but it nr KsscineT Ml iHtti fiAmum, nolniY/iif f tti Ml MMIf ! flPLLER'S STORE GENERAL MERCHANDISE A GOOD PLACE TO TRADE IN ALL KINDS OF WEATHER 1 . '»?'• Jos. J. Miller Try omr ttMaous NBW-WAY SODA! Uirpmimt •fWtmther er Qam» VCXTLL oenr know how aettfal sol •A delicious sodas #»«! sundaes cio bi WtiJ tob try one *t our electrically n6u» mtcqwLiqnid Mechtnirnlj" Ponpttin, Thi« is the fountain yon see ad\ _ |n the Saturday Evening Post--that < fach ingredient to its best "mixing p in 5 separate tones of cold. We've installed it to give you the bfttt fountain service that can be had any* where. Come in and try it today. JLoach Room RARLS9 Ice Cream Parlor DEPENDABLE MINTS For Kg and Little Jobs No matter how small or large the object may be--paint it I Plaint it to protect it from wear, water and <un--as well as for the natural beauty it will bring. Paint is the only "insurance policy" issued against decay. Start today--protect four investment--use good paint. An instructive oolor ifclGHTBHtoife HEW METHOD OF SHIPPING AUTOS OVERSEAS H. C. KAMIKH2 West Ndeny ^ - - -r»~ ~ --' ** • -- "rrwii > D^ever a road too long for the AL: * Wherever you may go. From Maine to California. From Canada to the Gulf. The length and breadth of this great American continent ... never a road too long for the All-American $ix. For, above ajl else, it'* reliable. It's sturdy • . . built to endure . . . proved by pitiless testing on General Motors Proving Ground. T h e r e ' s l o n g l i f e i n e v e r y a s s e m b l y . . . i n every vital part. In its big self-adjusting, self-ventilating clutch . . . its smoothshifting transmission ... its perfectly matched connecting rod assemblies ... its deep, rugged frame. When you set out in an All-American ... no matter how far or how fast you may dlive ... you can be sure of reaching your destination .... in safety, in comfort, on time! A new aw) revolutionary method OJ shipping automobiles to overseas •arkets was instituted recently when the & S. Bbersteio sailed from New fork for Antwerp, Belgium. The ship carried more than .TOO cars which store shipped operated, and wheB landed in Europe will be ready for the sand. Heretofore all autos have fceea shipped to foreign martlets partly disassembled and crated. By the use of special loading elevators *nd an Ingenious method of lashing, crating and disassembling are eliminated reduc- IIC the eost to the forelga boyw by approximately *ifi& Photograph shows ears Is the bold blocked and lashed for safety. 4 IMPROVED ROADS ABE WELLU ARKED Easily Read Signs Are Presided to Direct Tourists r la United States. a tourist with a road map and the ability to read the English language csb now start from almost any point Id the United States and go almost anywhere without losing a lot of time trying to find the way, according to Edward S. Jordan, president of a targe motor car company. Automobile clubs and various governmental agencies should get a large part of the credit for this because of the constructive work they are doing In the intelligent marking of our highways. Thousands of additional miles of, Improved roads are being made available each year. The.v are not only laid more scientifically than ever before, but they are properly drained and are hanked at the curves. Easily Read Signs. Now we find clear, easily read signs that warn of cross roads, curves, narrow bridges and steep hills as well as giving route numbers and general directions. The combination of good roads and Intelligent marking Is largely responsible for the tremendous Increase In touring. In some communities there la still room for improvement, bat we bsve advanced tremendously In the last ten years. Remove Speed Restrictions. The next forward step, according to Jordan, Is to remove speed restrictions In the open country, making arrests only for reckless or careless driving. This has already been done In csrtsin sections of the country and la those places, people can travel modi more rapidly from dty to city, with perfect safety. ftst with the steady, balanced car* of 4Uay, with four-wheel brakes, It to Jest aa safe to drive 50 miles an how OO our finely surfaced, weli-maried roads as It was to drive the old-faah> loned cars at 90 to 3.1 nnder modi mora -unfavorable road conditions. Work of Spark Plu« Described by Expert i&T B. RABKZZAMA Res earth Engineer.) Just what is a spark plug) Perhaps you'll understand the question better when you realise that the Brst automobiles sold In America •were not equipped with spark plugs. It rounds odd but It's a fact. In the original one-cylinder, Ignition, was Accomplished by a "hot-tube" which toad to be preheated usually with a blow torch by the motorist. This "hot-tube" was one of the chief causes of uncertainty in pioneer motoring. It was slow In reaching the right temperature, uncertain In Its functioning, Its use fraughl with difficulty end danger to the owner. The first spark plugs Introduced were surprisingly bad. The plug that actually did it? wrtrk was the rare ex? ception. ' In the intervening years ot automotive progress, spark plugs, like other component parts of the automobile, have been gradually developed and Improved to the end that they might be dependable, trouble-free and long-llfed. As a consequence, there are spark plugs today as nearly perfect as it is possible for men and machines to make them. But the function of the spark plug Is> the same today as always: to deliver an igniting spark to a charge of fuel at precisely the Instant when such a spark is needed to transform the fuel Into power. Vulcanizing Inner Tube With Electric Device In vulcanizing small patches on Inner tubes with an electric or gasoline vulcanlzer. a Wisconsin man claims that the portion of the tube covered by the patch Is apt to become overcooked or burned, and thereby wssk- Automobile Tires Hold Up Under Muck Pressure That automobile tires will hold UD nnder pressure many times greater than the pressure that will blow np an ordinary steam boiler was demonstrated In a most unique test by tire engineers. A pressure of 2,000 pounds was applied to an ordinary stock tire by means ot hydraulic pumps without any damage to the tire. Water was pumped Into the tire through the valve stem at a pressure et 2,000, pounds to the square Inch. Hydraulic pressure was applied for the test in the absence -of air pressure it enough to make the test Srdan, 0IO4S; Landau Coup*. fl04S; Sport Road,trr. PJiarlon, H075; Sedan, $1145; Cabriol.t, til.,:,} gmndau Settan, $126S. /V>tc Scri*>* Pt>ntiac Six, $745 to $875, Alt prices at factory. Check Oaktand-Pwiliac dclivrreti priccs-- *"r "~ MCHENRY AUTO SALES Phone 8 Riverside Drive Temporary TMTice with Kent and Oo. AKLAND AMERICAN SIX OF 6RUBRAL Road Straddler Blocks Traffic on the Streets Traffic experts agree that the flow of traffic would be greatly speeded If motorists would select their line of travel either to the extreme left center of the extreme right of the road and stay .there, except when tliey have a chance to pass up other cars. Many drivers straddle the center, blocking others who would double up the tine. Since the left lane moves fastest the man In a hurry should get in there, while the slow driver should keep to the right. The road straddler gets along no faster, but simply blocks the progress of cars behind. Car Abolishes Gear Shift Gear shifting is eliminated In a new car invented by a French engineer: It has no transmission gears at all, the. fnotor's power being transmitted directly to the driving wheels at the rear, according to Popular Science Monthly. When Sensoud de Levaud. the inventor, recently demonstrated his machine, It Is 6aid to have accelerated briskly up a 20 per cent grade, stopped in the middle of the hill, and started again at the will of the driver Vsleanislng a Tube. ened. To overcome this trouble, he uses four strips of asbestos paper over the tube, as shown in the illustration, leaving only the patch exposed to the flill heat of the'vulcanizing plate.--Popular Mechanics .Magazine. AUTOMOBILE HINTS Aa English-built automobile sports aa artificial head of a tiger, mouth open wide, as a radiator. . • • • Approximately 3,000,000 persona visited the national parks of the United States by automobile during the past year. • • • Tire mileage In the last ten years has Increased 100 per cent, along with a reduction In tire prices of more than one-halt • * • A motorist should always be cautious of all moving traffic--automobiles, busses, street cars and horsedrawn vehicles. « . • • There are now more than 2,750,000 motor trucks *Jn operation in the United States, of which only 7 per cent are "for hire" trucks. • • • Estimating that within five years there will be more than a million motor vehicles in New York, Dr. John A. Harris, traffic expert, nrges that all trucking in the city be done at night to relieve the traffic congestion. " Keeping Lily Pond Fresh A water lily pond does not require running water. If the proper vegetation is planted In it, the water will remain pure. Once a year, preferably In the autumn after the trees have shed their leaves, the pool should be •leaned. Odd Names for Banana Before the Sixteenth century tht banana was known as the "apple ff sad fAdaaft tg." Salt in Hudson River There might be a slight Indication of salt in the Hudson river ss far up as Troy. However, this varies with floods. In case of floods the sea water is pushed back and the salt water does not go very far up. Without floods, however, the water Is brackish as far up as Troy. Meat Northern Garden In Greenland, at Omaaak, la Hp, at garden la the wsrit _ WOT/ ^EiMO SCOTT MTSOH The Ballad of Captain Kidd PAPT. WILLIAM KIDD, perhaps ^ the most famous pirate of all time, was hanged at Wapping, England on May 23, 1701. Popular feeling, evidently sensing what was established as historical fact 200 years later--that an innocent man went to his death at Execution dock that day--Immediately made a martyr of him and he became the hero of a popular ballad which, like so many other ballads, grew and grew as each singer added his contribution to 1L There are known to be at least 24 stanzas to the ballad, and possibly more. It is a typical example of balladry and perhaps the most famous of all ballads In which a pirate Is the hero. Curiously enough William Kldd was always called Robert Kidd by the populace, and here Is a part ef the ballad as It was then sung: My same was Robert KI4A, when I sailed, when 1 sailed. My same was Robert Kldd. Whaa 1 sailed, My name was Robert KIM, God's lawa I did torMd. Aad ao wickedly I did. when I allied. Mjr parents taushl me wall, whan I ealied, when 1 allied. My parents tausbt wall, when I Bailed, My parents taught me well, Te shun tbe gatea of hall. Ret 'rainst them I rebelled, whea X aalled. rs a Bible in my hand, when X aalled, whan 1 aalled. td a Bible In my hand when I aalled, rd a Bible In my hand. By my father's sreat cemmaad. And sunk It In the sand, when I aalled. I spied the ships of Spain, aa X aalled, aa I sailed, I apled the ships of Spain aa X sailed, I apled the rhlpe of Spain, I Sred on them amain, *TI1 moat of them waa alala* as I sailed. rd ninety bars of sold, as 1 sailed, as I sailed, I'd ninety bars of sold, as I aalled, I'd ninety bars of sold. And dollars manifold. With riches uncontrolled, aa I aalled. To Execution dock I mast so, X must so. To Execution dock 1 must ao. To Execution dock. Will many thousands flock. But I must bear the shock, and maat die. Coma all ye, young and old. see at die, see me die. Come all ye. young and eld, see -at die. Come all ye, young and Old, You're welcome to my gold. For by It I've lost my soul, and muat die. Take warning now by me, for X muat die, for I must die, Take warning now by me, tor I muat die. Take warning now by me. And shun bad company, Lest you come to hell with m% (a S die. «•, ltM. Westers Newspaper OMeat i AS Y00 UNROLL ITNOTICE The Extra Heavy Tread The Skid-proof Marking The Live Rubber Special Reduced Prices on all sizes of balloon tires. Don't buy until you have my prices. All Vulcanizing Guaranteed. Tires fJid Tubes and Accessories, Car Batteries, all sins. Radio A. B, and C Batteries. WALTER J. FREUND ; Tire and Tube Repairing, Vulcanizing, Batteiijr", Charging and Repairing ^ - West McHenry, Illinois Refrigerator Confining Flame The bureau of standards aays that K a flame Is entirely surrounded by a Sne wire gause screen, at such a distance that the wire itself does sot btesme red hot, the flame will not ignite er explode mixtures ef air aad Has vapor outside the arisen Ijr thm esavfadag obsti isMaa to te hnmasklad, as the yeani aad §•• always ends with the conrinalaa that In spit* ef everything, the lean grew leaser and the fat latter.-- Toledo Blade. Outstanding Features Hot a belt, fan or drain pipe. Never needs oiling. Unusually quiet. It's portable--install it anywhere --move it anywhere. And do not overlook the strong, attractive cabinets built for soviet* Cnnranfaarf by CimroiJIalrifl. Carey Electric Shop Green Street vena seen cevi'i *1443 J t«.». V There's a Smooth Road Ahead --When you TVavel by NASH Wherever you want to go, whatever you want to see and do, you can go and see and do more comfortably, more pleasantly* in a Nash. Travel by Nash means easier work for the arms that handle the car. Nash is noted for its steering ease. Travel by Nash also assures you of extra power and greater smoothness from the engine in your car. No motor in any car built today la quite so efficient, or so pleasant to i-«4 listen to, as the precision halanniwl. 7-bearing motor of Nash. And over good roads or bad, Nash travel is less tiring, because of the low-swung road-balance of this car, and the perfect co-ordination of its alloy-steel springs with absorbers, front and rear. The car illustrated is one ejf year's smartest cars, the Sash 4 door Coupe. The big, nickel - strapped, built-in custom trunk is '•vj equipment, without extra -$S4S te HMt, «••.*. George A. Stilling Garage as V a r nltiiiikl'fcilifHTtiftft; -rfMfr • JtAd