v* $***$?&&+ ^ tY PLAXRSBALtt, HtOTtSDAY, MAT 31, 1MB ^WATTOONDA n Krell i» ill with the *t present. i M i s a B e r y l Gilbert was a Chicago '= caller Tuesday. Miss James Gossell was a McHenry calle" Tuesday. Miss Mae Dalpy of Lake Bluff spent the week-end with her parents here. Mrs. Grace Ford was a Chicapro call- -nr Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Thomas were El grin callers Wednesday. (Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Dickson were ' Waukegan callers Tuesday. r Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Maiman "were Waukegan callers Tuesday. : Mr. and Mrs. John Brown were ; • jWTaukegan callers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomas and sons r torero McHonry callers Saturday. fs<- George Deinlein, Jr., is spending ••{the week with relatives in Chicago. Joseph Vogt of Round Lake spent Bunday at the Ray Seymour home. ~4i- Mr. and Mrs. John Hironimus called " -On relatives in Waukegan Thursday. . . ; C. E. Mulling of Corwith, Iowa, is ;"Visiting at the A. C. Sorensen home, t • Mrs. D. H. Murphy and son, Ray, : ,Jsrere Highland Park callers Tuesday. I Kenneth Barr. Clarence Thomas and .^pielvin Potter spent Thursday in Chi- ^pago. | (Mr. and Mi's. John Brown and family spent Sunday at- the Peter Mueller home in MjrHenry. r Miss Mabal KrAgge and Melvin Stone attended a show in Waukegan Dun i ay. IMi s Dorothea Stroker of Evanston spent the week-end at the George Btreker home. Junior Paddock of Round Lake •pert Tuesday with his cousin, Lorfain? Turnbuil. 5 Mrs. Turner and children of Grayslake called on her mother, Mrs. Jane ^ Eatinger, recently. Mrs. Clarence Daley and daughters spent the week-end with relatives^at North Chicago. Mr. and Mirs. Paul Broncheon and Mrs. Julia Broncheon called on the Townsend family at Waukegan Thursday evening. Mr. fend Mrs. Paul Hicks of Libertyyille were Wednesday callers at the JL E. Hicks home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kruger called on the latter's father, John Walton, At Yolo, Monday evening. I Morris Van Natta of Barrington tailed on Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Urantham, Friday. Joseph Vogt and family of Volo called on Mrs. Vogt at the Seymour home Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Harrison of Chicago spent Tuesday night with her tnother, Mrs. Loretta Seymour. Miss Helen Downs of Chicago spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. fuid Mrs. J. H. Downs. Mrs. Alice Geary and daughter, Edythe and Mr. and Mrs. William Geary and son, Edward, were Waukegan callers Monday. Mrs. William Daley, Mm Len Geary and Miss Doris Padcok were McHenry callers Wednesday. , Mrs. Joseph Tomisky of Crystal Lake spent Thursday with Mrs. Fannie Pratt. M. S. Clark'^turned home Wednes day evening after spending the winter months in Texas* Mrs. Marshall Smith and Mrs. Alvin Case and son were Waukegan callers Thursday. Mr. and Mirs. Oswald Larson of North Chicago spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mirs. A. M. Larson and family.' George Blackburn and Mrs. George Broughton were called to Freeport Thursday morning, M!rs. E. Jepson having a stroke and is very low at this time. Mrs. A. M. Larson and son, Pkul, were McHenry callow Friday. SPRING GROVB Mrs. Ajrtihur <Kattneit entertained the Afternoon Euchre clab at her home Thursday. First prize, Miss Veronica Bretz; second, Mrs. S. Pierce; third, Mirs. P. Siegler; fourth, Mrs. Nick Nett; consolation, Mrs. Bete May. _ J P. F. Siegler's friends will be sorry to learn of his ill health. He left last Tuesday for Mayo Bros, hospital at Rochester, Minn. We hope for his speedy recovery. Ed. B?ll and daughter, .Trs. Bertha Esh, spent Wednesday in Ringwood. Mrs. Math Nimsgern and children have been sick with the flu, but all are on the gain again. Among the passengers for Chicago Friday were Mrs. C. Parfrey, Mrs. J. C. Furlong, N. N .Weber, Edmond Kcefeo, and I>Iike Freund. H. E. Cornish is the proud owner of an Erskine, purchased last Tuesday in the city. Mrs. Jennie Mioss and cousin, R. C. Oxtoby, motored to Antioch Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson and family of McHenry were Friday evening guests at John Weber's. Mr. and Mrs. John Weber did shopping in Waukegan Saturday afternoon. A few friends were invited to the homeyof William Bret* Saturday evening. Cards furnished the social time, and a very delicious lunch was served by the hostess. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sherman, Geneva; Mr. and Mrs. Pete Burgman, Genoa City; Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Miller and daughter, Bertha, Richmond, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kattner. Mrs. Emma Kattner entertained the Afternoon Euchre club Thursday. --• James Gracy of Crystal Lake called Sunday evening at R. D. Carr's On his way home from Honey Creek where he spent Saturday and Sunday. Our blend of coffee is the best on the market. Try a pound now and you'll order more. Erickson Dept. Store. 52 FLOOR VARNISH P1 * C, Acme Quality Floor-Roc Varnish--•» the name Implies--dries as hard as stone and refuses to yield under heel marks. Floor-Roc dries quicldy and spreads easily. It is a heavy duty varnish that is prepared especially for floors. Try a can of Acme Quality Floor-Roc Varnish at this special price. One Pint of Acme Quality floor'Roc and a Brush for 97c The Regular Price is *135 WN. I. ALTHOFF HARDWARE H IBE3t3E»OE P. H. FREUND Plumbing, Heating and Electrical Work Scientist: "Is there an instrument for measuring density?" Professor: "Certainly. The i port card."--Strayers Topics. • House Color Scheme of High Importance There is, perhaps, no greater influenoe for good In a community--in a nation, even--than the solid, substantial, beautiful home, preaching its silent but eloquent gospel of culture and good taste. Nothing can probably more simply or more effectively modernize the older house than can a change of color scheme. The application of three good coats of white lead paint in well-selected hues will wbrk a wonderful transformation. The landscape colors--brown, green, creamy-yellow or white:--are therefore the best colors to use In painting the body of the house, If It Is of wood. Equally harmonious is the brown and green color scheme, with the body of the house painted a dull, wood brown, and the roof and trimmings a quiet shade of green. Or one may prefer a house painted a light buff color, with white trimmings and a brown roof; or a brown house, with cream trimmings and the roof stained terre cotta or Pompetlan red. For, while red is not a dominant note among landscape colors, It does occur in occasional splashes in nature. Nor is the dull red of the brick house discordant if relieved with a ijhite trim. The house of colonial yellow, with trim of white or light Ivory and roof of golden brown, offers another effective combination. A charming color scheme for the small house is light brown, with white trimmings and green room. The house painted or trimmed with blue is a bit too startling. But a cheerful sky-blue makes an ideal celling for the porch, giving an effect of height in its simulation of the'heavens. Parson: "And which of all the par. ables do you like the best?" Tommy: "The one where somebody loafs and fishes."--Railway Carmen's JournaL John Glenn suggests William Wrlgley for President. Anyway, Mr. Wrigley chewses.--American Lumberman. Maid: "There's a man outside, ma'am, says won't you give him ten cents for a bed?" Madame: "Tell him to bring it in and 111 look at it."--Railway Carmen's Journals Divorce-seeking wives presumably go on the theory that the "lawed" will provide.--Wall Street Journal. "Broadway is going to*be shown in Detroit; but what makes Detroit look bad is that it is a return engagement.-- American Lumberman. New York School Teacher (helping little pupil fasten his coat): 'U)id your mother hook thin coat for you?" ah* bought ik*-»Children. 1 V It's getting so now that children prefer to hear bed time stories from the milk man.--Saolt Ste. Marie Star. Ptetient: "Doctor, the other consulting physicians do not agree with you in my case." Doctor: "I know they don't, but the autopsy will prove who la right."-- How. .Home is where you stay when you* car is in the repair shop.--Keystone. y Fond Parent: "How do you Hke our triplets?" Batch: "Fine1, Fd- keep the middle one."--Exchange. Mussolini says that his successor has never been born. Well, that's some relief, Anyway. '^Vancouver Province. ..." Pipes and Guttera of Copper Alwaye Beet The most vulnerable points in every roof and consequently the places where trouble most frequently appears are the rain pipes and gutters. They bear the brunt of every storm and if made of cheap metal rust will destroy them. The one unfailing protection against the ravages of rust and decay Is the use of pure copper at these points, where corrodible metals ordinarily cause trouble within a few years of their Installation. For most homes, rain pipes and gutters of noncorrodlble copper can be Installed for from $50 to $100 more than the cost of Installing Inferior materials of questionable endurance. Many years from the time of Installation, copper as the material in these usually troublesome locations will be rendering the same effective aSlTice In protecting the home. American Parke America lias a long way to go be* fare It obtains all it should have In the way of public parks and recreation grounds, but it has done rather well as far as it has gone. A survey by the Playground and Recreation Asseclatlon of America Bhows that the parks in the United States represent an outlay of one billion dollars and cover an area of 250,000 acres in 1,681 municipalities. In mere space, New York claims to lead the country, but Philadelphia still holds its supreme position In possessing the largest per capita park area. Fairmount was originally bought and laid out as a means of protecting the city's water supply, but Its ; sat expansion and the addition of pi rk areas In many other parts of the city have been In direct obedience to the universal recognition of a public need.--'Philadelphia Public ledger. Consider the Driveway ^ Although walks and driveways may be made decorative, the builder should not lose sight of the fact that both should be strong, sound and provide a level, clean surface. This thickness Is the same that Is used for drivew&ys, of which several types have been developed. Where the driveway is to be subjected to hard service, or is to be used by several cars, a pavement covering the entire width of the drive area will give best satisfaction. Where the driveway Is to be used only occasionally, narrow, parallel strip of concrete will provide a satisfactory approach. These strips should be grooved to keep the wheels of the car from running off and digging into the adjoining laws. SI l ]l--II =Jt=il 1%-Jt-: f Best of Work and Satisfaction Guaranteed Let U$ Estimate Your Job Whatever it is' . MBBBM • HONE 2 2 4 -J E3B Paint Wooden Shutters Painted or stained wooden shutters offer one of the most convenient means of effectively balancing or enhancing the effect of the exterior decorative scheme. Their original purpose of protection against marauders and against excessive heat and cold has been somewhat submerged of late years in their almost entire utilization for decorative purposes, but it Is now again being recognized that shutters can serve a practical as well as an ornamental function. ; , Spread of City Zoning Thirty million people or more thaa 55 per cent of the urban population of the United States now live In zoned cities. The thirty million people I've In 558 cities, towns or villages scat tered throughout the country. "What is the future of the verb to Steal?" "Go to jail."--Brazilian American. "Have you any thumb tacks?" "No, but I have some finger nails." -Exchange. Doctor (examining a negro very much under the influence of liquor): "Why, this man's been drugged!" Hose: "Yas, suh; Ah knows it. All drugged him all the way? from de saloon."--Oil Weekly. ELECTRIC Refrigerator The General Electric Refrigerator is the simplest of all refrigerators because it hasn't a belt or a fan or a drain-pipe. All its machinery js enclosed in one steel casing, air-tight. This keeps efficiency pe*> manently in and trouble permanently ois^r Com in and study tbt various models, Carey Electric Shop] Crten Street McHenry "Wfio is the fellow with the loaf hair?" "Oh, he is from Yale." •Of course, INre often heard of Yaie locks."--Strayers Topics. "An' Lwfc's yer wife?" "Sure, she do be awful sick." "Isn't dangerous, is she?" "No, she's too weak t' be dangerous any more."--Oil Weekly. Nervous Woman (to beggar): "If I give you a piece of cake will you promise never to return?* Beggar: "Well, lady, Jf»U know your cake."--Utelum. "I heard a new one the other day; I wonder if I told it to.jrou?" "Is it funny?" ET.... "Yes." "Then you haven't"--Ex. A dollar saved is a dollar earntdL When President Ooolidge says he has nothing to say he is now regarded as doing some of his imnwrtMit thiiA. ing.--"-Washington Star. • • "Iff? When he next has a little lefalrtlt Col. Lindbergh might write a book on "Presidents I Have Flown."--Boston Transcript. She: "I always had * present** ment that I would die young." Her: "Well, dearie, you didn't aflp^ all, did you?"--Progressive Grocer. * We have been reading about the Liberal Party in England; but fail, find any mention of Scotland.- ican Lumberman. Teacher: "Willie, name three UniH of nuts." Willie: "Chestnuts, peanuts and forgefr-me-nuts."--Railway Oarmenl* JournaL STUDEBAKER v : Sweeps The Boardi^ holds ALL speed and stamina records for fully equipped stock cars EVERY CAR A CHAMPIOWi * THE COMMANDER $1435 to $1625 F. 0. B. FACTORY 85 horsepower 72 miles per hour World's Champion, car--25,000 miles in less than 23,000 consecutive minutes. Nothing else on earth ever traveled «0 far so fast, THE PRESIDENT $1985 to $2485 F. 0. B. FACTORY 100 horsepower - 80 miles an hour 131-inch wheel bate Holds all official records for stock closed cars, regardless of power or price, from 5 to 2000 miles and from 1 to 24 houn. THE DICTATOR $1195 to $1395 . F. O. B. FACTOR^ 70 horsepower 65 miles per hour 5000 miles in less than 4800 consecutive minutes--a record for stock cars priced below $1400. ?HE ERSKINE SIX $795 to $965 F. O. B. FACTORY 43 horsepower 62 miles per hour A thousand miles in less than a thousand consecutive minutes--a record for stock cars priced below $1000, Fox River Motor Sales DOHERTY ft RICHARDSON Elm Street Phone 261 GAS HEATING means a Healthier, Happier Home Only 25% down for Spring Installation Inquire Today s Gas heating service not only frees you from all furnace-tending worries and assures uniform healthful warmth, but it also transforms a dusty basement into a cheerful playroom, den, workshop, or billiard room. Right now--before you pay out money for next year's fuel and while our special Spring installation offer is effective, is the time to look into the many advantages of this clean and dependable method of heating. To make it profitable for you to have your gas heating plant installed this Spring, we will put it in your home for only 25% down, balance in easy monthly payments beginning October 1st. Avoid rush work later and insure your family's comfort next wiaier by ordering #»w! Ask about Special rate on Gas for House Heating UNIT GAS *"» ELECTRIC OOMPANY Tel 1*7 •mQ. E. Collins, District Manager sT Mi:-'-', ... ,.^^s