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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Dec 1928, p. 3

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M m "Say. do you know an oasyway to Ml the horsepower of a car?" "No." *Just lift up the hood and eoant H» plugs."--The Open Road. |£W "You're de guy dat suggested dat » Roils give me a shower when I get ain't cha " r-y-y-yes, why?" If Ain't I clean enougfc?"--Film Fun. % - mt> DBd ** TO JAH. 4 American FamiljNfc>ap, U, bars for 57c Arfo Glow Btaroh, 1 -7c Floor, full 31b. pkg. 87c Corn, fa&ciest Country M&tteEB&Q, \ .2 VqJ cans for 31c Lux Flakes? large pteffs, far 45c Grape Fruit, 8-os. c&ik, each idc Pineapples, large No. cans, each_.__.28c We wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Jot. J. Miller Prop. Pearl St. and Riverside Dr. On Tuesday night, ^BOWIJHO RORS 6n December 18 a town team consisting of Bickler, Richardson, Bacon, Joslyn and Meyers bowled a team from Grayslake at the Palace Alleys and were defeated by the close margin of five pins. The BfcHenry men bowled a total of 2466 while Grays' lake bowled live more. . On Dec. 23 the same team with E. Freund in place of Joslyn bowled 2669 p;r:= sjralr'.ef tVss ee?^rand were defeated by 79 pins, The Grayslake team averaged 910 pins per game. It is not known whether the McHenry team still think theyvcan defeat Grayslake or not. Canaries Smith and W. Richardson were tied with 258 each for high score for the week at the Palace Bowling Alleys. On Mondaynight, Dec. 17, team No. 2 won two out of three games from team No^ii* the K. C. bowling league Alleys and team No, 1 ar»d third games from «en as folat the won lows: Freund 168 Green 145 Phalli* -™... 161 ....216 •J ' • 868 Conway .....«I89 Steffe* i.i„^;^...,......154 ...125 ...133 Johnsburg Foresters bowled their games with team No. 4 winning all three games from team No. 2 although the second game was won by only four pins. Team No. 3 won two out of three game? from No. 1. The games werfi, , V G. Schmitt^-..w.4L^T^4.il6S H. Woh«r .'_*..:•,...,..,.,138 B. Smith.. . 120 B. Freund --.165 ~~ S176 Wfflar PERSONALS COMEES AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR CITY L. Smith .. A. Tonyan S. Tonyan G. ffilier E*. Tonyan 118 Sp»ith M N. Seen By Plaindealer porters and Handed la By Our Friends Re- Average Kails Bolger Freund Wirtz Bickler Average Conway Wo**8 .....<167 161 ...162 ...148 144 620 741 On tlwrifcy night, Dec. 20 MicHenry Foresters bowled and tea» Np. 1 w<3SL thrix» straight games from | team No, S and t&am No. 4 won two out of three games from team No. 2. 191! The games were as follows: Brefeld ........... Freund --... Sutton 159 Schaefer >. j»jy«w»...170 AUCTION :Xh ^ CHRISTENSEN AUIUUIOT1 The farm being subdivided, I will sell at public auction, 3 blocks north Round Lake village mt the farm known as the William Smith farm, on SATURDAY/ DECEMBER 29th C\"\ ~ 1 "I"'T TV Commencing at 12 o'clock sharp 21 MILK 00WS--HOLSTEINS AND OTTERNSEYS heavy with calves; 1 cow with calf by side, and 11 milkers; 3 heifers, one 12 months old, two 9 months old, and two heifers 3 months old; 1 Holstein .aad 2 Guernsey* stock bulls. This herd has passed few<o dean testa and wM subject to a 60 day reteet. 3 MULES -- 2 HORSES :fblack mules, 9 years old, weight 1850 pounds; 12-year-old mule, weight 1200 Mack mare, 15 years old, weight 1200 pounds; 1 saddle hone* H. G. Weber. . ^,.218 L. Smith ,^_156 W. Althoff .*..„...~....-„.126 G. P. Freund... .~116 G. R. J us ten .. / | ' 766 H* Schicffj^jntM/m 98 J. Baur .... L. Heimer ,„...„.„.......163 A. Justen ^™....^..183 ••• ',682 E. Smith ...129 J. MSller.... iMwuM*mM^MMu«. 125 F. Rosing ...- >......137 Thennes 173 G. Weber rw^.^.^.192 V. Frwmd P. Freund . A. Weingart J. Weber ... Ed Fwund t»iuw*iini«»«iiii.l80 174 170 125 175 208 847 199 160 178 1&4 Mr. and Mrs. John Fay visited with their son at Elgin Sunday. George Reynolds of Chicago spent Christmas at his home here. Miss Robena Marshall visited in Chicago over the week-end. Miss Maud Granger of Chicago spent Sunday at h?r hoi*?® Wra Mr. and Mrs. Phil Meyers and fan* ily spent the week-end in Chicago. Miss Laura B$chels of Waukegan spent Chri$trna* afc her hom« here. Miss Adeline Perkins of Waukegan spent Chr Igtmt* j* tyer home her%. , ^fth 754 fnefcas m>ChiMt6<^e first of the 181J week. 107 #r> and MSrsk J. C. Peterson of Chi- 15fe ] cago spent Christmas Day in the Tbeo. Winkel home m. and Mrft/G***e ShMTvtonttt Chicago Monday to spend Christmas with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz and sons spent Christmas Day with relatives in Chicago. J Miss Mlary Brefeid of Elgin' spent Christmas with her parents,i|£r. and Mrs. a J. Brefeld. Mrs. Fred Kamhols and son, PMI, 1491 attended the funeral of her sister at 125 j Union, Saturday. 157 186 143 760 127 125 140 155 Mass Ethel Bell was a Waukegan visitor Ifriday. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman visited in Chicago Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas MicCabe and little daughter of Chicago spent Christmas Day with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin. • Mr. and Mxs. P. H. Moulton and daughter of Chicago were dinner guests in the home of Mr .and Mrs J. W. Rothermel Christmas Day. Dr. W. C. Besley and son, Walter, and H. R. Bennett of .Woodstock and Dr. G. V. Besley of Freeport were vis, itors in the home of Mir. and Mrs. W. A. Sayler, Monday. Mr. and Mjrs.^Fred Karls entertained the following quests on Christmas Day: Mr. and Mrs. Mat Karls and son, Bobby, Mrs. Spaunko, and Misses Laura and Rosina Karls, all of Chicago. "One reason I like books is because I can shi up when I want tol 135 HAY, ORAIN AND MACHINERY / , f tons timothy h»y. 8 feet of Brood silage; about 30 shocks of corn; 100 tiUfitltta oats; Deering grain binder; 2 cultivators; 2 McCormick mowers; seeder; new dbc; new McCormick hay loader; new side delivery rake; gang plow; wagon; f^Npals harness; milk wagon cover; 7 milk] cana; brand new steel boat. TERMS - All sums of $25.00 and under, cash. Op/19ns over that amount a credit of abt months time will be given on good Wnkable notes, 7 per cent, interest. Positively no property to be removed uiitil settled for with clerk. CHARLES KIPTA CHARLES BRAINATfcD, Clerk. wi|r>rfvwv<vii-iAnTi- -- !p |f : Sincere Wishes 4, 786 782 769 On Wednesday and Friday nights, Dec. 19 and 21, the teams of the Business Men's league bowled their games with the Woodstock A. C.'s winning two out of three games from Rothermel's Carpenters. The Studebakers won two games from the Karls* Cafe team. The McHenry Lumber company team won three straight from Schaefer's Carpenters and the Ringwood Nursery team won three straight from the Miatthews-Tonyan team, who did not have much 3how with only two men present. ; The games were: A. Justen ...... D. I luck .*-55 E. Freund ^...I.......166 W. Rifhar|ja|i.,......«^;..188 G^JTusten -.154 Zuelsdorf Huff Logenbach Thurlwell Karls sJy» Freund C. Rothermel J. Rothenael Krause We remember onr indebtedness to yon for having contributed to our business success, and therefore, to our personal happiness, and it is our heartfelt wish that you may enjoy the full measure of happiness and prosperity, j jjtifpghoat. ^ coning year. rUatre Beauty Shoppe I; BASKET BALL At McHenry High School Gym SUNDAY Ham Afternoon I/WJs Tint Game Starts a* 2:30 vs.M. TWO GAMES The Wilmot five boasts a record of seven won ami two lost. Both of these games were lost to the McHenry team. Wilmot is out looking for revenge. The game will be worth seeing.* AnMTMTftW 50c AND 25C 1 KC ! •4-..159 158 .j........ 177 Conway Corson Miller Grant 140 --.168 140 168 116 Harold Heimer, James Walsh and Joseph Walsh were business visitors at Elgin Wednesday. Mrs. Margaret Gillis of Woodstock spent Christmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doherty. C. W. Stenger and children of Waukegan were Christmas dinner guests 133 i of McHenry friends. Mrs. Mary Simpn of Chicago visited 6$0 in the home of her daughter, Mrs. 162! George Spoo, last week. 1251 Mrs. Allan Noonan and children 203 sp?nt a few of the Christmas holidays 13g | with relatives in Chicago. 1AA' Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Harrison of Elgin spent Christmas Eve in the home of Mrs. Mayme Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. William Burke were Christnrtas guests of Mr. and - Mrs. Frank Heckman in Chicago. Miss Lucy Reimann of Kenosha, Wis., is the guest of Mrs. Henry Degen at her home on John street. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Harper of Hudson, Mich., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monear, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Perkinson of Chicago were Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Winkel. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh spent Christmas with their son, Richard B. Walsh, and family, at Evenston. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Michels and family spent Christmas Day in the Hubert M^phels home at Johnsburg. Mrs. John L. May and son, J. C., of Decatur spent several days at the hom^of Mr. and Mrs. Fred C> Schoew. i I Kreutxer . Johnson ... Schslfer . F. Freund J. Schaefeir. E. Smith C. freund H. Weber G. Weber R. Thompson iW. Tonyan i B. Freund Average Average Average .« 639 D. Hodges : 1®® H. Wencel ...„.^...117 D. Walkington ..-.135 E. Whiting -- 140 S. Uttav 136 684 837 COMMUNITY SERVICES A happy New Year to all our members and friends. The Christmas party was a great time of fun for us all, and the Christmas service was well ! attended. The musical program was i greatly appreciated, and we wish to ; thank Mrs. Cox and Mrs. Goodell, the i choir and orchestra, for all the time I and effort which they gave to make i such a splendid program possible, j We are going to have another ! splendid service next Sunday and we ! invite you to be with us. It will be the last opportunity for you to be in our church this year. Come, and bring a friend. B. N. A. MEETING There will be a meeting of Riverview Camp, R. N. A. Friday evening. Cards will be enjoyed after the meeting and members are requested to be]day was Jtrs. John Dowe and son, Herman, have moved from the farm east of this city to her new bngalow on Ringwood road. Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Jones of Chicago were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Goodell, Christmas Day. C. W. Stenger and children of Wau. kegan and l£r. and lffrs. Harold Smith of Chicago called on friends here Sunday. Mrs, F. Rush and family of Sum- j merset, Ky., are visiting in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry; Meyers. j Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Loomis of | Woodstock were Christmas Day guests in the home of Mir. and Mrs. James Peikiits. J Mr. and ICrs. E. J. Brefeld and! daughters of Chicago spent Christmas | Day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld. j Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Walkup and children and Mrs. Anna Mollohan of j Ridgefield visited with friends here Sunday • Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Elliott of Austin were Sunday afternoon callers in j the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thurlwell. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mllier find son of Chicago spent the ftrst of the week as guests in the home of Mtr. and Mrs. Roy Smith. Mrs. J. J. Marshall, Mis. James Beavis, Mrs. William Marshall and Mrs. Roy Smith were Waukegan visitors Friday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schneider and Miss Rose Heumann made up a merry Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Fred Schneider. Mr. and Mrs. John Brefeld of Waukegan spent Christmas Day in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld. Mxs. Jane A. Carr and daughter, Mrs. Hugh White, spent Christmas in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Cruic^shank at Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Page and little daughter, Bonnie Frances, were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Brandt in Chicago. Kenneth Thurlwell and John Bushaw, Jr., of Rockford are spending this week, in the home of the letter's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank j Thurlwell. Christmas Day guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thurlwell were Mr. and Mrs. John Bushaw and children and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thurlwell and son of Rockford and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thurlwell, Jr., of Chicago. Dr. and Mrs. A. I. Froehlich and daughter, Adele, left Friday evening for Winnebago, Minn., where they spent Christmas with the former's! parents, Mr. and Mirs. Vincent Froeh-; lich, and attended their golden wedding anniversary, also. j Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vales entertained the following guests on Christmas Day: Mrs. Katherine Schneider, son, Anthony, and daughter, Helen,! and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Justen and sons, Ralph and George. A pleasant spent in music, games and A man came into a store to buy Christmas presents for his daughter. The clerk suggested several ^different gi^ts, and then said: "Why don't you get her a book!" » j- "No," he replied doubtfully, "she's got a book,'* ^ He wouldn't have been interested j» , built-in bookcase*. But any of you who are real book lovers, who have so many that you are obliged to pile them around on tables, may wish to give them a permanent homebybuilding in bookcases. Let us discuss it with you. [KNRY LUMBER Miss Genevieve K>;<« of Elgin * spending her vacation at her home here. Those who attended Friends' Night at Agonquin Chapte% O. E. S., Thursday evening were: Mai* A rime Harrison, Mrs. Ony Wheeler, Mrs. John Fay and C. W. Harrison. Mrs. Ony Wheeler acted as conductress, Miss Arline Harrison as associate conductress and Mrs. Fay as warder. It is not too late toJoin Our ' immtam For the benefit of those who did not join ; • our Christmas Club, we announce that i; the club is still open and you may enroll \ [ NOW. Do sor arfd next Christmas you will be glad you diet , r 1 There is a class for you. Join todaf1. What the Different Glasses Amount tuXA INCREASING CLASSES In 50 Weeks For (Christmas 1929} • U Class pays $12.75 " It Class pays $25.51 ic Class pays $63.75 Mc Class psys $127Jt DECREASING , You begin with the largest pay* and decrease your pay- Meats each *eek. EVEN AMOUNT CLASSES In $9 Weeks For ' > (Quiataaas iSSr) Class pays $12.59 50c Class pays $25.00 $1,00 Class pays $50.00 $2 00 Class pays $100.00 $5.00 Class pays $250.00 $10.00 Class psys $500.00 atizens State Bank 'The Bank That Helps You Get Ahead" saa SMVICI Piatv 46 West McHenry ; V: iJm leonversatioii. gtm Our taking over KNOX MOTOR 'SALES; •i' including the '•'""sale of • m, •j#- 'it' * CARS AND TRUCKS ' ATWATER KENT RADIOS Tirestotte TIRES ' 6 BussjPage Motor EDWARD J. BUSS LESTER J. Phone 30 McHenry, Illinois J r i iWht- Nl' '0 w m ML. • ' f V'"v'v ' . i ' 4-ri ".iMif. luijjuj'ULi'itiu •SS9I^ByE5 Jts.. -ipiiik, r- .. i' «...

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