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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Nov 1928, p. 9

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r,r \ t•mVv"'-m m•:. >$:• &&4r vf|j FOR JIM ICS HEALTH •- ^ Following is the report of the results of the Shick test in determining / the immunization against diphtheria M* takep in the schools of -this city blaring the last two weeks: {Total number who received the Shick -*eat, 408. Total number having had toxin-antitoxin, 252. Negative 206. Mildly ••peeptible, 32. Very susceptible, 14. Total number not having had toxin- antitoxin, 156. Negative, 32. Mild* Insusceptible, 24i Very stueeptible Percentage havtng had toxin-antitoxin-- Negative 81c/c plus. Mildly susceptible 12 r/c plus. Highly susceptible 6 5/9%. Percentage not having had toxinantitoxin-- Negative 20% plus. Mildly susceptible 15% plus. Highly susceptible 64% plus. The wonderful results of this test are most interesting and satisfactory as there is a very high percentage of immunity from the dreaded disease.. diphtheria, which is now prevalent in Illinois and elsewhere qjid causes the death of many children every year. Diphtheria is absolutely preventable just as smallpox and typhoid fever are preventable and it is this condition that the treatments of toxin-Antitoxin will bring to this city. 'Any person or child who was found to be susceptible upon taking the Shick test should be given toxin-antitoxin in three doses of one week apart. Noticfes will be sent to all parents whoee child was found susceptible in the Shick test and the toxin-antitoxin > will again be given in ^the schools to these desiring same. I V \ „ CARD OF APPRECIATION E. Maxwell, superintendent of : flit Woodstock Children's Home, desires The Plaindealer to express the thanks and appreciation of the management to the citizens of McHenry and vicinity who contributed to the campaign which is in progress to rebuild the structure at the home which t^on *° Laures was destroyed by an explosion. Any- j ^or throwing the most number one who desires to make a contribu- buncos was won by Mrs. Mat Laures. tion may do so by sending check to | ^ delicious lunch in keeping with the the Woodstock Children's Home, I HaHowe'en season was served, with Woodstock 111. i place cards and other decorations m ' > " Mhe season's popular colors. * --. I Mrs. Mat Laures entertained the 'members of the Royal Bunco club at her home on Thursday evening of last week. A pleasant evening was enjoyed with three tables of bunco in ntoKXr PLAHTOIALIE, TBTREDAY, NSTSKZZ3M, ZXX LADIES- AID SOCIETY ANNUAL BAZAAR, DEC. 8 Twenty-three members and friends of the; Ladies' Aid society met at the home of Mrs. Martha Page on last Thursday afternoon, with Mrs. Lloyd Hoover and Mrs. Johnson of Greenwood present as guests for the afternoon. The business meeting was con. ducted by the president, and plans were made for the annual bazaar and chicken dinner to be given on Dec. 8, at which time the ladies plan to display a line line of aprons, fancy work and other useful articles and Qhristmas gift*. The chairmen of the various committees are busily engaged in completing the arrangements pertaining to their part of the program and in getting work in readiness for the next meeting. Mrs. E. E. Bassett will be in charge of the chicken dinner, Mrs. William Spencer and Mrs. C. H. Duker will have charge of the fancy. work and Mrs. Charles Ensign and Mrs. E. G. Peterson will have charge of the aprons and pillow slips. Every member is requested to donate something for the bazaar and the various committees are ready to receive articles donated at any time. The ladies have a reputation for serving delicious dinners and the one this year will be no exception to those of former years. The next meeting of the society will take place next Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs, C. W. Klontz. Members and friends are invited to attend thip meeting. WEEKLY PBBONALS COMERS AND GOERS OF • WEEK IN OUR OITy AM Seen By Plaindealer Reporters and Handed In By Our Friends Mrs. Raymond Howard visited at Vcio Monday. Mrs. M. H. Detrick *as * Chicago visitor Monday. , ' Jacob Schaefer was a Chicago visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Thennes vifeited in Wisconsin Sunday. * .. Mrs. E. G. Peterson 1M| a Woodstock visitor Monday. Ray Groh of Chicago spe#t last week with relatives here. . Miss Alice Miller of Chicago spent Sunday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Freund were Elg|n shoppers last Friday. Mk*. and Mrs. Walter Walsh visited at Crystal Lake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Powers were Waukegan visitors Sunday. Jay Schneider of Chicago spent the week-end at his home here. Miss Maud Granger of Chicago spent Sunday at her home here. Laurence Senten of Chicago spent Sunday at the Fred Karls home. . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duda of Chi- .lean5'. *-*•» is visiting at his home Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Sampson spent Friday in Chicago. Mrs. P. W. Frett and daughter spent last Wednesday in Waikegan. Mrs. Minnie Miller and Mrs. Craver were Woodstock visitors Monday. Mrs. M. A. Sutton spent Saturday and Sunday with friends at Wheaton Edward Boyle spent a few days the first of the week with Chicago friends Mr. and Mrs. Nick Hines of Aurora wire recent guests of Mrs. M. Schmitt Mayor and M!rs. P. W. Frett spent Sunday with friends in Milwaukee. Wis. \ . MrSs Enma McGinnb of Elgin visited with friends here over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs/ Frank Rosing and family visited at Wiaukegan Tuesday evening. Mrs. Mary McCabe and Miss Florence Conway were Chicago visitors Friday. Mrs. M* J. Freund spent several days last week with Mrs. L. M. Baer in Chicago. . Mr. and Mrs. Hendrickson of Chi* e«go were recent callers in the Simon Michels home. / Miss Lily McCabe of Waukegan was a guest of Miss Laura Michels over the week-end. Mrs. J. A. Street of Waukegan spent the week-end with her husband: Dr. J. A. Street. Rev. Walter J. Conway of New Or- ROYAL BUNCO CLUB On Tuesday evening the members t»f the Royal Bunco club gave a Hallowe'en surprise party for Mrs. James Beavis, at her home on Green street. She soon recovered from her surprise and made the guests very welcome and a delightful evening was spent in playing bunco, with the first prize going to Mrs. John Keg, the second to Mrs. James Beavis and the consola- The prize of BASKET SOCIAL Friday night, Nov. 2, at Ostend school house, on Route 20, five miles west of McHenry. Program will be given which includes music by the Ostend Community orchestra. One of the features of the evening will be selecting the most popular lady present. The winner will receive a box of candy. Everybody cordially invited. Ladies please bring baskets. 22 ENTERTAIN AT CARDS . Mr. and Mrs. John Smith entertained at cards Saturday evening with a few pleasant bout's spent in playing bridge, the high honors going to Mrs. Sinvon Michels. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Simon Michels, Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Miller. cago were McHenry visitors Sunday Mr. and Mrs, E, Knox and daughter, Dorothy, were Elgin visitors Saturday. Mrs. J. A. Craver and Mrs. Minnie Miller were Wtodstock visitors Monday. Miss Berniet* Gruno of Elgin was a week-end guest of Miss Laura Michels. Mrs. »ord J&ckson and children spent Tuesday with Mrs. Joe Frett at Johnsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin of here'for a few Weeks. Mf. and Mrs. George Wamsley of Wauconda visited in the home of Mrs. B. Frisby, Monday. M{. and Mrs. W. J. Donavin and children visited with relatives at West Chicago Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. George Hoelscher and son, Robert, of Wheaton visited with friends here Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph May visited With their daughter, Mr. ad Mrs. Albert Rosing, at Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bassett and Mr. Round Lake were McHenry visitors j""1 Mrs\L- A. Erickson were Wau- Sunday evening. kegan visitors Sunday evening. Naperville called on friends here Tuesday evening. • Floyd Covalt, Jr., of St. John's Military Academy, spent the week-end at his home here. Mrs. Robert Thompson visited with her sister, Mrs. Harry Alexander, at Hebron Wednesday. Miss Genevieve Knox, who teaches at Elgin, attended a teachers' meeting play and the first prize was won byj at Evanston Monday. Mrs. John Keg, the second by Mrs.; Misses Eleanor Kreutzer spent the John F. Knox and the consolation went j week-end in Chicago and Cicero atto Mrs. Roy Smith. The prize for i tending several parties. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Koerper of!Mr- and Mrs- Arthur Muckler of Oak thi/>wing the most number of buncos was won by Mrs. Fred Nickels, Jr. Refreshments-were served. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Carr of Greenwood were Sunday guests in the Richard Thompson home. Mrs. R. A. Thompson, Mrs. 'X. J. Schneider and Mrs. Jane A. Carr were Wodstock visitors Tuesday. Mrs. Letali Thomas and son, Eugene, of Harvard visited in the home of ENTERTAIN TEACHERS Supt. and Mrs. C. H. Duker entertained the teachers of the Community high school and grade school on.,, _ Wednesday evening of last week. "* Martha Page Sunday. Bridge was played during the evening I an^ Mrs. Henry Gaylord of and high honors were won by Mrs.1 Emmettsburg, la., were call?rs in the Rulien and Edmund Willis. Refresh-1 E* E- Bassett home Saturday. Park spent the week-end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Bonslett. Mrs. Nellie Bacon has purchased the J. E. Pufahl house on M$&. street, which she will make her future home Patrick Conway and grandson, Dick, visited with the former's two daughters at the convent in Chicago Sunday Mrs. Ralph Wialkup, Mrs. Anna Molloharc and Mrs. Ed Schuenamann of Riderefield called on friends here* Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brooks andj --son. James, and Mrs. Helen McAuliffe j of Chicago visited in the home of Mrs j B. Frisby Monday. Mrs. Albert Wagner, Mrs. Edward Wagner and Mrs. Flora Rossi of Chicago were guest's in the hone of Mrs B. Frisby Sunday. Mrs. B. J. Brefeld and daughter. Theresa, and Miss Charlottow Frett SPARK PLUGS ME EJtSILVCLEANED To Function Properly They Must Be Kept Free «(f Excess Carbon. No automobile will operate with maximum efficiency unless the spark plugs function properly. And as the best spark plugs lose their full effectiveness after a season's driving-- or approximately 10,000 miles, it Is important that the motorist know how to properly care for them during this time. In the first place the spark gap should be set at .020 to J025 of an inch. Spark plugs to function properly must be kept free of excess carbon and oil formations. Cleaning Easily Dene. Cleaning is easily done. Simply fill the lower part of the plug with alcohol, or any liquid metal polish, and allow to stand for a few seconds; take a piece of wire covered with one thickness of cloth and rub the carbon from the Insulator then wipe clean and dry thoroughly before replacing in the engine. Cleaning a plug in this way is far better than taking it apart to clean. When a plug is once taken apart there is greater danger that it will not be pot together se- ' curely again, which would cause leakage due to it not being tight. This in turn causes loss of power., In cleaning the sparking points use5 emery cloth or a knife. " Where Worn, Change Plugs. * In cases' where the electrode is badly worn away cleaning with emery cloth is of no avail; likewise when the insulator is coated heavily the best and most economical remedy is to change plugs since the coating cannot be cleaned off readily. When spark plugs are severely worn, loss of power is often evident and eventually missing of the engine will occur which in turn produces the following major troubles: l.OH pumping, causing formation of carbon and sticky valves. 2. Poor starting »nd excessive drain on the battery. 3. Poor running; loss of power, tmpecially on hills. 4. Higher gasoline consumptioiu--I 5. Larger engine repair expense, 6. Poor driving satisfaction. Try Royal Blue Store Be* Quality/ ; " /Groceries, Vegetables and Fruits -4 Delivery Service ' Phone 49 Riverside Drive, McHenry v •V" • V SAVINGS lyKcotivr A real treasure cave is a savings account in this bank.1 It is a treasure ' Which you alone have the password to reach. Adding a regular amount t<* jtour balance each pay day assures yoil steady mounting balance that will" be at your command when needed. 3% iaterest. Citizens State Bank r V OF McHENRY • ' The Bisk That Helps You (k& AkmA , Grade Crossings Taking Heavy Toll in Country •face lil'JO a total of 16,793 persons liuve lieen killed in grade-crossing acrldents throughout t'.ie United States. iMirltig 1027 a total of 2.M71 persons were killed and 6,013 were injured in ments were served. On Your Porch Morning No delay in delivery. A bottle of pure milk or cream on your step each morn- , ing is a welcome sight to every householder. / ... ,•»- , *• . "••'V This dairjp is read^ to sertfe you. Give Us & Ring on the Phone handle nothing bat Bowman's Pasteurised and Degreed Products Community Dairy Phwr* 6BA-I* -1 „ Ben J. Smith; Prdp lowest fatality rate was found In \V.vomlnj; where no persons were killed and only one injured at grade crowing* during the year. Rhode is- !;ind liiul a low death rate of .08 pef- .«ons per 10,0(t0 automobiles. At the hepinnirrr of the year there were 20®,' You Should Never Over» look this - < Important Fact-- There i« more to ineats thau the prioe per pound A poor cut of meat at a lpw .price is not trap economy. The meats we handle are high grade and we guarantee you will enjoy eating them. The same applies to^ our grocery department. For "Good Eats See Frett." Trade at Your^otne Owned Stores Frett's Grocery & Market Phone 3 - - /Ntt* .. West McHeiiiy . . , , , . , i these accidents. Louisiana reported motored to Elpin Friday and vi*ite, th„ Miihvnt deuth r„te with 302 fa_ with Miss Mary Brefeld. for wioli 10,000 registered an Mr. and Mrs. Roy Newell and totni.l.llen. Mhs'.sslppt was second, land Mrs. Herbert Caudry of ChlcafO) with '.'.(12 deaths per 10,000 cars. The I Mrs. A. Krause, Miss Anna Stock | were Sunday quests in th« home of Mrs. Walter Walsh and Mrs. A. L I Mr. and Mrs. Mat Blake. Purvey were Elgin visitors Friday. . Mr. ad Mrs. E. E. Bassett ifnd fartT« Mr. and Mrs. John P. Freund and I i'y visited at Rockford (Saturday children spent Sunday with Mr. and! where the former attended a banquet Mrs. Martin H. Freund at-Johns-!in honor of the Postmaster General, burg. Mr. New. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thompson and Mr. and Mrsv J. E. Pufahl moved; •">.•« unpn tected grade crosses*. Miss Maud Granger spent Sunday' this week from their home on Main -- with ]flr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander at! street to Genoa City, Wis. Mrs. Nel- OOOC<kkkkkkhx><X>ck><>oo<><><>ooo „ iie-Bacon and family will occupy the, AUTOMOBILE HINTS Mrs. E. Knox, Mrs. Ray Conway, Pufahl house. v | Mrs. George Phalin and Mrs. A. L.j Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholi and 000<>©<><><><k>o<><>o<>©^ Purvey were Woodstock visitors on j family vifited in Chicago Sunday. | Did you ever notice that the smaller Thursday. I Litt,e G««rge Schmitt remained with the car the bigger the driver? Mr. and Mrs. A. Lallinger and (his parents, after spending -several • • • daughter of Crystal Lake have re- j weeks with his grandparents here. Matters should he ho arranged that turned to spend the winter in their j Mr. and Mrs. John Fay and son, ro:id hrgs could drive to the great home, here | James, in company with Mr. and Mrs. open spaces ami fight it out Mr! and Mrs. George Young and! Walter Fay of Elgin^attended the, themselves son, Stanley, of Ringwood spent Sun- j football game between the University day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs of Illinois and Northwestern University, at Champaign on Saturday. Be t ^ainong Despite the fact that motorists are prone to prejudices in this way or fore a* crowd of 65,€00 people Illinoisl that, thousands are fickle in regard t« won with a score of 6 to 0, | the gasoline they use. J. R. Smith. Mrs. Frank Hironimus and little daughter of Volo spent Monday evening in the home of her sister, Mrs. John Karls. Mrs. Catherine Young spent a few i,iC . . - ininrw™. days the last of the week with her | high school entertained the faculty and wJ1| ru)n of ENTERTAIN FACULTY . j * _ . „-- -- - ™ The Sophomore, of the Community'™ ^t'" " W"""" °» "*««« "11| Do not permit the wheels of • car I CLEVER DESIGNS IN BEDROOM OUTFITS J . is a degree of beauty and quali- . t • ty to these bedroom suites seldom ' - • found in suites at even much highel %*., J prices than we are asking. It is a i display that will interest the* thrifty 4 shopper. / - • ;* ^ I Jacob Justen & Sons. FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKIN<|#fe Phone 103-B -'-i ' .r#< ' sister-in-law, Mrs. Anna Young, at Spring Grove. Mrs. Hugh White of Detroit, Mich., is spending several weeks with her mother, Mrs. Jane A. Carr, and other relatives in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Cruickshank and Virginia Lee of Elgin were Sunday guests in the Richard Thompson home on Waukegan street. Mir. and Mrs. M. J. Kent and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cooley retumeu Monday evening from a few days' visit with relatives at Springfield. Mrs. Josephine Frett and daughter, Kathryn, and Frank Freund of Johpsburg were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fuller Boutelle and and students of this institution learning at a Hallowe'en party at the high schcol gym on Saturday evening. The large room was most attractively decorated for the occasion in Hallow* e'en colors, pumpkins and stalks of corn, while refreshments appropriate to the season were served. According to an e?tablished custom the freshmen were initiated at thia time and furnished a great deal of merriment in the pcrturmanee vx t'utrli stunts, assigned to them by the wise sophomore judges, who were disguised as ghosts and who pronounced a sentence upon each victim presented to them. Owing to the large personnel of the freshmen class many of the members, no doubt, escaped with a USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOE QUICK RESULTS family of Lake GenevA, Wis., were j lighter s:ntence than was customary week-end guests in the home of her The remainder of the evening was parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith. , spent in dancing to music furnished Mrs. J. M. Phalin and daughter, Eleanor, and son, Harold, and Mrs Anna Barron visited with the letter's relatives at Ridgsway, Wia„ qyer the week-end. Mis. Nick Freund of Spring Grove went to Chicago last week, where she underwent an operation on Wednesday. Her friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Mat Laures have moved to their new home on Ringwodo road. Mr. end Mrs. Leo Blake will occupy the flat vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Laures and family. Mr. and Mrs. E. Knox end daughter*, Dorothy and Genevieve, and Mrs. Mary McCabe visited in the home of Mrs. Catherine McCabe and family at Waukegan Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frisby and family have movetf to the house recently occupied 4>y Mr. and Mrs. Henry Freund, east of the river. The Diedrich house, which has been occupied by them, will be razed. • Mrs. Jane A. Carr and daughters, Mrs. Merritt Cruickshank of Elgin and Mrs. Hugh White of Detroit, Mich., and Mrs. A. J. Schneider attended the birthday party of,Mrs. .Grace Mdjann* n at frer Ringwood Thursday afternoon. 7 by the Melody Masters. THE IDLE WHILER8 Tne Irflf Whilers met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lenzen on Tuesday evening. Cafds were indCTIged in and high honors were won' by Mrs. Ed Moberg, Joe Wagner, Mrs. Joe Freund, John Molidor, Mi's. Joe Wagner and John Wagner. Consolation was taken by Mrs. Frank St. George and Russel Gibbs. A dainty lunch' was served and all reported a good time. The ^next meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Moberg. . COUGHS DANGEROUS GERM SPREADERS Every person afflicted with.a cold becomes a germ spreader. An old health officer says he had rather be shot with a pistol than take a cough or sneeze in the face, spraying the air with infectious germs. To arrest an oncoming cold, absolutely stop coughing, take Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, a medicinally scientific, carefully compounded cough and cold remedy, every ingredient of which Is active and potena. No opiates, safe tor children, effective for grovq persons, the ideal family medietas Aak fo: it. Thomas P. Bolger. HEEDS for the HOME Visit your Public Service Store and see the interest* ing autumn display of useful home appliances--lamps, portable electric heaters, heating pads, ironers, washers, irons, and many others--in addition to the special values mentioned here. •12522 TBI SUNBEAM UMMf ia an exceptionally well built guaran- O CA teed iron with an all-over LJ. heating element, bdudtag fireproof case The "Little by Little" way makes it easyto pay by the month and coetsonlyalightlymore. ^ Tbe FZDELCO Waster vem Fedelco Washer is agftator type with t tab--It's rapid, safe and thorough. Trade in Your $IO-- Old Equipment $ 1 uuiclisw the new Feddce We**, aa i oltw wiii be iaada far poor aU s or coaditxa. Tshs " - without delay I One doBar«nh*aSs«e*iv fear aU hna--«<aavMk» I %^'JSJSS%SXZS^,t'w "** How about an extra coed net? lt'scMvcaicHll to have on? f'» PUBUC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS 101 Williams St., Crystal Lake Telephone 280 I. A. Sdbabeck. District Monaster Have Y<m Safidwt Outlets? /•; •& 1 4 J i'•4 "h -5 X* Mi

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