7 ^StANDARD OIL COMPANY ' SYMPHONY CONCERTS <T- ' '/ pwple who hear the Sunevening concert of th^ world faif mous Chicago Symphony Orchestra ' which the Standard Oil Company (Indiana) is broadcasting every Sunday /•T evening between 6 and 7 o'clock, through stations associated with the < National Broadcasting Company realize how much work that production involves. nolle the concert itself is played by approximately seventy-five men, including Dr. Frederick Stock, noted conductor under whose personal direction the broadcast is made, at least fifty other persons, experts in their own fields, are involved in presenting the hour of master music. The program of music to be played during the hour is selected and built - ' "by Dr. Stock and his assistants more ~ than a month previous to the concert itself. This musical synopsis is sub- • iuritted to the program director for the i -rhica«0 NBC studios, who in turn \4f • V . • -s- *• "V V»« *VM»U» V.'A t)IIC UUHIUOIU •>°i31 Company of Indiana for their ap- I * * * . " f " * * ** b««B «PPWMred, ! f •• ?v • he _synopsi# is turned over to the editor, who works with Dr. ; in preparing the explanations . ;./.>,<-yjM«esding each number which make the music intelligible in theme to the listening millions. WJ«n the continuity is finished a stenographer makes * stencil of it and a first mimeograph copy is run off. Copies of this are gone over again for further corrections and other adjustments for time, have been made, another mimeoraph set is made and labeled "Final." Whert these copies are approved a " Master set is made and t^iese are put in the hrfftds of Sen Kaney, the announcer, Dr. Stock, officials of the gram director and the heads of various departments. In the meantime, the story on the concert has been written by the press relations department and forwarded to New York City where a copy editor reads it, sends it to the composing room where a linotype operator sets it into type, and probably five or six other men handle it before it is finally printed and seht to papers all over the country. In each of these newspaper offices the radio editor clips the program and sends it to the composing room of the paper where it- is again handled by many hands before it is printed in the paper for the benefit of the radio listener. The broadcast is preceded by hours of rehearsal on the part of the orchestra, while the electrical engineers in charge of the machinery involved in putting the concert on the air spend hours checking equipment sq that the most perfect transmission possible will be obtained. When the concert is actually broad- 4 In the monitor studio sits the pro •gram director, reading a duplicate score so that each tonal value can be given its full value as he gives his running line of instructions to the engineer on the "mixing board." A Morse wire operator is in constant touch with the plant department to check on the manner in which the music is going on the air and other Morse operators are constantly in touch with each station during the broadcast. The C. D. of A .'s are inviting the public to attend the Easter Monday dance given by them at Stoffel's hall, April 1. Sundodgers orchestra. 50 fcents per person. Come. 42 I R. P. Edwards Garage BATTERY CHARGING, TIKE AND GENESAL M PAIB WQRK. AfrSQ TQTWNG WORK GUARANTEED -- - ;^ r PHONE 1« WEEKLY PERSONALS COMERS AND OOERS 07 A WEXK IK OUR GIWi • > V , . • $ ' As Seen By Plaindealer Re porters and Handed In By Our Friends Judge Allen of Cary way a McHsnry visitor Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Fay wen! Elgin visitors Thursday. Miss Marvel of Wankegan was a j MoHenry visitor Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Newman were Waukegan visitors Friday. W. A. Sayler was a business visitor in Woodstock Saturday. Rev. and Mrs. Hoover of Greenwood visited in this city Thursday. Mrs. Charles Pich and daughter of Chicago visited friends here Thursday. M:ss Laura Miehels of Waukegan visited her parents Monday evening. Miss Adeline Perkins of Waukegan spent the week-end at her home here. C, S. Owen and son, C. N. Owen, of Chicago were McHenry visitors duoday. Miss Elisabeth Miller visited relatives the fore part of the week In Chicago. Mrs. James Perkins and Mrs. William Bacon were Waukegan visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Pufahl of Genoa -*• """"b toii iicre ior uie ^s-, were McHenry visitors on past year and now conducts a barber | ^"urs^ayrfw> p in the Thies building in West! Mrs. J. F. Brandt of Chicago spent McHenry. This shop will be in charge ! Fri<laV in the home of .her sister, Mrs of an experienced barber from Chi- ^ Pa**- cago and Mr. Parr will also be in the Mi"s Lily Hall of Chicago is spendshop during the noon and supper hour week with her parents, Mr. and and evenings and plans to operate *£rs* E HalL both shops for the convenience of hit! Mr- and ***•• Vaughn Jones of Chi- •patrons. fcago visited in the C. W„ Goodell 'home Sunday. HAIR CUTTING SHOPPE TO BE OPENED NEXT MONDAY The Hamilton Hair Catting Shoppe is the name of a new establishment which will be opened in the Pries building on Monday, March 25. The Hamilton Shoppe will be exclusively for women and children, where work will be done by appointment only. It will be maintained for the purpose of discriminating women who desire individuality in their coiffure, where the newest method and latest vouge in original bobs will be found There will be dozens of bobs to be had, some straight, some waved, modified windblown, with parts or without, swirled at the back or shingled, and any number of attractive bobs, all going under the name of smart haircuts. The shoppe is conveniently situated on the second floor of the Pries building on Green street and adjoins the offices of Dr. J. A. Street, whose waiting room will be used by the Hamilton Shoppe also. It will be for the William Martin of Chicago spent the week-end at his home here. M T. and Mrs. George Zom of Waukegan called on friends in this vicinity Sunday evening. Mjrs. Patrick Sheehan of Chicago » week-end guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Meyers. Mass Hazel Bacon resumed her work at the Woodstock typewriter factory, Monday, after spending a week at her home here. Floyd Covalt, Jr., of St. John's Military Academy at Delafield, Wis., is spending the week in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Covalt. Mr. and Mrs. Fuller Bootelle an4 family of Lake Geneva, Wis., visite4 ^ relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Adams daughter and Mrs. Eva Bakner and daughters of Chicago were visitors it the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thurlwell Sunday afternoon. '"J cast the o»vhr»ti« of •eveniy-five men | »on of busy women who and the announcer are in the studio. j_wi" not need to wait for a haircut, but may make an appointment for any time most convenient by calling McHenry 265. Office hours will be from 8 to 11 a. m. and 1 to 5 p. m. Pader company's latest equipment for ladies' and children's hasreutting will be used and the shoppe will be open for business on Monday, so that the latest bob may be secured before Easter. Hamilton Plarr, the proprietor of this establishment, is not a stranger in McHenry, having been here for the Snappy Novelty Footwear for Easter The excellence of the leathers used in the styling of this new Easter footwear addsjto the beauty of the slim lines jfatinguishing all modejfev^ , r, C entral Market 4iTHE PLACE TO GET WHAT YOU WANT" bW BOME-XItLED PORK it creased sates week after week. SAMPSON SCORES 299 McHenry may now boast of another high score bowler as Harry C. Sampson hit the maples for a huge 299 score at th^e KelleJy alley0s,| EAJllgg iInH f, B * * Monday night. The following account this city Sunday Mrl. J. H. Miller /Returned home last week from • visit with relatives at Kenosha, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Warner and children of Elgin visited relatives in which was taken from the Elgin Courier tells the story: "You can add another name today to that time-worn scroll of hard-luck bowlers. "Last evening over at Messrs., Riggs & Rausch, Kelley hotel alleys, Harry C. Sampson, anchor man on the Camels team of the State Highway department league, tore into the old Mt. and Mrs. Charles Egan of Chicago were week-end visitors in the George Meyers home. Richard Stenger. Carl Jr., and Grace Stenger of Waukegan visited friends here over the week-end. Mrs. J. A. Brown, Mrs. Peter Wegener and Mrs. Laura Kent motored to Elgin Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Harry Alexander of Hebron While we are not quoting prices this week they will be a* low as ever. 09m inaadlet w r ; * wic uuu wie Old . , rticAoiiycr 01 n^OrOT woodpile -tot a 299 score, just one piniv'S1^ in the home of her sister, Mrs. shftrt of a perfect 300 score--the goal!Robert Thompson, Sunday. bowlers, whether dub or major! Marcellus Meyers and daughter, league. | Marcella, of Chicago spent the week- "Rolling over alleys one and two,,en<1 ,in the George Meyer* home. Sampson Yacked up eleven consecu- : Misses Mdry BolgeT and Ruth Kent tive strikes and on the twelfth ball,jand Mrs- J- A. Brown and Mrs. Laura rolled over alley two, he scored a per- | Kent were Chicago visitors Monday, feet 1-3 pocket hit, only to have the James Perking H. C. Hughes, Dr. '7' pin wobble dizzily and remain l'- A- Str®et. J. N. Sayler and Dr. R. standing. It was a great try and the iG- Chamberlin were visitors at Harassemblege gave Sampson a big hand. var,i ^ < v» r ing. Sampson has tied the high score ever an(i 1. J. Schneider, in hit over the Kelley hotel alleys, 299. mP4"'# Jirr'rfw Mrs. H. M. Stephenson, visited Mr. and Mrs. F L. McOmber at Highland Park Sunday. Mrs. 0. Wf Goodell and little War- MR. PARM1R--W# Imy HOOfi, flA|. A«D POULTRY. WALTERS APPOINTED DEPUTY SHERIFF TO AID LUMLEY, By virtue of the authority of the' Board of Supervisors authorizing me Iren returned Sunday night from | to choose an additional deputy for a several weeks' trip to Florida, | the sheriff'g. office, and knowing the w^ere they visited St. Petersburg and ! amount of work which is imposed j points of interest. I upon the sheriff's office, and having j Richard B. Walsh of Chicago spent the absolute confidence of the sheriff the w«*k-end with his parents, Mr. and the assurance that any man se- and T- J- Walsh, and attended lected by me would be appointed dep-l'^e meeting of the directors of the uty sheriff, I did, on March 16, A. D. McHenr5r Country Club Sunday. 1929, suggest F. A. Walters, who Was! Misses Rovena and Dorothy Marappointed by Cyrus Sanford and took!shaU were guests of Miss Ethel Bell his oath of office, and is now a dep-1home at Richmond Sunday, at uty sheriff of McHenry county and' whK*h time they attended a party has been especially assigned to the :£?ven their hostess in honor of the state's attorney's office in conjunction I birth4py anniversary of Miss Dorothy w^th his other duties as deputy | mid Harold Bell, which ocshertff. I cur red on the same day. Both myself and the sheriff have I Mr- and Mrs. A. J. Butler of Chi- ^ absolute confidence in Mr. Walters, ca^° were week-end visitors in the and I trust that his appointment will home of the latter's parents, Mr. and 1 I relieve the sheriff of Mi -overtaxation Mrf- Henry Heimer, Mrs. Butler re- Accessorie^^^^b0^ Choosing your gloves, hats aw| other accessories for Easier wear is fully as important as > selecting the larger items of apparel. That is why we have provided such a liberal showing fot your choice. , NOBBY STYLE SHOP Mesdamee Barbian and Prennd "M • i <. a. We |. &hreii|Br TeL 80-M €> ' •-> --v vi wwiciwhuwi . j . • •>«. Duller reof trying to serve the county, handi-, J"mined for a *«w days' visit and wilj capped as he was for lack of help. " - " " - - V. S. LUMLEY, State's Attorney In A Music Store Compare the Sparton^"Radio's Richest Voice," with other .makes, such as Radiola^ Crosley, Freshman, P-hilco, side fiyx NYE'S MUSIC STbRE. ^ / BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY A group of friends very pleasantly surprised Miss Clara Schiessle on Wednesday evening of last week, the; affair being planned in honor of her; birthday anniversary. Five hundred furnished the entertainment for the ! guests and the first prize was won by Mrs. P. M. Justen, the second by Miss Mildred Kinsfla, the third prize by I Mrs. Henry Kinsala and the consolai tion went to Mrs. Emma Freund. J •: Several of the boys entertained with 'songs and music was enjoyed. Miss i Schiessle, the honored hostess, re- ' ceivet^ many beautiful gifts in remembrance of her birthday and a delightful evening was closed with the serv- 4 * ring of refreshments. The guest* were Mrs. Henry Kinsala, Mrs. Elizabeth Laures, Mrs. P. M. Justen. Mrs. Emma Freund, Mrs. Caroline Schies- . sle, Miss Katie Weber, Miss Eleanor 'Kinsala, Miss Mildred Kin«yji»l Mtf Delia Matthews, Mrs. P. H. Weber and Helen Weber. be accompanied to her home in Chi" cago the last of the week by her mother, Mfs. Henry Heimer. Fine *new thress Materials for Easter Frocks and Spring Dresses. We take a great deal of pleasure in th is spring's extensive assortment of tub fast printed broadcloths, voiles, rayons, batiste, zephyr prints and fancies. The prices on these beautiful and popular prints are so reasonable, 28c to 60c per yard, that even several beautiful dresses means but a small cost. % ^ Hosier)f-p~. ^ The newest bIukIcb ot I .!i< 1 it*s' Pure-Silk Hosiery it lw-pair $1.00, $1.50, $1.75, $1.95 ' Shoe* for the Whole - Family Snappy new styles in Ladies' Slippers and Oxfords, J** Pair $5.00, $6.00 and $6.50 ifew Strap Slippers, Pumps iuid Oxfords for little >rls --$2.50. $^.0». $3.50 'Boys' Oxfords in black and tan, i*r Pa'r --.-- $3.50, $4.00 and $4.50 Men's Oxfords in calfskin and fine viei kid bia<*k tad tan, por pair *-_||5,00 .1 f Erickson's Phon 154 West McHenry, Illinois ************ M.#> 11 *'***11 % IV ORLD RECORD T(OIl(6MNlElSS ADDS MORE MILES TO * F i: All the Latest Sheet * -vn r Music, Records and Rolls . *s .v: -.41 . »w. • - yb- ? # New Costuqae Jewelry'and Handbill | Nye Jewelry, MibIc and Radio Shop . nJfe • • - *"' ^ AMONG THE SICK Thomas P. Bolger, the McHenry dru^r^ist, is at a sanitarium at Waukesha, Wis., where he is taking treat ments for rheumatism. Jack Ryan, foreman at the Plain* dealer office, left McHenry Sunday frr Mavo Brothers at Rochester, Minn., where be underwent an operation this week. Dr. C. W. Klontz is now at his home in McHenry, following an extended illness and several weeks at St. Joseph's hospital at Elgin. The doctor is fast regaining his health and expects to soon resume his regular practice, being able to take eat? «f office work at this time. TAXES! Tbe county treasurer has author! ized this bank to receive taxes. We will appreciate your paying them here. West McHenry State Bank. 42tf Plover and garden seeds of kinds, a complete assortment Erickson's. Plain dealers at Wattiw. On every flunmn nee tract--4llfl Hit breaking endurance ijMlbf *M N|*toi HH# standing toughness, strenffa; HiwKjr, and dunUKf, No matter whether you drive on city streets and boulfi wda-or on the roughest, nattiest country roads m, ,. you'll get most utiles per dollar out of Firestone TkrSS --they are the greatest mileage tires built. Equip year, oar today at the lowest BUSS-PAGE MOTOR SALES and Atwiterleitlteikn y. . • ^ SEEVE AFTER WE SELL' PHONE 30 •ft.. -• W T M J MOviakte