~-tifi*}* i/"> V ^ •'* •«-; «>vVv->\» '^;• ?<,-*•*,'. ,'t " ~'*Kf'*>\'«> • >1 pipyptWippi^ 5P" i ' 4 - t THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER Published Thursday at McHenry, UL, by Okarlaa F. Bwkh. Entered aa second-class mattar at tha poiWBw at McHenry, IIL, «d> 4ct the act of May 8, 1879* ./.'v.'".- \ '••?'>•" «> -***» A, H. KOSHER, Miter ud Manager Beauty of Entrance Meant Much to Horn* Some one has aptly called the entrance "the smile on the face of the bouse." It may convey the friendly welcome of the little cottage, the dignified reserve of the stately dwelling, or even the forbidding coldness of the prison. The doorway, my* Joseph Everett Chandler, the architect, is certainly a good index to the family behind it. It is a far cry from the stones and skins that formed the entrance to oar ancestors' caves and hots to the modern charming doorway, with its vine-covered trellis casting lacy shadows across the sturdy panels of tiie door at the end of the flagstone path. Modern entrance doorways and porcli entries, reflecting the period, which governed the various architectural styles now popular in this country, are available In standard nnlts, which may be used In a variety of combinations to suit Individual taste. Quantity production has brought their cost down to a point where they are available for all types of homes; whether modest or pretentious in size and price. '.S5* #*!*{ >V»I •si ' * ; * > iv. . r \ ..... A. 4. •:: 1928 LOOT/ "a £ "7. ' CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS MILK PRODUCTION SHOWS INCREASE FOR BALI Reed Estate Value* on Bane of Utility 'The value -of real property is the present worth of its estimated future utility." "Whatever the skyscraper may become in the future, it will be a development governed and regulated by economic principles." "No subdivlder has any moral right to accept payment from a lot purchaser unless he knows perfectly that he can convey the lots when called upon to do so." / 'If you mar a landscape with a 'building that is a house and not a home, you have In some measure marred the soul of the child playing around that home." These are some of the principles brought out at a state-wide conference for real estate brokers and sub dividers held at Ann Arbor, Mich. The conference was notable in being held under the joint auspices of the Michigan Real Estate association of the school of business administration of the University of Michigan Highway Markings Local efforts In the marking of roads are made in almost every community with particular reference to directing tourists and travelers into and out of that particular community. They are helpful, of course, and many communities have wished that it was possible to carry on the work to an even greater degree than is possible for them. The past few years, however, have shown marked development along the lines of the marking of trunk highways and have taken from traveling much of the wrongroad worry. The masking of Alabama highways to the greatest extent possible should go along with the building of these highways, and the availability of these state manufactured road signs for that purpose should prove a great help.--Tuscaloosa (Ala.) News. Pure Bred Doctrine Has Been Given Big Setback Perhaps the pure-bred doctrine has been handicapped somewhat at times by making it too general. A man unfamiliar with good sense in feeding and dairy herd management has no business with an extra good bull any more than a baby has with a costly watch or a motor car. Pure-bred cattle are excellent for those who understand how to handle them, but they may prove of no particular value to the careless manager. With the right management, the pure-bred dairy sire Is the greatest single factor In Increasing production and profit*. The states which are high in percentage of pure-bred dairy sires are also high in average milk production per cow. As the percentage of pure-bred siree decreases In the list of states the production tor the group becomes less. This Is the result of a survey made by the federal government (19^4V $40 Buick Standard-Six Coupe .....--..$550 Jewett Touring $150 Buick Touring - $175 OVERTON ft COWEN Phone 6 FOR SALE--Early Murdock seed corn; germination from 98 to 100 per cent. James Hunter, R-2, McHenry.' Phone 617-J-2. 48-tf During the past seven years the | Diamond T. Truck, production of milk In the United j and box States has shown a steady and fairly Ford Chassis uniform increase, but the production of milk products, although showing increases in most Instances, has not been uniform, according to Prof. H. A. Ross, milk marketing specialist at the New York State College of Agriculture at Ithaca. Since 1920, the manufacture of condensed and evaporated milk has shown the least increase of all important milk products. The combined production of these commodities has Increased at the rate of only 2 per cent each year. The production of canned sweetened condensed milk has actually decreased at the rate of 10.5 per cent a year, but this decrease has been more than offset by an Increase In canned evaporated milk. Cheese, also, has shown only a relatively small Increase during this period. Creamery butter and Ice cream, on the other hand, have increased fairly rapidly. Both of these products are probably more sensitive to Industrial conditions than are canned milk and cheese, and the demand for them has been high because of the general prosperity of the urban population during the last few years. Professor Ross says. Approximately two-thirds of all the milk handled In New York state plants Is now marketed as fluid milk or cream, largely in the metropolitan area Including New York city. The demand for the semiluxury, cream, has increased more rapidly than has the demand for milk, but both axe increasing at a sufficiently high rat®, however, to Insure a good market FOR SALE--Woodstock typewriter, ' • like new. $50 for quick sale. Phone USED CAR BARGAINS 170. tf ^C8ti;hndca^"",,a' F0R SALE-Th. O'Malley Om.„« 41 Block Bungalow near Spencer's Mill, e .A West McHenry. Ben Stilling ft Son. 39-tf. FOR SALE -- Seven-room modern house on Green street Will sell reasonable in order to settle estate. McHenry, 111. Inquire of Math M. Blake. TeL #07- W-l. 84 tf FOR RENT FOR RENT--6-room bungalow, river FOR SALE OR RENT--A modern property in Edgewater Beach subcottage on Fox River. Also for sale, division; modern. Inquire of Mrs. a lot one block from paved street in Agness Wentworth; Waukegan St., West MfcHenry, 66x312 feet, sewer McHenry. 48tf and water paid. Price $750. H. C. Hughes. Tel. Richmond 685. 48-2 FOR RENT--Garden plot, 60x132 feet, corner Waukegan and Third FOR SALE--Black dirt, suitable for streets, McHenry.' Inquire of Mrs. lawns, gardens, etc. William Agness Wentworth. 48-tf Ahrens, West McHenry, Tel. 58-M FOR SALE--One double day bed and one single cot. Priced reasonable. Phone 147-J. McHenry. 48* 48-2 FOR RENT--Modern heated, furnished rooms. Call 175 46-3 WANTED FpOnnR ScAALi Ei?--_i1o9o277 rWmh •i ppe.t coachu li*iki e F.E M. A.L E . HELP. WAN„T ED.-- CI.im .to new. Excellent condition; plenty of , . f , * be steady extras, seat covers, 4. new' t"ir es. *C al„l et>m rploy,ment. Apply at once. Heimer n af n . AQ Crystal Lake 357. 48-tf Building, Green St., CenteryjJlet_ 48 FOR SALE--Seifert Roller canary, FOUND young hardy stock, in full song. Also Australiam love bird; cages and FOUND--Ford balloon tire, 29x4.40, stands. Will deliver. Call Crystal mounted on rim in tire carrier on Lake 357. 48-ft Elgin road, between Elgin and'Crystal Lake. Hoosier Engineering Co., Pries bldg., McHenry. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this ad. 48 REDUCED TO $88 Now Who Wants It? It's a NASH Two-Ton Truck 4 Nearly New Tires Dual Drive Express Body and Cab Motor in A-l Condition LOST LOST--Lady's black antelope handbag with amber handle, early Tuesday morning between residence of vY ou. i1,1 never ge.t another .t ruc,k .b uv W. A. Sma.l l, east side Pistakee Bay Tl. *v-_ . Round LT aki e d, epot, con.tai.nin g like this. Think of it--less than a money, papers, eyeglasses and I. C. hundred dollars. Last chance. McHENRY AUTO SALES Phtone 8 Riverside Drive DEPENDABLE USED HAND 1924 Dodge Sedan 1924 Dodge Touring CARS ON railroad ticket Finder pleace keep money and return bag or contents. Miss Jane Small,. R-l, McHenry. Phone McHenry 609-J-l. 48 WANTED--Beef, Calf and Horse $300 Hides. Also all kinds of Rags, Paper, _ $150 Magazines, Iron and Metal. Sam Hon o?r<! l"T°n T™k. ~ 1f l2f0i00 Hirschman. Phone McHenry 178. $60 ii Top Retilty Stable Investment "Public faith In real estate as one of the soundest of Investments goes bade to the earliest days of civilised man. Real property has been always the basis of all security, and property ownership the most dependable form of financial credit," says a noted Hew York realty operator, In a recent article. "Every Inch of land, regardless of Its location and environment has a basic value that Is determined by the laws of supply and demand and the use to which the land may be put. On the whole, real property is subject to a lesser degree of fluctuation than any other commodity Involving the investment of capital." More Intensive Work in Tuberculosis Control (Prtptnl by tk* United States Department of Agriculture.) A number of states enacted legislation during the past year enabling them to conduct much more intensive work in the control and eradication of tuberculosis of cattle. New states obtaining helpful legal authority were Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey and Tennessee. Among the states obtaining additional legislation, Indiana passed a law requiring that wherever a county adjoins two counties working or having completed area work, such county shall provide operating funds upon the request of the state veterinarian. This is in effect a complete state law, as under it all counties in the state will eventually be required to make the necessary appropriations. At present 50 of the 92 counties In Indiana are either classed as modified working to that end. 1922 Studebaker, Calif. 1923 Ford Coupe 1924 Dodge touring, winter enclosure, excellent condition throughout $195 Easy Payment Plan We have a complete line of tracks MISCELLANEOUS HAULING -- Have you rubbish cleared away this spring. I am ready • . j , , / . . , , t o d o t h e h a u l i n g . C a l l 5 8 - M , W i l - open body •ty pes. m °r Ham Ahrens;, West McHenry. 48-2 JAMES MORROW ft SON MONEY TO LOAN--On first mort- Phone 186 West McHenry, 111. gage improved city and river property. McHenry Biuling and Loan Assn. M. J. Kent, Sec., Riverside Drive. Phone 8. 47-tf U$ED TRACTORS AND MACHINERY One rebuilt 12-20 Twin City Tractor. One 12-24 Hart-Parr. One Fordson Rebuilt Fordson Tractor Plows. Three-bottom E-B Tractor Plow. , Phn. 110* J' Lak«, m. NOTICE--I will not be r«p»n.ible 42 tf any contracted by anyone DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices for dead animals. Telephone Mlerrick's, Dundee "fclO-J-l Reverse charges. Prompt service. 46-tf & QUO SCOTT WATSON Pirate and Millionaire IP THESE pirate yarns were but fiction and the sOrt of fiction which carries a moral, in that good is always triumphant and evil always lgnomlnlously defeated, then would they all end the same way--with the pirate leader mounting the gallows with the bitter knowledge that his pirating did not pay, either financially or In the mental satisfaction of successful endeavor. But gtnee they are simple chronicles of fact, those who read for a moral must be disappointed. Consider the case of Capt John Bo wen. He did not die on the gallows. His pirating was profitable, Immensely so, and so long as history has any record of him he was enjoying his gains. Ill-gotten though they were. Perhaps there was a certain element of poetic justice In this, for he started on his career by the capture a French vessel, the Speaker, owned by an English company engaged in the Infamous stave trade. After taking this prise Captain Bowen and his "merrle com pan ye" began raiding In the South seas from Bengal to Madagascar. Then his vessel went on the rocks off Mauritius, but the shipwrecked pirates found an unexpected friend In the Dutch governor of the island who supplied food and medical supplies for the marooned freebooters. For three months they enjoyed his hospitality and then Bowen sailed away. Whatever else he may have been, Bowen was not ungrateful, for his parting gift to the Dutch governor was 2,500 pieces of eight and the wreck of the Speaker with all Its guns and stores. Upon arriving at Madagascar, which by this time (1701) was a notorious rendezvous for pirates, he ^built a town and fort to protect It Soon afterwards two ships. Ignorant of the character of the place, came Into port and you may be sure that Bowen took advantage of this providential visit. He seized the two vessels and again went "a-pyratlng." Bowen held a strategic position in his headquarters at Madagascar, for the trade upon the South seas was rich. A quick dash from his town to intercept some clumsy merchantman laden with a valuable cargo and then he and his fellows were back enjoying their loot. It is estimated that In a short time this pirate had taken more than a million dollars In money as well as great quantities of valuable merchandise. Then he wisely decided that It was time to quit So be and his men settled down among the friendly Dutch (who no doubt enjoyed their share ef the captain's loot) on Mauritius and there died In peace. A MM, Weatern Newep*per "ll-- J Chemistry Popular More persons are engaged In the pursuft ot chemistry than In any other science. There are over 22,000 chemists and assistants In the United States. Thought for Today Great culture Is often betokened fcp great simplicity.--Deluzy. Live Far Prom Water Many peeple In Madagascar live la villages 90 miles train water aai gat their beverages from the cactus plant or drink milk. Space Tree* Carefully Spacing of trees is something that cannot be governed by fixed rules, says the American Tree association. Street trees may be placed from 30 to 80 feet apart, depending upon the variety used. Catalpa and Lombardy poplars, which are not very commendable for street use, may be planted at the minimum distance given above, while sycamore and elm require the maximum distance. | Dairy Hints j FOR SALE--Carload No. 2 Oats. McHenry Flour Mills. but myself, outside of groceries and White meats. Fred E. Boger. 46-3* 45-4 WHY NOT PUT ON THAT ROOF BARGAIN FOR YOUNG COUPLE- NOW?--Let me give you an estimate Cost $3,000 four months ago. Will °? ^ ho«8?.' barn ?* «ara«e' Roofs take $650 for all or will separate. J™***01"' ^ W0r^o^aran- Beautiful furniture for 4 room apart- ^ G* R Neuman, Phone 89-W. ment. 3-piece silk mohair parlor suite, hand carved* frame; 8-piece TRUCKING LIVESTOCK and POULwalnut dining room set; 2-9x12 Wil- TRY to and from Chicago. Coops for ton rugs; 4 pc. Walnut bedroom poultry furnished on, request Call set, complete with springs and Cary 52-J-l and reverse charges. mattresseS; lamps, chest of silver, ware; library table; 6-pc. breakfast set Must be seen to be appreciated. Will arrange fer delivery. 882 Leland Ave., near Sheridan Road, phone Sunnyside 6190. Chicago, HI. 46-6 q. W. Smith, Cary, 111. 42-8* TYPEWRITERS Sales and Service. Repaired and Rentals. Prompt attention to phone caUs. Phone 64*. L. KILTZ, Woodstock 49-tf Decorative Chimney Top* Hand-molded decorative chimney tops are an ornamental note which may be applied with entire appropriateness to most of the current architectural types. They also aid the draft If designed properly and may serve to bring a fireplace which will aot draw to a better degree 0# operaratlon. Cluh* to Beautify Road The task of beautifying the 56 miles of highway through the foothills of the Ozark mountains, recently completed as a memorial to the dead of tie World war, will be assumed by the Arkansas Federation of Women's Clubs. With the aid of a landscape architect the dub Is planning to pi«^t trees 00 both sides of the road. Free access to water or watering cows at least twice dally will Increase the profits from winter dairying. e • * A loose separator vibrates and mixes the milk and cream. Have the machine level and anchored to the floor. The amount of milk produced for each cow In the United States In 1916 was 3,700 pounds; in 1921 it was 4,000, and in 1926 it was 4,700 pounds. * • • The average person Is using more milk than he used to, but the number of cows In the country is decreasing each year. The answer Is, each cow is producing more rtian formerly. Dairying Is on Its way to become a million-dollar Industry In Fort Morgan since their cheese factory began operation last month. • • • Unclean milk utensils, pitted and rusty separator bowls, unclean or rusty cream cans frequently cause a "metallic" flavor in cream. • • * While animals of good conformstlsa usually have a targe capacity for the consumption of food, as a class they are more efficient In changing what they eat Into animal products. USED CAR PRICES THAT ARB CUT TO THE LIMIT If you can use any of theee motor McHENRY • WAUOONDA MOTOR vehicles, don't pass them by for they EXPRESS--We handle express to and never will be less. from Chicago. Chicago freight de- 1926 Star Touring; good condition; P*rtment 411 W. Superior St Phone good paint and tires. Motor McHenry 213-W. 82-tf ?er{ect- ^ *18lj TUNE-and keep your piano tunea. 1923 Buick Touring; good mechanical Tuni makea your piano a mu8ical -n^,0n: tU*e8 a °"ly $J5- instrument. Phone 274-J or write J. 1924 Chevrolet 4-pass. Sedan; motor Ht Deihl( Woodstock, DL 27-tf and tires in very good condition. *125- * HARNESS REPAIRING AND UPFord Touring, winter top, motor BOLSTERING--by Robt. Patzke. and tires ^tfod, $110. Phone 99-M, West McHenry, 111., Ford Tudor Sedan--A really good car comer Third and Main streets. 26-tf for the shape it's in. Certainly _______________________ worth this price, $30. TAKE YOUR Sewing Machine trouble McHENRY AUTO SALES to B. Popp. West McHenry. Repair- Riverside Drive Phone 8 ing done on all makes. Also fluff and Phone 162. 13-tf ILLE1 THEATRE „ "WOODSTOCK. ILL Woodstock's Beautiful Play House FRIDAY MAY 4 No Motion Pictures The ftPaint and Powder Club \ Presents "THE DOVER ROAD" A Camedy in Three Acts by All Home-talent Players Curtain at 8 p. m. One Show Only SATURDAY MAY: 5 Z&ne Gray's "UNDER THE TONTO l ) RIM' \ J WMjb Richard Arlen // And V. k tflury BrainN Also Comedy Ol the Stage--Saturday and Sunday BETTY BROWN REVUE Anderson Trio I SELL FARMS, I sell lakes and rag rUg weaving' rivers. Dan Quinlan, Woodstock, 111. A room to rent? Advertise it in 40-tf our classified department. Needs Tropical Climate . The Lltchi or, Lichl grows successfully only In southern China, Cochln- Chlna, and the Philippines. It haf been grown experimentally In southern Florida, and southern Callfonila, but will not°thrive except In a tropical climate. First Colonial Wedding Mistress Ford brought her maid, Ann Burras, to Virginia In 1608. The latter soon married John Lawdon. This la the first recorded English wedding en American soil. Official Bench Marks The geological survey says that the bench marks used by the survey de» Ignate the elevation above mean sen level. The line Is taken from a grjwm many places along the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and the Gulf coast Knew Horror* ot War Take my word for It If yon had seen but one day of war, you weald pray to Almighty God that you might never again see even an hour of war. --The Duke of Wellington, conqueror of Napoleon at the battle of Waterloo. SUNDAY and MONDAY MAY 6 and 7 Leatric* Joy In ' "THE BLUE DANUBE" Also Pathe News and Comedy TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY MAY 8 and 9 Oreta Qarbo In "THE DIVIN* WOMAN" With Lars Hanson and . Lowell Sherman THURSDAY FRIDAY MAY 10 and 11 "THE PATENT LEATHER KID" With Richard Barthelmeu pf inntf a Butter and Egg! Everybody knows that Smith Bros, is to go for GOOD Butter and Eggs. 1' Still we are often asked why our price is a little higher than some. ; Answer: Our sales prove that many people Will pay 2 or 3 cents more for the best, rather A Home Owned Store' ••*<1 High in Quality--Low in Price t There's a big difference in tires, although they all look pretty much alike. Some are made with skimpy, short staple cotton. Some have an overdose of "filler" in the rubber of the tread. Some are long on looks and short on quality. But you won't need a microscope to be sure that the Goodyear Tire you get from us is a real buy. Goodyear •mileages tell the story of "The World's Greatest Tire." Goodyears are performing so satisfactorily for our customers that they invariably come back--not with a kick but a boost, and for another Goodyear when they need tire equipment. We have your size--in new stocks--at low prices. Complete Stock All Sizes Tire and Tube Vulcanizing Tires Sold on Time Payments WALTER J. FREUND West McHenry, Illinois 120-R Batteries Battery Charging and Repairing DRAWING PAPER AT THE PLAINDEALSt Sheets 24x36 inches. *• * ' * v • •• • ' • ' The First Thing to Consider Before Building is the Lot We have them--good ones. River frontage H yon want it REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Phone 8 "Three Important Items to Consider for Your New Home PLUMBING, HEATING AND £L£CTRICA& WORK These are our specialties. Experienced workmen will do the job right--we have just thai kind of mechanics. H. E. Buch Phone 43 McHenry Bt" la