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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Mar 1928, p. 4

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: . • . '/Vv •> * v'* ;• aawAjT*!^ ' V * *• ' " » w ' -' ' " FiiiRDuuB, nnnun>AT, bjjmhw, ins M'HENRY PLAINDEALER Thuraday a* UeBmaf, HL, by Charisa P. 1--Mi. Entered m aecood-claaa a sr the act ef May 8. 1879. at the OL, un- Sobecriptiea Ratee »•••••<•••••#.. v.»• M .ILOO A. H. MOSHXR, and Managar . Taboo still needed on tattoo Who would decide whetho* a war was "aggressive"? H proverb* are half truth** the* probably explains their popularity. • Pacifist Is one wbo UfJ to lulu. A diplomat one wbo flys (a wpfc : • «Att. Patfck# striker la a dered to filed era Bote for Lb and bank a M ante win Bu snrone figured out loaa Hfernry hat done toward lag MfMMKl In reading? 31M way Will Roger* dUereot parts of the world, ha !• skipping tola rope. ft la a somewhat Inlet eating ftat fere waa merely urging her «M to adopt the apple-a-day idea. Overseas flights announced trojp nanuoue aourcee are predicated oa aoaM angel supplying the overhead. Sword awallower la dead afler trylag to gulp, a batcher knife. He should have stuck to property awords. / Logic is just a alow masculine process of arriving at truth* known to females by the time they learn to talk/< W% understand that the weather of 1927 set about the usual number of records. In other words It was normal. The women who are trying to explain "why la a bachelor" might get at the truth sooner if they asked some bachelors. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR CIRCUIT CLERK I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Circuit Clerk of McHenry county, subject to the decision of the Republican voters of this county at the primary to be held April 10, 1928, and respectfully solicit your •ote and support LESTER GRIPPING. FOR ASSESSOR ' I deaire to announce that.! wffl be a candidate for the office of assessor of McHenry township, at the regular election on Tuesday, April 3. Your rapport at the polls is hereby solicited. JOE N. SCHMITT. PpR CIRCUIT CLERK Harvard, 111., Feb. 9, IMS. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Circuit Clark of McHenry County, Illinois, subject to the action of the Republican voters of said County at the primary to be held on Tuesday, April 10, 1928. I will appreciate the vote and support of the electors of McHenry County. WILL T. CONN. FOR ROAT> COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself as a candidate for road commissioner, McHenry township, subpect to the will of the voters at the election to be held on Tuesday, April 3, 1928. JOHN ROYLE. FOR CIRCUIT CLERK I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of circuit clerk of McHenry county, subject to the decision of the voters at the Republican primaries on April 10, 1928. Your vote and support will be appreciated. WILLIAM R. CAIRNS. A paan was arrested in the house of frepruBcntatives the other duy for taking loudly and foolishly. But he was a spectator. Fairy Story: "I would accept some mere cake, mother," announced the ffflhall child, "if yon wiii first remove the raisins." FOR ROAD COMMISSIONER I will be a candidate for the office of Road Commissioner of McHenry township, subject to the will of the voters at the election on Tuesday, April 3, 1928. Your support at the polls is hereby solicited and will be greatly appreciated. JOS. J. (BUTCH) FREUNP. A dispatch says that bad teeth and Mfeanity are linked, g'.rtng another in dilation that a toothache is likely to dtfve a fellow craay. "Rotate-peeling machlaea bavo %aea . introduced into the army. Ho doubt bat Oa American Legion had sotne- .tifcf to do about i* * v. Chicago movie now tWTidse re- «#tades for dfapotfag of ekewlng gum la ease It develops you are not eaaa> elatlag the n "Cigar smoking," says a tliaeconlflt, *1a oa tbe !*dfa*a» aaang women." ^nd it Is bat a ate? fna that to chewing scrap. Human sympathy is not always logical. In solicitude for sentenced ofthe Innocent victim at. tbe is likely to be forgotten^ What we need is a furnace that Wfll keep the house warm enough tor a woman without clothes and cool appogh for a man In knit unleaa. A Washington dispatch says the amny ration is now 90 cents "And what," asked the new recruit, "are ttey using the other 40 cents torf 3Che wife of a divorce lawyer is for divorce, probably to give him a chance to enter the movies With some hope of becoming a screen FOR GENERAL ASSEMBLY I am a candidate for the Democratic nomination for representative in the General Assembly and respectfully solict the support of the voters at the primaries on April 10. THOS. A. BOLGER. & •« (^CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS FOR SALE FOR SALE-Two colts, 1% yrs. old; grey mare, 6 yrs. old. Anthony G Wegener. R-l, McHenry. BARGAIN FOR YOUNG COUPLE-- Cost $3,000 four months ago. WU1 take $560 for all or will separate. Beautiful furniture of 4-rooao apart- 43_2 ment, 3 pc. silk mohair parlor suite, hand carved frame; 8 pc. walnut din- POR SALE--Work horse; also ten Jnj room set; 2 9x12 Wilton rugs; 4 yeafting awes, due to laUb tn AjtriL pc, walnut bedroom set, complete with Robert Vogt. Phone 682-W-l. spring and mattress; library table; 43-2* , 5 pc. breakfast set; lamps; chest of --- . --. ... , silverware. Must be seen to be ap- IX>R^SALB-~Good grahi ^"nder; l^y- precjmted. WIT! arrange for delivery mg hens, $1.40 each. M. H. Detnck, ggg Aye ne|ir Sheridan JUL, West McHenry. Tel. 618-W-l. Chicago, I1L, phone Sunnyside 6190. •3-tf. 89-6. 1924 USED CARS AND TRUCKS 1926 Nash Coach .$550.00 1922 Buick Touring .................. 176.00 1923 Buick 4-cylinder Sedan .... 160.00 1926 Big Six Studebakei* Sedan 676.00 1926 1-Ton International Truck with 1924 Cab 300.00 1924 2-Ton Diamond-T Truck .......... 260.00 1925 1927 1-Ton Chevrolet Truck 1922 with cab and box DEPENDABLE USED CARS ON HAND Dodg<e %-ton Express Truck ,« Ford 1-ton Truck 200 Dodge Business Sedan ...... 325 Dodge Touring 160 Chevrolet Coupe ............... 260 Studebaker Touring, Cali- 500-00 fornia top 150 OVERTON & CO WEN 1926 Dodge Business Sedan .... 626 Phon* 6 McHenry International Truck S85 FOR SALE-Good clean clover seed, 1927 Chevrolet Dump Truck ..... 675 80c per lb. John A. Miller, R-3, McHenry. Phone 655-M-2 43-tf. FOR SALE--Good clean clover seed. See Nick M. Justen, R-3, McHenry. Tel. Richmond 472. 43-2* Easy Payment Plan We have a complete llaa of trucks in % ton and 1ft ton in closed ot open body types. JAMES MORROW * SON. Phase 186 Weat McHenry, HI. FOR SALE--Red June clover seed, FOR SALE--Seed oats, free from foul seed. J. M. Diedrich, Justen, Ringwood, 111. R-l, McHenry. Tel. 646-M-l. . 48-2* William 42-2* FOR SALE or RENT--The Lily Lake Inn, lunch and refreshment stand at FOR SALE--Two brood sows, due to Lily fronting on cement road, farrow in April. P. J. Brown. Phone J- D- Lod*. Crystal Lake 127J. 614-J-l. 43-2* FOR TOWN CLERK I desire to announce that I will be a candidate for the office of town clerk of McHenry township ftnbject to the will of the voters at the election to be held on Tuesday, April 8, 1928. Your support is solicited and wifl be appreciated. CHAS. 9. HARMSE& jimhtmp mf tkm Mmjmrity . There Is nothing more odious thaa the majority; it consists of a few powerful men to lead the way; of aecom modatiag rascals and robmtMtve weaklings: sad of a mass of men who trot after them without la least knowing their Goethe. the Mipm* Cera QmeUy ta dte Fyrenean uplands on the Franco-Spanish frontier com is grown Is some extent, but the seeeon is too Short to let it ripen in the asual way. We see the farmer* cutting off the upper part of the Stalks to let In the aaa, throw the strength into the ears and hasten the ripening. The part eat off is used for fodder.--Ptthflste WHO WANTS THIS ONET 1924 NASH TWO-TON TRUCK . . New Tires Dual Drive t!}?, ** Express Body and Cab " Motor Fine fires Alone Worth $250 P1UCE FOR QUICK SALS ' $178 If yen can use this bargain, get your application la at onee. It wont he here very long. M'HENRY AUTO SALES Phone 8 FOR SALE -- Seven-room modern house on Green street. Will sell reasonable in order to settle estate. Math M. Blake. TaL 607- 84tf FOR SALE--One team of geldings, 8 and 10 years old, wt, 2,500 lbs. On the Peter F. Freund farm, ltt miles northeast of Johnsburg. 86-tf WANTED FOR SALE -- 100 choice varieties Gladiolus bulbs. Price reasonable. H. M. Stephenson, Ringwood, 111. Phone Richmond 682. 42-3 • IllM. ' 1 11 'it. ___ WANTED TO RENT--Modern house Riverside Drive £ McHenry. Call V. H. Thiel, Fox ; Raver Valley State Bank. 40-tf USED TRACTORS AND MACHINERY One rebuilt 12-20 Twin City Tractor! One 12-24 Hart-Parr. One Fordson Rebuilt Fordson Tractor Plows. Three-bottosn E-B Tractor Plow. * J. SHELDON, Muse lit Grays Lake, BL 42-tf WANTED--Beef, Calf and Horse Hides. Also all kinds of Raga. Paper, Mkgasiaes, Iron and MetaL Sam Hirsdrmaa. Hon MdBeary 17S. 81-tf. TRCCKINQ LIVESTOCK and POULTRY to and from Chicago. Coo£e for poultry furnished on request. Call Cary S2-J-1 and reva^ae chakg^e. C. W. Smith, Cary, III 424* John Stoffel waa a Chieago viaitor Monday. Charles Buss of Chicago visited relatives here 8unday. Francis Bondett of Chieago was a McHenry visitor Tuesday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stringer vis* ited relatives at Elgin Sunday. Roy Hankermeyer and Mr. of Waukegan were McHenry visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Smith of Waukegan were Sunday visitors in this city. Mrs. Roy Hankermeyer of Waukegan spent the first of the week in McHenry. Mrs. Thomas Kane spent Friday with relatives in Richmond. Mrs. J. F. Claxton and daughter, Mrs. John Dreymiller, were Woodstock callers Friday afternoon. Mrs. Mary Powers was a Woodstock visitor Saturday. Miss Regina Blake of Elgin spent CITY ELECTION Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, the 17th day of April, A. D. 1928, an election will be held in the City of McHenry, McHenry County, Illinois, for the purpose of electing the following officers and voting on the following proposition; One Alderman in each of the First, Second, and Third Wards. Shall a tax not exceeding one mill be levied each year on all taxable property in the City of McHenry for the purpose of providing- a fund for the maintenance or employment of a municipal band for musical purposes ? Polling places will be located as follows: First Ward--City Hall. Second Ward--Stoffel Building. The polls of said election will be opened at 7 o'clock in the forenoon and will continue open, until 6 o'clock in the afternoon of same day. Given under my band, at McHenry, 111., the 28th day of Match, A. D. 1928. ' 1UF. CONWAY, . . City Clerk. Start Talks by Thoughtful Mothem A Wisconsin Mother says: "I find mothers very well informed on the subject of 'dope' in medicines. Few mothers now-a-days would buy a preparation that contained opiates or chloroform. A glance at the package before buying tells her this. With Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, the name tells a true story. It is quickly effective for coughs, colds, croup and throat irritations. Pure as it is sure, and worth many times its price." Thomas P. Bolger,Druggist. Our idea of a supersalesman is a man who can get Harry Sinclair to make a contribution to the Republican 1928 campaign fond. -** Southern Lumberman. -r wv. c.~ ^ „ MTtBNRY LAUNDRY bpen for busi FOR SALE -- Pure Dekalb Grass ness. I have inataUed eome new nut- Seed, including_AJfalfa, Sweet Clover, chinery, which eaablee Us to give our Red Clover, Tfteothy and Alsyke. customers absolute satisfaction. L. V. MeHenry Co. Fanners Co-op. Assn. Adams, Prop. Phone 189. Phone 29. 42-2 "Mbmmie, was the fifit Adam?" "Yes, daar.w; ' f . "Then, was the gspfc lady Madam-* -rChildxan. / "'Brown sang a song last night at the charity concert." "He can't sing. Who efgad him on?" "I.. dont .know. Brown i* looking tor the man who egged hia^ afe'^-- Aaswai^- • i ^ ' Tbe modern home has a victrola, player piano, vacuum sweeper* radio, ice maehine, etc.; now if we «an find one with a family*. we: will have evefthing for which to l>e thai&ful.-- THa Houghton Una. ORIENTAL GAS--I have taken over HIGH VALUES AT LOW PRICES the Oriental gas and oil trade former- Not cheap cars but sold at a cheap ly run by Peter Weber and am ready figure. Here are some of the most to make deliveries^ Henry G. Weber, exceptional buys in the used car mar.* Call 109-R. 41-2* !ket. Look them over, let us demon- nrin--ivmiia -- . . . strate and we are satisfled that a sale 4 , ^ , will result. 'or , Telephone pfil Prices Merrick sf DondM L Bcrena When the opposition ap a firetty awkward question, that catches the Great Orator off his balance, he ~iys Time alone will guppljr the an- , There can be no donbt that capital punishment is wrong in the degree that the public Is made to suffer by Intimate reorders of the hanowina #talls. Two is company, but for a day or two the Minnesota youth who won a Championship of some kind by eating onions at a sitting Will probably be ' * crowd. Famotu Printing Pimnt The Clarendon Press is a priatlag establishment in Oxford, England, ta which the unlyersity has the preponderating Influence. It waa founded partly with the profits from the copyright of Clarendon's "History of the Rebellion." ?<v Perhaps when they decide whether chicken preceded the egg or vice jrtersa, they will also have found which same first, the fountain pen or the '1d otted line. Plant LUm WaMiwrln The ten elements neceesary fov plant life are hydrogen, oxygen, nltro* gen, calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus. Iron, eulphur and «a>Mk Of these elements, only carbon la absorbed from the air. 41-4 DEAD prices for dead animals. _ Merrick's, Dundee 810-J-l 1928 Buick Touring; good mechanical c^ar8<a* Prompt Sw.Ice. c°"ditioni good tires. Price $75. ROOFING--The time wiU soda be 1926 Ford Touring; good curtains; here to put that new roof on your new tires; motor fine. Price $66. house, barn or garage. Roofs of all 1927 Reo Flying Cloud Brougham; descriptions. All work guaranteed uke new. Price $1450. Let me .give you an estimate. G. P. 1924 Dodge Business Sedan; good shape. Price $26&2?. Ford Roadster; 4 good tires; mot^P good. Price $12.60. M'HENRY AU$0 SALES Phone 8 . RiversfcU Drive I SELL FARMS, I sell lakes and rivers. Dan Quinlan, Woodstock, HI. 40-tf Newman. T Phone 89-W. 40»tf T "Sales and Saqriea. ^•paired and Rentala. Prompt attention to phone calls. Phone (49. L. KILTZ, Woodstock 49-tf WoMbvodrs Beautiful PUyHoMM 8ATUEDAT Marchii ;{V:i®iick Jonss . •' 'fa "BLOOD WILL TELL" Also Comedy Oa the Stage Saturday and Sun. day--Hill, Hirsch and Gorny, the Three Musketeers of Radio; §cotty's Syncopators in an All Girl Rama. • * •' FOR SALE--16-ft V-bottom boat, with Elto outboard motor, canvas cover, seat cushions, etc. Now last summer. Call 170 or inquire at the Plaindealer office. tf McHENRY . WAUCONDA MOTOR EXPRESS--Wa handle axpraas to and from Chicago. Chieago freight department, 411 W. Superior 8t Phone McHenry 218-W. 82-tf Man may be woman's superior in gome things, but he certainly isn't When it comes to removing a cardjhoard stopper from a bottle of milk.-- t#ouisvilie Times. 4 There is a period of about nine f**1* In every active boy's career (When what seems to be a shadow, When he stands in a certala light, turns out to be grime. Small countries seeking fame withsubstantial reward easily accomplish their purpose by the staple process of neglecting substantial industaey la order to set up a trouble jpctory. 1^**' Boat aaa wants ta fcaow what boaaaaa mt Sappers whea they grow old. Well, whea they get along ta fifty or ia^ aeasa of them call thamsslvsa "str l^twapaar isMSti" aad tsli »ovie haw Is stay Uisan From thm Sai Japan and the Philippine Islands consist of mountain tops rising oat of very great depths of the sea. FOR SALE--Woodstock typewriter, like new. $60 for quick sale. Phone H. Delhi, Woodstock, I1L 170. tf TUNE--and keep your piaao tuned. Tuning makes your piano a musical instrument. Phono 274-J or write 3. 27-tf HARNESS REPAIRING AND UP FOR SALE--The Olh^y Cement HOU3TEB1NG--fey RobU Patske Block Bungalow near Spencer's Mill, Phone 89-M, West McHenry, 111. West McHenry. Ben Stilling A Son. corner Third Mid Main streets. 26-tf 39-tf. Try McHenrsr AU Wheat Breakfast an TAKfi YOUR Sewing Machine trouble FOR SALE--Four beehives, and 10 to B. Popp. Wast McHenry. Repairsupers, with full equipment of frames, ing done on all --fc-r Also ****** and etc. Orchard Beach No. 20. 42-2* rag rug weaviag. Phase ML 18-tf PEE80NALS Jacob Buss of Belvidore week-end guest in the homo of Mr. «nd Mrs. Henry Dowe. Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schaafer and family were Sunday visitors at Waukegan. Miss Lillian Stoffel spent the weekend in Chicago. Mrs. Mollie Givens and family visited in the Richard Givens home at Elgin Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Almy WiswaU of Chicago spent Sunday with relatives the week-end at her home hare. Father William O'Rourka wai a visitor at Rockford Monday. Jacob Juatan aad tos war* Waukegan visitors Wednesday. Mr. aad Mrs. Daa Fitxgarald, daughter, Mariei, and MSaa Bfca Cerr Mrs. Ellen Bolger. A. E. Nye was a business caller in Chicago Tuesday. Mrs. A. G. Barbian spent Tuesday in Chicago. Mrs. John E. Freund waa a Chicago passenger this (Thursday) morning. John E. Freund boarded the train for Chicago Tuesday morning. Mrs, John Oeffling and children visited in the home of C. M. A/Utwa and family, recently. Miss Maud Curr was a guest in the Stenger home at Waukegan last Thursday afternoon. hare. Mr. and Mr*. JL C. Sampson attended a family reunion at tho home of Mir. and Mrs. Joha F. Ml at Highland Park Sunday. Mr. and Mia. Oka Maynard of Crystal Lake wars Sunday gusats ef rstatiraa hara» 8V1TDAY and MONDAY APRIL land 2 EichaxctDii hi «".:v ft ••spoiWimtdSSfe" Alao Pathe News aad Co TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY APRIL S and 4 * John Gilbert } ^reta Qarbo ^ : in "LOVE" THURSDAY AND FRIDAY APRIL 5 an<||| ; Willism 3ojd SB "tBM mam vlyek Alaa Paths FaUsa aad You can afford to let your t" "v" •W'- be seen, if you u>edr • ~ tf- Rniftwg Hose are high quality matonal, exiM fit, good style, dyed in smart colors. x This store is headquarters fpr bollihs aosmsr II ' . J • ,*'/"*• ' • *w V' T;*~' fjl "A Horn* Owiwd SUn" *\ -t- . . . . . . , ,, u . - . 'mi- SpringShades at the i Next Door to Postoffioe • .... .. • Easter, April 8th. Send a Greeting .Card Easter Sunday APRIL 8tb Calls for new things to wear. We have a new snappy line of Footwear to select from. Women's Fine Dress Shoes and Oxfords, specially priced for Easter selling, at $4.50, $5.00« $6.00 S6.50. Hen's Fine Dress Shoes, new lan and blade, priced at $e.OO, $6.50 and $7.50. Boys', Misses and Children's Shoes it^opnlar prices. Oar line of Silk Hose in poiitolar shades fvwft 69^ to $2.25 Per pair. > ; Men's Fakidy Socka at SO^» 75^ito 90<^^ 'f* Men's Dress Shirts with ooUsr attached hi neckband, a -good line of colom V Neckties, new and snappy colors, ea^i 75^ to $1,25* Amew Spring line of Men's Hats and Caps to select from, ^ priced at $1.50 to $5.00^ raoin 117-^ xi , m* • V-. & 'Is - Announcement This is to Jwmvuuw io iiie punlic that I will Open a paint store in the Hunter building on Green street, Mo- Henry, the opening date being • Saturday, March 3% This location was formerly the Agatha Shop and next door to the place formerly occupied by the A. A P. store. I will carry a full line of WALL PAPER, PAINTS, VARNISHES, ENAMELS ^||PP BRUSHES and also contract for > Painting and Hieorating In the store will be found panels showing the different finishes, colors and lines of work., Before placing your order let me show yon what I have to offer and quote prices, both on materials and labor. - • , * P. R. Freund Sfcose Phone 618-M-l. XeHsnry, ZB.

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