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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Feb 1929, p. 6

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RTNOWOOD Mr. and Kn. Clay Racer and daughters, Viola and MM, and MRS:' Frank Fay were Elgin visitor* Toes- Mr. and Mrs. G.E. Shepart *ere McHenry visitors Thursday morning. Quite a few from Ringwood attended the golden wedding reception for Mr. and Mrs. Nick Justen at McHenry Tuesday. Nick Young was a McHenry visitor Thursday morning. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Krohn and children spd Bin. Ray Merchant were Woodstock shoppers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Carlson spent Sunday in the Bandal home near Keystone. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Beatty and Mrs. Viola Low' and children were Woodstock visitors Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Hopper and son of Elgin were dinner guests in the Ed Hopper home Sunday and supper guests in the Edgar Thomas home. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schroeder and daughter, Jessie, and Mrs. Nellie Evans were Elgin visitors Sunday. Frank Welkington and Miss Fern Lester of Libert yville spent Sunday in the Ben Walkington home. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Thorn*; -nd son of near McHenry spent Sunday in the Edgar Thomas home. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hensie of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with Bfc. and Mrs. George Harrison. Miss Dorothy Peet of Woodstock spfnt Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peet. Edward Harrison and Miss Ruth Owen of Elgin spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison. Mrs. Nellie Evans of Chicago is visiting her sister, Mk*<© Louis Schroeder. Mr. and MVs. Charles Peet, George Harrison, J. V. Buckland, Clayton Harrison, Walter Harrison, Miss Ellen Hall and mother, Mrs. Lucy Hall, attended the funeral of Clark Hall at Woodstock Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Shepard and family were visitors at Richmond and McHenry Sunday. ++•ifrjfrffcf ff *•>>• •••• ••>»•> • "j"!1 <"t' 't1 • ^ O ; k ' 4 \ * : ' • < . ' - - ' W • " J j , ' : V"' NEW, ATTRACTIVE NEEDLEWORK Arriving every week' at me AGATHA SHOP A ful] of colors in Huns 'our Strand Rayon.. Abo Nuns Boilproof Six Strand- Higli Luster--Porte and 11 Crotchet Cotton A Worthy Example for all to Follow Washington set an example in thrift that we should follow. Thrift was not always a matter of necessity with him, but he was farsighted enough to realize its benefits to himself and to his followers, hence he practiced it regularly. Start a thrift account with this bank today, in his honor. Citizens State Bank OF HoHKNRT '-"the Bulk That Helps Yon Oct Ahead" I Thm Lmndmulm* SmSmn, llffl. Bmdyb, FUh~r Mumiiimm mud Wirm fM SSMJIIHIII Emtrrn PRODUCT or •V. I\ike-Stimiig Performance ; | matches lb New and Original Style There's no argument anywhere. Everybody agrees. All unite in praising the appearance o|> • the New All-American ... Its colors and con* " tours and distinguished style . . . And thi are many who go even further. The puny w have driven this great new car. Th*y enth over its pulse-stirring performance. Over glorious power, acceleration and speed . .. vanMk matched in any other ear otf+*+4 at »«» moderate price I " tH4t to #117 J,/. m. b. /eeterjr, ptm» dmHvmy ehmrgom. Lwrjtf Mf&rmuUc Shock Abtorbmn mnd aprlnf (DMTI included tn Htt prUm. Bmmpmrm md raw /andar guard, mmtrm. Cfuwfc Oakland dmUvmrmM / x*-y - . _ TU--O hvmanc riaae •--<lab»a m* ntlefcew rata. McHenry Auto Sales \ ... Oa U. 8. 12 Near Mill Pond Brfcfce ^ Phone 188 -- - r. ALL AMERICAN SIX in OA K LA \L> Fred Wiedrich was a Woodstock visitor Friday afternoon. Charles Carr and Mrs. Frankie Stephenson were Woodstock visitors Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr were callers in the Burt Merchant hoaae on Wednesday afternoon. Charles Coats of Genoa City spent Sunday in the home of his sister, lbs. Fred Wiedrich. Mr. and Mrs. Geofrge Yodnf and sons and Ben Stevens were guests of McHenry relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Carr spent Sunday with Mrs. Carr's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wiedrich Sunday. Mrs. Bird of Highland Park, Mrs. Wilson and M!rs. Ryait, of Richmond were callers in the home of Mrs. G. A. Stevens Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bass and daughter Betty of McHenry were callers in the George Young home Saturday night. George Young and Ben Stevens were Woodstock callers Saturday. Misses Cora Beth, Helen Lawrence, Nellie McDonald and VOLO Mr., and Mrs. Frank Ensign of McHenry were Volo callers Tuesday evening. Milton Dowell and Beatrice Wilson spent Sunday evening at the Joe P&ssfield home. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Wegner were McHenry callers Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. E. Fisher and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher and son spent Wednesday afternoon at the L. P. Davis home. Earl Donley spent Monday in Chicago. Raymond Lusk and wife were callers at the Blomgren home Wednesday. Thomas Dowell and James Dowell attended the sale of Barney Amann Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nordmeyer spent Sunday afternoon at the John Hertzing home. Mary Powers visited with Cftt&erine. McGuire here Tuesday. ,, Peter Stadtfield was in Waukegan Bernice Smith on business Monday. AtK MAIL ENVELOPES The Plafadealer has air mail envelopes on sale for the accommodation of those who wish to use this branch of the postal service. For letters routed long distances across the couiitry this service is the quickest and under the new postal regular - tions the cost is five cents for the first ounce and ten cents for each additional ounce. The envelopes have the necessary markings and may be pur^hasec^ in any quantity frojpa one 11%, T-, v % ...... :> ' vMikiX attened the show at Woodstock oa Mr. and Mrs. Clint® Ravin and Thursday evening. sans visited at the home of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin and Mrs. Richard Dowell on Wednesday, daughter, Julia, attended the show Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sheid were Chiat Woodstock Sunday afternoon. <*£<> shoppers Wednesday. Miss Nellie McDonald spent the M*, and Mrs. Leslie Davis were week-end with her parents at Key- McHenry callers Wednesday. stone. ! Mrs. Ray Seymour spent from Mr. and Mks. Frank Block of Ke- Thursday till Sunday in Chicago at rtosha were 'Sunday guests in the the home of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Pad- Dr. Hepburn home. * dock. Mrs. William McCannon, Mrs. Ed-! Mrs. Frank Harrison spent from gar Thomas and Mrs. Viola Low Thursday till Sunday with her mothwere Wbodstock visitors Wednesday. «*» Mrs. Loretta Seymour. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Freund were Mrs. Loretta Seymour is not so Crystal Lake "visitors Wednesday. I fc°od at this writing. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Beatty spent Mrs. Edith Case and Mrs. Lloyd Thursday at Richmond. Fisher were Thursday visitors at the Ray Peters was a Belvidere -visfeor 'fetton home. Friday. I Prank Roesdentscher at Crystal Mrs. Ed Hopper and Lloyd FOBS are Lake was a Volo caller Thursday, on the gain. | Herman Rossdentscher was a bus- Mr. and MTS. J. Weber of McHenry , *ness caller in Woodstock Tuesday, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nick! MTS. Sable and Mrs. S. J. "Wagner Young. of Fort Hill called on friends here Mx. and Mrs. Nick Young and Joe Wednesday. Young and family attended the show' Mr. and Mrs. George Lundgren at Woodstock Saturday evening. were Sunday callers at the Blomgren Mrs. Jay CriBty assisted by Mrs. home. W. A. Dodge and Mrs. Charles Carri Ed Bacon and family and Miss Ementertained the Home Circle at a 108 Bacon visited with Mrs. Elizabeth Valentine party at the home of Mrs. .Bacon Sunday. Jay Cristy Wednesday to a 1 o'clock j Art Monahan spent Sunday at the dinner. After dinner the regular bus- ( Seyimour Ihome. iness meeting was held, then followed | William Brooks of Wauconda calla fine program. A very Enjoyable on S. J. Russell Sunday. day was spent. | MIcGuire of Hainsville called on Quite a few from Ringwood attend- ! friends here Wednesday. ed the Eastern Star card party at1 Mr. and Mrs. Mike #Wagner and McHenry Thursday evening. j son, Will, attended the funeral of a Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Carlson an- relative in i*IcHenry Tuesday. nounced the arrival of a son, born Pete Stadtfield and MSlton Dowell February 15th. , i were in Elgin on business Friday. Mrs. Nick Young entertained some Mrs. George Wamsley of Wauconda friends in honor of the birthday an- spent a few days with Mr. and Mr. nivarsary of her daughter, Mrs. Joe J°« Lenzen. Web%r, Thursday afternoon. Bunco J™ Kirwan who has been sick for was played. Prizes were awarded to 8ome time spent Saturday in Waucon- MTS. Paul Meyers, first; Mrs. Joe da- Weber, second; Mrs. Fred Krohn, A number from this vicinity attendthird; and Mrs. Thomas Doherty, the the basketball game Tuesday consolation. Ethel Biggers received night. McHenry won from Wauconda. the prize for the one having the most Mrs. Charles Davlin is spending a number of buncos and Mrs. Viola Low *ew days with her parents, Mr. and received the draw prize. After the Mirs. George Dowell. games were finished a delicious lunch Those who attended the Valentine was served. Mrs. Weber received Party of Mary McGuire at Haines* some very pretty gifts. Monday evening were: Cordelia Mrs. Bruno Butler entertained the and Agnes Wayner, Helen OefTKng, ladies of the "500" club in honor of Theresa Drach, Priscilla Wagner. Mrs. George Young and her son, Al- Mrs. Clark Nicholls spent two days fred Willard, Friday afternoon. 500 last week with Mrs. E. F. Young of was played and lunch was served and Lake Zurich a pleasant afternoon was spent. Mrs. Richard Dowell and son, Jim- The children of the upper and lower m*e» and daughter, Ada, visited at grades in school enjoyed a Valentine L- P. Davis home Saturday, party Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. William Nichols and Clark Hall of Woodstock and form- BOn» Clark, while enroute to Libertyerly of Ringwood was brought here vi^e Sunday morning met with an for burial Friday afternoon. accMent jwst south of the county The primary and for get-me-not 'arm. A Michigan car travelling classes of the M. E. Sunday sehool north skidded just in front of the held a Valentine party at the home Nicholl's car, which was going south of Miss Olive Jepson on Saturday bitting and demolishing the one side afternoon. Games were played and a the Nicholls' car. The other car Valentine box caused much merri- had no damage. Mrs. Nicholls susment for the little folks. Refresh* tained a sprained shoulder and side ments consisting of jello, cookies Occupants of the other car escaped sandwiches and cocoa were served, injur A fine time was enjoyed by these little folks. The Ringwood Home bureau held a Erickson's Dept. P&rty at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Henry. A. Stevens Friday evening. Bunco was played. There being five tables. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. A. W. Smith, Mrs. Eppel and Lucille Peet At the close refreshments were serv- Mrs. Ray. McMilan is spending a few ed and a splendid time was enjoyed, days with relatives in Chicago. - . " lcf1j1 Tabor had the mis- Miss Rita Green of Woodstock visfortune to fall down stairs and break ited relatives here from Friday h" ann- „ _ „ Sunday. t J S ! ' - - > e l 8 ? n M i s s E l l e n F r i s b y o f E l g i n " s p e n t . .. >^e Pf^ parents of a Sunday at her home here. daughter born at the hospital in Wau- Frank Sprand of Chicago spent the " 8 week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank daughter of Mr. and Mrs W. A. McMillan and daughter. ' Dodge and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ba- Mrs. BJ. Shine was a guest J Vr r rv J . Mrs. H. G. Hill at Crystal Lake on Mr. and Mrs. Leon Dodge were visi- Friday. t0Mr«aViWO<?StOCk *?Tdav* „ 1 Mr. "and Mrs. P. A. Hoffman and iL wZA ^ ^ Mrs- Christina Buss attended the , ' ^ oodstoek visitors Sat- funeral of a relative at New Minster, , j Wis., last Wednesday. v,1"8' * * 5?** daughter,! Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and daughter, Eleanor motored to Waukegan on Mabelf were Woodstock visitors last Sunday to see Lester Nelson and in- Wednesday. m^J|av^ht!riat ^ Vkrtory Me-j Mr. and Mrs. Frank MScMillan and The r jJ5' &a j .„ . .. 'daughter, Eeanor,. attended the f»n- Ai* f hji; eral of Mrs. F^nny Carr at Spring dinner at the M. W. A. hall Wed- Grove Monday. TSl/w ar Welc 1 ome' ' I Miss Jennie Hogan of Elgin spent Pleasantly SOT- Sunday with Mrs. B. J. Shine. St.? l, I home Saturday night, j Miss Lillian Kortendick of Mc- Five hundred was played and a fine Henry visited at the home of M. ^nox Friday evening and Satunjffijr. Thomas Bemston of Elgin visited at the home of B J. Shine Sunday. Harold and Robert Knox called on relatives in Woodstock Sunday. Fred Bergman of Chicago spent a' few days this week at the Leisner home here. Merton Gracy of St. Charles visited St his home here Sunday. Nels Person of Chicago spent %nday with his wife here. Mrs. Merton Gracy and son, Janfes, spent Sunday at the Reed Caihr home in Spring Grove. Mrs. Nels Person visited relatives! in Chicago the first of the week. Our store is crowded with all kinds Adams BtoSM Prop*. Res. Phone, 639-B-2 y p.' with emyneHl929 refinement YOU will find some of these important new 1929 features Ofi several of the new cars--bat the only new car that has all of them is the ne^ Nuh *'400**! Bach one of these new refinements gives added pleasure to driving a car. And all of them together mean ipore delightful, carefree, luxurious motoring thafl yow have ever known before. / " • j|6nd when you boy a Nash "400"V you get all these advantages without a penny of extra cost. Every necessary accessory... hydraulic shock absorbers...bumpers fro« and rear... even tire locks... are installed at the factory--wwAw/ii# in tht factory price. Drive a new Nash "400" todajf*. Compart what we toy about the cat with what the car says to you.' You Will find that although we make strong statements about the "400*? •Hhe facts are even strbpfitl George A. $ tilling Garage flWMtl Sk'kr: ni . Are you looking for bargains merchandise? Then come >over Store, West Mc- • • •t. i . •M^SkUiS M TERRA COTTA of No matter how closely you inspect t he Outstanding Chevrolet of Chevrolet History--you will never appreciate what a wonderful achievement it is until you sit at the wheel and drive. So this week has been set aside as National Demonstration Week, and you are cord wily invited to come in and drive this sensational automobile. Not only is the new six-cylinder valve-in-head motor 32% more powerful, with correspondingly higher speed and faster acceleration . . . not only dees it provide a fueleconomy of better than twenty miles to the gallon--but it operates with such marvelous six-cylinder smoothness riwt you almost forget there is a motor under the hood! Regardless of the car you may now be driving-come drive this new Chevrolet Six. Come in today. -a Six in the price range of thai f ou¥f Th* *cac COACH J Yi? time enjoyed by all. Our store is crowded with all kinds of bargains at remarkable prices. Come in and look them over. Erick- Soa -Dept. Stons, W\est McHuUlg^ - I Glasses Water umSlIp3u0il A"!:. One glass of water is not enough-- take three glasses one hour before breakfast. Much better results are obtained by adding a teaspoon of simple glycerin, saline compound (known as Adlerika) to each glass. Adlerika acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel and removes old waste1 of bargains at remarkable prices, matter you never thought was in j Come in and look them over. Erickyour system. Stops gas and sour i son Dept. Store, West McHenry. stomach in TEN minutes! Relieves' constipation in two hours. Thomas P.1 Ken-L-Ration---the Dog Food Bolder, Pniggist prame • at Bolger's Drag Stoss. "u- x A '• ; -its y ',i:', Th* m Thm Ph»M»n.. Ths Camp*.... The S^an The Sport Ckbriulct. .*525 .*525 •595 .*675 .*695 TV COMCIT'T^'IE ibte U*ul>u.. I 4-2 SlTr.„ ,»595 Sa22r..$400 ^sSr'650 All pficm f.fck.Imttmi J, FUnt, Mich. Hettermann^Motor tones' West W»H»nCT Q. U A L I T.T A o WSI O s r . likl:.

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