. . . . . . . . . . ^ . in mm "%•:*.••• • «• •&-:'>>7l¥^ tuft? :*i ;>:w ! mmn»n.n^». „„™„, «•» •**> -m^>- • IBS HHKMXYPLAINDEALEB, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER1,1928 ,' , . ,•• * < .•"•"*"• ; " •;' " ..«! VOLO Mrs. Jacob Wagner has returned to her home here, after spending a few days in Chicago. Stanley Smith spent Saturday with, his cousin, Harry Case. Mrs. t*ete Stadfield was a Wauconda caller Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lenzen and M5s« Theresa Drake were Waukegan shoppers Thursday. Miss Evangeline Hironimtts of McH«nry spent Thursday with ^her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Prank Hiron imuB. Matt Rossdeutscher and Pete Stad' field attended the boxing fight at Antioch Friday evening. Miss Inez Bacon returned to iter home in McHenry, after spending the past week at the Bacon home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wagner spent Saturday at the Joseph Freund home at Solon Mills. Miss Vinnie Bacon VU a McHenry shopper Saturday. Mrs. Harry Passfield and son, John, POLITICAL ADVERTISING •v WILLIAM J. STRATTON My Pledge to the People of Illinoia: ' 1WILL ask for nfc appropriation* from the Legislature except for the legitimate v. I»d economical maintenance of the office of Secretary of State. > - I will exert all my influence "Jv'lo reduce public expenditure# "wherever possible and (o curtail appropriations and thereby • Jfeek to reduce the state tax rate for the benefit of the j farmers, the laboring men and women, the manufacturer* and (he business people of oar cotn- ^ naon wealth generally. Under no circumstances wiD I accept any emoluments other ri the salary fixed by law the Secretary of State. I will devote all my time exclusively to the duties and reof the office of of State and will attend personally to the proper and efficient functioning of this important state emulife d*» faitnunt. "N°p Truth About Stratton from One Who Known Him Best: official in the State of Illinois ever gave more hearty and intelligent support to die cause of education and recreation sponsored : by the educational forces of the 1 State of Illinois than William J. Stratton during his administra^ tion as Director of Conservation^ "I nost sincerely urge all men and women of the Stat# of minors who are interested in the mental and physical development of our children to recognize the public service rendered by Mr. Stratton and not overlook the opportunity to give him their vote and sup£~ port, irrespective of party affiliations, for Secretary pf State.** (Signed) T. Arthur < County Supt. of Schools, Lake County. s For Secretary of State E WILLIAM J. STRATTON spent Sunday at the Lloyd Eddy home at Gray slake. Mr. and! Mrs. D. V. Waite have purchased a new Chrysler %edan. Mrs. John ' Lensen is spending few days caring for her daughter, Mrs. Martha Behm, in Fremont. William • Rossdeutscher of Joliet spent the week-end here with relatives. \ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fisher were Libertyville business callers Wednes day. Miss Margaret Wagner of Chicago spent the week-end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wagner. Michael Krapp was a McHenry call er Saturday. Miss Beatrice Wilson and Miss Margaret Steinsdorfer were Woodstock shoppers Saturday. Several from here attended the card party and dance, at Round Lake Tuesday evening. Frank Wilson and. Frank Hironimu3 returned to their homes here Saturday after spending the past week'in Wisconsin, buying cattle. Edward Lusk is not so well at the present writing. Miss Adeline Rossdeutscher and Miss Christana Knudson of Libertyville spent Sunday at the Dr. Rossdeutscher home. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wanger entertained guests from Chicago Friday. Mrs. Pete Stadfield spent Wednesday in Chicagq. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lenzen and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wagner and daughter spent Saturday evening at the Joesph Freund home at Solon Mills. Mrs. Mary Lusk attended the Sunday school convention at Gurnee Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Case and son »re McHenry shoppers Saturday evening. Mr and Mrs. Joseph Lenzen were Sunday dinner guests at the John Lenzen home in Round Lake. Glenn Bacon returned 7 to school Thursday, after being absent for ten days on account of sickness. Arthur Monaghon was a Waukegan caller Monday. * J«c3*' John Rossdeutscher of Chicago spent Saturday morning with relatives in Volo. Mrs. Frank St. George spent Wednesday with her parents at Winnetka Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and son and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fisher were Waukegan shoppers Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Passfield spent Sunday at the George Dowell home. Mlrs. E. Bacon, daughter, Vinnie, and Miss Inez Bacon spent Wednesday evening1 at/the Ed Bacon home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stroker and family of Wauconda spent Sunday at the D. V. Waite home. Miss Margaret Steinsdorfer of Griswold Lake spent Thursday afternoon at the Frank Hironimus home. Mrs. Frank Henkel, daughters, Ruth, Katherine and Mrs. Leo Brewer, spent Thursday afternoon at the Frank Hironimus home. Ben Rosing is building a new chimney on the Bacon farm. The directors of the Roseville school have installed a new furnace. Miss Vinnie Bacon accompanied by Mr. and M!rs. Ed Bacon and daughter, Neda, were Chicago shoppers Thursday. Herman Burg attended the teachers' meeting at Libertyville Saturday, and spent Sunday in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oakes and children of Chicago spent Sunday at the Joseph Lenzen home. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and son spent Wednesday evening with the latter's mother. Mrs. Cora Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus and daughter, Ellen, spent Sunday in Fremont with relatives. Mrs. George Dowell, daughters, •Roberta, Mrs. Roy Passfield, and son, Harry, and Mrs. Joe Passfield were McHenry shoppers Saturday. The Jolly Eight club met at the home of Mrs. Joe Lenzen Tuesday. A chicken dinner was served at noon while the aftenoon was spent playing cards. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Passfield were McHenry callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vasey, daughters, Mildred and Callie, and Harold Freund otf jMeHenry spent )Sitnday at the Thomas Fisher home. Mrs. F. E. Wilson and family, Mr. and Mrs. V. Martin, Mrs. Jay Vasey and family, Mrs. Clifford Benwell, Mrs. Mary Lusk and family, Howard and Clarence Hironimus, Nelson and Blanche Converse, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and Milton Dowell attended the carnival at the Wauconda township high school Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank St. George were the victims of a surprise party at their home Monday* evening, the occasion being their fifteenth wedding anniversary. They were presented with a bridge lamp by the self-invited guests. Cardsi were played and prizes were awarded to Mrs. Albert Justen, Joseph Freund, Albert JusteTl and Mrs. Merganthal, Joe Wagner and Mrs. Frank St. George, and Mrs. Russell Gibbs and Frank St. George captured consolation. A delicious lunch was served at a late hour. The Idle Whilers surprised Joseph Wagner Wednesday evening. He was presented with a radio bench and cigars. Cards were played and prizes were won as follows: Ladies' first, Mrs. Josephines Wagner, second, Mrs. Clara Lenzen, \ third, Mrs. Joseph Freund; gentlemWi's first prize, John Wagner, second, Albert Justen, third, Joseph Freund, while Joe Wagner and Mrs. Albert Justen/captured consolation. A delicious-iunch was served at a late hour and all reported an excellent time. All the wanted shades in satin face canton crepe at Ericksop's. Elgin for medical treatment. Earl Harrison of Chicago is spend- WAUCONDA 9 Mr. and Mrs. Amos Keeler of Barrington spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Grantham. Miss Lois Broughton spent Tuesday at Milwaukee, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Larsen and family were North. Chicago callers Monday evening. Mrs. George Deinlein returned "home Wednesday, after spending several days in Chicago. , Harold Hapke spent Tuesday evening in Chicago. Mrs. Frank Meyer and son, Donald, of McHenry visited her mother, Mrs. Alice Geary, Wednesday. A. N. Larsen was a Chicago caller Monday. Miss Evelyn Neish and Earl Olson spent Wednesday evening with the former's grandparents at Round Lake. Mrs. Frank Dickson was a Chicago caller Thursday. Superintendent T. A. Simpson visited at the local grammer school Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert' Burnett of Slocum Lake spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. H. L. Grantham. James Gainer is quite ill at a Chicago hospital at this time. Mrs. Fred Thomas and sons were Lake Zurich callers Friday evening. Mt. and Mrs. Will Geary and son Edward, were Wednesday evening callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Geary at Gilmer. James Fuller and Ira Fisher are on the sick list this week. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Turnbull and children and Margaret and Shirley Daley were Lake Zurich callers Tuesday evening. Mrs. W. V. Johns and daughter. Miss Gertrude, spent Tuesday at the A. W. Foss home in Libertyville. Mrs. E. H. Dahms spent the weekend at Libertyville and visited with her brother, Will Knigge, at the Condell Memorial hospital. Mr. "Knigge had a serious operation'for goiter on Saturday morning. He is getting along as well as can be expected. Mrs. Fred Dowell, daughter of Mrs. Alice Baseley, who has been seriously ill for the past few days, has been removed to the Sherman hospital at ing a few weeks with his mother. Almeda Grantham and BOU, Walter, of Chicago spent the , week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Cook and also called on Mrs. H. I* Grantham. Thomas Garvin is serving on the jury in Wauke>gan. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wait of Round Lake spent Monday with their daughter, Mrs. Harold Stroker, and family. . Ray Paddock .was a' Grayslake caller Thursday evening. Misses Lena Bonin 1 and Frances Blaifck spent Thursday with* the former's parents at Elgin. Miss Zella Smith, who has 'been working at Mrs. Deinlein's restaurant for the past three weeks, returned to her home at Griswold Lake. Mrs. G. R. Blackburn, Mrs. M. E. Smith, Mrs. George Scheid and" Mrs. Len Geary visited the grammar school Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Will Harris and family of Lake Bluff were Sunday guests of relatives here. Andrew Sorensen and Charles Mullins left Monday morning to spend several days in northern Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Johns were Sunday guests at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Archie Foss at Libertyville. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Putnam Were Waukegan callers last Friday. Miss Emily Davidson spent the week-end at her hoftie in Hinsdale. Dr. J. A. Ross, wife and daughter, Jacqueline, were Waukegan callers Friday. Andrew Sorensen and wife were Waukegan shoppers last Saturday. Bud Geiske of Lake Zurich was in town on business Sunday afternoon. Mar. and Mrs. Colby of Crystal Lake and Misg Ora Lee Prior of Loyal, Wis., were Sunday visitors ,in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Prior. Miss Phyllis Eatinger of Aurora spent the week-end at the home of her mother, Mrs. Jane Eatinger. Miss Anita Baseley and Charles MulITns called on Miss Leilla Baseley at the Sherman hospital at Elgin last Saturday. # Mlrs. George Ladd ind daughters, of Arlington Heights and Mrs. Sheppard and daughters of Missouri spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham* L. H. Cypher and wife (and son spent Wednesday evening atvthe home of Mr. and Mrs. toward Anderson of Round Lake. Miss Lena Bonin and Frances Blanck spent Sunday in Chicago. Mr. and Mis. Richard Grantham and Mr. and Mrs. Asa Crabtree called on relatives and friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Geary of Round Lake spent Monday evening with the former's mother, Mrs. Alice Geary. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Paddock and sons 'called at the Ray Seymour home Monday evening. Mrs. Clarence Bristol and children of Waukegan, and Mrs. Jack Buchanan of this place, who spent the last couple of weeks at the home of their parents at White Lake, Wis., returned to their home the first of this week. Mrs. Arthur Baseley returned with them for a few days' visit with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Lon Geary of Lake Zurich called on the former's mother, Mrs. Alice Geary, Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Keeler spent Friday at the H. L. Grantham home. Mrs. 'Edith Peck entertained relatives from Libertyville Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Case and son: Harry, of Roseville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Case. Friends and relatives were saddened Saturday morning to hear of the death of little LaVerne Paddock. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Paddock, of Chicago. She was seriously ill for several weeks, and died at the age of eleven years and six months. She was the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Seymour of this place. LaVerne was brought to the farm home Monday afternoon, and the funeral was held Tuesday afternoon. All the wanted shades in satin face canton crepe/ at Erickson's. and Market Friday & Saturday Specials Mixed Peat and Carroty No. 2 sis* « can, regular priea 35c,apacial far •. Coffee," regular 5Q-55a pkg. coffees* ib. ; - • ' -;r Blue Berries and Black Cherries, No. 2 can, new pack ; • Flour, 2-tVHb. sacks, Early Ris^j ^ sack- •• , Dill Pickles, pel* Corn Flakes, , . j£i 4&rge pkg., ea^fe : Pork Shoulders, \ Rib Boast of Beef, rolled, boneless, 6 , ^ •»*-- * ^-^i--• ji«""iii 45c 23c 95c 19c 12c 20c 35c ALBERT BARBIAN 'Phone 180 *• • N(EW MEASURE OF mtLUIE V in the Worlds Finest low-Weed Six V-.V Mi. SS75 /" BwbbyFMMr Ever oinee it first came before the public Poll* dac has been recognized as the world's finest low'priced six ... And now a new measure of value distinguishes the Pontiac. For today's Pontiac Six provides even finer peiforipance and more advanced style--finer performance resulting from a new, more highly perfected carburetor and new manifolding--more advanced style from the use of smaller, sturdier wheels and larger tires... Today's Pontiac Six offers you even more for your money than its own famous predecessors. Come in ®o see it and drive it and you will marvel at all that $745 will buy. » SeAn. $74St Camp*, $74is S^t RmUmt, S74i» PliaMa* / C+brUi*. *?9S| 4-tW S«Am. $*2S,Sl~rt J Ail »ri0OT m frncuxy Cfcact OaMan * r*iirf«c. mi* UmmrnhmmJUtmm ckmrw**. I Hw * •* GommI MMM *nS McHENRY AUTO SALES . Phone 255 On U. S. Route 12 Near Mill Pond Bridge PD^iriAVC PRODUCT OF GKNERAL MOTORS Do Your Community a Good Deed Nov. 6 on the $2o ooo ooo BOND ISSUE v~- *> *v •>' 4% k*~-r " - * i" j 'j * '• I"' iv,' for the Department of Conservation NO DIRECT TAX / - Redeemed by Hunting and Fishing License Fees A