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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 13 Dec 1928, p. 4

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it p S HE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER j Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by Charles F. Reoich. Entered as second-class matter at the postofflce at McHenry, 111., une r t h e a c t o f M a y 8 , 1 8 7 9 . 0 , • * „ •\r • -. . '.iiDtfe Year .. V^#S* Months £)nbecriptiOfi .12.00 .fl.00 A. H. MGSHER, Editor and BUaav«r :r.:..Education ;• : W# h a mechanic*! -:.y-raalthough the spirit of man will alj^ prays rise above the vehicles by which r?,Jhe expresses himself, we cannpt afji iftford to neglect the powers that are \.,<|jDOw at our beck. ... Always and It :• (everywhere the elimination of the In*- <»<nan factor and the substitution of exscientific methods produce a wall dismay from the conservatlve- •», , |fqinded. We have lost much in exrhanjring the careful old craftsmen of , t ^he Middle ages for the modern facry inspector with his micrometer V K|i^ i?auge, says the London Spectator. ' 'put would we dispense with motor V. r|pars and airplanes in order to have ' 'jfhe carvers o? our cathedrals back? * ? "Th« solution of the personal money . . ^oeetion 'lies neither in saving nor ,;rV,in not saving; the true solution is to forget money utterly and to com.en ,Irate all one's thought and energy Z* ' Jjnpon the wise spending of time, upon that chosen work which seems interesting and Important, quite regardless of reward," says a writers in arper's Magazine. "I am not saying hat even for an idealist the money uestion settles itself for it Is not so lining as all that But what I am ing is that If the much bigger roblem--the spending of time--Is died with common sense, the Ismail problem--the money question (^ 4--which Is inescapably involved in it. be settled at the same moment one who will honestly put his ork first and the reward second mply cannot avoid success." It h forever being said that th» jr®w»g represent all progress; that It -gs to youth we must look for better , ^things. But when we consider facts, «v^re must admit that practically all r|*al progress has been made by men fi. V *)f middle age or beyond, says EL W. .' Howe's Monthly. What truly new and ^ t liseful thing may be credited to the foung? All progress is the result of tperience, and It is the professors Either than students who have had experience with life. It is prob- *« r* fcble that no man has settled opln- »^;-»/|ons until he Is thirty; apd his best 'judgment comefe Atlll later. A man * k>t fifty does not know everything, i»ut he knows as. much as he ever f r; Will know, and knows what he thinks. The dog-owner needs no mask. EH* of protect* him. He can afford to Ice people on his dog's valuation. Jve my dog, love me." Beet of all, the dog-owner is never lonely in his »wn house, for he knows that there * |s a welcome for him whenever he v-weturns, and that if he chooses to sit pown at once by tj(ie ftre and r«pd 4 UBoot w gfve' a fttfl acit of his day's experiences the will quite understand and settle itentedly at his side, knowing that |he best sort of spiritual eompaniotarequires no explanation. Asterisks, also, cover a multitude of •ins. Aisle: A place which there are bo more seats left on. t • S- ^ i' 4^ "f (•%; THWtSDAY, u CLASSIFIED "*$;? AEVERT1SEMEKT3 * " V » . - ' U < ' V, J* w • Time was when a girl who had nothing to wear was oat of style. • Science added six years to our lives and then gave us the auto and the plane. USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOB QUICK RESULTS FOR RAT.K FOR SALE--30 tons corn, S,000 bu. . • 1 • •. i «p •• 1 1 . n, • o a t s , 500 b u . b a r l e y . Phone M c H e n - f\m SALE--'Poland China boar pig. ry 258. 26-tf BC. J. Brown. Tel. 614-R-2. 28-8 About the only time a nickel Is any good any more is during a taxicab war. Popular songs are being written now that haven't been wifttea SM m hundred years. ThTw~<;Tiirter* of the ltv^ ifrara plaint today Is about it coeftng ?S cents a pound. T„ FOR SALE OR EBNT--Double store; FOR SALE Kitchen ranipe, dining with flat above, on Green street. Evroom table, 2 steel cots, 2 baby beds, erett Hunter, Jr. Phone 77-J. 21-tf liviat room farr.itsrs. Mrs. Walter -- -- ----r--: -- F. Vojft, FOR SALE---A few choice Big Type L, ' ^ J v. 1 • Poland Chins Roan, sired by Bobs FOR SALE--The Ladies' Aid socifty General. Phone 61$5-2. James Hunhas fancy Work, aprons, rugs and a ter, Route 2t McHenry. 2S t£ comforter for sale. These ijan be sseo ---- , • • T'.-- at th® home of Mrs. F. E. Cobb near FOR SALE--Small chicken farm, bethe Country club entrance. tween 4 and 5 acres, hk nssle from "-- McHenry on Lake Geneva cement FOR SALE-- One double-tub Haag road. Mrs. Joe H. Justen, Rte 3. A man who is clever enough to be boas at home Is also wise enough not to brag about It Every time we fconnt ten before speaking we forget wbat ;lt was ire were going to say. Simile: Aa obscure as some of the "famous authors" who come out en masse for • candidate. How wonderful, to have 12 trunks ef pice things for the easterns t*ntlemen to paw through ! About the only bet left, in the detective mystery story line, Is to have the author the criminal. The way to drive llsards off of lounges would be to restuff the latter with the old-time horse hair. The great orator's only explanation, the morning after, was that the radio must ha\e misquoted him. That slight rumbling in the early talking movies may be a truck passing by with the hero's fan malL So live that your biographer can dispose of eeveral fascinating myths about you and still have a hero. The trouble with being a "thrill slayer" Is having to wear wide stripes when plain colqrs are In fashion. Perhaps the easiest way to keep in touch with all of your relatives Is to own a cottage at a summer resort. If there Is anything In the protective coloring idea, why doesn't Nature dress up the deer like a guide? a - It takes 64 muscles of'your face to make a frown and W to grodnee a smile. Why work your face so hard? A woman who spends seven hours having her hair waved and getting, a facial massage looks beauty-shop- T A Tennessee mountaineer whittled himself out a complete set of false teeth. Mounted 1n gumwodd we assume. ' >- •v: jf •' jbfttle kW iliehal of Humania Is lo go to school with the sons of comtootier* he is one day to rule--if the liag business is not completely df- . 'nv tlit* time he reaciieo nl« mo- - t jority and is ready to assume the ' trown. m I m • If Methuselah had run for office In Ms oljl age wouldn't the opposition have been kept'Busy"' looking up his record? kt' .• A topsy-turvy world! In the Balkans, a princeling is to be de- K'\\ ^rived, for the time being, of the privf/ s ' Sleges of his rank; in the United iStates. the son of the Republican ex- ^rv-'s«cptlve has only Just been einancif-- >,|>ated from the shadow that set him "V*part as one in 110,000,000 plain folk. • ttw "J On the ,day before he went to the ."V. sgallows, young Hickman urged the . . * youth of America to lead mora! lives. £.\ His statement, although no doubt sin oerely made, was the traditional ^ -^gesture of a convicted murderer, who has abandoned all hope. - It was a noble admonition, but gratuitous i^or. to the youth of America, there -was lesson enough in Hickman's short ip.' career, fend the scaffold which A Hollywood babe," twen{y-tw9 months old, has a vocabulary of 800 words, one of which unquestionably la "Ramona." washing machine, with or without Ptone 611-J-l. Gal away 1 h. p. engine; good con- --•-- ---- --- dition. Also International 3 h. p. en- FOR RENT gine and Hercules \8 iL - p. engine. 6-ti Priced reasonable. Teter A. Freund, FOR RENT--Five-room furnished phone 614-R-l. 27-2* house. Call 50-W. 28 13, 1928 Qmos'i Pl«yb»M» The Petit Trianon is s handsome •ills erected by Louis XV tor Madame Du Barry at Versailles. It was a favorite resort of Marie Antoinette, who, with her maidens, Vleligbted to play at dairying^making cheese and butter. Tue Peui Tiiauon is regarded as tne most finished model of the Louis XV style of architecture. It was completed in 1768. The gardens surrounding It are particularly noteworthy/.' • , --• • Shaman Worship. Shamanism was originaiiy a primitive religion of the peoples of northern Asia and Burope, in which the unseen world of gods, demons and ancestral spirits is believed to have beei) responsive only to the Shamans, magicians, who were also mediums. The term Is also applied to any similar religion, as that of some of the American Indians, where the medicine man perloaned the same function. Winding Made Easier MB!g Ben" of London, perhaps the most famous clock In the world, dates from 1858. It has four 23-feet diffto and it used to take two men three afternoons a week to, wind ij,.,Jt is now wound by .electric. ; t30 minutes. . . . Deftressiag* ': > Jnd Tonkins soryi> a depressing influence Is the man wlm makes a large Ahop-wlndnw display of thermometers. - Washington sta,r. , FOR SALE OR RENT--Farm of 110 SHARE FARM |t>R RENT--Tested acres, known as the Pwelley farm, herd furnished; near Griswold Lake, located % mile west of Ringwood. Inquire of A. H. Bale, Crystal Lake, A. J. Walters, 509 Colly«r St., Long- m. Phone Crystal Lake 66. ^7-2 mont, Colo. 27-4 FOR RENT-- Downstairs bedroom. FOR SALE--Second-hand Baseburner Mrs. Edwards, Pearl and Court Sts. Stove. Joe Engeln. ^ 27-2 Ph<me SfrJ. aj-tf FOR SALE!--Modern 7-room two blocks from Fox River, house, paved WAKTSD -VT ^ WANTED-Bom. to t»ke . «w ' *tc-' t tM*r Price Wattles' Main for quick sale, $4,350; *600 down, bal- st^t nTue^to^' 28-4 anee monthly. Kent A Co., McHenry, btrcet Drug Storg' ... Ill, Phone 8. ., . 26-tf WANTEIK-Ambltidiii man io estab- F0R SALE-- Woodstock typewriter. ?8,l hia. ownhmitn^. Must be able No. 5. Has just been rebuilt at the f° ^urn automobile. A permanent factory and Ts like a new machine in mess where the profits are limited every respect. Will sell for $40 cash on,y by the e,ffortforth; Ple,UM"* if taken at once. Here is an oppor- ou ^" wo ^ 2iL,on ^a"n®rs_ tunity for someone to get a real bar- ™e, coun^y ^ith complete line gam. Call 170 or inquire at the of h®U8eholf neces«»»e* that have been Plaindealer office. tf on the market for 28 years. For full • • : >. information with catalog, write CHRISTMAS CARDS-- With your G. C. HEBERLING COMPANY name printed on them. Nice assort- Dept. 829, Bloo*nrft|rton, 111. 2^-2 ments with 12 or 15 cards in a lot. They cost no more to buy them this MISCELLANEOUS v way than to choose separate cards ---- 1 on which no printing can be done. HOME-MADE MAYONNAISE-- 50c Place your order with the Plaindealer per pint; 30c per half-pint. Delivered now for deliveujr is plenty of time anywhere in MJcKenry. Phone 88-J. before Christmas. ' ^ Mrs.' Bdw»rds, Pearl and Court. tf i| Tempos FBgit Shop i: * ^ * JBGOiCS FOR SALS ^ i: OR RENT »• .1 Seldom h« owe seastAi brought with ft so- many distinguished books. We take pleasure ip^lling ;; your attention to certnin books of importance on our new. list> and in recommending them for your; winter's reading. . ,; j Old Pybus--by Warwick Doping. All Kneeling--by Anne ParHsh. Wild Horse Mesa--by Zane Grey The Strange Case of Miss An* nie Spragg--by bonis Br<»nfield. ^ We can get any book you want for Christmas. Order now. ~t HW T«;W" V;j >vrf U "-A' " tf m 4b * *-*w -x\ ' , -*1 seM.->3 ay things tb give <*f th^ Wiasonable A : • priced* Most wonderful Handkerchiefs we erer had." ' •• .-ijl. 5«^, 10#, 15#, 20*. : ' ' $ * • ' linen and ^ 5 25^, wrf 50^ eMsh Handkerchiefs for men. Rollins' Hose in Gift Boxes are a real gift fop ::p- >!. -fii ^ e Owmd Stor#" •• V.L, - i ||| . McHenry, Illimom m ;x** ILL] THEATRE, BARGAIN FOR TOUNG COUPLE-- THE WOODSTOOK BRANCH--of the ^-VOOtMTOCH, I Cost $3,000 four months ago. Will Chicago Piano College, located in take $550 for all or will separate. Moose Hall. Instructions in violin, Beautiful furniture of 4 room apart- piano, cornet, saxophohe, all band\ in- Woodstock's Beautifvl Play House ment. 3-pc. silk mohair parlor suite, struments. Dancing--Children's airo. hand carved frame; 8-pc. walnut din- batic bar, ballet and ballroom, under ing room set; two 9x12 Wilton rugs; the teachings of Mile. Antonette Sher- 4-pc. walnut bedroom set, complete potaska, Mildred Mbbre and Louise with spring and mattress; occasional Bondie. Harmon H. Witt, Pres., M. V. table; 5-pc. breakfast set; lamps; Tomiskey, Manager. ' 27-4* chest of silverware. Must be seen to be appreciated. Will arrange for de- WATKINS PRODUCTS---Having taklivery. 7729 Yates Ave., near 79'th en over the sale of the Watkins Profit, Chicago, 111. Phone South Shore ducts. I am now ready to serve this 3774. *24-12 entire territory with anything in this line. Phone McHenry 54-J.. Earl FUEL OIL FOR 8ALE--We are now ready to supply the trade with a highgrade distillate oil for all kinds of oil burners. Phone 202-W. Freund Oil Co., McHenry. " 24-tf McAndrews. -H3? ' 12-tf TYPEWRITBM L v Sales and Service. Repaired and Rants*. • Prempt attention to phone calls. Phone £48. L. KILTZ, Woodstock • 4f-tf Once upon a time a man convinced his small son that algebra would flt: him for something big later in lift, hut his name Is forgotten. PEPENPABLB y$ED CARS ON 4 s HAND >• . MORROWS AD CHANGE--i ...., 1926 Dodge Business Sedan „.J|485 MdiisNRY 1928 Standard Sedan. ...... t775 ~ 1926 Ford Fordor Sedan 285 1924 Ford Coupe 85 1926 Chevrolet Coach...~..-».~..~i... 295 .75 TUNB--nd k«p -ywr p i u» 5SS --• Tuning n.d.e. your ptan. . Bu.ic.l Intematonal Truck....^^, 476 |natnmH>nt. Phon. 174 J or writ. J. > 27-tf WAUOONDA ^MOfOR EXPRESS--We iuqiress tc and from Chicago. Chkigo freight department, 411 W. Atttarior St. Phone McHenry 213-W.. , jH-tf Easy Payment Plan&* We have a complete line of trucks Hi' Deihl, Woodstock, IU. Ours is a very elastic language, and when a popular jazz leader takes a tune apart* and can't get it ,)»««£, it.}? called an "atraAgement" in 1/4-ton and H/^-ton in closed or DEAD open oody types. ANIMALS -- Highest cash prices for dead animals. Telephone JAMES MORROW A SON Merrick's, Dundee 810-J -1 Reverse Phone 186 West McHenry, I1L charges. Prompt service. 46-tf •,i A1 " . The shoe manufacturers have pooled a $4,000,000 fund to advertise their product, expecting, no doubt, to put everybody on their feet ed it end W5 ' Science' already knows abttrf "4(foy 000 separate and distinct kinds of injects and estimates that there are at least 500,000 more and, remarks the Ohio State Journal, we don't believe Noah and his family had time *0' 4o anything during the whole 40 days and 40 nights but scrrttch. The most meticulous young num. locally--the one who puts on a hunting jacket to look for studs--recently bought a swimming suit to plfiy pool. We are glad to learn that Mussolini has announced "a new vigorous policy." His soft, easy-going ways have been causing us a lot of worry. Fairy Story: **Once upon a time there was a man who arrived home with his arms full of 35 bundles, and e^rybody In the family rushed to open the front door." The adage about "take care of the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves" may be superseded by a reminder that If you save jour copper coins you will be able to piece out the odd change In car fare. h* * ^--: -- It Is strange how many candidates there, are for the title of world's meanest man. Robbers In Porto Rico who stole Bed Cross supplies cent to tornado victims will by common consent be regarded as elected. The absent-minded fellow sat down and wrote his u^ual strong letter to a tobacco company last night, after stuffing a wad of tinfoil Into his pipe and lighting the same. ' lee dealers say that refrlgeratlM ef any kind Is completely lacking in 45 per <$nt of American homes. The meals of many a family go directly frea: the delicatessen to the table, and there's no pause at the ice box. ';J><j*eha7* a hatless fad and a stooktngtoas fad. why not p shirtless erase, for tfcjtoe who have loftt theirs? The Georgia printer who fainted *hen Informed that he had Inherited $260,000 probably will wish they had left him unconscious until the Inhere itance tax was deducted. The portion of the postage that went to the management of the Graf Zeppelin for carrying the mail baek to Europe amounted to a little mow than $75,000. This ought to buy a lot of gasoline. Contentment laciness. Is about -eight parts A taw Isn't miich stronger than those who enforce It, either. In this banqueting age, the paths W glory lead first to dyspepsia. Mussolini Is planning to vlalt Mt. Etna. Eruptions of a feather flock together. One of the constantly droll spectacles ig the minus legs In the plus four pants. Home Helps: If left up three or four years, the screen door ^till graduall. v rot off. The peace pact had i lot 16 say about bearing arms, bat not a word about baring knees. ... ' •-/> ' • In the use. and misuse ef rouge and powder *ome of the girls look ghastly and some took ghostly. Portes Gil Is said to be Interested In aviation, and It is' as well fttr a President of Mexico to be so. Buj Times Ahead. Jones (out for the ttrsf time In hi* pew car)--Dont talk for a few moments. my dear. Here Is a telegraph pole coming.--UwkMir Weekly Telegraph. The girls of the gay nineties who, in the slang of the day, "took the cake," also knew how to bake one. The wild life editor claims the hard part of possum hunting has always chopping down the tree. American capital continues to go abroad to develop foreign industries, the net amount after deducting renewals of loans, for the first nine months of. 1928 being $978,414,237. That Is an addition to the big American stake In the peac* and prosperity of the world. Prof. A. M. Low says Martian worn en have fo^r thumbs and rule their homes. Having four thumbs, of course. Even when the millennium arrives there will be persons who will say that It isn't what it «ra« cracked np to be. A QEC. 15T0 21 HATE YOU MET PETER PAN ifie Doll From Fairyland With the Winking Eyes Carnation, Pet or Bordens Evaporated Milk tall cans .3 for 29c Cora Flakes 2 ptys. 13c Pruit in syrup, No. 2 cans, each 34c Flour, 24% lb. bags None-Such,, each.. .82c Gold Medal* each. .93c OHmalene 2 cans for 15c Queen Olives, 4-oz. bottles, each ..25c Mixed Candy Per lb.. Jo«. J. Miller .S-" Prop, i.. • * • Pearl St. and Riverside Dr. Evening Shows at 7 and 9 Matinees On Wednesdays, Tkursdsys, Saturdays pad Sundays, 3 p. •. SATURDAY > . I) 'December « ;4 f OF THE FLASH" 1W Wonder Police i'k-t ' •' Also combdy • r, ^ "'fi 4:*: On tit* Sta<* v' a*d Sund»j Big Time fo«ge Presentation --: \r: i SUNDAY MONDAY ), #ECEM$ER 16-17 i' f Olive Borden •- . 3 s Unntley1; Gordon ; ; i . TW. •¥ Km •it lA 18&*, kiim Wt, >nm 'ail Pig Fresh Ham'Roast, per lb... Pork Loin Rbacrt, per lb^. Fresh Side Pork, per lb._ Fresh Spare Ribs 18^ f/itSkimmi y ~~~2i All kinds at Home Made Sausage, per lb... ~ 20^ • tor 35^ 25^ Market George Schreiner, Te^phone 80-M m. PATHE NEWS and COMEDY • " f . <0 TUESDAY AND " WEDNESDAY December i8-w Jacqueline Logai% Ikyant Washburn s "NOTHING fO WEAR" also * M-O-M News and CoaM^r *-• 'v- THURSDAY - FRIDAY DECEMBER ft.ll ^ c Virginia Vally Ian Keith' . rtpTHSETS 0? ' v », :w •V.": ^iill Cream MilH * . Milk is a splendid food for growing . ; I childx«n especially if it is as rich in 1^^..:; , v cream eontent as milk we supply. * To get this better milk for youi f j children just phone 660-R-l and wc f will deliver it to your home (each day. % - handle nothing btit Bowman^s pastaiuiiid and DegTeed Products Community Dairy j Sen J. Smith, Proi- "/3 "% .• Phone 660-R^| » ? v'-feA; ILLUSION" re are ready for When you are in doubt as to what to choose there are two things' that are always appropriate and acceptable--. candy for the ladies and cigarettes or cigars for the men. There is no better or more complete line of these in McHenry than ours. Horse's and Bunte's candies in one to five pound praxes. Cigarettes and cigars m sjpecial Christmas drew. See our window display. "A Riverside Drive -•y- Paths News, FaMea, Sparta USB THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS y;;^: . . . . . s a ' jt >';•* pn. assawynw11 ".y n {([J'fr % ?•: XX--.:--. . «4.': . - Z'!.: i I.:'-,'

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