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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Oct 1928, p. 6

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TERRA 0OTTA % r&- .f'^K'>* .v •... . .,. ^ v k^drhuuAr. TBitBSDlv. oomnt n, 102s &h \r QE.^ 'WHAT *1 WIIX BDfpj I1KOUR STORE1 Saturday, Oct. 13 .00 Canned Fruit Special Fancy Peaches, SI iced Pineapple, Apricots, Pears and Fancy Blue Plums, vour choice 4 Cans for $1.00 / Salmon Special 3 tall cans Lihhy's Fancy Bed and 1 tall can Pink Salmon for ' $1.00 Coffee, Tea and Milk Special ' 1» lb. any 50c selection, package or bulk Coffee^"^; 1 lb. New Green Tea; 1 tall Milk . t* All for $1.00 F. Sohepers and son, F» Crystal Lake called at the hp B. J. Shine Sunday, Miss Florence Kt»(fx was a Chioag<} visitor Saturday. Philip Hoffman of. Spring Grove visited with relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 'Louis Anderson andfe daughter, Ruth, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Schmitt in* Wo«d stock. Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Knox and daughter, Patricia of Sycamore visited >at the home of M. Knox Sunday Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Huffman and daughters and Mrs. Christina Buss were guests of relatives in Chicago Saturday and Sunday. Hprold and Robert Knox attended the football game at Madison Saturday. Mrs. Merten Gr.^7 ai^ family. William James of Antioch,' and Mrs Frank Sanders of Hebron spent Sunday with Mr. aqd Mrs. Reed Carr at Spring Grove. Mrs. George Miller and. Miss Kate Mclaughlin of McHenry called at the home of M. Knox Thursday. Mrs. Pierce, daughter, Florence, and son, John, of Richmond visited at the home of Frank McMillap Friday, VMrS. Nels Person is visiting relatives in Chicago this week Miss Clara Klein is visiting With her sister, Mrs. Ray McMillan. Frank Peck and| D avid Rowson of Chicago visited at the home of Henry McMHlan Friday, Misses Mae and Lizzie«, Ames eyd Mrs. Henry McMillan were Elgin PEAS or CORN, standard grade 9 Cans for $1.00 Household Special - 6 boxes Matches; Soap Chips or Powder, large box; 1 Sani-Flush; 25c bottle Antnionia and 3 barsOlive GHVToilet Soap All for $1.00 Pure Fruit Preserves, ' 41b. Jar for $1.00 Toilet Paper, Silk Tissue, regular 3 for 25o value 15 Rolls for $1.0O Meat 4'l^r Pork Butt $1.00 RIVERSIDE GROCERY & MARKET ALBERT BARBIAN, Prop. visitors uesday. Mrs. <M. J. Walsh and thr%s daughters of McHenry called on relatives he-.-? Tuesday evening. Mark McMillan visited relatives in Chicago from Friday until Monfafty. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bergman of Chicago are spending the week with Miss Alice Leisner. Mrs. Edward Malone of Elgin and Miss Ellen Doherty of McHeftry Called on their sister, Mrs. M. Knpx, Tuesday. v Walter Davis of Carpentersvilje and Willis Davis of Fisher, 111., spent Tuesday at the home "&f their sister, Mrs. Henry McMillan. • Mrs. J. J. Doherty, son, Frank, ah«i «two daughters visited with .relatives here Sunday evening Mrs. M. Knox and daughters called on relatives in Woodstock Thursday evening. Phone 180 McHenry ••••••••••••• 'K'M"!1 ~DOLLARS DO DOUBL^ HICKORY NUTTING PARTE Mrs. W. A. Sayler and Mrs. John Fay entertained the Daughters of the G A. R. and their friends at a hickory nutting party in the M. H. Detrick woods on Friday afternoon. The afternoon was a pleasant one' and after the nuts were gathered games were enjoyed until supper time when weenies and marshmallows Were roasted. Mrs. Jacob Schneider received the prize foif having gathered the most hickory nuts. Professional All Star Twin Lakes Ball Room Twin Lakes; Wis. \ Thursday, Oct. 18th 8 ?. M. MIKE--Richie Mitchell Star GEO.--Chicago Sensation Gianciola vs. Mavis * rounds at 134 Iks. Jack Heinemann Milwaukee vs. \ Rds. - 165 lbs. Nick 3aft * Chicago Jimmie Munsell Pinky Mitchell's Boy Milwaukee VS. 4 Rds. - 134 lbs* Johnny Fay Champion of the Kavy Harry Wilson Chicago v vs. Shirdel Zimmerman 4\Rds. - 142 lbs. \ JaAiesville Tony Grayjack Milwaukee -VS. 4 Rds. 1221b|. Jack Hanley ^ Green Bay Leo Spiegel Milwaukee vs. , Jimmie Gilbraunseh 4 Rds. - 118 lbs. v Racine Al Terry West J^mk " .i sassV. S- -138 lbs. Art Spahn / MUwaukee WtfKLV PERSONALS COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR CITY 7m AT A few rows at $2.00 " f Ww reservations phone tyilmot 482 BRING THE LADIES tr90;i ^4 As Seen By Plaindealer Re- \ 'r porters and Handed fit By Our Friends Miss Anna Fridby was an Elgin vis. itor Friday John Givens saw the ball &a$te in Chicago Friday. tieslie Watson of Chicago spent the week-end in McHenry. John Hayes of Woodstock %m 'k McHenry visitor Tuesday. v ^ J. E. Pufahl of Chicago spent the week-end at his^home here. M. A. Conway saw a game of the city series in Chicago Sunday. Robert Blum of Chicago visited with friends here over the week-end. Charles W. Gibbs was a Chicago passenger Wednesday morning. Ray Conway is serving on the federal jury in Chicago this week. Miss Claire Frisby of Chicago visited with relatives here Sunday. Charles Howard of Woodstock called on Mrs. Anna Howard Tuesday. Miss Ella Ibsch of Chicago spent' the we^k-end with relatives here. Harry Frye of Arlington Heights visited with Mends here Sunday. Mrs. Frank Rosing and Mrs. Peter Engeln were Elgin visitors Friday." Miss Berteel ^fencer of Chicago spent the week-end at her home here. Miss Maud Granger of Chicago spent the week-end with home folks, Mrs. ' Elizabeth Krause of Woodstock visited with relatives here Sua-1 day. •> . „ Miss Elizabeth Miller spent several days last week with friends in Chi' cago. Mrs. Mary Carey of Elgin spent 1 few days the past week with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wrede of Chi cago spent the week-end with relatives h^re. * Mr. afnd Mrs. Fred Kamholz and family 'visited with relatives in Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Erickson and family visited with relatives at/Caledonia Sunday. ' F. W. Sayler and daughter, Viol*, of Woodstock spent SundajL_with rel atives here. - , \ Mr. and Mrs. M. A. button and daughter, Mary Kathryn, were Elgin visitors Friday. Mr. and Mri'. George H. Johnson and children visited with relatives ill Chicago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs: Henry Heuser and family of Chicago spent the week-end with relatives here. Mr. ad Mrs. Fred Karges and daughter . of Kenosha, Wis., spent Sunday with McHenry friends. Mrs. J. H. Miller and daughter, Elizabeth, are visiting with relatives at Kenosha, Wis., this week. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Miller, Sr., oi South Bend, Ind., were callers iti the Jack Walsh home, Thursday. Mrs. F. M. Ensign and daughter^ Margaret, and Ed Maynard visited at Crystal Lake Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schaefer were guests in the home of ,Mr. and Mrs* Neil Pippr at Austin, Sunday. Dr. xand Mrs. C. W. Klontz returned heme the first of the week, after visiting with relatives in Michigan. Richard B. Walsh of Evanston was a Sunday visitor in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh. * Mr. and Mrs. Henry Senne and daughter, Helen, of Crystal Lafe visited in the J. F. Claxton home Sunday^ Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jaster and Miss Kate Howard of Woodstock visited with Mrs. Anna Howard Sunday evening. Mrs. Albert Wagner and Mrs. Edward Wagner of Chicago were Sua-; day visitors in the home of Mrs. B. Frisby. Mr. and Mrs. Del Coss and children of Crystal Lake were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Ensign. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miarzahl . at Richmond attended Friends' Night sit McHehry Chapter, O. E. S., Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Conway and Mr. and Mrs. John Conway of Detroit, Mich., visited with relatives in this city ^lnday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rosborough and family of Elgin were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. Claxton and family. Carl Stenger of Waukegan has sold his McHenry home on Main street to John B. Kelter of Chicago, a brother of Mrs. William Burke and Ed Kelter of this city. Mrs. J. E. Pufahl returned home Wednesday of list week from the West Side hospital in Chicago, where she underwent'an operation for goi ter. She is improving nicely. Miss Edith Locke of Elgin spent a faw days this week as the guest of Mrs. John Dreymiller. She has just completed a tour of the world, after teaching three years in Kobe, Japan. , Miss Alice Sutton spent a few days the past wepk with relatives and friends here. She was returning to Los Angeles, Calif., ftom Oneonta, N. Y., where she had spent the summer months. Floyd Foss, Floyd Hopper and Richand Overton returned home Friday evening from tfro .weeks' auto trip through the west. They visited many places of interest along the nay Mid report a very pleasant trip. m- «-M i October 13 3 We begfta weeks ago to buy merchandise of outstanding merit isi this sale a real success. We believe it will be an event that will be long remembered --Come early and save many dollars. . . , /v 36-inch Outing Flannel A variety of . dark patterns, medium weight, first quality, 0 Yards for $1.00 ; ' Fountain Pens 14-kt. solid gold, indium tipped point, non-leakable fountain pens, each $1.00 .'I'l •I'li'P (ill n ;<|| J Jiiiiiirt JI III Hw f.ji iififrji Hm Motorings 1 gallon size, vitrified stone niotor jugs, keeps food hot 12 hours, cold 24 hoars, each , $1.00 • •• ••• 'V-.-.-y. • Pure Linen Ctas^ Toweling This is a full J>leached pure linen toweling, a very good grade, 5 Yards for $1.00 • Rayon Satin - v A beautiful new material suitable for ladies^ dresses and slips,-40 inches wide, comes in pink, white and green, per yd. $1.00 * Silk Black Taffeta silk, Corticelli grad?, 06- inches wide, regular price $2.00, per yd. $1.00 Gingham __ Toile Du Nord and Kalburnie dress gingham in stripes, plaids, checks and plain colors, 5 Yards for $1.00 Silk Underwear Ladies' rayon vests, bloomers,-shorties and panties, each . ^ t $1.00 ^ ' , Bath Towels Good weight Turkish towelsi, st«e 24x44 4 for $1.00 Ruffled Curtains Voile and marquisette, 2f-inch by 21 /4 yd., wide ruffle, 12x54-in. valance, tie backs to match, easily worth $1.50,.now a set f6r 1.00 Hosiery Ladies rayon silk hose, popular colors, pointed heel, picot* top, 2 Pair for $1.00 Men's Winter Union Suits One lot men's winter weight union suits, sizes 36 to 46. These garments average 12 lbs. to value for the dozen, an extra special 81.00 Rieger Compacts Genuine Rieger double compacts, loosfe powder, regular $2.00 value, on Dollar Day, eaolt , • ' $1.00 Ladies' Flannel Night Gowns A variety of color combinations, round and**V" neeks, each " $1.0# SHOES SHOES SHOES On all ladies' and misses' slippers and oxfords selling at $4.50 or more per pair, we will allow a discount of $1.00 a pair. St. Dennis Cups American semi-porcelain white wear. These cups are first quality, guaranteed against crazing. 1 Dozen for $1.0tf: . Men's Blue Work Shirts An , excellent quality blue cheviot work shirt, sizese 14Vfe to 17, a real value - .2 for $1.00 Ladies' Dress Frocks -- with long sleeves -- r Dainty, "fast color, prints, latest styles and designs, each $1.00 W Boys' Play Suits ; > Snug, comfortable play suits, drop seat, three numbers, regular $1.25 value, each $1.00 36x72 Rag Rugs , We have a limited quantity of these large rugs, easily worth $1.50, sale price each $1.00 New Dress Flannel A medium weight wool mixed dress flannel, very popular, comes in rose, red. green, blue and tan, per yard $1.00 Wide Sheeting Bleached Saxon sheeting, 81 inches wide* extra fines quality, 2* Yards for $1.00 Shaker Flannel 27 inches wide, pure white Shaker flannel, good weight, suitable for strainer cloth, and infants' wear, 8 Yards for $1.00 : ,.y-v, ; SOCIAL WHEEL The members of the Social Wheel were pleasantly entertained at the home of tha president, Mrs. Andrew E<i'iy, on Thursday afternoon of last k. 'Five hundred and bunc<^ furnished the entertainment for the guests and prizes in cards were won by Mrs. J. J. Rothermel and Mrs. f W. Goodell. In bunco the prises were won by Miss Adeline Perkins and Mrs. Minnie Miller. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. W. Sanborn at Spring Grove OB next Thursday afternoon. ^ iinrrMi--iiiiiiif-JtM '• ; Men's Flannel Work Shirts Several shades of cotton flannel work shirts, good weight, sizes 14V6 to 17. each $1.00 Children's Sweaters Children's "V" neck pull over sweaters) light colors, snappy patterns, sizes 24 to 34, each, 1 _• $1.00 Soap Flakes 5 large packages American Family Soap Flakes for ^ ^ $1.00 Campbell's Tomato One dozen cans for $1.00 PfPW •t- Canned Peaches ' Helmet brand yellow cling pea<jhe^ ^*lge 3forS1.00 can Tomato Catsup Heinz tomato catsup, 4 large bottles for $1.00 "Peter Rabbit" - Brand Pe*s, excellent quality, packed-in Belvidere, 111., special \ 0 cans for $1.00 Maine Corn Ferndell brand, 6 cans for $1.00 Baby Stuart Count rv (J< ?ilIonian corn & cans for $1.00 .Erickson Dept. Store fhone 154 30UZ8 Au ERICKSON, Prop. ^Test McHenry

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