WHKLYPpWIS PPMWW AND GOERS OF A ^ WEEK IN OUR CI1J jV At Seen By Plaindealer Reporters and Handed In ; --**> ' By Our Friends' * r '• Kent was a Chicago visitor f5££| TSesday. : -77^--" J Miss Marie Niesen Swas « -Chicago visitor Tuesday. Mrs. F. A. Beller was n Chicago visitor Tuesday. » Roy Kent was a business visitor in Chicago Tuesday. Miss Adeline Perkins was a Chicago •* visitor last week. Mrs. Simon Stoffel spent the first of the week in Chicago. Miss Ann O'Neil of Chicago visited friends here Sunday. Miss Elizabeth Miller Is" spending - " the week in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phalin were Elgin visitors Monday. ' « Mr. and Mrs. Phil (Winto were Chicago visiitors Tuesday. '<5. A. Hanly of Elgin was a Mc- Henry visitor Monday. * Mrs. Forest was a Chicago visitor several days this week. Harold Phalin was a Woodstock V visitof Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Laures visited in Chicago over the week-end. - Miss Genevieve Knox of Elgin spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Whiting were vistors at Park Ridge Sunday. Miss Gladys Rietesel of Chicago spent the week-end at her home here. .' Mr. and Mrs. William Aebischer of Chicago visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. Laura Kent and daughter, Ruth, were Chicago visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Meyers are spending the week with relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Martin of Round Lake visited friends here Sunday. George and Phil Meyers attended the funeral of a friend in Chicago on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Conway and daughter, Betty, visited at Park Ridge Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin and daughter, Ruth, visited at Woodstock --' Saturday. Mrs. Arthur Bickler visited in the home of her mother, Mrs. Helena Heimer, Sunday. Ed Brefeld and John Esschan of Chicago were callers in the/ B. J. Brefeld home Thursday. I Mr. and Mrs. Francis Callahan of Chicago were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doherty on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John Brefeld and daughter, Norma, of Waukegan were visiting in the'B. J. Brefeld home Sunday. Miss Mary Brefeld is spending the week as a guest in the home of her toother. John Brefeld and family, at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McConnell and Ralph of. Woodstock were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Knox Sunday evening. Mrs. Margaret Gillis and son, Harold, of Woodstock were Sunday visitors in the home of Mir. and Mrs. Peter Doherty. Mrs. Peter A. Freund, Mrs. Ben Kennebeck, Miss Marcella Kennebeck, and her guest, Mrs. Ben Hemling, of New Munster, Wis., were visitors at Waukegan Friday afternoon. George H. Johnson spent the first of the week at Muskegon, Mich., where he attended the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Theodore Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Johnson were residents of THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9*, 1928 A. W. Krug spent Sunday in Elgin- Will Burke was a Gray slake visitor Thursday. Miss Katie Weber was a Chicago visitor Monday. Mrs. G. A. Stilling was a Wotodstock visitor Saturday. i Mrs. John DreymiUer was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. Rev. William O'Rourke was a Rockford visitor Tuesday. * Miss Genevieve Cary visited in Chicago over the week-end. Richard Stenger of Waukegan visited friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Claxton were Chicago vistiors Tuesday. Ed Kelter was a Grayslake »isitar Thursday. Miss Clara Stoffel spent a few days last week in Chicago. Mrs. Mary Mason of Elgin was a MicIIenry visitor Saturday. Jay Comisky of New Mexico spent a few days this week with McHenry friends. Mrs. Anna MuIIer of Chicago spent the week-end as the guest of Mrs. Martha Page. Mrs. Raymond Howard spent several days the last of the week visiting in Chicago. •" Walter Klehm of. Naperville was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Koerner Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stringer were | over the week-end. visitors at Huntley Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Newman of Miss Lena Stoffel was a Chicago j Naperville spent the week-end as visitor the first of the week. ; guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Koerner. Francis Bonslett of Chicago spent i R> L. Howard visited at his home one day last week at McHenry. I here the last of the week before leav- Mrs. Roy Hankermeyer of Wauke-jinf? for a business trip to Wisconsin, gan visited friends here Monday. Mrs. Harry Kenny and daughter, Miss Pamela Rietesel of Chicago Kathryn, of Chicago were guests in spent the week-encj at her home here., the M. J. Walsh home a few days last Claude Davis of Beaver Dam, Wis.,! week. spent Sunday in the J. F. Claxton j John Reihansperger of West Chihome. * V j was a visitor in the home of his jMiss Dorothy Peet of Ringwood {son, C. J. Reihansperger and family, was the guest of Miss Laura Michels; the first of the week. Sunday. ! McHenry relatives and friends were Mrs M. J Walsh and daughter; grieved to hear of the death of the Dorothy, visited in Chicago the first infant son. of Mr. and Mrs. James of the week. Burke of Chicago who passed away _ Mr. and Mrs H M, Stephenson of on Friday at the age of five days. Ringwood visited friends «here Monday evening. j Mr. and Mrs. Jacob F. Jus ten w:erej guests in the Bernard Justen home at; Ringwood Sunday. j Admiral Davis of Hoyt, S. D., was j a guest in .the home of Mr. and Mrs.J J. F. Claxton Sunday. | Mrs. Ed Malone of Elgin spent a few I days last week in the home of Mr. * and Mrs. M. J. Walsh. i Mjss Laura Michels of Waukegan; spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. j and Mrs. Simon Michels. | Mrs. George Phalin and daughter,' Terry, spent Sunday in the Altiert H. Richards home in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Michels were' guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard [ Justen at Ringw6od Sunday. j Mrs. Kate. Steilen of Chicago was a Sunday guest in the home of her mother, Mrs. Helena Heimer. Mrs. Letah Thomas and son, Earl, of Woodstock were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Clax- j ton. | Mrs. Ben Hemling of New. Munster, [ Wis., spent last week as a guest in j the home of Mrs. Henry Kennebeck. Chicago, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Zoia of Wood- j stock visited in the home of Mr. and |J Mrs. Peter Doherty Monday after- j noon and evening. I Mr. and Mrs. Charle* Newman of Chicago visited in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. LinUs Newman Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bonslett of Crystal Lake spent the week-end in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Overton. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Young will movej soon into the Arthur Smith home atj the corner of John street and Elgin road. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kennebeck 1 will move from this house to the Baer J house. | Mrs. Simon Stoffel is spending the week in Chicago to be near her daugh- 1 ter, Clara, who is at the Jackson Park hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kehnebeck andi Mrs. Henry Kennebeck motored to New Munster, Wis., Saturday. Their guest, Mrs. Ben Hemling, returned home with them. Mrs. Edward Riley and daughters, Ann and Eileen, of Alberta, Canada, who have spent the past several weeks with relatives at McHenry and Wau- W. P. Woodburn was a Woodstock visitor one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. J". Schneider .Were Woodstock visitors Sunday. ^ \ Miss Theresa Karls of Chicago spent the week-end at her home here. Mrs. Mabel Griggs of Waukegan was a McHenry visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. .Arthur Wrede of Chicago spent Sunday with the fprmer's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Warrington and daughter were Woodstock visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. ,W. Stenger and family of Waukegan visited friends here Sunday. Leo Rothermel of Chicago spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Rothermel. Miss Laura Karls of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karls. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Sayler and children of Woodstock visited relatives here one day last week. Miss Harriet Bobb of Chicago spent the week-end with friends here and attended the Eastern Star installation Saturday night. Superintendent C. H. Duker and his Junior High basketball teams went to Woodstock Saturday afternoon where they played the boys at Todd's seminady. The boys played a good game but were defeated by the boys of the seminary. (3PF:- ou J ; Si" r<*rm coal not only burns better and gives more heat per ton, but it also saves your grates, since it burns to a clean ash. Your phone order to 46 will bring our prompt attention. M LUMBER Quality and Service%ir8t West McHenry CO Crystal Lake until last summer when conda, are visiting this week in the they left to make their home with Joseph McAndrews and Earl McAntheir daughter at Muskegon. | drew* Iwbm>< -Buys tree Buick quality and all the famous ^vAfeatures and you have your choice of three popular models at this moderate price--a roomy Sedan, trim Coupe or smart Sport Roadster. Only Buick offers so many fine car features at such moderate prices. Only Buick enjoys the tremendous volume production to achieve such valuer See and drive Buick. We will be glad to demonstrate at any time. 0DANS$1195 to $1995 » COUPES $1195 »#»•*• SPORT MOMLS #1195 toll 525 TAWlt pGr imAL fA. .• . PUml, MpiUltm., ,Gtbfmtr»nu • •i.-rit Mar M Overton & Cowen Buick Dealers Wist McHenry, 111.--Harvard, 111.--Crystal Lake, I SHA- [Beautiful Garden] ;?V •..# * <*• BUY A LOT IN "SHA-LI-MAR" ' (Fox River's Super-Subdivision) Located just north of the City of McHenry The Most Beautiful Sppt in the Fox River Valley Establish either a summer or year-round home here and enjoy Nature in all its beauty. The number of lots is limited. Make your selection now. A moderate down payment will secure your choice--Four yean to flnidt Gas, Electricity, Water-*-All the Conveniences of the City Fishing, Boating and Bathing Within a Stone's Throw The only Subdivision on Fox River that will iiave its own water system, with leads to every lot. Live among the wonderful pine, birch and maple tr$es. All lots are located high, good sise and very reasonably in price. Buy now--Prices will be advanced within the next few weeks. Come to our office on Riverside Drive, McHenry, or Phone 8. Address all correspondence to KENT & COMPANY •;r Phone 8 SUBDIV1DERS McHenry * , • . . 7 m <...