^ „ ** rs* ^ *: "•ir: ,» •»*'•..«•, ' * £*' "v*«#, ,* ^ - • :,j\ *> j'li'KpHiiH.t.tiiiiii -'-'^\ I <*••*," V-'" '; H ' W> i^>i m /. **« •' ?'•,'V;* f >>T - : Vi»«i3 PLAHTDKALX&, THUMDAY, AfBlIr**, 1938 T^/-V " ' ; f • "\ U •':>./• ? ' >* v ••. • cff i'"' * • - F-; v ?$• .s> -i v :-N . ,,v • u t -Z. - -r J-- 'j% mm: 4^1"^" r* «K On Your Doorstep |^fjEvery morning, right on time, yon will find 4 whatever von order in the way of milk and cream. There is nothing better in dairy prod- • ' 4 - We handle nothing but Bowman's Pasteurised jmd Decreed Product* ' ' U B I E F : : ' - ' , BEN J. SMITH Phone 657-R-l ^ WAtJGOHDA Miss Rath Hanke of Chicago spent the week-end at her home. Miss Mae Daley of T-«w Bluff spent Saturday and Sunday at hw home. Mr. and Mrs. WSlliam Daley spent Friday in Chicago. George Sherd was a ffarhx. Wis., caller Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson spent Wednesday in Waukegan. - Mrs. Cora Kimberly is visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary Davlin. D. W. Williams of Lake Forest was a caller here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Kimball were Chicago callers Wednesday. Miss Esther Hironimus of Lake Zurich spent the week-end here. Mr. and Mrs. Len Geary called at the John Daley home Wednesday. . Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Turnbull and children were MbHenry callers recently. John Daley of Round Lkae was a caller at the Edward Daley home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Paddock and children of Chicago spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Seymour. George Knigge and son, Oliver, were business callers in Crystal Lake Wednesday. LaVerne Paddock and Marie Seymour entertained about twenty friends at their birthday party Saturday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Seymour. Five tables of 1 i-t McHENRY QUALITY MARKET Next Door to A. & P. Store , ' "••w;- . . Our Friday Saturday Specials Sirloin Steak. per pound Fresh Spare Ribs per pound , Fancy Smoked Picnle Hams, per pound Kerber's Fancy Bacon whole or half, per pound... Sugar Cured Smoked Hams, per pound Boneless Smoked Hams whole or half, per pound %4lc 16c %Z\c 29c Choice Chuck Roast and Pot Roast, per lb. 25c awl Homemade Pork Sausage per pound Fancy Bacon Squares per pound Boneless Boston Leg it Lamb, per pound Boneless Leg of Veal Roast, per pound Fresh Veal Hearts, Braini Hog Livers, lb. 15c, 20c 175c 34c 32c IOC : yL' Come Early or Phone Your Orders PHONE 256 Always--Meats that TMCIB lat at Mass TM Gaa Meet--Always Electric Refrigeration Quiet--economical--trouble-fret _ j uriaBoe modeL It nukes seven of ice at once, provides five sad f cubic feet of food space sad •esdf eight sqostc feet of shett sns-- ss foe the srasge fkmily There ass For fifteen yens the goal o# endeavor in the tuk jabots totics of Genend Electric was to produce jjui Electric Rcftigemof that would be extremeif tmpit and free nom trouble. Sixty-four specialised engineers coopema} in this important task Thousands of refrigerators of oin» teen different types were built, field-tested and improved. It was an eboritmi problem. " If -:1MS now been l^ved bytheworid'soutstandinggroup of experts... in the laboratories of Genend Electric. It consumes Tery Ettle current. It keeps the most uwifcnn temperature. It is really quiet--three feet away you can hardly hear it. It never needs oiling -never needs attention of any kind. AU its moving parts are endosed in an hrrmrri» cally sealed housing cm top of the cabinet It hat efficiency seated in--and trouble sealed OBL Every unit is assembled in a dust-proof room-- |ike the mechanism of the most precise rifnrMk instruments. Every step is tested. The refrigerating fluid and a permanent supply of oil are sealed in. More tests are made. And, oocc it leaves the factory, no one has any further assembling to dot The M-ing unit is merely lowered into the top at (die refrigerator--and plugged into a < " Outlet--instantly it works. bunco were played, a delicious lunch was served and Marie and Laverne received many pretty gifts. Ronald Geary of Gilmer spent Sunday with relatives here. Mr8. Grace Moffitt and Mrs. Henry Kramer attended a bunco party in Chicago, Wednesday. Mrs. John Brown spent serveral days last week assisting in the care of her mother, Mrs. Henry Stilling, who is quite ill. Marshall Smith spent the week-end here with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert MSchey are the parents of a daughter born on Saturday, April 7, at Elgin hospital. Mrs. Michey was formerly Miss Esther Russell of Volo. George Deinlein of Chicago speptj the week-end with his family here. Vic Carr was a Woodstock caller Tuesday. * Clem Reid and sister, Mrs. Manning of Chicago spent Friday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrison of Chicago spent Saturday with ICrs; Lorretta Seymour. Mr. and Mrs. Len Geary and family spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Geary at Gilmer. Mr. and Mrs. Glen VanNatta and Mrs. M. L. VanNatta and daughter, Gladys, spent Sunday at H. L. Grantham's. Mrs. Lee Geary and }sons spent Mionday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Grantham,Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham, Jr., and children spent Sunday evening with Mir. and Mrs. Amos Keeler at BarringtoH, Mr. and Mjrs. Joseph Dobner war# Tuesday callers in Fremont. Mr. and Mi-s. Stadfeld of Volo spent Tuesday evening here. Peter Meyer, Jr., of Chicago spent Sunday at the Howard Davis home. A. C. Sorensen and Dr. J. A. Ross spent Tuesday evening in Waukegan. Mrs. Fannie Pratt spent several days this week at the J. E. Tomisky home at Crystal Lake. Mrs. A. L. Kimball and Misses Lenore and Marguerite Garvin were Chicago shoppers Friday. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Foss of Libertyville spent Sunday afternoon and evening with relatives here. Mrs. Herman Brown and children of Chicago spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. F. H*> Dickson. Albert Paddock and Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Turnbull and son, Lorraine, were Round Lake caliers, Sunday. Mr. and M!rs. William Dillion. and children of Champaign spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krueger. * o Miss Elizabeth Fink of Decatur spent her Easter vacation here with her parents. Mrs. Albert Meyer and children of Mundelein spent Wednesday with Ed Daley who has been ill. Miss Evelyn Dobner and cousin of Fremont and Francis Dobner spent the week-end at the Joseph Dobner home. •- Mr. and Mrs. Ira Cook and BOB spent the week-end with Mrs. Cook's parents, Mr. and Mi*. Willia® Kuntsman at Batavia. William Toy ton returned horn* from Elgin hospital Thursday, whers he had x-Ray pictures taken. He has been Buffering with stomach trouble tor a long time. F. H. Dickson spent Friday it ^Chicago. i Mrs. Dan Meyer waft a Chicago Sshopper Friday. y H. E. Hicks waa a Waukegan caller Wednesday. -f Miss Mae Burke spent the week-end; lat her home in Milwaukee. Kirk Werden spent the week-end at his home. Ray Mhirphy was a Waukegan caller Wednesday. Mrs. H. T. Cook was a McHenry caller Friday. Miss Haffey is spending the weekend at the home of Miss Mae Burke at Milwaukee. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Paddock spent Wednesday in Waukegan, Miss Fern Nicholls was a Waukegan caller Tuesday. Miss Hazel Garvey spent the weekend in Chicago. John Murphy was a caller hert Tuesday. James Carr of Chicago spent ths week-end with his mother, Mia Lizzie Carr. Mrs. C. H. Downs spent a day i» Chicago recently. A1 Dahms of Palatine called at the E. H. Dahms home, Monday. Z. H. Osmun of Crystal Lake called at the George Knigge home Tuesday# GENERAL gjp ELECTRIC Refrigerator tm qtBATION OP GHNFEA1 ELBCnUG--LEADING RESEARCH ORGANIZATION Of TOI WOFTID f Carey Sreen Street •# Shop *• V'r, . ' r V.* . : .. ; V*. sa mimtimmm mm mm *»«• mm mm mm •» : Flemse send me descriptive booklet of d» tt'mfdifitd Genial • Electric Refrigerator. | Nairn 11, ' -i i - I , , Addrtu <i . I... i i A woman gave her young son a half dollar to buy a pound of plums, saying "Be sure Tommy, to pinch one or two to see that they are ripe." Soon afterwards Tommy returned with 'both the fruit and the half dolar. "I pinched one, as you told me," he explained, "and when the man wasn't looking I pinched the whole hag full."--Railroad Telegrapher. The new Lizzie may now be dubbed "Princess Elizabeth." -- Shoe and Leather Reporter. wnmnii# 1 MILLER'S STORE 7 GENERAL MERCHANDISE A GK)OD PLAGE TO TRADE IN AT.T. ynraff . , OFWEATHEB " 'V 7?^ Jos. J. Killer i Si f; . . You can have better lawns, flowers, and vegetables, if you use hardy, disease-free seed «nj tfei Flgnt plantfooa. Plants, like human beings, must receive the right nourishment. Vigoroj provides an ecocxxi* M practiod. and enective way to secure finest results. Economical because the cost h only lOe to 20c for every 100 square feet. Practical because it is clean, odorless, easy to apply--can be sown by hand like grass seed or applied with an ordinary kitchen colander. Effective because it contains j e'emc9ts.of plantfood required to produce early, vigorous growth and bring fruit. flowML •nd foliage to full development. Complete directions in every bag. , yiGORO ^ Mill llLnrviy Tredl'j Applf •&" A Swift 6l Company Product Alexander Lumber Co. 1 Phone 5 West McHenry YJWWfi A GASOUNE A loom to rent? Advertise St in • our'classified department. SUNSET HILLS GLADIOLI FLOWERS FOR THIS YEAR 1928 will be the greatest; ftp Garden Flowers. Every home will be more beautiful with flowers. - --ORDER NOW-- 25 Varieties of New Gladiolus $1.00 per doaen and up 12 of the New Iris, Assorted $1.50 and $2JS0 per dosea 8 Assorted Cannas, large roots *2 years old, in their prime. Not |5 and $8 a dozen, only $S£0 per dosea Caladiums (Elephant Ear^) 6 large bulbs for $2.00 Tube Roees, "Pearls" medium bulbs, 75c dosen Large Bulbs, $L25 per doata • Assorted Imported Lflfca $8.00 dozen grades for $4.50 per dosen 15 NEW PRIZE ROSES All new shadeB and colors. Guaranteed to bloom i& 96 days from setting In ground. $1.00, $L45, $1.65 sad $L86 per bush H. E. HOWARD 528 Soatii St^ Woodstock, 111. 49 // v M 0»^ , At the price, of ordinary gasoline Keep a records watch your expenses*^ make comparisons •-» see for yourself how much LESS it costs to run your car on 400 "Extra Dry" than any other gasoline that sells at the regular prices Full mileage from every galloou Yes»->and tnat's only one of the" many good results you ma^ expect from this superior gasoline. Instant starting in any weather ** B wift getaway when the green li^ht flashes--acceleration that thrills and exhilarates^and in addition to all this, a cleaner, sweeter-running motor with less expense fa^ valve grinding and general ove?*»^ hauling, t"V • The reasoft Is Shell feasofe e is refined by a revolutionary process that takes only the most volatile elements from the o-ude. It is extra dry, which means it is. ALL gasoline. Every drop vaporizes >-- every particle is converted into power -- there are i easy uj> ss the pistons unburneo. a VISCOSI NOT TOO THICK NOT TOO THIN :4i no unpurities or greasy particles to clog u: the spark plugs, pa and dilute the oil in the crankcase. Treat your car to this better gasoline. Yon will find it^on sale at all Shell yellow-rcjt Service stations and Shell Dealers at the rer>- *" 4 ular price >-< not one cent extra for its exi quality, or extra service it will give, % Shell Motor Oil eat Bauer & Bauer CRYSTAL LAKE--M HKNRY--WOODSTOCK ' Main Offioe, Phone 76, OrysUl Lik» ~