!E M'HENRY PLAINDEALER W / ' €•/T'^ MklkM mmy llwwtoy *t HdBoiy, HL, bf Charles f, Renich. •8 seeond-class matter at the der the act of May 8, 1879. at McHenry, HL, ua- Sahacriptioa Rata* Om Yaar Months »«*#• je.oo <L*i.oo A. H. M06HER, Editor and Maaac« P-?r '&> m- WMM* DEFEATS ' | . ELGIN MAJORS Local Lightweights Loae^ to Agfa Boys--First Team Wins By Score of 15 to 13 Playing1 their first game of the seaaon at McHenry Saturday night, the Elgin basketball teams divided a doubill, the MfeHjenry first team winover thelSlgin Majors 15 to 18, le th« local lightweights lost 28 to [to the Elgin Hoy*. TtoamsjOr gpifn* a hard-fought batwe add the ftna? lit was ever in doubt, ^At the end of the first quarter Elgin slight ietd Wfle point, hut : 'from that period on the total was al- /'ways in McHenry's favor. It seemed 5' that the Elgin Maroons could not. eonmet for the points while the fee work' . .<£ the boys in orange was outstanding. • •' 'Frett led the scoring with sis Has- . k*^tr., while Smith made one basket and TV.u-.-iwell a tree throw. The boy& all .'•'."'did s*»me fine playing and are showing mu.-b improvement over their former games. Hiis is the first victory of the season for the local high team and should encourage the boys to pile up cujded victories. H. Smith, with four baskets, l«d the scoring for the lightweights in their game with the Elgin Ponies while Thennes and Thiele each made )<me basket, Anderson making three free throws, Thiele one attd'O'Shea two. The Elgin Minors grabbed the lead •t the start and were never in real danger, although the local light- 4 weights did some good playing. The boysvare practicing every afternoon this week, keeping form and preparing' for the game with the Alumni on Friday night at the high school gym. TTiis promises to be a great game and with the players on all the teams being local boys it will attract, an unusual amount of interest. Summaries: fieHenry Hetties ^Thurlwell, rf Hfrett, If <9taith,c Harrison, rg„_ , Miller, lg Totals fBffhi Heavtefe' JKrunnfusz, rf ......... •Lallamon, rf IfcasmuBsen, rf ........ Salisbury, If ierestezi, If . f ^Walker, If J " •"' ^iWord, c 'c Totals - i- JicHenry Lightweights B ^Anderson, rf r--® -J* Smith, If ~4 :' itar'c "§ifi|iele, rg - KWhea, lg Totals Biffin Mat' POcher. rf Meeker, |f .&>«£?, rf -lPSeroe,"lf ... littler. If . S&ftody, If . Anten, e ... gakesley, rg -- <3psteHe, lg lg . Ratals Bsyal Bunco ChA Ifre. John Engeln entertained the members of the Royal Bunco club at her home last Thursday evening, the event being in the nature of a Christ- . mas party with a beautiful tree as the center of the decorations. Gifts were exchanged during the evening and a jolly party was enjoyed. Three tables of bunco were in play and the first prize was won by Mrs. William Marshall, £he second prize by Mrs. John Keg and the consolation by Mrs. John . F. Knox, while the prize for throwing M. A. A. G.'s WIN TWO GAMES OVER WEEK-END Defeat Himtlcy Alumni Team By Score of 47-7--Wilmot To Play Here Sunday Last Thursday night the M. A. A. C.'s opened their home season with a crashing 47-7 victory over the supposedly strong Huntley Alumni team. The home squad, led by Freund, vttnk stored the first nine points of the game, started strong and before they readined it had fan the score to 23-1 'it haff time. Frwtt «h#n tintlwfa Jtfst a romp with every one of the squad seeing action. Th« second team cotild not see#n" to find themselves and were forced to accept defeat at the hands of the Richmond Bronchos. The scoreboard xyad 34-21 after forty feunutea of qtteet basketball. From the showing of all the boys the city of McHenry should be represented by one of the best squads around the county for the coming year. Box scores of Thursday night's games: %> CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS - -\!S • '« W-r • •-V 'V* .*V 4'-'a-' Ifflff h USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS FOR SALE FOR SALE--Poland China %oar p%. lfc J. Brown. "Tel. 614-R-2. 28-8 PG Fife w>»w»^»^............0 MSller /.... Anderson Williams Stading .. Maushak Wehzlc .o .0 i 1 •. « M. A. A. Cs 47 , FG Overton.....».....~..«...*«..."».0 Bacon --.4 Whiting -- ^ Freund ..^......10 Kinsala Conway Fay ...» -- ^ 0 McCracken flecntad Team Richmond 34 FG Love Hy Vogel ...1 Rice H. Vogel --.7 E. Buchert G. Buehart...~--.^....u.J--1 21 FG 1 FT, ox - • t "W; M ? o . W 4 I 0 # IPOR SALE OR RENT--Farm of 110 acres, known as the Dwelley farm, loeated % mile west of Ringwood. J A. J. Walters, ^08 CoUyer ^t., Long- off®r®d* - mont, Colo. 27-4 LOST--«Black and brown Ahriadale dog. Name, "Fritzie." Reward of $S for information leading to his recoveiy. Had on collar with name, "F. S. ah(f E. P. Rich." Phone 80Sw-'8. 30 LOST--Three white ducks. Reward 172. ~*v «r SO -cix- j'Ml WANTE0 T* 7^m boU8#i WANTED--8®' to l<MHt«re farm for street, eiecmc ngnt, gas, city Swartebr,U 5rer wh°hi,s ™*" •»>»«»«.*»'»™ in a? t pav7nent sewer, etc.; two car garage. Price iri ' 2 for quick sale, $4,360; $600 down, bal "a^Kegan. ance monthly. 111. Phone 8. Xent & Co., McHenry* m MsHenry, Ijl Buildingf located Kent ft Company, Ph^ne 8.' . 80-4 ^ 26-tf W A N7'EB--~Som® • to take a new' 7*-- . Ford Roadster free. Wattles' Main FOR SALE--Woodstock typewriter: street Drug Store. 28-4 No. 5. H®3 just been rebuilt at the factory and is like a new machine in WANTED--Girl for general houseevery respect. Will sell for $40 cash work at Waukegan.f Address Mrs. if taken at ftnee. Here is an oppor- Wm. Pries, 526 Keith Ave., Wauket& nity for someone to get a real bar- gfn, 111. 29-2 gain. Call 170 or inquire at the -- " Plaindealer office. tf WANTED--Watch and jewelry repair -- • jobs at Nye's Jewelry, Music and Ra- BARGAIN FOR YOUNG COUPLE-- dio Shop. Mr. Bowen, a man of 26 Cost $3,000 four months ago. Will years' experience, is on the job. 29-2 take $550 for all or will separate. Beautiful furniture of 4 room apartment. 3-pc. silk mohair parlor suite, ifiiiijiaii V o i d latmwrttay Bite at N«wa Tsksa »Vam Hm <Mumm of the fl|la4iahr Fifty asi j:. '~t :: t DECEMBER, 187# ' C. P. Waite, leader of tW^cHenry Cornet band, has been teacher of the new Johnsburgh bam). Tho. ieo,7n^kkjm ooamncgMl work «n ti^ p9rt«od by next ws»k will bo in roll fwk jmlwbljr ahoa^one hundred Inert. THeice ia repoit|d as nine inches thick. It's ,a boy, weigh* about eight pO«nds, arrived on Saturday nightP aqd will call Will Thurlwelft Pa. ' DDCBMBRR, tmt Butter sold for 24 cents on the Elgin board of trade Mionday. . BCany children in Volo and vicinity are sick with the measles, one family having six children sick with the <ii- ; We have something to tell yo#-^ ^^omething we thought you'd li|§y to kttut. And--that 'f r-i.< i»- v ' May each day in the new year bring jast al little bit more happiness than you t6day enjoy. May your wishes be granted as The Giver sees fit rfhd though rfever&es ihay come^ remember we are your friends and today wish yon \ , a Happy New Yea# '. m'. L' - Smith Bros. il "A Htmi&WMd Stor»" _ . . '* Memnrj, i?T _ Yi i'ff MISCELLANEOUS p * i 1 0 • 0 1 8i - 0 « 0 3 FT P Green ® 0 Kinsala -- -J . 2 Conway 0}' 2 Dowell 0 1 Krause 9r 0 W. Baeon - .....--.0 9 2 Woodburn 0 0 2 On Sunday afternoon both basketball teams traveled to Wihnot and returned with all the spoils of battle. The seconds managed to eke out 21-20 victory, while the M. A. A. C.'s won 29-20. The game waa very rough and very poorly officiated. Fay did most of the work for the locals with 14 points, although everyone else broke into the scoring column. This week's schedule is "Thursday night at LihertyviHp, where the Fould Macaroni fives •III provide the opposition. Friday night the Alumni high school annual fc#Ue Is on while Wilmot returns hei* next Sunday afternoon for their last battle of the year. Everyone be thpr«. hand carved frame; 8-pc. walnut din- CHIUNEYS AND FURNACES ing room set; two 9x12 Wilton rugs; CLEANED--Prices reasonable. Ad- 4-pc. walnut bedroom set, complete drMS "CS," care McHenry Plaindealwith spring and mattress; occasional er- " *30-4 table; 5-pc. breakfast set; lamps; OLD TIME DANCE--At Odd Fellows, chest of silyecware Must be seenjfco Hall) Woodstock, Wednesday evening,1N. A. Huemann, M. J. Walsh, Wilbur be appreciated Will arrange for de- Jan. 2. Snappy music by popular old-; W»d Schiessle, John Heimer and J. S. £«5l. 7729 Z L i, ne?r 03ftt time musicians. Calling and jig danc- • Brown and Son of Ringwood, are bt., Chicago, III. Phone South Shore jng, by Ed Kijtz> the "Dancing Dutch- handing out beautiful calendars this Are you a fanner? Drive to Ceoterville and buy your groceries next Saturday and Monday of Gilbert Bros. The year 1904 will be a notable one in McHenry. ' It is the first leap year since 189€f. There will be a general roundiflg up of the bashful bachelors, j Peter J. Meslein, the saw filer, has moved to McHenry and will occupy I the Stegman 'house near St. Mary's church. All work promptly attended i to. Owing to extra work and bad roads the Tetail oil wagon will "hereafter make trips on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays only. ( Be sure and hang up cards on those days. W. Strawser. Rarbian Bros., Grot and Damgard, r 1 •ii "HI II 1 » • H" m i, mnnwrrtr S.H. © Son General BnUdiqg Contractorf / W 3774. *24-12 man." Everybody welcome. FUEL OIL FOR SALE--We are now 50c *** C0UPle ^de disSte of^oil HOME-MADE MAYONNAISE- 50c|ieaves Chi^o^t^o o^k p"^! «!! ^pr Pin^ 30c rwr bal^-pint. Delivered and arrives in McHenry at five (if it Tickets ye«r. They were «JI ordered through •30 The Plaindealer. The Sunday evening train which burners. Phone 202-W. Co., McHenry. Freund Oil anywhere in MicHenry. Phone* 88-J. 24-tf has good luck) was a trifle late last Mrs. Edwards, Pearl and Court. tf Sunday evening, arriving here at elev- FOR SALE--30 tons corn, 3,000 bu. TUI. pp > xtpm .« en o'clock. It is said that a wreck at oats, 500 bu. barley. Phone McHen- West Chicago caused the delay, but ^^ i" •« the FOR SALE OR RENT--Dotible store piano, cornet, saxophone, all band in-; to"1.eeP d"r!"g the u9ual *,his, with flat above, on Green street. Ev- struments. Dancing--Children's aero. P0"*' , ,. e.n* ^ * lew erett Hunter, Jr. Phone 77-J. 21-tf hatic bar, ballet and ballroom, under °onr8 * winter. | " -----~-- • • the teachings of Mile. Antonette Sher- FOR SALEr--Small chicken farm, be- potaska, Mildred Moore and Louise tween 4 and 5 acres, % mile from Bondie. Harmon H. Watt, Pres., M. V. McHenry on Lake Geneva cement Tomiskey, Manager. 27-4* road. Mrs. Joe * - **' Phone 611-J-l. McHenry,*til OOI H. Justen, Rte 8. 6-tf. WATKINS PRODUCTS--Having tak-1 • en over the sale of the Watkins Pro- | READ THESE PRICES! ducts, I am now ready to serve this1 , - ~ -** »i>I. jj^.. 1924 Buick Sedan $125 entire territory with any thin* in this Weodatack s OflMMSIf Ml riaytttmse 1922 Buick Teuring 50 line. Phone McHenry 54-J.. Earl 1924 Haynes Sedan 125 McAndrews. 12-tf B©w to say. jast what we want to s^y^ j^n today. We owe you so much for what you have done for in 1928 that we would like BO very much to say something that \ would let you know we are grateful for what you have * I done, and mighty thankful that We have had the privilege ;; of being of service to you, but anyway, we mean all the thangs we are trying to say--and moiw- - • • 1927 Buick Sedan. W0 AU in perfect mechanical condition and good tires. 1928 Oldsmobile Sedan, 6 wire wheels. McHenry Aato Sales Phone 255 McHAiry nmwwTERs : Sales and Sorvfce. ,/ Repaired and Rentals. Prompt attention to phone calls. Phone 549. L. KILTZ, Woodstock 49-tf FOE RENT of iHcHBNBY • WAUCONDA MOTOR TT1MW We handle express to and B. from CBrfaago. CMeip© freight de- St. Phone 82-tf LINGBR LONGER CLUB T AMI The Linger Longer dub neld its i«UBX annual Christmas party at the home TWO HATS--were changed at St. FLAT FOR RENT-- Inquire Popp, West McHenry. Tel. 182. 29-tf S&8Z4&Z: FOR RENT-- Downstairs bedroom. "' 1 Mrs. Edwards, Pearl and Court Sts. ke4p 70*? |rtfcno tunea; Phone 9*4. ;; ^tf 7°^ makes your piago a musical • iwatrtoHwnt. Phone 274-1 or write J. H. Deibl, Woodstock, 111. jJLUi- 27-tf of Mrs. Louis McDonald l^st week. After several games of bunco prizes were awaraea to Mrs. o oan <biiuing, Mrs. Edward Buss and Mrs. Ray Howard. Santa arrived late in tile afternoon and the members each t*/ ceived a gift Names had been drawh at a previous meeting so Santa knew just what to hand each member. Aj delicious lunch was served by the hostess. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Theo. Schiessle. Mary's Christmas Wt WTOBf hat Eve. Pirty all 88* M. who •30 DRADANIMALS -- Highest prices for dead animals. Telephone Merrick's, Dundee 810-J-l Reverse Ch£r^3S. Pluaiwt aciViCe. 43-if MERRYMAKERS The Merrymakers met at the home of Mrs. George Steinsdoerfer on Wednesday afternoon of last week. Several pleasant hours were spent at cards, with the first prize won by Mrs Will Blake, the second by Mrs. Albert the'most number" of buncos "went "to y,ale_8'..^h! ?"*! h*_ ^ Mrs. James Beavis. Delicious refreshwere served. Bridge Club and Mrs. Robert Thompson entertained the members of the Evening Bridge club at their home on Main street last Thursday evening at a Christmas party. Bridge was played during the evening with high honors going to Mk*s. H. M. Stephenson and H. C. Hughes. The home was pretti ly decorated for the occasion in Christmas colors with a brightly lighted Christmas tree carrying out scheme of decorations. Gifts were exchanged and refreshments were served at tables bright with Christmas candtes. Masquelet and the consolation went to Mrs. Ben Justen. Mrs. Peter A. Freund was present as a sub for Mrs. Jacob Scheafer, who was ill. Delicious refreshments were served. The next meeting will be on Wednesday afternoon of next week at the home of Mrs. Joe Blake. RQYAL ENTERTAINERS The Royal Entertainers met at the home of Mrs. Fred Schneider on Thursday evening of last wefek. Five hundred was played during the eve- ?fu[ning and the first prize was won by Mrs. Theo. Winkel, the second by Mrs. M. Bohr, the third by Mrs. Mat Steffes and the fourth prize by Mrs. Ben Killer. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Joos. * THIRTEEN YEARS OLD |••*!• • Bdss Evelyn Freund was the host- V . eu of a very enjoyable Christmas and birthday party given at her home Saturday evening, Dec. 22. Bunco was played, the first prize going to Olga Erefeld, second to Marie Miller and consolation to Harriet Thiele. A delicious luncheon was served at 9:30, after which Mr. Freund took each of f the guests to their homes. The house was prettily decorated according to the season. Those present were: Evelyn * Smith, Eunice Marshall, Olga Brefeld Mary Althoff, Reta Freund, Marie Miller, Eleanor Sutton, Genevieve ' Freund, Louise Dalziel, Laura Blake, ? Lucille Blake, Lorraine Blake, Clarice Blake, IsabeUe Blake and Harriet "f * ^ *1 r -« »*• -y' f N- p-t •'?' ' % * % , . ViSfe? .m v? A ~ •: MERRY EIGHT /•Mrs. J. W. Rothermel was hostess to the members of the Merry Eight Bridge club at her home of Riverside Drive Thursday afternoon. Two tables of bridge were in play and the first prize was won by Mrs. Nick Freund, the second by MTS. Joe Miller and the consolation by Mrs. J. W.-Freund. De licious refreshments were served. AUXILIARY BUNCO PARTY The regular meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary took place Monday evening, Dec. 17. After the business was discussed bunco was played and prizes awarded to Mrs. Ray Howard and MTS. James Marshall. The committee served a delicious lunch. VOLO IF Remember, there i» a Now Year's dinner awaiting you at the home of Ed Bacon. Your choice, steak or chicken, and all that goes with it. Benefit Volo M. E. church. )tx*. Alvin Case and aon, Miss Beatrice Wilson, Lloyd Russell family, Clark NichoIIs, Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and son, Arthur Wackeroll, the Blomgren's and Miss Beatrice Nordmeyer are having the flu, or have had it recently. Rev. and Mrs. Bonham were both under the doctor's care Monday with influenza. Mrs. Bonham was ill when leaving Volo Sunday evening. _ Mrs. Archie Wlallace was at the Alvin Case home a few days taking care of the sine. Those who drove to Chicago during the week were Lloyd Russell and son, Mrs. Earl Donnley and son, Herbert Davis, Howard Converse and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bacon. D. B. Mommsen, of the navy, is spending the Christmas holidays at the L. V. Lusk home. Those going to Elgin Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. George Dowell and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pasafield and children, Mr. and MVs. Joe Passfield and Charley Davelin. The Public Service company has wires up from Highland Lake to Volo. The holidays found Vera Vasey and Edward Lusk home from college. Ira Smith is driving a new Pontiac. Miss Ruth Davis, sister of Mrs. Ed Bacon, had the misfortune to break her leg while walking to her work Tuesday morning. A good time was had by the few who attended the social and dance held at the Fort Hill school recently. The program by the children was well rendered. Herman Berg returned to his home at Bloomington for two weeks' vacation. Those in Waukegan Friday were Arthur Monohan, Miss Irene Dowell and Charley Davlin. Little Ellen Hlronimus is on the sick list. Ed Baeon is having his driveway graveled by Howard Converse. Thoee from here taking part in the program at the Grayslake M. E./ church Christmas Eve were the Bacon, Watte, Benwell and Lusk children. Oscar Hammerstrom is spending th# holidays in Chicago. A fire in the chimney at the Alvin Case home Friday 'evening during the program held at the Rosevills school caused quite a bit of excitement. A trained nurse is taking care of Mrs. Loretta Seymour, who has been quite ill again. Richard DoWell was a caller at the Joe Steindorfer home recently. ' Arthur Dillon was taken ill with influenza while driving from his home at Champaign to Volo, where he with his parents and sisters had come to spend Christmas with Mrs. Dillon's father, John Walten. Mir. and Mrs. Roy Passfield, Hwrc moved to the Dowefarm. There were no services last Sunday evening at Volo M. E. church due to a misunderstanding. There will be services next Sunday evening. AIR MAIL ENVELOPES j The Plaindealer has air mail envelopes on sale for the accommoda- j tion of those who wish to use this branch of the postal service. For letters routed long distances across1 the eountry this service is the quickest | and under the new postal regular- j «.ions the cost is five cents for the j first oiyice and ten cents for each ad- j ditional ounce. The envelopes have ' the necessary markings and may be purchased in any quantity from one «P- fp-tf --f • HELP FOR WEAK KIDNEYS For kidney irritations and bladder irregularities, for lameness, backache, weariness and weakness due to sluggish kidney action, take Foley Pills diuretic. They regulate the activity of the kidneys, and assist in the elimination of harmful impurities. Mrs. J. E. Stevenson, Emporia, Kan., says: "When they ask me what helped me so wonderfully, I afiswer that Foley Pills diuretic relieved me of my ills, and lifted the clouds from my life." Satisfaction guaranteed. Thomas P. Bolger. Enaiag Sfcowa at 7 and 9 Matinees-- On Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundaya, 3 p. m. SATURDAY DECEMBER 29 JackH* in #C*nrt ';?.k ' 'wUh • IJetty Thompsof s ALSO COMEDY br*#: On the Stage Saturday and Sunday • Vaudeville SUNDAY - MONDAY ' DECEMBER M jFajf Wray andf Gary Cooper In "THE FIRST KISS" also PATHE NEWS and COMEDY TUESDAY AND pTEDNESDAY JANUARY 1-2 AJOfDED ATTRACTIONS Tuesdlsy--New Year's Day fren ~ 0- W. L. & Chicago Dorothy Aldrich aid Her Rhythm Queoaa 11-piece Girls' Band • ' O N THE S C R E E N § l h , ;: Ruth Taylor an<£ James Hall in "JUST MARRIED" • also NEWS AND COMEDY THURSDAY - FRIDAY ? JANUARY 3-4 Poli Negri in "LOVE OF AN ACTRESS" •-i-llisa News and Fablli On the Stage Thursday, J«.( l One Day Only University of Illinois Glee Club Concert This will be the biggest treat Woodstock and McHenry county has had for manty a moon. Don't miaa it. . I Mil I ><» w Make our "last call" your "FIRST | CALL" and join our Christmas Club Now# M You will be much happier -- and richer --• next Christmas when you need the money I There is a class here to fit you. -- i'iwj . . .II ifr in|iji Mi ^ rii'i •M What the Different Classes Amount to INCREASING CLASSES ^Jft Sft Weeks For ^ (ChristSMa 19ft) le Class MTS 412.75 Sc Class pays $25.50 ' M Clase pays S6S.75 Its Class pays I127.M DECREASING Yn begin with the largest paymesit and decrease your pftf* m^ntw each wefk. EVEN AMOUNT CLASSES In St Weeks For CChriatmaa 1929) 25i Clasa pays fl&St 59c Class pays , II# Chue pays ,, $2.09 Class pays $5.09 Class pays - $10.00 Clasa pays $20.00 $2SJ99 $59.99 $199J9 $25M9 $599J9 CipZENS STATE BAjSK v ,v "The Bank That Helps You Get Ahead" -- T' aw St tti #• >Y