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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Dec 1928, p. 10

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f :'-f>f hfew# f"' *«^v""**%"?'• ^ ^••*** r1 *m THE M'H£H£T rLAlNDEALKE, THURSDAY, DEC. 13 ?t - rw *m* I S. H. Freund & Son General Building Contractor* j /v" ^; .• • - • " /c/v// -I A'Vfc Phone 127-R - ••. • :\;." * ; hL,v " -all Cor. Pearl and Park Sto. McHenry, BL obr Christmas • M .. *-;»<$ "iir J<-£ KODAKS 5^ :. " V? BROWNIES 2?/l E Thomas P. Bolger "Illinois Fniun--esti mDrmug S»»te•r»e« r^fm A CHRISTMAS CAROL By Joaiah Gilbert Holland imMoMnalHmrmU CfWERE'S m tong in ike ami * There's a star m the sky t "V•'• •* There's a mother'» deep piauaf And a 6067*4 hm eryl fnd the Uar rmms its fire s Hfulsmg. • p|l while the It tan king. There's a tmnmh of ley O'er the womderfiU birth, • '•*•, For the Virmm't matt % ^ „• Is the Lor* of theaartk. Ay! the star rmms its fire and tsfnl ting, far the manger of Bethlehem eradftt a king. % ht (k lixkt of that star < / rf" * £rjf -, And that tamg from ofiir Has swept over the world, fpvery hearth it aflmma and the Baamtf/U ring, Jff the home* uf Aa matlaaa Aatjmmit , Kims. , , ; ••„ -»-»•, y«r^»tofciit%i^ 4 ' cW '% ^ ) J,' And wa acho the too* " T>W wwMnfey ftirwgl tjiafA %•'* •y.J from tha haavettfy throng. K »• sftMtf HP the brefy e-emgal thty / briafr . - , fm4»agra«t imHk trmih am y,^ •n • v s <and Kiaf* •*> W- •• j v _. ^ handle men. It requires much tact" The boys roared with laughter. "Yon leave Carrie alone!" they shouted as they crunched out to thp sleigh. Mrs. Carson came from the kitchen, cheecks flushed. "Girls," she said, "Carrie's always been the family backbone. Let's be specially nice to her this Christmas. I don't think we ought to brag to her about our own jgood fortunes. Don't, above all •things, let her see,that we feel sorry for her." The girls agreed. ••Especially Esther's engagement. yhatH make her more lonesome, poor thing," said Marion. * But Carrie wag radiant when she came in. "Merry Christmas, folks!" 'she called, kissing each of them. "Why, Carrie!" they gasped. She had a new dress, too. "Am I not festive?'* she said, but mysteriously she would nOt tell them ? until supper time. "I've had a talk with the principal. You're all through school, aow, and rm going to Europe next year! Oh, I've always wanted Z; II\i' - / >s-i '**1 I,; fVBRTONE was happy but Carrie, they said. All four of the others had come in the last two days before Christmas. A heavy snow had fallen and to remind feem of old times Father Carson had «Kt Harry and Esther at the station la the old bobsled. And Harry and Esther, in turn, had Jingled merrily 0own after Frank and his wife and the new baby. Mr. and Mrs. Carson teamed at the children, home again. |jrr ie log crackled in the fireplace, tte old fashioned pantry almost IfOlged. Harry and Frank had brought a Christmas tree from down by the creek and Esther and Marion, Prank's wife, trimmed It | Of course, poor Carrie had to be the list one home. She'd wired them tlat she had to teach op to the last Vinute and wouldn't arrive until Christmas eve. "Poor Carrie," they said again. 9tor Frank and Marlon were so proud «t the new baby, and Harry'd had a promotion. Esther was romantic '1#th a beautiful diamond and a young Man's very soulful picture. This was Her senior year in college. She'd depended on Carrie tbr funds as each of the others had, but she couldn't help patronizing Carrie a little in her mind. Poor drab Carrie with her eternally shabby clothes and her fpme old teaching Job. "Did she ever have a fellowf* Marion asked Frank and Harry as they pulled on heavy overcoats before neeting the train. Everyone reflected. "Once," Frank flcalled, "the year she was in normal school, but he married somebody q|ge." ^Esther gased casually at bar ring flfed shrugged. "Poo* dear," she murmured, "She has no Idea of bow to "•*¥** Christmas!" «l». Called, Kissirtfl Each of Them. to!" They'd never seen her so happy. Esther and Marlon forced condescension from their congratulations. "Poor dear," whispered Esther. "She's having to let these things take the place of the love she's starved for. I'm sure her gayety Isnt real." Bat Carrie didn't hear. John Grey called. He'd known the family always but they were surprised that he should come on Christmas eve. It took Harry to detect the reason. "I believe he's here to see Carrie,** he whispered to the astonished family. Carefully, each slipped away. "Wouldn't it be ^mdcrfol If she could land Mm--with all Ms money and--but she can't She doesn't know how, poor thing, and he's been a bachelor too long to fall for a little drab mouse," they said. John left at eleven and the family rushed in. "You sly lady," they all shouted, not believing themselves, "How does this happen?" Carrie smiled and then looked serious. "Oh, John wants me to marry him, but I don't want to marry. I want to go to Europe!" "What? You turned him down?" Esther and Marion couldn't believe it •Carrie nodded. "I just happened onto him at a convention the first day Pd found for sure that I could go next year. I acted so ridiculously happy that I thought he'd be ashamed of njf. Instead, he asked me to marry him, and he's been at It ever since." Their Carrie with a chance to marry John Grey and turning it down! The family looked at each other in confusion. The phone rang. "Carrie!" said Father In bewilderment. Fifteen minutes later, Carrie turned from the phone. "I've Just decided to let John go to Europe with me," she said doubtfully, then looking at the clock, "Merry Christmas- everybody I" (ft, ittt. Wastern Ktwiptptr Untoa.) fpour money wUl go farther if you do your Otanstmafi shopping r ^ with the local dealers Body$& Fisher iU4SZ.O. Step on it rnmdiMidiihismw frig' Iu>&! man \. ? * * ' '** * " |M»« dmU»mry ch«r|W. L*h>4T gydrmtiie Shock ihMrktri and 00r$ma CMwr* iwiiV"-- i» ll*t prfctffe Imhiji-- m-d rmmr fmmdmr guv* jjH n ChwIt (MUmW dmlivmre4 yricM-lk«r UtcluHm Ummmt kma* rmymtmm* ftan mtmilmU* m* Speed. Mara speed* Sixty... slkty-ftve... seventy milceaa hour and more. It's the ery '• of the day. Everybody wanta •peed. Some people want to It. Others don't. But - everybody wants to think hi» yjg ear la full of it... that he can v paas anything «•» the wwd whenever he likes ... Someears ore fast. The New AI1- Anwrican Six for one. If ever , ygMg're driving one where the law allows... etep on it. And watch this great New All- American respond!... Speed? The New All-Ameriean certainly has it. Along with power . . . pick-up . . . tsulv original style. In faetg£ you'll find in this greatest ofet aO Oak lands a car that expresses the spirit mt tUl Speaking of Br ring laronek Phone 255 On U. 8. Route 12 Near Mill Pond Bridge ALL-AMERICAN SIX SY OAKLAND i S To the Editor: I made thfe remark the other day tbat 1 wished I was In some sort of a strike an^ the madam said weli why don't you get into one and I said how can I strike when I haven't got no Job answer me that which lor once she wpuld not, Well, afterwards I got to thinking It over and finely I seen a wav to eft Into the game that was by organizing a husbands union and demanding a fair trial for the married men. J talked It ever with a couple other husbands whom I'm on friendly turns with them and we set down and figured out a set of demands which will first be gave to other husbands for their O. K. and then presented to the wives In the shape of a ul tlmatum which if each and every demand is not granted the married men will walk out on them the day before Xmas and leave, them to explain to the kida why Santa didn't show op. The demands as maped ont to as follows: , ' , 1. A 20 hour Day and a # Day Week. Under the present system the husband is on the Job the whole 24 hrs. of the whole 7 days and even while be is asleep he can't dream nothing that don't remind him of it. The husband wants the hrs. between 8 and 12 every night for rest and recreation, and Sundays to themself for meditation and prayer warnwberes away from the home. 2. The Closed Mouth. The way tt Is now yon dont know sooner get In the house when the owner wants to'know where yon waa. The husband wants the right to not answer. S. A Increase of at Least 10 Per Cent in Pocket Money. The owners is getting bigger allowances than ever before but the husbands is still supposed to go along on the old scale though it costs S and 5 times as much to mingle around and where a person used to be able to get paralyzed on tie . it now taken $25 and ISO to even feel Uke yen wanted to hear tbe Rosary. 4k Collective Marketing. In rare cases, the owner consults the l»«i«hand as to what would be like for dinner but they generally always wait until Just after breakfast when the bare mention of food staffs rubs the for the wrong way and even when a husband can remember 1 of his favorite dishes at that hr. in the morning and mentions It out loud why he has his trouble for his pains yon might say, as the matter will either be forgotten and hushed up before nightfall or else they tried to get It but the man at the store advised them to pass It op as It waa libel to be a little ranced at this time of yr. or something. In regards to Demand #4, while t don't like to drag In personalities however, I feel strained to aay tbat I have been a husband for better or worse than 8 yrs. and have never kept it a secret from tbe owner that my "2 flavorit$ viands was oyster cream stew and doughnuts and yet during the entire Eight Tears War the no. of messes of doughnuts In our home has hardly rsn Into double figures of 1 thumb. In the esse of the doughnuts It is generally always broughten up that lard Is too expensive for lardners or doughnuts don't set good on the kids or the ownei don't know If lola can make them or not and they don't seem to be no way of finding out and If you get them from tbe bakery you don't know,what Is in them though person I y I dnn't give s dam as long as they taste greasy and fill you up. * As far as oysters Is consented tbey's a version la the Psalms t!»*t says don't eat them only in months wblcb Is spelt with a r and though It goes vs. the grain for a man t<- speak of their wlfes short cornel rigs suffices to ssy that tbey's many a nice girl that wus born a bad xpelter and Jnst as many that can't hear the looks of s calendar around the honse so for all ss they know oysters may be at their senlth In July instead ot vice versa. 8. The Abolition of the Birthday The normal husband has as iimn* birthdays per annum as the owtter but where as the husband is exacted to remember the 10 of July or what ever it Is and spend the equal of hall a yrs. gold dues where as on the oth ef hand tbe owner If they don t for gel ihfJl of March entirely whv they buy yon a hook that until you huve read- it through you can set aroi-ni^ eveninjts and pare your finger nails That is tbe demands as they *111 be presented to the owners as *«*»n~ as the husbands can get organized and I hope, dear editi»r. that you *r* In sympathy «lth this movement andwtll urge all the husbands on r<jui Staff as those amongst your sutw-Mb era to at once join the Amalgamate Married Men of America and pu» a end te the humiliations to wMrh a member of tbe servile sect hecomea s party to the minute they are dins up to the hsrmenial alter and If ,, a walk out la mn-essary on the date chose which Is Xmas eve why I h««pe the owners will see the light and how to the Inevitable and not try and continue In business with s gang of i ay tb* Ball 8jrnd1c«ts. . The Human H«aff There U no standard weight n human heart It varies from eight to twalre ounces. v. <; Poimt mt Imtmrmai A government bulletin says: "A rabbit too easily caught has something the mailer with it" Referred to the college boy who thinks be is a dtvfl with the Isdles.--Exchange. Pmctdittr Blindnma* 50m scientific name for day Is hemeraloplu. This is described as Inability to see as well In a bright light as « dim. This condition Is wsirtilliw NOMl M Sheep First Used for Transfusion of Blood The first transfusion of blood to a human being took place November 23, 1067, at a meeting of the Royal society in London. A silver tube was used to connect the carotid vein of a sheep with a vein In the subject's arm. Samuel Pepys, famous diarist, was among those present and .he describes the patient as "a poor and debauched man tbat the college had hired for 20 shillings to have some of the blood of a sheep jet Into his body . . . their purpose to let in about 12 onnces, which they compute is what will be let in In a minute's time by the watch." Dr. John A. Kolmer, In Hygela Magazine, quotes the transactions of the society for December 9, a week later, which reported thflt "the man, after this operation as well as in It. found himself very well and hath.given his own narrative qnder his own hand enlarging more upon the benefit he thinks he hath received by It than we think fit to own as yet* m - Marie Antoinette Mirrors 'Earth** Elevations The highest point In the world Is In Asia, Mount Everest, bdtag 29,141 feet; the highest point In South America Is Mount Aconcagua, 23.080 feet; in North America It is Mount McKin ley, 20,300 feet; In Africa. Riliman Jaro (Kibo peak); Europe, Mont Kl Bruz, 18,4(15; while the highest point In Australia. Mount Kosoiusko. has an elevation of only 7,123 feet. larly Auriwi Stamp* Adhesive postage stamps were Insoed by several cities of the United States independently of the government about 184:1 Well known examples were those of New Tork city and 8t Louis. Stamps of this kind were authorised by congress March S, 184? Every boudoir a bower of beauty-- such is the sentiment which now prevails in the home. Wherefore 'tis not to wonder, when milady goes a-Chrlst- •mas shopping, that she is so prone to buy boudoir accessories that tempt her eye and beguile her fancy. You may be sure that these exquisite Marie Antoinette hand mirrors will prove a fascination to every woman. HELP FOR WEAK KIDNEYS For kidney irritations and bladder irregularities, for lameness, backache, weariness and weakness due to sluggish kidney action, take Foley Pills diuretic. They regulate the activity |*>f the kidneys, and assist in the elimination of harmful impurities. Mrs. J. E. Stevenson, Emporia, Kan., sa}s: "When they ask me what helped me so wonderfully, I answer that Foley Pills diuretic relieved me of my ills, and lifted the clouds from my life." Satisfaction guaranteed. Thomas P. Bolger. *v," --ihi •; ! ^ \ > *. 't.V 1 -.«* ' 1 * , £ V% J ' , "UJ < • 4-» * ~ of Chevrolet* History I it Stx in the price range of the four i Everywhere The Outstanding Chevrolet It being hailed as a spectacular achievement In advanced design* because it embodies die greatest array of improvements ever offered on any automobile of comparable price* Here, for example, is a marvelous new six* cylinder, valve-in-head engine whose design represents over four years of development and testing on the part of Chevrolet and Gen* eral Motors engineers* It has numerous advancements typified by a non-detonating; high-compression cylinder head--gasoline pump with filter, and automatic rocker arm lubrication. It provides performance the like of which was never before available in the , | low-price field---marvelous smoothness, tre- ; k ; 1 mendous reserve power and sensationally swift acceleration--all with an economy averaging better than 20 milef to liii gallon of geuolinel Here are new and improved four-wheel brakft unsurpassed for silence in operation, positive action and ease of adjustability! Here are marvelous new Fisher bodies introducing a new order of beauty, smartne^f and luxury. • # , ^ And here, also, are other features by tiki score--each an impressive example of autd» motive progress--each contributing to outstanding performance, quiet operation, long life, ease of control and economical ownership! We cordially invite you to visit our showroom and secure complete and detailed information regarding this great new car, which will be ready for delivery beginning January ls|| Advance Showings "4 . , l h* Outstanding Chevrolet of Chevrolet Histo^f i* being displayed in a series of advance showingSj, the last of which are in the cities listed below: San Francisco, Dec- 8-13, Civic Auditorium, Larkin Hall. Cincinnati, Dec. 8-14, Hotel Sinton ... St. Loula, Dec. 6-la Arcadia Ballroom, 3515 Olive Street. . . Atlanta, Dec. 18-2# ¥ fe.5 ^Auditorium--Araory... Dallas, Dec. 18-22, Adolphua Hotel . ' Ballroom ... Portland. Ore., Dec. 18-22. Public Aud|* . rv: ; i -- L • h tic lccrt(ntin| in aniuaallT iwift acoal•*»- rito, M w«U M gnmtmt pwlliw 1W new duomiui pUteJ Mm, lamp atandank ftnd rim, and ••i fiall crown fenJm u, typical fine car (alcrn of iba OmmumUhc Cbcvrolet. n< adioKablc drinr1! MM in «|Med aaodali. TUi hlliMa At ' and bnkt piAla all drivt Other Outstanding Features of Advanced Design and Equipment "The • • • • *52 I:'. •• The CoswrtMi "> g* • ^ tandaa / m. .**595 JL^,C«a€k .595*° Light Drihcry l/i/W' A $CC\ef ' Chaaala T'vw'i 595 v:-jk s-fca *675PW £--•••". 54S- "fi^a?«.....*695- %^S?r!,....,650 ' Aflp>icM£.«,k Flint, MIA. •y- ^- »--w . MOTOR New rix-cyllniirr motor, »sl-- In-head type, fully enclosed. New automatic lubrlcathm at rocker arm mechanUm. New fabric camshaft gear. New heavier crankahalt iMfr cally and dynamically bal» anced. New hot-apot manifold. iNew AC gMoline pump wftdh Ifiltef, replacing vacuum task* |New type AC air cleaner. COOLING SYSTEM New type thermostat cooBig SyMem control. New eiecrric Mart on MLBC^CKtCAL^0^mM^ toot bwMoa eeonS^IUB'" New pilwuk hoilmiii New Aeftfmf Bectrolock. CHASSIS 3twr,fMrfo?da» wb*t* dry due dalch New wwod i \ New soUd column. New fat type, ilrwdw tha <ew; s IncwheeL New and aaoce raoplcls i|» sdse chiah labtkirioa r :*~-4 *•'$> Q [Come in today for complete information!J ; HETTERMANN MOTOR SALES PHONE 191 WEST McHENRY . . , I T Y K: %^-ddal* ?0 \C - f , •.JV's"*' '

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