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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Mar 1928, p. 4

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*&* . - *• a *A * ,. -* V,./, .*% ./ . / .V k ' M'HENRY PLAINDEALKR, THURSDAY, MARCH 28, *'r*V-p-> .: - ^n1'?*:^; ; ' ^ *38$ 1 HE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER Published mwmy Thursday at XeHwiy, DL, by Charin F. Inieh. Entered u second-class matter at tfcs posfcAe* at McHenry. IIL, oa- ' .<0Mr , the act of May 8, 1879. §j£.•»!. ijiWn I H i mnin ni.^ i iinxm mm- - - SobMripttaa Rates MaManfMi KtiMif One Year ... »• ••»•»••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• >|2«W ttx Months . . 11.00 ft';' A. H. KOSHER, Editor aad Manager Ab airplane Dot only comes high hot 0»ee high. , -J, ' --"--• Hie pod auger has become as much fi-i \ 4Mk antique as the poke bonnet. ___________ It seems that the more famous a •Mia Is the more divorces he get* *vViA great many people who follow the * #iin»w pathway of life get that way. f - iFashlon note : Hen'ji plus-fours for ;>Jp28 still reach well below the knees. {Tacts are stubborn, bat statistics are more pliable.--Fort Wayne News- SentineL The difference between colleges and stions is that colleges sever relations I prevent trouble. w Wf" There's this to be said for the highly refrigerated theaters: The caragtels don't melt In your pocket If cod liver oil is a "substitute fbr annshine," as its promoters claim, then we prefer cloudy weather. "That's me all over," remarked the Jpkstard pie as it described a graceful across the movie comedy set .Young men a generation ago bad a let less pocket money, but, on the Other hand, all of them owned hats - Two million laws in the land! And $•£, you can keep them all Just by bereasonably decent--Buffalo News. An ocean flyer can be a world-reaowned hero and still rush home from France as soon as a pretty girl klsSIs M™- ft _ jfc- •» --«* I«B. Ponce de Leon, who wished never ti grow oltf, should have arranged tfi become a child character in the comic Every time an ovation is due New ftrk has to order a new supply of telephone directories to be torn up for confetti. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR CIRCUIT CLERK I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Circuit Clerk of Mc- Henry county, subject to the decision of the Republican voters of this county at the primary to be held April 10^ 1928, and respectfully solicit your vote and support. LESTER GRIFFING. "V, "* •" ' !• M CLASSIFIED _ AtVERTlSEMENTS USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS FOR SALE FOR ASSESSOR ^ ^ I desire to announce that I w1Tni« a candidate for the office of assessor of McHenry township, at the regular election on Tuesday, April 8. Your support at the pol!s is hereby solicited. JOE N. SCHMJTT. FOR CIRCUIT CLERK Harvard, III., Feb. 9, i&28.' I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Circuit Clerk of McHenry County, Illinois, subject to the action of the Republican voters of^aid County at the primary to be held on Tuesday, April 10, 1928. I will appreciate the vote and support of the electors of McHenry County. WILL T. CONN. WHO WANTS THIS ONE? 1924 NASH TWO-TON TRUCK New Tires Dual Drive DEPENDABLE USED CARS ON HAND Dodg«e %-ton Express Truck .$485 *2*24 1925 v Express Body and Cab Motor Fine Ttres Alone Worth $210 PRICE FOR QUICK SALE $178 Ford 1-ton Truck Dodge Business Sedan 1924 Dodge Touring . 1925 Chevrolet Coupe 1922 Studebaker Touring, California top 1925 Dodge Business Sedan .... If you can use this bargain, get your ®"^?.rn^|"onal Truck application m at once. It won't be here very long. M'HENRY AUTO SALES Phone 8 Riverside Drive 1927 200 825 160 260 150 525 385 Chevrolet Dump Truck 675 Easy Payment Plan We have a complete line of trucks in % ton and 1% ton ih dosed ox open body types. JAMES MORROW ft SON, Phone 186 West McHenry, III. FOR SALE--Four beehives, and 10 FOR SALE--10 bu. seed corn; 15 bu. supers, with full equipment of frames,, clover seed, test 99.93; Fordson trac- etc. Orchard Beach No. 20. 42-2* tor and plow; 2 good work horses; iron wheel wagon; fanning mill; cul- FOR SALES--Three brood sows, bred to farrow soon. Lewis McDonald. Phone 620-J-2. 42 FOR SALE--Seed oats. FOR ROAD COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself as a candidate for road commissioner, McHenry township, subpect to the will of: tivator; kerosene hover. Richmond, 111. Joe Kuhn, Juaten> Ring-wood, 111. William 42-2* FOR SALE -- 100 choice varieties Gladiolus bulbs. Price reasonable. ^ ^ H. M. Stephenson, Ringwood, 111. the voters at the election to be held; Ph°ne Richmond 682: 42-3 on Tuesday, April 3, 1928, 42 FOR SALE or RENT--The Lily Lake Inn, lunch and refreshment stand at Lily Lake, fronting on cement road. J. D. Lodtz, Phone Crystal Lake 127J. 42-tf JOHN BOYLE. USED TRACTORS AND MACHINERY One rebuilt 12-20 Twin City Tractor. One 12-24 Hart-Parr. FOR SALE -- Seven-room modern house on Green street Will sell reasonable in order to settle estate. Inquire of Math M. Blake. Tel. 607- W-l. 34tf FOR CIRCUIT CLERK I hereby announce my endidag lor j FordsoTRebuOt! the office of crcu.t clerk of McHenry Fordson Tractor Plow,. • FOR SALE-One team of geldta^ county, subject to the decision of the; an,rrr unttnm v » Tr0^. 0 , V T' voters at the Republican primaries onI TJ ?,an£ \° yla™ old« 2'500,lba* .?n April 10, 1928. Your vote and support! pu u0 "• Grmvm I alr« ill f *arm' ™ ® will be appreciated. j Phone 110 Grays Lake, 111, northeast of Johnsburg. 36-tf WILLIAM R. CAIRNS. 1 ~ ~ ~ FOR SALE -- Pure Dekalb Grass FOR ROAD COMMISSIONER Seed,' including Alfalfa, Sweet Clover, I will be a candidate for the office Red Clover, Timothy and Alsyke. q{ Road Commissioner of McHenry McHenry Co. Farmers Co-op. Assn. township, subject to the will of the Phone 29. 42-2 voters at the election on Tuesday, April 3, 1928. Your support at the FOR RENT FOR RENT--Farm, 120 acres. See M. H. Detrick. Phone 013-W-l, West McHenry, 111. 39-tf WANTED A sincere humanitarian Is one who flnds a wolf at the door and organizes +_iia campaign for the preservation af midlife. HIGH VALUES AT LOW PRICES . .. . . , ... . Not cheap cars but sold at a cheap -------- -- polls is hereby solicited and will be &gme Here are some of the mo/t WANTED TO RENT-Modem house gTea jOSPJ^C^UTCH) FREUND exceptional buys in the used car mar- 'n McHenry. Call V. H. Thiel, Fox War will have one less horror now ket. Look them over, let us demon- Riyer Valley State Bank, strate and we are satisfied that a sale will result. Read These Prices 40-tf h ' FOR GENERAL ASSEMBLY will result. ~ WANTED--Beef, Calf and Horse I am a candidate for the Democratic These Prices Hides. Also all kinds of Rags, Paper, omination for representative in the 1923 Buick Tourine* zood mechanical Ma&azi,,e8» Iron and Metal. Sam •at potat.^petlmg machines have General Assembly and respectfully condition- o-ood Prioo <7^ Hirschman. Phone McHenry 178. S™ ,ulict Ox MPBort of the voto. M U» «-«- Evening San. tprimarie. on Ap«J 10. | new tires; motor fine. Price $55. THOS. A. BOLGEK. 1927 Reo Flying Cloud Brougham; MISCELLANEOUS T _ ; like new. Price $1450. ----- FOR TOW > CLERK , 19g4 Business Sedan; very TRUCKING LIVESTOCK and POULgood shape. Price $268.27. TRY to and from Chicago. Coops for Ford Roadster; 4 good tires; motor poultry furnished on request. Call good. Price $12.50. Cary 52-J-l and reverse charges. M'HENRY AUTO SALES C w Smith, Cary, 111. 42-8* 8 Riverside Drive b spite of Mcarsgaa, eea# drin We are moving very gradually toward 4fce ideal of no more wan. We're tikes smaller. % II la a atanaing thoaght tkat eae «aa hny a mopie of hundred tbousaad matches for the list price of j Your support is solicited 'and will be, 2 desire to announce that I will he I a candidate for the office of town clerk of McHenry township subject to the will of the voters at the election to be held on Tuesday, April 3, 1928. g«M-plated lizfcter. WeM. history te faD of explorers at varioas time* weald have a right lez or something to mil top of a breadfruit tree. IPPiyiated. M'HENRY LAUNDRY open for busi- FR SALE--The W. E. Smith home in "««*• I have installed some new ma- CHAS. B. HARMSEN. Ringwood; eight rooms, all hardwood chinery, which enables us to give our finished, tile porch, kitchen, bath and customers absolute satisfaction. L. V. Annual Town Meeting and Election lavatory. Terms reasonable, Tel. Adams, Prop. Phone 189. 40-4 Notice is hereby given to the legal Richmond 685. Mrs. H. C. Hughes. rwii?xrrAi na r i. 7~Z-- voters, residents of the Township of ** « ORIENTAL "AS I have taken 'Commtmism in China Is giving the Jfeoseian promoters a chance to stand % tor a while and see how some of theories will work out A national convention of either of He major parties is an event that ^oesn't have to put on a bathing- Iteauty contest to draw the crowds. One of the most Important and least compensated public offices not provided for by the Constitution is Jke chairmanship of a national party ; •committee. McHenry, County of McHenry, 111. 41-2 the Oriental gas and oil truck formerto make deliveries. Call 109-R. Henry G. Weber. 41-2* DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices for dead animals. Telephone ^0*^ Merrick's, Dundee 810-J-l. Reverse charges. Prompt service. 41-4 The man in the bureau of Internal ttvenue who ruled that the person fbat pays the bills is the head of the Ihmlly has had a singularly fortunate domestic life. ^ i>$ London says the Chinese are - through with Russia, but no assur- *nee is given that Russia is through ' •1th the Chinese.--Memphis Comaoercial Appeal. A Columbia professor says that lbng legs are a sign of Intelligence. Assuredly, when used vigorously by • pedestrian at a busy traffic corner. St. Paul Pioneer Press. It is a waste of time to try to find a use for discarded razor blades. The great problem Is to find a safe place to put them until they disintegrate Into harmlessness. that the Annual Township Meeting FOR SALE or RENT modern cottage j ^T r j?m,»re,a(*y and Election of Officers will take on Fox River; furnished, Call Richplace Tuesday, the third day of April niond 685. H. C. Hughes. 41-2 ** TuMdai' ta;i sell FARMS, I sen Uk« .„d The election will be told ill the fol-1D*B <JoWmn' Woodrtock, 111 lowing places-: j 1st District--Woodman Hall, Ring- FOR SALE--16-ft. V-bottom boat, ^ wood, 111. With Elto outboard motor, canvas «°°FING--The time will soon be 2nd District--City Hall, McHenry, cover, seat cushions etc New last e to put that new r°o* on your ni- (summer. Call 170 or inquire at the *!OU8e.' barn or &ara&e " * ' " 3rd District--Colby Bldg., McHen-! Plaindealer office. tf ^e8Cr,Pt,on8 A" -- ry, 111. j ^ • T " The officers to be elected are as FOR SALE--Woodstock typewriter, follows: | like new. $50 for quick sale. Phone Roofs of all All work guaranteed Let me give you an estimate. G. P. Newman. Phone 89-W. 40-tf One Town Clerk, One Assessor, One ' 170. Commissioner of Highway. The Town Meeting will open in the | FOR SALE--Fordson tractor. Inquire City Hall, McHenry, 111., at the hour' M. H. Detrick, Phone 618-W-l, West PheTMI,54» of 2 o'clock, p. m., and after choosing McHenry, 111. 89-tf a Moderator will proceed to hear and TYPEWRITERS Sales and Service. Repaired and Rentals. Prompt attention to phone calls. L. KILTZ, Woodstock 49-tf consider reports of officers, to appro- BARGAIN FOR YOUNG COUPLE-- MrHPNRV wiiirvwn* u/vpnD priate money to defray the necessary , Cost $3,000 four months ago. Will EXPRESS--We handle express Kd hand carved frame; 8 pc. walnut din- Hop* to Find Bono* of Cenrdinal WoUmy Leicester abbey, where Cardinal Wol- •ey told the abbot he had "come to lay his bones," Is to undergo transformation. For many years the abbey grounds have been used as a farm, but now they are to he laid out as gardens and for recreation, Pierre Van Paassen, writing in the Atlantic Constitution, tells us. Wolsey'c body was laid in an unknown grave, and it is thought that in the excavations necessary to adapt the grounds to their new use, some trace of it may be found, but as there Is no record of any of the cardinal's possessions being buried with him the search seems likely to end In failure. One fact about Wolsey Is probably not widely known. When he was at the height of his power he employed an Italian sculptor to make a magnificent sarcophagus beneath which he should tie. Leicester monks laid him to rest In plain earth and Henry VIII sequestrated the sarcophagus with the rest of the cardinal's vast possessions. The sarcophagus remained government property and idle until 1806, when it was used to cover the body of Nelson after his remains were brought from Trafalgar. 'EJie man who said that England expected every man to do his duty, and led them in so doing, rests under the covering prepared for the man who was led away and ruined by overweening ambition* "• Didn't Have Nerve to " Cook the Little Pig A Cleveland housewife who was entertaining some very special friends from out of the city, wanted to have a dinner that would linger in their memory for some time to come. What could be nicer, she thought, than a roast suckling pig? Accordingly the little pig was sent home from the butcher's, unwrapped and laid on the kitchen table, where her small son caught sight of It and burst into tears. "Don't cook that dear Uttle plggle I" he wailed, disconsolately. His mother sent him from the kitchen and picked the pig up to carry it across the room. "In that moment," she reports, "my courage failed me. There was something so much like a little baby about that poor little pig that I set it down in a hurry. I realized then and there that I didn't have the nerve to cook it Like my son, I wiped the tears out of my eyes and put the 'dear little piggie' out of my mind forever. We had roast beef for dinner." Chinese Telegraphy The transmission and receipt of telegrams in China Is not so easy as in western countries, because the Chinese language lacks an alphabet and expresses Itself by characters and signs that represent words. In consequence, for purposes of telegraphing an exact list has been made of signs In quantity sufficient for ordinary correspondence, and to each one of the signs a different number is given which Is transmitted by the Morse telegraphic system. The code consists of 9,800 ciphers, the whole forming a pamphlet of 49 pages, each one of which contains 10 series of 20 characters with its corresponding number. On receipt of a telegram the operator looks up In his book the characters represented by the numbers transmitted by the apparatus and transcribes them into legible Chinese. Boldest of Birds is no bird perhaps a» lh- (ftiisitive, so familiar, so "cheeky" as the robin, and so it is not surprising that this bird should so often choose some discarded article of domestic use as a suitable receptacle, after sundry modifications, for its eggs and subsequent family. Next to the robin In point of boldness and familiarity with man comes the wren, but the pair who were so far self-possessed as to convert a scarecrow into a desirable residence were gifted with more than ordinary daring. Possibly they knew that the old coat was not hung there over the row of newlysown peas to scare away such respectable Individuals as themselves, or perhaps they did not recognize the apparition as what It was intended to represent meeting Polls will be open at 7 o'clock, a. m., | "»g room set; 2 9x12 Wilton rugs; 4 TUNE--and keep your piano tuned, and close at 5 o'clock, p. m. j PC. walnut bedroom set, complete with Tuning makes your piano a musical Given under my hand this 21st day I spring and mattress; library table; instrument. Phone 274-J or write J. of March, A. D. 1928. CHAS. B. HARMSEN, 42 Town Clerk. 27-tf It would be grand if when a fellow was down and out his creditors were forced to take neutral corners and iwait until he had again gotten on fcis feet--Louisville Times. Apostle?* Grave At 8t Paul, Ore., is the tomb of the venerated apostle of the West, Archbishop Francis N. Rlanchet. 5 pc. breakfast set; lamps; chest of H. Deihl, Woodstock, 111. silverware. Must be seen to be ap- 1 predated. Will arrange for delivery HARNESS REPAIRING AND UP- 832 Leland Ave., near Sheridan Rd., HOL^TERING--by Robt. Patzke. Chicago, 111., phone Sunnyaide 6190. Phone 99-M, West McHenry, III., 39-6. corner Third and Main streets. 26-tf We had thought the queer tHw ground the eaves on the northwest •corner of the house was wind. But it seems a soup-eating contest has been going on in Minnesota. the shadow of the great cross erected there he rests, in accordance with his dying wish--"Bury me at St Paul." His grave is marked by a cross several feet in height. FOR SALE---The 0*Malley Cement TAKE YOUR Sewing Machine trouble Under i Block Bungalow near Spencer's Mill, to B. Popp. West McHenry. Repair The old-fashioned girl could go down to the orchard and bring back • " »0 cents' worth of apples In her skirt, and so can the modern girl. Nowadays ypu only get five apples for 60 cents. A Parisian, Mine. Fella Lltvine, is making a collection of discarded hats of queens, princesses and famous iotn- ;«n. Maybe later on she will hold a rummage sale where they can buy them all back.' *• It is strunge, but trua, that some of the people who talk the loudest about international friendship are ^persons who have a lot of trouble In jgettlng along with Cbelr neighbors.-- |8ao Diego Union. , 11 Tiny Orchid At one of the fortnightly shows of the Royal Horticultural society In England, Sir Jeremiah Colman exhibited an orchid so small that it had to be exnmined under a powerful microscope. Many perfect blossoms could be seen on the specimen, which Is very rare. West McHenry. 39-tf. Ben Stilling & Son. ing done on all makes. Also fluff and rag rug weaving. Phone 162. 13-tf LEGISLATIVE VOTERS LEAGUE Should Have Been Tanned "Her smile was so lrresistable,** said The Legislative Voters League, qn anti-Small organization, makes a great play at noble open-mindedness and virtuous fair play, but their activities are conspicuously singleminded in their attacks on Governor Small. The Thirty-fifth Senatorial district, of which Lee county is a part, has splendid representation in the legislature, and the Legislative Voters League bulletin admits it even while it endeavors to deny it. The bulletin, remorseful husband In speaking of i 'n P^S8'ng judgement on the various "the other woman" In a recent divorce suit, "that I couldn't stay away from her." He basked in the sunshine of her smile until he got sunburnt.-- Farm and Fireside. Favorite Quotation The only difference between the dtf^ flcult and the Impossible is that the impossible takes n little more time.-- Boston Trar^erlpt. members of the legislature, declares, ] in its solemn wisdom, whether each | hnember votes "right" or "wrong". If i you read it over you find that every I member votes "right" if he votes I against anything that Governor Small j wants and votes "wrong" if he votes | favorably on any of the governor's legislation. In the bulletin reports anyone who was so bereft of reason and integrity «• to vots for any of the administration measures was "disappointing," or "showed lack of stamina" or "was utterly subservient." Their iniquity is apparently gauged upon the degree of support they gave their Governor and their administration. But man alive, you should read of how pure and sweet and holy are those doughty squires who took their orders from the enemies of Len Small and voted a g a i n s t a d m i n i s t r a t i o n m e a s u r e s . They are all "courageous, able legis lators, with keen insight and intelligence" and are made of very heoric stuff. But we like the illustrated, colored funnies better. True, ^?e do not claim that these reports are not colored, but they are not illustrated* • Patea Evening Telegraph. All Men Give Ear Bp that goeth about to persuade a multitude that they are not so well governed as they ough| to be shall never want attention and favorable listeners.--Rev.' Richard Hooker. Dramatic Criticism To the duke of York's house to see the new play called "The Man Is the Master"; where the bouse was, It be lng not one o'clock, very full. By and by the king came; and we sat just under him, so that I durst not turn my back all the play. The most of the mirth was sorry, poor stuffe, of eating of sack posset and slobbering themselves, and mirth fit for clownes; the prologue but poor, and the epilogue little In It, but the extraordlnarlness of It, It being sung by Harris and an other in the form of the ballet My wife extraordinary tine today in her flower tabby suite, bought a year or more ago.--Samuel Pepys. Should Have Been Tanned "Her smile was so Irresistible," said a resourceful husband In speaking ol "the other woman" In a recent divorce suit "that I couldn't stay away from her." He basked In the sunshine of her smile until he got sunburnt^* Farm and Fireside. . c T »>' - * VfV »*.?;• f"; .'0-. rMrZl-.'::! 3 * - V- ; IS Longer Than Any Other Shoes io th^^rnyard Say good-bye # hard, stiff, nncomfortabto shoes after a wet day. Our WOLVERINE Workshoes dry soft and pliable. : "V "A Home Owned Store" ^'-KKVWMf \ Spring's a season of sparkling cleanliness. We'll rejuvenate your waists and suits and frocks and you'll look stylish and save. --Mr. BEFOBE and AFTER "Spotless Cleaning--permanent Dyeing--Tailored Pressing" Mrs. Anna Howard CLEANING PRESSING and REPAIRING PHONE 143-W Located over Bolger's Drug Store PHONE US YOUR ORDER AND WE WILL DELIVER IT PROMPTLY We Like What We Like People respond neither to what -:-i|s high brow or low brow in the drama, but simply to that which Is artistically perfect.--American Magazine. Hospitals in Factories Nearly all large industrial plants now have hospitals and doctors on the premises, also organized teams of men and women who are able to turn from their work and administer first aid to the Injured. Cheerhd Thoaght A writer declares that love is a soft of insanity. However, as love lives 09 hope, it cannot bo a oa«o of hopeless Friday-Saturday Specials NEW POTATOES - .' 4; , '• 3 23# SPINACH, per lb. 10# PILL PICKLES, bulk, Savoy, per do*. 15^ CALLA PICNIC HAMS, Kerber's, per lb. 18# AMERICAN CHEESE, per lb 35^ PORK SHOULDER ROASTS, per lb. 16# PORK LOINS, per lb. 22# Rjyerside Grocery and Market Phone 180 Albert Barbian, Prop. Riverside Drive No "Growth" of Stone In one sense of the word, a stone or a mountain may be said to grow when it Increases In size or augments through any process of accumulation. As a rule, however, the word "grow" is limited to anUfialS' plants and their organs which increase in slse by a natural and organic process.' Things That Don't Mix I have seldom seen ..iuch ostentation and much learning met together. The sun, rising and declining, makes long shadows; and mid-day, when he is highest, none at al' -Bfc-hop Hall. OPEOPLE'S (BY PETITION) FOR TOWN CLERK (Vote for One) • CHAS. B. HARMSEJN ~_- Try McHenry All Wheat Breakfast 'Cereal all grocers 13SIififesfc: FOR ASSESSOR (Vote for One) • JOS. N. SCHMITT • - FOB COM. OF HIGHWAYS . (Vote for One) I I JOS. J. FREUND I I JOHN BOYLE • • - I hereby certify that the above is a Specimen Ballot to be voted in the Town of McHenry, April 3rd, 1988. * • CftAS. B. HARMSEN, Town Clerk. K.

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