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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Mar 1929, p. 7

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• - wmmmm- \"'-v. . - / vv*; ^ "V M'HXN&Y MJUSMtAIJHt, THTTESDAY, 1UR0H 21,19* *" % 'v'-j&VK, .'.. • :' •'* Twice 3 T o l d Tales IIwiirtlat Bite K Nm tAn iiw the Columns ef Hi . Plamdealer Fifty and 9*«Btjr4T« Tom ••• A|« .-; > *•«*, W7t While we are experiencing the full Vigors of an unusually cold blustering March, it may be of interest to Vncrw that within a day's ride of us snowbanks have departed and etheral mildness reigns. We have this week to record another sudden death in this village..: Dennis Hennessy, who resides west of the railroad, died Saturday. Peter "Lek&em and -wife tatit life severe accident one day last week -•$ny being thrown from their buggy, ^between, here and Volo. Fortunately Mrs. Leickem escape^ with a few slight bruises, but Leichem was not so fortunate, receiving aa wgly cut on the side of the head which knocked 'him senseless. They may consider themsehfw fortunate that fee was net killed. • Hard), 19M Gilbert Howard, son of Chester Howard, met with an accident Tuesday morning that caused his teeth to chatter and made his hair stand straight up for a few minutes. He was out hunting ducks near the mouth of the creek below the river bridge, «nd sliooting m <<hxik which -fell on the ice, endeavored to reach it on foot. He had reached a point where the creek current had worn the ice, when in the twinkling of an eye, he went to the bottom in about ten feet of water. Fortunately help was close at hand. Not since the great freshet of 1881 has the Fox Tiver been so high as at present. ATI low lands are under wate^ an<l the highest banks that were have been cut down several feet. The water is BOW fully three feet higher than it was at any time last year. Collector Nieaen turned in his books -yesterday, having1 rollerted $19,081.95. The amount levied was $20,232.85, leaving a delinquent Hst amounting to $1,150.95. Mr. Niesen's commission amounts to $381.64. J. H. Mailer o'f this place and Fred Eggebrecht of Elgin have bought the marble and granite works formerly conducted by the late Wm. Outhouse, deceased, at Elgin. Mr. Miller win devote his time to the works here, of ' which h& is sole y • / i / i j i. fr.i • •• , ' :>y 3Ln T§ailt Sltfc resiaeift. wfroSe eTc*sse this year for cot attending to the leaves was that "the rake had toera borrowed, fell «*R It list tftgtot In the basement. The Information Editor, Inured HS he is to the vagaries of hums* nature, was surprised the other tfaty to 'be asked to Imitate a certala bird till over the telephone. Kitchen Help: A free sample of breakfast food which has been left-a week or so on the front porch may. be restored to Its original freshness by placing Ir. the 'Oven. **1 an looking," said Mr. Ponce <de Lmb te * native,"for the fountain'of ymifh." Tou ibust mean that soda place iViwn there where 'the Happen -are eating sundaee.** I S. H. Freund & Son I General Building Contractoff " Phone 127-ft Otar. Pearl and Park Sto. McHenry, HL Keep The Children Healthy With Milk .. But he sure thai yon fire them notlflfig ; the purest This dairy can formal just the right kind. We haadle nothing bnt Bowman's and Degreed Prwftnoii .-tv-. & Community Dairy Phone Sea-E-t^ ^r %flB J. Smit^ Pray -m n ii Refurnish at Little Cost » I I In our display of rngs--imported and domestic-- appear designs and color combinations suitable for each and every home.... The prf$e range has been arranged to meet every requirement. Lamps The ability of one or more lamps to add the desired note Of cheerfulness to your home outweighs many times the «m all cost of fuch furnishings. Jacob MMin & Sons FU&6UOTBE AND UNDZBTAXINO Phone 103-B Green St. McHenry furam.L. Senator Richard Barr, of Jot let, has Introduced a bill to provide for polls to be opened from 6 I. m. to 4 9. m., and from 7 a. m. to 5 p. m„ at the option of the county board except In •llles under the elty election act. United States Senators Charles S Deneen and Otis F. Glenn deserw considerable credit for the good wort they did for Scott field. Had it not been for the Illinois senators, Scott field would w doubt h»ve been discontinued. Repi i m'utatlve nwidH W*er and Thomas -S. O'Urady of Chicago have introduced a bill in the bonse to repeal the prohibition art and the search and seizure act. However, the house Judiciary committee has returned an unfavorable report on the nenrch and netenre measure and It Is dead unless the liouse votes to overturn the com fplttee action. flenator Keoslngerti WW. authorising towns of not more than T»,((00 popuia tlon, to purchasw aatd 'erect community buildings or acquire them by and to levy taxes and issue bonds. >bas passed the house and senate and now goes to Governor Emmerson. The hill Introduced by Senator A. H. 'Roberts, of Chicago, prohibiting the sale, possession and transportation «* •machine guns except when In use by the army, navy or other military officers, has passed the senate and Is tiefore the house. Gov. Louis L. Emmerson will aeon Inaugurate a program of weekly cabinet meetings'to discuss state affaire. Senator Lowell B. Mason, «T Oak Park, is sponsoring a hill appropriating $1!00,000 for a monument in Chicago or Qook county to commemorate the services-Of Illinois veterans of all wars. Representative Rena Elrod, df'Chicago, has introduced some Interesting bills pertaining'to the service '«f ^omen on juries. Senator Simon E. Lantz, <Jf Wood ford county, reports that over $2,000.- 000 worth of poultry are stolen annually from Illinois farms. Should "Senator Lantscs' bill become a law it wotiid make It easier to trace stolen fowls. Hard roads have made It much easier for poultry thieves. Senator-Martin R. Carlson, of Ma line, has introduced a bill for an Illinois bell -at the shrine of George Washington at Valley Forge. Senator Carlson Is president pro temv of the upper houf». The hill rails for an appropriation of $7,.100 for the beU. 'Representative Robert Stholec, of Peoria, although quite seriously 111, is taking nn active part in the affairs of the house of representatives. Repre sentative SclnUes offered a bill throueh Hie sertioe of his colleague. David Mc- Clugage of Peoria, for the building of a connecting hard roatt between routes 2» and 88. Senator R. Tk»yd, of Qalva. has Introduced a bill to make .automobile license plates in tlie Illinois penal Institutions and 'have them distributed by county clerks instead*«Jf by the secretary of state. ."Should Senator Royd'e bill become a 'law, the name of each county would he placed-on each plate that is used in the county and the plates wotiid be numbered consecutively In the county. The plates would he shipped to tt»e -county treasurers, who would remit to the auditor. Senator Boyd ha« also lotro*weti a -Mil taxing chain stores. Iftrs Lottie Hoi map rrNeiii's 'bin providing for mrisinn -of the school •iienuHfice law ha4 re<-eivert tavoratrte action by *Wie house -comirilttee «»n -elections. It requires wrtiool sti£ uj9ance up" to Sixteen years of age ( Representative <""harles "Wood, of Keenes, "has Introduced a MTi providing for the reading of the Bible in the public schools. The house committee on education 1tas returned an smfaTor able report for this MIL Chairman PavW I. Swanson. of the house committee on Judiciary. Is push ing tlie weili of the committee to top speed. • * :" Senator Thomas J. Courtney, of Chi eago. has created considerable interest by the introduction of a bill which strikes the death blow to what the Anti-Vivisection society calls "archnlr methods of medical profession.** Senator Rari B. Searcy^ of Springfield. Ir matlng a spedal effort for a bill appropriating $700,000 for an addition to the Centennial building in Springfield. This building would be used as an office building and save considerable rent for the state. Representative Thomas J. O'Grady of Chicago has Introduced some Amendments to the Bine Sky law The bill has been sent to the committee on banks. Representative E. W. Turner, of Chicago, has introduced a bill appropriating $804,000 for a rifle rants at Camp Grant. Representative H. M. Luckey, of Potomac, has Introduced a bill to prohibit the return of bakery goods from the store to the baker furnishing then* Rarry M. Slater, chief rate expert for the Illinois Commerce commission, has tendered his resignation to take effect May 1. It Is said that Director Ralph Bradford of the department of conservation has cut 102 game wardens off the pay roll. The weekly report of Dr. Thomas H. Leonard, acting state health director. shows that there are 174 cases of diphtheria, 570 of scarlet fever. 8 of typhoid fever and 147 of smallpox ander quarantine In the state at present Foreign markets for Illinois merchandise wenp less numerous in tl»e second quarter of 1928 than In the corresjiondhit period of 1927, says the Coiled States Deportment of Commerce. Tine flftate department of police Is ilwcklns iup on all motorists who have *><tt yet secured 1929 licenses. A mmfeer oT arrests have been made lu varices parts of the state tar foliar* ••secure the tags. ; •State 'Senator Epler C. "Mills, Virginia, has been In a Springfield hospital recovering from the effects of a •severe cold. The Illinois Tuberculosis and Public Health association Is conducting an early diagnosis campaign throughout the month of April. This is the seo ond campaign of this kind to discover ;the disease In Its earliest stages. One way to help Illinois is to help stamp •out tuberculosis. Mrs. Jayne B. Kerr df Springfield is the very able executive secretary of the association. L. D. Lowell, Attorney NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virture of an order and decree of the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, made on the petition of the undersigned, A. H. Henderson, Jr., Administrator, of the estate of Beathea Henderson, deceased, for leave to sell the real sstate of said deceased, at the March tenn, A. D. 1929,of said Court, to-wit: on the 8th day of March, 1929, Notice is hereby given, That on Friday, the 12th day of April next, between the hours of 10 o'clock in the forenoon and 5 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, to-wit: at 2 o'clock p. m., at the front door bf the dwelling house on the hereinafter described premises in the city of Crystal Lake, county of McHenry and state of Illinois, the following described real estate belonging to the estate of Beathea Henderson, deceasedt to-wit: Lot number nine(9> in block six <6) in Ellsworth's addition to the town of Nunda; said lot being situated in the west half (1/>) of the southwest quarter (I4) *of section thirty-three (33), in said township of Nunda; and lying and being in the city of Crystal Lake, McHenry county, Illinois, will be sold to the highest and best bidder. Terms of sale--cash. A. H. HENDERSON, Jr., 1 Administrator. March 6th, 1929 40-3 Historic Conor Stoae The corner stone of the statehouse In Boston was laid July 4, 179f», having heen brought to the spot by 15 white horses--at that time MM anmber of states In the Union. ' « Thought for ToJay Nothing which is learned la youth Is so really valuable as the power and the habit of self-restraint, self-sacrifice, of energetic, continaous and concentrated effort.--W. R H, Lecky. 'J ? mA WIST SIDE GARAGE lUaMi Bros*, Props. TeL 185 Bes. Phone, 639-B-2 ^Senator W. L. Finn. luka, A. A. 'Miles. Roslclare, and Harry Wilson, Plnckneyville; Representatives. Flora S.'Cheney, Chicago; F. W. Lewis. Robinson. Elbert Waller, Tamaroa; Mrs. Geortre Palmer, Springfield, Dr. Otto 'L. Schmidt, Chicago, and Perry Mc- ' Cnllough, Ijiwrenceville, were members of the delegation who represent ed Illinois at the George Rogers Clark Sesquicentennlal celebratkwi at Vinccnnes, Indiana, Illinois may Join with other states in the construction of a Clark memorial. Protecting Paia* a half pint of oil of c*4ar to each gallon of paint one may combat the very annoying curiosity of files and gnats to find out for themselves If the wet paint la really wet. Some painters prefer to use oil of dtronelia In smaller quantities. The effect is the same, the Insects will a*old the fresh paint because of the odor. A resolution has I teen rotredtlfefl tl the Ohio legislature appropriating 700 for creating a George Ropers Clark memorial commission of Ohi«» 10 sponsor the erertion of a George Rogers Clark memorial at Ylncennesi- Iml. Illinois is also being asked to' aid In the building of this monument as this state was created from the old northwest territory and was th# of many of Clark's activities. The house committee on appropriations has decided not to buy a voting machine and the state wlU save 92,800 as a result of tills decision. Representative Homer Tice Is chairman of *'i committee. Hfin. Allen. T. Lncaa. dunafltartffle, and J. M. Weaver, Oakfield. opeclat Lincoln Memorial highway <H>mmittee. have sta^tffl. a to or of tfee proposed highway and will hold meetings along the route as far as Vlncennes, Ind. Doa't Wear Your Work Glasses "Out" It isn't " i.>ne." After a day in the office, store or shop, the smartly dressed business girl tucks her work glasses into their case. She dons another pair, more appropriate for going "cwt," just as she lays aside the rest of her work-a-day garb for •other clothes. Usage Demands More , Than One Pair 7 p. m. to 9 p. m., except Saturday. Wrr1 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. DR. HENRY FREUND Here's One Thing You | X; If Goodyear Tires were not the best tire-buy for you--we wouldn't be recommending them. We live in this town, and expect to be here a long time. Common sense tells us we can build our business only as we take good care of our customers.' Selling a customer anything but the best is not taking care of him. We know that--so we recommend Goodyear Tires. They're the best tires--proved by the fact that more people ride on them than on any other kfcit» ' That's why we ham&e them. t That's why you should use them. THE TIEES THAT MILLIONS MORS PEOPLE RIDE ON These prices are not guaranteed for more than f week s.'M "-s OPTOMETRIST Phone 175 30x3 V* CI. Pathfinder ' Oversize, $5.75 .99x4.40 SS Pathfinder $6.50 30x4.50 SS All Weather $9.65 81x5.00 SS All Weather $12.45 30x6.00 SS All Weather $15.80 31x6.00 SS All Weather $16.25 32x6.00 SS All Weather $16.75 33x6.00 SS All Weather $17.25 Walter J. Freund PHONE 120-R Gasoline and Oil Battery Sales and Service V "1' •• & niinols manufactured 218 airplane* laat year and Is listed by (he aero* nautical chamber of commence a# sixth in the production of airplanes in the United States. Wichita. Kan., leads la the production of aircraft. \ Governor Emmerson has Issued % proclamation designating the week be< ginning Sunday, April 28, as Health, Promotion week and child health day, Municipalities of the state are urged to co-operate In making tl»e week ben> •eOclsl to all engaged In health work.' Tlie shaft above the tomb of Abraham Lincoln may be entirely rebuilt during the course of renovation work planned by the state. State Supervising Architect Ilerrick Hammond's re •port will he presented to Harry Cleaveland, director of public works and buildings, soon. Just Drive--Just take the wheel --then you'll know why Buick is winning more than twice as many buyers as any other car priced above $1200! v. J- U A township supervisor Is not rftgttfle to iiold a (Kvsition as overseer of work done In behalf of the county, Attorney C,en®ral Carlstrom has ruled at the request of State's Attorney Mark Keller of Lee county. He asked if a supervisor, who Is an engineer, could he hired to oversee the construction of n bridge across Rock river to be bultt Jointly by the city and county. All aocomobOcsareaoc alike! Drive Boick--test it thoroughly in com parison with any nrh?r car--and die results will lead you to Boicb Be sore to ask as about the liberal G. M. A. C. Time Payment Plan, which makes it easy to own a Buick. Bni^Motor Company, Flint, Mich. Illinois will receive SS, 118,949 as Its share of $73,12T..OOO apportioned by the government for federal aid in road construction for the fiscal year which begins July 1. Illinois will receive more money from federal sources than any other state in the Union with the exceptions of New York. $3,617,748. and Pennsylvania, *3.325,854. Representative Robert Scholes, of Peoria, has introduced a bill appropriating $200,000 for a bard roftd Mar Chlllicothe. - Representative T. J. Sullivan, of Springfield, has Introduced a bill appropriating $9,900 to pave aronnd the executive mansion In Springfield. If the present plans of the P*lfty- Sizth general assembly are carried oat, the state auditor will have supervision over the auditing of the of county officials. MOM* of Asiatic Origia The mouse spread westward with man much earlier than the rat, which is a comparatively recent Immigrant. It Is thought to have arrived In Europe from its Asiatic home In the Seventeenth century. ' ftoaJf of th« Stars The arnrri "astronomer" Is derived rmm s Creek word which In turn la • derivative of the ancient Greek verd meaulAff stringing." It's aa in Wiod Lake Simpson's goat ate Old Man Riley's ear trumpet the other day, and the old man couldn't hear when his landlord came around for the .--Farm and Fireside. Ym Novar Can TsB It may yet reach the place where Insurance companies will torn down the man who still has his teeth and tonsils as being too great a risk.-- '"incinnati Enquirer. SERIES U< SERIES 121 - - $1220 to $1320 Sedans - • $1450 to $1320 - - $1193 to $1230 Coupes - • $1395 to $1450 t Car - $1225 Sport Car - $1325 i pcicss Le. k Bnick Factory, tpecial equipment eatra. Coorcnient tents on the liberal G.M.A. G. Time Payment Plan. 3RRIES 129 .Sedamf- '• $18^5 to $2149 Ob*P« . . $1865 to$tS75 Spurt Cars • $1525 to $1554 BUICK With mastufiici bodies by risHift Phone i OVERTON 8 COWEN Bnick Motor Curs West McHenry, ft c . . r, - THKR IITTBI AtTTOMOniLBS ABB BUILT...BOICB TILl BUI LB TBBH -/V •# ; >: ,

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