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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Mar 1929, p. 3

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WAUCONDA __ , ^ ' H?" J'"C * 1 4 *' * r * ^ >EALER, THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 192$. Misses Florence and Madeline Harj rtl 61 Lake Bluff spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives here. Mrs. George Gross of Lakes Comers * called on Mrs. Mary Glynch Saturday , afternoon. Miles Fuller entertained a party of friends from Chicago Sunday afternoon and. evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gossell were - Highland Park callers Saturday afternoon and returned with their infant daughter, Anne Margaret, who has been confined there at the hospital for several days. Mrs. Fannie Pratt returned home Friday after visiting her daughters in Crystal Lake and Chicago. Mrs. H. B. Shaeffer and son of Mcs Henry spent several days with her ' i parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Broughton. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tonnigan and children of Waukegan were guests of Mrs. Lizzie Carr Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Baseley were ^ Elgin callers Saturday. Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Edith Peck were: Mr. and Mrs. Lester Kingsley and daughter of Lake Zurich, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Schroeder of Chicago and Mrs. Lulu Dnddles and Dr. Nixon of Libertyville. Henry (Gliding Jsuffered a slight stroke Sunday afternoon. He is slowly improving. Mir. and Mrs. Gfetfr-ge foot and George Dacey were -Chicago visitors Monday. James Carr spent the week-end at the Carr home. Dr. and Mrs. Elmer GoMing of "KONJOLA MADE ENTIRELY NEW PERSON OF ME." Declares That New Medicine. Wu Easy Victor In Cases Of" Stomach Trouble :-MBS. SAMUEL St'UTl "After suffering for 10 years, Konjola made an entirely new person of ^.ijhe," said Mrs. Samuel Scott, Cambridge, in. 1.. ... "Ten years of constant stomach . trouble made me feel sure that my Case was chronic and that -I would •ever receive any relief. There were times when I could eat but the lightest vfoods. Food soured, fermented, form- ~ --•Id gas and pains. Of course, I never felt like doing any housework. ' "After reading so many wonderful tilings Konjola was doing, I decided to give this new compound a chance. A full treatment and all my illness Iras at an end--think of it, ten years , buffering banished. My stomach was purified and invigorated; the other . «t-gans were stimulated and now I can •at anything I want. Well, all I have t© say is that it has won a life-long friend in me." ~ ~ Konjola is sold in McHenry, 111.,"at Thomas P. Bolger drug store and by all the best druggists in all towns throughout this entire section. Libertyville spent Sunday with the former's parents, Ifr. and Mrs. Henry Golding. Misses Anita and Leila and Claude Baseley were Barrington callers on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Cook entertained friends at a euchre party. Mr. and Mrs. Len Geary and family and Mrs. Alice Geary and daughter, Edythe, spent Sunday with Mr. and M^t. Harry Grantham. Miss May Daley is Spending a few davs in Wheaton. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Francisfo spent Tuesday afternoon: in Waukegan. Dr. Elmer Golding of Libertyville called on his father Wednesday, who was strieken with a slight stroke on Snnday evening . E. H. Prior was a business caller at Waukegan Thursday. Mr. and Mn. Asa Crabtree of Cary spent Friday at the Lee WheelocK home. Mas. H. B. Shaeffer and son of McHenry spent a few days with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. -George Broughton. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Meyer and son, Donald, of McHenry spent Saturday ' evenine with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham. | Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Harrington of Round Lake were callers in town Sunday. I Mayflower Chapter, O. E. S. held their regular meeting Thursday evening. Next meeting will be March 28. Initiation will be held on that evening. Miss Dorothy Strokes has scarlet fever. Mrs. John Dowe and son, Herman, of McHenry spent Sunday at the John Brown home. John Hironimus was a Woodstock caller Wednesday. Clinton Raven of Crystal Lake is living on the Brooks- farm, vacated by Andrew Amann, who has moved to the Amann farm in Fremont. E. A. Dibler of Woodstock. was a business caller here Friday. Clem Reid and daughter of Chicago George Broughton. Mrs. A. C. Sorensen was a McHenry caller Friday. F. H. Dickson was a Chicago caller Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. WSU Geary and son, Edward, spent Saturday afternoon at McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. G. J; Klupar of Chicago spent the week-end at the V. E. t>avliif*home.' •Mr. and Mrs. Earl Matthews and children and Vic Shales of Crystal Lake spent Sunday at the H. L. Grantham home. Earl Olson of Chicago as a. caller at the Arthur Boehmer home Tuesday. Mrs. Magnus Ullrich and son, Roy, were Waukegan callers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Gossell ami daughter were Waukegan callers on MV>nday. * Little Shirley Prior is on the sick list this week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boehmer were Waukegan callers Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kimball of Oak Park were callers here Friday. Mrs. Cora Daley and daughter, Mrs. Plutie Houghton, and son. and daughter of Grayslake visited relatives here Friday evening. Miss Ruth Hapke of Chicago spent the week-end with her parents here. Mrs. J. J. Aheam and Mrs. George I Duberville of Chicago spent Sunday< here. Mir. and Mrs. James Gainer enter-1 tained friends from Chicago over the j week-end. Mrs. J. A. Ross and daughter, Jacqueline, visited relatives in Rockford a few days last week. Mrs. Cora Walmsley visited Mr. Walmsley at Elgin Friday. Mrs. Archie Foss of Libertyville spent Saturday,evening at the W. V. Johns home. Mrs. P. A. Houghton and daughter. Mrs. Cora Daley and daughter of Grayslake called at the George Hapke home Sunday. Shirley Daley will re- Inain at the Hapke home and attend the local grammar school. Pay your taxes at the Citisens ; [MOIOOIMHOOMIHIMIIMI I Ruig Gets Shaved IM Porel , • T Dr KING LAKONEK 08TEND State Bank, McHenry. t • Easter Cards*~Tallies | and Gifts af E6e AGATHA SHOP ADVERTISING PlenKj/o Culy /adverbs{no n ihe .funs}»in« ^e^r;ul^9^ nave the fuclunera* 6y (^iN.U.04 W<Co|»y Service u)e will 6ejjlad \h> Nhe\p ruje Oiemj. Tfoy are fPee ©V tjsxr advtcrciieya 'J LJ l--A L4JTo the Editor: I hope you boy and girt readers won't be bored on am. of me writing ihe events on Long's Island every Httle wile but really things do happen here that 1 don't believe thejr happen nowheres else. Like for Inst, the other evening I was setting at home working like a dog though I never yet seen a dog that done any real work, but any ways a prominent citizen who his name I won't mention, but he was a delegate at large to a convention of paper hangers and he called up and fcuys I am coming over to see you anil* bring 2 friends. So 1 says please don't come right now as I am .working and besides which I ain't neither dressed or shaved. Bet he pays we will be right over, so what was they left to do only for me for to get dressed as soon »» possible and did not have time to shave. Well they come over and I met them on the porch and served them a couple of ice cold drinks of one kind another and one of bis friend; was a gal and the other was a man and he introduced me to the gal but did not say nothing about the man. So we set down a wile and to make conversation I says well if I had of knew that I was going to have company 1 would of shaven myself. Where as the stranger to who I had not been introduced says wait a minute and leapt ,up and went out to the prominent ciflsen's car and brought In his satchel which contained a full barber's kit and he come in and stropped his razor and asked me where 1 kept the hot water and I says we live In a kind of out *of the way place and don't have no hot water so he suys all right 1 will shave you with ice water. So he shaved me there on the porch and the passers by was certainly astounded and said what s swell guy that must be to have a bar ber come and shave him on his own porch. Afterwards If developed that •this party to who I bad not been Introduced was the prominent citizen's personal barber and the reason he had not Introduced me to him was because he did not know his name. Well either that night or the next night they was some company come in and one of them was Jules Schwob who is Florence Moore's1 husband and somebody suggested a game of bridge and as bad luck would have it I got Mr. Schwob for a partner and the dealer dealt and passed and it was my bid and I bidded 2 spades and the lady on my left passed and my partner doubled. -- As far as I wap concerned that was a brand new convehtion and for a minute 1 was mystified. But the others did not seem to think nothing much about it qp 1 redoubled and the> left me In and 1 made 2 spades which was'doubled and redoubled by my partner and 1 so we made a whole lot more than if we had just played It plain 2 spades. You learn every day. Well the bridge game finely broke up in a terrible row and we decided to play charades at whom 1 am a iouh ter. The idear was to give the name* of prominent people in Great Neck ol who they are a great tnany and I won't tell what other charades people give been use they were not sv good boi will give you one of my own. I says this is the name of a prom Inent actress who has been both on the stage and on the screun and al ways wears pretty clothes. Her name le in 5 syllables. The first syllable is the 12th letter In the alphabet and Is a consonant. The second syllable was to visualize. The third syllable was the pnst tense of the preposition for The fourth syllable was a German and the fifth syllable was his boy. After several hours they all give up The answer was Klsie Ferguson. Vlr tuiilly everybody laughed except Frank Craven. Well one day. we went over to the, duals of a gals' tennis mutches which they held them at Forest Hills sod if you can tied any forest or any hills you are a better man than I am Kuril* rone but any ways that Is what they eall It and the finals was between a very young gsl from El I'aro and an other not so young gsl from Natcbey and the Kl Paso gal kind of romped In so I made the remark that youth will be served and her whom I luugh Ingly call my wife said yes but It Is *v«»n worse when she Is doing the serving herself. Girls will be girl* That Is about sli the news that has happened on Long's Island since I i^eo you Isst and I hope you ain't feared with It but If so will give yn« the promise that yon won't hear nothing more about It for a wk. at the ontside. <<a »jr tM B«tl aradlMt*. '*t I Tax Bachelori Hisfc. Tugo-sia viM. -- I'.Mf-lielorr more than thlrt. hereafter must pay the Nish district government a sitecim tai foi the lives of single hlessednem All adult citlxens who are not members of some cultural, educational, charitable and patriotic association must pay an even higher penalty. Pwepk who are obliged to travel oh dirt roads are well pleased to see the snow banks disappear and roads become passable. v The road leading south from Ostend corner was gone over several times with a road drag Monday. The milk from the Hobart dairy has had to be taken to the corner near Route 20 "with horses for some time, then the truck picks it up and leaves empty cans. The Dalziel boys leave their car at' . w. Freund's and walk hone and 1,1 the morning j*ralk to the car. For some time Frank Kaiser has been obliged to take a team and had his milk to the corner. He leaves his truck at P. W. Freund's, unloads farm wagon to truck and when he returns nTy °anS in wajron and good Old Dobbin takes him safely home. The hardest place in the road is near the Hoppe farm, Mrs. Hoppe has left her automobile at the Freund farm for several days. ,. *?n emsi]y **!k to die car and walk home again when she returns. hi wiik.ot 8ay Mrs" Hopp* enj°y» We on the bid roads are not sure of having a way to mail letters. For several days the rural carrier has not been able to make the route. He has sent the mail by milk haulers and various ways. So far as we know not a day has passed but people on the rural route have received mail. ^ay»y°!U' **** at the Citizens £jtate Rank, McHenry. - »4gtf v" -- | . ' ' } ' . . 1 -v....-- Capability ' The person w|m ts really capable of friendship never lacks friends.--" 'A <unsui > Mm hp ('nmnnnlnn EDDIE. THE ADMAN OAKAE THE MOST FAMOUS R*US IMTWE \WOR4J5i _ FAUS, RIGHT c VET THERES OWE AS HIGH DOWW UJ SOUTH AMERICA "252JV"«UlDlUGrAAe,aWJ REMEMBER res MAME » ; VMMO SAVS tr OOMr F*Y tt> ADVERTISE^ Sabbath ia Mtxict Mwtlco has what is known as the "Continental Sabbath." It is much more a day of change from the usual occupations than It Is a day of rest. For this reason, and because so many people are unemployed on the Snbbath. it Is quite common to have elee tions and other political functions on this dav. Modern Gratitatf4$ Catahad had his good points, but only our higher civilization could produce a drug clerk who says "Thank you" after selling a-pottage stamp.--St Paul Dispatch. WN.U. AD CUT b< COPY SERVICE CUTS and ik ^ COPY for m m YOUR AM Vfc? Monthly Release /or Advertisers r 0r\ file inThi\s Office Hettormann Motor Safes!W All kinds of car and truck and general repair- .! ing, also welding, done bjr expert tnechanics. Main St, West McHenry Plume 191 HAMILTON HAIR CUTTING SHOPPE Exclusive LADIES* AND CHILDREN'S HAIR CUTTING By Appointment Only Hwr» ® to 11 a. OL; 1 to 5 p. m. PRIES BLDG. Phone McHenry 255 Ofllce Honrs: 11 to 12 a. m.--2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays and Holidays by Appointnetit DR. J. A. STREET PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON kes. and Office Phone 274 Pries Bldg. McHenry, HI. McHENRY GRAVEL & EXCAVATING CO. A. P. Freund, Prop. Building* and Excavating of Every Description Estimates Furnished Oir Request FTig'h-arrade Gravel Delivered at auv time--large or small orders given prompt attention Phone 204-M McHenry Uaiftml PmI Wherever yi«n go you tlnd impoden: men who urge others to do disagree shle thing* there Is no necessity ^)r doing--E W ftnwp'o Monthly. Two Girls Live m lot Water and Rice Due to stomach trouble, Miss A. H. and sister lived on hot water and rice. Now they eat anything and feel fine, they say, since taking Adlerika. Even the first spoonful of Adlerika relieves gas on the stomach and removes astonishing amounts of old waste matter from the system. Makes you enjoy your meals and sleep better. No matter what you have tried for your stomach and bowels, Adlerika will surprise you. Thfimss P. Bolger, Dnjjjjisf CENTRAL GARAGE JOHN8BUHG J. SMITH, - les. General Automotive Repair Woti Give us a call when in trouble Day Phone 200-J Night Phone 640-J-2 Chevrolet I Ml I !<••>»< >»><••* !»<•••» Permanent Waves | ictans Years PHONEYS---Shop 10W Made by This i8h©j> is^ espwimlly n^ll equipj>ed to aid you in your beauty needs. We suggest that you phone for an appointment, th^is avoiding an unnecessary ' wait when you come. Permanent Wave JUpene Wava House 74-R. $6.00 $10.00 Thomas P. Bolger "The Mclitmry Druggist'* Phone 40 McHenry, OL DR. JOSEPH C. PEELEY Dentist McHenry . - Illiaois In McHenry: Fridays 10 8 p.m. S«turdays9 7:30 p.m. Sundays by appointment. Artificial teeth made by the Davies process. Latest electricai equipment and modern methods. Riverside Drive over Barbiai^i;) Grocery and Market *•»»•»*** ii**Siii i> t > n " " t t t t H l l l l l l l M l l l l l l l l l l T Z'X: ~I~pM. M CARROLL Lawyer ftlw with Kent & Company' Every Wednesday I*fa*e • McHenry, IlliMts HENRY V. SOMPEL General Teaming Sand, Gravel and Coal for Sale Grading. Graveling and Road Work Done By Contract or By Day Etyione McHenry 649-R-l P. G. Address, Route 3 , McHenry, 111. -- Insure-- In Sore--Insurance --- WITH Wm.G. Schreiner , ,v A n c t i o n e e r i n g WFICE AT RESIDENCE Phone 93-R McHenry. niinois needs the help this * modern hot wuter service gives Mother's strengUi Don^l let her waste it logging kettles or building fires under old-style water heatera., 'Install a modern automatic gas water heater and give ht^P the abundance of running hot water needed for quick, ei dish washing, house cleaning and clothes washing. Hot water at the turn of the faucet is something all the family wants and needs. It promotes cleanliness and good health, brings added comfort and happiness. Call at our store and let us show you how easily a modern automatic gas water heater v»rorks. Starts and stops itself. So economical to operate that no home can afToid to be without it. 3 Chinese Work on Law Book Translation Washington.--1The task of translating China's complex laws into English has been undertaken here It? three Chinese students at the National university. They expect to take three yea re to the Job, which will necessitate their deciphering a maze of Chinese hieroglyphics scrawled on parchment long before the tramp of Roman legions was being heard throughout the civilized world. The first of the three volumes to be translated dates back to 216 B. C. The second, the Ton* code, was adopted by the Chinese in 690 A. D„ and the idtest, the Chlng code, promul- :ured under the Mancbu dynasty, -hme In IBM. 0. W. KL0NTZ, M. D. Physician and Surgeon (Also treating all diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat and the Fitting of Glasses) | Offlee Hours--8 to 9 a. m.. 2 to 4 and i 7 to 8 p. m. Sundays by Appointment Office at Residence, Waukegan Road. j Phone 181 McHenry, HI. i j Telephone Nol 108-R ! Stoffel ft Reihansperger ! Insurance agents for all classes of property in the best companies. WEST McHENKY - - ILLINOIS f Phone 126-W Measdauble Kates H. SCHAEFElt • Draying IMMf McHENRY ILI4NOI8 J rr 3 If it's done with Heat, you can do it Better with GAS GAS^d ELECraiC COMPANY TEL. 167 00NWAY McHJCH&Y.

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