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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Jan 1928, p. 6

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r- s I VOLO TSBBA OOTTA Jtfehard McGill and Lloyd Dowell were business -callers in this vicinity Mbnday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and fam ily at Slocum Lake spent Sunday at the Bacon home. Mrs. Frank St. George motored to Evanston on business Saturday. Joe Passfield called on his parei&s, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Passfield Monday. Ray Seymour of Wauconda was a caller at the Esse Fisher home Wednesday. ^ , G. A. Vasey was a Sunday eafier at the Harry Passfield home. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy is still very ill at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Tfeomas Jliaher motored to McHeny Tuesday, where they visited Mrs. Joe Vasey. « Arthur Monoghan was a caller at the Stratton home Sunday- Mrs. Frank Hironimus was a caller at the Ray Seymour home one day 1 Ast Lloyd Fisher aad James Dowell motored to Lake Zurich Saturday on business. George PassfieUJ of North Crystal Lake called on his parents Sunday. ** Ell wood Dowell was a Sunday caller at the Dowell Bros. Milton Dowell called on his sister, Mrs. George Scheid, Jr., at Wauconda Monday. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Vasey and son, Walter, spent Sunday at Crystal Lake with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dunker. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher attended the show "The Wizard" at McHenry Sunday evening. Frank Rossduetcher of Crystal Lake was a caller in this locality Monday. Miss Vinnie Bacon was a Monday caller at the George Dowell home. Messrs. Milton Dowell and Earl Hironimus, Beatrice Wilson and Margaret Steindoerfer attended the show in Waukepan Sunday evening. Mrs. Clinton Ravin and son, spent Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dowell. Leslie Davis motored to Wauconda Tuesday on business. Mrs. Richard Dowell and daughter, Ada, spent Sunday afternoon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Esse Fisher. Mr. King spentf the week-end here. Mrs. S. J. Russell is slowly improving at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher spent Sunday at the E. H. Meyer home in Fremont. Joe Wagner has sold his Ford truck to Lloyd Dowell and Richard McGill. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy were business callers in Grayslake Sunday. " Mrs. Sarah Snell spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. "Dowell. Milton Dowell and Lloyd Fisher motored to McHenry Wednesday. The roads in the community are not *ery good at the present time. Arthur Wackerow motored to McHenry Sunday evening, where they attended the show. Zippers to fit the entire family. Let us show you oar line. Erickson Dept Store. Fred Bergman of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of Miss Alice Leisnef. Mr. and Mr*. Edward Malone of Elgin visited at the hooie of M. Knox Friday. Raymond J. Riley waft a caller In Woodstock Sunday. !Mrs. Nels Person is spending a couple of weeks in Chicago. M. Knox and daughters, Mabel and Marie, spent Saturday afternoon in Woodstock. Mrs. Marie Ohler of St. Charles visited at the borne of B. J. Shine on Saturday. Wallace Preston of Crystal Lake called on friends here Thursday evening. Lynn Richards of Crystal Lake was a caller in this vicinity Monday. , M. Knox was -& Chicago visitor pit Wednesday. JOHNSBTTBG Mn. Emma Jung and family and Mr. and Mrs. Peter May and family of Spring Grove visitea with Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Schaefer Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mlath Jungen and Mrs. Frank Matthews visited with Mr. and Mrs. Christ Blake Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Steve May, Mir. and Mrs. Joseph J. Freund visited with Mr. and Mrs. John H. Miller Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weingart and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hettermann Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Hiller and daughter, Frances, visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Hiller Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hettermann, Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Hettermann and daughter, Martha, motored to Burlington, Wis., Friday to attend the funeral of Miss Ottillia Hettermann. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weingart and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Knox who, children of Mi-Henry visited with Mr. reside south of town were the victims, and Mrs. Math Jungen Friday, of a pleasant surprise "hist Friday J Mr. and Mrs. William Smith and evening when several relatives and, family of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. frieads from McHenry gathered at, Peter Oeffling and son, Lloyd, and their home to help them celebrate, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Michels, Jr., of Hartheir birthdays, both of which occurred v»rd visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe on Saturday. Cards and bunco were Michels Sunday. enjoyed by all, prizes being won by j Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Freund were Miss Marie Knox and J. M. Phalin in callers here Monday. five hundred; by Miss Mary F. Knox Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Freund and and Jack Walsh in euchre and by Mrs.1 children visted with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Welch in bunco. Delicious re- George Lay one day last week. 1 freshments of coffee, sandwiches,! The Jolly Eight club was entertain* pickles and doughnuts were served, ed by Mrs. Williaim Meyers Thursday, after which old-fashioned dances The evening was spent in playing five were enjoyed. The music was fur- hundred and prizes were awarded to nished by M. A. Conway and Miss Mrs. Joe King, first; Mrs. Henry W. Dorothy Knox. In the wee small Hettermann, second, and Mrs. Steve hours the guests departed after pre- H. Smith, third. senting Mr. and Mrs. Knox with a1 Mrs. Joe Smith boarded the train beautiful chair and wishing them to Sheboygan, Wis., where she spent many happy returns of Jan. 21. Those » week with relatives. who made up the happy gathering 1 Mr. and Mrs. John M. Pitzen, Mrs. were: Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Doherty and William Stilling, Mrs. John Hiller and son, Frank, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin daughter, Frances, motored to Elgin and son, Harold, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Monday. Knox, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Welch, Mr. I Miss Elizabeth Kempfer visited with and Mrs. Jack Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank John R. Knox, M. A. Conway and the, Kempfer, Sunday. Misses Mary F., Genevieve and! Mr. and Mrs. George Schreiner, Mr Dorothy Knox, all of McHenry and and Mrs. Nick Pitzen and family and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Malone of Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Pitzen surprised Just received a carload of flour Air. and Mrs. John Pitzen of Pistakee middling and a carload of shelled corn. Bay on .his seventieth birthday an- Phone us for prices. McHenry County niversary Sunday. Farmers Co-op. Assn. Phone 29. 34; Mr. and Mrs. Steve King and son, We carry the best in panned goods Eugene, visited with Mr. and Mrs. and -an order from our grocery dept. William May Saturday. Farrol MeGlll of Wauconda spent Sunday afternoon with his former schoolmate, Frances Converse. Chesney Brooks was a caller . at Barrington last Saturday. Mildred Hoffman was a caller at Barrington Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith of Elgin spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Page Smith. Miss Frances Davis and friend spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis near Volo. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell were business callers at Libertyville Monday. Mrs. Clara Smith visited at the Matthews received the first price, Mr. Matthews received the second. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and Willard Darrell attended a Masonic- Eastern Star party at the O. E. S. hall at Wauconda last Thursday evening. Mrs. Ray Dowell is still unable to be about her work. Her sister, Miss Frances Davis is helping her. Willard Darrell was a business caller at McHenry last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. George Lundgren and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk of Wauconda were entertained at the Blomgren home last Saturday night. John Blomgren, Mrs. E. Anderson and Mrs. Sigrid Blomgren and Mr. home of her sister, Mrs. Joseph Haas end Mrs. Raymond Loaa of Wauconda at Warfconda last Saturday. enjoyed Sunday at the home of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and Mrs. Peter Anderson at Cary. children were Sunday dinner guests Winter is still with us and that at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Bacon means warm wearing apparel. We at Roseville. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and Mr. and Mrs. Will Davis spent last Thursday at the Ray Dowell home. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams, and son, James, of Crystal Lake spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. Clara Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and children attended , a show at the new Genofeee theatre at Waukegan last Saturday. Mrs. M. Eatinger and children and Mrs. Mary Dowell spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and M!rs. Ray Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Harris and Andrew Sorensen of Wauconda were visitors at the Page Smith home on Sunday.. Mrs. Clara Smith and grandson, Claire, were callers at Crystal Lake last Wednesday. Many of the farmers in this community had their cows tested this week." Robert Farron and two friends of Elgin spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Page Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews attended their Euchre club party entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Clark at Wauconda Monday. Mrs. have it. Erickson Dept. Store. Folding Maching The folding of printed sheets for books and newspapers was performed by hand until Cyrus Chambers, Jr., of Philadelphia Invented a practical folding machine In 1866. ::'_frfr:s A Forest Giant illfi' largest tree In the United SfiMss la the General Sherman in the quola National park, which Is 286 feet high and 86.6 feet In diameter.--- Liberty. ---- Mm of High Typo Ha Is a very high type of man tai whom longing for freedom means Something else than craving for lack of .responsibility.--Arthur Schltzler in Plain Talk Magazine. T-- Eatly Detroit Newspapers The Detroit Morning Post came Into existence 25 years after the Detroit Gazette, which was the first paper In Detroit and published ID 1817. Both of these papers are Mw out of exist- •:^r .> TO HIS HEALTH Here*s to his health, toasted in that king of health drinks, Milk. Pure milk, carefully bottled in a sanitary plant, is the best food money can buy. Let ua start delivery tomorrow. v; We handle nothing "but Borden's P&fteurisdf aad BegTeed Products Ben JvSmith < Phone 657-R-l •fe, V 4 f^' A" £-V: jr %- . •••»»»•»»»»»»»•»••»»•»»»»•••»•»»•»»»«I»»>»»»••»»•»•»• Erett Bros* & Freund MASON CONTRACTORS ^ and GINCREXE BUILDING UNITS Telephone McHenry 600-M-l or 8641 will convince Store. you. Erickson Dept. About Ourselves A mind always hopeful, confident, courageous, and determined on Its set purpose, and keeping Itself to that purpose, attracts to ttself out of the elements things and powers favorable to that purpose. The Use of Heroes Parents should hold up models and heroes before their children, but should not try to make them - Into cheap imitations.--American Mags- «fne. Why Every User Becomes a Friend "Never has any other cough medicine acted so quickly and satisfactorily as Foley's Honey and l*ar Compound; and it gives complete satisfaction to friends who use it on my recommendation," "says J. D. McComb, Toledo, O. It spreads a healing-, soothing coating in an irritated inflamed throat, stops coughing, raises phlegm easily. No opiates to cause constipation, no chloroform, no "dope." You take no chances with cough or cold when you! buy Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, and worth many times its priqe/*- Ask for it. Thomas P. Bolger. Thomas P. Bolger, druggist. The Afternoon club met at the home of Mrs. Frank Kempfer Thursday. ! Cards and music furnished the enter jtainment. Prizes were awarded to i Mrs. John M. Schmitt, first; Mrs. Joe J. Michels, second; Mrs. Hubert Michels, third, and Mrs. John Miller, consolation. I The public card party given by thi Christian Mothers Sunday evening j was a great success. The prizes wotf | by playing five hundred were: Mrs. • John V. Freund, first and Anthony Schmitt, second. In bunco first prize was won by Miss Rose Jung and Mist Marie Miller, second. i Sunday evening, Jan. 22, the choir members will sponsor a card party in the church hall. Herman Dowewasa Johnsburg Short Talks By Thoughtful Mothers caller Monday. A Wisconsin Mother says: "I find Misses Martha Hettermann, Helen mothers very well informed on the Schaefer and Helen Smith visited with subject of "dope" in medicines./ Few Miss Marie Miller Sunday. mothers now-a-days would buy a Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig and Henry preparation that contained opiates or Modzskan motored to Chicago Saturn chloroform. A glance at the package day, where they spent a few days before buying tells her this. With with friends. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, the' Mrs. Joe Hettermann and childre% name tells a true story. It is quickly an<^ ^oe Smith Visited With. Mr. and effective for coughs, colds, croup and, Mrs. Albert Pepping of Spring Grov# throat irritations. Pure as it is 8Br^,_^un<^ay* Mr. and Mrs. John Schmitt and Mr. 'and Mrs. John Thelen visited wit% iMr. and Mrs. Henry Thelen Sunday, Miss Helen Smith is spending a fe\f days with her sister, Mrs. Ray Horick, of Woodstock. Rudy Daeumer and brothers, Wat^ ter and Edward, of Chicago visited with friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Lay and son; Leo, of Spring Grove visited with Mr&~ Catherine Schmitt' Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schaefer an# daughters visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pitzen Thursday. A*r. and Mrs. Henry Nell and no* Henry, Jr., and daughters, Ethel and Henrietta, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Hettermann Friday. Just received a carload of flour middling and a carload of shelled corn. Phone us for prices. McHenry County Farmers Co-op. Assn. Phone 29. 34 ! Winter is still with us and that means warm wearing apparel. We have it. Erickson Dept. Store. Boxing Show Woodstock Opera House, Woodstock, Illinois Wednesday, Feb; 1, 9:15 P. M. . Auspices Co. "A" National Guard CLAIRE BENNETT vs. JACK DEAN Chicago 147 lbs. Gary, Indiana JIMMIE McINTYRE vs. HARRY WILLIS Blue Island 135 lbs. South Chicago JOE BROWN vs. JIMMIE RAYMOND Chicago 135 lbs. Green Bay, Wis. FOUR OTHER BOUTS BETWEEN CHICAGO AND LOCAL CONTESTANTS Receipts for the benefit of the fund of Company ' [A.*' National Guard, Woodstock Admission $1.00, no tax Bring the Ladles z 1 Chevrolet Electrifies America with a Great New Motor Car SLOCUM "S LAKE A Carload of Blue Star Salt ^ "The Salt Without a Fault" Just arrived at our plant in the following sisod packages: 140-lb. grain sack : • V' ;• • 100-lb. cotton sack T 280-lb. bbl 50-lb. block 100-lb. cotton sack (special brand water softener.) --FREE-- With every purchase of Blue Star Salt during the month February we will give a package of Iodine Table Salt. A carload of | ^ Flour Midds ^ arrived yesterday and we expect a carload ot ^ Shelled Corn v next week. Phone for prices. k -.V§' McHeary County Farmers Co-Op. Ass'n Plume 29 ^ . | J. W. Pfannenstill and sons, Will and Arthur, were business callers at , Woodstock Saturday. \ Willard Darrell attended an agency meeting of the Life & Casualty Co., of Chicago Saturday. Mrs. Ollie Grantham spent Monday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Davis and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Winkler of Barrington spent Sunday with the former's parents, at Ardelow farm. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Wilson and daughter of Palatine spent Sunday at the O. W. Grantham home. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks and son, Chesney, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Larabee at Kenosha. Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews and Miss, Myrtle Darrell of Crystal Lake and Elmer Esping of Rockford spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell. Roy Winkler and Miss Fleming of Chicago spent the week-end alb the home of the former's parents at Ardelow farm. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and Mr. and Mrs. William Davis were callers Mr. and Mrs. Ollie Grantham visited at McHenry last Tuesday afternoon, relatives at Cary last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ohrwall and daughter Verna and Stanley McKee of Crystal Lake spent Sunday afternoon at the J. W. Pfannenstill home. Wayne Bacon waa a Crystal Lake caller last Saturday. Reduced Prices! The COACH $ 585 The Roadster The Touring The Coupe . The4*Door C Sedan • • . • • O / J The Spot* Cabriolef . The Imperial Landau • . Utility Truck (ChattU Ortifl Light Delivery. " (CfcoMi* Only) . *715 $495 *375 All prices f.o.b. Flint, Mich. ^ A new automobile to •enaatfonal aa 10 electrify the nation! With marvelous new Fisher bodies Offering all the distinction, beauty Ihd luxury for which Fisher crafts* men are famous! With performance that is a revelation to owners of even higher priced cars! With 107-inch wheelbase--four inches longer than before! With four-wheel brakes-- and many additional mechanicpl achievements! And ... prices that demonstrate I Igf in Chevrolet's ability to provide the utmost in modern motoring luxury at the lowest possible coat! The engine of this great new car is of the improved valve-in-head design. With alloy "invar strut" pistona... specially designed hydrolaminated camshaft gears... mushroom type valve tappets ... and a complete new steel motor enclosure--it provides a type of motor operation so thrilling that it must be experienced to be appreciated! Coupled with this thrilling acceleration and speed is a type of riding and driving comfort almost unbelieveable in a lowpriced car. Four inches longer than the previous Chevrolet chassis • • • swung low to the road ... and with four semi-elliptic shock absorber springs--the Bigger and Better Chevrolet holds the road with a surety that is simply amazing, and rides in perfect comfort at high speeds over the roughest stretches of highway. And never before waa a low-priced car so easy tr drive--for the worm and gear steering mechanism is fitted with ball bearings throughout .. . even at the front axle knuckles. All these spectacular new mechanical advancements are, of course, in addition to the host of notable, features that Chevrolet has previously pioneered in the low-price field. Come in and aee this latest and greatest Gefteral Motors achievement! Learn why it is everywhere the subject of - - enthusiastic comment--why Wneel I everywhere it is hailed as the dEAKCS/ world's most luxurious Low-, priced automobile. Hettermann Motor Sales Phone 191 •STG; a v West McHenrsf ' ' ' ' " > - • . ^ Ira w c o s 'a*.... M,\l. .1

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