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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Feb 1928, p. 4

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mmmmm mm? w. . m;' *y pf"^»- f.v rtV**«*XT'^jstPJ?**';^pr>?<-w;,u ^ . •„• X '*'*%"f ,,.|".C'v;i,«*"j ;'.f .* r-*/^?;.T^*T'•^,"7•"•',";,**^ •'^J-*r^ r " ' . ' v. ' THK McHKMKT PLAIHDEAIJPt, TBUS8DAY, rXBKUAlY 2, 182* • * J*.aJfoi- . --^- -r-.^...: . - .'• l._ -- ----M-- t ' ;"^|||||; THE M'HENRY PLAIN DEALER |V (Publiftfeed mm Thursday at McHenry, DL, by Charles F. Smith. • Entered m teeond-cten jaatter at tfca poetoOfla at McHenry, BL, nllr the act of May 8. 1879. One Yew .. Kx Months 8abecriptiaa Rataa I # » a . . , ^ . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , » • • • • • • • * - « . • • • $ 2 * 0 0 !•••«••••••••••• • • • • • • • •*••*•••••••••••••• A. H. XOSHKR, Editor aid^Muagn - Many young awn aspire to work in a fank tor they believe there Is money * * \ __ "Tr Wben the dollar bills come to ns ^frailer it will be easier to pass the ' I; The girl of today doeent have to ^.pilnt to attract attention as bee grtndy| jkrtlier did. Just because a woman picks her jinishand'g pockets Is no reason why „ Hie should pick his cloth*% The hottest weather always comes ijibst before you take your vacation and Immediately after your return. A French artist suggests rudeness ^%s a cure for some social evils. But A might at times be hard on noses. v It might be worth while to try some Experiments to find out whether corn borer worms will make good fish bait 5 Driving an airplane motor by ratio will be fine and dandy until some- Jtody tunes in with a regenerative set . _____________ A trained aviator Is seldom reckless. Some of the aeronautic capitalists are obsessed by love of the life Mrs. Elizabeth Rothermel Mrs. Elizabeth Rothermel, nearly 53 years old, died at her home on Riverside Drive on Wednesday, Jan. 25, after an illness of several weeks. She was the daughter of John and Katherine Glosson and was born at McHenry, 111., on February 2, 1875. f ¥%^ "V ;'r, Y CLASSIFIED ad/ertisementS USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOE QUICK RESULTS FOR SALE AUCTION SALE--Household goods stove brooder. Phone 614-R-l. 35-tf. Will sell reasonable. Peter A. Freund. Her childhood was spent in this vicin-: of the late Gertrude Kunz, Saturday, FOR SALE--Two registered bull ity and here she always lived. She Feb. 11, at 2 p. m., at the William calves, high grade stock, one seven was married to Peter P. Rothermel on Bishop residence, McHenry. 35-2* months old, one two weeks old. Ad- Nov. 11, 1902 and to this union four children were born. Her husband as well as her parents preceded her in death several years ago. | Those who survive her are her children: Villa of McHenry, Leo of Chicago, Alvan and Carl of McHenry; „ _ _. , A dress, Birchmont Farm, Ingleside, 111. FOR SALE OR RENT--Eight-room Tel McHenry632 -J-l. 34-2 house on Riverside Drive, Apply to William Bishop. Phone 69-R. 35-2* USED CARS AT PRICES YOU CANT FESIST Anyone considering the purchase of a used car should see these before We suppose they keep lifeguards ^andv to rescue bathing beauties from frowning in case they fall into the Water. Indicative of the decadence of matt is the fact that more and more farmers of the West are growing beardless wheat DEPENDABLE USED CARS ON HAND three brothers and five sisters, Tom 11923 Chevrolet Sedan, quick sale, $75. deciding what to buy. Compare these Glosson of Humphrey, Neb., Pete | Nash touring, good paint, new tires, prices with any others on the market. Glosson of Waukegan, Math Glossort : car has been run very little, price $95. 1923 Buick : .$ 75.00 of McHenry, Mrs. Mary Van Dyke of j New Chevrolet dump truck, only three 1925 Star Sedan . 45.00 Humphrey, Neb., Mrs. George Schaid, 1 weeks old, has. under drive aqd special 1925 Cleveland Sport Touring.. 150.00 Mrs. John Schaid and Mrs. Anna j transmission, truck cost about $1,000, 1927 Pontiac Coupe--Set your own Karls of McHenry and Mrs. James only $675. price. Murry of Wauconda. 11928 Dodge special Sedan has full 1925 Star Touring 185.00 The deceased was a members of St. J equipment, including bumpers, snub- McHENRY AUTO SALES Mary's church, of the Catholic Order bers, heater and spare tire. This phone 8 Riverside Drive of Foresters, of the Christian Mothers j car would deliver for $1030, price $795 society and of Riverview camp, R. N. j 1925 Ford Tudor, excellent shape, WAJlTJSD A. She was well known in this local-! car must be seen to be appreciated, a SAleSMAN WANTED--to solicit ity where she left many friends. bargain at $ • . , , . orders for lubricating oils, greases and Funeral services were held on Fri-1 International 1 ton Truck, stake pajnts Salary or commission. Adday, Jan. 27, 1928, at 10 o'clock from Tires like new, dos^ cab, only $385. dregg ^ Harrey on Co<) Cleveland, St. Mary's church with burial in St.! 1925 Ford Coupe, excellent condition, 35.# price $145. • : „ 1926 Graham Bros. 2 ton stake Truck WANTED--Girl for housework, no in excellent condition $950. washings. Phone 69-W. 35 Easy Payment Plan As the Pullman company Is adopting Innovations allow u» to suggest not vto make its, name so conspicuous on the towels. ,/ One objection to the present delude of "liero" songs is!that so many >w»m to have been written with a fountain pen. Gary's cemetery. I Those from out-of-town who attended the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. Peter Glosson, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Glosson, Miss Kathleen Baird and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stoffel from Waukeeran; Mr. and Mrs. Math Karls, Mr. and Mrs. William Karls, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Coleman, Misses Theresa and Laura Karls, John Broderick and We have a complete line of trucks WANTED--Beef, Calf and Horse in % ton and 1% ton in closed ot Hides. Also all kinds of Rags, Paper, open body types. Magazines, Iron and Metal. Saiu JAMES MORROW & SON, Hirschiaan. Phone McHenry l7t. Phone 186 West McHenry, III. 3l-tf. .M?ra Lillian Soc haid\ of« Crih.'i cag'o , MMrr . aTnIda :j BARGAIN FOR YOUNG COUPL&- Cogt $3 000 four months ag0. will Math RothermelMrs. John Halzemer take ?550 for. a11 separate. lqsT--Purse containing a rosary, of Kenosha Wis • Mr and Mrs Frank i Beautiful furnlture of 4-room apart- compact; and keys, somewhere in Mc- Ro^ermel o^Keni^orth a^ Mr. and JTV^ it ZzlnjT °n Wednesday. Call 94-R Mrs. George Scheid. Jr and Mr. .nd TtaJ WiC 4 RcW'rJ' M Mrs. James of Wauconda. _6 . . ' , , . ,..u ,/wrr i LOST Murry Card of Thanks pc. walnut bedroom set, complete with LOST--Pair of child's eye glasses in ! spring and mattress; library table; 5 case. Phone 116-R. 35-* breakfast set; lamps; chest of - We learn from his biography that while Lindbergh used his hand at most aajiliiag when* kid,4ie used his head later on. Must be seen to be ap- MISCELLANEOUS One nice thing about a tredtllng hi tin airplnne Is that it does away with the danger of getting out of step going down the aisle. We desire in this wa*y to exp* res,s .. sP®il*v erware nesseTand'^sympathy 'extended to us U'"ia'<:<i' at™°f HAULING OF GARBAGE AND durine the illness and at the time of ^ca^^Ill.f S'one Su^y,^ 619(i' ASHES-I hay. taken oyer this busi- the death of our beloved mother, Mrs. 33-6. Elizabeth Rothermel. 35 ROTHERMEL CHILDREN. ness from Phil Guinto. George. Meyers. Phone 82-R. 34-2* One season is about as tad as the otlwr. In summer you go crazy with the hent and in winter you go crazy with the heater. RESOLUTIONS WHEREAS, Our All-wise Father in 38. His Infinite Wisdom and Goodness has seen fit to call unto Him from our FOR SALE--Ford dump truck with McHENRY - WAUCONDA MOTOR self-starter and Warford transmission. EXPRESS--We handle express to and Very reasonable. Call Phil, McHenry from Chicago. Chicago freight department, 411 W. Superior St. Phone FOR "S7A7L7E-- 4-passenger "7C7h evroTleTt McHenr:y 213-W. 32-tf The consensus of Informed thought Is that the Lindbergh exploit has done more for commercial aviation than for commercial poetry. . midst, our dear sister, Elizabeth c°"Pe. 5 tires> 3 nearly new' motor TUNE--and keep your piano tunea. Rothermel of our Court, No. 659, of completely overhauled. Time pay- Tuning makes your piano a musical the Womens Catholic Order of Forest- raents if desired. A lot of automobile instrument. Phone 274-J or write J. ers, one of our most beloved of our for only *45- T?118 car won>t be h?r® H- Deihl> Woodstock, 111. 27-tf Court who has been an officer for McHenry^Auto HARNESS REPAIRING AND UPseveral years and a good and active ™one S. Mcnenry AUU) HOLgTERING_by patzke< SOCIAL AND CLUB DOINGS Of WEEK i M ueller-J aeobson Announcement of the marriage of Miss Catherine Regina Mueller to Mr. Orville Kenneth Jacobson of St. LoU& has been received by McHenry friends. The"wedding occurred at St. Timothy's church, Chicago, at 5 o'clock Tuesday, Jan. 24. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas G. Mueller and the grootn the son of Mrs. J. M. Jacobson. The ceremony was performed by Father Keily. Miss Dorothy Jones acted as bridesmaid and the best man was Michael Mueller. After the wedding at the church a 6 o'clock dinner was given at the Rainbow Gardens. Among those who attended were the groom's mother from St. Louis; Sen. and Mrs. I. A. Doff, Judge and Mrs. J. F. O'Connell, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kohl and Joe Kayser. Mr. and Mrs. Jacobson will be at home at the Embassy Hotel, Chicago, and at Pistakee Bay, McHenry. . Birthday Surprise Party . Joseph Lenzen was the victim of a surprise party at his home last Sunday evening, the event being in honor of his birthday anniversary. The evening was passed in playing five hundred, the prizes being won as follows: First, Mrs. Joseph E. Freund; second, Mrs. Frank St. George; third, Mrs. Edward Cook; consolation, Mrs. John Molidor. The gents' prizes were won by John Wagner, John Molidor and Joseph E. Freund, consolation, Edward Cook. A delicious lunch followed the play. Mr. Lenzen was presented with a beautiful smoking stand by the guests. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George, Mr. and Mrs. John Molidor, Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Freund, Mr. and MJrs. Edward Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Wagner, Evaline Hironimus and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lenzen. Surprise For Judge Welch Several relatives and friends planned a surprise party on William J. Welch Saturday evening in honor of his birthday anniversary which falls on Feb. 1. So that the party would be a complete surprise the event was planned for an earlier date and Mr. Welch was induced to the home of his daughter, Mrs. Clarence Martin, where he found the guests waiting to surprise him. A delightful evening was spent at cards and the guest of honor received the congratulations and food wishes of those present. ° member WHEREAS, In the performance of "He's so dumb," said Lucy the a part of our duty to her, we meekly other evening of one of the boy friends : submit to the will of our Heavenly , bouse on Green street. Will sell "Unit it took him six years to get , Father, and, while bowing to His In- reasonable in order to settle estate. Sales, Riverside Drive, McHenry. Phone 99-M, West McHenry, 111., SALE -- Seven-room modern corner Third and Main streets. 26-tf through a diploma mill." Df^artripnt of Agriculture reports a large increase in the number of hogs In the country, referring, of course, to those of the genus sus. j finite Wisdom, we extend our sympa- Inquire of Math M. Blake. Tel. 607- | thy and consolation to her family and W-l. 34tf I relatives. Therefore Be It Big battleships are something to talk 'about. This fact does not dispose of the suggestion that big battle planes are something to think about. As a compromise, an English preach- *r, at the beginning of a sermon recently, suggested that the congregation •cough only at the end of sentences. RESOLVED, That in the death of FOR SALE -- A carload of shelled sister Elizabeth Rothermel, this Court corn. McHenry Co. Farmers Co-op. has lost an efficient member, her chil- Assn. Phone 29. TYPEWRITERS Sales and Seryice. Repaired and Rentals. Prompt attention to phone calls. Phone 549. L. KILTZ, Woodstock 49-tf Final investigation of the death of a cobbler at Miami, worth $100,000, showed that there was nothing criminal about it. He Just pegged away. dren a kind and loving mother and the community a kind and loving citizen. , RESOLVED, That these resolutions be sperad upon the records of the Court and a copy be sent to the children of the deceased and also to be published in The Plaindealer. ! EMMA C. MILLER, C. Ranger, j ELLEN SCHNEIDER, Recorder. Committee. FOR SALE--Sol Hot oil brooder, new last summer, also coal rag rug weaving. 35 TAKE YOUR Sewing Machine trouble to B. Popp. West McHenry. Repairburner ing done on all makes. Also fluff and Phone 162. - 13-tf The graduate who is getting a lot of credit for working his way through college by writing snort stories may have written the stori-?s to his father. "An ant-eater's nose," says a Popular Science article, "is from eight to twelve inches long." but happily, sinus trouble is alnost unknown among the species. It isn't hard to agree with the dentist who told the National Dental Technicians' meeting at Chicago that perfect teeth are rare. So is pej-fjbet anything. 'Congo < natives are said to register great amazement at .seeing a match strike fire. A patent' lighter in the same circumstances would probably, paralyze them. Fran Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Miss Maud Curr has received a letter from Mrs, Everett Hunter, Sr., in which the writer states that they are now nicely located at Palmetto, Fla., and enjoying the weather as the thermometer registered around 80 degrees the morning the letter was written. "We are in our' little bungalow," writes Mrs. Hunter, "and the view is simply lovely, right on the gulf coast. We see large steamers and boats go by all the time. We get lovely fruit and all kinds of new vegetables, new strawberries, carrots, peas, etc. We shall soon have our boats in the water, then we shall take long boat trips. It was awful cold here when we first came. The houses in Florida are not built like at home. We have aa open fireplace and burn logs. A young English swimmer, has also tirfrtifed the channel on his first attempt It is understood arrangements are being made to put this feat on a , time-table basis. yN The typewriter company »h^ has bought a freight plane to deliver its machines seems to be determined that the airplane* shall keep up with the stenographers. BIRTHS Charles Lester Page is the name given to a 7%'-pound son born to Mr. and Mrs. Lester Page, at the Woodstock hospital, Wednesday morning, Feb. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Huntzinger announce the arrival of a 9-pound son, born Tuesday, Jan. 31. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Peterson of West McHenry are the parents of a A Real Car Bargain ESSEX COACH * 1925 Model 6 Cylinders Newly Painted Motor in A-l Condition Time Payments if Desirejd T The party that gets here first gets this Oar for "The Virginians" The people of Ringwood and vicinity are to be given a real treat Wednesday evening, Feb. 8, when The Virginians, a negro mixed quartet, will put on an entertainment in the M. W. A. hall in that village. They will sing many of the quaint and plaintive Southern melodies and put on a snappy, good, old-fashioned jubilee program. The proceeds from this entertainment will be used toward redecorating the Methodist church in Rangwood. The admission is 50 cents for adults and 25 cents for children. McHENRY MOTOR SALES Phone 8 Riverside Drive Happy Ten Card Club The ladies of the Happy Ten Card club were pleasantly entertained at the home of Mrs. A. L. Purvey on last Thursday afternoon. Two tables of bridge were in play and the first prize was won by Mrs. Earl McAndrews and the second prize by Mrs. Clarence Martin. The guests were Mesdames C. W. Gibbs, Walter Walsh, M. A. Sutton, C. E. Martin and Ray Conway. The next meeting will be at the hq^ac of Mrs. Ed Sutton. Triple Birthday Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Marshall entertained at a dinner party at their home on Saturday in honor of three birthday anniversaries, those of Mrs. Agnes Wentworth," J. J. Marshal and P. W. Thompson of Lake Geneva, Wis. A large birthday cake did honor to the occasion and a delightful day # was spent. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Thompson of Lake Geneva, John Daley of Mansfield, Pa., and Mrs. Agnes Wentworth. Social Wheel The members and guests of the Social Wheel held a very enjoyable meeting at the Universalist church parlors on last Thursday afternoon. A bountiful dinner was sieved at 1 o'clock, after which a pleasant afternoon was spent at cards and bunco. In five hundred the first prize was won by Mrs. Julius Keg and the second prize by Mrs. George Lindsay and in bunco the first prize was won by Mrs. Florence Smith and Mrs. H. A. Asmalsky. D. H. G. Club The members of the D. H. G. club and their wives surprised Dr. and Mrs. 9V£-pound boy, born Fvelub .F 29, 1928. "TthhZe ' C. hamberlin at their home F^riday even- ;r,„OT. If the court, which fined a New York ticket broker $11,000 for filing peculiar tax returns had thought, it might have tacked on an extra couple of thousand for "service." At an Indian festival In the Northwest, redskins did their tribal dances while paleface youngsters were danc* lng jazz steps nearby in a psvliloa, and doubtless to the same music. boy "has bWn given the name of BobM.1 ">«• * <ie'icious »<«k dmner Norman. Cooked and served by the men at 7 - \ j' o'clock, after which the evening was Notice * -spent at cards. In five hundred high To ATI Persons Conceded: w«re T w°n £y. J The partnership heretofore existing, Saylef ®nd L' A' ®nck®°°' wh„le ^ between the undersigned and Robert consolations went; 0 • J. Green has been dissolved and is no Cfeamberhn and J. N. Sayler, longer existing. « Dated this first day of February, 1928. 85* BEN STILLING. LEO J. STILLING. Monday evening. Bridge furnished the entertainment for the evening and first prize was won by Mjrs. Earl McAndrews, the second by Mrs. F. C. wasSchoewer and the third prize by Miss Mildred Kinsala. Philadelphia taxi company use women drivers during the daylight period. At first the public was skeptical about ike Innovation, but an aow carried sway with the idea. Notice' 'W Riverview Camp members and juveniles, take notice. - Please pay January dues not later than Monday, Feb. 13. 86 LOOM leaf vork is a specialty of Xk* Plaindeale* j^!depart»eot.. .;^-j, ; Five Hundred Club TTTfie ' Five Hundred club met last Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mat Steffes. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Weingart won first prize end Mrs. Steffes and Peter Frett carried away the second. Refreshments were served at the close a very pleasant evening. Entertained at Bridge Mrs. E. J. Buss entertained several frieada jkfc* hii? beMS a& Main 4&EN& DISTURBING NIGHT COUGH QUICKLY STOPPED "A distressing cough and irritated throat kept me miserably awake at night and prevented others from sleeping. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound quickly comforted and relieved me. Helped my neighbors over "flu" coughs, too. Feel I must tell you about it." says H. S. P , Sailors Snug Harbor, N. Y. Wonderfully soothing and healing. Bland to the tender throat of a child, effective in stopping the stubborn coughs of grown persons. Thos. P. Bolger, druggist. Consistent advertising la MJPWmPia I Mill1 1 rat# to . Married Fifteen Years Mr. and M"rs. Nick M. Justen of near Ringwood celebrated their fifteenth wedding anniversary on Sunday, Jan. 29, by inviting about forty guests. A sumptuous pigeon dinner was served at noon. The afternoon was spent with music singing, cards and bunco, after which supper was served. The host and hostess received several beautiful gifts along with wishes for many more years of happy married life. Emerald Bridge Club Mrs. M. A. Sutton entertained the members of the Emerald Bridge club at her home on Friday afternoon. A few pleasant hours were spent at bridge and the nrsi, i»i- --=.= MTS. N. J. Nye, the second by Mrs. Ed Sutton and the third prize by Mrs. A. L. Purvey. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Ed Sutton. Party at Sampson Home 'Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Sampson entertained several friends at their home on Saturday evening. The guests numbered about twenty-six and were the state highway engineers and their wives. Bridge was played and an enjoyable evening was spent. You Profit by a Qood Buy by Us s ' Larg© ske cans, real good, all of Dtlou" Royal Ann Cherries 40£ Apricots Yellow Cling Peaches 3Q# Pears, as good as home-canned_„..„.^.^_^. 30^ Sliced Pineapple : : 30^ Juice of Sauerkraut . 20^ Sliced Beets _-- 18^ Sweet Potatoes. ' Vy We, also, now have No. 1 cans in Fruits, Peas and Corn for the small family. y Phone itl Home Owned Storo* St. •r". ft:-' Ww You can be better dressed, by telephone--Call 143-W. Experienced cleaners and dyers awaiting your call. We have style sense and courtesy. --Mr. Before and After "For your appearance's sake" Mrs. Anna Howard CLEANING, PRESSING and REPAIRING PHONE 143-W Located over Bolger's Drug Store When you are wiring your home, be surC of lifetime service-- and economy.. Y/e install a General Electric wiring system throughout, and guarantee the, ectir-? ii^felfeticn to^ be free "d cl highest 'lual? - ' v ; -rials apd' • -jbr lifetime service Competently installed by CARET ELECTRIC HcBWUr, ILLINOIS u/entine Before you decide upon a gift candy you arei planning to give on St. Valentine's day, we ask that you inspect our offerings. A widet variety at reasonable prices. m Riverside Drive stv;-

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