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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 May 1928, p. 6

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* (»£ •iJStf > <r-f% THmnUT, HAT A negro went to the bank to get check cashed. He stood in line a long time. Just as he got up to the window, the teller put a sign up whkh read: "This bank is busted." Negro: "What do yo* mean, the bank is busted?" . Teller: "Well, it is, that's ill. Didn't you ever hear of a bank being busted?" Negro: '^Yes, but ah never had one 'Why are you divorcing yoer hoeband?" "The ether nightlife was reading the paper and I slipped up and Jdaped him on his bald spot." I "Yes?" • * "And he said, 'Quit plfcyfrig, Honey, and get out those letters I dictated yesterday."' --Railway Telegrapher. b u s t i n mahface Carmen's Journal. befo'/'r-Railway Hie chocker ought to be on backseat drivel. --Film Fun. the Purchaser of small steed cart do you get into it?" Salesman: "You don't get in, you have to put it on."--Exchange. COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR CITY As Seen Bj Plaindealer Reporters and Handed 2ft By Our Friends V &• :i Frett Bros. & Freund mason contractor^ ; and r CINCRETE BUILDING UNITS Telephone McHenry 600-M-l or 86-R * > Always. a square USED CAR deal from the 'Buick Dealer The Buick dealer is in business to stay. His future reputation depends upon his treating used car buyers fairly. He wants to please used car purchasers be* cause he knows that satisfied used car cusm tenners are prospective new Buick buyers. The man who buys a good used car--hon- . estly represented--at a fair price--receives splendid value in transportation." In his enthusi^m for the car he has bought, and the value he has received, it is only natural for him to look upon as his friend. 7>e Buick dealer has many such friends ^ because he represent? the true condition of* - ' die Sirs ne offers for sale, And that is good for the Buick - dealer, as well as the used car buyer. ^ BUICK MOTOR COMPANY fUNT.MICH.--DIVISION OPGBNBKAL MOTORS CORPORATION OVERTON & CO WEN Buick Dealers WMt McHMrytIIL Himr^llL Crystal lJht,HI. Miss Ethel Jones visited in Chicago on Sunday and Monday. M. J. Kent and Roy Kent were business visitors in Chicago Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karls visited relatives in Chicago over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Goodell and family visited relatives in Chicago Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Glover hive returned to this city, where they will spend the summer. " Mr. and Mrs. Joe McOmber, of Chicago, spent the week-end in McHenry. | Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Coleman, of Chicago, visited in the Fred Karls home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Her&og, of Chicago, spent the week-end at their jcottage on Fox River. Mrs. John R. Smith spent the weekend with her sister, M!rs. Clarence Colby, at Crystal Lake. . Little Jack Horan, of Chicago, is Visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Howard this week. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Mat Karls and son, ®obby, of Chicago, visited in the Fred Karls home Sudnay. Mr. and Mrs. Draheim and family, ©f Chicago, spent the week-end at Jheir cottage on Fox River. Attorney and Mrs. Raymond M. Wienke, of Chicago, were Sunday guests of McHenry relatives. Rev. C. W. Loughlin is spending Several days this week with his parents at Bloomingdale, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hall and son, of Chicago, visited in the home of the former's parents here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Kamholz and little son, of Chicago, visited in the Fred Kamholz home Thursday. Mrs. E. Vergare, of Chicago, fpent several days last week as a guest in the home of Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin. Mr. ind Mrs. John Blake and family spent Sunday • as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Roderick at Woodstock. They went to see Mrs. Roderick who is ill. WIEDRICB & BRENNAN Dealers In LIVE STOCK If you have any Stock to sell give na_ fc_ ring--McHenry 221-J. 45-4 Special Reduced Prices ~11 i.-n John Smith 6EAVEL AND GRAVELING AO ldnds of Trucking Promptly Attended to. TeL 64S-W-1 McHenry, I1L 47-8 •%< Insure- Ii Sure-Iosorince WITHW m. G. Schreiner Auctioneering OFFICE AT RESIDENCE Phone fS-R SfcHENRV, ILL BIMI OK DMIOOU mm ^ # Don't buy until yon have my prices. All Vulcanising Guaranteed. • Tires and Tubes and Accessories, Car Batteries, all sins. Radio A, B, and C Batteries. WALTER J. FREUND Tire and Tube Repairing, Vulcanizing, Battery Charging and Repairing West McHenry, Illinois MeHENRY GRAVEL * EXCAVATING 00. A. P. Freund, Prop. Road Building and Excavating of Every Description Estimates Furnished on Request High-grade Gravel Delivered at any time--large or small orders given prompt attention. Phone 204-M McHenry A Complete Line of Hardware and Paints %; i*r l; See Us Before You Buy TIN AND COPPER WORK All work is personally supervised By John Brda J" Let us figure your job. THE BEST ^ QUALITY -- SERVICE --PRICES A '& Hardware Phonee 161 0. rf. KLONTZ, M. D. Physician and Surgeon (Also treating all diseases of the Eye, Eu, Nose and Throat and doing Refraction) OOce Hoars--8 to 9 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays by Appointment Office at Residence, Waukegan Road. Phone 181 McHenry, HI. K. CARROLL Lawyer Ufln with Kent & Conpnj •very Wednesday rtiojs# s Mcfiwr, m. Telephone No. 10S-S. Stof fel & Reihansperger Instnrsnce agents for all classes of property in the beet companies. | WEST McHENBY, ILLINOIS Carl Schmitt was a Chicago visitor Friday. Miss Floribel Bassett was an Elgin visitor Tuesday. . Mrs. Fred Kamhola was a Chicago visitor Thursday. Miss Lou Schneider is visiting Chicago this week. Mrs. P. W. Engeln was a Waukegan visitor one day last week _ Richard Stenger, of Waukegan, visited friends here Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wrede, of Chicago, spent Sunday at McHenry, Ma*, and Mrs. P. W. Engeln and family were Harvard visitors Sunday. Miss Miaud Granger, of Chicago, spent the week-end at her home here. Miss Leone Conway spent a few days last week with Chicago relatives. Mrs. Frank J. Rosing and children were Waukegan visitors last Wednesday. Mrs. Laura Kent .and daughter, Ruth, were Chicago visitors Wednesday. Mrs. Jacob F. Justen was a Chicago visitor on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thompson were vasitx>i)s at Woodstock and Hebron Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Perkins and family visited at Kenosha, Wis., Sunday. * Michael Weston, of Woodstock, spent last Wednesday evening with relatives here. Miss Claribel Martin, of Woodstock, attended the band coneert here Tuesday evening. Mrs. Chris Norager, of Chicago, spent a few days last week with friends in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Molidor, of Volo, visited in the Frank Rosing home Thursday evening. Miss Etta Rosenberger attended the funeral of a relative at Bartlett on Wednesday of last week. David Hickman, of Chicago, spent several days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Burke. Mrs. Harry Alexander, of Hebron, spent several days this week with her sister, Mrs. R. A. Thompson. Mrs. Forest, who has been ill from a relapse of the flu, in Chicago, returned to her home here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Worts, of Chicago, were week-end visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Worts. Miss Regina Blake, of Elgin, spent the week-end in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Blake. Mirs. R. A. Thompson and her sister, Mrs. Harry Alexander, of Hebron, were Elgin visitors Monday. Mr. and Mk-s. Ed. Hall and little son, of Grayslake, visited in the home of the former's relatives here Sunday. ' Mrs. Mary Carey visited in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Thos. Doherty, at Ringwood one day last week. Mrs. F. E. Cobb went to Chicago Thursday, where she will spend a week in the home of her sister, Mrs. Cleve Carney. N. C. Klein and daughters, Mrs. Ed. Young and little daughter, and Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer were Elgin visitors Monday,. Mr. and Mrs. C. Arthur Fowler and A. P. Disbrow, of Chicago, spent the week-end in the home of Mrs. Emma Kennebeck. Mr. and Mrs. Germer Petesch, of Chicago, visited in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Petesch, Sunday. Miss Rose Worts spent a few dayi last week in Chicago, where she visited a friend who is reeuperkting from a recent operation. Marvin Carney, who spent two weeks in the home of Mir. and Mrs. F. E. Cobb, returned to his home in Chicago on Thursday. Mirs. Salbina Huette and Marie Httette and Arthur Bopp, of Chicago, were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob F. Justen. Miss Myrtle Steffeler, of Shabbona, 111., and Vernon Heidenrich, of Woodbine, 111., were week-end guests «f MV- and Mrs. Elmer Koerner. A. W, Krug is back on the job as proprietor of the National Tea Store, after spending last week on a honeyifoou trip through the East. Mr. Mid Mrs- Charles F. Renich, Mrs. Caroline Raebuck and E. F. Meyer, of Woodstock, attended the band concert here Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mirs. F. W. Sayler and daughters, Viola and Joyce, of Woodstock, were Sunday callers at the W. A. Sayler home on Waukegan street. Mr. and Mrs. Dulleck, of Grass Lake, visited in the home of Mir. and Mirs. M. L. Worts one day last week. Mrs. Ony Wheeler, Mirs. Calla Perkins and daughter, Adeline, and Miss Arline Harrison attended an Eastern Star meeting at Elgin Friday evening. Blirs. Sayler Smith, of Portland, Ore., spend the week-end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Claxton. Mrs. Smith came to attend a Shrine meeting at Milwaukee, Wis., and stopped off at McHenry to see old friends/ Several of the young people of the Miethodist church are planning to attend an Epworth League dinner and meeting at Waukegan Saturday evening. Mrs. Andrew Miller and little granddaughter, Jane McAndrews, turned home th© last of the week, after visiting in the Ray MicAndrews home at Woodstock. Mrs. H. M. Stephenson, Mrs. E. E. Whiting, Mirs. William McCannon, Mrs. Edgar Thomas and Mrs. Nick Young, of Ringwood, attended the funeral of Henry Degen here last week. Those from MicHenry who attended the funeral services of Mrs. Ben Johnson at Crystal Lake on Friday afternoon were L. A. Eriekson, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bassett Mr. and Mrs. James Sayler, Mirs. J. E. Wheeler, Mrs. R. A. Thompson and Mir. and Mrs. George H. Johnson and children and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson of Ring wood. 'What's a synonym?" 'A synonym is a word you use when you can't spell the other one."-- Exchange. SUNSET HILLS GLADIOLI FLOWEttg FOR THIS YEAR 1928 will be the greatest) fai Garden Flowers. Every home will be more beautiful with flowers. --ORDER NOW-- 25 Varieties of New Gladiolus $1.00 per dozen and up jUB of the New Iris, Assorted $1.50 and $2.50 per dozen 8 Assorted Cannas, large roots 2 jears old, in their prime. Not $5 and $8 a dozen, only $8.50 per dozen Cfcladiums (Elephant Ears) 6 large bulbs for $2.00 Tube Roses, "Pearls" medium bulbs, 75c dozen large BuKbs, $1.25 per dozen / ; Assorted Imported Liliee $8.00 dozen grades for $4,50 per dozen 15 NEW PRIZE ROSES All new shades and * colors. Guaranteed to bloom in 96 days from setting in ground. $1.00, $1.45, $1.65 and $L85 . per bush H. E. HOWARD 518 South St, Woodstock, HL 49 in Store for You <JL- ' -?s * ' «1 ^ ft i'"~ ~ I depends very largely on wha^\ you place in store for the future^ - rV-wi' savings account with thW? ^ is the ideal method foif^J; 4'placing in store"--it provides? safety for your savings and, at the same time, makes them an investment through thf ^ terest we pay. }x-'fr MS River Valley; • . . . . • 4 - • This bank will close at noon each Thursday during Kay, June, July, August and September. ' ONE NITE ONLY! i . X 2 tli JACK HIGGINS and His VICTOR RECORDING ORCHESTRA DIRECT FROM THE MERRf GARDENS BALL ROOM , I cmoAG«»? Big Prize Dance Every Sat Nite • * / J have arranged for a Special Representative of the fVee Sewing Machine Co. to be at our store from to 19th rkmWhW • 1,1" * 1.1. 8CHABFBB •.'» '• !rf *• l?: ••-5.? ' Xtaiyiac • ILLINOIS tfehelp yon with your sewing problems and demonstrate the wonde^ new TREE Treadle and FREE-Westinghouse Electric Machine Special Offer A complete course in Sewing and Dressmaking win be> given without charge with every FREE TREADLE or PREE-WESTINGHOUS^ ELECTRIC machine sold during this demonstration. Planning, cutting, fitting and the use of machine and attachments are clearly ex** plained oad illustrated. : • - ; . . . • J r , • - v .T " . I.ll»eral allowance for year ased machine regardless of aiake er «MUl>ti«s .• •j r Terms to Suit Your Convenience Plan to Visit Our Store During This Special Demonstration |H« CakfaMt Ttm4I« Style "The lust MM I w*s In fttAkurg, the temperature on three successive nights dropped to eero." "That's nothing, that's nothings" "What's nothing?" ""Zero."--Progreasive Gwceft Jaco^ Justen f^ Sons Phone lOVl McHenry wtmim • |«nfV|ftf mfi nfI»/--IIfifjhTwMt-r j£ *&<. t »fiiiril!iJ[-»f^hfil"iSfc?if*- fifnn .'vV:-

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