'n'Jr « ' M , ^ f . V* -y *:;3 rfw <r* ^ g in#& J * 0)10 0 0 k^\. f©:c.H\, ygTt^L' » x*- 17" *< fa7< ,v D A City of - A uoi City in Which to This week we continue the historical sketch of the early days of our city, showing who were sbme of the pioneers, their activities in building up the community and several of the happenings way back years ago. The continued story will be carried on each week. ..v. / - This series is made possible by the progressive business firms whose ads appear on this page. Each one stands squarely for a Bigger and Better community and as leaders in a movement for the betterment of our city, they deserve your patronage. Read each page carefully and learn more about the comtamnity in which you live. Save the Tickets for a set of Penn China We are giving a ticket witli each 10 cents worth of family wash. Let us demonstrate wliat we can do on family wash ancTbe sutfe to save the" tickets. Phone 1S9 and our wagon will call. * - MCHENRY LAUNDRY L. V. Adams, Prop. McHenry Artificial Storre Company MASON CONTRACTORS Office Phone 257 All Kinds of Building Material *» / / -* JAMES E. BEAVIS TAILOR 300 All Wool Suits and Overcoats made to d»or AA l*our order. Regular $30.00 to $35.00 values at y^DeUU McHenry, Illinois I Phone 271 Cleaning, Altering, Pressing New Furnaces or Furnace Repairing i 7 J O H N I . V Y C I T A t "GENERAL HARDWARE * Pfeoiie 98-31 - Green Street Allen-A Underwear Ftorsheim Shoes Mallory Hats Ray McGe# Home of Hart Schaffner and Maix Wilson Bros. Shirts Hand made articles make lovely Christmas Gifts. New Materials and suggestions for making them at the AGATHA SHOP J ,rf >,- I « Alij4l^|ew line of Tallies--Place Cards--Greeting Cards \/j ' and' Bridge Prifces Visit Our New Store on . RIVERSIDE DRIVE '4 bJ ) \ ,«nd when you need anything in the line of PLUMBUrS, HEATING, OR ELECTRICA& WORK v let u« figure on the cost before tracing the ©§ntiact. We «mploy experienced workmen#-and guarantee sati*<factij0ii. H. E. Such McHenry EARLY DATS IN M'HENRY (CONTINUED FjPOM LAST WBEK) Ttie ttiound builders were followed, in this section of the country, by the Indians. They were, when visited by the early discoverers, without cultivation, refinement or literature and far behind the mound builders in the knowledge of the arts. Of iheir predecessors the Indian tribes knew nothing,^hey even had no traditions respecting them. It is quite certain that they were the successors of a race which had entirely passed away ages before the discovery of the new vaorld. One supposition is that the American Indians are an original race to the western -^hemisphere. A more common theory, however, is that they are derived from the ancient people of Asia. In the absence of all authentic history, and when evengtradition is wanting, any attempt to point out the particular location of their origin must prove unsatisfactory. Though the exact place of origin may never be known, yet the striking coincidence of physical organization between the Oriental type of mankind and the Indians point to some part of Asia as the place from where they emigrated. When Christopher Columbus had finally succeeded in demonstrating the truth of his theory that by sailing westward from Europe land would be discovered, he supposed he had reached the East Indiest This was an error, but It led to the adoption oi th* name of "Indians" for the inhabitants of the isfaml and the main land of America by which name the red men have ever since been known. Of the several great branches of North American Indians the only ones entitled to consideration in the history of Illinois and McHenry county are the Algonquins and Iroquois. The Sacs and Foxes, who figured in the later history of the state, inhabited McHenry and other northern counties, also. They were a courageous people, shrewd, politic and enterprising, with no more ferocity and treachery than was common among the tribes, by whom they were surrounded. The irt of hunting not only supplied the Indian with food but, like that of war, was a means of gratifying his love of distinction. The boys, as soon as they acquired sufficient age and strength, were furnished with a bow and arrow and taught to shoot birds and other small game. Success in killing large quadrupeds required years of careful study and practice and the art was as sedulously inculcated in the minds of the rising generation as are the elements of reading, writing and arithmetic in the common schools of the civilized communities. The mazes of the forest and the dense, tall grass of the prairies were the b#st fields for the exercise of the hunter's skill. No feet could be impressed in the yielding soil but that the tracks were the objects of the most searching scrutiny, and revealed at a glance the animal that made them, the direction it was pursuing and the time that -had elapsed since it had passed. In a forest country he selected the valleys, because they were most frequently the resort of game. The most «?jRsily taken, perhaps, of all the animals of the ch&se was the deer. It is endowed with a curiosity which prompts it to stop in its flight and look backward at the approaching hunter, who always avails himself of this opportunity to let fly the fatal arrow. (TO BE CONTINUED NEXT W£E&) KENT & COMPANY Among the progressive business firms whose ads appear on this page is Kent & Company, Realtors, who are foremost among the leaders in this community for the betterment and advancement of our city. • They started in business in McHenry five years ago at the corner of Waukegan and Green streets and are now in their own building on Riverside Drive. Besides having a large clientele in this city they have branches in Chicago, Oak Park, Waukegan, Genoa City and Crystal Lpke.y* They operate a real estate and insurance business with a separate department for building and financing. They are exclusive agents for the Owen, Stenger and Allen interests, Shalimar subdivision, Hunterville Park, King's Fairview subdivision, besides many other properties which they handle both up and down the river at McHenry and at Crystal Lake. , . In the last four years in McHenry alone they have built and financed over |150,000 worth of buildings, which money has all(be(*n spent locally, besides the numerous cottages \along the summer resort district which would add many more thousands of dollars to the income of tha people of McHenry. In other words, the work they have accomplished is the same as a factory employing fifty men at an average wage of $25 per week running full time for four years. They have never asked ny favors of the city, but appreciate business given in return for the money left in McHenry by 1 them. . . . _ A . The office in McHenry maintained by Kent & Company, is open every day including Sundays and also every eyening, except Sunday evening, until 9 o'clock. . , They invite the people of McHenry to make use of their facilities for selling or trading of real estate, as a number of local people own property in other cities which they mieht be interested in trading for property here at home. Kent & Company also write all known kinds of insurance and have built up a large clientele in flre,^ auto and burglary insurance and maintain a per sonal adjustment service that greatly facilitates adjustments and repairs in time of loss. V / The Knock of Opportunity How about it, Mr. Worker? If opportunity should knock upon your door today, could you bid lier enter? Would you have the necessary ready cash to finance some plan that would inake you financially independent? If not, now is the time to start saving. Then when you do ^et t4ie chance-to get in on a good thing by investing a few dollars, you will be prepared. 3% on Savings Accounts QUIT SHOVELING1 COAL AND ASHES \ By purchasing an , Oil Burning Cabinet Heater , You can save all this disagreeable labor, „ ' Before buying a heater let us show you this modern stove. tQTank can be install either inside or outside the house. QWe als6 have a full line of coal burning cabinet heateif ii you prefer them. - •' A WM. H. ALTHOFF HDWE. Hardware. Paint*, Oils, Sporting Goods Wc* McHeary, 111. Protaae Bottled 6m Phone tt*J Before You Place Your Order For TIN and COPPER WORK OR FURNACES Let Us Give You Our Estimate All work is personally*siijS^rvised by John F. Brda. . The best in quality, service and prices. ' *f BRDA'S HARDWARE ~?r Tel lit «reen St. > SUPPOSE YOUR BUILDINGS Should burn down tonight, wouldn't you wish you had had them ur sured? You cannot afford to take the risk, let the insurance companies do that. Tliat is their business. We can write you any' kind of insurance in the safest companies. Just Phone NO. 8 KENT & COMPANY Seasons may change but the wonderful meals B1CKLER serves never change. CJTry our Sunday Chicken and Steak Dinners and convince yourself. HWe serve fresh fish Friday** " \ Friday and Saturday Specials Standard Percales, assorted patterns, yd............ 16c Striped. Cheviotjs, yd*. „ ,15^ .'ftrin. Outing Flannels, light stripes and plaids, yd...^ Cotton Batts, fine, clean cotton, % lb 25^ Cotfon Challies, 3$-in. wide, yd....lG(* 70x80 Twill Plaid Blankets, single $1.19 Wide Sheeting, unbleached, 81 inches wide, 24 yds. Shaker Flannel, bleached white* inches wide, heavy weight, L. --22* JOHN STOFFEL Here Is Your Chance To Secure PENN CHINA Ask Us^Save Our Cards--They Are Valuable One Card With Each 25c Purchase PLEASANT VIEW SERVICE STATIOtt George Troyke. Prop. SHELL PRODUCTS EXCLUSIVELY ^ ^ Ljght Lunched, Refreshments, Cigars, Cigarettes On Route 20, West of N. W. Tratjka West McHenry, Illinois ^ * This is Radio Headquarters Radiator Repairing « We hold the franchise for the following radios and aim to have at 1*®** one model of each on our floor at all tunes for your inspection. RADIOLA FRESHMAN SPARTAN CROSLEY ZENITH PHILCO BO&CH Jewelry, Music and Radio Shop Phone 123-J West McHenrv, III. Yes, we tiare ft in McHenry now! WiiuU An up-to-date Radiator Repair sjiop. We install new cores and repair the old ones. Pric< ^ reasonable.and work guaranteed, so get ready for winter and have it fixed now. WILKINSON & MEIER : * Service "K" Station Phone 255 Route 61, Near Mill Pond Bridge We Can FIX It " McHenry . *, ' ^ ' air1 'tel^-skAes I *