teachers. TheEllis BusinessCollege Rippberger Bldg., north of Post Office. ELGIN, ILL. PHILIP JAEOEy? GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT SPHXAL. ATTENTION QIVKK TO Tffit SALS OP OrvMed Beef, rtutten, y««l* Ponltrji HMm, Etc^ Butter ami Bfgf : :-ff t TMtlitha olil--t hnnw oa th» rtr--t Tagi md pilmllsH JhnafrlHril ^jP •Pldioattoii. •'7' COLO STORAOB FREE •tall • * 3> Pultoa St. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Wtilim. Market. MWm? "^5^yppp^fp ^ • M. Becker ilofcday in Chicago. List your farms with D. F. Quintan, he sells them. ^ i. Earl Abbott wac ar Crystal Lake caller Monday. R. Reed and family spent Sunday at Lake Geneva. Mrs, I. F. Burdick was a Woodstock shopper Friday. Miss Hazel Baker was home frfcm Berwyn over Sunday. Miss Sarah Ormsby WM a Chicago passenger Monday morning. Mrs. August Wille and son of Chicago was a caller here Sunday. Mrs. Leroy Skinner is entertaining friends from Chicago this week. Mrs. Herman Wille spent Tuesday night and Wednesday in Chicago. The ticket office here will be closed on Sundays commencing July 20. Mr. and Mrs. A. Peterson entertained out-of-town guests Sunday. Miss Tate and little sister were Crystal Lake visitors Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Fitzgerald and son spent SaUmlay evening at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mra. Albert Abbott of Cary spent the first of the week here with their son. Mrs. Chauncey Wallace of Woodstack was a recent visitor in the home of R. Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Bosshard and daughter of Woodstock were Monday evening callers here. Mrs. Johnson of Harmony is visiting in the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. J* Wilkins. Rev. N. A. Sunderlin was down from Woodstock Friday evening to the ice cream social. Mrs. Inga Martini and Miss Christina Erickson were home from Crystal Lake over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Skinner returned Saturday night from a tea days' trip to Niagara Falls. ~ ; Mrs. Lola Bennett spent Thursday night and Friday with Mrs. Emma Elliott and daughters at Elgin. F. Wille and son, Herman, left Monday morning for Duluth, Minn., to purchase a car load of cattle. Mrs. E. Malsch and two children of Crystal Lake visited Saturday jifternoon in the home of Mrs. I. Erickson. .> Mrs. Walter Reed and son, Merle, spent the first of the week in Chicago at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Wille/ Mrs. Anna Mollohan and Mrs. R. Walkup and son, Lowell, visited Wednesday with the former's brother at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Smith Brown have been entertaining their two little granddaughters from Franklinville for several days. Mrs. Lola Bennett and her friend, Miss Mildred Harvey, spent part of last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Merchant tit West Chicago. Geo. Baker and family, S. Reed and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. Waterman and F. J. Wilkins and family were Sunday afternoon callers at Crystal Lake. Harold Walkup spent Sunday with Mrs. Walkup's parents at Princeton, Ind., Mrs. Walkup and daughter, Margaret, returning home with him the first of the week. TERRA COTTA We know < how. Lowest prices. ^ E. L. Jones. List your farms with D. F. Quinlan, he sells them. Mrs. Frank Peck of Chicago visited relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox ware Chicago visitors last Thursday. George Phalin of Woodstock spent Sunday at his home here. John Heffron of Chicago spent Sunday at Henry McMillan's. Quentin Walsh of McHenry called on his cousins here recently. Mrs. Jackson of Georgia was calling on old friends here last week. Wm. J. Wingate of Crystal Lake was a business visitor here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Doherty and family called on relatives here Sunday. Misses Clara and Agnes Frisby of Elgin spent Sunday at their home here, Mr. and Mrs. John Flanagan and children were calling here Sunday evening. Miss Alice Bergman^ of Chicago was a recent guest of Miss Alice Leisner. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Frisby and family are now enjoying a new Ford touring car. Miss Florence Conway of McHenry visited relatives and friends here Tuesday. George Conway of Detroit Mich., called on relatives and friends here last week. t Mr. and Mrs. A. Gaebe and family spent an evening last week with relatives here. Mark Hoffman of Spring Grove is a guest in the home of his niece, Mrs.. Frank McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMillan and daughter, Eleanor, were Wisconsin visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller of Woodstock called at S. B. Leisner's one evening last week. Mrs. M. A. Conway and son, Le- Roy, of McHenry spent Tuesday at the M. Knox home. Wm. Coleman of Davenport, la., has been the guest of his wife in the Geo. P. Bay home. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Martin and children of Grayslake called on friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Sund and children of Holcombville called at Geo. Nelson's last Tuesday evening. Manjf froti tlri* the tee cream social at C. W. Stenger home ta McHenry fhtatday evening, Mr. and Mrs. John Riley and grandsons, Raymond and Bernard Shine, were Burton's Bridge callers Thursday last. Mrs. Dunbar of Georgia and her sister, Mrs. Barber, of Libertyville spent a couple of days last week with Mrs. S. B. Leisner. They also called on Mrs. Marion McMillan, she and Mrs. Leisner being old schoolmates of theirs. RINGWOOD > J f List your farms with D. F. Qttfnlan, he sells them. We know how. Lowest prices. E. L. Jones. F. H. McAssey of Richmond was a visitor here Tuesday. C«.Q. Hunf of Hebron was .a bosiness caller in town Tuesday. T. H. Murray of Harvard was a business caller in town Monday. Ed. Martin of Woodstock was a business caller in town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson motored to Aurorfc last Thursday. Mrs. S. W. Brown and son spent last week Wednesday at Lake Geneva. Mrs.' Arthur Merrill of Solon visited her sister, Mrs. Schroeder, last Friday. Mrs. Geo, Westlake and Mrs. Geo. Coates of1 Sbidh Were callers in town Monday Chas. Dates' and family of Alden were calling on relatives in town Tuesday. Mrs. Jessie Trow of Hebron spent the week end with her daughter, Mrs. Schroeder. Mr. and Mrs. Slocum of Hickory were Sunday visitors in the C. H. Stephenson home. . Mrs. Karl Krohn visited with her daughter, Mrs. John Vollman, at Elgin one day last week. There will be services next Sunday evening on the lawn at the home of F. E. Fay at 7:30 o'clock. The W. C. T. U. will meet this week Saturday with Mrs. Emma Brown. Election of officers. Mrs. Martin Klintworth and daughter were visitors in the Will Allen home at Greenwood last Wednesday. Kantfte Rainey, who has spent some time overseas, has just returned and is visiting friends in town. J. C. Ladd started Monday for Boston and other eastern points, where he will visit relatives and friends Mrs. C. D. Bacon was a pleasant visitor in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ray Barthloff, at Richmond last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Morse of Morseville, Va., came last week Tuesday to visit in the Foss home. Mrs. Morse is a sister to Mr. Foss. Among those from out-of-town who attended the funeral of W. M. Foss here last Sunday afternoon were: Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Allen and Mr. and Mrs. G. Walters of Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tuttle, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tufltle and Mrs. Edith Todd of Dundee; Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Stevens of Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. Will Goodwin and D. C. Bacon of Crystal Lake; James Conway and family of Harvard; Mr. and Mrs. Bungard and Mrs. Trow of Hebron, besides many friends from McHenry, Richmond, Solon and Spring Grove. JOHNSBUBG~~ List your farms with D. F. Quinlan, he sells them. We know how. Lowest prices n E. L. Jones. Automobile owners are pleased with the change in the Central garage here. John P. Schaefer is the owner of a new Buick Six touring car, recently purchased thru the Central garage agency here. The next dance at "Stubb's" hall will be held on Wednesday evening of next week, July 23. The same music, same prices and the same good time will prevail. Joe King and family, Wm. Meyers and family, Mrs. Frank Mathieu and Theo. Meyers motored to Racine, Wis., last Sunday morning and spent the day as the guests of relatives and friends. The rain of Monday was welcomely received by our people. The ground had become very dry and grave fears for the crops were beginning to be entertained by those who depend upon old Mother Earth for their livelihood. Frank Mathieu is spending his annual summer vacation with his wife here. His last Chicago engagement was at Riverview park, where he assisted Mayor Thompson in entertaining 365,000 kiddies. After a few weeks' stay here he will leave for an extended theatrical tour thru the east, starting in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Bickler have moved their household effects from McHenry and are now occupying part of the Mrs. - Elizabeth Hettermann house. Johnsburg people welcome this popular young couple to their midst and wish Mr. Bickler success in his new business venture here. He has purchased a half interest in. tiie Central garage. 5 The junior baseball club journeyed to Volo last Sunday afternoon, where they met the Volo aggregation in a return game, but, like their first encounter, our boyB were forced to return home suffering from a terrible defeat, the final score of the encounter being 26 to 0. However, this doesn't dampen the enthusiasm of our youngsters, who love the sport and are just determined to make a showing before the season comes to a close. ••j - • > t J- - i"' t .. -V'." J- -Xrr- i .V Could Blast Our (Bltfw Our Own Horn) HtfreVer and no one w6u®f pay much attention to the noise, if, iny addition to this, our friends did not speak a good word for us occa- * # sionally. It is not the dollars we spend for advertising that brings us new accounts, but instead the pleased and satisfied customer Hbo tells his friends how we have served him. ASK ONE OF OUR CUSTOMERS!!?** I- "'-•. DON'T ASK US? ' ' If we are prompt, accurate, courteous and obliging; if we have handled well the business entrusted to us; if we have pleased him by rendering any distinct service or services. We can serve YOU as we are serving hundreds of others. Na» account is too large, neither is our" honest and conscientious care. " * * t •> *"* * He Bank That Is Going, Forward" WE CLOSE AT 340 P. M. \ * BANKING McHENRY, ILLINOIS -mm Cooking Utensils in a wide variety* Washers, Irons, Vacuum Cleaners, Heating Pads, Curling Tongs. They'may Wf'-Awted about from room to room. They work when connected to any lamp socket. Moodily Payments Public Service Co. oe NORTHERN ILLINOIS by 110-lb. Cream Can •*; r% of our A. B. C. Coffee! H $4.25 pw can and be protected again& higher prices JOS. J. MILLER McHENRY, ILL. ALFORD H. POUSE Thone 26 West McHenry, III. In Tires Building A tire-maker's first problem is to decide how much 1m CUT give for the money This, and every other question in tin building, depends upon policies. , A super-tire, such as The Brunswick, can be made only bj a tOncern which knows well and appreciates that there is nothing exclusive in the tire industry except high standards. Since 1845 the House of Brunswick has held first pUct i* : every line it entered. Brunswick Tires, as more and more motorists come to know them, will certainly be awarded that coveted place held only by the superfine. Motorists who buy one Brunswick usually adopt it for |ij|mplete equipment. Yet this is not strange, since the first ipfte so completely proves its superiority. • If the name of Brunswick certifies to you, aw tojaoat men. . an extraordinary tire, at no higher price, would it Mf be good business to test one or two Brunswick Tires? •"'•••'•HUE BRUNSWICK-BALKE-CQLLENDER Cfk ~ V 623 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, (fl, f' '/* .. i'Sr \ I -c's a Brunswick Tire for Every Cord -- Fabric -- Solid Truck m 1i McHENRY GARAGE J. W. Schaffer MOTOR BOAT SUPPLIES LONO OlSTANC mchbnkyi; SCHAEFER BROS. Drayinfr >»d Transferrin* Phone 1<*-W , I1L I KOEPPES BOAT'LINE - ; MCHENRY. ILLINOIS AIIA&mH the ALICE for Pisukee Lake. PitUkee B»*. T'-MltlfFftf Like, Petite Lake, Grass Lake, Lake Marie, Lake £hlf, QuudUe . ; •ad Lake Catherine--&Sixty Mile Ride far One Dollar, and Mk the Fox River, between Algonquin, Cary and McHewy, DUaots, and Wtlmot, Wiiconim--taking ie .th*' Famous Lotus Beds, the oaly oeeaitf tke United States. v Phtirnc-- may pick flowers wkliout leaving their seals- ElCWtiflBt Aatomobile, Fishing and Hunting patties will be well taken, jcare of. I boats for charter by day or hour. , Boats equipped according to Rltkt jl» 0.3. Cwwa--> aadmewnby Ljum JUpmu •ifcSfe! v ; 1 i

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