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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Apr 1929, p. 7

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«' «'_U' • J*m \l JJIfiy WlSSSFi •wppppipip THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER, THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1999 « - r •* *v- V; ••---• -* rt ^ * - f " > t $\ * JjfOWNSBIP TREA8UBBKB ;•?;. r'-^ ANNUAL STATEMENT • ;5i State of Illinois. . t« - i V.-: County of McHenry, ~,T®wn of McHenry. m. ' The following is a statement by Stephen H. Freund, of the Town of ^ McHenry, in the County and State y aforesaid, of the amount of public -t", funds received and expended by him cS. during the fiscal year just closed, end- | ing on the 26th day of March, 1929, ' showing the amount of public funds 1 on hand at the commencement of said ' fiscal year, the amount of public funds received and from what sources received, the amount of public funds expended for what/ purpose expended, during said fiscal year, ending as aforesaid. The said Stephen H. Freund, being duly sworn, doth depose and say, that the following* statement by him subscribed is a correct statement of the amount of public funds on hand at the commencement of the fiscal year above stated, the amount of public funds received and the sources from which received, and the amount expended, and purchases for which expended, as set forth in said statement. STEPHEN H. FREUND. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 26th day of March, 1929. • WILLIAM J, WELCH, / Justice of the Peace. iMpii Baceived and From What Sources Received Amount of public funds on hand at the commencement of the fiscal year commencing the 28th day of Mjuth, 1928. * 1928 Received from-- rK .Apr. 25--County Collector....^,L May 25--County Collector.... 3,072.95 June 25--County Collector.... 2,560 79 July 25--County Collector.... 1,024.31 Aug. 25--County Collector.... 1,277.94 John McEvoy, fines....r. 40.00 Lewis Schroeder, grading S. W. Brown, paint and bfudit P. F. Miller, dragging «, Huemann Mptor Sales, r«* pairing Peter Freund, Jr., John Schmitt, lr., gjad grading May 9 ling-f. _ $10,024.68 -^Vmnhi Expended and For What f • Purposes Expended / March 28, 1928 To Deficit .f 108.79 John Smith, grading and graveling 44.30 B. N. Smith, grading and graveling 18.50 Peter Freund, Jr., grading.... 18.00 Lewis Schroeder, grading. 61.25 i John Schmitt, grading 32.00 Frank Herdrich, graveling .. 15.00 Frank Grasser, grading ........ 16.00 j , WL C. Whiting, grading 18.00 J. M. Diedrich, grading ...v.. 44.50 j Joe S. Schmitt, grading 32.00 Geo. Meyers, grading 10.00 j Frank Wattles, 30 rds gravel I at 20c 6.00 Henry J. Stilling, grading 18.00 Roy Hobart, drageing 22.50 April 11 I C. E. Sherman, graveling »*. 12.00. Lewis Schroeder, grading»«, 1&00 j April 25 4 . ! Joe. Schmitt. grading 24.00 J. M. Diedrich, grading 48.00 W. C. Whiting, dragging...^.' Lewis Schroeder, grading .... M. Glossen & Son, graveling Alexander Lbr. Co., culverts L. L. Smith, grading -- &?. May 28 ^ Wm. Grasser, dragging Louis Althoff, repairing ...... Jacob P. Miller, grading Peter Freund, Jr., grading.-- A. P. Freund, yr»v<>lhn >>int Will Ahrens, graveling ...a... Geo. Meyers, graveling Lewis Schroeder, grading ...» G. P. Newman, road work .... June IS Huemann Motor Sales, repairing Edwin Freund, graveling ...... Henry Stilling, grading Nick Young, use of tractor for crushing „ Jos. S. Schmitt, grading ...... Joe. M. Diedrich, grading .... J. P. Miller, grading Peter Freund, Jr., grading and graveling Lewis Schroeder, grading .... June 27 Will H. Ahrens, graveling .... Eimer Hopper, cutting brush MicHenry Lbr. Co., culverts.. Lewis Schroeder, graveling.. Peter Freund, Jr., graveling Jos. S. Schmitt, graveling..„ Jacob P. Miller, graveling .... Frett Bros. A Freund, bridge work July 11 Lewis Schroeder, graveling a A. P. Freund, moving 870 yds. dirt at 33c Roy Hobart. road woA Louis Althoff, smithing ........ MtsHenry Lbr. Co., tile and culverts July 25 W. B. Peterson, graveling ..„ Alexander Lbr. Co., RingV wood. lbr. and lath „ Alexander Lbr. Co., McHenry, culverts J. S. Schorr, dues in State Assn Peter Freund. Jr., graveling Jacob P. Miller, graveling .. Peter Wteber, grading Lewis Schroeder, grading .... Jos. S. Schmitt, grading ...... Au£- 8 Lewis Schroeder, grading Huemann Motor Sales, repairing John V. Freund, bridge work Frett Bros. & Freund, cement McHenry Plaindealer, ad i| paper ^ A. Lawrence, road work ...... Aug. 22 Lewi's Schroeder, grading .... Lewis Schroeder, graveling.. Mlath J. Miller, bridge work Telephones Where You Need Then# WHY climb tip or down stairs or ffttr ^ one end of the apartment to the other ' when the telephone rings? Have telephones where you need them* Extensions upstairs, in the back hall, in the kitchen, in one or more of the bedrooms--in *||ny or all of these locations--will make it «asy to use or answer your telephone wherever you may be. _ Comfortable, convenient telephone serve ice is the hall mark that stamps your home -is truly modern. Telephone extensions are inexpensive. Our business Office will be glad to give full derails of this service or"iny telephone employee will take your order. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM One Policy One System - Universal Service Jacob JP. - Miller, 40 ids grav- Peter Freund, Jr., 40 ids. graveling Sept. 12 C. E. Jacks, 140 rds. gravel Martin S. Freund, 847 rds. gravel G OO J. F. Schaefer, 119 rds. 110.0(1 j gravel 21.00 j John V. Freund, gravelii)g„ t601 Ben Kennebeck, graveling*..*. 00 Peter Freund, Jr., graveling and grading 38.00 j J- P. Miller, grading 5.20 Peter Weber, grading " m .54 i J- M. Diedrich, grading . , 418.00 John Schmitt, grading ' It1 w W, V. Sompelt wd work , 111 .00 j I^ewis Schroeder, graveliagU 2.00 Jos. S. Schmitt, grading ' 1T6.00 L«wis Schroeder, grading m - 10.001 Sept. 26 iChas. B. Harm sen. typewrfear I supplies ... 19.271E H. Merrick. 275 load* •S5.001 gravel at 30c ..... 12.00 Tom McLaughlin, road wont Mike A. Conway, rtmd wi 86.00 Lewis Schroeder, grading SO .001 Will Ahrens, graveling 142.00; Oct. If , 86.00 j Lewis Schroeder, grading »»«1 j graveling 106.251 Wlm. Ahrens, graveling 284.00! McHenry Lor. Co., post ! tile . 10.00 Louis Althoff, smithing '.*&?• 54.00 j Math Glossen, graveling 146,301 Oct. 24 14(1 00 Martin Klsntworth, draggteig 72.00 John P. Freund, graveling .... 81.25 Wm. Brogan, road work 61.25 544.45 156.00 t'40 8.60 ~ 181.00 Ed Hopper, grubbing ,,,, Frank Lock, grubbing , Lewis Schroeder, grading Alexander Lbr. Co., culverts Lewis Schroeder, graveling.. Peter Weber, grading „ Peter Freund, Jr., grading ~ 17 50 Nlck Youn«> with tractor B. N. Smith, hauling stonfe* Wm. Ahrens, graveling -ni • Nov. 14 #)00 kennebeck, graveling^ W-00! Frank Stock, graveling . . (John Regner, graveling o-^'jG. L. Tryon, surveying . • anon »Henry Lbr- 00 •• lumber.. , J- P- Justen, graveling c/JJ°hn Schmitt, grading 1,1:% I1^ 'if nn M- Di<H,rioK grading ..Z!! ioi'^n S*°' 0effhnp' grading iiJ'SS 0efflinK. grading Wm. Oeffling, 56 rds. graaal at 30c Jos. S. Schmitt, grading Lewis Schroeder, grading S. W. Brown, paint Nov. 28 70.00 70.00 42.00 104.10 35.70 76.25 50.00 120.75 92.75 28.00 172.00 1 16.00 85,00 135.00 - 16.00 221.09* 1.00 82.50 17.20 8.00 164.00 129.60 107.00 72.00 37.98 14.10 114.25 16.00 64.25 16.00 " 19.00 . 19.00 74.50 37.05 140.00 33.00 38.00 ILL THREE YEARS FINDS HEALTH IN FAMOUS KONJOLA Friead Who Knew of Lady's Safef* fakg Seat Her Medicine--itappy Experience Is Related. 16.00 11.00 8.00 8.00 i MISS XATHRYN WHEELER "It may seem strange that a friend would send another medicine with the request that she take it. But that is just what a friend of mine did," so said Miss Kathryn Wheeler, 1801 North Glendale avenue, Peoria. "For three years I suffered intensely from indigestion. I lost in weight until I weighed only one hundred pounds. I could, not sleep, and I was 17.00 nervous and irritable. Konjola was the very medicine I 7 V«*N NINTH ? needed. In three weeks my nerves 2 70 iwere steacly- My appetite returned /^land I began to pick up in weight. I WAn^ArAtl «iaw XIA 80.00 2.75 193.00 56.00 - ltl.OO 86.07 78.75 89.65 Peter Freund J Jr., grading ^ Hobart, Igraveling 17.00 Theo Stock, -cJleeaanniinngg ddiit chn*. 8-00 Lewis Schroeder, grading ^ j Dcc 12 T4.00 John Regner, 234 rds. grav- 75.00 eling at $1.98, less $100.... 29.00 *°"™ Freund, graveling.... Lewis Schroeder, road work- Art Thelen, graveling r.1t. Jacob H. Adams, graveling.. Dec. 26 Lewis Schroeder, gravehr*.. Peter Weber, grading Art Thelen, graveling pit J» H. Adams, graveling ..i... J. M. Diedrich, grading , Jan. 9, 1929 Xewis Schroeder, road wort .. Math Glossen, road work .... Jan. 26 E. H. Merrick, scarifving . Feb. 13 X#wis Schroeder, plowing • snow Peter Weber, plowing snow Peter Freund, Jr., plowing snow _ . m Feb. 27 Mwis Schroeder, plowing snow March 26 Stephen H. Freund, commission on money „ RECAPITULATION Amount of fimds received during fiscal year -....$10,024.68 Amount expended during fiscal year $10,179.7f * Commissions 120.71 Total amoont, paid out. 10,800.50 .'feel wonderful now. No indigestion, no constipation--just splendid health. What a debt I owe the friend who was fortunate enough to know about Konjola, and thoughtful enough to 56.00 j send it to me. I make this statement i with the hope that it may lead others so nn wh° suffer as I did to give this medt- *>nn no i c'ne a c^ance to make them well." 4*65 Konjola is sold in McHenry, 111., at #> " Thomas P. Bolger drug store and by ^ 20.00 |a" the best druggists in all towns 113.40"throughout this entire section. 3.00 71.00 rinl U. t. "RagmW 4 863.32 18.00 9.25 100.00 100.00 38.00 20.00 71.50 110.00 156.00 18.85 3,00 83.50 82.00 40.00 40.00 22.00 1)20.71 The first regiments of the United States regular nrmy were formed III u4**» 8Uua4*r4 MiSedaa *99S •• ££ S1UTSSKS V IVLLT K^t'lPPn FOURTH HPB FLACK 1J¥ SIX MOSTHS ! Most PeojJe Expect u4o€T Prices to be • Higher than they Actually are PEOPLE who han formed tb*r pr»ce-inapressioooftIieNash"400 from seeing this striking new car. from the enthusiastic comment Qf "400" owners, are very apt to ftfioi iK higher than it really is. > • "400" prices are a big "400" feature. The Standard Six "400" Sedan, illustrated above, is an excellent examplt of the new value Na&h now offers. Here are some of its notable featulljs --features of highest auftlity which you sre not accustomed to expect in s car at its price: 9 Sadaiu ftem 9930 to $2245. dtttwfdL-8 Cm»m. GAftoUtt. VicUrta* fr*m $930 to $I«30, d«Uv«n4 Atfff powerful, high-turbtilenc«, high-compression, completely-pressure> lubricated motor, with 7 bearings. A lengthened wheethase, new doubledrop, tubular-trussed frame, alloy steel springs, and 4 Lovejoy hydraulic shock shsorbers, for unsurpassed riding ease. And complete equipment--full-sized cowl lamps, gasoline gauge and motometer on instrument board, bumpers front and rear, spare tire and lock, shock absorbers, freight and handlin charges--all included_ in the delivere5 price quoted above--tmtbmg n--rtf bmyt l^iciNAS H Lcsdf the WWIdin <V«t*r cIm* FWsse IMPORTANT «4«r FEATCRES-JTO OTHJEM CJttl HJMS TMKM Aluminum alloy pistons 7-bearing crankshaft One-piece Saloa (lammr Strmts) fenders Exterior metslware Mew double drop frtm chrome plated over Clear vision frost Trioi ri siif ommil TiifD.1c1iiQlaBiii' nic|%f el , i_ pi,l la.r po.s t,s ^ damper Short turning rad** Special Design High compresskm motor High Turhttleacc Lovejoy shock absorbers {esclmut* N*sk (steering Longer wheelbass front and rear •George A. Stilling Garage Phone 28 55 McHenry, 111. <9*5 J) 178P . ; , i ' ' • r ' ' • . - •! •" Deficit --$ 275.87 SUPEKVISOirS STATEMENT OF THE FINANCIAL AFFAIRS OF THE TOWN. A full -tatcment of the financial affairs of the Town of HcBenry, County of McHenry, and State of Illinois, as existing on the 26th dav of March. A. D. 1929. Balance on hand March 27, » 1928 ........4 499M Amount received from County Collector, being balance of Tax for 1927, less his com- r..... mission 2,7171188 Smokers Needs A few item*, fofrch 1hexfkmr ttffa trny simflar to that ahowD, add much to the home enjoyment of the man who smokes, yet they cost so little that every home should have them. It will take but a few minutes and a few dollars to equip your home. Why not do it todayf Jacob Justen & Sons FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING Phone 103-R^ Green St. Total amount received 2 from all sources $8,217.22 | CONTRA Total amount paid out, and the ac- ! count on which the same was paid, !»re as follows: j Canvassing board, spring ! election f 12.00 Judges and clerks, spring election, fst district 86.00 Hall rent and returning bal- J lots, 1st district 10.00 Judges and clerks, spring i election, 2nd district £6.00 ;Ju^ge« and clerks, spring election, 3rd district 86.00 ! Hall rent, spring election, 3rd district 10.00 |Mf*Henry Plaindealer, pub* lishinir treasurer's and siii pel-visor's reports and elec- ! tion supplies ' 44.35 ; Caroline Schiessle, town ! clerk's office rent 100.00 John Boyle, 33 town meet- ^ ings 196.00 •T'w*< Bovle, overseer of highwav 1,182.00 Jos. N. Schmitt, assessor 900.00 Wm. Simes, thistle commissioner 147.00 1n",c p Bolger, fumigating material 4.25 Board of Auditors, two aud- : • itors' meetings --_ 2B.00 Charles B. Harmsen, town clerk 288.19 Wattles Drue Store, fumigati ««r material 17.70 McHenry PNind^alpr. election nrt"1" »nd cuoplies 22.00 John W. Bonslett. fumigating 5.00 S. H. Freund, poor master .. 150.00 Z ^'1 :; •,! For a limited time only--until April 30th--yon can trade in your old gas stove and get 10 per cent discount on the price of any new gas range purchased at our store . . . Take advantage of this special opportunity to get a beautiful new range--many with oven-heat control and other newest convenience features --at a decided saving in money .... Call in today and see our display of newly-arrived models--a wide variety of styles and prices; you're sure to find one exactly suited to your needs. •V--I T^tal amount paid oat for all purposes ......$3,146.49 Being a balance in the hands of t*»" Supervisor of 70.73 P«ted at McHenry, this 26th day of Mkrch. 1929. i STEPHEN H. FREUND, Supervisor. Plaindealer Publicity Paya. GAS a«d ELECTRIC COMPANY TEL. 1OT R. 7. CONWAY XcHENRY, ILL. // - ayjflffi I'iTH" I'l-iTHiiit i f'"~ -r «f- ^ -i. 5 ' . • --r *• • •> '.v\ ;'y

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