Mm mm mm ?#> '43. Jfc, Jecks is making the best imijprovement now that he has since injured. The wouhd is healing and he jean put some weight on the limb. &C Roy Hobart motored to Greenwood fTuesday evening to attend a Wood- Se^rtl^rom this neighborhood attended a dance party at Odd Fellows hall, Woodstock, Saturday evenjlMM The dirt roads in this section have • been in rather hard shape. The thaw and rain and constant traveling over them, they become quite badly rutted. On the road south of Woodstock a truck was found turned over and the driver dead with a broken neck and i some other broken bones. We have not learned any name. A truck was stalled on the icy road in Bull Valley on what is called Snyder hill. The truck is run out one side near a telephone pole no one seems to know who was the driver. Time will reveal the owner. Some one of the residents of these parts turned out with a team and some kind of an implement and leve ed the bad places in the road and filled some rtits, but no one saw the rig and no one is sure who it was hut all the neighbors feel thankful. Here is something that every resi- ' dent would like to know and that is who the mischevious persons are thats .damage every vacant house. T e ouse uh tii«iteoi ;«n the lower Waltis farm ha? n® lavement, together wltli bridge ai.-l .door or window left in it. e o grading' sections, a pari of the. {>n» Malyas house has several window^ for 1928, will be received h.t tit broken. The house on the farm va ^ sta(e department of public works ami cated by C. E. Sherman as some j>|)jj(jjn^s jn capital cit.v Febrn windows broken and on tihe *arm, Mry L known as the Sam E. Cork old nom j The poa(5 ^tjong are as follows: is nearly ruined, the windows near y > £joute section 29P. Jo Davie* all broken. . county, .32 mile; Route f>S. section Mr. Franks and the eldest Dalzielj -S1 Kane-Cook counties. 8.4S miles: son were up to the Dalziel farm on; [»oute 5^ section 582. Cook count\ Sunday to visit Earl who is there all ,u2 miles; Route G4, section 12!» alone. He boards in the Kaiser home, j |^Mne county, 3.20 miles; Route A son of'the man that lives on thej sect^on Boone county, 7.40 mile.': farm formerly the E. J. Thomas farm, jjOU{e 7^ section 104, Jo Davles conn drives to McHenry to school and takes j tv 11 1Q ^jies; Route 88. section l'J-J Helen Harrer and Anna Kaiser. Onj nUreau-Stark counties. 10.8'J mile^. Tuesday morning when so icy the car; [»oute 33 section 123, Stark-Murshaii turned completely around on pavement! l0Unties, 8.90 miles: Route 88. section and the occupants swerved facing the road to Woodstock. Just received a Illinois is far and away in advance of all other states In the Union in her total mileage of concrete and brick roads. While other states have a greater total of Improved road, includ ing sand, clay, shale, graded ami drained highway, Illinois' total fat outstrips her sister states as to ce^ inent roads. Illinois' total cemeh'i and brick roads is 4,494.66 miles, ttyt*, brick roads in Illinois, as well as al! other states, being -only a small pari of the <otal. Second comet I'ennsyl vania with 2,734.30 miles. Following these two leaders- comes North Carp Una, 4,817 miles; California, 1,050.10: Xew York, 1,470.90; Michigan, 1,- 454.70; Ohio, 1,434.05; Wisconsin. 1. 353.70; Missouri, 1,319; and Maryland 1,017.38. All states of tlie Union are preparing to push construction work during the coming year with a cor responding Increase in their totals «i improved highways. Motorists, now when they tour over the country's 3. 001,825 miles of highways will find that 133,610.20 mile? are of the in» proved type, while the entire nation has 30,457-25 .wiles. of .concrete an<t 4»rfck roads, . . carload of flour middling and a carload of shelled corn. Phone us for prices. McHenry County Farmers Co-op. Assn. Phone 29. 34 Wool and cotton mixed blankets in all the desired plaids Store. Erickson Dept. BcHENRY GRAVEL fc EXCAVATING CO. A. P. Freund, Prop. Road Building and Excavating of Every Description Estimates Furnished on Request High-grade Gravel Delivered j at any time--large or small, orders given prompt attention. Phone 654-M-2 McHenry C. W. KLONTZ, M. D. Physician and Surgeon (Also treating all diseases of the Eye. Bar, Nose and Throat and doing I Refraction) Offce Hours--8 to 9 a. m.. 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays by Appointment Office at Residence, Waukegan Road. Phone 18$ McHenry, 111. WM M. CARROLL Lawyer Ofcc with Kent & Compmf Ererj Wednesday McHearj. 124, Marshall-Peoria counties. l.MVi miles: Route 88, section 128. -Peoria county. .19 mile; Route 89. section 122, Putnam county, 4.92 miles; Rout- 89. section 123, Marshall county. 4.71 miles; Route 94A. section 117, Hen derson county, 5.1G miles; Route 1»5 section 122. McDonough-Fulton cduii tics, 6.05 miles; Route 96, section 1-li Adams county, 4.75 iniK'S; Routes IV and 118, sections 113X. 103, 104. 105 Livingston county. 12 miles; Routy 121, section 147, Douglas-Ed sac couu ties, 6.22 miles; Route 121, section 148 and 149. Edgar county* 10.6- niiles; Route 128A, section 101. Bond county, 1.11 miles; Route 130, section 111, Coles county. N.77 miles; Route 150. section 127. Alexander county 4.54 miles; Route 157. section 121, St <'lair county, 6.42 miles. Bids will be received on grading se< ions In Clay. Carroll. Bureau, Adams, Coles and Wayne counties and bridge section bids will bo re celved for work in Cook. Boone, Stark Bureau, Marshall, Livingston, Kdgar CoTes and Hamilton counties. On February 1, the department wit, also receive bids for the constructl of a bridge across the Illinois river at Pekin. An appropriation of $400,000 for the construction of the bridge hatbeen made by the legislature. Of the 71 county and other agricultural fairs In Illinois last year, participating tn state funds, 48 hate tentatively decided upon dates for their 1928 expositions. The director of agriculture, StiUman J. Stanard, who also serves as secretary-treasurer of the nilnols Association of Agricultural Fairs, has received from fair official? the following registration of dates: Illinois State fair, Springfield, August 18-25; Central States fair, An1 rora, August 10-17; Moultrle-Douglas. Arthur, August 29-September 1; Hancock county, Augusta, September 12- 14; Jo Davles county, Warren, August 28-31,; Randolph county, Sparta, ^ugust 21-24; Logan county, Atlanta, August 14-17; Adams county, Quln'cy. September 3-7; Bureau county. Princeton, August 2&-31; Clark county, Martinsville, August 14-18; Clinton county. Breese, September 6-9; Coles county, August 28-September 1; Crawford county, Robinson, August 6-10; Cumberland county", Greenup, August 20-25; DeKalb county, Sandwich. September 5-8; Douglas county, Atwood. September 19-21; Edwards county, Albion, August 21-24; Franklin county. Benton, August 6-11; Hancock county, Carthage. August 28-31; Jasper county, Newton, August 28-September 1; Jefferson county, Mt. Vernon, August 14-19; Jersey county, Jerseyville, September 3-7; Johnson county, Vienna, August 21-24; Kankakee district fair,. Kankakee, August 13-17; LaSalle county, Mendota, September 11-14; Lawrence county, Bridgeport; September 3-7; Livingston county. Fairbury, September 3-8; Morgan county, Jacksonville, September 11-14; Perry coun ty, DuQuoIn, September 3-8; Perry county, " Pinckneyville, July 17-20; Pope county, Goleonda, September 19-22; Riehland county, Olney, September 3-8; Shelby county, Shelby vllle, September 3-8; Illinois-Indiana fair, Danville, August 26-September 1; Wabash county, Mt. Carmel, September 11-16; Whiteside county, Morrison, September 3-7; Will county, Peotone, September 5-7; Mason county, Mason City, August 7-11; "Brown county, Mt. Sterling, July 31-August 3; Fulton county. Lewiston, August 7-10; Christian county. Taylorvllle. Twice Told Tales Interesting Bits of News Takes From the Columns of Plaindealer Fifty and ; Y«M» y.."V A|t January, 1878 > Joe Wiedemann i? constantly making improvements in his restaurant and boarding house. Being crowded with boarders he has finished off another large and pleasant room and and can now accommodate all in the best of manner. The ice business on the Pond is running lively this week, there being over 100 men at work. The workmen on the ice house have three sections •up and the first section is nearly filled with ice, and they are also loading an average of fifty cars a day. Shall we have a rifle club in Mc- Hcnry? Richmond organized one last season and now has one of the finest clubs in the state. We have any number of good shots in this village, and could organize a club that would do us honor. We learn that th? arrangements are about completed and that a butter and cheese factory will certainly be erected in the spring, on the site of the old sorghum mill, in this village. This will be a great thing both for the farmers and business men and we hope to see it pushed through at once.. We inadvertently neglected last week to acknowledge the present of a very fine fish .through the courtesy of our able and efficient street commissioner, Isaac Wentworth. January, 190S Statement of taxes levied for 1902 August 29-September 3; Macon coun- [for the town of McHenry: State tax, j A.. Orvis ty. Decatur, August 13-17; Hamilton | $2,218.76; county tax, $2,256.53; town county, Macomb, August 19-22; Lee 1 tax, $2,199.66; R. and B. tax, $4,510.59; county. Amboy, August 21-24; Grundy corporation tax, $1,634.71; school tax, county, Mazon, September 3-7; Wll- <$6,800.96; other taxes, $231.00; total, liamson county, Marion, September j $19,852.21. 11-14. 1 There has been a change in the Other dates will be decided upon In j ownership and management of the the near future, and the intended | American Terra Cotta and Ceramic .company, whereby W. D. Gates obtains the interests of the Herzogs in the company, the latter withdrawing enMrely, and W. P. Gates is accorded the position of secretary and Ellis D. Gates the place of treasurer. It is not often that a coon is found Miss Ruth Zimmerman spent Friday night with Miss Dorothy Behrnes. Miss Lucile Hanke of Channel Lake called here Saturday enroute to Libei tyville, she was a passenger on the noon train to that place. Mr. and Mrs. John Lay and Mr. and Mrs. Math Lay were guests of S. Robb Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Britz entertained a few friends Thursday at their home. Mrs. Mamye Hoffman enjoyed a few days visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. M. May. Mr. Hoffman came for over Sunday and both returned to their home Sunday evening. Grandma Ross is very ill at this writing. We hope for her speedy recovery. Mrs. J. C. Furlong spent Friday and Saturday in the city having some dental work done. Ed Bell and N. N. Weber motored to Ringwood Wednesday returning with a load of flour. Mrs. Charles Behrnes was a Chicago passenger Thursday. Mrs. Maggie Feltes entertained twenty ladies at her home Tuesday afternoon. Euchre was the amusement for the afternoon. The proceeds went for altar robes for the boys of St. Peter's church. Miss Mae Keefer of Elgin and Miss Florence McGee of Chicago spent over Saturday with the Keefee Bros, and attended the Fireman's dance at Solon Mills. Sunday afternoon guests at Reid Cafrs' were: Mr. and Mrs. Francis James of Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders and family of Hebron and Mr. and Mrs ,H. E. Cornish. Martin May who is attending college at Madison spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Anton May. Mr. and Mrs. James Foulke attended a party at Mr. and Mrs. George Richardson's at Solon Sunday afternoon. Miss Frances Britz of Wilmette spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. William Britz. / . - Master Kenneth and Lloyd Franzen of Ringwood were week-end guests of . tA •iWWH '.m . . . . . » . . . than Qasoline 1 sm. •• jf-v" W|r ! * f t iKv .• ."v -dfttotfn depositor.*"- J\do a part of their banking by mailL, . It is cheaper than driving: to towii ' ^ • • • • • '* -'*4 'u "*^1^'*' • -v.--it saves time--it is convenient--* 5 and safe. -, I Try it, if yon have-not already don# * ^ so. You'll be pleased at the prompt, v business-like vrtay deposits are aor .. knowledged and requests followed. River Valley DRAWING PAPER AT THE PLAINDEALER Sheets 24x36 inch«fc premium offerings will be filed with the department of agricultural early in the year. PWael. r v r m. CelephoM No. 108-i. Stoifel & Reihansperger Insurance agents for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS PhoBt 126-W. Reasonable Rater A. H. 8CHAEFER Draying McHENRY, ILLINOIS Mrs. (Catherine Hancock Goode member of the house of represents tlves from the Fifth senatorial district and a prominent Illinois club woman died at her home In Chicago ft few days ago. Mrs. Goode, Republican, was twice elected to the general assembly and was active in behalf of a number of bills In which women of the rtate were interested. She became ill during tinlatter part of the last regular session and returned tc her home, unable to participate In the closing scenes ot the gathering. Site was the wife 01 Dr. J. Paul Goode, of the^faculty the University of Chicago. Mrs. Goode Is the eighth member »i the general assembly who has dleit since the convening of the last regu lar session of the house of represent atlve* more than a year ago. From a beginning where local druggist? acted as instructors to the poinr where full time scientists took over the duties of Instruction, the University of Illinois school of pharmacy has risen to the front rank of pharmacy schools in the country and has the unique distinction of being the first school of its kind west of the Allegheny mountains and the only pharmacy school In the state of Illinois. From its humble beginning in 1859 to the present the guiding aim of the school has been to continually raise the standard of teaching and to raise *4jie entrance requirements until only the most meptall.v capable students are admitted. Tlrts high ideal is rapidly being apprctached and as a result the enrollment is less than that of similar schools in other., sections of the country. The college was formally united with the University of Illinois on Mas I. 1806, and has b^en conducted as the University of Illinois school of pharmacy since that time. On May J2, 1917, the school of pharmacy of Northwestern university was t&ken over by the University of Illinois and consolidated with its own school. The school now occupies three large buildings facing on South Wood street, modern In every respect. There are at present 28 Instructors connected with the school and 021 students. This number of student? is an Increase of 25 per cent over last year's enrollment. A large delegation from here attended the road meeting at, Zion City on Saturday afternoon. John Foster of Chicago spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. F. L. Hatch. Mrs. Ina Gracy and two children, Ruth and John, returned home Thursday after having spent the past ten days with Mr. and Mrs. Reid Carr. Mrs. Gracy is rapidly recovering from her recent illness. _ OAS SPOILED SLEEP, roaming the woods of McHenry county-j MADE HER DIZZY but one lone animal was captured last j «por years I suffered from gas and week by Henry Stilling and Pete F. • Miller in the Stilling woods. The ani- ' mal had taken refuge in a hollow tree ; but eventually stepped into the trap I which had been set for it. The captors ; intend to tame the prize. The billiard and pool t&bles for the constipation. Used to get headaches and dizzy spells. The first dose of Adlerika gave me relief. Now I rest well.--Mrs. B. Brinkley. Just ONE spoonful of Adlerika relieves gas and that bloated feeling so that you can eat and sleep well. Acts on BOTH McHenry Pleasure club arrived Tues- j upper and lower bowel and removes day and were set up that evening by; old waste matter you never thought an expert from Chicago. The club is was there. No matter what you tried now equipped with all the necessities for your stomach, Adlerika will sur* that go to make up an evening of prise you. Thomas P. Bolger, Dragpleasure. gist. Overstocked on Tires Prices Reduce4 We have a large stock of tires and tubes, all sizes, on hand which will be sold at a reduced price. Now is the timfc to buy tires--they are the cheapest they have ever been. Batteries are also reduced for a limited time. Tires and Tubes and Accessories, Car Batteries, all sins, Radio A, B and C Batteries WALTER J. FREUND . Tire and Tube Repairing, Vulcanising, B&tmy i Charging and Repairing - West McHenry, Illinois Issue- ID Snre-Iasnraoce --- WITH / Wtti.G. Schreiner Auctioneering OFFICE AT RESIDENCE •. fDgppe 93-R McHENRY, ILL ••••••••••••••••••••WW I' r For BETTER GLASSES BETTER VISION BETTER SERVICE See DR. HENRY FREUND Optometrist The following contracts have l>eet> awarded by the state division of higli ways: Uoute 131, section lOD. Cumberland county, pavement, to (Jaines brothers Falrland. Okla.. S1M.82.Y12. Route 153. section 101. Washington county, pavement, to R. G. Flaigher Oblong. III., *$117,436.34. Route 153. section 101C. Washing top county, bridge, to Vlncennes Bridge company, Vincennes. Ind $6,070. Route 131, section 108A, Cumber land county, grading, to Higgins Dyet and company, Granite City, III., $.80 703.88. Route 153, section IttlB. Washing ton county, bridge, to Bethel & Son Inc., Granite City, III., *14.182. . TESTED POULTK* FEEDS Briggs house, Chicago, another landmark of Importance in connection with the history of Abraham Lincoln, ha* passed out of existence, according to word Just received. Founded In 1851, the hotel was fa incus a* the Chicago headquarters ot a struggling country lawyer from Springfield, Abraham Lincoln, .fenny Lind sang from the balcony years ago and it was in this hotel, It is said, that Mary Todd Lincoln sought refuge aft er the fire of 1871. With Our Poultry Feeds Your Hens Will be Real Egg "Illinois Forestry" was the subj(M-i of an illustrated lecture which w:i^ delivered recently by Chief Forestei R. B. Miller of the state departinen' of conservation, before the forestr.\ class of the Chicago Woman's clii'i U0 South Michigan avenue. * Accompanying his lecture on "llli note forestry" with special lantern slides.' Mr. Miller told of the gmduai depletion of the lumber supply in tlu- Unlted States, and the country wide movement to check the deatrui tion by tire and Improper lumbering methods. Attorney General Oscar EL Carlstrom has given an opinion to State's Attor rey Leslie Wllbourn of Alexander county. In which he holds that $0,900 in a state aid road fund obtained In a bond issue can be used in building a highway on the state aid road sys tem. However, the opinion says, the mouey cannot be used If the road Is not a part of the rtate aid system. Plans are rapidly nearlng comple tlon for the annual observance of Abraham Lincoln's birthday by the Lincoln Centennial association, the program to be held in the afternoon-- of Saturday. February ll! The pro"** gram will get under way at 2:3<| o'clock at a meeting to be held In th* Circuit court rooms of the Sangamon county court, to which the public It Invited to attend. The second se<r slon, to be opened with a banquet, will be held at 7 p. m. at the batt room of the Hotel Abraham Lincoln About 250 are expected to attend. Pries Bldg. McHenry, Illinois. Hours: 7 to 9 p. m. except Saturday; Wednesdays 9 II p. B. > > Phones: Office MeHenxy 182 4 > | | Residence, McHenry 17S. HERMAH J. 80HAEFBR Moving and , &>ng Distance Hauling Phone 126-R MoHenry .Illinois JANE McALISTER SCHOOL OF NURSING | Victory Memorial Hospital ! Waukegan Offers a three-year course leading to degree R. N. Next class enters Feb. 1st. <» For information apply to Principal of School. • •MMMHIMIIMMMMMM POULTRY SCRATCH We manufacture our own poultry scratch, using a very successful standard formula which contains cracked corn, wheat, barley, kamr corn, buckwheat and sunflower seed, blended in just the right proportion. With the price of eggs where it is, you will fei it v#gy profitable to feed this scratch to your chickens. OUR POULTRY MASH is^one of the most popular feeds with the poultry rakers. Our mill^ is equipped with special machinery for mixing it. ^And the price isjlow enough to make it an ecnomical and profitable leecL Have You^Tried Our Alt Wheat Bredkfast Ceireat? j It's deliscious and the prices about half that of similar breakfast foods on the market McHENRY FLOUR MILLS Phone 92-R Wm. Spencer, Prop. West McHenry ^ * 1