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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Feb 1929, p. 3

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Twic« Told hi»i|itln Bits of Newa TMm A- the Cshuans of thf Flaindealer Fifty and I V; t *, ' A|i •'••• of the most p: sant of tfai season, wa» highly e- >yed by all. The Ice ho ^ sf Shedd & Co^ are nil fir>>®hing pooches pat OT> 71 around. The houses hold about 30 000 tons of ice, and the tjualitty is said to be as good as any ever put up before. Frank Smit our town collector, paid into the county treaawy on Friday last $1,660. This Is about double the amount paid in by any other collector. Jos. Draper of this Tillage is 'moving1 this week to his farm, about foor miles southwest of this village, and proposes to lay down the hammer and follow the plow in the future. He has traded his property in this village for a farm containing about one hundred acres, which has heretofore heen known as the Durkee fal(j|k' •• , . WATCONDA Mr. 'anclWrs. Charles Tfcoafes were Llbertyvilie callers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kramer, Miles Puller and Mrs. Grace Moffitt attended a dance at Wedge Comers recently. Mrs. Fred Thomas and children . . , gratitude were Lake Zurick callers Saturday, giving us only one day of Waukegan spent the week-end here. Kirk W*Tden of Chicago spent Saturday amd Sunday here. Fraacis Bianck was a McHenry caller Saturday. !dta Ruth Hapke of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday here. Miss Viola Roupke and sister, Miss Estelle were supper guests of her sunt. Mrs. John Zornstoff. Friday. Henry Sweet and son, Charles, and P. G. Hoffman motored to Woodstock Saturday afternoon. At this writing John Wagner Is }^v\ Mrs. Archie Foes of lib- very sick, but his many friends hope ertyville spent Sunday with rehthw here. Mr. and ,Mrs. Ed Dunn of Waukegan spent Saturday and Sunday here. Are you looking for bargains In merchandise? Then come over to Erickson's Dept. Store, West McHenry. spring QROVS John femur of Waukegan ipM a few days Hie first of the week with Pete Weber. Mr. and Mrs. Joe J. Wagner and two sons Spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and M^s. George Wdber at McHenry. It is more than likely that the mill Asm, altho it is apparently so solid, "Would have goae out as it did some vffars ago. Saturday was the first Teal *ar» day in three months, and it was appreciated "by everyone, even if it did force pedestrians to ,wade. But the next day it froze up tighter than Behring strait in December. About seventy-five or eighty people enjoyed the dime social at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. John Oaxton last Friday evening. The •feighing was good and the refreshments of the tempting variety. Gteorge Moriarty, one of the famous Oliver ball tossers, has been signed to play with the White Sox next subsoil. He was the star attraction In the Woodstock team last season. Feh.~lM9, . ,A very pleasant surprise took plsde ttfc the residence of O. W. Owen on Thursday evening last. Although gotten Tip on short notice, it was one ( to thaw on Sunday as it did Saturday j death of a relative. •. ' " - Fefru 19M - : " jTota! amount of taxes collected in ••j^peHenry county were $551,565.24. Oliver William Owen died at his home in this village Sunday afternoon, Feb. 7, at three o'clock, aged yearly eighty-fi^e yeais. vy' " Butter was24% cents firm on the IHoard of trade this past week. • ' J , S„ Reynolds, proprietor of the feed - "Utid flour mill in Centerville owes the 3 * * * g r a t i t u d e j w e r e i * k » / i u n c k c a l i w s S a t u r d a y . ^W e f l h w a f r . iatL LTwt , ^ m"*- W IKramer were* Mr?. Clyde Parfrev entertained b«r .Weather last week. Had it continued; called to Chicago Sunday by thejjvacta* date Thoreftay. Mrs. Fred Cooley of McHenry is spending a tew days in the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. Richardson, who Is ill with the grip St this writing. Mr. and .Mrs. Walter Winn ssttertaim- d the parent teachers' meeting in their home Saturday. Charles May is recovering from hit receA illness. Little Stanley Kattner met with a painful accident Friday night while sfiifriff down h!Il. Thr little fellow hroke his leg just above the ankle. They took him Saturday to have an X-ray at Woodstock. His many Tittle Mends hope he "will «os recover. 4 ^ he will be better soon. Mrs. James Foulke and "two sons, Lawi ?.i?e and Robert, and Mrs. C. Behus motored to Racine Saturday to "hav • dental work done. On.' store is crowded with all kinds of bargains at remarkable prices. Come in and look them over. Erickton De^rt,. Store, West McHenry. Mrs. Fanny Carr passed away at the home of her son, Reed, Fridsy, Feb. 15, o'clock, after an illness of four months and four days. She was born December 25, 1847. Sh% was the mother of four children, Lee, Reed. Edna and Earl, all of w"hom she leaves to mourn, besides a host of relatives and friends. Fun- LINGER LONGER CLUB Mrs. Lester Page was hostess to the members of the Linger Longer club on Thursday afternoon, Feb. 7. The affair was in the nature of a stag party with the menfbert dressed in appropriate costumes. Bunco was played during the afternoon and the first prize was won by Mrs. Edward Buss, the second went to Mrs. Charles Mertes and the third prize was awarded to Mrs. P. W. Wfeber. This meeting concluded the parties of the club until after Lent. CHICHESTER S PILLS THC DIAMOND BftiNB. * HERMAN J. 80HASFSB Moving and Long Distance Hauling ' -k 1 < _V ' " PHONE • McHenry, UlinJH . DR. JOSEPH 0. FEELEY - Dentist \ ^ McHenry - - Illinois 1 feilC^Henry: Fridays 10 8 p. la. Saturdays9 7:30 p.m Sundays by appointment. jlitfflciaH teeth made the Davies process. Latest electrical equipment and modem methods. Riverside Drive over Barbian'S -aSI Grocery and Market 'r*M' Office Hours: 11 to 12# a. m.--2 to 4 and 7 to^8 p. m., * Sundays And Holidays by Appointment DR. J. A. ST&EET PHTOICIAN AW) SURGEO^f1 and Office Phoae 274 m. ihf. M-CARROlfc I Lawyer OS# with Kent 4 Couipany Every Wodaesrisy £* Fllone 8 McHenry. Illinois ~~ McHENRY ORAVEL «sT^ EXCAVATING 00; A. P. Freund, Prop. ? Eoad Building and Excavating of Every Description Estimates'Furbished on. ^ Request High-grade Gravel Delivered at any time--large or small orders given prompt attention Phone 204-M McHenry Insure-In Sore-Insoraace • WITH Wm. G.Schreiner ^ Anctioneerinj , i» IE OFFICE AT RESIDENCE flfhoM 9S-R McHenry, IIIUmU , ^ o. W. KLONTZ, M. D. ' Physician and Surgeon I l4lso treating all diseases of the Bye, ^ Ear, Nose and Throat and the V Fitting of Glasses! . /.^MBos Hours--S to 9 a. m.. 2^ 4 and ? to 8 p. m. Sundays by Appointment Office at Residence, Waukegan Road. Phone 181 McHenry, HI Telephone No. 108-R / Stoffel & Reihansperger - llpfeurance agents for all elates of r property in the best cvmpan e^ WEST McHENBY - - ILLINOIS 1K-W ftessottshle Katea 4 • A. H. SCHAEFER <-.i :-'s- Drsying McHENRY - - < * ILLINOIS HENRY V. SOMPEL - General Teaming .. , Sand, Gravel and Coal for Sale Grading. Graveling and Road n. Work Done By Contract or By Day 4 Phone McHenry 649-R-l' f®. O. Address, Route 3- i McHenry, 11L . ki.'I Robert and Charles Ha/ris, Misses Ethel Eatini?er and Mlldrer Gransee, Mrs. LTIlre Tony an and daughter, Neva, spent Saturday evening with the Granger family in McHenry. Ronald Geary off GSsaer is apSading a few days with his grandmother Mrs. Alice Geary. Miss Evelyn F, Neish, daughter of Mrs. Arthur Boehmer *6f this village, and Earl C. Oben of Chicago wore united in marriago on Mopday owning, Feb. 11, 1929. rf Frank Gray and wsa C5. Gray of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr. «wd Mrs. George Blackburn. Mr. and Mrs. . Walter Meyer family of Cary spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. V. K. DStvlin. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Alwardt and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Dickers op of Waukega* spent Sunday with Dr, and Mrs. C. R. Wells.' Mr. aad Mrs. C. W. Jenks spent Wednesday 1 in Chicago. Mrs. 'Florence Matson and Mr. and Mjrs. P. Luby of Waukegan speni Monday with Mrs. C. R. Wells. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Blackburn an| daughter of Chicago spent tl*e weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Georg»Black> burn. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomas and soli1 were Libertyville callers Thursday Mr. and Mrs. James Gainer, Miles Fuller and son James and Thomas Moffitt attended a birthday party in Evanston recently. Dr. J. A. Ross spent Wednesday ill Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Davlin called on the letter's mother, Mrs. Htrtchin> son, at Cary Monday. Melvin Ston4 and Misses LaVerno Stone and Mabel Knigge spent Suqr day with Mr. and:Mrs. Stanley Stoats in Chicago. , -- . A Miss Emily Davidson spont thii .week-end in Hinsdale, v Miss Edith .Olson spent the week* end in Chicago. Joe Wiser of Volo Was a business caller here £taturylay. Harry Kirwin was a Barringtotf caller Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dicksdh anil Mir. and Mrs. Arthur Boehmer spenv Friday in Chicago* * Arthur Kirwin and Edmund Pete* son of Carpentersville called on Delia ,KiS|rin jit the hospital in Wau> kegan Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Ullr&h anil son, Rev, cAlled on Raymond Ullrich at the Waukegan hospital Sunday. Michael Wagner pf Volo was burifiess caller here Friday. Mrs. Jack Ford of Chicago spent a few recently at,the D. H. Murphy tome. , James Carr And "Harold WheelocK of Chicago spent "the week-end here^ Miss Estella Grace of Park Ridg^ ? was a Sunday caller at the Vedder Stone home. Ray Paddock is ipendtaf a Mr days in Springfield. . » .. ' \i Mr. and Mrs. Owen Paddock and son, Clayton, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank! Harrison of Chicago called on -Mrs* t/^Ha Seymour Sundays Dick Grantham and Asa Cmbtre< bf Cary were Sunday callers here and attended the horse races. Mrs. C. T. Daley and daughter re< » turned home Sunday after spending several days with relatives at Grays-« lake. Ed Turner of Round Lake business caller here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Johnson of Ar lington -Heights announce the birt) of a sen, Robert Lee, on January llg s: Mr. and Mss. Ernest Gossell arcr the parents of a baby daughter born Dn Wednesday, Feb. 13, 1929 Announcements have been receiv of $he marriage on Monday afternoo at 2 o'clock of Miss Dorothy Peck daughter pf Mrs. Edith Peck, to Herbert- F. Schroeder of Chicago. Th0 ceremony took place in Chicav^p The many friends of Miss Delia Kirwin will be pleased to learn tiiat she is recovering "nicely at this tim» • at the Victory Memorial hospital Mayflower Chapter O. E. S. officers '• were given instructions Thursday, Feb. 14. Miss Mable Griggs of Weu kegan was instructor. In the evenf ing the regular meeting was held with about forty members and visitor^ present. After the meeting a Valeni tine party was held; mSny contest^ and games were played and several prizes given. The hall Was beauti-* fully decorated with hearts and delicious Valentine lunch was served. Next meeting will be held Feb 28, at 8 o'ctoek sharp, Isahflle Gianthaa, W. M. - Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Burnett of Slocum Lake called on Mr. and MriT ft. L. Grantham Sr., .Thursday. Mrs. Natlie St roup was a Wauke gan visitor Saturday. James Fuller was a Chicago caller^ Tuesday afternoon. . Mrs. Alice Geary and daughter,, tdythe, spent Thursday and Friday1 with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meyer at McHenryy Mr*, Mrs. William Gossell ct ' * .. Mrs. Charles Behtns was * Wal- *ral tc>okP,ac* at ,her home Monday worth passeTigar Satarday morning, sftemoon and burial at Wauconda. Gerald Pierca motored to Xenoshi beside her mother and father. Those T%ursthfyi form a distance who attended were: Miss Fannie Britz ot Wiltemette Mr\ and Ferritt Cruokshank of Elgin, Floyd Carr of Greenwood, Frank Sproud, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs Frank McMlllen and daughter, Elnor. Crystal Lake, Mir. and Mrs. Willard I>arfwll, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews, Mrs. Mildred Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. Gean Jenks and son, Clarence, and Miss Bird Hbdge. We wish in this way to thank the people who were so kind to us during the illness of our mother, also fa^ J&e beautiful flowers. r Mr. and Mrs. Reed Carr Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith Mr. and Mrs. Earl Carr. IA1IONOA mwk for |*MkoonMStSSUk(|lU^kilttl| SOUBVMIJQOlSISDIERyMBE r*"- Tft the Bttle things la life that tell," said the co-ed, as she yanked her small brother out from under the sofa.--Sample Case. Many Years nkoit CENTRAL GARACE i s - JOHN8BURG ' ^ «RKD J. SMITH, Fr«prl«tor , Chevrolet Sties. General Automotive Repair Work Give us a call when in trouble Day Phone 200-J Night Phone 640-J-2 r \ 1 *« CANE SUGAR, per 100 lbs. PEACHES, PEARS, AND APRICOTS, large cans FLOUR-- Pillsbury, Gold Medal, Ceresota 49 Vt lb. sack, • • 24 Vi lb. sack 7 ^ A & P FLOUR, large.. A ft P FLOUR, small $5.49 50# #1.95 -- 99* -ii in- ~$1.55 79^ Thontu P. Mgcr "The McHsnry Draggist" 40 McHenry. IIL Atlantic & PacfflcTeiCo. was tt> hr* No, 14 of a SeTies on *Metropolitan Chicago y.g-1"1 Amlni wkf MArtfdttan ChicagoIwssvsry possibility of becoming ths world'» fonmost mttrx>polita%^ , | csaAsr --in ^^ulirtjou «s well as in ftnads in^ortossi and that in a daj rslotivsiy mar. Ltading • --ftwitta prtdict fiftten million fw£ubiHon for MttropMtan Chicago tvitliiti a UfsHms. *m mm WWWM: * CHICAGO CITY IN SIZE IN FINANQ f • (( " ! ^ ; . * ; - ' ' - rV if;' i; LONDON Z NEW YORK 3. BERLIN 1. LONDON Z NEW YORK 4 CHICAGO 3. CHICAGO m ; w&- F I N A N C E Chicago, woritft lomtlycky l« populstion, raafcs third In fiUmi' cial importance. Chicago has achieved its position in 100 yours, while London is 2,000 yeazs old, Berlin 700 and New York 30Q. I n c n c [CAGO owes much of its jphe- Bomenal rise in financial prominence to its strategic location. Situated as Chicago is--the metropolitan heart of agriculture, population and industry in this country -- it was inevitable that a great concentration of funds should develop " Industry follows population, and money " follows industry. The geographic centers of both population and industry of the* United States, even now net lar distant from Chicago, are steadily advancing nearer. Chicago's financial rise has teen rapid -- impressive -- yet the real possibilities have only just begun to lake shape. Where the roads of commerce convergent l^ater, rail and air--as they do in Chicago^ Sopulation must increase; and where inustry joins population, financial leadership must follow. The present is but an indication of what the future holds for ^Metropolitan Chicago! This series on Metropolitan Chicago, when compleUd. will be hound in booklet form. Addnss Public Servtfcs Company of Northern IUi-nois,72W. Adams St^ Chicago, and a copy wtUbe reserved for you. There will benochargt, \ PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Supplying Electricity and Gas to 6,000 square miles, including the { Metropolitan Area into which Chicago is growing 'Metropolitan Chic«g# includes the City of Chic*go an4 tits territory within 50 to ?S wiilss the Chicago City Bi " •" • "S

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