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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 May 1928, p. 4

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~ r^r ;'^"7 »£ M'HENRY FUXRDIALEB, THURSDAY, HAT 10,i 1 9 3 8 ' • . > . • ' * • > - 3 ' , . -C" \ . : , : - > v S „ . THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER Published my Thursday at McHsnry, DL, by Okaries F. Bankfc. Entered as second-class matter at the 4er the act of May 8, 1879. at McHetaiy, HL» os- •wp* A. H. XQSBKB*. Editor and Manager Meaning of dreyhoaneT9 !t, -! *_ The "grey" In greyhound is not meant • $<ta> represent the color of the animal. £ ! **Or®y" is a Scandinavian word fW 'liotind, this particular species of anb^.. final from that country having the jrr tame So that when we use the word r *freyhound" we are really saying H "haaad-honnd." •>«, Violin Saved Nfcnt ~ A distinguished violinist says that would be a criminal were his da- •5lre to play suppressed, and it may be %dded that failure to suppress some the other violinists Is in itself an Ibdureraeat w crime.--Boston Traa- -itcrlpt. •: \ " Good Advice TiOve, laugh and live longer," advises one of the Polyanna syndicate sisters. Not a few men have loved, langhed and lived shorter. In matters of this kind very much depends on who the lovee and the laughee happen to be.--Thrift Magazine. .V.J1 r Crumb oi Comfort When we are in trouble it Is always 1 source of encouragement to know *fbat others have come through like ibqperlences. What has been borne flan be endured again; where victories hare been won they are still possible. •--Great Thoughts Magazlnfc Keep the Window* Open People who sleep with windows 'Hide open and plenty of covers, are vflhr healthier than those sealed op In <9 poorly-ventilated room. White Houae Wedding The first marriage which occurred in the White House was that of Mrs. Washington, sister of Mrs. Madieon, •ad Judge Todd of Kentucky, March 11, 1811. •' i CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS FOE (BALE Vselett Baggage The trouble with m«ny people^ says • great scientist, is that they speed too much time "packing trunks" they cannot take with them and that would contain few useful things If they did. --American Magaslne. Otherwise W* a Zephyr A scientific observer defines a billiard thuswlse: "If five men can hold a blanket over a gimlet hoi* In a door. It is not a blizzard." Warning to Youth A sensual and Intemperate hands over a worn-out body to old age.--Cicero. COTW r.O.I, DETROIT DODGE BROTHERS StamhkdSH The Greatest Performer ever sold under $LOOO Don't miss die experience of driving this remarkable new Six by Dodge Brothers! set your hopes HIGH--lor here is the fastest and finest performer in the world selling for less than a thousand dollars. With the fastest acceleration AT ALL SPEEDS! And the most astounding power on hilla you've ever experienced. 1 horsepower to every 47 pounds--an engine that in all moderation can be called SENSATIONAL. With the ruggedest Dodge chassis ever built; and Midland Steeldraulic four-wheel brakes to control the 4-Doot Sedan car's flashing action. *895 Cabriolet *945 DmLuxe Sedan 9970 Detroit A long, smart, extraroomy Six available in four fashionable b^dy types: the Coupe, the 4-door Sedan, the Cabriolet and DeLuxe Sedan. Drive it a day and you'll drive nothing else! T»« in on WEBH (or D«MBrwhen Radio Profrom «Wr> Thursday night «* # o'clock time WEAF-- JJBC Red Network James Morrow & SOB WftftkegtM ud Wejrt MeHeiry (TO MM AMt> TMt MtMMMt I BARGAINS He*« is you opportunity to get a high class Coupe at a bargain price. 1928 Nash Advanced Six Victoria, 4-pass. Coupe; wire wheels and full equipment, $1,300. FOR SALE--Three-piece living room suit; two 9x12 rugs; rocking chairs. Mrs. H. J. Schaffer. Phone 83-W. 49-tf FOR SALE--Ford dump box. sonable. Call 78-W. Rea- 49 FOR SALE--8-room Colonial house at Abo several good used cars, reason- corner of Main St. and Elgin Road, ably priced. for terms and price inquire of A. E. G. A. STILLING GARAGE Hye, West McHenry. /Phone 123-J. 49-tf , 49 y FOR SALE CHEAP--Two beds and FOR SALE OR REPfT--A 4-room springs, roll top desk and emery summer cottage on Fox River, south grinder. Call 87-M. 49* of MicHenry. John A. Bolger. Phone FOR SALE--Extra Fancy Rural New 14Q~R- 49'tf York Seed Potatoes (late variety). FOR SALE--Elto motor, used two Phone your order early. McHenry months; will sell at a bargain. Call Co. Farmers Co-op. Assn. Phone 29. Sunday only at Lot 40, Orchard Beach. 49'2 H. W. Rapp. 49-tf USED CAR BARGAINS Ford Truck, with cab and" box....$125 Diamond T. Truck, with cab and box $150 Ford Chassis (1924) FOUND FOUND--Small size balloon tire on £40 rim, between MicHenry and Johns- Buick Standard-Six Coupe .^."_4550 burg- OwiieT may have samej>y prov- Jewett Touring $150 ' Buick Touring $175 OVERTON A COWEN Phone 6 McHenry, 111. ing property and paying for this ad. Call Alexander Lumber Co. 49 FOR house SALE -- on Green Seven-room modern street. Will sell FOR SALE--Early Murdock seed reas°nable in order to settle estate corn; germination from 98 to 100 per cent. James Hunter, R-2, McHenry. Phone 617-J-2. 48-tf Inquire of Math M. Blake. W-l. Tel. 607- 34 tf LOST FOR SALE OR RENT--A modern cottage on Fox River. Also for sale, LOST--A Ford tire on rim? size a lot one block from paved street in 30x3%, between Ringwood and Bur- West McHenry, 66x312 feet, sewer ton's Bridge, Tuesday evening. Reand water paid. Price $750. H. C. turn to Norma Whiting. 49 Hughes. Tel. Richmond 685. 48-2 LOST--Yellow scarf, between Bol- Z,SAL^BlaCk "'2 SUi^ '°r Ahrens, West'MeHenry, Tel "58-pMI. ease pb<,,,e «• 49 48-2 FOR RENT FOR SALE--1927 Whippet coach like » new. Excellent condition; plenty of FOR SALE OR RENT--The O'MJalley extras, seat covers, 4 new tires. Call Cement block Bungalow near Spen- Crystal Lake 357. 48-tf cer's Mill, West McHenry. Ben Stilling & Son. 49-2 FOR SALE--Seifert Roller canary, young hardy stock, in full song. Also FOB RENT--Two furnished rooms Australiam love bird; cages and *or ^S^t housekeeping. Call 143-M. stands. Will Lake 357. deliver. Call Crystal 48-ft 49-tf REDUCED TO $88 Now Who Wants It? It's a NASH Two-Ton Truck 4 Nearly New Tirea Dual Drive Express Body and Cab Motor in A-l Condition You'll never get another track bay like this. Think of it--less than a hundred dollars. Last chance. McHENRY AUTO SALES Phone 8 FOR RENT--6-room bungalow, river property in Edgewater Beach subdivision; modern. Inquire of Mrs. Agness Wentworth, Waukegan St., McHenry. 48tf FOR RENT--Garden plot, 60x132 feet, corner Waukegan and Third streets, McHenry. Inquire of Mrs. Agness Wentworth. 48-tf WANTED WANTED-»-Radios for repair or adjustment. We have employed the services of a pioneer in the radio Riverside Drive game. Bring your radio troubles to . us. Phone 123-J. Nye Jewelry, Mu- DEPENDABLE USED CABS ON sic and Radio Shop, West McHenry. HAND 49 1924 Dodge Sedan $300 - 1924 Dodge Touring $150 WANTED--Beef, Calf and Horse 1925 Ford 1-Ton Truck $200 Hides. Also all kinds of Rags, Paper, 1922 Studebaker, Calif. Top ..M $150 Magaziaes, Iron and Metal. Sam 1923 Ford Coupe $60 Hirschman. Phone MicHenry 178. 1924 Dodge touring, winter 31-tf. enclosure, excellent condition " f^rmr throughout $166 MISCELLANEOUS Easy Payment Plan -- • We have a complete line of trucks LAUNDRY--Just phone McHenry in % ton and 1*4 ton in closed or 67-W and we'll do the rest. Our modopen body types. era laundry equipment gives you JAMES MORROW & SON quality service. Standard Wet Wash Phone 186 West McHenry, 111. of Elgin. Martin Smith, Dist. Mgr. ®U3DT/ & ELMO SCOUT WATSON I. Blackboard, the Arch Pirate ii A TALL, powerful man with a " fierce expression, which was Increased by a long beard which grew from below his eyes an«1 hung down to a great length. This he plaited Into many tails, each one tied with a colored ribbon and turned back over his ears. When going Into action, he wore a sling on his shoulders with three pairs of pistols, and stuck lighted matches under the brim of his hat." A pleasant picture? Yet, that Is what many an ill-fated ship's craw saw when, after a shot had been fired across the bows of their vessel, there came aboard the renowned pirate leader, Capt. Edward Teach, alias Thatch, alias Tach, alias Drummond, alias Blackbeard. As Blackbeard, he Is best known, and as Blackbeard he la well named the "arch pirate." For In addition to being an eye-filling spectacle, Blackbeard comes nearest being the typical pirate of fiction of any who ever sailed the Spanish Main. A peculiar sense of humor had this buccaneering worthy. One day, flushed with wine, he assembled his crew on deck and addressed them as follows: "Come, let us make* a hell of ear own, and try how long we can bear it." Thereupon he forced several of them to accompany him below, where they •hut themselves In the hold and set Are to several pots of brimstone. They stood It as long as they could, than, choking and gasping for air, they stumbled out of the inferno. But the last te come was Blackbeard, who ever afterwards boasted of his hardihood. Upon one other occasion he sat in his cabin with several of his fellows. Suddenly the pirate leader blew out the candle, and drawing his pistols began firing them under the table. One of the guests, Israel Hands, his sailing master (Stevenson "borrowed" Hands from real life to be a character of fiction In "Treasure Island") was severely wounded In the knee, and the only explanation offered by the playful pirate for his conduct was that "if he did not shoot one or two of them now and then, they'd forget who he was." A much-married man was Captain Teach. At one time he surrendered to the governor of North Carolina and was pardoned for his crimes. They became great friends, and when Teach confessed that he was in love with a young lady of that province--she was only sixteen years old--the governor was delighted to perform the wedding ceremony. Teach coyly confessed that this was his fourteenth venture into matrimony, and it was common gossip that there were no fewer than twelve Mrs. Teachs still living in different towns in the West Indies. (t, ltM, Weat«rn Newspaper UbIm.) Bowling Prize Winners The Palace Recreation parlors had some busy days over the week-end and accommodated hundreds of visitors. The good weather had enticed many of the city people into the country for the week-end, as well as giving many of the local residents the desire to spend an evening or two in recreation. The high score for the week was bowled by Dave Joslyn of Woodstock and Arthur Meyers, who were tied with a score of 235. Mrs. Al Krause won the ladies' prize of a box of candy with a high score of 171. USED TRACTORS AND MACHINERY 49 HAULING -- Have you rubbish One rebuilt 12-20 Twin City Tractor, beared away this spring. I am ready One 12-24 Hart-Parr. to do the hauling. Call 58-M, Wil- One Fordson Rebuilt. Ma™ Ahrens, West McHenry. 48-2 Fordson Tractor Plows. Three-bottom E-B Tractor Flow. E. J. SHELDON, Phone lit Grays Lake, I1L 42-tf HONEY TO LOAN--On first mortgage improved city and river property. McHenry Biuling and Loan Assn. J. Kent, Sec., Riverside Drive. Phone 8. 47-tf FOR SALE--Carload No. 2 Oats. McHenry Flour Mills. White 45-4 DEAD ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices for dead animals. Telephone BARGAIN FOR YOUNG COUPLE-- M*rrick'8' Dund*e SiO-J-l Reverse Cost $3,000 four months ago. Will charges. Prompt service. 46-tf take $550 for all or will separate. Beautiful furniture'for 4 room apartment. 3-piece silk mohair parlor suite, hand carved frame; 8-piece walnut dining room set; 2-9x12 Wilton rugs; 4 pc. Walnut bedroom set, complete with springs and mattresses; lamps, chest of silver- TRUCKING LIVESTOCK and POULware; library table; 5-pc. breakfast TRY to and from Chicago. Coops for set. Must be seen to be appreciated. Poetry furnished on request Call Will arrange for delivery. 832 Leland Gary 52-J-l and reverse charges, WHY NOT PUT ON THAT ROOF NOW?--Let me give you an estimate on your house, barn or garage. Roofs of all descriptions. All work guaranteed. G. P. Neuman, Phone 89-W. 46-tf. Ave., near Sheridan Road, Sunnyside 6190. Chicago, 111. phone 46-6 C. W. Smith, Cary, 111. 42-8 USED CAR PRICES THAT ARE CUT TO THE LIMIT If you can use any of these motor vehicles, don't pass them by for they never will be less. 1926 Star Touring; good condition; good paint and tires. Motor mechanically perfect. TYPEWRITERS Sales and Service. Repaired and Rentals. Prompt attention to phone calls. Phone 549. L. KILTZ, Woodstock 49-tf ILLE] THEATRE l**oodjtock. Woodstock's Beautiful Play House SATURDAY MAY 12 HOOT GIBSON in "TUB RAWHIDE KID" Also Comedy On pie Stage Saturday and Sunday Big Ttaae Vaudeville SUNDAY and MONDAY " MAY 1 MARIE PREVOST in "V --"ON TO RENO" Also 'Patlie Newa and Comedy McHENRY • WAUCONDA MOTOR EXPRESS--We handle express to and Price $185 from Chicago. Chisago freight de- H123 Buick Touring; good mechanical partment, 411 W. Superior St. Phone condition; good tires. Only $75. McHenry 213-W. 82-tf Ford Touring, winter top, motor ' and tires good, $110. TUNE--and keep your piano tuned Ford Tudor Sedan--A really good car Tuning makes your piano a musical for the shape it's in. Certainly instrument. Phone 274-J or write J. worth this price, $30. Deihl, Woodstock, 111. 27-tf McHENRY AUTO SALES Riverside Drive a HARNESS REPAIRING AND UP- "lon* 8 BOLSTERING--by Robt. Patske. I SELL FARMS, I sell lakes and Phone 99-M, West McHenry, HI., rivers. Dan Quinlan, Woodstock, HI. corner Third and Main streets. 2f-tf 40-tf FOR SALE--Woodstock $50 for quick sale. St: TAKB TOUR Sewing Machine trouble typewriter, to B. Popp. West McHenry. Repairing done on all makes. Also fluff and Mf rag weftrfng' Phone H TUESDAY DAY MAY 15-1$ "THE WAY or ALL FLESH" with t EMTTIE JENNINGS Also Comedy THURSDAY FRIDAY . KAY 17«M FRED THOMPSON in "JESSE JAMES*1 AJao Pathe News and Fails* They'll take all you can give 'em Othkoih B'Go«h overalls are made for men who give work clothe* th« haraeit kind of wear. They're h Jiky. They'll (tana up under rough treatment. No denim is tougher--no overall is better reinforced. Denim, thread, loops, slides, buttons--only the best are used. Great, big, comfortable, long-wearing, fastcolor overalls. Cost less in the end than cheap ones. Come in. Try on a .pair. B'GOSH Work Clothes Linemen angf Railroad Men US is One of the Best Ones ^tcHe^ry Must Make Good or We H>M " »•>»»»»»»•»•»#»••»•»••»•»•»•»•»»»»•»•»»•#»•»»»»»»»+»»» High in Quality--Low in Price There's a big difference in tires, although they all look pretty much alike. Some are made with skimpy, short staple cotton. Some have an overdose of "filler" in the rubber of the tread. Some are long on looks and short on quality. But you won't need a microscope to be sure that the Goodyear Tire you get from us is a real buy. Goodyear mileages tell the story of "The World's Greatest Tire." .... ~ ..., 6 Goodyears are performing so satisfactorily for our customers that they invariably come back--not with a kick but a boost, and for another Goodyear when they need tire equipment. We have your size--in new stocks--at low j)rices. Complete Stock . All Sis-- Tire and Tube Vulcanizing Tires Sold on Time Payment* WALTER J. FREUND West McHenry, Illinois 120-R Batteries Battery Charging ind Repairing »»»»»« | •»» l t I 11 'I'll The First Thing to Consider Before Building is the Lot Wa hMT* eood oses. Elver frontage if you want it Kent & Company REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE Phone 8 Three Important Items to Consider for Your New Home PLUMBINg, HEATING AND ELECTRICAL WORK These are our specialties. Experienced winkmen will do the job right--we have just that kind of mechanics. * H. E. Buch Phone 41 McHenry

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