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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Mar 1929, p. 6

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BOSK'Sw gr - - •- ' . ':: ' V. * 'r- ' '.V vi'v"""; :'".-'Y 'J -•- 4*- ; ^ : THE M* HENRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, MARCH 21,192* *T'X. v RINGWOOD George Young, Oscar Tabor and 31m Ladd were Woodstock visitors on "$Ue sday. i Mr. and Mrs. Sam Beatty and Mrs. . y*>t» Low and \9on, Rdbert, were Woodstock visitors Tuesdaj?. Mjns. Louis Schroeder is visiting Chicago friends. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr, Mrs. Wllah FOPS and Mrs. Frank Stephen- |•O n were Woodstock visitors Wednes- Jfty afternoon. , t Mrs. Henry Henzie of Crystal Lake ' spent Wednesday with her parents. I Mr. and Mrs. Will Hendrickson of 1 Richmond spent Wednesday in the Sfcm Beatty home. The members of the Gospel church Lewis Young and Miss Eleanor Wialsh of McHenry spent Sunday in the George Young home. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Jepson and fart* ily spent Sunday With relatives at Mundelien. Mr. and Mrs. Del Bacon and Miss Marjorie Whiting left Sunday even&i ing for Canistota, South Dakota* They expect to be gone a week or so. Mr. and Mrs. James Bell of Rich* mond spent Friday evening in the George Young home. Ed Freund of McHenry was . a Ringwood caller Monday morning. Roy Wiedrich was a McHenry visitor Saturday afternoon. Charles Coats of Genoa City spent Saturday with his sister, Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, and family. Miss Dorothy Carr of Chicago spent FINDS TOO MANY WOMEN ANXIOUS TO MARRY HIM * gathered Thursday evening, Marchl4w Sth Mrs. Jennie Spaulding to cele-Jthe week-end with her parents,^, orate her eighty-fifth birthday. The. »nd Mrs. Charles Carr. evening was spent in praying, singing1 Mr. and Mjrs. Fuller Boutelle of and testimonies. Light refreshments | L«ke Geneva were Sunday callers in were served^ Those present from out, the George Young home. of town were: Mr. and Mrs. Frank I Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hopper were Block, Mrs. Clinton Fay, Mrs. Ciar-; Crystal Lake visitors Tuesday ence Ritter of Kenosha. Mrs. Will Clarence Pearson was a visitor at Mervin and son of Waukegan and i Waukegan Saturday. Mrs. William Antcliff of Richmond. La™se Williams returned to Chi- Mrs. Hoover and (daughter, Mrs.i^o Sunday evening after spending Johnson, and daughter and Mr-the past week wUh her parents. Thomas of Greenwood attended the Elijah Coates of Crystal Lake spent • Home Circle at Mrs. George Harri- j f**7* here the past week visitaon's Wednesday. Mrs. Butler of Bath, 111., is visiting the home of her daughter, Mrs. F. • A. Hitchens. | Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Shepard spent Frank Wiedrich and daughters, Ethel and Lora, were McHenry visitors Saturday afternoon. Lester Carr was a business caller Printer, Who for Wife, Lock* Doors Against Big Rush. Brockton, Mass. -- Through the dosed and locked door of his printing shop at No. 138 Ames street. Charles Matutls, forty-two-yen r-old Montello printer, shouted out the information that he was done with women for life, adding that even men did not look so good to him as they bad several days ago. "1 don't want a wife. 1 don't want a wife," he shouted through the door; and when last seen he was tearing to shreds some letters that he had received from women who sought to be the second Mrs. Matutls. Advertised for Wife. Chprlie broadcast an appeal for a wife recently, laying down certain conditions about the woumu he would marry. He has found that there are plenty--in fact more than plenty--of women who felt that they answered to his description of what a perfect wife should be. He has had Visitors, letters and telegrams, but it is all off now. He has locked himself in his little print shop, and unless (he caller can convince Nearly and Yonder • • • • byT.T. MAXEY #fl§ursday with McHenry relatives, [at Woodstock Monday. v?*- --. ~ w «-•« { M» onH M ro NJmlr k K. M. Burton Ball of Hunter, 111., 'a Spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters. Mrs. Clay Hughes of McHenry was |t Ringwood caller Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Beatty were Mc- . Henry visitors Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Nellie Evans of.Chicago is spending the week in the Schroeder home. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent Monday afternoon in Woodstock. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Block of Kenosha spent Sunday in the Dr. Hep-j burn home. Miss Viola Rager spent Tuesday in Chicago. Byron Hitchens of Chicago spent Louis ' Saturday with his parents, Mr. and I Mrs. F. A. Hitchens. Mr. and Mrs. Del Bacon of Crystal Lake spent Sunday with Ringwood relatives. - Mr. and Mrs. Nick Young spent Sat* ufday .afternoon in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of Chicago spent the week-end in the E. C. Hawley home. Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Butler and daughter, Helen Ruth, S. W. Brown Mrs.' J. R. Smith of McHenry has and Mrs- Emma Brown spent Sunbeen visiting with her daughter, Mrs. day Delavan. George Young and family the past Mr- and Mrs. Ray Peters were Sunueek. I day visitors at Belvidere. * Frank Walkington fcnd Miss Fern] Mr- a"d Mrs- F- A- Hitchens and Lester of Libertyville spent Sunday;Mrs- Butler sent Sunday with relain the Ben Walkington home. tives *t LaGrange. Mrs. George Harrison assisted hyi Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Kelley and Mesdames Rillah Foss and Raymond1 daughter of Crystal Lake spent Sun- Harrison entertained the Home Circle day afternoon in the William Kelley at a one o'clock dinner Wednesday.; home. Following the dinner was the regular I Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Neal and fambusiness meeting. After this was a i ily were Chicago visitors Sunday. fine program consisting of games, rid-I Mr. and Mjrs. Joseph Wagner and dies and songs in charge of Mrs. Ray i daughter of McHenry spent Sunday Peters and Mrs. Bruno Butler. In the i in the Abe Lawrence home. games and riddle prizes were awarded I Mrs. Rose AntcliflF of Richmond to Mrs. Emma Brown, Mrs. Viola spent Thursday and Friday in the Low, Mrs. Henry Henzie, Mrs. George \ 'home of her daughter, Mrs. Clay Mrs. Walter Harrison and MTS. Hoov-1 Rager. er. The decorations, prizes and songs Mr. and Mrs- Clay Rager and famwere in keeping with St. Patrick. j ily and Mrs. Frank Fay were Wood- Mrs. Walter Harrison entertained stock visitors Saturday afternoon, the Lark in club of Greenwood at a] Mrs. Lewis Schroeder returned one o'clock dinner on Tuesday. home Saturday from a week's visit Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peters entertain-! with Chicago friends. ed the five hundred club at their home Mr. and Mrs. Lenard Carlson and Thursday evening. Prizes were award- ; family spent Mtonday and Tuesday ed to Mrs. F. A. Hitchens and H. C. at Port Washington, Wis. Hughes, first; and Mrs. Leslie Olsen j Herbert Northrup of Bat^via spent and George Shepard the consolations, i Saturday in Ringwood. At the close a lovely lunch was serv-1 Mr. and Mrs. J. F. McLau»hlin ated by Mrs. Peters and Mrs. Elmer i tended the show at Woodstock Thurs- Olsen. jday evening. The Ladies' Ai<f Society will hold aj Mrs. F. A. Hitchens and son, Bydinner at the M. W. A. hall Wednes-jron, and Mrs. Butler were Woodstock day. March 27. ' shoppers Saturday. The Ringwood Home Bureau held M". and Mrs. Charles Brellentine their March meeting at the home of;and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brellentine Mrs. W. A. Dodge on Tuesday, March and son, Jack, of Elkhorn spent Sun- 6. A good crowd was in attendance. I day in the Lewis Schroeder home. The meeting was opened with a gettogether- game. Roll call was responded to with a housecleaning hint. Reports were given by the food, health and membership chairman. All mem- ( Woodstock Saturday. Mrs. Thomas Kane spent Sunday and Monday at Kenosha with her sister. Mrs. Frank Stephenson visited at hers listened in on the radio to Mrs. McConnell's talk |from WLS. Mrs. Greaves, county advisor, gave an interesting talk and illustrations on i »ap. Mrs. Frank Hitchens will entertain the Social Wheel at her home Thursday, March 21. Mrs. George Noble and daughter, Mjarjorie, and Mrs. Flanders were McHenry visitors Saturday. Mrs. J. F. McLaughlin and daughter Julia and Viola Rager were Woodstock visitors Saturday. Ed Hopper was a McHenry visitor , Saturday. % Andrew Hawley spent the in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. William Harrison of Grayslake speftt Sunday with Clayton Harrison and family. Mrs. Ed Whiting spent Saturday at McHenry. . Mr. and Mrs. Francis Adams of Elgin were recent guests of George Adams and family. Mr. ahd Mrs. George Adams were Woodstock callers last Wednesday. Pay your taxes at the Citizens State Bank, McHenry. 42tf Tee Muy Oeansieae Only 2 per cent of the men on earth can sing. The other 08 per cent, however, are willing to attempt "8wee« Adeline" when thf ncMwIfln demand* ft. ^ ^niV><l^fMVVVVVVVWVVU*UV\<V*iJr LINCOLN LLOYDS CHICAQO, ILLINOIS A BONUS FQR THE CAREFUL DRIVER A new plan of writing automobile insurance by which the careful driver receives individual consideration. For Further Information j®* •KENT & COMPANY Representatives Phone 8 McHenry, Illinois The Majestic Columbia BORN a Canadian, in a inountuln lake formed by the melting snows which trickle down from the I'urceM mountains In British Columbia, the great waterway of our Pacific northwest-- the majestic Columbia--starts off in a northerly direction, changes its mind suddenly, makes a grout U- ^haped Itend, flows south across the international boundary line and becomes an American. Winding its way south, thence swerving west, it accommodatingly acts as a separating line between Wfcshlugton and Oregon and, 1,400 miles from ijs source, near the little city of Astoria, , which claims to have been the first Aincrli- nn settlement on our 1'uciflc coast, loses itself in the Pacific ocean, carrying with It the drainage of an empire comprising a quarter of a million square mils*. Indian tribes are said to have suspected the existence of a great stream coming down off the continent a I divide towards the Pacific in tills northern region, but apparently it remained for the captain of a Boston trading vessel to discover it in 17SW. It obliglugly provides moisture which has transformed barren lands Into blossoming orchards of renown. The outstanding feature which has made this river far famed, however. Is its spectacular ftO-mile-long gorge, where it flows down a mighty corridor between a row of tiddly-shaped peaks on one side and a palisaded, basaltic wall, over which massive water falls drape their filmy forms on the other, producing one of the most strengelybeuutiful passageways ever sculptured by the hand of -nature. (©1 1928, Western Newspaper Onto J.) jj, -Jfb'i. v'Mi&l 75 • J Brings Small Returns *'To think always of yourself." paid HI Ho, the sage of rhlnatown. "usually means the application of gr«-«t Intellectual effort with small pros|iect of beneficial results."---Washington Star. wwwwwvwvwwwwwwWWA CHiCHESTER S Pi?.LS DIAMONI> A tLliaKuicchno! iA'tuckrg y oDular niond l»rofno<r {A/Vi\\ \ I'M!* in lUd find <joM mculli br.*cs, frith Hlite Ribbon. TaL® n«* other. Utiy of your ' D r n e f ^ f l ^ A s ! : d I>IA£K»ND JJI1AND PIIXS, for 81 years known as Best, Safest* Always ReUabt* SOU) BV DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE He Has Locked Himself In. hla that an order for printing Is the reason for the visit, just try to gel by that locked door. For two days he had hardly moved outside of his shop and the small II ing apartment that adjoins it. He's not afraid, it seems, but now that hie male acquaintances, former friends, have taken to advancing the good qualities of some friend or relative, Charlie says the matter has gone toe far. Sticks to His Shop. He used to take his meals in a neaiv by lunchroom, but he will not evegi leave his shop for that necessity now. He hires a boy from the neighborhood to bring in his meals. The doors at his home are locked securely. The windows are barred and the shades drawn. Where there was a romance-hunting man a few days ago there is now a hermit mad at the world and mad at blmself for thinking that he could get a wife by asking for one publicly. FH<tM flriflTTH TO FOUttTM PLACE IJT SIX MONTHS ! % r:fv Wo Worlds Easiest Driving Control NO OTHER CAR in air the world controls auite so easily--with ^Jpch complete lack of effort--as ttti' new Nash "400". Nash engineers have developed A new steering mechanism to achieve •is result. An ingenious arrangement Of roller bearings and a roller-tooth traveling in a worm gear, reduces friction to a minimum hitherto thought * Impossible. Women drivers find new help aai ---^|pun new confidence in parking. Littft effort is needed to bring the "400" up to, or away from, the curb. !/ Gear shifting is just as easy. The 'MOO" clutch pedal depresses at a 'touch, scarcely resisting the weight'of your foot. The conveniently placed shifting lever moves smoothly, easily, from one speed to another. If you ever find that driving a cat tires you, try driving a. Nash "400". It will give you an entirely new conception of how effortless, how pleasurable, motoring can be! ""NwNas h "4 o o*; Lead! lJk« H>rM da* JMotmr Car Vktfme • 11 PORTANT^dOO" FEATURES Twio'lgnition motor 12 Aircraft-type spark plugs High compression HoudsiUe and Love^oy shock absorbers (tMttsiUifi Salon Bodies JfO OTHER CAR HAS THEJft Aluminum alloy pistons Bijur centralized j Longer wheelbases chassis lubrication" ^ne-piece Salon Electric clocks fenders Exterior metalware Tisio° fr®« chrome plated over iur r",lar pos,s nickel f: ,#«»h Special Design -- front and rear Short turning fadia| bumpers (Imvar Struts) New double drop frame Torsional vibration 4 damper r-- World's easiest steetfifcg 7-bearing crankshaft " crmmJk pirni) , George A. Stilling Garage Phone 28 McHenry, III. (<H26) •v vr **£*;• . i". Destitute Father Kills Three Tots and Self Fort Wayne, Ind.--The bodies of Fred Breer, thirty years old, and his three children, Richard, seven; Mar? Jane, nine, and Robert, ten, who died from Inhaling illuminating gas fumes, were found in their home here recent* ly. Destitution and a cheerless Christ' mas coupled with the disappearance of the wife and mother are believed to have prompted the father to open Ave gas jets of the kitchen stove Jmt before he and his children went to bed in an adjoining room. Neighbors last saw them the da? before Christmas. A few cheap presents, probably Intended for the chil* dren, were found unwrapped under a pile of rags In an upstairs bedroom. Buried With Mysterious Missive in His Han# London.--The will of Dr. Francis Cann. retired surgeon of Riverhank. Putney, who died at ninety, contained the expressed desire "that my executors after my denth shall place In my hands a letter which will be found tn my safe and that such be buried witfc me." It was revealed recently that the strange requsat was complied with and the secret of the man of ninety was buried without being discover?*! Nobody will ever know what the prec ions secret was about. Fields Sister After Loiif Hunt; Overjoy Kills Him Reglna. Sask.--Two, hours after he had been reunited with a sister for whom he had been searching for • quarter of a century. Frank Chamber* of Seattle, seventy-three years old, dropped dead recently. Mr. Chambers was separated from his family many years ago and had recently learned that his sister. Mrs. C. A. Paimatier, was residing at Strasbourg, Sask. The efTect of his overflowing Joy on a weak heart Is blamed for his ironic death. Tak« Time to Rales A tightness of the muscles and highly keyed-up state of nefves result from the rush and hurry of this modern age. Try to practice relaxing during the day. Just let yourself slump In the chair for five minutes. It will re fresh yon a lot. - - - - - - * - --T - 'r ~i~ -«r*r»-ir«nrir >nnr>r*»rwimry> rxyirMM itSnri nrwm n rwu u u u i k \ Smdif carrying charge {f purchased W Little" Offer Ends AHIS sensationally low pricf puts a beautiful New Nik 1 Thar Agitator within easy reach of every home. Remember, it's a genuine Thor in every respect--has full opei top and many other new coq* yenieace features -- finished il modish green -- brings yo« years of freedom from washday / Audgery. Take advantage «f this special ••Two-Doll«ur-Downw offer, good 0nty from March 15 to April 15» - ^ Bet Thrill* Am LnI •• Common sense Is the ashes that enable one to avoid falls on the slippery track of life.--Xmrimtle ftum ^ '• 1 * A Telephone Catl will bring one of these Washers to Your Home PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF NORTHERN lLLINCMS iOl Williams St., Crystal Laiea Telephone 280 SchabecL

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