' y 'I/'"' ' * . ST'., » - vv^" *vw • *'«9^*fe**>*:-jSt % yca« TliE MCHENRY PLA1NPEALER *abHshed Thursday «* MeH««7, DL, fcar as second-class 4* the act of May 8, 1879. Sklht at ; HL. «• r*xr •. H. MOSHXR, PECIAL Saturday, April 28 Dollar Day Speeialsat 81 FrettY Grocery and Market West NcHeory, Illinois -5 LBS $1.00 5 Lite. $1.00 POT ROAST FRANKFURTERS _ BOHE-SMOKED PICRIC HAMS, 6 LBS. $1.00 SPECIAL BLEND COFFEE 3 LBS. $1.00 CORN 0& PEA& Standard s CAMS $1.00 • \ .;>£..<Ys<K / • ; Wf&t*' • . ,, . */ m'irb - *• r . •" $ lAtr" t A »• W' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS FOR «AT.« REDUCED TO $9f| Now Who Wants It? * It's a NASH Two-Ton Truck 4 Nearly New Tires Dual Drive Express Body and Cab Motor in A~1 Condition FOB SALE--The O'Malley Cement Block Bungalow near Spencer's Mill, West McHenry. Ben Stilling A Son. 89-tf. FOR SALE or RENT--The Lily Lake Inn, lunch and refreshment stand at Lily Lake, fronting on cement road. J. D. Lodts, Phone Crystal Lake 127J. 42-tf FOR SALE -- Seven-room modern You'll never get another truck buy house on Green street. Will sell like this. Think of it--less than a hundred dollars. Last chance. MeHENRY AUTO SALES Phone 8 Riverside* Drive reasonable in order to settle estate. Inquire of Math M. Blake. TeL 607- W-l. 84tf FOR SALE--China closet, bed, dresser, library table, Singer Sewing machine with electric motor, 9x12 rug, stove, gas stove. Call evenings or Saturday afternoon and Sunday. Sold cheap if taken at once. Call 99-J. Geo. Buss, West McHenry. 47 FOR RENT FOR SALE--Slightly used lumber; practically new lumber, free of nails and breaks; in all dimensions. Ridgefield Sheep Feeding Yards . Phone Woodstock 207-W or 1620-J-2. 47 WHY PAY RENT!--Buy this new 6-room bungalow on Richmond toad, McHenry across street from St. Mary's church. Everything the latest. Price very reasonable for quick sale. Kent and Co., McHenry, Phone 8. 47-tf FOR RENT--Modern heated furnished room. Call 218-J. 47 DEPENDABLE USED CARS ON HAND 1924 Dodge Sedan ............ 1924 Dodge Touring 1925 Ford 1-Ton Truck 1922 Studebaker, Calif. Top .... 1923 Ford Coupe 1924 Dodge touring, winter enclosure, excellent condition throughout Easy Payment Plan We have a complete line of trucks Hides, in % ton and 1% ton in closed or open body types. JAMES MORROW & SON Phone 186 West McHenry, HI. FOR RENT--Modem heated, furnished rooms. Call 175 46-8 $300 $150 $200 $150 $60 $165 FOR RENT--Double garage on Waukegan street. Inquire at Plaindealer office. 45-tf WANTED ROY WANTED--To deliver morning papers before school. Inquire of A1 Krause, at Bolgers Drug Store. 47* WANTED--Beef, Calf and Horse Also all kinds of Rags, Paper, Magazines, Iron and Metal. Sam Hirschman. Phone McHenry 178. 81-tf. i Frett Bros. & . MASOM CONTRACTORS -- • and | ^ OTNCftBfE BUILDING UNITS * Telephone McHenry 600-M-l or 86-R EAST SIDE GARAGE FOR SALE--All cars in A-l condition 1927 Star Six 'Coupe. 1926 Star Six Coach. 1924 Olds Roadster. 1926 Ton Chevrolet Trucks 1923 Ford Coupe. Phone 49 McHenry, 111. •44-4 MISCELLANEOUS Twice Told Tales m latere sting Bits of News Takes From the Columns of the Plaindealer Fifty aad 7 Twenty-five Yean ;' 7^ Age April, 1878 If you want a dress made.is the latest style, call on Mkrs. Dodge and Miss Stocker, opposite Perry and Miartin's. The steamboat now has a new dock just east of the Riverside House, a much more convenient place for all concerned. We understand that Robert Patterson, a first class baker, will run a wagon from Woodstock to this village two days in each week. The new street commissioner, J. M. McOmbesr, is making some good improvements, fixing bad crossings and filling up the almost bottomless holes to be found between the bridge and the depot. We learn that Colby Bros, have bought out the stock and good will of Smith, Aldrick and Haythorn, in Riverside block, with which they will consolidate their drug and grocery business by moving the same into the store in Riverside block. The boys and men are now in their element, as fishing has commenced in earnest. The bridge is lined daily, the mill pond is a small forest of fish poles, and in the evening the river is all ablaze with torches. Hook, line and spear are now king in this section. MONEY TO LOAN--On first mortgage improved city and river property. McHenry Biuliag and Lpap Assn. M. J. Kent, Sec., Riverside thrive'. Phone 8. 47-tf at a Profit Is not so difficult for the experienced poultry raiser who realizes that providing his flock with the proper feeds, purchased at a price that is low enough to insure that Are you looking for a pleasant profitable business to enter. We have an USED CAR PRICES THAT ARE exceptional corner on Washington CUT TO THE LIMIT street intersecting with a powerful If you can use any of these motor north and south street that can be vehicles, don't pass them by for they leased for a period of years for a never will be less. gasoline service station at very 1926 Star Touring; good condition; reasonable rental. Russell H. Edgood paint and tires. Motor wards A Co., Waukegan, Illinois. mechanically perfect. Price $185 Phone 8264. 1923 Buick Touring; good mechanical nqtICE To condition1; good tires. Only $75. Ford Coupe, 5 nearly new tires; motor in splendid condition, for .a good closed car. MeHENRY AUTO SALES Riverside Drive Phone 8 47 USED TRACTORS AND MACHINERY One rebuilt 12-20 Twin City Tractor. One 12-24 Hart-Parr. One Fordson Rebuilt. Fordson Tractor Plows. Three-bottom E-B Tractor Plow. & J. SHELDON, Phone 110 Grays Lake, HL 42-tf all Stockholders of W L. Howell and Company, whose office ~ . era i® located on Pearl street, in the city 7 * 9 of McHenry, County of McHenry, State of Illinois, to-wit: A special meeting for the purpose of voting for or against the proposition of dissolving the aforesaid corporation shall be held in the office of the aforesaid corporation at the aforesaid location, on Friday, May 11, 1928 at 7:30 p. m. HARVEY NYE, Director. HERMAN NYE, Director., ; WALTER CAREY, Director. FOR SALE--Carload No. 2 Oats. McHenry Flour Mills. NOTICE--I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone but myself, outside of groceries and White meats. Fred E. Boger. 46-3* $1 »T Saturday, April 26 $1.00 will buy 6 cans No. 1 TUI Sliced ; S. H. PEACHES $1.00 fmJp Pairs SUk and Rayon LADIES' H0$E 3 'J 75c grade, 4»es 9 and 1* v ?^ ' $3.00 a Pair MEN'S SHOES Worfii $5.5ftmostly Mayer Honorbilt, as company does not them anymore. If you buy FRUITS and VEGETABLES $ Da$plftne here first for a real saving. Many other $ Specials '.-5 'A Home Owned Store? y-:mk,' 4 4-4;. V •444 April, 1908 J. V. Buckland passed through town Monday with a large load of trees, on his way to Power's Lake. John deals square with the public and his nursery at Ringwood is being largely patronized by all from this section.-- Richmond Gazette. The building of the road around Geneva Lake is an assured thing. The estimated costs have been made by the engineer, W. H. Irwin, and bids are being asked for. At any rate the contracts wil soon be let and work will begin as soon thereafter as possible.-- Lake Geneva Herald. All the red tape required by the postal laws before a rural route can be established has been wound up at McHenry postoffice, and on the first day of July the mail wagon will make its initial trip through the country. Leo Walmsley's application has been Accepted as carrier, with his brother, George as substitute. All the material needed to commence the work is now in the possession of Postmaster Wait. The old porch at the front of the Park Hotel has been removed and a larger one will take its place, thus giving the guests more chair space when they wish to enjoy the open air during the summer evenings. William Bonslett, who carries a half column ad in this paper, has a fine lot of buggies on the second floor of his warehouse. Last week he sold Edgar Thomas and Eugene Matthews single buggies with rubber-tired wheels. Here's Out Trade-In Are You On? |* HoW'd you like to be ridin' pretty on new Goodyear Tires--full of the most \ f traction, safety, good looks and long, low-cost tire mileage built into any tires in the world! * ^ ; , Easy! * We'll just trade yon all the mileage value still left in your old tires for full credit on our low price for GOODYEARS. We make only a limited, number of trades in a season, so you'd do well to take up this proposition now^. ;•»/ Complete Stock ;.m hV, All Sixes * Tire and Tube; Vulcanizing Tires Sold on Time Payments WALTER J. FREUND West McHenry, Illinois 120-R Batteries Battery Charging and Repairing in i»et 45-4 WHY NOT PUT ON THAT ROOF NOW?--Let me give you an estimate on your house, barn or garage. Roofs of all descriptions. All work guaranteed. G. P. Neuman, Phone 89-W. 45-tf. ILLE] THEATRE ^ 'VOODJTOCK. Woodstock'sBeautifulPlayHotue SATURDAY OPPORTUNITY TO ACQUIRE A GOOD BUSINESS--Because of lack of time I wish to discontinue my weaving business. Two weaving looms with full equipment. If any- : ; one will take the business over I will TRUCKING LIVESTOCK and POULmake it my duty to fully instruct the TRY to and from Chicago. Coops for APRIL 28 ma&joxm w. I#:- Our Poultry Mash Is growing more and more popular each day, as the raisers in this vicinity learn that here is the one mash that combines both high quality and low price. OUR POULTRY SCRATCH, too, is a big seller for the same reasons. It is made after a standard formula and contains cracked corn, wheat, barley, kaffir corn, buckwheat and sunflower seeds. We could add other ingredients to our poultry feeds, but that would put the cost up and the value to your poultry would be doubtful. BUY YOUR POULTRY FEEDS HERE AN& SAVE MONEY McHenry Flour Mills Phone 92-R^ purchaser in its workings, without extra charge. Will sell very reasonable. Mrs. B. Popp, West McHenry, I1L, Phone 162. 44 tf poultry furnished on request. Call Cary 52-J-l and reverse charges. C. W. Smith, Cary, 111. 42-8* BARGAIN FOR YOUNG COUPLE-- Cost $3,000 four months ago. Will take $550 for all or will separate. Beautiful furniture for 4 room apartment. 3-piece silk mohair parlor suite, hand carved frame; 8-piece walnut dining room set; 2-9x12 Wilton rugs; 4 pc. Walnut bedroom set, complete with springs and mattresses; lamps, chest of silverware; library table; 5-pc. breakfast set. Must be seen to be appreciated. Will arrange for delivery. 832 Leland Ave., near Sheridan Road, phone Sunnyside 6190. Chicago, fll. 46-6 DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices for dead animals. Telephone Merrick's, Dundee 810-J-l Reverse charges. Prompt service. 46-tf SELL FARMS, I sell lakes and vers. Pan Quinlan, Woodstock, HI. 40-tf FOR SALE--Woodstock typewriter, like new. $60 for quick sale. Phone 170, tf TYPEWRITERS Sales and Service. Repaired and Rentals. Prompt attention to phone calls. Phone 648. L. KILTZ, Woodstock 49-tf MeHENRY - WAUCONDA MOTOR EXPRESS--We handle express to and from Chicago. Chicago freight de partment, 411 W. Superior St Phone McHenry 213-W. 82-tf TUNE--and keep your piano tuned. Tuning makes your piano a musical instrument. Phone 274-J or write J. H. Deihl, Woodstock, HI. 27-tf HARNESS REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING-- by Robt. Patske. Phone 99-M, West McHenry, 111., corner Third and Main streets. 26-tf TAKE YOUR Sewing Machine trouble to B. Popp. West McHenry. Repair ing done on all makes. Also fluff and rag rug weaving. Phone 162. 13-tf A room' to rent? Advertise it in our classified department. •in -if- "THE BRANDED SOMBRERO" ALSO COMB»X On the Stage Saturday and Sunday-- Big Time Presentation. SUNDAY and MONDAY APRIL 29 and 80 ESTHJCR in "LOVE AND LEARN" ALSO PATHE NEWS AMD COMEDY TUESDAY- WEDNESWest McHenry, WM. SPENCER, Prop. After searching all night and until noon the following day, a party of farmers found Mildred Franz, /tged 11, and LeRoy Allrey, aged 4, who had wandered away from the home an uncle, Carl Linder, near Ivanhoe, Wednesday afternoon of last week. | The children were acompanied by a shepherd dog, which appeared at the Howard Nelson farm and barked until it attracted the attention of members of the family. The children were located in a slough on the John Mills | farm, about a mile north of Ivanhoe. I They had spent the night in the swamp, and had slept on the ground. Bids are to be opened on the proposed new Antioch grade school, April 30, it was learned recently from members of the board in that district. Residents there passed a $45,000 bond issue for the purpose of building the school at the village election, April 17. Wauconda was the scene of an attempted robbery recently when a trio of young men were interrupted while in the act of removing the hinges from the door of a garage owned by Charles August. pin Plaindealers at Bolger's. Many dollars are saved by reading the ads in the Plaindealer each week. PAY MAY 1 and 2 ORETA G4&B0 . ' • i n 'THE DIVINE WOMAN' .•: * /. with ' LO"W*LL SHERMAN . ^ ALSO COMEDY | A On Dollar Day You .will always And many Wonderful Bargains throughout our store for the farm and the city homes as well. As our advertising space is limited we can list only one very useful article fcr the farnwrtr^ 'I SWEAT PADS, regular prloe,75c each,' Dollar Day only....^,..........2 TOR $1.00 Am a special inducement for you to come to our store and look over the bargains on Dollar Day, we will give 2 POUNDS OF SUGAR FREE With each $1.00 cash purchase on this day, Saturday, Apri128' U Jos. J. Miller Ceneral Merchandise--McHenry W 5 POUNDS GRASS 25 DAHLIA BULBS. 2 BROOMS BARN PUSH BROOM MANY OTHER BARGAINS AT J. J. Vycital SI.00 •s« •v." t. /