.V , « •* -*1- \ '.V. . t:» ' . • * ' . -\'*" \ , v - , -• OF A 1 a Tobacco &!< ^;-;. w:«^7-'?|gfe.v rjM LLOYD mNER Noted Star of the Pittsburgh Pirates, writes: mm "When I arrived at the Pitt* burgh training camp I noticed my brother Paul smoked'Lucky Strikes exclusively, and he explained why• You will agree that we were in a close and exciting Peru nant race and it certainly dolled for splendid physical condition to withstand the tax and strain upon one'snerves and wind. Like Paul, my favorite Cigarette is Lucky Strike* • .•% It's toasted No Throat Irritation-No Cough, <5)132$, The American Tobacco Co., Inc. AS YOU UNROLL IP- m : NOTICE The Extra Heavy Tread The SJrid-proof Marking [ X^^vs Ertber jSpecial deduced Prices on aH sizes of balloon tires. , ^ „ Don't bay until you have my price!#* All Vulcanising Guaranteed. ' Tires and Tubes and Accessories, Car Batteries, all Radio A, B, and C Batteries. WALTER J. FREUND !Tire and Tube Repairing, Vulcanizing, Battefjr - Charging and Repairing' West McHenry, Illinois ¥ Mi WEST McHENRT 'Ajk SUN., APR. Z9 J" "AFTCW THV MTN cones "THC" WHAL? As 8een By pDrters and Hfciided 1» By Our Friends . Leslie Bvngard nmi n Elfin visitor Friday. Mrs. R. A. Thompson was an Elgin visitor Monday. Miss Anna Frisby was an Elgin visitor Friday. Mrs. Martha Base was an $lgin visitor Saturday. - • .< Mrs. Harry Clalk Is spending the week in Chicago. Ed Kelter spent a few days this week in Chicago. Lyle Bassett visited friends at jBarrington Sunday. John Givens spent Sunday With friends in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Newman were Elgin visitors Saturday. Mrs. A. G. Barbian spent the week send with relatives in Chicago. Mrs. Charles Newman of Chicago visited relatives here Sunday Miss Lucile O'Dwyer was a Woodstock visitor Sunday evening. Lawrence Senten of Chicago spent Sunday in the Fred Karls home. John B. Kelter of Chicago spent the week-end with McHenry relatives. Harvey Gason of Chicago spent the week-end with McHenry friends. Miss Katherine Powers of Alden spent the week-end at her home here. Miss Arline Harrison visited relatives in Elgin over the week-end. Mrs. F. E. Covalt and daughter, Shirley were Elgin visitors Saturday. Miss Lenore Freund of Libertyville spent the week-end at her home here. Miss Margaret McCabe of Waukegan spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson and children were Waukegan visitors Sunday. Mr. and Bfirs. William Pries of Waukegan were McHenry visitors, Monday. Miss Floribel Bassett visited relatives at Three Rivers, Mich., over the week-end. Mar. and Mrs. (JKixk Harrison of Elgin were guests of Mrs. Mayme Harrison Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schneider and Mrs. Fred Schneider were Elgin visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ware of Woodstock were guests of Mrs. B. Frisby Saturday evening, John Buch was a Chicago visitor one day last week where he want to see his son, Joe, who is ill. Miss Dorothy Stoffel has returned to her home after spending two weeks with her sister in Chicago. Mrs. Wm. Bacon, Mrs. E. E. Bassett and Mrs. E. G. Peterson attended the dinner at Ringwood Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Loomis of Woodstock visited in the home of Mr, and Mrs. James Perkins Sunday. Miss Rose Stoffel of Chicago spent the week-end in the home of her perents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Stoffel. Charles Miller returned to his home last Thursday from Woodstock hospital where he underwent an operation; Miss Marianna Osten and Jack Taylor of Winnetka were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bnwr Koerner. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Holly of Chicago spent the v^eek-end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Martyi*n Conway. George Reynold accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Baron to Toledo, Ohio, where they will spend a few weeks. / Mrs. Edward Wagner and Mrs. Albert Wagner of Chicago were .Sunday guests in the home ~of Mrs. B. Frisby. Dr. ami Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin and family visited their daughter, Mrs. McCabe at Kalamazoo, ISch., over the week-end. Miss Caroline Steffes has returned to school at the University of Illinois after spending * few weeks at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. William Fleming and daughter, Ellen of Woodstock were guests in the home of Mrs. B. Frisby Saturday. I. Tuesday George Bthr was * Tuesday. Elmer Freund visitor Sunday. Earl Walsh was a Woodstock visitor Sunday evening. Jerome Sievert of Chicago visited friends here Saturday. Leroy Conway spent a f«w days last week at Notre Dame, Ind. Mrs. J. E. Freund was a business visitor in Chicago Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mailer were Woodstock visitors Wednesday. Miss Frances May of Woodstock spent Sunday at her home here. Mr. and Mr^ J. E. Freund visited home folks in Johnsburg Sunday. Mrs. Susan Michels and son, Edwin were Waukegan visitors Saturday. Mrs. Agnes Wentworth spent the week-end with relatives in Chicago. Miss Genevieve Carey visited friends in Chicago over the week-end Miss Laura Michels of Waukegan spent the week-end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Burkhartsmeier of DesPlaineS visited home folks here Sunday. William Karts of Chicago visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karls Sunday, William Smith spent the week-end as the guest of relatives at Milwaukee, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stringer and children visited relatives at Elgin, Saturday. Mrs. Spauncko of Chicago visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karls Sunday. Misses Elizabeth and Agnes McCabe of Waukegan spent Sunday at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Karls and son, Bobby, of Chicago visited in the Fred Karls home Sunday. Leo Winkle returned to his work in Chicago after spending a week's vacation at his home here. Mrs. Laura Kent visited her cousin Mrs. Joe Guth, at Greenwood on Wednesday of last week.. John Bushaw and Mrs. Frank Bu-4' shaw of Rockford visited in the Frank Thurlwell home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wightman of Lake Geneva were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman. Mr. and Mrs. George Miller visited Charles Miller at the Woodstock hospital 'one evening last week. Mr. and Mrs. Kaiser of Waukegan were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wormley. Alfons Diedrich of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Diedrich. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Elliot of Austin were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thurlwell. JDr. and Mrs. H. F. Cannon of Waukegan were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh Sunday. Mrs. E. J. Buss is spending the week as a guest in the home of her brother, Charles Newman, in ChicAgo. Misses Eva and Louise Williams and Amelia Weber of Johnsburg visited Miss Matilda Freund Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Bums of Woodstock were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Woodburn Monday evening. Mrs. Simon Stoffel and daughters Clara, Lena and Mrs. Gerald Carey, were visitors in Chicago last Wednesday. My. Rogers was a Chicago visitor Monady where he attended to business for the Hbosier Construction Company. Mrs. Edward Holle of Chicago spent a few days last week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conway. Mrs. William Thomas of Dodgeville. Wis., is spending a few weeks in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clarence Douglas. Mr. and Mrs. George Youn^ and son, Stanley, of Ringwood spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Krause spent the week-end in Chicago, where they visited in the home of Mr, and Mrs. P. H. Moulton. C. J. Reihansperger left Monday morning for a business trip to the southern part of the state, where he will spend the week. Mrs. J. J. Marshall and little son, James Emery, returned home last Mka. 0>m> Vtwa* and Mr. iajf Bra. Frank Wlsagaii visited in tiki fcMfea of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Geiser at Chicago Sunday. Mr. and llh. S. J. Wagner and ] Mrs. Mary Sable of Round Lake were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wormley. Mir. and Mrs. EM. Hoffmeier, Miss Crystal Spoo and John Gallagher of Chicago were week-end guests in the home of Mrs. Mary Simon. Mrs. S. S. Chapell and daughter, Marion, of Evanston were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thompson Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Guffey and little son, Billy of Western Springs "Moving Day is enough to make a man take to the tall timber! ^ ' cMMmn of Lake Gwm Sonday in the hoase ef Mrs. BeuteDs's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Suith. Mr. and Mm Vaughn Josts and Mrs. Swanson and little Betty at tetastflte. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Baq N. H. Petesch of 0*k Ptak Sunday at his home hare. Grocery and Meal Specials vug. Moving day is hard on men: Irregular meals, torq-up rooms, nowhere to rest when they oome home. It's hard on women: Strain and struggle of getting furniture out of one place and into another. It's hard on the children: Trying to keep out from underfoot and never succeeding! In fact, we don't see~ why anyone should have to put up with it. We strongly advise every renter to move just once more--into his own hontt, UfllfiNRY LUMBER fH IflvIlQU ALITt AND SERVICt FIRST V U> W«it McHenry . Sturday, April 28 * ^ CANNED GOODS SPBCtAI? Large cans Sliced Pineapple, Peaches, Pears and Apricots -- CANS FOR $OR} HOUSEHOLD SPECIAL 75c Broom, 4 bars Toilet ^^p juid 2 Suahrf* 'i Cleanser . . . $ 1 . 0 0 PURE PRESERVlB^voife- . 4JU* JAR $1.00 TOILET-PAPER 15 feOLLS $1.00 * FRUIT SPECIAL : 3 lbs. Bananas, 1 doz Oranges, medium idle, Iffetpe" v Fruit and 2 lbs. Eating Apples $1.00 PEAS OR CORN, standard grade, 9 CANS FOR $1 00 MEAT SPECIAL CHOICE POT ROAST 4 LBS. FOR $1,00 We offer only the best. * RIVERSIDE v Grocery and Market AI Barbian, Prop. Phone 180 Soap PandO White Naphtha 30 bar. $LOO UndelSnft Cabin TINT SHOW The World's For--pet Production of the Famous Play 3Hb Year ef Kwsriasllns Success - 38th Gtrwrtty (MmimII •» ihyHwl AH CoMparison* The MIGHTY MONARCH of THEM ALL AMP OlSPAIR OP ITS IMITATORS SO--People, White and Colored -- 50 Largest Portable Stage Ever Constructed SEE THE IGMRENAfTa oFtlIwGMahTi .O N hftoMci crvf PAS(S„ Prize Packs ot Cufctn and SHwrian Bloodhounds 2 BAND OONOCRTB DAILY q NOON AND MOHT MS H1»M NHw--bm Only. Peers Qpea at TJO[ Perteriaaaee at SKM> PRICES mn C Qrows beautifu lawns and flowers! for aB with Vlgoro! Users find that this ideal plantfood gives a quick vigorous start--more velvety green grass, better flowers, crisp succulent vegetables. Vigor© is odorless! So ^ Vigoro in every bag. cleAaAnfl yVoAuII SsoMw Kbyv hand litrmf f _ « • , - ^ grass seed! Plants get a anced ration throughout nourishment la a 100 IK sack for lawn or garden 50a 50 to 50 x 100 feet. Only 2 to 4 lbs. per 100 square fecfc and not at all costly I Pull directions for appl# ag. «i> paper-lined bags of 100, 50, 25 lbs., and 5 lb. packages. Order Vigoro today for «H the things you grow. A Swift Company Product Milk Rational < ^ Cr»pora(ad J ,2 **11 cans $1.00 Coffee Special Blend •* *• -"H. '4"^' 3 Mw. $1.00 '"«( ' 1-w Ivory Soap Large Sise 9 bars "'•M Preserves Am. Home Brand Pure Fruit 4 for $1.00 Pork and Beans Campbell's g* 1 f\f\ 13 CANS Peas American Home Telephone, No. 2 sise 8 cans $1.00 CampteM's Soups tx can* $1.00 Enough concentrate^ VIGORO V Maket better Immu, '"If. Endorsed by L e a d i njg Landscape Gardeners &. NiirarrymfJi ' • • ALEXANDER s COMPANY r.». McHenry, 111 Jello All Flavors . $1.00 :ii> a: