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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Aug 1928, p. 3

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%»-h s ~-: 5- 4-^vv-. „ ^ (* *» , * • - »*. • * -» - ^ ,< i •ssrs \ 'ift"' THE m'HKN&Y PLAINDKALE&, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2,1938 ,-«- - •# •> v. .i'f:^'f " PUBLIC NOTICE OF ELECTION 113 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY '•*-J GIVEN, That there has heretofore range 8 East and 9 E ist, being also ty line to the Southeast corner of the line between Cook and DiPtge Section 20, Twp. 46 North, range 9, Counties; : (East; thence west along the south Cook Comity, HaaoVer Twp. line of said Section 20 to its southbeen filed in the office of the County (Thence east along said Township and ' west corner, being also the south- Clerk of Kane dounty, Illinois, a County line to the southeast corner eatst corner of Section 19, Twp. 46 petition, signed by legal voters who 0f Section 31, Twp. 41 North, range North, range 9 East; thence north are residents within the limits Of 9 East of the Third Principal Mcridi- on the east line of said Section District described in said petition, thence North along the east line 19 to its east one-quarter (%) cor- . _ and in the District described herein: 0f Sections 31, 30, 19, 18, 7 and ner; thence west along the east and, tion 26, thence west along the East as described herein, as the FOX RIV-t that said petition is addressed to the $( Xwp. 41 North, range 9 ^ East of wegt one-quarter (%) line of said and West Quarter Section line of ER CONSERVANCY DISTRICT, un-; *11 n ^ •! Tl« .*] MA 1( A Vt A f ^ A ^ •» V 11 1 » V f • I \ • 1 n - - • 1 S ~ J ^ _ L -- A AB . . d A M » dk A Ml A A I O _ A.M 4a 4L A 4k A M AA MA A J J _ a. • * _ ~ M A « J A a4 A 9 A trict of Elgin, thence following within the Corporate Hmlta of any: around the westerly territorial Cities and Village# of whtcn a porboundaries of said Sanitary tion, but not all, may lie within the District of Elgin until the described boundaries of said prosame crosses or departs from posed Conservancy District. _ - 1 the west line of Section 26 of said i That the object of said Petition is Township, thence south along the, to organize said territory as dowest line of said Section 26 to the scribed in said petition and as finally West quarter corner of said Sec- determined by said Commission and ded, may be organized as a CONSERVANCY DISTRICT under the f name of FOX RIVER CONSERVAN- | CY DISTRICT under the provisions 8 East, being also the line betweea Cook and Kane Counties. Kan* Coanty, Dndat Twp. Thence east along '.he said Town Richmond Twp. Sections 27 and Section -34 to the tributaries within the boundaries of Thence south along the North and south quarter corner of said Section said proposed District as described south one-quarter (14) line of said 34, the same being on the bound- herein, and to prevent the pollution section 24, to the boundary of the ary between Townships 41 North of said streams; to develop water of an Act of the legislature of the and County line to the south- Village of Spring Grove; thence fol-1 range 8 East and Township 40 North, supply and navigation and to protect North, ranee 8 East and the junction 31^ Twp. 46 North, range 9 East; Development of Water Supply, Navig igation and Protection of Fish Life," >} approved July 11th. 1925, Laws of 1925 page 846; that a hearing has * been had on said petition by the | County Judges of the Counties of Lake, McHenry, Kane and Kendall; a commission has been organized in accordance with said Statute, certain ; alterations and amendments of said ^ petition have been made by said 1 Commission by excluding therefrom J all of the territory described in said petition, which is in I^aSalle County, and portions of the territory de- ^acribed in Mid petition |»Jj jThird P. M. the same being also the ' 7he description of '><*»" °< »<*«»»• <*•" •»" ^ rnncipai inenui.u iu vsuuuijr, teriy 8Ide Untu said oounaanes in-."" „ A ,v uiiuc. thence North along the east line of tersect the east line of section 25, range 8 East, thence South along of the said Act of the Legislature, Twp 42 North, range 8 East, being Twp> 45 n. R. 8 E.; thence south the west lines of Sections 4, 9. 16, have granted said petition and have also the east line of Kane County along the east line of Sections 25 and 21 and 28 of said Township 40 North, determined the boundaries of said, and of Sections 36, 25, 24, 13, 12 35 Twp. 46 North, range 8 East to . range 8 East, to the Southwest cor- proposed Conservancy District, being and 1 to the Northeast corner of the East one-quarter (bk) corner ofj ner of said Section 28, the same be- the same as described herein, and said Section I, the same being also Mjd Section 36, being also the west | ing the Northeast corner of Section have ordered an election to be held the Northeast corner of Twp. 42 one-quarter (%') corner of Section)32, thence West along the North in said proposed Conservancy District of Kane, Cook and McHenry Counties. McHenry County, AI|oaq«ia Twp. Thence East along the line be Barton Twp Thence east along the east and west one-quarter (%) line of said section boundary of said Section 32 and also for the purpose of giving the Legal Section 31 to the Northwest corner voters in said proposed Conservancy of said Section 31, thence south District, as d<*cribed herein, the opalong the west Hne of said Section 31 portunity of voting upon the quesuce casi. aiuiig me une oe- 31 to its east one-quarter corner; j to the Southwest corner of saidI Sec- tion Qf whether said Conservancy Cook and McHenry Counties, thence south along the east hne of tion 31, thence East along the £>outn District shall be organized under the southeast corner of Section 32 said Section 31 to its southeast cor- ,hne of said section 31 and_ aso provisions of said Act of the legistween to the Twp. 43 North, range 9 East of the bounties, and the description proposed Conservancy District as filially determined by said Judges act- Counties. Lake Coraty, Caka Twp. ner, being also on the line between Township* 46 North and 45 North. McHenry Twp. Thence to the Northwest corner of Section 6, Twp 45 North, range Thence north on the line between ® East of the Third Principal Meri 3ng as a Board of Commissioners is McHenry and Counties, same dian; thence continuing south along as follows •un.AA* .a^aa^ ' heing also the east line of sections the west line of said Section 5 to Beginning at the Southwest corner, 32 29 and 2Q to the Northeast cor. jta Southwest corner, being also the of section 19 Twp. 36 North, Range I cf section 20, thence easterly Northeast corner of Section 1, Twp. 45 East, bemg on line »kan™ 1 along the north line of sections 2t 45 North, range 9 East; thence w.est Salle and Kendall Counties, thence j and 22 Towash!p 43 North, range 9 on the north line of said Section 7 East in Kendall Coynty on Ithesouth East of the Third p M to the North to if3 nortf, one-quarter corner; line of sections 19 and 20 to th« t quail#t> corner of 8aid ,ection 22 . „ . south quarter corner of sect on , {,ejng on jjne between Sections one-quarter (^4) line of said Section thence south on the north and south South line of Section 32 to the Southeast Corner cf 3aid Section 32, the lature. Therefore Public Notice is hereby thence north to the centre of said 22 am, l5 T 4J Northf range 9 7 to its center; thence west on the section 20, thence east along east and East cf the Thir<J p M thence east and west one^quarter (%) line ^est quarter section hne of said sec- North along the North and south of said section 7 to its west one- -tion 20 to the east line of said set- quarter jine of Sections 15, 10 and quarter <tt) corner; thence south -tion 20, thence north along the 3 Twp 48 North range 9 frast, to the on the west line of said Section 7, to Tine of said section 20 to the north- Une tetween 8aid Township, and its southwest corner, being also the •«ast corner of said section 20, thence jwp 44 north, range 9' East, being Northeast corner of Section 13, Twp. •Jeast along the south line o sec i<» a]30 sou^i, quarter corner of Section 45 North, range 8 East of the Third 16, to the south ^corner of said sec-. 34 of ^ ^ described township principal Meridian; thence west •tion 16 thence north along the north fchen(M. Wfist a,0 the SQUth Une Qf ^ the North line of Sections 13 A south quarter line of said section 16 3ajd section 34 ^ section 83f Twp and 14> Twp. 45 North, range 8 East *0 the centre of said section 16, 44 North,'range 9 East to the south- to the North one- quarter (%) cor thence east along the east and west west corner Qf section 33( being ner of said Section 14; thence south •quarter section line of said section ajgo Jine between McHenry and Lake along the north and south one-quar- 16 to the east line of said sect on 16.; Counties> thence North along the ter (%) line of said Section 14 to thence north along the east line of 1 gt Une of Sectiong 33^ 28 and 21 its center; thence west along the -said section 16 and also along the to the. Northwest corner of section east and west one-quarter (%) line <ea*t line of section 9 to the north- 2if Twp. 44 North, range 9 East, be- j of said Section 14 to its west oneeast corner of said section !), thence j ;ng ai30 ijne between McHenry and quarter (\4) corner; thence south «ast along the south line of Section Counties, thence west into Mc-i along the west line of said section "3 U> the south quarter corner of sec- j Henry County and along the south 14 to its southwest corner, being altion 3, thence north on north ana jjne Qf Section 17 to the south quar- so the Northeast corner of Section •south quarter line to centre of sec- ter corner of said Section 17 Twp. 22, Twp. 45 North, range 8 "last; •tion 3, thence east on east and west 44 North, range 9 East, thence north thence west along the north line cf -quarter line of sections 3 and 2 to a]on^ the north and south quarter Sections 22 and 21, Twp. 45 North, the east line of section 2, thence ! Iine of ^ Section 17 the north range g East to tMs North one-quaraorth along the east section line <quarter corner thereof, being also ter (%) corner of said Section 21; said section 2 to the northeast corner j h ,. f ti 8 thence west thence south along the North and <•' >».d »ectior, 2. being „n^C i°„° „t „c"on» 8 »uth .n.-qu.rt.r (14) lin. of Secsooth line o( Iwp. 87 rvorlh,« ,„d * th, IO|lth qu,rt„ ot ti„„, 21, 28 .nd S3, Twp 45 North. said section 7, thence north along the ' range 8 East, to the south one-quarnorth and south quarter line of said ter (%) corner of said Section 33 section 7 to the centre of said sec- ,on ^h® Un® between Townships 45 tion, thence west along east and west j north and 44 North. quarter section line of said section 1 Nancla Twp. 7, to the west quarter corner of saitr Thence to the north one-quarter Section 7, being also the east quarter corner Section 4 Twp. 44 line of section 12 Twp. 44 North, range 8 east of the Third •--««« ft Principal Meridian; thence continun ^ i fv, t ^ tiienee . th j th north and 80uth ^ one-quarter &) line of said Sec- 9 ?* J tion 4 to its south one-quarter () i° corner; thence east along the south the Southwest same being on the boundary between ( k. Township 40 North, range 8 East, Pve>n» ' 1_ bhhU fjH • and Township 39 North, range 8 East >n j ^lst"c f t on ,f i q<) y R f® JS thence south along the west line of d»y of August, A.D. 19-8 for the Sections 4, 9, 16, 21, 28 and 33 ef purpose of submitting to the legal said Township 39 North, range 8 voters of said D.strict as determ.ned East, to the Southwest corner of said by said Commission, and as described Section 33, the same being on the herein the question of the orgaruzaboundary between Township 39 North t«>n of said Conservancy District. range 8 East and Township 38 North, that the polls of said election will range 8 East, thence south along the b.« °Pe.n Jro™ on® ®°h®2 cLrS west line of Sections 4 and 9 of said 0 ^ th«t the ?o1Hm DiacM™ Township 38 North, range 8 East, to • «« f«n0£ff corner of said the j c James office building! 6 east, thence east along sa^i Town -ship line, the same being the south line of section 36 of said Township to the southeast corner of said section 36, the same being the,southcast corner of Township 37' North, range 6 East, thence to the Southwest corner of Twp. 37 North, range 7 East, the same being the southwest corner of section 31 of said Township thence east along the south iine of said Township to the Municipal boundary of the Village of Yorkville, thence following eastwardly along the southerly boundary of the Village # of Yorkville and the south line of Section 33, Twp. 37 north, range 7 Sast, and *lso along the south line of section )4 of said Township, to the southesst corner of said section 34, thence north along the east line of said section 34 to the east quarter corner ot said section 34, thence east along tion 9 of same, being the Northeast . . .. ..... . corner of Section 17, thence west 00 9^1 Street in the Village o along the North boundary of said Antioch, Township of Antioeh, Lake Section 17 and also Section 18, to County. the Northwest corner of said Section At the Town Hall, Village of *ox 18, being also the line between range Lake, Township of Grant, Lake 7 East and range 8 East in Town- County. ship 38 North, thence south along the ^ the Village Hall, Village of line between range 7 East and range Spring Grove, Township of Burton, 8 East, being also along the west Mcjienry County line of Sections 18, 19, 30 and 31 M ^ c- Ha„ City of Monenry, to the Southwest corner of Section u«.H»»»rv Mcflenrv 31, being also the line between Kane Township of McHenry, McHenry County and Kendall County; thence Lo""t'; „ „ . .. east along the line between Kane At the Village Hall in the illag County and Kendall County, beina also along the south line of section 31 to the southeast corner thereof, thence south to the Northeast cornei of Section 6 Twp. 37 North, .*ange 8 East, thence South along the east line of Sections 6 and 7 to the southeast corner of Section 7, Twp. 87 North, range 8 East, thence • west along the south line of said Section 7 to the south quarter corner there of, thence south along the north and south quarter line of Section 18 to the centre of Section 18, thence west along the east and west quarter line Kane County. of Section 18 to the west line ther?- ^Village Hall of Village of South of, being also line between Range 8 rflgin, Township- of Elgin, Kane East and Range 7 East, thence west County. , along the east and west quarter line City Fire Bam, First Avenue, City •f St f Algonquin, Township of A '^oniuin, McHenry County. At the Village Hall, Village tff-Cary Township of Algonquin, Mcllenry bounty. ' In Fire Station, City of East Dunlee, Township 6f Dundee, Kane bounty. In City Hall, City of West Duniee, Township of Dundee, Kane bounty. Pumping station in Village of Car- >entersville, Township of Dundee, of St. Charles, Township Charles, Kane County. City Hall, City of Geneva, Township of Geneva, Kane County. of Sections 13 and 14 to the centre of Section 14, Twp. 37 North, range 7 East, thence south along the north and south quarter line of Section 14 to the south quarter corner thereof, , ^ „ t T o ' , t i fiSSTt " H" . . . , ,, , corner v... - Northeast corner of Section 22. Township of Batavia, Kane County. section 6, being also line between JJ 0f Sections 4, 3 and 2 Twp. 44,thence sputh along the east line of. At Parifh Housf on S. gatavia Twp 44 North, range 9 East Twp. - 45 North, range 9 East, thence con- ^tinn uu iinngr nn0orrtthh aallo0nn»g tthhe. west line of one-quarter corner of said Section 9 k _i_,. i l . xinrtti nno-nuarter line oi sections o #uu •» a **r* %y. 5 -- ^, * ** « • jc > • North, range 8 East, to the south Section 22 and to the east K corner Avenue, City of Batavia, Batavia M . » 1 CT _ 1A ? iL A/ A AA A HRANI MAN t\ T H A MAA W«n • n A AIMTTT Sections 31 and 30 Twp. 45 North, range 9 East, to the Northwest corner of said Section 80, being also the Southwest corner of Section 19, thence East along the south line of Sections 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and 24 Twp. 45 North, range 9 the east and west quarter section line East, to the southeast corner of said of section i5 to the centre of said i Section 24, being also line between section 35, thence north along the range 9 east and range 10 east, and north and south quarter section line j the southwest corner of Section 19 of said section 35 and continuing i Twp. 45 North, range 10 East, thence thereof, thence west to the centre of Township, Kane County. north along the north and south quarter section line of section 26 to the eentre of said section 26, thence east along the east and west quarter section line of said section 26 to the east quarter section corner of said section 26, thence north along the east line of said section 26 to the northeast corner of said section 26, thence east along the south line of section 24 to the southeast corner of said section ?4, the same being on the east line of Twp. 37 north, range 7 East, thence north along the east line of said section 24 to the east quarter corner of said section 24, thence east along the east and west quarter section line of sections 19 and> 20 in Twp. 37 North, range 8 East, to the east quarter corner of said section 20, thence north along the east line af said section 20 and sections 17 and 8 to the northeast corner of said section 8, thence east along the south line of section 4 to the southeast corner of section 4, thence north along the east line of said section 4 to the portheast corner of said section 4, the same being on the County line between Kane County and Kendall County. K*ne Connty, Aurora Twp. Thence east along said Township and County line to the Southeast corner of Section 36, Twp. 38 North, range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian in Kane County; thence north along the east line of Sections 36, 2-r). 24, 13, 12 and 1, being also the Ease line of Twp. 38 North, range 8 East of the Third Principal Meridian, and of Kane County, to the line between Townships 38 North and 39 North, range 8 East; Batavia and Geneva Twps. Thence continuing north along the east line of Twp. 39 north, range 8 east being also the east line of Kane County and of Sections 36, 25, 24, 13, 12 and 1 to the Urn between Townships 39 North and 40 north, range 8 East St. Charles Twp. Thence continuing north along the east line of Twp. 40 north, range 2, being also the North one-quarter corner of Section 11, Twp. 44 North, range 8 East; thence south on the north and south one-quarter ( % > line of Sections 11, 14 and 23, Twp. 44 North, range 8 East to the center of said Section 23; thence east along the east and west one-quarter (%) line of Sections 23 and 24 Twp. 44 North, range 8 East to the east one-quarter (^4) corner of said section 24; thence south along the east North along the west line of said "Ifso^Th' Section 19 to the Northwest corner 4 ,North' r&n«* 8. ^ thereof, thence East along the North ^ K»^!L°LA To^.Z/i» lS0rth line of said Section 19 to the North hn® Town»hlP3 44 "orth quarter corner thereof, being also a v _ south quarter corner of section 18, j Algon^nin Twp. ,u „; , thence North along the North and Thence to the Northeast corner of south quarter line of section 18 to Section 1, Twp. 43 North, range 8 the North quarter corner thereof, East of the Third Principal Meridian; being also the south quarter' corner thence continuing south along the of section 7, thence west along the east line of said Section 1 to its south line of said section 7 to the southeast corner, being also the southwest corner* thereof, thence Northeast corner of Section 12 Twp. north along the west line of said sec- 43 North, range 8 East; thence west tion 7 and section 6, Twp. 45 North, along the north line of Section 12 range 10 east, to the Northwest cor- to the Northwest corner of said Secner of said section being also line tion 12, thence south along the west between Twp. 45 North and 46 North line of said Section 12 and also sec- Vh^"Southwest corner"oVse£ and on the line between range 9 tion 13. to the southwest corner of J1"* ^. LTn^ Xo Northweit cor- East and range 10 east, thence con- Section 13, being also the Northeast . 4 Two 36 N^rth tinuing north along the west line of corner of Section 23 Twp. 43 North, sections 31, 30 and 19, Twp. 46 range 8 East, thence west along the North, range 10 east, to the North- north line of Sections 23 and 22 to west corner of said section 19, be- the Northwest corner of Section 22, ing also the southwest corner of sec- thence south along the west line of tion 18, thence east along the south said Section 22, and also the west line of sections 18, 17 and 16 Twp. line of Section 27 of said Township, 46 North, range 10, east to the south to the city limits of Algonquin, quarter corner of section 16, thence thence following the city limits of north along the North and south Algonquin along the north and west quarter line of sections 16 and 9 to lines thereof until the same cross the the north quarter corner of said see- west line of Section 34 in qaid Towntion 9, being also Bouth quarter cor- ship, thence south on the west line, . ,. ... . io , ner of section 4, Twp. 46 north, of said Section 34 to the boundary f'on*th« e«t line of Section 18t range 10 East, thence west along the between McHenry Colinty and Kane East <luarter south line of sections 4, 6, and « County, thence to the Northwest cor- th«nce weat •don* lh# centre I-1?# - Twp. 46 North, range 10 east, to the ner of Section 3 Township 42 North southwest corner of section 6, being range 8 East, thence south along the At Mooseheart, Township of BA avia, Kane County. Village Hall, Village of North Au rora, Township of Aurora, Kane County. Village Hall, Village of Oswego. said Section 22, thence south to the south quarter corner of Section 22, thence west along the south lines of Sections 22, 21 and 20, to the southwest corner of Section 20, being also the Northeast corner of Section 30 Twp. 37 North, range 7 - . „ - .„ East, thence south along the east line Township of Oswego, Kendall Coun of Section 30 to the east hi corner ty. thereof, thence west along the cen- Village Hall, Village of Yorkvill tre line of Section 30 to the west Township of Kendall, Kendall Cou line thereof, being also line between ty. range 7 East and range 6 East, Twp. City Hall, City of Piano, Towul* 37 North, thence west to the East ,f Little Ro-:k, Kendall County, quarter corner of Section 25, Twp. Town Hall at Village of M 87 North, range 6 East, thence W«t 8rookt Township of Fox, Kead along the centre line of Sections _25 and 26 to the centre of Section 26, thence North along the north . nd south centre lines of Sections 26 and 23 to the North quarter corner of section 23, thence west along the north line of Sections 23, 22 and 21 to the north quarter corner of Section 21, thence south along the North and south centre line of Sections 2t, 28 and 33 to the south quarter comer of Section 33, being also line between Townships 37 North and 3d North, thence west on said Township range 6 East, thence south along the west line of Section 4 to the west quarter corner thereof, thence west along the east and west centre iine of Section 5, to the centre of said Section 5, thence south along the centre line of Sections 5 and 8 to the south quarter corner of Sectior 8, thence west along the south lin' of Section 8 to the southwest co: ner thereof, being also Northea corner of Section 18, thence sout Dated this 13th. day of July 191 ARTHUR G. LARSON County Judge of Kendall Coun CHARLES T. ALLEN County Judge of McHenry Count, PERRY L. PERSONS, County Judge of Lake County HARRY C. DANIELS, County Judge of Kane County 12U said Section 18, Twp. 36 range 6 East, to the west -Nortl SUULIlwvol VUlUvi vl ovtvlvll V, UCII1(( roli£c O IjABVf vllvilvt! BUUlll Miv •• m i _ j i»q uartte also the line between range 9 east west line of said Section 3 and als0 I tween'KendaU County and LaSaUe t Him m i h i m n h i m i l I Henpecked Husbands , « Organize in Turkey • j and range 10 east, thence north the west line of Section 10 to the along the west line of said section Southwest corner of said Section 10, 6 to the line between the State of the same being the Northeast corner Illinois and the State of Wisconsin, of section 16, thence west along the thence west along the said County North boundary of said Section 16 and State line to the North one- to the North quarter corner of said quarter (K) corner of fractional Section 16, thence south along the section 4, Twp. 46 North, range 9 North and South centre lines of Sec- East of the Third Principal Meridian; tions 16, 21, 28 and 33 to the South thence south on the north and south quarter corner of said Section 33, the one-quarter (%) line of Sections 4, same being on the boundary between j County, thence south along said County line to the Southwest cor ner of Section 19, being place of be ginning. Excepting however, from the area above described, and bounded, tracts of land described as follows: Exception 1 -- The entire area within the Aurora Sanitary District Exception 2 -- The entire area 9 and 16, Twp. 46 North, range 9 Townships 42 North, range 8 East | within the Corporate limits of the East to the south one-quarter (^4) and 41 North, range 8 East, thence,City of AurorS. corner of said Section 16; thence Easterly along the North boundary! Exception 3-- The entire area west on the south line of said Section of Section 3, Twp. 41 North, range within the Corporate limits of the . . - 16 to its Southwest corner, the same 8 East, to the Northwest corner of Elgin Sanitary District. \ £ be,ng f° e.Mt ltne of j being on the line between Lake and Section 2 of said Township, thence' Exception 4 -- The entire area Cane County and of Sections 36, 25, McHenry Counties. % south along the west line of said within the Corporate limits of the U, 13, 12 and 1 to the line between McHenry County, Bartea Twp. Section 2 and also Sectian 11 to the City of Elgin. Tewaaxupa 40 North aod 41 Noitti Thence south along the fa id Coun- Corporate limit* of the Sanitary Dte* Exception $ -- The entire area As thm Bern TraomU The expression, Ma bee Une." is derived from the fact that the honey t>e«, having finished its Job of collecting all the honey possible, mounts a little into the air and takes the quickest wsy home. Fsmow Ci omiNfli imm Priaclan was the moot noted of fjatln grammarians. He belongs to the early part of the Sixth century, teaching Latin at Constantinople, probably at the Imperial court, since reeotvef a Adana (Turkey in Asia).--A group of 200 men recently convened in the dead of night at Chall mountains, organized the Order of Henpecked Husbands, and drew resolutions to apply to the Eugllsh fraternity of that name for affiliation. Each applicant must take oath that within the last seven years he has faithfully performed the following peven domestic functions seven times: Did the family washing; Hung it on the clothes lino In broad daylight Scrubbed the kitchen floor. Took care of the baby or the babies while wife went to the local movie. Prepared the Sunday dinner. Darned socks, and Made the beds. 11111 u 11 ii 11 i 11 ii 111111 Scientific Nob* Among the latest achievements ot the boreau of standards at Washington Is the development of a machinei that produces sound* from the vibrations set up in a quarts crystal by* the passage Of an electric current Kankakee^ F air WORLD'S GREATEST OUTDOOR ENTERTAINMENT August 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 1928 Complete Livestock and Agricultural Exhibition 7,000 MILES OF CONCRETE PAVED ROAM LmmI to the Kaalrairee Fair $100,000 Premiums, Races and Attractions LEN SMALL, SMNUTT, KANKAKEE, ILLINOIS i • IMM M«000000»00»00*0»0« MM »M»MM I Frett Bros. & Freund MASON CONTRACTORS • and ' - / {JINCJLSfE BUILDING UNITS "* telephone McHenry 600-M-l or 86-R ,uw}. Milk for die Children Pure rich milk carefully protected from all impurities, is the best food and drink you can giv$ your children during the warm weather. Prompt delivery of our products is assured if you Phone 660-R-l. • We handle nothing but Bowman's Pasteurised and Degreed Products BEN J.SMITH < Look fpr The Airplane When you bay floor see that yon get the sack, with the airplane on it, then you will get the best there is. We mill it from the choicest Western Hard Wheat, right here in our mills McHenry, _ ^ AVIATOR FLOUR ' can be obtained at nearly any grocery store ill vi this vicinity. Put up in various sized sacks for * your convenience, • • l$A McHenry Flour Mills Wm. Spencer, Prep. ', "1 West McHenry, Illinois. ; ^ J ! \ A SUCCESSFUL SIX NOW C^ALlTYl ** that is winning new thousands every week /--s Pontile Six has long served as an l outstanding example of quality--of ( SSSLy materials, design and workmanship. \ No other si* so low in price offers by Fisher-- with the highgrade coach-work and materials which Fisher provides. None other offers a 186 cu. in. enfine-- together with the stamina and long ufc tor which Pontiac is tuned. And none other enjoys the advantages of being built in the world's most modern automobile plant. Why not learn what such high quality of materials, design and construction means to a Orator car? Why not drive a Pontiac Six today? •.€'J yi nM1 , m * ficHENBT MJTO SALES . „ Phone 8 Riverside Driv*^ - Temporary Office with Kent and Co. IPCWTIAC an Anti/<T r%m ii ? ;.*! * ••ft - * ,s-«

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