-U ;iw yJfcy.i! ppffilgii S&k* •' -- "y?yj vv* *T-v> .,;, • * ^".v: u. i. m».i<„ ' * .-»^WJ .. J«•,.iijPHll, 40.ui.1n ," 1 ', r *- • <" r, - the v'Hsmnr pladidealek, thttroday, rot. 22,1928 ippjiuyij lllispy^pwppww Wf! "W w^TPPP f »#»?**•>. He (during the interval): "What did you say your age was?" She (auartly): "Well, I uldn't say. But I've just reached twenty-one. fie: "Is that so? What detained yon?"--Southern Lumber Journal. Old Testament Writing* According to tradition, the canon ot the Old Testament was closed by Earn and the tw>oks prohnbly compiled about 1(*» BO.- •• ' /;••• NEW; ZIPPERS ARB HERE "t&ft f«*.•*v*.' . '*-h HV, •: jfc heftype oiftSoodrich Zipper, lilewtnt iH; height, material and design from any yon'via known before. What will harmonize with yotir fostumes--beige, tan, sand, black, gray or mot^ lied shades? Yon can secure these smart colom I n o u r n e w Z i p p e r s . v . . . . - i iKpsr* • Cotton jerseys. They come in «H wooltweeds, in Every one as fitted with the geil»" F^iCiine Hookless Fastener, which cannot slick, iWt • «r loosen. . ' < -:^'v . Nobby Style Shop Hesdames Barbian & Freunil Green Street McHenry, X1L AUTUMN WEDDING AT ST. JOHN'S CHURCH 5 , , MIm Catherine Frett an^Mr. Fraak Fraud United In Marriage Last Thursday A pretty autumn wedding was solemnized at St. John's church. Johnsburg, at 10 o'clock Thursday morning, Nov. 15, when Miss Catherine Frett, daughter of Mrs. Josephine Frett, of Johnsburg, and Mr. Fr%nk Freund, son of Mr.'and Mrs. Martin H. Freund of McHenry, was united in marriage by Rev. Fr. Weber. The bridal party approached the altar to the strains of the wedding march played by the church organist and the mass was sun? by the bride's uncle, Charles G. Frett, of Aurora. The bride was attended by Miss Kathrine Freund, a sister of the groom, as maid of honor and Misses Regina and Genevieve Kattner of Spring Grove, intimate friends of the bride, as bridesmaids, white little Miss Constance Jackson acted as flower girl. The groom was attended by his cousin, Arnold Rauen, of Spring Grove and a cousin of the bride, Edward Frett, of Chicago. v The bride was becomingly gowned in whita lace over sstin a«d wow a tulle veil trimmed with lace and held its place with orange blossoms. She carried a showtr bouquet of white; roses and lilies of <fche valley and her charming costume was completed with white slippers and hose. The maid of honor, Miss Kathrine Freund, and the bridesmaids, Misses Regina and Genevieve Kattner, all wore gowns of robin's egg blue satin trimmed in silver lace with silver slippers and hose and hats to match their costumes. They carried arm bouquets of Brush bronze chrysanthemums. The flower girl, Constance Jackson, was also gowned in blue satin with a blue velvet head band and carried a basket of bronze and white chrysanthemums. Following the ceremony at the church a reception ^as held at the home of the bride, where about 175 relatives and friends enjoyed the day with a wedding dinner and supper being served. The home was artistically, decorated in blue and white with crepe paper festoons and cut flowers carrying out the color scheme. The happy couple will make thehf home with the bride's mother at Johnsburg, where the groom is a partner in the firm of Frett Brothers. Both Mr. and Mrs. Freund have always resided in the vicinity of Johnsburg where they have many friends who are wishing them a happy married life. USE STANDARD SIZED CARDS AND ENVELOPES The poet office department Is endeavoring to secure the co-operation of all concerned to use greeting cards and envelopes which are of standard size; and suggest that in no case should cards and envelopes be smaller than 2 3-4 inches by 4 inches; nor exceed approximately 4 Inches by 9 inches; and it is very desirable that the cards and envelopes be made of white or light colored paper. Small cards a 13d envelopes seriously retard and interfere with the smooth flow of the work in post offices. Such small-sized cards and envelopes frequently can not be run through canceling machines, thus necessitating canceling the stamps by hand and other extra handlings in the course of their facing, distribution, etc., the addresses are likely to be obliterated by the cancellation mark; they do not fit the separating cases in use throughout the postal service, and can not be tied securely with letter packages. Furthermore, there is not sufficient space for directions for forwarding, etc., in cases where It is necessary to forward such matter in order to reach the addressee. However, greeting cards and the envelopes in which they are mailed should not be too large because if they exceed the standard aire, eapecfal" ly in width (which is approximately 4 inches), they can not be conveniently handled in the separating cases and are likely to be cut by the package strings and thus become mutilated. This matter is brought to the attention of the public thus early in the hope that it may result in their co-operation with the post office department's campaign to use only standardsized greeting cards and envelopes. Complete {less tubes) TUBE/ "*4--L1"1 :£L. :v EL ECTRIC J?ADIO YOU DO THE CHOOSINd SEE and HEAR the , WONDER RADIO FIRST / ^ Marvelous Tone--Astonishing Accuracy I Real Beauty We Will be pleased to give you a demonstration of this wonderful receiver in your own home,- < We repair all makes of Radios. "Service That Will Please You" ""V Lay's Radio Service Phone GlaJi I Next Door to Adams' Store Johnsfcurg MR. AND MRS. KIEL IN AUTO CRASH SUNDAY Mr. and Mrs. H. Ed Kiel narrowly escaped serious injury Sunday evening while enroute to Woodstock from McHenry, when their Ford coupe was struck by a Buick roadster approaching them. The accident occurred about 6 o'clock Sunday evening, about thrifcfc miles from McHenry, as My. and Mrs. Kiel were on their way to see the show at Woodstock. - As the big iNffadster, with a Wisconsin license approached them on the wrong side of the road, they pulled off the pavement as far as possible to avoid an accident, but the oncoming car hit the Ford coupe, turning it, completely around and wrecking ^ considerably. The Buick was brought to a standstill, also, a little the, worse for the crash and the six occupants were well shaken up, one of them receiving f put on the head. • Although Mr. and Mrs. Kiel wei* badly shaken and somewhat bruised they were not seriously hurt. Mrs. Kiel is the business clerk «ft the local telephone office and Mr. Kiel is employed at the A. & P. store ojl Gn§g£ street. DAUGHTWB OF G A. B. , A social meeting of the Daughter* of G. A. R. was held at the Woodman hall Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Andrew Eddy and Mrs. Jacob Schaefer as hostesses. Bridge, five hundred and bunco were played and refreshments were served. In bunco the first prize was won by Mrs. Baur and the second prize by Mrs. John Fay. In bridge the first prize was won by Mrs. C. W. Klontz and the second prize by Ma, Martha Page, while in five hundred the first prize was awarded to Mrs Jacob Schaefer and the second prize W SKrs. fiLX Justen. COMMUNITY SERVICES Thanksgiving will be celebrated at the Community church next Sunday. We are decorating the church next Saturday from 2 to 5 p. m. and all who can help, and who can bring gifts of fruits and vegetables, etc., are asked to do so at that time. The Boys' club, which*will meet each Saturday from 2 to 4:30 p. m., will also help in the decorating. We fiave plenty of room for more children in our Sunday school. Please send yours, if they de not already attend dne elsewhere. AH are invited to the Thanksgiving service next Sunday at 11 a. m. There will be special music, and a special Thanksgiving sermon. ' ALTAR AND ROSARY SOCIETY SPONSORS CHURCH SUPPER The Altar and Rosary society of St Patrick's church sponsored a supper at the church hall Sunday evening which was a grand success, both financially and socially. Mrs. M: J. Walsh and her committee of fifteen ladies won,-the praise of everyone present for their bountiful supper which was taken care of very ably by the ladies. After the supper a very fine program was rendered, which was followed by dancing. The program, which was in' charge of Mrs. Laura Kent, opened with a "how-do-you-do" song by four young men. In this song everyone was ***<) to feel very much acquainted, as many of the officers, guests af£d Father O'Rourke and Father Conway were given special mention. This was followed by a saxophone solo by Albert "Vales, accompanied by William Vales, wfiich was greelted with much applause by the listeners. Miss Evelyn Karls pleased the crowd with a solo, "Sonny Boy." She was accompanied by Miss Harriet Boger. Mrs. John R. Knox gave a most enter taining reading followed by a selection by the Melody Masters' quartette. Miss Marie Vales gave a very pretty costume dance, which was greatly enjoyed and a specialty act was put on by Albert and William Vales and Anthony Schneider. Each one of the numbers on the program responded to an encore, which denoted their popularity in their individual roles. Each number on the program was announced by Father O'Rourke in his usual pleasing manner with many clever remarks. He also gave an interesting talk. During the course of the evening many valuable awards were made in charge of MVs. M. A. Sutton, Mrs. Peter Doherty and Mrs. John Powers. Comforters were awarded to M. A Sutton. Mrs. M. McCarthy and Miss Mary Fleming, and a pair of pillow sljps went to Richard Fleming and a grotto of St. Theresa went to George Vales. Aii those who did not care to enjoy the dancing either visited or played cards. Music for dancing was fur nished by the Gold Coast orchestra and Melody Masters combined. Everyone present enjoyed themselves and expressed thanks to the Altar and Rosary ladies for their fine hospitality. METHOD 1ST CHURCH You are invited to attend the church services at the Methodist church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. Epworth League at 6 p. m. The Sunday school board will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. MeCracken this Thursday evening at 7:30 to make plans for the Christmas program. Order Your Thanksgiving at FRETT'S Phone 3 All ord^rs must top ba by'Mcmday noon, Nov. to insta^ Selimy. - • • ' ' / ' • • • " ' " • • I - ,L • We also can supply you with all kinds of meat# £ and groceries for the Thanksgiving dinner. - West McHenry CATHOLIC DAUGHTEMI The members of Joyce Kilmer Court, Catholic Daughters of America, enjoyed a social meeting and card party ! at their hall Friday evening. Bridge j was played and prizes were won by I Miss Anna Stock, Louise Schneid j Lena Stoffel, Mrs. Earl McAndrews,' -j Eleanor Phalin and Mrs. Harvey Nye. i Delicious' refreshments were served i jfhd a pleasant evening was made possible through the efforts of Mis. N. A. Nye and her committee; . ROYAL ENTERTAINERS The Royal Entertainers met at the home of Mrs. R. J. Frisby on Thursday where they enjbyed a pleasant. evtening1 at cards. Five hundred was played and the first prize was won by Mrs. Mat Freund, the second by Mrs. R. ' J. Frisby, the third prize by Mrs. Mat Stelfes and the fourth prize ty Mrs. George Schreiner. Refreshments were servejJ at the close of the games. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Fred Schneider. HIKERS' CLUB The Hikers' club met at the home of Mrs. Julius Keg 6n Tuesday afternoon, at which time the members spent a few enjoyable hours at bridge, with the first prize going to Mrs. F. O. Gans and the second prise won by Mrs. A. C. Reynolds. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. George Kuhn in two weeks. Riverside ?procery & Market J Friday & Saturday, Specials Sweet Pot,atoefiT lb. ' . , --5* • j** w Apples, Cooking, Greenings, lb. Blue Berries and Canned Grape Frfift, each. Pan Rolls or Plain Biscuits, doz. Olive Oil Toilet Soap, bar • -v Pork Shoulder Roast, lb. ^ Veal Shoulder Roast, ft>, ' ^ v&y. - FRIDAY 4*erch, Halibut, Smoked Pish and Oystei# y.n : Fresh Dressed. ;'ir, roeitfjr Chickens, Ducks, Geese and Turkeys, < ; 4»- ;.,.;3Ljet us have your or<Jer Early, please, Albert Barbian, Prop. ^ Phone 180 Watch For Our 3rd Anniversary Ad in Next Week's Issue' •<-V ROYAL BUNCO CLUfc The members of the Royal Bunco dub surprised Mrs. John F. Knox at her home Friday evening, in compliment to her birthdsy anniversary Three tables of bunco were played during the evening and the first prize was won by Mrs. Henry Foss, the second prize by Mrs. John Keg and the consolation by Mrs. Fred Nickels, Jr. The prize for throwing the most number of buncos went to Mrs. Paul Meyers. Refreshments were served and |4rs. Knox was presented with a pleas ing gift. tr -- DELICIOUS --* Home Made Mayonnaise Delivered Anywhere In McHenry 50c per Pint -- 30c per '/j Pint MRS. EDWARDS. Telephone 88-J r ?**•' Ideal Dining Room FURNITURE • ' ';i .;"'W Charming, dignified, beautiful--just r perfect dining room should be. The latest creations in dining room furniture, pre- Rented at prices whicli will save you money. Jacob Justen & Sons fURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING j c ^ Phone 103-R . . . . . . . I M > » » » * » » 49Ifif+M»I MI• t• f H Your Turkey FREE during this Range Sale ^EVERYBODY'S "talking turkey* now that Thanksgiving is just around I"' the corner. And we want to do our part...... To encourage you to |ake immediate action in getting a modern gas range to cook your Thanksgiving dinner we Ire giving a choice turkey free with every range purchased at our store. Call in today and see our special values in beautiful new ranges with automaticoven heat regulators, top lighters and simmering burners.- They assure better cooking and baking results with less effort. . ; Balance monthly with your light biU : The Great Amer:can Home High brows pet Hie t>tihli< ity, Dul/ liieYounrry still Is «if«* in the hand®*" of people who enjoy the comic, section and eat breakfast in the kitchen. --Akron Beamn-Jonrnal. i Oil of Intercourse Good breeding is the art of showing % external signs." Tt^-.Internal regard we have for thera It arisef from good sense, improved by c«»ov*r»' log with c»od oompiiny.--Cnto A GAS a*d HLtCTRIC COMPANY. R. F. CONWAY, Local Manager Phone 'iff: r 1 itrMii