I SLOCUMS LAKE afternoon Mrs. Chesney Brooks and Oatis Phillips business callers at McHenry last iday morning. Mrs. Wayne Bacon and son and s. Lloyd Harvel were business callrs at McHenry last Monday. Mildred Hoffman spent Monday in icago. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and son ere at Crystal Lake last Friday afon. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Werden and son, •^Curtis and Dr. and'Mrs. L. A. Werden attended a show, at Elgin last Saturday. ^ Mrs. J. N.* Zimmer and Mrs. H. J. Shaffer of McHenry and Mr and Mrs. |£mmet Geary visited at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary Monday afternoon. Mrs. Ella Parks and son, Hugh, of Park Ridge were callers at the W. E. Brooks home last Tuesday evening. Miss Anita Baseley of Wauconda was a caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Davis and daughter, Frances, were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Grantham were Saturday dinner and afternoon guests t the home of their daughter, Mrs. Wilson at Palatine. Mr. and Blrs. H. E. Maiman of Wauconda were Sunday supper and evening guests at the home of the tatter's parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne7 Bacon and children enjoyed Sunday dinner a^the home of Mrs Elizabeth Bacon aJt/Roseville. Mrs Clyde Wingate and tw6 daughters, Mrs. LaDovt Matthews, and Miss Myrtle Darrell of Crystal Lake spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell. Mrs. Harry Matthews attended a party at the home of Mrs. C. G. Dorwin at Wauconda last Tuesday evening. Sunday callers at t*he W. E. Brooks home were Mr. and Mrs. Untz and son of Waukegan, Mr. Zinkler and son of Chicago, Frank Wilson of Volo, Mrs. Lucile Rohman and friends, Mr. arid Mrs. Robert Blackburn of Chicago, George Blackburn and sop, Glen, Mrs. Lillie Toynton and daughter, Neva, Mrs. George Harris and children, Miss Hazel Haffey and Albert Baseley of Wauconda, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Underwood of Mundelein and Kenneth and Bruce Granger of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Grantham spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Kelley at Elgin. Dr.and Mrs. L. A. Werden and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Werden Were Sunday dinner and afternoon guests at the C. K. Werden home at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. George Lundgren and Mrs. Raymond Lusk of Wauconda were Friday supper and evening guests at the Blomgren home and in "Evening they all attended a show at McHenry. Miss Frances Converse spent the week-end at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davi» and children of Volo and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse were^. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. an Ray Dowell. ^3$ - Mrs. Clara Smith was "a caller at the home of her sister, Mrs. Joseph Haas at Wauconda, last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and daughter, Dorothy, attended a show at Fox River Grove last Thursday evening Mr. and MrsJ. D. Willi&ms and son, James Howard, of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with Mrs. Clara Smith. George Roesslein of the "Flats" was a caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews last Wednesday evening. JOHNSBUKG Mrs. Catherine Tonyan visited with her daughter, Mrs. John J. Freund, Tuesday. * The Jolly Eight club and the Afternoon club surprised Mrs. Frank Kempfer Thursday as a farewell and presented her with a gift. Cards and music furnished the entertainment, prizes being awarded to Mrs W. W. Hettermann, first; Mrs. Math Youngen, second; Mrs. Frank Kempfer, third, and Mrs. Joe King, consolation. A delicious luncheion was served and Mr. and Mrs. Kempfer served a chicken dinner Sunday to hgr many friends and bid them goodbye. Mr. and Mrs. Kempfer moved to Chicago Monday. Mrs. Ben J. Schaefer boarded the train to Chicago Monday. Miss Helen Schaefer visited with Miss Helen Smith Monday. v Mrs. Mary Tonyan and son, Bep, and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Freund visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Lay, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stoffel and Mr. and Mrs. George Miller and children of Volo visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Schaefer recently. Mr. and Mrs. William Smith and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joe ,J. Michels Thursday. John Washburn visited with Frank Kempfer Sunday. . ^ j Mr. and Mrs. Fred Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Math Rauen visited with Mr. and Mrs. John W. Freund Sunday. M!r. and '^rs. John Freund and WEEKLY PERSONALS COMERS AND GOERS OF • WEEK IN OUR CITY . .i ^ As Seen By Plaindealer Reporters and Handed In By Our Friends Laurence Senten spent last week in Chicago. v Miss Rosina Karls visited in Chicago Sunday. Miss Dorothy Knox was an Klgin visitor Saturday. Mrs. C. J. Bender visited at Gillespie, 111., last week. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kent spent Thursday in Chicago. Mrs. Louis McDonald was a Woodstock visitor Monday. Bernie Newman of Chicago spent Sunday at his home here. children 'of McHenry visited with | Tuesday. Jacob Buss of Belvidere spent Sunday with relatives here. Miss Laura Karls of Chicago spent Sunday at her ^ome here. Miss Genevieve Knox of Elgin spent the w<pek-£nd at her home. Mr. taand Mrs. Leo Lawson visited in Chicago the first of the week. Miss Theresa Karls of Chicago spent last week at her home here. Miss Ellen Doherty and Quentin Walsh were Elgin visitors Monday. Joe Abruscati 6f Chicago visited with friends here over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cooley were guests of friends at Riverside Sunday. Miss "Elsie Regner attended Teachers' Institute at Libertyville Saturday. Chris Anderson of Chicago was a; week-end guest in the C. J. Bender ( home. J Miss Dorothy Heuser of Chicago is spending the week in the Mat Weber home. • ; Mrs. F. E. Boyer and daughter, Elizabeth, spent last Thursday1 in Chicago. | Mrs. John Claxton and Mrs. John! Dreymiller were Woodstock visitors j j Mrs. Joe Smith was a Grayslake visitor Monday. Jack Cassin of Chicago spent the week-end at McHenry. C. B. Durkee visited with relatives in this city last week. N. H. Petesch of Oak Park spent Sunday at his home here. Miss Mayme Keg of Chicago spent the week-end at her home here. Miss Helen Welch and friends visited at Lake Geneva, Wis., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hanrehan of Chicago visited with friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Pries of Waukegan were McHenry visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson and family visited in Chicago Sunday. Mrs. F. E. Covalt and daughter, Shirley, were Chicago visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Foss and little son, Charles, visited at Ringwood, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Duker and chil dren visited at Lincoln Park, Chicago, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Fitzsimmons of Woodstock visited in this- -vicinity Sunday. William Nye, who.is attending college in Chicago, spent the week-end at his home here. George Hutson and daughter and F.W. Sayler of Woodstock visited with friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Kamholz and little son of Chicago visited in the Fred Kamholz home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Bohr and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Diets left Monday for a motor trip to Los Angeles,Calif., where they will spend the winter. Mrs. Ray Howard was a Chicago visitor the last of the week, where she visited her father at the West Side hospital, where he is recovering from an operation. V Misses Eleanor and Mildred Kinsala spent several days last week at Detroit, Mich., where they attended a Mystic Workers' convention. also visited Windsor, Canada and other points of interest. Mr.1 and Mrs. Frank Meyer and son, Donald, of McHenry called on Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham, Jrn<< Monday evening. <• James fuller and Edward Hines spent Wednesday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. George Lungreen were Chicago callers Monday. Thomas Garvin was a Friday evening caller at Cary. Miss Lenore and Marguerite Garvin of Desplaines spent the week-end with their mother, Mrs. Thomas Garvin. Mt. and Mrs. George Sheid, Jr., and daughterr spent Sunday evening at the Lloyd Fisher home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Buchanan are enjoying their new Atwater Kent radio. v Mrs. Clara Smith of Slocum Lake visited with her sister, Mrs. Joseph Haas, recently. Herbert Schroeder of Chicago spent the week-end at the home of Mrs. Edith Peck. Mr. and Mrs. John Dobner west Mundelein callers M«yti^ay afternoon. TERRA OO^j Andrew H. Henderson, Sr., of* Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. P. Huffman and daughters. » Henry Shales and Mrs. Earl Matthews of Crystal Lake called on Miss Marion Shales last Wednesday. Miss Ethel Gracy entertained twelve friends at her home here Sunday evening in honor of her birthday anniversary. Mrs. Christina Buss, who has spent^ the past several weeks with relatives in Wisconsin, is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. P. Huffman. Have you seen our line of wool materials for children's school dresses? They are the most attractive patterns we have ever carried. Erickson Dept. Store. WAUCONDA Mr. and Mrs. Math Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Anthon Freund Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Malonick were visitors here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Glenny Jacobson of Chicago visited with Jir. and Mrs. Joe Smith Sunday. Mr.* and Mrs. John Lay and Mr. and Mrs. Math Lay visited with Mrs. Catherine Schmitt Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Hiller, William Pitzen, Mrs. Joe J. Freund and Mrs. William May visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Stilling of Richmond Friday. Mrs. Joe Hettermann, Mrs. John Hiller, and Mrs. Joe Michels visited with Mr. and Mrs; John Pitzen Tuesday- / Mr. and Mrs. Louis Skalack of Chicago visited with friends here Sunday. Miss Martha Hettermann and Helen Smith motored to Wauconda Tuesday. Therayon underwear is always a pleasing gift. We have the wanted shades in all articles. Erickson Dept. Store. Mrs^ Robert Thompson and Mrs. Jane A/ Carr were Woodstock visitors Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman called on friends at Woodstock Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Edward Sutton and Mrs George Miller were Woodstock visitors Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boehmer were Waukegan callers Wednesday afternoon. !: Mrs. Frank Meyer and son, Donald, of McHenry and Mrs. Harry Grantham visited at the home of Mrs. Herman Bueshing Wednesday afternoon. I Mrs. Leslie Turn bull and Mrs. Hen- Anton Stedry and son, Emil, of Chi-; ry Kruger called at the Benwell home Mrs. | cago were visitors in the Albert Vales home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Short of Chicago visited with relatives and friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Merrit Cruickshank of ternoon. Elgin visited in the Richard Thompson ; Ronald at Volo Wednesday. ^Darwin Brown is driving a new Graham Paige sedan. Mrs. ^lice Geary and son, William, were Lake Zurich callers Friday af- Geary of Gilmer called on relatives here Sunday afternoon. Mr. antf" Mrs. H. L. Grantham, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham, Jr., and children visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Jecks Sunday S. H. Freund & General Building Contractors I Phone 127-R Cor. iPearl and Park Sts. McHenry, HL home Sunday. Miss Lily Breyer of Milwaukee, Wis., spent a few days last week with" McHenry friends. Mrs. Mary Meissen of Hockford spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and evening, Mrs. Henry Dowe. ) Albert Martin is spending a few Miss Pauline Pufahl visited with weeks in Milwaukee with his brother, her mother at the West Side hospital ' Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Cook and in Chicago Sunday.^ | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham, Jr. John Peters and son, Leo, of Chi- and daughter, Audrey, were Elgin cago were week-end guests of MT. callers Saturday afternoon. and Mrs. Albert Vales. * 1 Mrs. Frank Harrison of Chicago is Mrs. Elizabeth Krauae of Wood- spending a few weeks with her mothstock visited with her sister, Mrs. >r, Mrs. Loretta Seymour, who is not Anna Howard, Thursday. »o well at present. Miss Katie Keefe and nephew, Ed- Mir. and Mrs. George Deinlein were Mrs. Merton GTacy is spending a. few days with her husband at Rockfield, Wis. Miss LaNette Covalt of Crystal Lake called on Mrs. Marion McMillan Sunday. Mrs. B. J. Shine and Raymond and Miss Alice Riley visited with relatives near Woodstock Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox>p£rit Sunday at the home of MT. £nd Mrs. Kitby in Aurora. Frank Sprand of Chicago was a guest at the home of Frank McMillan Sunday. M iss Vera McMillan is visiting with friends in "McHenry. Mr. and'Mrs. Ralph Wingate spent They! Sunday at Honey Creek, Wis. Misses Mae and Lizzie Ames, William and Thomas Ames and Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan attended the funeral of Lyman Anies at Waukegan last Wednesday. Misses Florence, Mabel and Marie Knox and Robert Knox Vere Elgin visitors Saturday afternoon. William James of Antioch' spent Sunday with his daughter, Mrs. Merton Gracy. Mrs. Arthur Johnson and Misses Louise Johnson and Martha Honert ci Elgin called on Miss Eleanor McMil- : lan Saturday. j Miss Lillian Breyer of Milwaukee i spent a couple of days last week at the home of Philip Huffman. James Gracy visited with friends at Hon^y Cretk, Wis., Sunday. Rev. E. A. McCormick of Crystal Lake and Dr. and MTS. Shannon of Chicago called on friends here last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wilcox of Chicago visited with relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan and sons, tyark and Glenn, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sund in Carpentersville. Mr. and Mrs. Charles LaPlant of Crystal Lake visited at the homes of Mrs. Marion McMillan and Frank MicMillan Sunday. Miss Mary Frisby of Elgin visited at her home here Sunday. JHENRY V. SOMPEL v General ^Teaming Sand, Qravel and Coal for Sale Grading. Graveling and Road Work Done By Contract 1 or By Day Phone McHenry ,649-R-l P. 0. Address, Route 3 McHenry, HI. Telephone No. 108-R Stoffel & Reihansperger Insurance agents for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENRY - - ILLINOIS Phone 126-W Reasonable Rates A. H. SCHAEFER Draying McHENRY C. W. KLONTZ, M. D. Physician and Surgeon (Also treating all diseases of the Eye^ Ear, Nose and Throat and the • Fitting of Glasses) Office Hours--8 to 8 a. m., 8 to 4 ea# 7 to 8 p. m. Sunday* by Appointment Office at Residence, Waukegan Road. Phone 181 * McHenry, DL McHENRY GRAVEL & EXCAVATING CO. A. P. Freund, Prop. Road Building and Excavating of Every Description Estimates Furnished on Request High-grade Graved Delivered at any time--large or small orders given prompt attention. Phone 204-M McHenry Insure--Is Sart-Insnraace WITH W m. G. Schreiner Auctioneering X OFFICE AT RESIDENCE Phone 93-R McHenry, Illinois WM. M CARROLL Lawyer MBce with Kent & Company , Every Wednesday INOIS McHenry, Illinois. Our Special Sandwiches Next time you are hungry, it is but a step into our place where sandwiches that literally melt in your mouth await) your order. Made up as fresh as you wish them, each one Is almost a meal in itself. Extra Heavy Malted Milks Chapell's Ice Cream--hulk or brick 8PECIAL PLATE LUNCH AT NOONTIME EVERY DAY KARLS' Riverside Drive McHenry x* j -a. Successful * / MOW wi / si/ ^Grcaii fining Evci (cr f Tfc*4-DoorSeiam Body by Fukcr Erings /Mew Heights ©f Public Favor h As a result of the new value offered by today's Pontiac--as a consequence of its greater power, higher speed and smarter style--this low-priced six is winning new heights of public favor... Pontiac Six now provides new motoring luxury. Staunch, beautiful bodies by Fisher smaller, sturdier wheels with larger tires--an engine of 186 cubic inches displacement the cross-flow radiator--the G-M-R cylinder head ... all these and many other advance* ments are emphasized by the performance supremacy resulting from new carburetion and manifolding . . . That's why today's Pontiac Six is attracting thousands of new buyers. That's why it is winning leadership in the low-priced six-cylinder field. UW Wax. 974St Coup*. S74S; Cabriolet, $791; 4-Daor Scdo*. SB2S; m /actor*. Checfc Odrfiw^Pnyiw McHENRY AUTO SALES Phone 8 Riverside Drive Temporary Office with Kent and Co. jp©mriA\c six fftODUCT OF GENERAL MOTOKS V mund, of Spring Grove were guests in the E. Knox home Saturday. Mrs. George Kuhn went to Chicago Wednesday morning, where she will spend a few days with relatives. Mrs. Ray Page and little daughter, Elida •Marie, returned home Wedneaday fyomfthe Woodstock hospital. L. F. Newman spent Thursday and Friday in the home of his son, Charles Newman, and family, in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh and fam- Waukegan shoppers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Geary and son, Edward, and Mrs. Alice Geary were Mundelein and Gilmer callers Sunday afternoon. Mr. and MTS. Homer Cook are on a two weeks* trip up in northern Wisconsin. Y Rev. Locke, Marshall Smith, Charles Mullen and Mr. August took several of the Grammar school boys to Chk cago Saturday to see the football ily were dinner guests of Dr. and Mrs. game at Northwestern. All the boys H. F. Cannon at Waukegan Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Elliott and children of Austin were week-end guests in the Frank Thurwell home. , Mr. and Mrs. John Reinders and Mr. and Mrs. Davidson of Carpentersville reported a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Paddock, Mr6 Frank Dickson and Mrs. Harry Grantham, Jr., attended worthy matron's night at Grayslake Wednesday {evening. Mrs. Paddock took part in the were guests in the E. E. Bassett home " work. Sunday. Mrs. J. E. Pufahl went to Chicago Thursday, where she underwent an opeiytion at the West Side hospital, for goiter. Mr.^nd Mrs. Ed Hoffmeier, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cooley and Mrs. Seyler of Chicago were Sunday guests of Mrs.! Mayflower chapter, 0. E. S. held its regular meeting Thursday evening af ter which bunco was played. Mrs. Frank Dickson took first honor, Mrs Amil Dalms, second, and Mrs. Harry Grantham, consolation. Light refreshments were served. Miss Esther Kurgge of Chicagt Miary Simon. Mr and Mrs. M. J. Walsh and sons and Miss Ellen Dohesty visited a]t. Holy Hill and Milwaukee, Wis., one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Brefeld and daughters, Katherine and jikrion, of Chicago visited in the B. J. Brefeld home Sunday. Mrs. Fred Nickels, Jr., and baby spent several days this week with her sister, Mrs. Dana McKnight, at Chicago Heights. Mrs. Gene Zoia of Woodstock and Mrs. Leo Dwyer of Huntley visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doherty on Friday. Misses Rosina and Cornelia Freund and their guest, Miss Sharpley of Chicago, spent the week-end in the J. A. Freund home. Miss Caroline Miller and Miss Rowena Hofftoeieter returned to Wilmette Tuesday, after spending a few days A the former's home here. Mrs. Mary VanDyke of Humphrey, Nebr., who has been visiting with relatives here for several weeks, spent the week-end in the Fred Karls home. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Freund and Mr., and Mrs. Albert Justen returned Monday evening, from the former couple's honeymoon trip to Kentucky. Mr. and Mrs. John Bushaw and children and their friends, Mr. arid Mrs. Mason, of Rockford visited in the home of Mrs. Bushaw's parents, Mr. ^ Thursday. I spent Sunday here. A good • crowd attended the first meeting of the P. T. A. The new offi cers were installed, after which many game? were played and coffee and doughnuts were served. Mrs. A. M. Sowers wa«v* Chicago caller Saturday. i Mr. and Mrs.* Leslie Turnbull and children spent Sunday with Mr. and j Mrs. Albert Paddock at Round Lake. I Mrs. Amanda Grantham and son i Walter, of Chicago visited with Mrs. Harry Grantham Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Stroker re j turned home last week, after spend- I ing several weeks up in Minocqua Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Beclcman of Wheaton spent Sunday at the John Daley home. M>s. Daley is in very poor health. Harold and Martha Osgood attend ed a show at Fox RiVer Grove Sunday evening. George Jaeger, Sr., and George Jaeger, Jr., and son were Cary callers Sunday evening. Miss Catherine Odette of Libertyville was a caller in town Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Geary of Round Lake spent Saturday evening with the former's mother, Mrs. Alice Geary. Miss Lena Bonin was an Elgin calland Mrs. Frank Thurwell Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smith and son. Edward, and daughter, Mrs. Fuller Bonteile, and baby of Lake Geneva, W5s:, left the first of the week for a motor trip to Osceola, Nebr., where they will visit in the home of their daughter, Mrs. C. A. Fratier, and .other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Baseley and daughter, Louisa and son, Claude, spent several days with Mrs. Now at Ati&o, Wis. Dr. J. A. Ross was a Waukegan caller Monday. Miss Martha Hughes of Waukegan spent Wednesday evening with hei parents. , / CH EVROI FT C$nd now, a Million Chevrolets 5ittceJan Is* % The COACH •585 TIKTMHui •t Rm Jut.... Tk*c«v«.M..,59j a^r.... „$67i Tha C*a»«rilblj &EUf..'691 Tk« latMhi t|j 4 Laadaa......... * " & *520 (CfcaafcOaM DW«U>*i «r« *J1 1734 [ (QMtMf) c ' *11 pric-- Ls.K niafc tyirstChoice of the Nation for 1928 iMlMt lih « Im4 to even more spectacular heights of popularity . • • •Baking and breaking new records of success with impressive regularity throughout the year-- --the Bigger and Better Chevrolet has been the great* est sensation of America's greatest industry! And never was a success more soundly deserved--lor tfbe iMy and ^ it rolet embodies fourteen^ years of continuous progress in the building of quality automobiles and embodies elements of beauty, performance, dependability, long life and economy never before combined in any low-priced automobile. Come in1 Get a demonstration of this truly remarkable - automobile! Learn why it • has become first choice tha nation for 192flL Hettermann Motor Sales Phoae 191 West McHenry A .1 Q U A L I T Y A T LOW C O S T