«.--«e^ag '*£%%,& ,-(l >lf; •k -<-' -kvA *v' ' • THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, DEC. 27, 1928 BLOOUM'S LAKE .' Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon and! ^ilrirpn and Mrs. Earl Converse and j Jjjiu^ht^r, Frances wcr$ shoppcTS at Bcrin last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and son, tigene, were callers at McHenry last ednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowel! and daughter,- Dorothy, spent last Tuesday at -W oodstock. William Foss was a business caller spent last Wednesday at the Wayne 'Bacon home. W. E. Brooks attended the sale of Frank Reed at Round Lake last Skt- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirk and two children and Mrs. Mary l>owell of Aurora were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mirs. Ray Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Brooks of Waukegan spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Brooks. * Mr. and Mirs. Wayne Bacon and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and daughter, Frances, and Mr. and JUNGWOOD ^ il. 4ft McHenry last Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks were ^ _ caller, „t McHenry last T»«, Mr and Mw. HL L. Brooks spent list Wednesday *t McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Converse and -jlfcughfcer spent last Sunday at the Wpme of Mr. and Mirs. William Davis. ? Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowell and Mrs. Dowell and Mrs. Earl Converse ||»ent last Thursday at Elgin. V Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Parks and Mrs. fflla Paries of Park Ridge were Sunday supper and evening guests at the W. E. Brooks honr*. 1 v-.Mise Zella Smith of GrisweW Lake - JOSEPH 0. FEELI|X Dentist McHenry - - Illfaeis Riverside Drive, over Albert Barbian's Slore, between Elm and Pearl Streets, Fridays and Saturday® urttii after May 1st, when he will be open full' -.'Hme. Office Hours: 11 to 12 a. m.--2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. ?#U»d«ys and Holidays by Appointment DR. J. A. STREET PHYSICIAN AND SURGEOH Res, and Office Phone 274 . ffcfes Bldff. McHenry, DL WM.M. CARROLL Lawyer OOce with Kent & Company Every Wednesday .^v 8 McHeary, IHhsois iMephone N«. 1#8-R Stoffel & Reihansperger lisurance agents for all classa# of property in the best companies. McHENRY - ILLINOIS ffcoae 12ft-W 4-1 llcHENRY ; Keaaonable Kates L SCHAEFER •••. Drayia* ILLINOIS H t HENRY V. SOMPEL General Teaming Gravel and Coal for Sale 4}radin£, Graveling and Road Work Done By Contract or By Day 4 Phone McHenry 649-R-l 1 F. 0. Address, Route 3 | McHenry, HL thy, spent Christmas Day at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Davis. MTS. John R. Knox of McHenry vis. ited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary, Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. LaDoyt Matthews and Miss Myrtle Darren of Crystal Lake, Elmer Espingr of Moline, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and son, Robert. Mildred Hoffman and William Darrell spent Christmas Day with Sir. and Mrs. Wil'.ard Darrell. Lee Lara bee and mother, Mrs. Gilbert Lara bee, of Bristol, Wis., were Tuesday morning callers at the W. E. !Brooks home. Mrs. Elizabeth Bacon and daughter, Vinnie, of Roseville visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and son, Robert, were among the guests at the Christmas tree at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hayford at Crystal Lake Monday evening. M!r. and Mrs. H. J. Schaffer and son, Stanley, and Mrs. J. N. Zimmer spent Friday evening at the home of MT. and Mrs. Henry Geary. Mrs. Lucille Rofeman of Chicago spent a few days erf her Christmas vacation at the home of Mr. and MJfs. H. L. Brooks.' Earl Converse was a caller at the Wayne Bacon home last Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Foss of Liberty- ,-ille called at the home of the former's parents. Christmas afternoon. John Blomgren and Mrs. E. Anderson are still ill with the flu. Mr. and Mrs. George Bagley of Chicago spent a few days the first of the week at the Blomgren home. Joseph Sterbenz of North Chicago was a caller at the Wayne Bacon home Saturday evening. Mrs. William Foss and daughter, Pearl, and son, Leslie, were callers at McHenry and Crystal Lake Saturday evening. Miss Anita Baseley and Claude Baseley of Wauconda were Monday morning callers at the Harry Matthewg home. * Mr. and Mfrs. Clinton Raven and two children of Griswold Lake spent Sunday evening at the William Foss home. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell and Mrs. "Nick Young entertained the Bunco club and a few friends at party in honor of Mrs. Paul Myers' birthday anniversary. There were five tables of bunco in play. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Gus Carlson, first, Mrs. William McC&nnon, second, Mrs Edgar Thomas, third and Mrs. George Worts, the consolation. Mrs. Nick Young received the prise for having made the most buncos. At the close of the games a lovely luncheon was served. Mrs. Myers was presented with a pretty bedspread. Miss Viola Rager is' home from school in Chicago, with the flu. Mr. and Mrs. George Young were Woodstock visitors Monday afternoon. Mrs. Edgar Thomas and Mrs. Viola Low were Woodstock visitors Wednesday. Mrs. Will Hendrickson of Richmond spent Tuesday and Wednesday in the Sam Beatty home. Mrs. Glen Jackson of Solon Mills spent Wednesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Beatty. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bigger* of Chicago spent Thursday afternoon in the Nicfc Young home. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hughes entertained the Five Hundred club at a Christmas party Thursday evening. Prizes were won by Miss Leslie Olsen and F. A. Hitchens, first, and Mrs. Elmer Olsen and George Shepard the consolations. After the games Christmas presents were exchanged and this furnished much merriment. Clay Hughes took the role of Santa to a "T." Following this refreshments were served by Mrs. F. A. Hitchens and Mrs. Hughes. School closed Friday for the Christmas holidays. A fine program and tree were enjoyed in the afternoon. Quite a number of pupils were absent with the flu. Ray Schaefer of Cincinnati, Ohio, was the guest of MUss Eleanor Dodge for the Christmas holidays. Harold and Lorena Jepson spefit the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson. Raymond Hall was taken' to the Woodstock hospital Thursday, where he had his other ftiot amputated. He is getting along as w*U as can be expected. Roger Stevens arrived home Wednesday to spend his Christmas vacation. Mrs. George Young spent Wednesday with her mother at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stevens and family and Misses Dorothy and Rosela Craig of Kenosha spent Sunday in the A. A. Stevens home. Mr. and MTS. George Stevens and son, Roger, of Ringwood and Mrs. Agnes Jencks and daughter, Mary, of Chicago spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Newlin and family at Hutsottvilie, 111. Mrs. J. F. Claxton and Mrs. John MX. ana wviara uarreii -- ... • , u.u »?»,«•_ Mrs. Harry Matthews attended the j w^mJaj6 ]grJ Thursday morning. jfrs. George Bacon ,of Ant-ioch was § 0. W. KLONTZ, M. B. H Physician and Surgeon * SpAlso treating all diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and the 1 Fitting of Glasses) '§Mke Hoars--8 to 9 a. m., 2 to 4 and '•t 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays by Appointment Office at Residence, Waukegan Road. hone 181 McHenry , 111 McHENRY GRAVEL & EXCAVATING CO. j& _ p Frsnsd. Prop, BqjJ4ing and Excavating of Every Description EetiiQ^eb Furnished on Request High-grade Gravel Delivered any time--large or small jbrders given prompt attention. Phone 204-M "** McHenry * ffwftii'f mill 1 Christmas tree program given by the papils and teacher. Miss Myrtle Darrell, at Munshaw school near Crystal Lake last Friday evening. George Roesslein of the "Flats" was a supper and evening guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews j last Wednesday. | Mr. and Mirs. Willard Darreli and! a caller in the W. A. Dodge home Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Slickenmeyer and son left Saturday for Slit. Carmel, 111., to spend thfir Christmas vacation. Sam Beatty held his sale Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews attend. I *"d in spite of the ^ve^ weather a ed the funeral of Fred Grabbe at Crys- C")W^ was / tal Lake last Friday afternoon. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Page Smith and fam-! Sunday w,th h,s Mr' and M"' ily, Mrs. Clara Smith, Leon Smith and!of McHenry i8 daughter, Dorothy Mae, have recov ered from an attack of the flu. CAltD OP THANKS I desire in this way to express my appreeistloH and thanks to the neiglP bors and friends who so kindly extended their assistance at the time of the barn fire on my farm on Dec. 11. JOHN KOERBER. Insure--b Sure-Insurance WITH Wm.G. Schreiner Auctioneering |. J&FFICE AT RESIDENCE Intone 93-R McHenry, Illinois 0' Best Franklin County Coal, sue 6x3 or 3x2 Beet Pocahontas Coal Telephone Richmond 636 'msm Mrs. Leslie Olsen assisting in Brown's drug store during the holiday rush. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Dodge and fam fly Bpent Sunday with Woodstock relative*. Mr. and Mb. George Shepard and family were callers in the Charles Shepard home in Richmond, Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Henzie of Crystal Lake spent Sunday in the George i Harrison home. _ U L . . . . _ r L l . , . _ I M r . a n d M r s . R a y P e t e r s s p e n t S u n - VEftY COM PORTING TO ELDERLY ^ ^ relatives at Hunter and Bel- ' videre. A persistent hacking cough, nerve j^, George Bacon of Antioch spent racking and weakening, recurring at Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Intervals, is common to elderly per- ^ Dodge. sons. Foley's Honey and Tar Com-| an<j Mrs. George Shepard and pound, the very name a promise of family spent Christmas with McHenry healing, at once puts a healing, n]atives. soothing coating on the irritated sur- j jiiss Bertha Justen spent Christmas faces, and relief is immediate. Every lWjth her parents, Mr. and Mrs; Ben ingredient of Foley's Honey and Tar Jagten. Compound is active and potent. I jir an<i Mrs. J. R. Smith of M<;Hen- Agreeable to take, acceptable to the jy an(j SOTlj Leo, of West Chicago spent most sensitive stomach, contains no Sunday evening in the George Young opiates. Try it. Thomas P. Bolger. home. Mr. and Mrs. George Young and son, Stanley, spent Christmas Day with Mirs. Catherine Young at B|jcHenry. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hawley and son Andrew, and Mrs. and Mrs. Lewis Hawley and daughters, Shirley and Marion, spent Christmas Day in the D. C. Bacon home in Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Olsen and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Beatty spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Jackson and family at Solon Mills. Mrs. Viola Low and children spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Allen near Hebron. Charles Shepard of Richmond was a Ringwood caller. Christmas morning. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dodge and daughter, Eleanor, Mr. and Mrs. George, Bacon of Antioch and Ray Schaefer spent Christmas Day in the Leon Dodge home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thompson and family spent Christmas Day with McHenry relatives. Mrs. Clarence Draper and daughter, Bethel, of near McHenry spent Wed* nesday with MTS. Edgar Thomas. Agnes Thompson and John Thompson of Chicago spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Thomas and family spent Christmas Day with Woodstock relatives. Mrs. Ed Thompson and children were Woodstock visitors Wednesday. John Dreymiller of McHenry was caller in the George Shepard home Christmas morning. Mr. and Mrs. Max Beth and son, Billy, spent Christinas with William Beth and daughter, Cora. Mr. and Mrs. William Hepburn spent Christmas with relatives at Monroe Wis, Coal For Sale Delivered to McHenry $8.00 -$11.50 Best Hard Coal, range or chestnnt $17.50 We T. N. PALASKE •OLON MILLS, ILL. Jb WAU00HD4 ; •'fM Mrs. Fred Thorns is The Park Side restaurant of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence of Main street is ma ik .• u Lifijiui A# I ^sed on account of the illness of its , T w j owners. The church bmeflttfvek by the | Tuesday Evening club was well at-! „?°£nd 8pent BmdK' tended. The sale of "white elephants,1 candy, popcorn and grab-bags was well patronized and quite a sum of money was realized. R. C. Kent was a Chicago visitor last Wednesday. Misses Myrtle and Esther Knigge are now employed at Barrington, Mrs. Plutie Houghton, son, Arthur, and daughter of North Chicago, Tuesday callers here. Mrs. George Foot was M Chicago caller last Wednesday. Mrs. A. C. Sorensen and Misp Anita Baseley were Waukegan visitors on Wednesday. Mr. and Mirs. Homer Cook Waukegan callers Wednesday. Dr. J. A. Ross and wife entertained relatives from Chicago last week. Ruth Broncheon of Waukegan was a caller at the home of her brother, Paul Broncheon, last Wednesday eve ning. Mr. and M!rs. John Brown Waukegan callers last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Wells-entertained relatives from Waukegan last Wednesday. , Harry Kirwin motored to Hinwlale Thursday. Ed Dibler of Woodstock was in town on business last Thursday. James Fuller was a Chicago caller Wednesday. Victor Carr, Eari Broughton and Mr. and Mrs. Tony Engeln motored to Chicago Monday. Mr. and Mlrs. V. E. Davlii* and son, Charles, wupe Elgin caUmn Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mirs. Stanley Stone spent the first two or three days of last week at the home of their parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Vedder Stone. Mrs. William VanNatta of Fountain, Mich., spent Friday and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Grantham, Sr. The funeral of Mts* Laura Cook was held at the Federated church Saturday at 1:80 o'clock. Many were .SCnt 111 Spate of bad n'Catiici anu flu. Had Mrs. Cook lived until the 18th of December she would have celebrated her 81st birthday anniversary. She had passed nearly al^her life in Wauconda. She was the Atother. of seven children, two of whom died in infancy. Mrs. Anna Stoxen of Wilmot, Wis., J. W. Cook of Judith Gap, Mont., Homer Cook and Mirs. Avis Powers of Wauconda, and Mrs. Ruby Fleet of Barron, Wis., survive. Interment was in the Wauconda cemetery. Mrs. George Blackburn and son, Glenn, are spending several days in Chicago with relatives. Miog Margaret Dusrs \£iss Bells Taggart and Mrs. George Blackburn called on Mrs. William Johns at the Victory Memorial hospital, Waukegan, last Wednesday. Mrs. Albert Gossell was a Waukegan shopper Wednesday afternoon, Phil Froehlke of Wanawega, Wis.,, called at the V. E. Davlin home Friday. W. V. Johns spent Sunday at the Victory Memorial hospital in Wauke gan. at the M. W. Baseley home. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Cypher were Grayslake shoppers Saturday evening. Charles Davlin spent Thursday in Chicago. Clyde Carr and John Daschler of Barrington called at the Carr home Sunday morning. There are many cases of flu reported and the Grammar school was closed Friday afternoon on account of so many children being sick with colds. It is hoped the school can .open again after New; Years. Mil's. Irwin Moody, ^ho has been under the care at a trained nurse at her home just out of town, is better at thin writing. Mrs. M. S, Clark and daughter, Ilydia, and Ernest Hines spent Wednesday in Waukegan as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. John Schaefer and son, Francis, vtete McHenry callers Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham, Jr., and family Were McHenry callers Safr urday morning. , Asa Crabtree ahd Mrs. Richard Grantham of Cary visited with relatives here Wednesday evening. Mts. Pet GJmham is spending a few weeks in Cary. Mrs. Sam Dickson and infant son of Fremont were visitors at the Frank Dickson h<ui|H Wednesday and . Thursday. * Miss Hornecke of Barrington spent Tuesday and Wednesday with friends here. Edwin Petecson of Carpentersville was a guest at the home of A. E. Kirwin Wednesday evening. Dr. C. W. Sowiee of -Waukegan called on his mother mid sister last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham and children and Mrs. H. L. Grantham, Sr., and Mgrs. William VanNatta visited Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mirs. Amos Keeler at Barrington. The funeral of Mrs. Stewart Jepson' of Freeport, 111., was held at the Federated church here Saturday at 1:80 o'clock. Though Mrs. Jepson had been ill since in the summer her death was rather sudden and unexpected. She was a sister of Mrs. Katherine Broughton and George Blackburn. Besides these relatives her husband and five I children survive* also nieces and nephews. Interment was in Wauconda cemetery. George Deinlein is spending a few days with his father in Chicago. Mr. Simms, principal of the Grammar school, is spending his holiday vacation at his home at Charleston. Weary Willie asked for bread r Wherever he did stop; A housewife passed the axe and said: "First won't you have a chop?"--• Progressive Grocer. New York writer says "there is More crime when the moon is full." Wonder if "moon" isn't a misprint fd* "man."--Boston Transcript. Stella: "Our new electrical sak man is an awful flatterer." Ella: "Did he tell you that 9 were beautiful?" steiia: "No. tie said you were." Good Hardware. hot'n wife made lating the rule against the left turn Regina Pof t. AUCTION LEONARD - And The undersigned having decided to quit farmiiig. and having rented farm for cash rent, will sell at public auction, on the John M. Phalin farm ( 2% miles south of McHenry, 5 miles north of Crystal Lake and 1% mile k north of Terra Cotta factory on Illinois Route 61 and U. S. 12, on ' Wednesday, Jan. 9tS* J conAneneing at 12:30 p. m. sjwp, the following described property, to-wfl $ The girls are wearing silk hosiery, now made from spruce trees. .From limb to. limb, as it were,--North Bay Nugget. Is Bc4 And iJJSi2r £L Aitkitue asn {•MkwnuBa^SlMAlMji S(OWIWJQOISI5E«BnttBlE >g 28 HEAD OF HlbH GRADE HOLSTEIN CATTLE 17 cows, new milkers and close springers; 2 heifers, two years old; 7 yeafw> Hng heiftes; l t«rtHre«r-olt Holstein HB. ' 7HoiSMt.' .• Team bay mares, eight and nine years old; Weight 2&0& pounds; bay geldings ten years old, weight 1400 pounds; bay mare, twelve years old, weight. 1400 pounds; team of black geldings, thirteen years old, weight 2700 pounds;: bay mare colt, one and a half years old. 7 Shropshire Ewes, 2 years old, and 1 Registered Beet? HOOS 14 fat bogs; 5 brood sows; 20 fall pigs, weight 50 pounds. POULTRY 90 White Rock Chickens; 30 White Leghorn Chidcet||: HA* AHD GHAUT ^ 800 bushels oats, free from foul seed; 1200 bushels of choice seed barley, fre|f from foul seed; 30 tons of corn in crib; 45 tons timothy hay in barn; 20 fed? of silage; quantity of cut stalks; 30 bushels of potatoes. MACHINERY McCormick Deering tractor, 1020, used two seasons; McCormick grain bind^ er; MlcCormick mower; Emerson tractor plow: 10-foot tandem disc with tnujj* tor hitch; Deering corn binder; John Deere sulky plow; John Deere gan^ plow; walking plow; International side delivery rake and tedder; Easy Wa|K hay loader; Hoosier 4-horse grain drill; 12-disc pulverizer^ dirt scraper; New Idea manure spreader, new; 16-inch Papec silo filler; Universal milking marchine, two double units; International 'corn planter, 80 rods wire; Ford toB truck with gear shift; International feed grinder, 8-inch; cultipacker, 8-fook; . two lumber wagons; set of dump boards; hay rack; hog rack; double top grain box; grindstone; milk-cart; silage cart; 3-section drag; 2-section drag}, pair of bobs; cutter; fanning mill; corn sheller; shaft and pulleys 6 milk cans; 80-foot 6-inch drive belt; Sol Hot kerosene chick brooder; 4 gasoliijV tnaks; Cowboy tank heater; 2 «ets of double harness; hay rope; fork and pulleys; hog crate; hog self feeder; hog troughs; forks, shovels, pails, straii|- ers raid other articles too numerous to mentjea. '• "Y" TERMS / V./_" • All sums of $25.00 and under, cash. Over that amount a credit of six monfris* time will be given on good bankable notes, satisfactory to the clerk, bearings 7 per cent interest. Positively no property to be removed until settled far with clerk* . * John M. Phalin J. CAREY, Clerk. / Thos.M. Phalli! Will soon be here and all through the next year, the same as in years' gone by, more people will ride on | Goodyear tires than any other kind...' There's a reason for this--Qualityi And don't forget, too, that it costs no more to use Goodyear Tires thaq it does the others--in -fact, less when you consider the long wear and'fre#"" dom from trouble. / ","v. '• / Read the following prices and judge for yourself 4 ' Ti'r - « GOODYEAR ALL-WEATHERS High Pressure 303^3% Cf. Cord Overslze<.«-jL.;rj 1 8.05 32x4 SS Cord t •.' -.u 13.95 30x5 SS Cord, H. D- 26.20 33 y 5 SS Cord . , 22.95 32x6 Truc^. 86.00 Balloon Type 29x4.40 Balloon. ' £ 8.90 30x4.50 Balloon .. 9.90 w? • 31 x5,m Rnlloon ' r 12.45 30x5.25 Balloon 13.90 I . 31x5.25 Balloon ,, 14.35 32x6.00 -- 16.80 1 33x6.00 Balloon. 17.35 .•*<} QO0DYEAR PATHFINDERS High Pressure 30X3V2 CI 30x3V2 CI. Cord Oversi*e_..l_« 31x4 SS CorcJ . 32x4 SS Cord 32x4^ 88 CJowdL s >rm- 29x4.40 30x4.50 31x5.25 Balloon Type Balloon...., Balloon. 5.95 6.65 ? 10.60 11.35 15.75 7.50 8.60 12.50 Ever-Readjr Prettonc for sate here. This Mlm tll radiator troubles la cold Batteries for Ford, Star. Etc $8.50 s" ' Greatly reduced prices oil chains Alcohol for your Radiator can be secured here. WATER J. FREUND 1 Stock--All Sliaf Phone 120-R West McHenry, Illinois Batteries -- Battery Charging and Repairing Tire and Tube Vulcanising *