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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jun 1928, p. 7

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' -- . - Hemstitching % i Gifts and Cards for | Father's Day, June 17th | AT THE ' | Agatha Shop WEEKLYPERSONALS COMERS AND GOERS OF • WEEK IN OUR CITY As Seen By Pl&inde&ler Reporters and Handed In By Our Friends 10% Discount ON ALL r- "•'"••• ' '• *••"•• ' *. • -- wiMk's-. rirv» . • Tires 30x5.25 and up Don't aid this opportunity to retire (86 Tires and Tubes and Accessories, Car Batteries, all sixes. Radio A, B, and 0 Batteries. WALTER J. FREUND Tire and Tube Repairing, Vulcanizing, Battery Charging and Repairing West McHenry, Illinois vags^-**-^ • •:•>.' r> rz'^'VC r\M 1 Ft i i -1-••*•>' . ~™:v*%y mmmmz ig&m- A home town enterprise backed by national experience THERE are twenty-four Bell operating companies devoting their energies to telephone problems throughout the United States. One of these is the Illinois Bell Telephone Company. It has 30,000 men and women--friends and neighbors of the other people in their towns--working to maintain the best standards in telepfo* ony now known. In New York, in the American Telephone and Telegraph Company and the Bell Telephone Laboratories, are 5,000 persons, including scientists, engineers and consultants in management, engaged in discovering better apparatus and better ways to do things. The Illinois Bell Telephone Company with its 30,000 employees has the use of all that this group of 5,000 in New York discover and perfect. Likewise the twenty-three other operating companies. Behind every telephone is the national organization for developing the telephone art. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM One Policy • One System - Universal Service 0 ever was one SLASH-SPEED '• STRENGTH SMARTNESS-POWER. COI TE r.O.B.DEIROir ADD them all together for a vivid and vital . picture of the Dodge Standar4 Six! Fastest top-speed traveler ever sold under a thou- Mnd dollars, with the swiftest pick-up--bar none. Smartest lines, colors and upholsteries ever lavished on a popular-priced car. And power- Without apparent limit--1 horsepower to every 47 pounds of car weight! AJiill-climber of championship calibre! Phone us today, and we'll gladly place a Standard Six at your disposal. f-Door Sedan, $8t)j * Cabriolet, $94} * DeLuxe Sedan, $9JO /a Detroit James Morrow & Son Waukegan and West McHenry ' A> DDDG&BnOTHERS §MM)AfiD§If ^ ALSO THE VICTORY SSJS. $„•, TO AND THE SENIOR SIX $1499 TO *1770 98E THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS Mrs. William Dewey spent Sunday in Chicago. Mrs. Andrew Eddy was an eJBUrin visitor Tuesday. jar- Miss Lena Stoffel waa a Chicago visitor Saturday. Mrs. Ray Page spent several days last week in Chicago. Miss Fern Bacon of Waukegan spent Friday at her Ijome here. Will Sutton and R. J. Sutton were j Chicago visitors Tuesday. I Everett O'Callahan of Chicago spent Tuesday in McHenry.- Ed Sutton and son, William, were Woodstock visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. William G. Schreiner were Elgin visitors Wednesday. j Mrs. William Dewey spent Sunday j as the guest of Chicago friends. ! Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Koerner spent j the first of the week at Batavia. I Mrs. Ed Maione of Elgin is spending the week with relatives here. Miss Evelyn Gascon and brother, Harvey, were week-end visitors here.]the question. Mx. and MSrs. M. J. Lonergan of Chi. cago visited relatives here Decoration Day. MSss Genevieve Knox closed her school at Elgin on Monday with a picnic. Harry Frye of Arlington Heights sr>ont the week-end with McHenry friends. Mrs. Mollie Givens -and daughter, Leone, were Rockford visitors Wednesday. F. E. Boger of Chicago spent the latter part of last week with his family here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frett and family of Aurora visited here Decora. tion Day. Mrs. B. Costello and daughters of Elgin were Sunday guests in the Jack Walsh home. WEEKLY EXCHANGE HEMS OF INTEREST TAKEN FROM COLUMNS OF OUR EXCHANGES 4 Aaaortateat of Newsy ItMu Coadeased Forai For Busy People la a Thieves burglarized the "big butter and egg" industry of Highland Park recently when the P. B. Hansen produce house was entered and stripped of 1,000 pounds of butter holding a retail value of $500 and a Dodge truck, Chief of Police Edward Moroney reported. The thieves, without disturbing anyone living in the vicinity, completed their looting and drove on to Chicago. Surveys are being made all along the line of state road 173, the surveying gang working around Channel Lake during the last week. Good progress is being reported and residents of Antioch and Zion are anxiously awaiting the arrival of the surveyors in these towns where there has been difference of opinion over route location. The recommendation of! It seems bootleggers state surveyors will no doubt settle trials than tribulations. John Teamer and his son, Herbert, of Barrington, arrested recently by a ^deputy game warden for catching black bass out of season, were fined $25 and costs each by Justice Victor Carr of Wauconda. The fine against the elder Teamer was remitted. Backing a large truck up to the front door of the John Cole leather goods store in Libertyville recently, burglars who forced an entrance to the establishment stole a Btock of sho?s, suitcases, traveling bags and other leather articles valued at from $700 to $800, while residents in the neighborhood impressed by the abandon in which the thieves worked believed them to be working on orders from the owner of the store. The burglars gained entrance into the store by breaking a padlock that had been fastened to the outside and jimmying the door which had been locked with a Yale lock. So openly did the burglars work that members of a family residing over the store believed that the owner of the establishment was at work below. ^ Before the hot summer days are here, come in and let us show you our attractive line of summer dress goods in all the newest materials. Erickson Dept. Store. Have more Before throwing away that old tire bring it hei» and let us see if it is not worth repairing. Manjr times a tire <?an be vulcanized and a few thousand more miles can be secured thereby*# |W® can do the job and do it right. We Also Handle Goodrich Tires 1 Car Laundry --Gas and Oil John Stilling's Tire Shop Phone 157 i j ^ • " Elm Street M 3S •',3$ ; Raymond Susselmann, aged 221 years, a second-class seaman at- j tached to Great Lakes Naval Training station, walked to his death in front of a Chicago and North Western railroad train at the Twenty-second street;' crossing in North Chicago at 8:40, o'clock Saturday night of last week.' He was believed to have been killed i almost instantly. The victim was; struck and thrown almost 50 feet by , the impact. He was hurried to the : Great Lakes hospital where it was; found that life was extinct. j Miss Marion Bohman, Fox River | Grove girl, is the winner of the coun- j ty spelling contest participated in by ; 'pupils of the rUral schools of McHen-; ry county. The spelling contest took ! place at Woodstock Saturday. May | " '• • \ . • . .. '• v ' For Porch and Living Room REED FURNITURE Francis Bonslett and Raymond Al-|26, under the direction of Mrs. Ethel ( fredson of Chicago were McHenry i Coe, county superintendent of schools, j visitors Sunday. i Miss Bohman intends to enter the I Mrs. Charles Hobler and daughters! state spelling contest which will be of Chicago were guests of Mrs. Fred held at Springfield next December. Weinschenker Sunday. j Winners of the eight community con- Mr. and Mrs. William Mahoney and | tests appeared before Mrs. Coe and sons of Austin called on relatives and j entered into the county contest with friends here Sunday. ! zest and enthusiasm. Harry Bell and Jack Bell were' g £ jj Construction company week-end guests in the H. C. Sampson finjs^e(j pouring the stretch of cement home on Main street. 'from the Wisconsin State Line to the; M!rs. E. F. Kelter returned home! nor^ village limits of Richmond lastj Monday after visiting relatives in , Tuesday and have now moved the big j Chicago for ten days. mixer, forms, water piping, etc., to ; Dr. and Mrs. Foster and son the big new bridge over the Nipper- i Richmond were guests of Mr. and Mrs, gink on the former Collison farm, 3% E. A. Koerner Sunday. j or 4 miles from the present cement Mrs. Margaret Meyer and daugh-' jn Richmond. Cement pouring ter of Chicago were recent guests in start about 100 feet south of the the_Simon Stoffel home. big bridge and continue north to Rich- K. J. Overton and Floyd Hoppei ^ mond, plans of the construction comwere in Flint, Mich., on Monday and pany bejng to connect the two strips visited the Buick factory. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pitzen and son Roman are guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe N. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph .Smith and son of Chicago visited in the home of Mrs. Catherine Young Sunday. of pavement upon arrival at Richmond. Thomas Washington, colored, aged forty-seven years, a resident of Chijcapo and an employee of the Santuc- | ehi Construction company, engaged side __ Sturdily constructed pioces that will giro years of service, iwstgns of rare charm distinguish this offering. Lower than usual prices at a time when you are thinking of buying such furniture supplies added interest in this display, JACOB JUSTEN & SONS FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING * Phone 103-R • rv.'>5W&x. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schoewer and|»n laying the north side sewer at family of Chicago visited in the Peter; Desplaines, met sud<Je|i death due to J. Schoewer home Sunday. electrocution about one o clock Tues- Misses Katherine and Leone Givens day afternoon of last week. He was | and Marjory and Norma Whiting digging a' ditch at Devon and Delplna , were Waukegan visitors Friday. [-avenues when wires fell upon him. He j was taken to the Moritz funeral homet*' Dr. Friend; Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nickels are now occupying the house on Main street; by friends in a small car. ui. *»•<:»« recentlv vacated by George Buss. jwas calle.,c'< who upon examination, 1 Miss Dorothy Knox and Lloyd Whit, j pronounced the man dead. Efforts ; ing attended the picnic at Miss Gene-i were made by other physic ians and the . vieve Knox's school at Elgin Monday.! Public Service company to resuscitate ; Mrs. Glen Robison of Woodstock j the deceased, but their work was in spent several days last week in the | vain. «• * home of her father, William J. Welch. Sheriff Cy Sanford and his chief Mr. and Mrs. John Thurlwell and I deputies dropped m at the Everett C. friends of Rockford visited in the; Standish place just west of Franklin- Frank Thurlwell home Decoration ville recently and confiscated about 300 Day. John Givens, Leo Stilling, L.- A. gallons of wine. The "wet stuff" was brought to the court house in the af- Erickson and A. E. Nye were called to1 ter noon and placed under lock and serve on the jury in Chicago this | key- Silas Jayne, 24, of Wauconda, was fined $50 and costs Thursday of last week, by Justice H. L. Stadfield on» charge'of threatening to shoot William Winton, Slocum Lake farmer. When Wrirt Lawrence of Lake street, Barrington, retired one night recently he made his customary round of the house to see that doors were locked and everything ship-shape. When the family arose in the morning they found the front dooir wide op<n, and an examination disclosed the fact that a watch and a small sum of currency had been taken from a purse belonging to Mrs. Lawrence, which was lying on the living room table. The only other evidence of their nocturnal visitor was his neck- ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION IS NOT EXPENSIVE This Beautiful and Convenient ; ELECTRIC Refrigerator Is Only *190 week Miss Alice Sutton' of Pasadena Calif., visited friends and relatives a few days this week enroute to Oneon. ta, N.. Y., where she will spend the summer. Misses Helen McLain and Rose Ford of Chicago-spent the week-end as guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Sampson. -- Mr. and Mrs. Dana McKnight of Chicago Heights were recent guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nickels. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Elliott and children of Austin visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thurlwell Sunurday afternoon. Mrs. F. E. Boger and daughters spent a few days recently in the home, tie, which he carelessly dropped on the of her brother, M. G. Schaffer, and!rusr. refamily at North Crystal Lake. rug. The necktie will be gladly re- Stored to its owner, Mr. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. Dick Guyser and chil-1 states, upon proper identification dren and Mr. and Mrs. William Sawattke and children of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weingart. Looting of two cottages on Slocum Lake, near Wauconda, recently, was solved Wednesday of last week by Deputy Edward Dunne, who arrested Saginaw, Mich., spent several days the past week in the home of the for*- mer's mother, Mrs. Helena Heimer, who is quite ill and under the care of a trained nurse. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thompson, in company 'with Mt. and Mrs. H. C. Mr. and Airs. George Heimer of Melvin Lanning of Dayton. Ohio, af- " " ter he had admitted burglarizing the places. Dunne had investigated the burglaries and then learned that there had been a stranger loitering in the neighborhood. He looked him up and soon had the confession, he said. In ^ tlie places entered bedding, linen, fish- S"of^n^;od;^dt;^ tackles and numerous incidentals cago Decoration Dav, where they i in household furnishings were taken saw the Cubs play ball. ! A" of the articles were recovered and , " , r, - rr _ | returned to the owners. Misses I>orothy and Genevieve Knox Glory, three-yearrold gelding spent a few days recently m Chicago. | race horse mvned by John w. Goode, Mr. and Mrs. George Phillips and; > wag burned to death last week children of Evanston were Sunday wj,en flames swept a portion of the guests of Mr. arnfc Mrs. Harry Samp- stables at the Central States Fair and w"- . • t • Exposition grounds, Aurora. First Mir*. L. W. Owen of Cushing, Okla.. pjouri a five-yeaa -oH gelding owned is visiting relatives in this vicinity | by j j jfcGarry 0f Chicago, was also and Chicago, coming to* Evanston to j destroyed in the fire. The horses attend the wedding of her niece, Miss; in the stable were freed, but Star Marion Chapell, and Paul Newman on I Glory and First Hour became fright- Saturday. |ened by the flames and rushed back Mrs. Mary Wormley of 'Mendota is > into the burning structure. A favorspending the week in the home of able east wind saved other buildings her son, Jesse Wormley, and family, at the racing plant from being de- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Koerner and * stroyed. The fire was believed to have Mrs. Anna Barron were Waukegan 1 been started by someone cooking in visitors on last Wednesday evening, the stable. INSTEAD of being a luxury that only a fe^r can afford, electric refrigeration is a convenience and safeguard to health that is available to •very home. Ten thousand electric refrigerators are in use in the homes of our customers. • a' This Company handles the well-known FRIGIDAIRE, product of General Motors. You may purchase "Little by Litde* if you prefer, at small. additional cost. Prices $190 u$vi o. b. Dayton, Installation extra. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OP NORTHERN ILLINOIS 101 Williams St., Crystal Lake Telephone 280 LA. Sch&beck. District Monaster VJ=

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