r3w THE HeHIHRY PLAINDKAiWt, THURSDAY, JANUARY 36,1918 - -'f'd v>r v4«w»«r»>'v?.?i * ' -'v -v-<e ? •<„ - ",r ^51 "", -V.,*;! i* •*- v%,' . y v " j P M j - *' :'V, ' - * ';.. -J" < /' V' ' -j-s * > •' ; ( ^ THE M'HENRY PLA1NDEALER Published erwy Thursday at McHenry, 111., by Charlei F. Renich. Entered as second-class matter at the postofflee at MeHemy, IDn an- 4er the act of May 8, 1879. •'KsV-- :-^.v:";'-* -;"^" Sabeerlptiea Bate* One Tear |fa[ Month*' ,..»»..»»•••«•*•' ...«.««» >••>• • • • »,• •••• • • $2.00 .••««•»»*•>*••»*•*••.^••$1.00 iwSiiMiuiw11 1 A. H. MOSHER, Editor ud Manager GOV. SMALL FIGHTS ^ FOR DIRECT PRIMARY i iBMtlXGFIELD, 111.. Jan. 25--Governor Len Small, elated at winning a , two-thirds vote in the Senate for the ; passage of his two big primary bills, 1s resolved on a straight drive-for a two-thirds vote in the House for his whole direct primary program. The prospect of a complete April primary was regarded as greater because ,of the victory in the Senate, where the governor mustered thirty- STRATTON OUT FOR SECRETARY OF STATE William J. Stratton of Ingleside, gcme warden of Illinois, today officially announced his candidacy for secretary of state on the Republican ticket, in letters sent out to political leaders throughout the state. The platform of Mr. Stratton, as stated in this letter, follows: "The interest of the people and the Republican party in Illinois will be best served by the nomination of tp:- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS FOR SALE Very reasonable. 38. > Call Phil, McHenry 33-tf DEPENDABLE USED CARS ON FOR SALE-TWO registered bull 1923^ Chevrolet Sedan, quiclc sale, |75. ^ «jf ^^^3° old.3 Adfive votes for one bill and thirty-six {William J. Stratton as the Republifor another, two-thirds being thirty-!can party's candidate for secretary of four votes. He did this without the j Mate. He will be faithful to his aid of Chicago Democrats and without 1 pledge that he will administer that the aid of Senator Roy Woods, Repub- office faithfully, honestly and efficilican, close to Homer Galpin, and in cently; strictly according to the conthe absence of Senator Huebsch, Crowe-Barrett Republican from the country towns. %" stitution and the laws of our state. Promises Best Care of Fdnds AH funds received by the secre- TOe Senate bills, in the hope of Rep-i^T of state will, while under his resentative Thomas Curran, will be control, be deposited it responsible advanced today and tomorrow in the;b"-nWng institutions of the state and House. One covers legislative pri-,^ Interest earned on such funds will maries and the other, is the general ibp Pubiicily accounted for and will Drimarv act ' accrue strictly to the benefit and One of the bills yet to be acted oti P.™*"f the state treasury. ^ bv the Senate covers party organiza- j Under no circumstances wUl he tions and presidential delegates. It incept any emoluments either dlrecthas been suggested that httihis bill! or indirectly, other than the salary might be passed without an emergency ;«*<* b>\ law for the secretary_ clause, so that it would not be effec- jsta<®- . tive until after the national nominat- , He ^ ask, 'or n0 appropnations ing conventions. But to leave this! r0™. the legislature except for the bill on the siding is not part of Gov- legitimate and economic maintenance ernor Small's plan. He is for the '<£ °f secretary of state. hole April primary program, presiden- nl Expense t tial delegates and all. ' H* w» exert his influence to re- There is talk of the Legislature adr cluce public expenditures wherever journing for two weeks, by which time ; Possible and to curtain appropriathe state Supreme Court will again be'*™* and thereby seek to reduce the in session. There are rumors that the |!slate *ax,f?r the beneflt °' the farm" hifth court will hand down a decision ithe ^nng men and affirming the 1927 primary laws. In ,he manufacturers and the that case there would be no political t^le of our commonwealth generproblem to sohre. _ , j "He will devote his time exclusively May Walt On Cajit . {to the dutIe8 and responsibilities of Any sort of a court decision would _. . . . . . , s/e rve t,o c,la ri.f,y .th. e si..t u.a.ti.o n, so that 'the office of secre•t ar'y of state and there is little liability of a final, vote. he will attend 1p ersonall/y t.o the sp rop, - in the House before the Supreme Court e- au f d •<* this has had opportunity speak. . 1 ^Portant state In the meantime legislative and other *t candidates, taking no chances on the; \ eeC.in. . . , f jnud.d.l.e d. .si.tu at.i.o n, are prepar.in g„ their,! s e c r e t a r \y o f s.t,a, t,e p r o m p t .a n^ d c,o. u r t e - •I 1 9 2 5 «io wHh (US service will be assured to all per-, !92o Women, business Nash touring, good paint, new tires, car has been run very little, price $95. dress, Birchmont Farm, Ingledide, 111. tar nas wen iuii veiy iitmr, « i W/.irnn^rA.Q9 T 1 <14 9 New Chevrolet dump truck, only three ' ^ ' weeks old, has under drive and special poR SALE -- Seven-room modern transmission, truck cost about $1,000, house on Green street,. Will sell only $675. reasonable in order to settle estate. 1928 Dodge special Sedan has full Inquire 0f Math M. Blake. Tel. 607- equipment, including bumpers, snub- 34tf bers, heater and, spare tire. This ------ car would deliver for $1030, price $795 POULTRY BREEDERS -- TAKE 1925 Ford Tudor, excellent shape, NOTICE--If you are planning on a car must be seen to be appreciated, a new Brooder House or Brooder Stove, bargain at $150. let us show you what we have. We Ihternational 1 ton Truck, stake truck, carry a complete line of poultry Tires like new, closed cab, only $385. supplies and poultry feed. You can 1925 Ford Coupe, excellent condition, make a substantial saving if you place price $145. your Baby Chick orders with us. 1926 Graham Bros. 2 ton stake Truck Write or call William Lehniann & in excellent condition $950. * Easy Payment Plan We have a complete line of trucks in % ton and lMt ton in closed or open body types. JAMES MORROW & SON, Phone 186 West McHenry, HI. Sons, Crystal Lake, 111. W-2. Phone 139- 32-3-eow WANTED WANTED--Man to do night police duty. Apply to H. E. Buch, secretary Green St. Business Men's Assn. 34 BARGAIN FOR YOUNG COUPLE-- WANTED--Beef, Calf and Horse Hides. Also all kinds of Rags, Paper, Magazines, Iron and Metal. Sam Hirschman. Phone McHenry 173. 31-tf. MISCELLANEOUS Cost $3,000 four months ago. Will take $550 for all or will separate. Beautiful furniture of 4-room apartment. 3 pc. silk mohair parlor suite, hand carved frame; 8 pc. walnut dining room set; 2 9x12 Wilton rugs; 4 pc. walnut bedroom set, complete with spring and mattress; library table; 5 HAULING OF GARBAGE AND pc. breakfast set; lamps; chest of ASHES--I have taken over this busisilverware. Must be seen to be ap- ness f,.om p^ii Guinto. Phone 82-R. preciated. Will arrange for delivery. George "Meyers. 34-2* 832 Leland Ave., near Sheridan Rd., , Chicago, 111., phone Sunnyside 6190. McHENRY - WAtJCONDA MOTOR rengo and George E. Sullivan of the 33_g EXPRESS--We handle express to and | Daily^entinel will act in the capacity : ;----' from Chicago. Chicago freight de- j of official scorers. USED CARS AT PRICES YOU partment, 411 W. {Superior Sjt. Phone A trophy will be presented the win- ARRANGE SCHEDULE FOR 'COUNTY TOURNEY Basketball Games Will Be Played At Woodstock Armory- on Feb. 9; 10 and 11 McHenry county high school officials met in the community high school building at Woodstock Monday evening and arranged the schedule of games for the annual tournament to be held here on Feb. 9, 10 and 11. Woodstock was the first name picked out of the hat and Huntley the second which gives Huntley as opposition for the Blue and White in the opening game of the tournament on Thursday afternoon at 2:30 p. m. "on Feb. 9. Marengo and McHenry will meet in the second* game on Thursday afternoon and the winners of these two games will play on Friday evening at 7:30 p. m. In the lower bracket Harvard will take on Richmond at 7:30 on Thursday night and Crystal Lake will tackle Hebron at 8:30 on the same night at 8:30. The winners of these two gamee will play at 8:30 on Friday night. The winners of the two games on Friday night will play at 8:30 on Saturday night for the county championship while the losers of the two games on Friday night will play the consolation game on Saturday night at 7:30. Should Woodstock survive the Huntley game it would mean that they will play the winner of the Marengo-Mc- Ilenry game which will probably be McHenry. If the locals are to play McHenry to fight their way to the finals they will find stiff opposition in the Stringer crowd as McHenry has improved considerable since early season. • _ Strange Floor The play will be on % strange floor as the armory gym will not be available for practice sessions for any oi the teams prior to the tournament due to a ruling made at the meeting last night. The armory floor is different from other floors in the county and the teams will be lost for-a few minutes v.ntil they get use to the floor. Leslie Bourne of Harvard and Superintendent Duker of McHenry were picked as official timers of the tournament while Donald Lowe of Ma- CAN'T RESIST McHenry 213-W.* Anyone considerincr the purchase of 32-tf ner of the tournament and the basketball used in the tournament will be given the socond place team. Woodstock's victory over Crystal Lake last week has put new life in ^a used car should see these before TUNE--and keep your piano tuned. executive depart-1 deciding what to buy. Compare these Tuning makes your piano a musical I prices with any others on the mafket. instrument. Phone 274-J or write 3. \» illiam J. Stratton | 1923 Buick <5.00 H. Deihl, Woodstock, 111.^ ^"^Jthe county meet as the Lakers were HARNESS REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING by - ^ ^ bucket nominating petitions to file with the; . „ , ,rn(, . , . . _ , . sons having business with that of- ,1925 Star Sedan 15.00 secretary of state February 4, the nrpt „ " • D A . I i j o * N, • ,cnM PVirmP <K)-M West filler fv,Q 1Q97 laxra Tn flce- „ 1925 Cleveland Sport Touring.. 150.00 rnone jj-.h, wesi day for filing under the 1927 la s. I Mr. Stratton is chairman of the i I927 Pontiac Cou^e-r-Set your otfn corner Third and Mam streets considered' a sure bet prior to thf» Robt. Patzke. \ &a«ie hcre la8t week; MeHtenry, 111., the event the 1927 laws are sustained, : the candidates will be first in line. If ^pi:*llc™.^.Cenl 1!!i?T!t; > .2™* the laws are not sustained, no harm will have been done. Downstate Democrats propose to 26-tf tec in Lake county, having been 1925 Star Touring 185.00 eJectec'J unanimously to that pbsitioii; McHENRY AUTO SALES for four successive terms. He served Phone 8 Riverside Drive j " , " p s m e m b e r o f t h e L a k e c o u n t y b o a r d ! ; -- -- -- -- -- show up" the claim of Brennanites .aDM.vlsora for 14 vears I FOR SALE--White Embden geese that Governor A1 Smith does not de-: ^ * [ and gander. W. E- Whiting. Phone sire a direct primary. There is a plan TYPEWRITERS Sales and Seryice. Repaired and Rentals. Prompt attention to phone calls. Phone 549. L. KILTZ, Woodstock 49-tf on foot to wire to him direct for a first- ' BOXING SHOW TO BE PUT ON TAKE YOUR Sewing Machine trouble 620-R. 34 hand statement. It is known here that: AT WOODSTOCK OPERA HOUSE ON ACCOUNT OF MOVING--I have to B. Popp. West McHenry. Repair- Governor Smith has spoken in favor The first of a series of boxing sale^one McCormick corn binder, ^ Phcne 162 13-tf of direct primaries. Brennan's Purpose The theory is entertained l»y shows under the auspices of Company one double unit Empire milking ma- A, Illinois National Guard, will be ; chine» one Papec silo filler. Tony ie ! staged at the old opera house in Wood- Miller, R-3, McHenry. - - - 33-2 DEAD ANIMALS--We pay highest - cash prices for dead animals. Prompt that Mr. Brennan desires a Fall pri-; stock, Wednesday, Feb. 1, at 9:15 p.m. FQR SALE_Ford dump truck with service. Tel. Dundee 810-J-l. Reverse mary instead of a Spring d,elegate^ or- The receipts from this show will be seIf.starter and Fordson transmission, charges. 33-3* ganization primary because he figures; used to swell the coffers of the he would be stronger for an orpaniza- t company's mess fund. "+J tion fight in Cook County after the j This affair promises more than one' "COLUSSUS OF ROADS" Democratic national convention, as- knockout find many thrills if the ex-1 TITLE TO GOV. SMALL suming that Governor Smith will be . pectations of the matchmaker, Jack ' the presidential nominee. i Worth, are realized. There is some confusion here with Although this show was originally regard to the position of Mayor; planned to be held at an earlier date Thompson. He has declared publicly! it was postponed to the above an- Small dl8CU88 road buUding progres8 that he is for giving the people fu^l, noUnced date because of the fact that in I1Unois dluring the la8t seven year8 oppo uni'y ° . Fall isome °f n high-rated] Wilbur Glen Voliva, General Over- ^en lF8 WCTe u,nab\e t0 appear and scer of the Chri8tian catholic Apospnmary, which would be too late for a j rather than complete his card with m- tolic chUrch in Zion nresided at the dir.ec t vote on presidential delegates i ferjor fuigghntieerrss MSUIrT , Wwoorntnh oorrodeerreead mthee meeting, w.h.ic.h open'e d. w.i.t.h prayer wi P°atP°nement to the present date when ^ the reading of 8criptures Mends of the governor say they would ,t was an assured fact that the card Voliva s uniformprt jrnardH like to have this situation made clear- • - - vonva s unirormed guards er by the mayor, but the mayor, it is understood, has made his position clear to the governor. Probable Program Four thousand people were assembled last Saturday afternoon at Zion in Lake county to hear Governor Len IRA COPLEY BUYS CALIFORNIA PAPERS would consist of A. U. U. talent of the best quality. The main event of the evening will be between Claire Bennett and Jack Dean at 147 lbs. This bout promises to Tiaturb thP snpak^rR The Senate today is expected to pass j to be the high Hght 0f the evening ; 6 spea more bills and then adjourn. As the, as the records of both these men in- - . . Senate is ahead of the House in dis- ! dicate their preference for knockout Rra™ °f both vocal and instrumental posing of primary legislation, the finishes. The semi-wind up, Jimmie ^'u®ic' ,Ju8^ the kind of a Pro^ram as Mclntyre vs. Harry Willis, 135 lbs., A °Hvia 8 ^roadtasting station puts. AURORA, 111., Jan. 23--According to an announcement made here yesterday Col. Ira C. Copley of Aurora has purchased the San Diego Union and Evening Tribune. The announcement was made by the new owner and William Clayton, representing the J. D. and A. B. Spreckels Investment company, former owners. Both newspapers are members of the Associated Press. The purchase price was not made public. Colonel Copley is also owner House probably will abandop its own bills, which were considered in committee of the whole, and work on the Senate bills. The House leaders plan a session Thursday if a quorum can be held. guards served as ushers for the multitude of visitors in attendance. There was no crowding, no hurrying and no discordant noises in the back of the auditorium jNews, Elgin Courier-News, Joliet Her- | aid News and Illinois State Journal of Following a most delightful pro- Springfield, 111. Takes Immediate Possession Change in the ownership became immediately effective. the tournament should be a scrap from start to finish and it will be a real exhibition of basketball. The Schedule * Game One Thursday at 2:30 p. m.. Woodstock vs. Huntley "Game Two Thursday at 3:30 p. m. Marengo vs. McHenry Game Three Thursday at 7:30 p. m. Richmond vs. Harvard Game Four Thursday at 8:30 p. m. . Crystal Lake vs. Hebron Game Five Friday at 7:30 p. m. Winners pf game one and two. Game Six Friday at 8:30 p. m. : Winners of game three and four. Game Seven Saturday at 7:30. Losers of games five and si* Game Eight Saturday at 8:30 p. m. Winners of games five and- six. Married Forty Years Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Freund entertained about sixty relatives and friends at their home Wednesday afternoon and evening, Jan. 25, the event being in honor of their fortieth wedding anniversary. The day proved to be a and publisher of The Aurora Beacon- very happy one for the genial host and PS" STATE COLLECTS LARGE SUM FROM INTEREST Springfield, 111., Jan. 25--During the year of 1927 the state of Illinois was enriched by $1,000,133.12 in interest sollected on state funds, according to the annual report of Garrett D. Kinney, state treasurer. The interest approximates $2,740 for each of the 365 days of the year. Under the law interest received is turned into the general revenue fund Of the state. The amount collected during 1927 is the largest ever received in any year by $113,000, and' is the first time in the history of the state the, million dollar mark has been passed. The amounts collected for each of the twelve months of the year, and turned into the general revenue fund fey State Treasurer Kinney were: who have a strir\g of victories to their Cn the air^wo °V ^ ® ' credit, will be a hard fought battle. Ca"le a? a(ldre88 ^ Overseer Voliva Jimmie Raymond and Joe Brown, 135 Governor Small and his of- Ibs., each have two successive knock- fiCiala' ?P'eSf * the highway deout wins in their last battles, will be gunning for the third one at the expense of the other. The remaining four bouts on the cards will be local boys meeting opponents from other localities. • This contest will be conducted under the rules and regulations of the u „ . » A . ,tl, XT . ... XT .. . Hon. Ernest E. Harwood, mayor of Amateur Athletic Union of the United „• , . 4 . . So*ta *te s wi-t4.hU oan-ic •n• ail s frr om .tnh.-i s organ- (Zion, in a. sho,.r t ad.d ress. Music by- • t. f. . . . " Zion band enlivened the program ization and the boxing commission' presiding at the ringside. Tickets are being sold by the members of the National Guard and ing his address he gave the governor a new title. After referring to the Colossus of Rhodes as one of the seven wonders of the ancient vorld, he conferred the title of "Colossus of HO ADS" on Governor Small. Rev. Voliva was followed by the of speeches, and the musical program whieh preceded including the singing of America by the audience, the sing- .t el,e p,h one reservat,i.o ns may ,b e mad,e ' ing. of . Illinois by a quartet and" cornet r< i • nf'ir ™ l m j and violin solos and duets. to Captain William Thomson at Wood-:1 tP,a r.t t.w o„ of- .t.h e af.t.e rnoons program was in charge of Col. C. R. Miller, stock 377-R. no tax. Admission, all seats $1»! Colonel Copley served six terms as congressman for the Eleventh Illinois district. For many years he was prominent as a public utilities owner in Illinois and two years ago disposed of his large holdings. In announcing his purchase of the papers, Colonel Copley stated that he contemplates no changes, either in personnel or policy at present and is hopeful that there will be no changes. During the time he is absent frcto San Diego he announced that he will be represented in San Diego by John Callen O'Laughlin, well known eastern newspaper man and correspondent and editor and publisher of the Army and Navy Journal in Washington, D. C. Oldest Morning Paper The San Diego Union, a morning newspaper, is the oldest paper in San Diego, having been established in 1868. Both the Union and the Tribune have hostess as well as for the guests. Many beautiful gifts were received by Mr. and Mrs. Freund on their ruby anniversary. A delicious supper was served at six o'clock, with a beautiful wedding cake decorated with rubies as an attractive centerpiece. Cards were played during the evening, the first prize being won by Mrs. N. E. Barbian and the second prize by Mrs. Ben Smith. Thought for Today Gortd, the more communicated, more abundant grows.--Milt o. rti - & Br January -f 72,328.27 February • ! 71,788.88 :^iarch .. > 74,949.53 April 74,907.76 'May • S,-: .. 82,078.54 uue .*m... « ' 85,894.30 July 97,039.76 -August -ir~^ 95,983.04 "September 88,215.93 October .. 84,769.75 November ^ 86,328,25 December „. 1 85,849.11 , j Director of Public .Works and Buildlings, and Prank T. Sheets, Chief En- PERSONAI# . gineer, with Mr. Sheets as spokesman, j been owned and published by the late -- j In opening that part of the program, j John D. Spreckels and the late Adolph Mr. and Mrs. Linus Newman were the real business of the day, Mr. Spreckels for many jrears. guests of Mrs. George Eddy at Elfin; Sheets said that he, too, would like to on Wednesday of last week. I quote scripture in connection with Mrs. Joe Ne|l and Mrs.' Keese of. this meeting, and he quoted from St. Woodstock were guests of Mr. and j Luke 3:5, as follows: « Mrs. L. F. Newman on Modnay. -| Every valley shall be filled, and Charles Unti was a Chicago visitor t e\ery mountain and hill shall be Total $1,000,133.12 The balance on hand in the general fievenue fund on January 1 was $22,- 596,922.18, and the total balance <|>f all funds was $38,226,273.12. The total bonded Indebtedness of the state is 1144 w,m. J&L Tuesday. William Martin spent a Um days this week in Chicago. Herbert and Walter Fenske of Chicago spent the week-end in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Conley of Chicago spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Frett. Mj&s Kathleen Powers to Alden spent the week-end at her home here. Miss Martha Anderson of Waukegan visited friends here Sunday. Miss Berteel Spencer of Chicago spent the week-end at her home here. Mr, and Mrs. D. G. Nellis -were Sunday afternoon callers in Crystal T^y^, brought low; and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough ways shall be made smooth." About 650 people from Harvard, Hebron and* Richmond made the trip to Zion by train. Postmaster Eugene Saunders of Harvard spoke for the several towns in McHenry county in a neat address. Mr. Saunders was not interested in any particular route, but urged the building of the road. Mayor Spooner spoke for Hebron and a group of people, including former Judge D. T. Smiley, spoke on various phases of the route. The prospects for an early building Poet in Po'*ner'i Grave The bodies of iitam Blake, noted English poet, and his wife lie in a pauper's grave In Bunhlll fields. Fins bury. A tombstone marking the spot was unveiled on the one hundredth an niTersary of the poet's death. * , Think It Over* (04ir love, our service, oar helpful ness to others, invariably comes back to us, Intensified sometimes a hun dred or a thousand or a tbousaixi thousand "fold, and this by a great, Immutable law of the road are very favorable, Gov ernor Small Indicating that it will^be included on the 192S prograin. DANCE AT JOHNSBURO HALL Johnsburg Wednesday, February 1 MUSIC BY FOX RIVER SKYLARKS Be sure to attend--where a good time always predominates. A hearty welcome extended. Tickets Sl.O* --SURE THING ' - • • • • • We are selling more- Coffee now than we ever did. Fourteen years the same goods. ^ It must be good, or it would not seft. :->r Our best seller is now 40 cents per pound; Next is a medium mild blend^hat suits most all that have Used a package Coffee, 48 cents per pound. Our 53-cent kind is making more frifends each month. Phone US 'A Home Owned Store' Green St. Our scientific labors bless With charm of perfect cleanliness. --Mr. Before and After . The well dressed woman appreciates our service and our instant readiness to respond to her phone call. "For your appearance's sake" Mrs. Anna Howard CLEANING PRESSING and REPAIRING PHONE 143-W \ Located over Bolger's Drug Store When you are wiring your home, be sure of lifetime service--~ and economy. We install a General Electric wiring gystem throughout, and guap* aiitee the entire iustallv :ion be free from tr-d highest qualkv^ mm'--" rials andnvoriir.^ri-h^il,-.- • •, mJWiMNG SYSTEM *~~jbr lifetime service Competently installed by CAREY ELECTRIC SHOP McHENRY, ILLINOIS jijowyw>iy)rwyv>*"y>*orrf**C ^ ^ 11920 January Sv* Nm Ifca »«» 1» 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 5 9 K> 11 12 13 14 ~Jl5 16 17 IS 19 20 21 12 23 24 25 26 27 25 129 30 31 This is the Month When we are serving HOT WAFFL1P With wonderful syrup. • "' What more could we offer these cold days? _KAIO.S,tl = * Jthrwjrfd* Drifg- 1 "u. 1 i <r-i fj n •••.•ftjflW,C..- ••