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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Mar 1928, p. 4

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A. H. KOSHER, Editor aad m'mm •atf. Jg'jQUEENY BILL IS ^ mr SENT TO COMMITTEE P»|r rtiTr*r Bill Is Discussed At Mwting of the Board of Super* visors Tuesday The James McQueeny detective bill wldch hao been up before the board of supervisors since shortly after the disappearance of former State's Attorney A. H. Pouse was referred back to the special committee appointed by Chairman John Conley, together with state's Attorney V. S. bum ley. to investigate further the claim of the Chicago detective. •flits action was taken at the regular meeting of the board of supervisors Tuesday afternoon, after Mr. McQueenv had requested that a vote be taken on his bill so he could learn what attitude the board had toward bis claim. The subject of the McQueeny bill brought forth some fireworks. John Harrison, Greenwood supervisor and chairman of the special committee appointed to investigate the Mil, clashed with McQueeny over the much talked of claim. • Aerases McQueeny Harrison charged McQueeny of falsely accusing the committee, through a letter published over his same in the Daily Sentinel and of shielding certain people in the county. McQueeny replied to this statement that be had never accused Mr. Harrison personally or members of his committee and that the letter he had published in the Sentinel did not contain such accusations. Harrison •aid he could produce the paper and McQueeny told him to go ahead and do so. Harrison said that McQueeny did not live up to what he said he would do and he never produced an itemised Statement of his work, therefore the committee failed to act on his bill. He also stated that if McQueeny produced! an itemnized statement of his work the committee would gladly take action. McQueeny said he did present an Itemized statement and he alsb had more information of value to the state's attorney. Will >ot Bargain To the statement of McQueeny that lie had more valuable information for the state's attorney, State's Attorney V. S. Lumley stated that if McQueeny would present what evidence he had on violations of the liquor law in the county he would immediately start lavestipations, but that he would not bargain with McQueeny inK*advance {Qr evidence that might be brought the court. . Mr. Lumley stated that if McQueeny would present his bill and1 evidence before the committee he was sure that the matter could be straightened out tO satisfy everybody. The matter took up considerable time and much was said Tuesday that was said before when the bill was first brought up. It would seem that from the attitude of the committee and Mr. Lumley if McQueeny presents his bill and evidence his claim will be settled. . McQueeny stated that after receiving word from Chairman Harrison, that his services were not needed by the county he learned that a detective had* been hired several weeks before to Investigate his own record. Mc-- Qneeny said he thought this was unfair. Harrison replied that neither he nor members of his committee had anything to do with such action and that he knew nothing about the detective being hired to investigate McQueeny. Hired By Pouse McQueeny is the head of the Mc Oueeny detective agency that operated fn McHenry county last year and un covered information that led to informations being filed against a large number of people in McHenry county. McQueeny says that he was hired by former State's Attorney A. H. Pouse. y McQueeny is anxious to get the matcleaned up, but he is not anxious io give out anymore information until Ite gets paid for what he hns already inrned in. This was learned from McQueeny following the meeting Tuesday. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR CIRCUIT I hereby announce wkj csriMwy for the office of Circuit Clerk of McHenry county, subject to the decision of the Republican voters of this coonty at the primary to be held April 10, 1928, and respectfully solicit vols and support. LESTER GRtFVIIIOL FOR ASSESSOR I desire to announce that I will be a candidate for the office of assessor of McHenry township, at the regular election on Tuesday, April 3. Your souwt at the polls is hereby solicited. JOE N. SCHMItT. FOR CIRCUIT CLERK Harvard, 111., Feb. 9, 1928. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Circuit Clerk of Mc- • CLASSIFIED AEVERTTSEMENTS /St USX THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOE QUICK RESULTS MM SALE WANTS THIS ONE? US3 TOURING CAM 313* WILL SELL HIGH GRADE WALNUT PIANO--very reasonable. Good reason for selling. Cash or terms to reliable party. W. J. Reddersdorf, Jr., 60 So. Williams St., Crystal Lake, HI., Phone 100.J. 39-3 H twsb^ be here long. First ilrfaWSt- SALR--Two registered bull ed party wul drive it away. A food cajveSj j,igh grade stock, one seven btqr for ratae mopey. months old, one two weeks old. Ad- M'HJSNKY AUTO fiAMS dress, Birchmont Farm, Ingleside, 111. Riverside Drive Tel. McHenry 632-J-l. 87-tf DAIRY COWS FOR SALE--We can FOX RIVER CHICKS supply you most any time with any Get onr special early order offer number of cows, fresh and clo*eap hundred chix, if your order springers. Also two good HoUtein is in j^^j, 16th Fox River stock bulls on hand. Kvidera Bros., chjekg are gx>od layers and big pay- Cary, 111. Phone 37-J. 41 How about a good Henry County, Illinois, subject to the j fr SALE--The W. E. Smith home in ^ee us about brooder Newton action of the Republican voters of said j Ringwood; eight rooms, all hardwood brooder, the best brooder made. Ad- County at the primary to be held onj fin;ahed, tile porch, kitchen, bath and dreBS FoxKiver Tuesday, April 10, 1928. lavatory. Terms reasonable, Tel. c»rcular- Phone 1B87- 68 S- Grove I will appreciate the vote and support of the" electors of McHenry County. WILL T. CONN. Richmond 686. Mrs. H. C. Hughes. Ave., Elgin, 111. 37-4 FOR ROAD COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself as a I and will be sold very candidate for road commissioner, Mc- j Carey Electric Shop. Henry township, subpect to the will of 41-2 FOR SALE -- Seven-room modern FOR SALE--One Thor wuhor and houlw one Eden washer; .1.0 two vaeuron ta order to mttl. Mtate. sweepers; all fiAt clan condition <* M»th M Btak«- reasonable. 41 FOR SALE--One team of geldings, 8 and 10 years old, wt. 2,600 lbs. On the voters at the election to be held FOR SALE or RENT modern cottage petCT F. Freund farm, 1% miles on Fox River; furnished, Call Rich- northeast of Johnsburg. 36-tf mond 685. H. C. Hughes. 41-2 on Tuesday, April 3, 1928. JOHN BOYLE. FOR CIRCUIT CLERK I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of circuit clerk of McHenry county, subject to the decision of the I SELL FARMS, I sell lakes and rivers. Dan Quinlan, Woodstock, 111 FOR RENT 40-tf FOR KENT -- Three-room 'modern summer cottage, near Fox River. boat, Reasonable. Inquire' Plaindealer of- 40-tf FOR SALE--16-ft V-bottom voters at the Republican primaries on j wjth Elto outboard motor, canvas fice, April 10, 1928. Your vote and support cover, seat cushions, etc. New last -- will be appreciated. | summer. Call 170 Or inquire at the J„°?T ^1NT7'Fa™' 12° WILLIAM R. CAIRNS. I Plaindealer office. " tf Detrick. McHenry, 111. See Phone 613-W-l, West 39-tf FOR ROAD COMMISSIONER 'FOR SALE--Woodstock typewriter, I will be a candidate for the office | like new. $60 for quick sale. Phone of Road Commissioner of McHenry : 170. tf township, subject to the will of the I 1 - voters at the election on Tuesday, J DEPENDABLE USED CARS ON April 3, 1928. Your support at the i HAND WANTED WANTED TO RENT--Modern furnished apartment or house by April 1. Call McHenry Plaindealer. 41* polls is hereby solicited and will be 1927 Ford Coupe $225 greatly appreciated. 51924 Tudor Sedan 95 ^ JOS. J. (BUTCH) FREUNP. i Dodge Business Sedan. 645 River Vall State Bank 1924 Dodge Touring ...1 150 WANTED TO RENT--Modern house in McHenry. Call V. H. Thiel, Fox 40-tf FOR GENERAL ASSEMBLY 1926 Nash Coach I am a candidate for the Democratic j 1927 Chevrolet Dump Truck nomination for representative in the General Assembly and respectfully solict the support of the voters at the primaries on April 10. THOS. A. BOLGER. /ft'ELMO SCOTT WATSON i£ 825 WANTED--Beef, Calf and Horse 675 Hides. Also all kinds of Rags, Paper, International 1-ton truck 585 Magazines, Iron and Metal. Sam Easy Payment Plan Hirschman.' Phone McHenry 173. We have a complete line of trucks 81-tf. in % ton and 1% ton in closed or -t-,: 01)611 jaj«esmorrow & son, MISCELLANEOUS Phone 186 West McHenry, Ilk M.HENRY LAUNDRY open for busi- FOR SALE-A real bargain. Beautiful n^f8- 1 stalled some new ma 7-room house; bath, toilet, etc. Lot chl"ery' which enables us to give our is 66x132 ft. and faces on McHenry C"stome,L*br Park. For quick sale, $4,760. Kent Adams, Prop & Co. customers absolute satisfaction. L. V. Phone 189. 40-4 Phone 8. 89-2 ORIENTAL GAS--I have taken over ^ . _ T~ the Oriental gas and oil truck former- : raafss M /^RDLNARFLY you wouldn't expect McHenry, 111. 39-tf Qajj jqq.r 41-2* a man with the prosaic and sober j ' name of Hiram to be a "pirate bold," i BARGAIN FOR YOUNG COUPLE#-- DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash but Capt. Hiram Breakes, the son ! Cost $3,000 four months ago. Will prices for dead animals. Telephone of a weiUo-do Dutch councillor of the i take $550 for all or will separate. Merrick's, Dundee 810-J-l. Reverse island of Saba in the West Indies, was ! Beautiful furniture of 4-room apart- charges. Prompt service. 41-4 not only a pirate but a bloodthirsty ment. 3 pc. silk mohair parlor suite, ; ; : :- *and desperate scoundrel. , hand carved frame; 8 pc. walnut din- ROOFING--The time will soon be In the year 1764 Hiram--described ' ing room set; 2 9x12 Wilton rugs; 4 J|ere to put that new roof on your as a handsome, well-built youth of! pc. walnut bedroom set, complete with "ouse> barn or garage. Roofs of all nineteen--was placed In command of j spring and mattress; library table; descriptions. All work guaranteed, a ship plying between Saba and 5 pc. breakfast set; lamps; chest of me £'Ve y°u an estimate. G. P. Amsterdam. In Amsterdam he fell In j silverware. Must "be seen "to be ap- Newman. Phone 89-W. 40-tf love with a Mrs. Snyde and, although 1 predated. Will arrange for delivery plan YOUR OUTING THIS YEAR he and his lady love conspired tomur- | 832 Leland Ave., near Sheridan Rd., _in the Heart of the Colorado Rock_ der her husband and succeeded , In do j Chicago, ni., phone Sunnyside 6190. ies A home-site in Red Feather Lake ing so, they were acquitted of the 139-6. Resort makes this possible. Write or for tfca ngular monthly Doherty, Frisby, Howard, KreUtaer, Overton and Thennes. ^ The minutes of the regular ' adjourned meetings were read and approved. Motion by Overton, seronrtod by Doherty, that the treasurer's report be accepted as read. Mbtion carried. Motion by Thennes, seconded by Kreutzer, that the collector's report be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Kreutzer, seconded by Howard, that the clerk's report be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Kreutzer, that the following bills be paid: Public Service Co., lamps........! 120 Public Service Co., traffic . lights 748 Public Service Co., power for sewer lift 8&S8 Public Service Co., power for electric ptunp ........ Public Service Co., street lights 122.81 Public Service Co., street lights 106.10 Public Service Co., traffic lights L. M. Hanes, Victor adding machine John Pfannenstill, damping rubbish Gib Howard, fumigating Louis Althoff, pick bar Wm. H. Althoff, floor brash, etc Overton A Cowen, gas John F. Brda, turpentine Public Service Co Public Service Co ........ Peter W. Frett, mayor . services, 3 mos. to Feb. 1 Peter J. Doherty, alderman services, 3 mos Robert Frisby, alderman services, 3 mos. Ray Howard, alderman services, 3 mos R. I. Overton, alderman services, 3 mos John Thennes, alderman services, 3 mos ...: R. F. Conway, clerk services for 3 mos., to Feb. 1 111. Bell Tel. Co., calls 6.00 Kent & Co.,. insurance policy on fire truck 46.60 Lester Adams, labor on waterworks i&oo Carey Electric Shop, labor and material 12.45 Overton & Cowen, supplies, grease, etc 1.30 John Malch, labor on streets 80.00 John Walsh, marshal services 116.00 John Walsh, services on sewer lift 15,00 L. J. Stoffel Garage, fan belt and gas 624 Wattles Drug Store, formaldehyde .23.96 Yoeman Bros. Co., labor on waterworks and sewer 206.22 Motion by Doherty, seconded by Frisby, that William Buchert be given permission to erect a gasdline filling station and garage at the corner of John and Front streets, according to plans submitted. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Frisby, to adjmirn. Motion carried ' PETER W. FRETT, Mayor. £ R. P. CONWAY, Clerk. £00 62.00 100.00 20.00 1.00 4*0 ' Jo .75 11.62 .18 20.00 20.00 16.00 6.00 20.00 20.00 30.00 BIRTHS /T" Mr. and Mrs. William Doherty welcomed a little son to their home on the Crystal Lake road on Thursday, March 1. .... - Took Fancy of FrentBt Poor Richard's Almanack was translated into French during Frankllnli lifetime. It was trnnslated three times and went through many editions. It was recommended by priests and bishops for common rise tn thefr parishes and dioceses. £ number of new patterns in flowered crepe lis well as new shades of plain colofp. New Silk Voiles, beet shades. We have ilancty selection of Cortioelli Silk for Scarfs or Underwear. Also real Hosiery to matd|% " ' i"- . Smith Bros. t'MsS ite Store" i. v You needn't think your suit is* Because you got it very soiled. --Mr. Before and After. We often take as much as a half pound of dirt out of a suit that looks innocent of such guilt. "Spotless Gleaning -- Permanent Dyeing-- Tailored Pressing" - Mrs. Anna Howard GLEANING, PRESSING and REPAIRING PHONE 143-W Located over Bolger's Drug Store Save Money on your vacuum cleaner 50 Was $52.50 crime at the trial Then Hiram decided to go a-plratlng. He stole his employer's ship and cargo, renamed FOR SALE--A quantity of early ]~one Wynkoop' 284"R' W®odiJ^cJ, Yellow Dent seed corn, 98 per cent the vessel the Adventure and set forth, j germination. $4.00 per bu., order now. John Blake, R-3, McHenry. Tel. 1636-J-2. . 39-3* His' first exploit was to sail into Vigo harbor In full view of the torts sruarding It. seize a ship, the Acapulco. , Just in from Valparaiso and make off j FOR SALE--The O'Malley Block Bungalow near Spencer's Mill, West McHenry. Ben Stilling A Son. 39-tf. TYPEWRITERS Sales and Service. Repaired and Rentals. Prompt attention to phone calls. Cement pfj0ne 649. L. KILTZ, Woodstock Officially "High SeaJ> A Supreme c -urt d-cMnn of 1896 defclded ihnt the flre.-r LaRos come within the mennlpg of the "high ,|»as,M »«wirfllne to jm queStt< m in T«'V> -t" • with her. The captain and crew were murdered and from the Chilean ship the pirate took 200,000 small bars of eold. Then Breakes took over the Acapulco for his own and sailed Into the Mediterranean. At Gibraltar he '•ailed upon the governor and "for a consideration" was granted a commission as a British privateer. Under this semiofficial license to plunder he preyed upon all shipping in the Mediterranean. British as well as others. A strange paradox -- this Oapt Hiram Breakes--for one historian re- 1924 Star Touring •ords the fact that "he was one of 1927 Reo Brougham, Flying rhe religious variety of pirate, for i Cloud after six days of robbing and throat- j 1924 Nash Truck fitting he would order his crew to j 1927 pontiac Coupe^ ••lean themselves on the Sabbath and 49-tf McHENRY - WAUCONDA MOTOR EXPRESS--We handle express to and HIGH VALUES AT LOW PRICES fromx Chicago. Chicago freight de- Not cheap cars but sold at a cheap Partment, 411 W. Superior St. Phone figure. Here are some of the most McHenry 213-W. 82-tf exceptional buys in the used car mar- tune--and keep your piano tunea. ket. Look them over, let us demon- funinpr makes your piano a musical strate and we are satisfied that a sale instrument. Phone 274-J or write J. will result. H. Deihl, Woodstock, 111. 27-tf Read These Prices -- -- 1926 Chevrolet Coupe --J250 HARNESS REPAIRING AND UPr 185 HOLSTERING--by Robt. Patzke. Phone 99-M, West McHenry, 111., ...1300 corner Third and Main streets. 26-tf „. 195 ... 450 TAKE YOUR Sewing Machine troubl World's Call for Men The world wants the kind of men c !Who do -not shrink hack from the temporary defeats in life, but It wants men who come again end wrestle trl- OP- Ti fmm d"f'»nt.--'Uoose- • • K?1- 1 All Wheat Breakfast all grocers rather on the quarter-deck. There be ' would read prayers to them and would often preach a sermon after the Lutheran style, thus fortifying the brave fellows for another week of toll and bloodshed." Breakes reached the full measure of hl^ Infamy while sailing near the Balearic Islands. On the coast of Minorca he saw a nunnery and proposed to his men that they should each <ret a wife apiece They gladly agreed and the diabolical plan was carried out. After this affair, Breakes dtcided to retire from piracy. He returned to Amsterdam to claim Mr*. Snyde, only to find that she had been hanged for poisoning their little son. With the career of his partner In crime ended. Captain Breakes fell a victim to melancholy and Anally In a fit of madness threw himself Into a canal and was drowned. "He cheated the gallows but, as was the case with most of his kind, death won at last - (A l»M. Waatarn N«wip»p«i Wo*.) 1925 Star Sedan 275 to B. Popp. West Mcllen; y. .Repair* M'HENRY AUTO SALES ing done on all makes. fluff an f Phone 8 Riverside Drive rag rug weaving. Phone 162. 18-tf t W4Hi Bill Ping on tbe?. Presidential Sjcce.iioa When a President dies and tse vice president becomes President the, secretary of state does not become vice president. The office of vice president Is vacant, and the president pro tempore of the senate presides over that body In the stead of the vice president. 1 Friendly Consideration , Trent your friends for whet yea know them to be.^ Regard do surfaces consider not wh*t »»«>r t>nt what they Inier"*-* - Qrigin of Beautiful HymHt One of the most beautiful of Christmas hymns, "Christians, Awake 8a- Inte the Happy Morn," was written In 1745, by Dr. John Byrom of Manchester, England, to please his daughter Dolly, to whom he had made a promise to write her "something tor Christmas." Royal Lament Osnst thou, O partial rteep, give thy repose to the wet sea-boy sn hour so rude, and in the calmest and most 1 stillest night, with all #pjdlftnces pod ^ means to boot. d*nv .if :#«i .a Shakespeare. . v. Reserve hi The energy wustet! +,Jt-~tHr;coiiragement wtnild make us su'<Vovftt1 If applied In the right "w:i". I,<»t 11s remember, too. that one coifj-gi-ons Idea persisted In will put a t'ron und fearf u l o n e s t o f l i g h t . -- f N . Herald. _ , < Movement for Tr rift fph#» Tnovot»»nnt •<•>' '• inception fn $»-rv*on Pj» . 1014 Thp first thrift weok ee|fb-aM'»n took plsre fn Prnrtf^rd. Ohto. following year Tb* national rhrlf» cor»ur>tttee was orimn'"""' 'n •»»» •trees Of T,J ' j Power Co Be Eio'ed In m.thine do men t 'nrly ap-. pro- »> th»» w*-* then *•« "ij'vlnf health to r ^ Stire of Thoroughly satiafae-5fe %ory building'materials, •f Tin»" deliveries, There Is > «>. ...- . . •; ii -:LSr •f^f- '• > : >3® i W* f'T , //' • And a whole-hearted. ; personal service which will <«ver just as much aa ^ you wish of practical assistance in building prob^ 1 nis. • • .!<• 'j % - Bill Ding help with y building. r-. s M.ttFNRY LUMBER fA i"«V- 'OU'LtT* AND SERVICE FlSST VVl Here is the finest--most reliable® and most durable Vacuum Cleaner on the market at any'price! And with a two-year guaranteef * The identical Hamilton Beach Vacuum Cleaner that sold up to Nov. 1, 1927, at $52.50, now sells at the amazing low price of $39.50. This great saving to you is made possible by a new sales plan that eliminates extravagant selling costs. The machine is the same. It has the same strong, silent motor -- same ball bearings so that the motor never need be oiled--same motor driven brush--the same beating action. Now you can have a motor driven brush cleaner at" the price of an ordinary straight suction :|j|eanerr^^2'"l:£ rmy&tiAR "y . GUARANTEE A two-year guarantee bond, signed by the Hamilton Beach Manufacturing Company, is furnished every purchaser. This written guarantee covers the entire mar chine--even the belt, brush and bag. . Suction Alone is Not Enough ^ ^ ? B&&tm€%ouscwives realized that suction atone w«h§ w»I enough for thorough cleaning, the motor-driven brush type cleaner was developed. Powerful suction raises the r> rug off the floor and to the nozzle. The motor-driven beating brush gently beats and vibrates the rug, freeing all embedded dirt. Sweeping brush action loosens thread, hair and lint. Powerful suction whisks everything into thfiibag. . Attachments Keduced to $6.00 / Its powerful suction makes the attachments tremen- ^feusly efficient. These simple, common-sense tools elean everything in the house; over-stuffed furniture, clothing, draperies, moulding, book-cases, pianos, radiators, and all sorts of hard-to-get-at places and cOrnej&k i;- •> • Carey Electric Shon Green Street * - > - ; •;i'-v: . . . . .z.i'k.** ,iT... ** *•"" •• ..w.'.

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