!P?«fPpS^ fPf" • ' , , a >• •,•'=•••- '<• v v - ' • ' .: * ra*M"HMreYFLAnrpEALto,thitmpay, isrr.«,a«d» THE M'HENRY PLAIN DEALER ~ Published every Thursday at McHenry, by Charles F. Renieh. Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at McHenry, DL, under the act of May 8, 1879. Subscription Rates One Year .. Six Months ; ~ $2.00 ^...$1.00 H. M06HER, Editor and Manager V i4±« f, m ( If persons drink water which they I know is dangerous, coiporatlons or individuals dispensing water either for compensation or otherwise, are not llibIt for damages, Attorney General Osifar K. Carlstrom lias declared in au opiriktn. The ruling, a lengthy technical one, was given tit the request of Dr. fsffs-vy 1>. ltawling^. director cf the 'stat? department o?" rniTTTTT7 ]iei'l:h. It supplemented another pinion given InT '1928. TlTe opinion is as follows: "Failure or neglect of a municipality, private ~T<n-poration or person furnishing or supplying water .for public use, to use reasonable care for the purpose for which it is to be used, would render si^i municipality, corporation or person liable in damages for any illness or disease caused by such water not being reasonably tit f«>i such purpose: but, of course, a person using such water with knowledge of'such unfitness, would be guilty of such contributory negligence, as to bar him from recovery." • The Illinois ballot for the election 5n November will be much- shorter than in former years by the elimination of the names of the 29 Presidential electors. The bill providing for the change was j^sed at tlie last sesdobt of the general assembly and amendments to the registration law will apply for the first time in many cities of the state which operate under the act. The names of the Presidential electors have been printed on the official ballot for years. The custom has been opposed, but some believed it would be illegal to eliminate them. Legal lights held to the contrary and a bill providing for thel* elimination was passed and is now a law. On the ballot for the November election the names of the candidates for President and vice president will be printed. The elimination of the names of the electors, who were choscu at the party conventions, means a large saving- in the printing of ballots and also will relieve Judges and clerks of a large amount of work. More th&nffWn hundred commercial hatcheries in illtnois will operate un- <l#rstate inspection* and accreditation regulations during the coming season. iSCUlman J. Stanard, director of agriculture was informed In the August i "port of a. D. Smith, chief poultryman. "Last season there were J.">2 concerns producing baby chicks In Illinois In accordance with the regulations." Smith's report states. "Applications Just' received include 33 additional incubation plants, and there are many others who have expressed their intentions to make application for the Inspection service." The 200 or more hatchcrie? seeking recognition as the sources of "state standard accredited"' baby chicks represent practically all coneerns^ta, Illinois that operate commercial/ Incubators, according to the agricultural officials. The hatcbery i: er with plants rang'ng from the second largest in the world, at Peoria, down to the small concerns supplying local demands, find that the recognition that state inspection provides he^pg the industry. ZL CLASSIFIED AD/ERTISEMENTS USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOB QUICK RESULTS FOR SALE FOR RENT FOR SALE--Store building and lot, ROOM FOR RENT--Girl or woman corner Riverside Drive and Pearl St. employed preferred. Mrs. Edwards? Lot is 56x132 feet Phone 106-W. Pearl and Court. lMf Mrs. K&therine Schneider. .... 15-2 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT-- FOR SALE--Early Ohio home-grown Modern. Green street, near St. Patpotatoes, $1.15 per bu., delivered. Hen- rick's church. Anton F. Blake. Phone ry W. Ahrens, West McHenry, Tel. 88-R. 14-tf 58-M. 15-2* Contracts totaling $1,000,W0 tiave been awarded by the state division of highways. The roads are In various parts of the state and will become a part of >the building program of the year. The awards were as follows: Itoute 49, section 38, Iroquois county, pavement; to E. M. Melahn Construction Co., Algonquin, $154,995.74. Route S. A. 5, section 55-W-l. Cook county, pavement; to Areola Construction Cov iNiltts Center. $10.8-0.5??. Itoute 7l, faction 116, DeKalb <jounty, pavement: to Stevens Rrothefsof St. Paul. Minn.. $249.?<32ffi. , Itoute 80. section 128-C, Knox county, pavement, to Central Engineering Co, Paver, port. Iowa, $158,091.12. Route ISS/ section J17, Hancock county, pavement; to S» J. Groves & Sons, Minneapolis, Minn., $74,780.43. Route 95, section 118-W, Hancock county, pavement; to Jansen & Schaefer, Pekin, $18,251.14. Route 142, section 102, Effingham county, pavement; to C. J. Morltz, Effingham, $120,397.01. Route 142, section 101-A, Effingham county, grading; to Cameron & Joyce Construction Co.. Keokuk, Iowa, $55,- 970.32. Route 80, section 123-B, Knox county, bridge; to A. P. Munson, Marion. Iowa, $11,014.25. Route 80, section 123-C, Knox county, bridge; to Clinton Bridge works, UIt.aiVinsi B „ Ointon, Iowa. $5,195. I9xl2 Wilton rugs. Must be seen to be Gr„oh' ®are John Stock» McHenry. ! arnreciated. senarate. °ne GARAGE FOR RENT---Inquire at the FOR SALE--Eating, cooking and ci- Plaindealer office. 14-tf dar apples. Will take orders for late „ 1 .. ' -- pears. Phone 627-J-2. Michael Krapf, F'OR RENT~Seven-hving-rown flat, y0]0 15-2* above store. Jqs. W. Freund, West ' ! . McHenry. 18-tf PETITION PAfOB BOARD *OR TUBERCULOCUbS FUNDS • petition under "an act to authorise county authorities to establish and maintain a county tuberculosis sanitarium and branches, dispensaries and other auxiliary institutions connected with the same and to levy and collect a tax to pay this cost of the establishment and maintenance," was presented by Miss Mabel Hobbs, county nurse, at the regular meeting of the board of suplrvisors held Tuesday. After hearing Miss Hobbs explain the proposition the petition was reeved by the unanimous vote of the board and the clerk directed to prepare a ballot and cause the proposition to be submitted at the next general election in accordance with the statute in such case. The petition was signed by several hundred voters. The proposition Will be submitted to the voters of McHenry county at the general election. * .. Plaindealers at Wattle*. : \ w -• I ILLE1 THEATRE LOST <t)R SALE--Household furniture, consisting of leather parlor suite and dav. enport, very reasonable. Inquire of , rua-i* ftD o«a, Pm ™ I--7~Z 1 Mrs. John E. Freund, Nobby Style L°fT OR STOLEN--Row-boat, front g. x 15 3* and rear deck covered, patent oars. , Liberal reward for imformation lead- £"HANCE FOR YOUNG COUPLE, ing to its recovery. Call Pistakee $53^ TAKES ALL--WORTH $3,000-- 656-J-l. 15* Beavltiful 3-picce parlor suite; 8-piece f ncT A . , . . . ' walnut dining room suite: 4-piece w.l- LOST-0*f„rd Br«y ve«t containing nut bedroom Mt complete, witt. spring a, Parker Duf.oM/en. 8nd Pf""' and mattress; library table; 5-piece k?ePfk%a' F<» breakfast set; silverware; lamp; two 2S' 15* -VOODrrOCH a Woodstock's Beautiful Play House Route 75, sections 110-A and ^l-A, j appreciated. Will separate. Will ar- Stephenson county, gradings ; to Bal-, j range for delivery. 832 Leland Avmat & Sons of Lear Lake, Iowa, $178,- ; enUp one block east of Sheridan Road, 265.84. Route 75, section 111-B, Stephenson county, bridge; to O. G. Hively, Freeport, $27.41S.75. Route 74, section 101-V, Stephenson cout'ity, bridge; to W. H. Shons company, Freeport, $34,127.55. ' Route 74, section 101-V, Stephenson county, bridge; to Vincennes Bridge company, Vincennes, Ind., $13,3S5.74. WANTED Chicago, 111. Phone Sunnyside 6190. WANTED--Furnished rooms for light 15*4 housekeeping or room and board in -- private family. Mrs. James Button, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE--^-room McHenry. 15 house with three lots, at Solon Mills. . • Will exchange for a house in McHen- WANTED--Girl for general housery. William Brennan, phone 221-J, work. Small family. Inquire at the McHenry. 15-tf Plaindealer. ^ 15-tf FOR SALE--10-hp. Westinghouse 3- WANTED TO RENT--Three rooms phase induction motor and starter, furnished or unfurnished, near grade In an opinion given to State's At- Suitable for running silo cutter and school for couple with"one boy. Intorney Charles F. Dew. Marion county, other farm machinery. Will be sold quire at or address Plaindealer. 15* Attorney General Carlstrom holds reasonable if called for at once. Wil- u.. nr,im, " ~ liam J. Welch. Phone 93-M. 10-tf WANTED TO RENT-4 or 5 room . house or flat by Nov. 1. Phone 163. that if there is no specific levy made for the purpose of pacing a veterinarian's salary and the county board provides payment should be made out of the general fund, there is no reason why tb« salary should be given preference over other claims. An opinion given to the state's attorney of Peoria county says that it is the statutory privilege of a high school pupil to attend the high School most "conveiK' lent for him. However, It is the duty of the county superintendent, as a ministerial officer, to determine questions of convenience. In an opinion DEPENDABLE USED CARS ON 15* HAND 1^20 Dodge Special' Sedan $525 1926 Dodge Special Coupe 550 _ 1925 Nash Advanced Sedan 525 W ATKINS PRODUCTS--Having tak- MISCFILLANLSOUS 1926 Dodge Panel Truck...;...,.,.., 1924 Dodge % Stake Truck....... 1924 Chevrolet Sedan 1926 Ford Tudor Sedan 1926 Ford Fordor Sedan...... 1927 Paige Coupe- Easy Payment Plan We have a complete line of trucks en over the sale of the Watkins Pro- 195 ducts, I am now ready to serve this 125 entire territory with anything in this 295 line. Phone MfcHenry 54-J.. Earl 275 McAndrews. 12-tf 85 TYPEWRRTJBRS Sales and Service. Repaired and Rentals. to Statejs Attorney Myron Mills, Cas? >P ton and ll/2-ton in closed or, prompt attention to phone calls. " Phone 549. L. KILTZ, Woodstock Combatting the possibility of forest fires in southern Illinois, R. B. Miller, chief state forester, has concluded the first agreement with a private company for patrolling Its land, for a lookout tower and lire lines. Land Included in the first agreement of the state and federal government with a private company is that owned by the Chicago, Wilmington and Franklin Coal company. Mr. Miller Inspected It in company with M. H. Sellers of Carbondale and W. E. Doty of Benton, who will be in charge of the company's fire protection, forest tree planting and plant nursery. Effectiveness of fire protection methods already initi a ted, Mr. Miller said, is evident.. Co-operation of school boards, teachers, patrons, school doctors and school principals, In making the school-healfh appraisal survey a success in Illinois, is sought by a committee representing six state-wide organizations. "At the present time," the committee said, "it is generally agreed that the health practices, both public and personal, are adding more to humun eomfort and happiness than ever before. Many thoughtful educators have felt the need of a measuring stick for use in this field. In an effort to supply this need, a school health appraisal form nasibeen prepared/' Attorney General Oscar E. Carl Strom has given an opinion to George Huskinson, superintendent of Insur ance, in which he holds that a receiver for an insurance company lias general authority to take possession of the property and may do all things necessary to wind up the company's affairs. This would include the right to sell Ml of the assets fit, providing the ap proval of the court Is first had. Although state mine inspectors are barred from holding an interest In any mining industry, that restriction does not apply to county mine inspec tors, Attorney General Carlstrom ruled in an opinion requesed by A. D. Lewis director of the state department of mines and minerals. Mr. Lewis told of a county mine Inspector who re eently acquired ownership of a small Bine. He called the attorney gen erol's attention to a provision of the law expressly forbidding a state mine inspector from engaging in any phase $t Che Binias industry. county, the attorney general holds that when the genwal county tax levy reached the statutory limit, an additional tax can be levied only when approved by a votfe of the people. The additional tax proposed in Cass county was for a mothers', pension. open bod y types. JAMES MORROW & SON Phone 186 West McHenry, 111. 49-tf TAKE TOUR Sewing Machine trouble FOR SALE -- Seven-room modern to B Popp. West McHenry. Repair A new world's record for paving was established by the Illinois division of highways during the construction week of August 10 to 16, when 70.6 miles of eighteen and twenty-foot Portland cement concrete pavement were laid on the state highway system. This mileage beats the previous record of 63.0 miles established in 1924, which hp to date has been the banner year in Illinois for paving and it also exceeds a record of 65.64 miies which were laid during the week of July 6 to 12, this year. There are at present one hundred paving mixers working in the state and several of them are laying one mile and more of pavement weekly. The present mileage of pavement completed this year on August 15 is 743.1 miles, which Is twenty mi}es in excess of that laid up to the same date in 1924. With favorable weather conditions it is expected that the 1924 record of 1,229.- 4£-miles will be surpassed during the 1928 construction season. house on Green street. Will sell _ reasonable in order to settle estate, fgr rug weaving. Phone 162. Inquire of Math M. Blake. Tel 607- W'l. %ltf ing done on all makes. Also fluff and 13-tf McHENRY - WAUCONDA MOTOR EXPRESS--We handle express to and FOR .SALE--Small chicken farm, be- from Chicago. Chicago freight detween 4 and 5 acres, mile from partment, 411 W. Superior St Phone McHenry on Lake Geneva cement McHenry 213-W. 82-tf road. Mrs. Joe Phone 611-J-l. H. Justen, Rte 3. 6_tf TUNE--and keep your piano tunea. Tuning makes your piano a musical Save a dollar each week by taking instrument. Phone 274-J or write J. advantage of the special offers in the H. Deihl, Woodstock, IU. 27-tf Plaindealer ads and at the end of the cash The red man paid homage at the toinb of the great white chief a few •lays ago when Chief Ba}d Eagle and his baud of Menominee Indians placed a wreath on the tomb of Abraham Lincoln. 'The chief and his party were one of the principal attractions at a barbecue celebration given by a large organization in Springfield recently. This tribe of Menominees was the only one to have a G. A. R. post, giving two full companies to the Union cause in the Civil war. In memory of these warriors. Chief Raid Eagle laid the wreath 011 the tomb of Lincoln, ::ying: "In memory of two companies of my countrymen who served at the call of this Great White chief In his war of liberty for humanity, I -place thiswreath."' year you have fifty-two dollars. Your DEAD ANIMALS Highest subscription costs two dollars-the Pnf ? dead animals. Telephone fifty is your profit. Merck's, Dundee, 810-J-l Reverse charges. Prompt service. 46-tf V "D. F." tog* So insistent was Duncan Phyfe, America's famous cabinetmaker, on the highest quality of raw materials that West Indian exporters of mahogany referred to their best timbers as "Duncan Phyfe" logs and marked then with his initials.--Exchange. Church fionn^M Banners or flags In the Christian church date from the time of Emperor Constantine. in the beginning of the Fourth century. Constantine saw In a vision the cross upon a banr.er. When he awoke he had such a banner made and It was carried before his troops. Economy in Words • - Ttfctre Is strength In short, apt words that say things economically. --Farm and Fireside. There were 1,(585 miles of federal, aid highways completed in IllinWs as of June 30, tiiis* year, according to a statement just issued by the American Automobile club through its various state affiliated members. There has been a total of 71,074-3 miles of the entire distance "of the federal-airl system completed throughout the United States, through federal assistance, i\ith 10,779 miles under construction and 3,119.4 nrtles approved for construction. / While waiting for her mother to appear, six-year-old Janet was doing her best to entertain two lady callers. Presently one of the ladies remarked: "Not very p-r-e»trt-y." At once the little girl spoke up: "No, not very pretty, "buttery g-m-a-r-t."--Children. Lady: "{low much are . these chickens?" Butcher: "$1.50, ma'aln." Lady: "Did you raise them yourself?" Butcher: "Yes, ma'am. They were $1.25 yesterday."--Boys' Life. Evening Shows at 7 and 9 Matinees-- On Wednesdays. Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays, ,3 p. m. SATURDAY September 15 Zane Grey's "*HE VANISHING PIONEEB^' with Jack Holt also PATHE NEWiS AND COMEDY Sunday - Monday September 16-47 . , , « Esther Ralston in ' ^IIALP A BRIDE" also PATHE NEWS AND COMEDY On the Stage Sunday From Radio Station WLS Hon WLS IN PERSON The Original Harmony Girls Carpenter & Ingram Featuring "ilackenaacK^' *'i)um i>ora," -rflue Heaven,' "Whoa Ittuley" and Others. also Tito Gruidotti Accordion ft-layer 11 " 1 y" fflu ifi Mm TUESDAY ani ~ WEDNESDAY beptunoer lb-l» SPECIAL > PWmo Radio Station WLS > Otto Grey and his COW BOY BAND Of Oklahoma, In Person Real Cowboys, Playin'-Singin'- Ropm'-Dancin' On the Screen Phyllis Haver A* \ in "TENTH AVENUg" THURSDAY and v FRIDAY September 20-21 ^ i Leatrice Joy ^ / in - "MAN-MADE WOMAN" also Pathe News, Fables, Sportlights lit i\n % J1 «**. Mb - * a" ; ,*c v ^ ' - • v u. ? beacon Bfarikets make warm friends." Oiar* •' lew blankets are now here. Cool nights arit > about due and a good blanket is the handie^, l&ver to have at hand. We have many kindift but our three best sellers ace: fl A Cotton 60 x 80 at... Part Wool 66 x 80 IS Part Wool 70 x 80 at.. >--^^3 • 50. $3.00 We will be glad tp show themt ts,yoii. V* ** :'VW H H'A Home $wied Store"^ v McHenry, Ulinoi* f'-U.. li»' jf /• IT • i USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS J. WEST GARAGE - Adams BrosM Prop*. ... TeL 18i 0A General Automobile Repairing Res. Phone, 639-R-2 We Mix Sodas That Will Please Have you some special combination of flavors # ^pr other idea of your own about the way you lik£. ' } It soda? Tell us what it is and we will mix it actjy as you wish. If not, then let us suggesjjl' that you try one the way we make it. Srtwiot# * and creamy, just sweet enough and with plenty; of iee cream. • Y ' \ • ' * . E x t r a H e a v y H a l t e d M i l k * ' : . . • - Cha^ell's Ice Cream--bulk or brid$ SPECIAL PLATE LUNCH AT NQONTIMSfKVERY DAY Riverside Drive McHenry "He put on speed, thipUog $}9 <!0Bld beat the tram to it." "Did he get across ?w "Hie will as Soon tcmrtrttone maker gets through #ith it.--Boys Life. Son (wiring for moa§e^): "Can use five hundred more dollars." ' Dad (replying): "Try using more sense."--Sovereign Viflitor. Plaindealers at Wattles. Don't knock the town you live In, It may be the only town that has ever heard of you.--Gait Reporter. I "What key in music is useful in the Army?" "What is it?" "A sharp major." •' ' Professor: "Name three articles containing starch." Laundryman's Son: "Two cuffs and a collar."--Progressive Grocer. Indications are that Dlinols voters will not be called upon to fill the unexpired term of the late Conjjfressmanat- large Henry Itathbone. Under the primary election law a special primary I The man who saves money nbwannd election would be required and days isn't a miser, he's a wizard.-- owing to the expense involved, U Is Dental Digest. not believed that the call will be Issued by Governor Small. Congressmaii- at-large Richard Yates has been •lamed by the Republican state central committee as a candidate at the reg- . liar election in November. The tin- „n., . ~ T" ~T~ an ••jpiw) t,™ Of Mr TOKrtj "5" *1 »•» ^ »!» '• •""" I extend antll next March. "WeU, she says she only wears ecia fortable shoes."--fix. . « , "May I kiss you?" "I should say not." But she didn't.--Oil Weekly. SHIELD Of September 15th to 21st Tomato Soup, per can V/zc Toilet Soap, Palm- i ^ olive,.. 3 bars for 20c Brillo, cleans like lightning, lge. pkg. l9c Sauerkraut, large No. 2*4 cans .2 for 25c Quaker Oats, 3 pkgs. for .25c Codfish Tablets^! lb. pkg., each ...25c .Pineapple, largd No. 2V» cans, each „29c Joi. J. Hlll«r Prop. ression o Each piece presented for your approval here has that |ftMing charm of permanence so desired in furniture you „ \; buy for your home* The stability of the materials used, the excellence of the making, combine to piake this fwrniture the right sort for your home. x ; v r : t ; • • : < JACOB JUSTEN & SONS FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING Phone 103-R 4 m i i »4 t i'irfi i itfti t ttttttttttttt n t r ft't • j, . J . 'iLrir. JAtZ. <St*& t . ... :.-k. :• "