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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Feb 1928, p. 6

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v WAUCONDA >»»$* £*?•' «- THE MoHSKRY PLA1KDEALER, THURSDAY, FEB. 16, 1928 Doit II you are planning to wire your home, remember that it is a job done to last a lifetime--that it pays to call in a reliable contractor--and it pays to put in a General Electric wiring system throughout Callonust iring System t--Jbr lifetime serviette^ Qii|itw*ly imtaXUdVj .Carey Electric Shop McHenry, Illinois When you pay •1195 for acar tiotine entitled tQ BUICK Quality" When you spend as much as $1195 for l car you're entitled to Buick quality^ luxury and reliability--as well as Buick . -..'•beauty, performance, stamina and ^ long life. For three of Buick's 16 models sell at this low price--a Sedan, Coupe and Sport Roadster--offering all of the famous Buick features--and the unrivaled value thai results from Buick's unrivaled volume* production. See Buick--and yoaH see a* thet - it is the logical car to buy. ------ j ' ttDANS $1195 to$1993 » OOUPBS|U99»|Ull SPORT MODELS f 1195 to f 1323 JltriBpilAnM, NicL, (mnnrft la M Htfl M Aft Overton & Cowen Buick Dealers West McHenry, HL--Harvard, ID.--Crystal Lake, HI. Duane Kingsley of Maywood spent the week-end with Mrs. Edith Peck. John Gossell and James Gossell were Cary callers Tuesday. Mir. and Mrs. Ira Cook and son, Russell, spent the week-eftd at Batavia.. L. J. Knigge was a business caller in Chicago Friday. Marvin Hughes of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday with his parents. A1 Dahms of Palatine called on E. H. Dahms Monday. Mrs. Paul Broncheon and son, Irwin, spent Sunday with relatives in Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nelson of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Grantham. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Broncheon visited friends in Chicago Sunday. - Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Turnbull and children and Joe Turnbull and daughter, Ivy, were Kenosha callers Sunday. Mr. Morrill of Chicago spent Tuesday here*. Mr. Mayer of Palatine called at the Strocker home Tuesday. John R. Knox of McHenry was a pleasant caller in town Saturday. Miss Evelyn Neish spent Friday evening in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Stroker and Edward, visited at the Frank Meyer home at McHenry Thursday evening. Mrs. Berg of Barrington called on Mrs. John Gossell Sunday and also attended the Federated church service. Mrs. Almeda Grantham and son, Walter, of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Van Natta and son of Hinsdale called at the H. L. Grantham home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry 1C rugger were Waukegan callers Monday. Morris Van Natta of Franklin Park called on his sister, Mrs. H. L. Grantham, Sr., Friday. RINGWOOD Mm. Rilla Foss, Wayne and Floyd Foss, spent Friday evening in Waukegan. Mrs. Emma Merchant and Mr. and Mrs. William McCannon visited in Greenwood Sunday. Byron Hitchens and Dave Hodges were week-end visitors in Chicago. Mrs. Rilla Foss and Floyd Foss spent Monday in Chicago, where they saw the show, "Criss Cross." . Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown spent Sunday in Elgin. Mrs. James Ladd spent a day recently as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ellery Harrison at Woodstock. Thursday dinner guests of Mrs. daughters of Waukegan were Sunday 1 Emma Merchant were Mesdames F. guests at the G. D. Stroker home. ; Merchant and Nester and Misses Miss Lydia Clark has returned to Violet Webster and Mary Harriet Chicago after spending several days .Bennett of Woodstock and Miss Marhere. jorie Whiting. Miss Mae Burke spent the week-end Mi*, and Mrs. Nick Young, Miss Delin Milwaukee, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. A. Weaver of Sharon, Wis., announce the birth of a son on February 2. Mrs. -Weaver was formerly Miss Josephine Stoxen of this place. E. H. Dahms spent Thursday in Chicago. . la Young and Mrs. Emma Merchant 1 spent Monday in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hughes spent Saturday in Waukegan. I Social Affairs j Mrs. James Rainey was hostess to | tiie Home Bureau at her home on Clarence Daley was a Waukegan Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Chauncey caller Wednesday. Harrison gave a talk about the various Miss Lois Broughton was a Chicago meetings of the Home Bureau held shopper Friday. ' " " Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brown : were in Waukegan Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Payne, Mr. and care The of at the convention in Urbana. topic of the selection and gloves was also discussed. The Home Circle was entertained Mrs. Dwight Dolph and son of Mun- at the home of Mrs. George Harrison delein and Miss Avis Payne of Chicago were Sunday guests at the Georgo Bates home on Wednesday with Mesdames George Harrison, Leonard Franzen and Raymond Harrison as hostesses. During Miss Dorothy Peck of Chicago spent the afternoon there was the usual the week-end here. The grammar school basketball team defeated the high schooL freshmen Saturday evening by a score of to 0. Mrs. C. E. Wheelock and son, James, business meeting followed by a good program and some guessing congests. Mr. Eli T. Chase celebrated his 99th birthday on Friday, Feb. 10. Dur. ing the day a number of friends and neighbors called to congratulate him Mrs. Fannie Pratt, Mrs. Ella Powers and he was the recipient of several and Mrs. John Gossell were Wauke- gifts and birthday goodies. Mr. Chase gan callers Thursday. enjoys quite good health most of the Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Houghton and daughter, Thirza, Mrs. Arthur Hough, ton and Mrs. Walter Jansen and son, Junior, of North Chicago spent Friday evening with Mr. ahd Mrs. Clarence Daley. Mr. and Mrs. Vedder Stone and children and Miss Mable Knigge spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Stone in 'Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. D. V. Wait of Round Lake spent Wednesday with their time and the people of this community hope to help him celebrate his 100th birthday anniversary next year. The D. H. G. club of McHenry surprised Frank Hitchens at his home here Sunday evening. Bridge was played and prizes were won by Mrs. Frank Hitchens and C. W. Goodell and seconds by Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Petesch. 4 Eats brought by the guests were served late in the evening. The show given by the Virginians, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kempfer and ••••••••••••••••••••"•••••••MM Mrs. John Pitsen motored to Chicago Tuesday. Victor Hopp of Chicago visited with S. H. Smith Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Freund and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Meyers and family motored to Racine Sunday. Miss Frances Pitzen of Chicago visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Pitzen Sunday. O8TEN0 The Dalziel family that moved to this neighborhood in March, 1927, have all moved away. A married daughter just taken possession of the farm. The family move from near Waukegan. The dirt roads in this section are badly rutted. From the Wallis farm east and north to the cement, there are some bad ruts. The renter of the Wallis farm has been running two heavy loaded trucks over the roads when soft and making terrible ruts. The vacant farms near here are the John Matays, the lower Wallis and the Sam E. Clark farms of this school district and the Francisco farm. The first three have windows badly damaged. Mrs. Clara Harris planned - a surprise on her husband, Will Harris, for last Saturday night, it being his birthday. The surprise was perfect. The party that has been hauling milk for some of the neighbors failed to tell them he was done last Saturday and they were unprepared for such negligence. Such people better put their thinking cap on. No resident here can remember when there were no pupils attending our school from the road running south from Ostend corner. Since Frances Dalziel went away there is not one pupil in attendance from that direction. Earl Sherman is having the barn on the farm he purchased raised up and a basement made. The man doing the work had some bad luck Friday last. The timbers used for forms for cement basement gave way and *3let the cement loose. A lot of help was called and at 6 o'clock Saturday night all was in place again. fERRA GOTTA daughter, Mrs. Arthur Boehmer and colored entertainers, at the M. W. A. the farmer's institute and hall was quite well attended and was prize for the oldest couple enjoyed by all who attended. Mr. and Mrs. William Justen, Mrs. Ben Justen and daughter, Bernice, and Miss Dorothy Rauen motored to Chiattended received a running a farm. Mrs. Julia Broncheon attended a show at Waukegan Monday evening. day callers at the E. A. Golding home in Norwood Park. Mrs. Frank Meyer and son, Donald, of McHenry spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Will Gearis. Mr. and Mrs. Will Geary and son, Miss Iva Turnbull, MTS. Clyde Peck cago Thursday and spent the day with and Mrs. Adeline Prouty were Sun- relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Justen and family spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe J. Miller. Raymond J. Riley visited relatives in St. Charles Sunday. Miss Vera McMillan spent the week-end with friends at Crystal Lake. Misses Florence and Mabel Knox visited relatives in Woodstock Friday evening. Glenn McMillan was the guest of relatives in Wheaton Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. B. J. Shine, who has spent the past four weeks in Aurora and St. Charles, returned home Sunday evening. Mrs. Marion McMillan and Miss Marion Shales returned home Sunday after spending the past three weeks at the home of Earl McMillan. James Gracy spent the week-end at Honey Creek, Wis. Loose leaf work is a specialty the Plaindealer job department. at Bolcmp Attention, Farmers! Just received a carload of new model . Vf - tlTCHFIELD MANURE SPREADERS These machines have all the latest improvements Alemite equipped, spring mounted front axle. light draft and capacity. Ee «!• Wmme m Graysft&e, Xfl. KNEWmOEWASSVCHAN easy way Of Owning tour home. We had lived in rented houses for several years. But my wife wanted a place of her own. So she finally went to the McHenry Lumber Company for information. They showed her that we could build just as cheaply as we were renting; and that if we had used the money in building a home which we had put into rent, we'd have it paid for by now! That settled It. The McHenry Lumber Company furnished* the materials, helped us plan the house and gave us the squarest service any one could ask for. r Now, if we should ever want to leave town, we have a valuable property to rent or sell which will bring us much more than we'd get oot of a bunch of rent receipts! OiJi flPafiout BUILDING YOUR HOME l\/f r TJENRY LuM^R PA XT JL W JL JL Quality and Service First e West McHenry NASH ---- Leads tk* World in Motor Car Vtdm Buy Your Nash Now! JOHNSBURG 'N iV Prices Reduced! mm: r: Effective Feb. 1st George A. Stilling Garage *• McHrnj, nitoili k . v • & Mrs. John Pitzen boarded the train to1 Chicago Monday, where she spent the week with Mr. and Mrs. Schoewer. Mrs. Christina Brefeld of Chicago visited with Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Hettermann and Mrs. Catherine Toil* yan a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Dietz and dauglt* ter, Kathryn, and Mrs. Christina Brefeld and son, Carl, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hettermann Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schmitt visited with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Italen Sunday: The Jolly Eight club met at the home of Mrs. S. H. Smith Sunday evening. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Joe B. Hettermann, first; Mrs. Jqe King, second; Mrs. Frank Kempfer, third, and Mrs. Joe Michels, consolation. A delicious luncheon was served. Miss Elizabeth Kempfer of Chicago visited with her parents Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lay and Mr. and Mrs. John Lay of Spring Grove visited with Mrs. Catherine Schmitt recently. Mrs. Margaret Freund and Mrs. Joe Michels visited- with friends in McHenry a few days last week. Mr. Rudy and Edward Daumer visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hettermann Sunday. Miss Frances Hiller visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hiller on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Justen of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Russel Gibbs of Ringwood visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Miller Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Math Laures of McHenry and Mrs. Elizabeth Laures visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hettermann Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stoffel of Volo visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Schaefer and Mr. and Mrs. John Pitzen Sunday. Math Schaefer of Chicago visited with relatives a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. M. Freund Sunday. Miss Catherine Frett visited with Ford Jackson a few days last week. Kiss Florence Smith visited with her sister at Woodstock a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith and Mrs. Joe Hettermann visited with Mr. and Mrs. A1 Pepping recently. Mil and Mrs. Joe Michels from Harvard visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Michels Sunday. Mrs. Peter Smith and son, Bill, visited with Mrs. Mary Tonyan San day- „ S. H. Smith boarded the train to Chicago Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pitsen of McHenry visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schaefer Sunday. d^ew^eatures The Coach Reduced Prices! The COACH *495 •595 •675 •665 The Touring or Roadater The Coup* The 4-Door Sedan The Sport Cabriolet The Imperial $*J 1 C landau ' XJ Utility Track llOC Light Delivery #375 ( Cfuutfe Only) AURRIEAATO.K.VU^, Michigan TWT that set a new standard in automobile value (or years* Chevrolet has pioneered into the low-price fidd the features of advanced lit sign found on ths wot Id's finetf automobiles. And never has this progressive policy been better exempli* fied tKar> in the Bigger and Better Chevrolet--with to marvelous new Fisher bodies, its numerous notable ns> chanical advancements, and its thrilling new performance. Only a close personal inspection can convey any adequate Impression of the quality and value provided in this icnea tiorval new car. In beauty, in comfort and in performance it climaxes every previous achievement in the development of luxurious transportation at low coat! Come in today and go for a demonstration* It will take yon less than half an hour to learn why the Bigger and Better ( Chevrolet, with its many new features, is everywhere hailed as the world's outstanding motor car vatasel Hettermann Motor Sales Phone 191 , .West MaJUfptnr Q U A L I T Y A _ T > J L O . C O S»T

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