yf* S. H. Freund &S General Building ContractoH Phone 127-R f - r mi TBX M'HXNEt PUUNBEALER, TOTJISDAY, SSFTXKftSR 6,1928 '-•T7", J?t, V'*5 ,|gri Cor. Pearl and Park McHenry, IE i If J;' k • iv; £•>;, Milk Is Different •Just the same as anything else you use. Some is good, but some is better, too. It is proper tliat you convince yourself that you are getting the best possible for the sake of your health and your family's health. We handle nothing but Bowman's Pasteurized and Degreed Products Community Dairy Ben J. Smith, Prop. Our Phone Number Is 660-R-l * Teach the Child Thrif t Habits PEN a savings account with us now for each of yoftr boys and girls. An . individual home savings bank will be furnished in which to deposit the pennies and nickels. These may be removed periodically and deposited with us. All such Savings will draw three per cent interest, which will be compounded quarterly. Teach" your boys and girls to save while young and the habit will grow upon them before they, reach maturity* ^ • A Home Savings Bank Free To Each Depositor Saving* and checking depositors are invited to come in and exchange their old pass books for new ones bearing the new name of the bank. ! CITIZENS STATE BANK1 OF McHENttY, ILL. New Ycu Can Buy \bur Pcntiac Equipped With 1 Illinois has the third gross Dondefl debt of any state in the Union. Amounting to $145,202,500, but its per capita bonded debt of $19.91 is exceeded by that of 16 states. Bonds issued for construction of highways represent 66 per cent of the debt while soldiers' bonus bonds account for practically all of the remainder. New York has the largest gross debt of any state in~the Union, amounting to $361,617,- 000. North Carolina ranks second with $155,692,600, and Illinois third with $145,292,500, and Massachusetts ranks fourth with a debt of $122,264,- 412. Four states, Florida, Nebraska, Kentucky and Wisconsin, have no bonded debt. Progress which bag • been >*nade lit forestry in^the last two years in Illinois was outlined by R. B.' Miller, chief forester of Illinois, in an address before state game Wardens recently. Mr. Miller nrged co-operation of the wardens in placing forestry on a sound basis as one of the activities of the department He stated that the foresters wished to cooperate with the director in every possible way in advancing his policies for a better and more efficient department Director Gus Radebaugh has assigned to foresters well defined tasks, such as the making of surveys and reports, the posting of lands, the development of fire protection and planting plans on state lands. The following contracts bave been awarded by the state division of highways: '. • Route 72, section 120 B, Ogle county, bridge; to Ferguson Construction Co., Rockford, $28,213.17. Route 150, section 135 A, Alexander county, grading; fc6 Cameron Joyce Steam Shovel Co., teokuk, Iowa, $33,- 297.10. Route 3, section F-I, Cook county, bridge; to Ray Mann, Hockford, $29,- 440. Expenditure of approximately ft million dollars within the coming two years for permanent improvements was suggested by state fair officials at the close of the most successful Illinois exposition in its history. The recommendations will be made in the annual budget to be presented to the next general assembly. The improvement program consists of new buildings on various parts of- the new ground purchased by the state a few years ago to make room for the c6nstantly growing show. Plans to make the grounds a year round educational institution will also be considered. S. J. Stanard, director of agriculture, and General Manager Walter W. Lindley made known their views on further development of the fair grounds a* the great exposition closed. Approximately 387,000 persons attended the exposition this year as compared with 337,000 in 1927, an increase of 50,000. According to Director Stanard one of the foremost needs by way of addition al construction is the urgent demand for improved facilities for th^ 4-H club activities. Construction of a new and modern building in the newer por tion of the grounds to replace the present home of the girls' school is also an argent need.' , v a Successful Six winning E«m V ^ - To provide an even greater degree of impreesive smartness and dash, special wire wheel equipment Has been made available on all Pon> tiac Six closed and open models. TKis equip*, ®enJ which costs but $95 extra--include* the important items that leading custom dc< signers are employing; six wire wheels; two spare tires; front fenders with wells in whick the spares are cradled alongside the hood} chrome-plated spare wheel clamps; and a fold* ing trunk rack. If you are in the market for an ultra-modish car of extremely low price, come in and see how Pontiac's low, rakish lines are enhanced by this new equipment which is available in no other six of comparable cost. sport Hoadmer, $74Si PI The displays on view 'Before the throngs of Illinois state fair visitors that filled the aisles qf the Dairy 1'roducts building formed an industrial exposition of unusual Interest. This department of the fair combined the competitive displays of dairy products and exhibits that were educational and commercial. The chief attraction In the dairy building this year, was the model representing the entire dairy industry* It presented every phase of dairy production from the farm to the consumer. This ex- Mbit, in its size and beauty, vies with any ever offered at the varioua "World's fairs" anJ otWr expositions. JDairy products, competing for prizes, in open and in regional competition, drew unusual interest "In quality, the ^ntilk, cream, butter and cheese displayed," according to the department superintendent, Col. C. C. Miner, assistant superintendent of the division of foods and dairies, "left nothing to •be desired." The division of architecture and engineering, state department of purchases and construction, has an- 'nounced the tabulation of bids for work on the swimming pool uy the Illinois School for the Deaf, J^sson ville. The apparent ltnvftbujinefs are as follows: General work. It. /H, lletamora. 111., $25,990. Heating, Sheehan ft McNumara. Jacksonville, $2,486. Plumbing equipment, Sheehan ft HcNamara, Jacksonville, $7,196. Electric wiring, John M. Doyle, Jacksonville, $894. .^elntwnaa, Mrs. DelsyPhfppa, Petersburg, Imui been adjudged the champion hog caller for the state of Illinois. . She whoooeeed her way to the championship at the third annual hog calling contest held di?ring the Illinois state fair, and Rent »lown~to defeat the expert Guy Bender of Alexander, who held the'state title for the past two years. In moving the championship from Morgan to Menard county, Mrs. Phlpps not only enjoyed the distinction of defeating the well-known Mr. Bender, but also attained the honor of being the first woman to win the championship of Illinois In hog calling. Her victory gives her possession for a year of the beautiful loving cup offered in 1926 by the Sf>ringfield chamber TSf commerce. Mr. Bender held two legs on the trophy, and had he been victorious In the recent contest, it would tav'ei become his permanently. The angry grocer ran swiftly around the counter and seized the fair stumer by her arm. At tremendous Increase in Illinois farm business from the real estate dealer's point of view was reported at a conference held recently by the State Realtojtf association in Springfield. "Our fleociation members have done more farm business within the last three months than in the preceding two years," Max Murdoch, general counsel for the realtors, stated. you know» madam," he blurted, ^that your dog has eaten a pound of my best country butter? I saw bins do it a second ago." The fair customer relieved the grocer of her arm and regarded him cooly. "I did* not know it," she replied icily, "but if you are sure it was your best butter and that it was quitejQresh and that it really did come from the country, I don't think there is much reason to suppose it will do him harm."--Wall Street Journal. Passer-by: "Waif, any help?"' Man (trying to drive his mule through a gate): "Nf, but I'd like to know how Noah ever got two of these devils into the ark!"--The Open Road. Surgeon: "Go and get the name of the accident victim so that we can inform his mother." v. Attendant (three minutes later): "He says his mother knows his name."--Hardware Age. Miss Florence Easton, soprano with the Metropolitan Opera Company, is one of the many proud owners of the New Silver Anniversary Bulck. In Chicago for the Rayinia Park opera season, Miss Easton wwed the new Buick's at the time of their recant introduction, and ®«wered one immediately, explaining "| beauty 1 knew at once I must own one. waa so captivated by its Proposals for the construction Important major units of the Illinois deep waterway were opene recently in Springfield by Leslie ' Small, director of purchases and construction, and William F. Mulvihill, supervisor of the Illinois waterway co» struction. One proposed contract call# for the; construction and installation of gate and valve operating machinery for all five waterway locks--Lockport (the highest in the world), Brandon road, Dresden Island, Marseilles and Starved Rock. The Marseilles and Lockport locks are complete except for this machinery. ' fe' • The 1928 Illinois State Fair Dog show is history, and Mrs. H. Earl Hoover, Glencoe, who exhibited Biuf Stocking^ of Mancboover, a Chow- Chow, is the possessor of the govern nor's cup, given to the best dog in th# show. The dog show this year waf twice as large as the one held lasl. year and attracted entries from alV parts of the West. A. J. Baker, Springs field, secretary of the Illinois Kennel club, pronounced the show a recor4 breaker. The tent used for the exhibit was twice as large as that used last year and the animals were viewe<) by a capacity crowd a( all times. The governor's cup is 2U inches high, gold lined and appropriately carved. Mem-1 bers of the association are looking foi^ ward to the day when the kennel sho#: will be housed in a new building featuring the latest benchefc and forts for dogs on display. Three ppblic bearings of the IM* nois valley flood control comMigsaion, held recently, were intended as oppoi* tunitles for all concerned* regarding the future welfare of the valley to discuss means of flood prevention wltH the men named by Gov. Len Small ta work out some plan and report to the next session of the general assembly. This commission, created by an act of legislature and executive appoint' ment, is organized as follows: Sena-. tor A. S. Cuthbertson of BnnkerhiU if chairman; A. T. Dunn, a citizen of th^ valley, living near Beardstown^Js seo retary; Representative H. V. Teel of Rushvllle, vice chairman; Stlllman J. Stanard, director of agriculture, at the agricultural representation, and William F. Mulvihill, superintendent of waterways in the department of purchases and construction, as an engineer, are ex-officio members, repre* sentlng the state government. vr Tflftien yoti figure the pWeie of a tiiail otder tire AIDBMfier, df* : lay, and hand labor of getting the tire on your wheel to the d|i livery cost. ^ . » jFhen remember--when you buy a Goodyear-built tire from 75 iVyou get your exact size when you want it. You examine before you buy it. We put it on for you, inflate it, and SER ¥IOE it. ^ 0ur Service plu< Goodyear guaranteed quality will save you time ~ v ieK bother, and tire money# ^#*3# ffl. ebni 30 x 3% CL Cord (oversize). 32 x 4 S& Cord_ 28 x 4.40 Balloon 31 x 5.25 Balloon; 33 x 6.00 Balloon... GOODYEAR PATHFINDER - S 5.95 6.35 - 11.75 6.50 12.95 15.50 GOODYEAR VA W T S 8.25 9*05 14.95 9.95 15.95 19.50 Other Sizes at Equal Savings--Buy at Home and 8ave Tire BAROAINS--We have some odds and ends in all sizes" from 30x3Vi> high pressure to 33x6.00 balloons, in six standard makes, which will be sold at greatly reduced prices. 4)ome in jwd get yours before they are all gone. •> v Vulcanizing prices greatly reduced due to the low price of tires?f^> and repair stock. WALTER J. FREUND Phone 120-& West McHenry, Illinois Complete Stock-Will Sixes Tire and Tube Vulcanising Batteries--- Battery Charging and Repairing 4 t " THB WORLD HAS A NEW AND FINBR MOTOR CAR Logan county corn held up a con-, sistent record in capturing prises la corn shows when samples exhibited at the Illinois State fair won sweefr» stakes grand champion awards In both the ten-ear and bushel classes. A ten. .ear sample of yellow corn of RentHCii* lei?* brothers of Chestnut captured the sweepstakes In' that class, while a bushel sample of Oscar Mountjoy. Atlanta, won the weepstakes honors, also.* Ftirm mutual' Insurance companies are hot required to suspend business when the territory in which they are organized becomes a part of a city. This is the opinion of Attorney General Carlstrom givrn to the state division of insurance in response to all Inquiry coucer|i:ng<-tli^ status of companies organized in Cook county, tlif territory of, which has been lncorp#»' rated In to the city of Chicago. Cabriolet, S79J {SSSp7o5rt Ontl.nd AEM**-rA«)m( feDricawn rS Sixed, |m1»n07, 4«SI 25t *y- «* < *>«* dtiivrTtd pricm Urlmdt dunvu. General Motor* TM IW mm Pirn* mnilmkU m whiinii rmu. MCHENRY AUTO SALES Phone 8 Riverside Drive Temporary Office with Kent and Co. . PCIMTIAC sax PRODUCT Of GENERAL'MOTORS The weekly health report Issued a few days ago by Dr. Isaac D. Rawl ings, state director of health, shows Comparatively few cases of contagious diseases in the counties of the down* state. The report follows in part: Diphtheria--70, including Cook county, 56; Chicago, 44. Scarlet fever--4.ri, including Goo* county, 28; Chicago, 33. Smallpox--13, including Cook county, 6; Chicago, 5; Shelby county, 8. Typhoid fever--50, including Cook county, 2; Chicago, 1; Montgomery county, ft. Much of the credit for obtaining the appropriation for the Capitol city's new federal building Is given former Gov. lUchard Yates, Springfield, who is Republican candidate Tor re-election af congressman-at-lnr^c. In a letter received hy C«'iigreFsiiii:n Yntes from Congressman M. H. Thatcher of the Fifth Kentucky district, who is ap--influential member of the nctlonul mouse appropriations coniu:ittee. Two hundred youths received dipl* mas from Statfe Superintendent of public Instruction'Francis G. Blair at the end of the special boys' State Fair school. Mr. Klulr also delivered the commencement address. The boys went < through a round -of activities during thfe week of the fair studying some of the more vital factors of farming. Tly> students In the school were permitted to view all of the various exhibits during the fair and at the same' time eaMlnve their eoarae ef study. "Is she stupid?" "My dear, she thinks an octopus Is an eight legged cat."--Epworth Herald. 1 "We have a lilac bosh 100 feel high." 'I wish I*could lilac that!"--Oil Weekly. " American hold-up men seem to get #bout everything except what It COM* Ing to them.--Virginian ST sernew Mr. Younghusband: "In mon you spoke of a baby wave on the ocean of life." Clergyman: "Quite so. A poetical figure of speach." Mr. Younghusband: "Don't yon think that a fresh squall would mt the mailt better?"--Recruit. She: "I'm only a poor girl." ^ Be: "Well, you can't work pe."~ r? ' •' We'll leave It to you--just t]teof the other new cars, then look at the Nash "400" Salon design, 77^ "eyes" Ltads the World in Motor Car Vaht* OTHER IMPORTANT FEATURES-NO OTHER CAR HAS THEM ALL Twia Ifaitioa sMtor 12 Afcweft type speek pto# High eompreesloe New doabl* drop faaaw HMWIkMiLmiwA# AhMoioum alloy i cr> 7*besriag eraakskdl ^ ^l^erfd'® eeslest sesesiaS Tetsioaal1 Saloa Bodies Bijer osatraHaed bbriauios Na»h Spssisl Mis inf0\ ~~~ m*4 rear bf pw George A. Sttlliaag Garage rLddklk