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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jun 1928, p. 6

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tfPLAIHDXAIjnt, 7.1918 SLOOUH'8 LAMM " "Harry Matthews was a business caHer at the farm bureau office at Grayslake, Tuesday afternoon. John Blomgren and Mrs. Sigrid Blomgren were business . callers at MoHenry last Friday morning. {Mildred Hoffman, Mrs. Harry Matthews and Mrs. Willard Darrell were basiness callers at McHenry last Friday morning. Mrs. Pa pre Smith and children spent last Saturday at Elgin. Harry Matthews was a business caller at McHenry last Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams and son of Crystal Lake were Sunday guests of Mrs. Clara Smith. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Shaffer and son, Stanley, of McHenry, and Mr. and MJrp. Harry Geary and two sons of Harry Matthews attended a directors' meeting of the Pure Milk association at the farm bureau office at Grayslake Saturday evening. Miss Ruth Frances Smith of Edison Park was a dinner guest of her grand, mother, Mrs. Clara Smith, Memorial Dajfi Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mlatthews and son, Robert, were Sunday dinner and afternoon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Schaefer at McHenry. Mrs. Harry Passfield of Volo was a caller at the home of Mrs. Willard Darrell Friday. Emmet Geary of Fremont called at the home of his parents here Saturday morning. \ Misses Mierna and, Beulah Bacon visited at the home of their cousin, Miss Frances Converse, last Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks and son, Grayslake spent Memorial Day at the chesney, were callers at Crystal Lake Henry Geary home here. Ray Winkler and Miss Catherine Fleming of Chicago visited with the former's parents at Ardelou farms on Memorial Day. , Rollin, Mayme, Alice and Olive Dowell spent Sunday ^with Mae and, Douglas Smith. Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews of Crystal Lake were supper and evening guests at the home of the latter's parents here Memorial Day. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Harris of Wauconda spent Memorial Day at' the Page Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and son were callers at McHenry last Thursday evening. Douglas and Mae Smith spent Wednesday with their aunt, Mrs. Will Whitman, at Wauconda. last Saturday evening, Z. H. Osmun of Crystal Lake, Herschel Shepherd of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Decker and the former's mother and Mrs. Ed. Railing and two children of Waukegan spent Wed- -«ssday at the home of Mr. and- Mrs. Ray Dowell. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and children attended the movie at Fox River Grove last Thursday night. Mrs. A1 Jones of Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Merchison of Chicago, Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Parks and Mrs. Ella Parks of Park Ridge, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cook, Ira Cook and son, Russel, were callers at the W. E. Brooks home Memorial Day. Mrs. Jane Eatinger and Mrs. Mary Dowell of Wauconda spent Thursday GENERAL ©ELECTRIC Refrigerator The General Electric Refrigerator is the simplest of all refrigerators because it fofsn't a belt of a fan or a drain-pipe. • All its machinery is enclosed in one steel .'• casing, air-right This keeps efficiency permanently in and trouble permanently out Com ht and study the various models, Carey Electric Shop Green Street McHenry AMERICANS who want to pack up andgo Ertry American admires this kind of a motor car* One with speed . . . snap . . . Kwer . . . style. With every advancement own to automotive engineering. With •nastery of mileage and time. It's long and low and rakish. Colorful • • • •omfortaLle ... delightfully easy to drive. And as for quality in chassis and body .. . it*® •imply unmatched anywhere at its price. Thinking of a car for your summer vacation? Come and see this All-American Si*. A car with everything that typical Americans ad- Just the car for Americans who want - to pack up and go! Fo wm 4 •S"da"- t'04S; Landau Coup., H04S, Sport Road*ter. ID75 (Wire tcheolsand tpare tirm extra); Phaeton, #1075; t-Door »e<ion. flit5; Cabriolet, fllSSi Landau Sedan. *1265. A.W _ oatjac Six, $745 to $975. AU price* at factory• Chock Oakland* rontiac dehvarad pric*9 -- t h*y Irtcluda lo«9Mt handilnf C/jarje#. Oanara I Motor* Tima Pay mart t Plan available at minimum rata* MCHENRY AUTO SALES 8 Riverside Drift ' Temporary Office with Kent and Co. ^KLAND AMERICAN SIX RFODUCT or GEKKBAI. MOTORS evening at the horns of Mr: and Mrs- Ray Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boehmer and two sons of Wauconda were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews last Friday evening. Mrs. Lillie Toynton and daughter, Neva, of Wauconda spent Sunday afternoon at the W. E. Brooks home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Davis and two children were Sunday guests at the Ray Dowell home. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks were Sunday evening callers at the Ed. Underwood home at Mundelein. Mrs. Foster and two children and Miss Margaret Lagerlund of Chicago spent Memorial Day at the Blomgren home. Leslie Foss and George Harner were Sunday dinner guests at the Merrill Foss home at Woodstock. Dar Brown and daughter, Arissa, and Rollin Brown of Wauconda were callers at the W. E. Brooks home Friday morning. Mrs. Lloyd Harvel and Mrs. William Huss were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon Monday. 1 Mrs. Wayne Bacon and two children were callers at McHenry last Friday. John Blomgren, Mrs. E. Anderson, and Mrs. Sigrid Blomgren were Saturday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Axel Lundgren at Wauconda. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacoti and family and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter attended the movie at Barrington Sunday night. Willard Darrell accompanied H. C. Gilkerson of Grayslake, Frank Gripton of Gurnee, Frank Burke of Waukegan and Louis Mills of Mundelein on a two days' business trip for the Lake County Farm Bureau, visiting several farm bureaus in the state of Illinois, going as far as Bloomington and Galesburg. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks and son, Chesney, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell, Mr. and Mrs. Harr Matthews and son, Robert, Mae and Douglas Smith, Mrs. William Johnston and Mildred Hoffman attended Memorial Day services at Wauconda. The latter assist, ed on the program. Nicholis-Witt Nuptials A pretty church wedding took place here Tuesday afternoon at two-thirty o'clock, when Miss Mabel Witt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Witt of Ardelou Farms became the bride of Clark Nicholls, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Nicholls. The ceremony was performed by Rev. H. J. Locke at the Federated church. The bride of this happy union has been a resident of this community for about t\yo years and has made many friends by hex charming disposition. She was beautifully attired in white and carried a bridal bouquet of sweet peas. The bridesmaid was Miss Mildred Witt, a sister of the bride. Mr. Nicholls has spent his entire life in this community and needs no introduction. He was attended by Leo Scheid. The church was gorgeously decorated with palms and flowers and made a wonderful setting for the launching of two happy hearts On a matrimonial voyage. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholls left immediately following the wedding for a honeymoon trip in the west. Upon their return they will make their home near Wauconda. Clark NiehoHs, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Nicholls of Roseville. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Locke of this place. Mrs. Emmerson Cook and Miss Fern Nicholls went to Elgin Friday where Mrs. Cook is taking* treatments. Ernest Meyer passed away Thursday morning in a Chicago hospital. The funeral will be held Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Case and son, Harry, of Roseville, visited at the George Case home Saturday evening. Asa Crabtree of Cary was a pleasant caller in town Friday. Mrs. W. R. Galvin and children of Chicago spent the week-end here. Arthur Lawrence is entertaining a friend from Chicago this week. Rudolph Berry of Barrington spent Sunday at the John Gossell home. Mr. and Mrs. Aisel Stevens of Watt, kegan spent Decoration Day here. Mr. and Mrs. William Daley were Barrington callers Sunday evening. Marvin Hughes of Chicago spent Sunday at the M. W. Hughes home. iMr. and Mirs. G. J. Burnett of Slocum Lake were Tuesday callers here. Herbert Hapke and Clarence Thomas were Libertyville callers Sunday. Marsh Kirk and Ronald Geary of Gilmer were callers at the Grantham home Wednesday. Mrs. Clarence Daley and daughters spent a few days the first of the week at the P. A. Houghton home at North Chicago. & . Mrs. Nellie Oakes and daughter, Lulu, of Chicago are spending a few days at their summer home. Miss Hazel Garvey spent the Weekend in Chicago. " , Miss Lois Broughton spent Thurs* day in Chicago. < Miss Ruth Hapke of Chicago spent the week-end here. Miss Emily Davidson spent the week-end in Hinsdale. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. HilPof Chicago spent Memorial Day here. r Miss Geraldine Murray of Chicago spent the week-end here. Clarence Gainer is driving a new Dodge coupe. James Carr of Chicago spent Wednesday with relatives here. Mir. and Mrs. George Deinlein were Waukegan callers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Krflti were Round Lake callers Sunday. Harold Stroker of Waukegan"called on relatives here Wednesday. C. E. Wheelock is visiting with his son, Clarence, at Danville, 111., who is ill. OSTEND WAUCONDA Very much concern has been felt about the hay crop in this section. Unless we get a goodly supply of rain soon hay will be very short. The gate to the school lawn is closed and fastened. It is hoped it will be unmolested this season. Some travelers think these grounds helong to the public, by the way they use them. Mr. and Mrs. Eppel attended church services at Woodstock Sunday. A family by name of Palmer recently moved to the house on the farm formerly owned by John Matyas Henry Hobart, wife and son, Roy, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sherman motored to Elgin Sunday afternoon to call on Wkrren Francisco and found him feeling fine. Only one drawback, he wants to leave th® tuMpital and expects to in a few day*. He has been there five weeks. News has just reached us of the sudden death of E. W. Ercanbrack of Woodstock. He used to farm for a living. His first farming for hiwmlf was on the fata now owned by Fred R. Eppel. There is one spot in Ostend cemetery well worth looking at. It is the lot of Sam Sherman, wife, and three daughters. Their grandson, Earl Brown, has spent several days mowing and leveling and putting flowers out. All concerned should feel well pleased. If all that live around here and own lots would follow the example set, the cemetery might be a place of beauty instead of an eyesore. We carry a full line of fresh vegetables and fruits and our canned goods are always of the high^tfc Erickson Dept. Store. . f ; Took Discoverer** Nam* The sable antelope Is called ths "Harris buck" because It was discovered by Sir W. C. Harris, author of "Portraits of the Game and Wild Animals of Southern Africa," Issued la London in 1840 as a magnificent folio book, with colored plates. on can save without being a slave--says Mr. fore and After. Let us ao the cleaning and dyeing and you'll have less clothes^to buy and better dressed. .\? "For Tour Appearaaee's Sake" "Spotless Cleaning -- Permaneif Syabf -- Tailored Pressing^ • Anna GLEANING, PRESSING and REPAIRING PHONE 143-W Located over Bolger's Drug Store |p<*fer flic Red Tag 1 aKWaf This Gaf \\vRa4ii^- Priced ftfr Quick Action J5atte*X vTirs* ^holoterX vr-cnders • » •------ Q U AH T Y Due to the tremendous popularity of the Bigger and Better Chevrolet in this community--we have on hand a Large number of specially fine used cars which we want to move at once* These cars have been thoroughly re* conditioned by our expert mechanics using special reconditioning tools--ana will provide thousands of miles of dependable, satisfactory service. Come in today while our selection is completes Hettermann Motor Sales Phone 191 West McHenry, I* AT lO tV C O S T I Victor Shales, Mr. and Mrt. Earl Mathews and children of Crystal Lake were Sunday callers at the H. L. Grantham home. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Turnbull and children spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Paddock ' at Round Lake. Mrs. G. A. Wilson and daughter of Arlington Heights spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Grantham. Nfr. Werner of Elgin was a pleasant caller in town Saturday. Mrs. Mett Wragge of Chicago is spending a few days at the William Nicholls home at Roseville. Mrs. Frank Meyer and son, Donald, and Betty Busse of McHenry called on Mrs. Harry Grantham, Jr., Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tomisky of Crystal Lake spent Friday, with Mrs. Fannie Pratt and son Claude. Miss Ruth Broncheon and Mrs. Townsend of Waukegan called on Julia Broncheon Sunday. Mrs. Irvin Moody of Peoria is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Broncheon. Mr. and Mrs. Alden Werden have moved to the Werden farm near Bam Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham and children were Crystal Lake callers Monday evening. Misses Alice and Laura Kearns and brother, Harry, of Kenosha, Wis., spent Sunday with Mrs. Alice Geary. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Hughes, Jr., and son, Billy, and Miss Martha Hughes of Waukegan spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. ML W. Hughes. Miss Lois Gilbert was operated upon for appendicitis Thursday morning at the Victory Memorial hospital. She is getting along nicely at this time. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bristol and family of North Chicago called at the Walter Banks home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Maether and children of Libertyville spent Wednesday with friends and relatives here. Mrs. Almeda Grantham and son Walter, of Chicago visited at the H. L. Grantham home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cook of Zion spent Sunday at the Wilbur Cook home. r Mrs. Ben Martin and children of Round Lake spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Ray Paddock. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Underwood of Gilmer called on Mr. and Mrs. C. W Jenks Sunday. James Neish of Round Lake spent the week-end at the Boehmer home Mrs. H. T. Cook and Mrs. A. L. Kim ball were McHenry callers Monday. Mrs. E. A. Golding of Norwood Park spent Wednesday with relatives here. A pretty church wedding took place here Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, when Miss Mabel Witt, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Witt of Ardelou Farms became the bride of 25 % Down puts dependable GAS HEAT IttSftrar home For a limited time only we will install a modern gas heating plant in your home for only 25% down, bajauce in easy monthly payments beginning October 1st. This extraordinary offer is made to encourage Spring installations, for when cold weather comes it is difficult to keep pace with the orders and secure prompt service. By having the work done now you KNOW your gas heating plant will be ready when you " Gas for house heating is automatic, clean, dependable, healthful. Saves furnace tending and ash handling. There is a special rate on gas for house heating. Call in, i>hone or write today for complete information. - WESTERN UNITE Fj WGAS ELECTRIC COMPANY^/ T*L 187 a & goUiM>'PI«tri«t

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