r | {# ' ^v-XJ £ > \ ^ k ' *# ^ ' . ' * > i ' " • * <0 ' ' _ <V ' ' v v1 ' f . ^"^"V ,VA* * " i v - ' ; ." , . ' THE MHXWRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, JANUARY 31,1929 (Dutch Colonial Style Is Adapted to |Srjf^ 4 - y \ Housing Requirements of All I* W, A. RAOMND Mr. Wlllt*at A. Nadtarti will artuwer leeeetlone »«4 elTt *£<rici» FREE OF on *n v*rtklnln( to Slca! hrn« b\iU4i*«. for tti* rea#- •( <>i!a paper. O/i tsceouut of his «sj>*ri#j»c<> •* author |ac<rwr«r, he J», wllSioat dfrubt, •t seniority on Ail tSiftoc ttub- 1443 r *m a); tnq~.sir!«a to WUHam »rd. No. Jt97 Pruirisj **»nu», 11L. ta( o»)f !mSm» tvo-««&i aUntp fo* rtylr. There is aomthtai alpat the Dutch oolonia! type of horn* which jpafees It popular everywhere. With -«M» Style good lines are easily obtained without departing from that pHdty which makes for enduring aty. It la equally well adapted ^to the small house or the larger one. .Here we have a line example of the 'small Dutch colonial house. It mease DICmWiNXI&I'Or K First Floor Plan. 24 by 22 ffefet on the foundation and contains five rooms. / Except for a small corner section, the porch is enclosed as an integral portion of the house, after the fashion of a sun parlor, but is an actual part nf the living room. This inake« a living room 17 by 14 feet and greatly increase* the apace available on the first floor. The •mall open porch Is given distinction by an attractive design of brickwork la the steps. From this porch one eat?re a hallway which contains the st*lr» and a coat closet. It opens througfc an arched doorway i»t» the living room. There it also a |M» «m1e« ee~ • Second Floor Plan. trance from which the basement can be reached without passing through the kitchen. It opens into an entry way with space for the refrigerator and from there Into the kitchen. The dining room Is to the rear of the kitchen and is a full-sized room and well lighted. Ct. the second floor we And two large bedrooms. The larger of the two measures 17^ bx 11 feet while the other-is 11% by 11>4 feet. Each of these rooms has a closet of satisfactory size and there is also a linen closet placed in the upper hall adjacent to the bathroom. The bathroom itself is in one corner of the second floor, convenient to both bedrooms, - OSTEND r,*., & £'r . Glen Eppel is much improved and * getting anxious to be back to school. He has lost about two weeks on account of illness. Little Walter Thomas, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Thomas, is quite ill. C. E. Jecks aade an attempt to measure the pavement. He found •t not very soft l&ndin^ on* The rural mail carriers and oil trucks have kept the people supplied. Not a day yet without our regular supply of mail and oil when needed. * Henry Schumacher, who was very mil m the Eppel home for some time, was moved to the home of his uncle land report is he was moved to Woodstock hospital Sunday last. Bernie Dalziel missed one day being in time. He was not able to reach *the factory where he is employed nntil mearly noon. He is like others, he does fcot enjoy icy pavement. 1 Darr Sherman was an evening calmer in the home of his grandparents. )He is employed in a factory at Woodstock. • - . -- -- -- ^-n-- " --t*i~infvv¥vi n on nil < The milk strike caused the most excitement in this section of anything for some time. Only a few producers attempted to deliver. Those that did encountered the pickets on guard. We were reminded by friends of Eli Chase of Ringwood that February 9, 1929, if he is spared until that time, he will be 100 years old. Is there another person as old in McHenry founty, or in the state of Illinois? The Kaiser young people took an automobile ride tc Woodstock Sunday and on their way home met with an accident on icy pavement near the third farmhouse east of Fosdick schoolhouse. The car skidded on some ice, struck high snow on the side of road and turned over. None of the occupants was injured. The car was somewhat broken, but not beyond repair. They consider it a lucky accident. It won't be long now before spring housecleamng. Our new stock is arriving daily. Come in and see what we have to offer in the curtain department. Erickson Dept. Store, Wast McHeni-y. Don't buy tires until you see Walter Freund's Goodyear ad. 81-4 AUCTION! CHARLES LEONARD Auctioneer World's Lonf«t Bridge , When man was young he built Ms first bridges by dropping logs across a stream. He has Improved steadily In his engineering feats. High school *ophomores of a decade or so back-- Jwhen every one "took" a couple of tjjrears of Latin--remember Caesar's famous bridge. The stonr of the building was one of the stlffest pas- Wges in the whole volume, bpt even those who were unable to translate It •«ould appreciate Caesar's Ingenelty at pontoon construction by studying the map. Caesar's bridge !fii to log spaa what the world's largest firfdge Is t* the. Roman's structure. Sflh.e world's longest bridge across the }inM river at Newport News, Vs., War. dedicated at a gn»at pftttf celebration. U •« Aire anid. nrflsa !ong and cost fT.OOO.OOO. < The market for second-hand speeches Is iaet to be affectefl by the address which Itudyard Kipling delivered before the Royal Society of Medicine, lor the nathororator expressly stipulated thet «H rights to It revert ft> hies, mya the Baltimore Sun. Some doubt If expressed »s to the legality of »Hls thrtfiy expedient which Scotch ipeo Hk? Sjr lames fearrfe and Sir Harry Laudfr se«tni to have overlooked. But, if Up basis In law la established. It oacfjositates a slight revision of the ordinary reference te such occasions. It cannot be said that So-and-so gave a scholarly (or humorous or Inspiring) address If. la fact, he only teat It for three days. A London paper sighs over the list of original manuscripts which have been bought In England by American collectors. They include Lamb's essay on "Roast Pig," Dickens' "Cricket on ' the Hearth" and "A Christmas Carol," ; Tennyson's "Brook," Thackeray's "Vanity Fair" and Conrad's "Nigger of the Narcissus," "Chance" and "Lord ' Jim." The really important question to, though, what country is producing the most literature the original manuscripts of which will bring; fabulous prices In the future? Two Ways of Making House Fire Resisting The modern methods of building "fire-reslstlng" houses are In two classes. First, the poured concrete type or "monolithic" construction. This has Its distinct sdvantages, but at the same time does not permit of any easy readjustments being made Ip either the exterior or interior of a structure so constructed. The other type Is called the "fabricated" type of construction. This latter is gaining In popularity because of the easy erection of various parts of the building. The Held of materials used In building the "fabricated" type of hoist Is growing larger as the inventor seeks to solve oae of man's greatest problem*, a "flre-safe" home. Then Is a ehartcp of various types of vit^r fled building tile, concrete blocks <inder concrete block structures For floors and roofs spot welded steel trasfcee, pressed steel Joint* a^ sfca^l! «tmcfura! shape* can be Selected to act ik a baste for a met$! tilth supported gypsum concrete. nortltfons rnetat lath and piaster cast hi nets ©t gypsum or vl triSed cen b* ««ed to sehdivlde space. Presold steel and tttiss ttesiguefl support* offer easjp placement «£ plitmbtag and wiring pipes and eo£- dutts. This Is a real factor in choice ef floor construction and should cone fttt for seHous thought N tils' part of the designer. The «ae of metal trim or eariar and base and Are-resisting doors mti also essential In a "ftre-resistln^ home. Many good detail* «t light, trim and doors are now on the market and lend decorative effect to thfe completed interiors, especially since the trim or casing around doors and windows is usually treated to match ! the decorated walls. ; The blending of these details make* for spaciousness and harmony and also subdues the room decoration until It acts as a background for furniture, draperies and rugs. This you will note in all modern decorative work. The result is both "fire resisting" and beautiful. The floors can be finished in hardwood laid over sleepers buried in the concrete of the floor structure. An atiractlve scheme can be worked out At a Jewish wedding everyone was hippy excepting the bride's father. Asked why he was so gloomy, he replied : "Veil, it don't Men right dot I haf to gif hit aifay.*--Canadian Magw Mrs. Capable: "If you're going to organize a club you must first frame a constitution and by-laws." Mrs. Nitwit: "Well, we must have % nicc triune for the constitution, bat where can we buy laws?"--New Age. Hettermann Motor Sales fli v, ~3& AH kinds of car and truck and general repaid " &g, also welding, done by expwri BMebaaics. 1 : West McHemry Phone 111 | J The man who put education *Nreek" at election time was either sound asleep or there was no other time for a week, says the Harrisburg Bulletin. If it Is not too late to offer a remark, we rise to say that an education at the end of college days should include three things: Ability to read, a love for reading worthwhile subjects, and a character strong enough to turn down something-fornothing suggestions. This trinity is sufficient foundation for a successful life. 1 at! T by concrete. For modern "Mediterranean" type or Spanish type of houses tile la essential. Linoleum can be obtained la fine patterns and laid over the concrete to obtain the same effects aa that of tile or marble. A drag addict appealed to the court to give him a longer penitentiary sentence In order that he might have more time to recover from the habit. This is a tragic reminder that in providing only prisons for those suffering from the narcotics disease we have not kept abreast of medical knowledge. I!ire Comforts Nothing can give a more agreeable feeling of comfort and cheer than can a few logs blazing on the hearth. Aa a ventilator and purifier, the flreplaca has no equal, as it constantly with* druws stale air from the room. Hav# a fireplace in your home even if It does cost "a little more than we can afford." Have a good, honest fireplace, designed and constructed for burning wood, and learn the art ot On making. Chief Justice Taft couldnt vote because his legal residence is in Washington, where American citlsens are still treated tike convicts qn election day. This anachronism should not have survived the day when civil servants had to be active partisan workers to keep their Jobs. A newly rich matron gave a party. Seeing a man standing alone, she approached and said, "Shall I find you a partner?" P "No, please don't trouble," lie replied. "I'm afraid It might make tl# other waiters jealous."--Leamington Leader. Commennnj^at 10:30 « -- V->- I' Having rented my farm, I will sell at public auction, located one-half mile i«outh of Solon Mills. 2 miles southwest of Spring Grove, 4 miles northeast of Ringwood, 2% milfs east of Route 61 and U. S. 12, (on what is known g- tbe old Will Moore farm) on Thursday, February 7 t>'<: . k. sharp, the foL-jy^ descry. BEAD OF LIVESTOCK -- 26 ^ Consisting of 15 MILK COWS Some with calves by side and close springers; 1 Heifer, eighteen months old; 1 Yearling1 Heifer; l'Holsoein Bull, eighteen months old. 5 WORK HORSES Gelding, 5 years o d, weight 1650 pounds; Black Mare, 6 years old, weight 1650 pounds; Blact Gelding, 8 years old, weight 1660 pounds:*%lack mare, 9 years old, weigV 1660 pounds; Black Mare, 15 years old, weight 1500 pOQDQSi * 2 FAT H<GS; 3 GUINEAS; 100 CHICKENS HAY, ( RAIN AND MACHINERY •~Vk tons Mixed Hay; 3 toii Timothy Hay; quantity of Fodder Gorn to stack; quantity of Com Stalks; 0 feet of Silage; quantity of early seed corn; 12 tons of Corn m crib; 65(« jushels of choice Seed Oats, free from foul seed; 350 bushels of Barley, frt from foul seed; Champion grain binder; 2 Deering $°t? ,5r!.' Van Brunt ?rain drill, with seeding attachment, nearly new; • v; . Pulyerizer nearly new; Emmerson corn planter, 80 rods check wire; Deering mower, nea .y new; Hay rake; Side delivery rake, nearly new; hay loader; Emmerson g; ig plow; Emmerson 16-in. sulky plow; 2 walking plows; 2 three-section dra s; two-section drag; new Tiger cultivator; Emmerson cultivator; twelve-di^ pulverizer; manure spreader; walking cultivator; potato niller; bob sleigh; . ltter; milk wagon; road cart; buggy; dirt scraper; snow scraper; corn shelh ; new fanning mill; 2 truck wagons; narrow tire wagon; 4-inch steel whet wagon; hay rack; silo rack; 2 wagon boxes; hog rack; 50 grain bags; por> ;ble 1% h. p. Hercules enfeine; pump jack; belts' feed cutter; 600-pound sea a; tackle block; ensilage truck; 3 heavy jacks; jack screw; Primrose cream si: arator; 2 spring seats; set heavy wagon springsspray pump; barrel cart; : grindstones; emery wheel; line shaft with pulleys' 2 hay forks; 150-foot hay ope and pulleys; hay carrier; hay knife; 30-ft. extension ladder; hog crate; barrels; quantity pipes; 110-gal. tank; log chains; canvas; quantity of ropes 1 set breeching harness; 2 sets double harness; 6 milk cans; stone board; cl cken coops; wire stretchers; buzz saw blade; buck saw; milk pails and strai 3rs; eveners; foMts, shovels, and many other articles too numerous to men' on. Home Comfort cook stove, nearly new wiek. lc*a kerosene stove. q FREEi^fcOOD LUNCH AT NOON--FREE ^ TERMS All sums of $25.00 and cash. Over that amount a'credit of six months' time will be given on goo bankable notes, satisfactory to the clerk, bearing 7 per cent interest. Posit ively no property to be removed until settled for with cleA.«, MRS. CATHERINE NIMSGERN A. J. RICHARDSON and N. N. WEBER, Clerks RadloratLons are limited In time In a manner that prevents them from Interfering seriously with popular education on such undoubtedly Important subjects as care of the complexion, preservation of 'the teeth and musical culture. With a Inger pointed at Japan, Genera! Feng exclaims: "China has 400,000,000 people, yet we cannot resist bullying by a nation with only a few score, millions." That marks the difference between a -mob and a disciplined nation. It Is said that 28 per cent of the farm families In the United States have electricity in, their homes and farm buildings. Scarcer and scarcer becomes the old timer who sets the place on Ore by tipping over the lantern. It Is said that 500,000 books en auction bridge are sold each year In the United States to those who desir«> to master its science and drag friend husband into a game and teach ..hint a few things. "Agriculture," says an analyst, -will share In prosperity When It Is run like a bank or other large busi ness." The first thing would be to make alt the 17 hired men fiei presl dents. When the impresario can't think of anything else to, call his chorus for some vague reasOn he«says "aankist" So live that when a la,rge monument Is built to you later, out-oftown visitors won't say. Tea, M who was he?" ----- The slot machtne picks Its auckers early. .b Mig 5 ns • x tea* ' #,. £-m BXJICK 0 i' i $»•;*£-- Coupes . Is-A.-* ... *1220to *214$ Sport Cars «1225to*155* These pf>«j f. ». b. Bmiek Fft*. torj. Comveniait trrwu can *rrmm$ei *m Ike literal G. A. C. Time fmymemt Pt*i Phone 6 What a wealth of improvements--what a striking arrajr of new features this great new Buick has brought to motoring! An entirely new scheme of body-lines and contours-- radiant new colors--that set the new style--the new mode--of car design! New and improved carburetion -- new constant pressure gas pump -- in the famous Buick triple sealed engine--the most powerful automobile engine of its size in the world 1 And in addition, a thrilling new order of performance undreamed of a few months ago! True supremacy---true leadership--rest with this epic new Buick. Its leads the new trend... in power getaway--in style, luxury and beauty! UICK MASTBKMBCB BODIES BY & COWEH - 'Snick Motor Can West McHenry, M2, tut* R«mi AOfOMoiaH I V TfVnM Every once lit a while we hear this--bull we don't belieiPt it. The largest single group of car owners in the world don't believe it either, because more people ride on Goodyear Tires than any other kind. Certainly there's a $ reason. But how much do you think this" just as good" idea has, cost the tire buj^ng public! . . . We sajr plenty. We are continually impressed with this loss, because, nearly every day one or more customers tell me of their experience with tires claimed to be as good as Goo#- year. ' - a ; ^ VNIFO&M VALUE Goodyear tires are the standard of tire values. They are not high priced and offer a selection of types in all sizes to meet every requirement of ^he motorist. The lowest priced Goodyear may give mileage equal $£ or greater than mjuyf: higher. ' ARE Father: "There is nothing worse than being old and bent." Son: "I think there is, Dad. It is worse to be young and broke."--Dental Digest. GOODYEAR ALL-WEATHERS High Pressure 30x3Vk Cl. Cord Oversiz«_ $ 8.05 32x4 SS Cord...... 30x5 SS Cord, H. D. Balloon 29x4.40 Ballpoa„, 30x4.50 Balloon 31x5.25 Balloon. 33x6.00 Balloon; 13.95 ^6.20 8.90 i 9.90 14.35 17.35 GOODYEAR PATHFINDERS fcigh Pressure 30x3% Cl. Cord J ;50x3M.» Cl. Cord Overside.. 32x4 SS 0o?C. BalioonType 29x4.40 BaHoon..„ 30x4.50 Balloon ...„ 31x5.25 Eallooii $ 5.95 6.65 11.35 6.50 7.25 12.50 "Sure, muiii,* said the ' tifetr cook; "could I be after borryin' the' boss's safety razor for a little whoile?" "Safety razor?" What for, Mag* gie?" i "Sure, mum, I want to shave thai rabbit before I stew him."--Exchange. Ever-Ready Prestone for sal* here. Tkli «§hr#t)l your radiator troubles in cold weatlMgr Batteries f^r Ford, Star. Etc. ».50 Alcohol for your Radiator (Jreatl\ reduced prices on chains. Complete Stock--All Sizes Phone 120-R ^ West McHenry, Illinois Batteries -- Battery Charging and Repairing Tire and Tube Vulcanising