^ T ... *s"^>? -N > « ( s®#?-SeS&W'W®^' kao; THURSDAY, FEB. 23, 1928 JOHNSBURG •wsf i Rayon Underwear "Lustex" rayon underwear is carefully made, properly sized and correctly proportioned and > runs true to sixes. Colors, flesh, peach, nile, Lace Trim Chemist Tailored Chemise Step In Bloomer $1.00 each Rayon Bandeau, 50c Why be satisfied with less than Buick when Buick is priced so low You can buy a Buick dosed car for as little as $1195, f.o.b. factory. In fact, you can have your choice of three popular Buick models at this low price- Sedan, Coupe or Sport Roadster. These cars offer everything that is Buick-- The princely luxury and beauty of lowswung bodies by Fisher. The supreme riding comfort of Buick cantilever springs, Lovejoy hydraulic shock absorbers, and form-fitting tailored seats. The brilliant performance of the famous Buick six-cylinder Valve-in-Head engine. Come in! Let us put a Buick at your disposal ' ;' for a triaL 0DANS $1195 to $1999 ' COUPES $1195 to $1830 SPORT MODELS $1195 to $1525 » i. Flint, Mich., fftrnment lax la bt addtd. Tbt G. M. A. Cm JutMmc*plan, tot molt (Uiirablt, it avaimmU. Mr. and Mrs. Pgter W«jner children of Volo visited With Mr, Mrs. William Althoff Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Althoff and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Althoff recently. Mrs. Elizabeth Tonyan And children visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Althoff Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Oeffling and son, Lloyd, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Michels and Mr. and Mrs. George Michels Monday. The Jolly Eight club was entertained by Mrs. Frank Kempfer Sunday. Prizes won by playing five hundred were: h/frs. Joe Hettermann, first, Mrs. Henry W. Hettermann, second and Mrs. Joe Michels, third. Misses Martha Hettermann and Helen Sehaefer visited at the home of Miss Helen Smith Sunday. v Miss Helen Sehaefer was surprised on her birthday Sunday evening. The many young folks present were entertained -with music and various games. Mr. and Mrs. George Obenaui visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Sehaefer one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Lay Sunday. Mrs. Steven H. Smith entertained the Afternoon club Tuesday. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. John Hiller, Wauconda were callers at Libertyvilfe Saturday. George Rosalein called at the horn* his parents on the Flats Sunday. Mr. apd Mrs. Ray Dowell and daughter, Dorothy, spent last Wednesday evening at the home of.Mf. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell at* tended the State fanners' institute aft Waukegan last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Anderson and family of Algonquin were entertained at the Blomgrem home last Sunday. Ted Morey of Waukesha and Dav* Williams of Lake Forest were callem at the W. E. Brooks home one day last week. Miss Gertrude ifiiwr of McHenry was a Sunday visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Page Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lusk of Wauconda spent Monday at the Blom* gren home. Leon Larabee and mother, Mrs. dj Larabee, of Bristol, Wis., spent last Thursday at the W. E. Brooks home! Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith of Elgil spent Sunday at the home of thi former's parents. , Chesney Brooks was a business caller at Barrington last Tuesday. Miss Myrtle Darrell of Crystal Laki spent the week-end with home folks.- Mrs. Ollie Grantham spent last Frv day and Saturday at the home of hef first; Mrs. Margaret Freund, second daughter at Waukegan and Mrs. John M. Pitzen, third. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Adams and son and Mr. and Mrs. Steve King and son, Eugene, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Adams Wednesday evening. Mrs. Roy Horick of, Woodstock visit. -Chesney Brooks attended the Amer-" ican Forester association convention at St. Louis from last Thursday until Sunday night. He reports an interesting meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Grantham at» ed with Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Sehaefer i tended a meeting of their Euchre club Wednesday. ' j entertained at •the home of Mr. and Miss Mildred Miller visited with j John Brown, Monday evening. J Willard Darrell and Harry Mat- Baby Chicks Need j - Cod Liver Oil and Meal! /rr Miss Alvina Schoemaker Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sehaefer and children visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mertes Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. Hettermann, Mrs. Elizabeth Laures, Mrs. John Knox motored to Chlsta Lake Sunday, where they visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Lan^ruin. thews attended the District meeting of the Life & Casualty Co., of Chicago at West McHenry, Monday afternoon* Mrs. Harry Matthews and soni- Robert, Mrs. F. B. Carr, Mrs. Sigricl Blomgren and Mrs. E. Anderson at* tended the meeting and supper at th<f home of Mrs. George Lundgren at $ 1195 F.O.B. FACTORY" Overton & Cowen Buick Dealers •t McHenry, Hi--Harvard, DL--Crystal Lake, 111. Miss Frances Hiller visited with her Wauconda last Thursday for the beneparents Monday. ' • j Indies Auxiliary of the Albert -Smith motored to Chicago ; Federated church. Monday. • Willard Darrell and Harry Mat- Mrs. Joe Hettermann and Mrs. Joejf1^5 attended the state farmers' in* Smith boarded the^train to Chicago ( st,tute at Waukegan last Wednesday. Wednesday. " The dance sponsored by members of j RINGW00D St. John's parish Monday was a huge: -j ~ success. * J Mts. Chauncey Jepson visited a few Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weingart and days this week in Waukegan. children visited with Mr. and Mrs. Math Youngen Sunday. Miss Elizabeth Kempfer with her parents Sunday. visited 8L0CUM S LAKE Harry Matthews was a business caller at Lake Zurich Saturday. Mrs. Wayne Bacon and son, Donald, were callers at Volo last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell visited at the home of the latter's parents last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Schaffer and son, Stanley, of McHenry were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Nellis of McHenry are now occupying the house of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Burnett. Mr! and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of CrystaF Lake spent bunday with relatives at Oak Glen farm. Mrs. Jennie Eatinger and family and Mrs. Mary Dowell were Sunday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell. Willard Darrell and E. H. Prior of M V ,styled in the newest and finest mode -to meet every possible need 59 Alluring Color Combinations with the new NASH deep-luster finish-to meet every possible taste Bearing Performance to lend NASH greater luxury to your motoring New Reduced Prices EFFECTIVE FEB. 15* George A. Stilling Garage 11 McHenry, Illinois Kenneth Cristy, Qhaunay Jepson, J. C. Ladd and Clinton Martin attended a farmers meeting at Waukegan Wedensday. . Dr. and Mrs. Hepburn spent Sunday and Monday in Monroe, Wis. Miss Wynne Kelley visited in McHenry one day this week. C. W. Harrison and Earl Whiting attended an Elks meeting in Elgin on Saturday evening. Misses Nellie McDonald and Cora Beth spent Sunday and Monday in. Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. John Freund of Spring Grove spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young. Mr. and Mrs. William Merwin and' family of. Waukegan visited in the P. E. Fay home one day this week. Social Affairs Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard very pleasantly entertained the Five Hundred club at their home last Tuesday evening. There were five tables of five hundred in play and first prizes went to Mrs. B. T. Butler and Gust Carlson and the consolations to Mrs. Gust Carlson and George Shepard. The members of the Jolly Sixteen Bunco club and a few neighbors surprised Miss Adele Young at her home; Tuesday afternoon in honor of her birthday anniversary. Five tables of bunco were played and the first prize was won by Miss Adele Young, second by Mrs. Elmer Olson, third by Mrs. Viola Lowe and the consolation by Mrs. Nick Young. The ladies presented Miss Young with a breakfast let. Mrs. Emma Merchant served a special chicken dinner Thursday in honor of the birthday anniversaries of Miss Delia Young and Messrs. Joe Campinella, Lyle Hopper, Steve Lucas •nd Dave Hodges. The dinner was an excellent one and among other goodies were two huge birthday cakes. Twenty-three persons were served on this occasion. Mrs. Merchant has been serving special dipners on Thursdays and her home is getting to be a very popular place on these days. • Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Hughes entertained a few friends Saturday eventeg. Bridge was played and the prizes Went to Miss Marjorie Whiting and W. C. Whiting. Their guests were: Miss Marjorie Whiting, Mrs. Ellen Whiting, W. C. Whiting and Messrs. and Mesdames Jay Cristy, Kenneth Cristy, Henry ML Stephenson and E. E. Whiting. A company of friends surprised Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet at their home Saturday evening the occasion being Mr. and Mrs. Peet's twenty-fifth wedding, Anniversary. A gift of silverware waS presented to Mr. and Mrs. Peet. * School Notes The children enjoyed m Valentine |>o* Tuesday. Mary Aline Adams, Kenneth Noble and Clarence Tonyan celebrated theit birthdays by treating the pupils ot the primary room to cake and candy* Miss Harrison and Mr. Schlicken* fneyer attended a teachers' meeting at McHenry Thursday. ^ Primary honor roll. The following Were neither absent nor tardy for the past month: Sylvia Freund, Clarenc# Tonyan, Floyd Freund, June Walker, •Noreen Krohn, Stanley Young, Mary Celine Adams and Richard Kelley. Upper grades honor roll: Ellen [Smith, Paul Walkington, Mercedes Smith, Jessie Schroeder, Helen Harris son, Vivian Whiting, Darlene Merchant, George Thompson, Donald Adams^ Lyle Franzen, Helen Whiting, Jamef Lawrence, Cecil Rager, Delbert Whit* <ng, Frances Harrison, Alice Peet, (rm> % ^Leonard Brown, Edmund Whiting. The Ringwood Ladies' Aid society Vi^will serve a dinner at noon on Wed* tiesday, Feb. 29. The menu consist* of roast beef, baked beans, brown bread, pie and other goodies. Oottt out and bring your friends. Quaker Ful-O-Pep Chick Starter ^doos the work" because it's just the iffjght combination of the tilings baby $hieks should have--and nothing eMb/ v 4. base of pure, soft oatmeal ^ > j. . ^itamin-laden cod liver oil.. fresh cod Jlver meal.. valuable minerals ... and now, molasses! These are ingredients every poultry owner should Snow jlbout. ^ tfhink of this: Oatmeal is more digestible (9G% available) than any other grain product. It is soft and nonijrritating. It just fits a baby chick's finder digestive tract. • ^ The cod liver oil in Quaker Ful-O-Pep Chick Starter is the finest oil to be had. It works like sunshine, helps prevent rickets, leg weakness, toe-picking, and kindred ailments.. It helps build large, strong bones. Cod Liver Meal, in just the right pro-^ portion, adds to the efficiency of every other ingredient in Ful-O-Pep Chick Starter. It sends nourishment"right to the spot." And now The Quaker Oats Company announces another important ingredient for this €aM^io«#£ good fee$L ^ --molasses! Test 8 over r a period of years have >; proved the value of molasses in poultry feeding. It is rich in vitamin B. It contains potash. Being slightly laxative it relieves constipation. In Quaker Ful-O-Pep Chick Starter, it is of exceptional value in preventing' coccidiosis. Quaker Ful-G-Pep Chick Starter remains a dry mash, pleasant to handle and easy to feed. By an exclusive process the molasses is combined with the other ingredients so that the texture of the feed remains fine ^nd dry. . Us^this good ration this year. You'll " get early birds for market. The pul- ' lets you keep will be the finest you've ever had. It's easy, and economical, to feed Quaker Ful-O-Pep Chick Starter. You can raise more birds with no more labor. Call at our office and we will explain more about the merits of this feed. Quaker FUL-O-PEP Chick Starter For Sale by McHenry Co. Farmers Co-Op. Ass'n Phone 29 ........West McHenry ^ Sensational JHchievemeki in Beauty and Performance Reduced Prices! The COACH '585 nisi"*. .'495 ibc^. . .*595 . .*675 star.. .'665 Ut(tOUurru T*<ra cOkm jy.) $^.QC "feSS.'oV) *375 ARlUl pttr.i cMMlc hJ*wr 23l Ii nngcl nanddt tihn. i ti Offering marvelous new bodies by Fisher, styled with all the artistry and originality for which the risher name is famous . . . and providing all the brilliant performance advantages of an improved •alve-in-head motor--the Bigger and Better Chevrolet is hailed throughout America as a sensational achievement in beauty and performance! Eveir model in the Chevrolet line is worthy of detailed comparison with cars costing hundreds of dollars more--not only in brilliance of execution but in richness and completeness of aDoaint. mentas well. r - . - But not until TOU take the wheel amf drive do vod get the full significance of this latest Chevrolet achievement. Only then can you know the thrilling results of the most remarkable chassis advancements that Chevrolet has ever announced! You owe it to yourself to come in and learn the details ot tnis sensational new car. Com^ia today! Hettermann Motor Sides Phone 191 West McHenry Q XJ A L I T f5 AT L O W C O S.T