MoTbif and Distance PHONE McHenry, Illinois Used as a Physicians Prescription fik«ir IK •i#: Vlv •**' 1 < '. • * . ^ > -V . . fhi*^ $'4- *81 H'BXmT PUUNDXALZK, THTTWDAT, AMttt11, US» V* * \ ...-'^1-r-. -it"-?*- " . ., V'*"° >> - _ v^-vs' •> •" .* r-^ ~, •'. ^ i , 'I • "»>».- * .- • .' 11. i*a& *> \' v fM EASTERN STAR McHenry chapter. Order of the Eastern Star, held their regular meeting Monday evening. Invitations were read to attend a meeting of Waukeg& n chapter Thursday evening, April IS, and also one to attend past officers* night at Nunda Chapter on April IS. Invitations were also read from the pastor of the Universaltst church to attend "Mother's Day services at 7:30 p. m., May 12, and from the pastor of the M. E. church to attend Mother* Day services at 11 o'clock. May 11 Both Invitations were accepted. " v NEIGHBORHOOD BU^CO CULB The Neighborhood Bunco club met a? the home of Mrs. Martin Freund on Thursday afternoon. A pleasant afternoon* was spent in flaying bunco •HHI the first" prlie was worn by Miss H gina Freund, the second went to Mrs. Frank Grasser, the third prize awarded to Mrs. Ben Miller, the rth went to JRrs. John P. Freund .<m#i the booby pitae was carried home Mrs. Peter W. Freund. Refresbi) nts were served by the hostess. 1 ha next meeting wtli be at the Items ot Mrs. Herbert Frsond. ' SLQOUM'S -to - Thomas P. Bofger "The McHenry Dmerist" INM 4$ McHenry, DL HIKERS CLfB Mrs. Julius Keg was hostess to the Rsembers of the Hikers clnb at her I ne Tuesday afternoon. Bridge was yed during the afterndbn and the inst prize was won by Mrs. Julius Keg and the second prise was awarded to Mrs. J. R. Smith. . The next meeting will be at the home of .Mrs H. L. Ritter. are the greatesfvalue we have ever oifered because they €ire gmaramteedbf General Electric, - I « beOutse they are madeof omty . _ the finest niaterials. A ; V ' • ». < |=| . because their General Electric motors never iteed oiling. TOE* COTTA IN* because they have fourteen definite quality points. v * ' -•* « - - ,'A ^ becausebigproductionandnew selling methods make these lo# r nrices uossiblc* • * itei-^ • in£ General Electric Cleaners! Carey Electric Shop Phone 251 Green St. KcHeirj ^ uSTlk. . txpefta prove-* K Wringing .*»»• Clstbe. CLE ANER' P»g» J$mith spent last Wednesday at fcion. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Convene and daughter, Frances, and Mr. and; Mrs. Wayne Baeo"i an<f children attended a show at the Miller theatre at Woodstock last Thursday evening. William Darrell is now employed at Waukesha, Wis. Roy Winkler and friend, Miss Catherine Fleming of Chicago spent the week-en<f at the home of the former's parents at Ardelou farms. ... Harry Matthews and son, Robert, called at the A. J. Amann home in Fremont last Tuesday forenoon. Mr. 'and Mrs. William Davia and daughter, Frances, and Mrs. Earl Converse were callers at Arlington Heights last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirk and two children, Mr. and Mrs. Ora Peck and Mrs. Mary Powell of Aurora spe"nt Sunday at the home of "Mr. and Mrs. Ray Do welt, Mrs. Mary Do^ell remained for a visit, Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Geary and son, Forest, of Fremont spent last Wednesday at the home of Mr. and |Irs. Jack Geary. Leslie Fogs and Miss Paarl Fosa If are business callers at Rockford Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis' and children were Sunday dinner and afternoon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Bacon. Mrs. H. J. Shaffer, Mrs. John R< Knox and Mrs. J. N. Zimmer of McHenry spent last Thursday afternoon at the home of their parents here. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Foss of Libertyville were -Sunday dinner guests at the William Foss home. In the af ternoon Mr. and Mrs. William Foss Accompanied Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Foss to Woodstock, where they visited relatives. Harry Matthews and son, Robert, were business callers at Grayzlake last Wednesday afternoon. Henry Geary and spn, Jack, were business callers at Crystal T^ilr* 1^^ Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dowel!: accompanied Bert Dowell to Libertyville last Monday evening And visited Mrs. Uert Dowell at the hospital. Frank MulAolland of Chicago spent the week-end at his farm here. Mrs. Dick Dowell and daughter, Ada, and son, James, of Roseville, spent last Wednesday evening at the liome of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Davis. Douglas and Mae Smith spent Sunday with the children at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Geary and son,. E«ugene, were business callers at McHenry last Wednesday and Saturday nights. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Larabee and Mis6 Olive Larabee of Bristol, Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nordmeyer of Fremont were Visitors at the W. E. Brooks home last - Wednesday evening. ^ Mr. and Mrs. George Lundgren of Wauconda were Monday afternoon callers at the Bfftm^ren home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geary and two children of GrayslakS were Sunday supper and evening gufests at the home of Mr. anti Mrs. Henry Geary. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brooks were callers at Crystal Lake last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and son, Robert, called on relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Swan, at Mundelein Synday afternoon. Their only son, Roger, passed away with pneulhonis||: last Friday. Funeral services were held Monday aftenoon. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Darrell; Were Sunday supper and evening; guests at the home of Mr. and Mre.i jLaDoyt Matthews at Crystal Lake. Peet Moss for Baby Chicks for sale; $t the Farmers Mill, McHenry. 46i 75 Studded Tee Posts free. Inquire <kt the Farmers Mill, McHenry. 45 P*y your «***? -t the Citiss State Bank, McHenry. 42tf Nels Person of Chicago apent 8IBIday with his wife here. | Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Wilcox of Chicago visited at the home of If. A. Huffman Sunday. " j Misses Ethel and Beryl Gracy Jt«d .fames Gracy visited friends at Honey Creek, Wis., Sunday. >• i Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klein visited at the home of tibeir daughter, Mrs. Ray McMillan, Sunday. j J. M. Geddes and 'daughter1, Mrs. t M. Tyrell of Elgin called at the h6nte cl M. Knox Tuesday. > Mrs. Bmil Hundt and daughter,' Lucille of Chicago Vlaited frifends here Sunday. ] Glenu and Miss Eleanor McMillan called on Miss Vera McMillan at Solon Mills Sunday. , Charles and MSss Bertha Klein of Crystal Lake were guests at the home of Ray McMillan Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. David Johnson ot Chicago spent Pundfty >t the home of B. J. Shine. ' Mrs, Edward J. Koo"* and daughter,' Patricia, of Harvard visited at the home of M. Knox Tuesday and Wednesday. , Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Laecht and children of .Chicago spent Sunday v-i£h Mr. and Mrs. Ray McMillan apd' daughter. Bmmett Johnson' of Chicago vts'ted at the home of B. J. Shine Sunday. William Conway hps been sick the past few days and under the doctor's care. - Mr. and Mrs. John Robers, Mrs. Christina Robers, and Mrs. Slacks Of New Munster, Wis., called on Mrs. Christina Buss 'Sunday. Miss Mary F. Knox of McHenry visited relatives here Saturday. Peet Moss for Baby Chicks for sale at the Farmers Mill, McHenry. 46 75 Studded Tee Posts free, rfsiquire at the Farmers Mill McHen*]r» 45 Wear* kfua for wm BVBRSHARP\ . ' **P* ' Wars! -«f All BuB|liaf r " I bate all bungling as t do sin. bat particularly bungling in politics, which leads to the misery and rata of many thousands i«nd mlillhna people.--Goefhe > .We like to sell this good merchandise because we can stand back of it. Every time we make a Wahi-fcversharp sale, we make a satisfied customer. Whatever your want? in the Writing line, we can supply them. We take pleasure in helping you find what you want at the price you want to pay. today. frhMaas P. ltlgw "Tfca McHenry Dnccut" PIMM 4# McHenry, m. m GJCMTRA1 CAKACE jahmMMBA : nd» j. sinta, Sties. Ceienil AatoBntiye Kepir Work * ; j Gfoe us a call when in trouble Day Phone 200-J Night Phone 640-J-2 '4%l ll r7-I_ A -v , t M r -\ si 9 " "'<• 'f£>*' j*:' '$*Xk ' / ' % .tfr' and all other Cattle, Hogs^li: Sheep ' ¥ consigned ttf Silas Pa]merh& Sons m Union Stock Yards •i •Chicago; •» •.rrv'5Vy4' f vi "o' J -mm:. receive best of attention :W W0' t M"5.- -h 8 VOLO llrt. #assfifeld and Ifrs. Eddy, of Grayslake, • .-OH We are celebrating this event with a regular carnival of bargains/-- Help us * success by getting your share of these unusual values. :y , ff*AHE squeezing action of the Maytag Roller Water Remover forces out the last bit of dirt that would dim the clothes, the last particle of SPap that, if allowed to dry in. Would rot the'fabric. Developed at a cost of over a quarter Of a million dollars, it is an outstanding improvement in soap and watisr lemoval methods. ^ > THE MAYTAG COMPANY ir-W& Newton, louia *'• • Founded ISM •,1L •; 'PHONE triaIl f iMt ia/oytuafv| >•11 Itsmf, Jen't j H': • v-m:m • ' Maytag Radio Programs : WM-A. Boua lDtJU •n aknk.W wHcAKU.C.rIvmu-- lati WSAI. CiadBaul. XYW .CUOM. WCCO. Ml--n KnH Mi'. IC.K UOrILn. c»t». WSAP. r.TT WANK. KEX.PARTM., KFIC. SuFiudm ,• ODataTv. arC. FKCSLA. £T*ohr oLaatk*#. Sox,St Loate.wjlt, v' dan^nter, called on Jay Vasey at the Libertyville hospital, Wednesday afternoon and also <>n Mrs. Passfield'i sister, Mrs. Bert JDowell, , Mf» bhd Mrs. Henry Bohnne and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bentley and 'thildren of Elgin called on Mrs. Rose punnill Sunday. Mrs. John Engeln of MicHenry spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. Frank Hironimus. Miss Evaline Hironimus, who Is now working in McHenry, spent Monday evening *t the home of her parent*, Mr. and Mrs. Franlc Hirotiitnuft. Mr. and Mrs. Will Hironimus of Itound Lake spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will HironithuS. The Volo public school has two hew pupils. • Mrs. Elisabeth Bacon and daughter, Winnie, visited with her son, Ed. Bacon of Round Lake Monday evenf »"«• 1 Charley Smiley and brother, Frank, of Burton's Bridge were Roseville callers Sunday. Jay Vasey returned hoine Sunday from Libertyville hospital, Where he has Jbeen for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eddy of Grayslak< and Jh^rs. H. Pasgfield visited with friends in Chicago Sunday. ' Harry Hironimus and Charley O. Barney were in an auto accident. Saturday evening- Both boys received many bad bruises. Peet Moss for Baby Chicks for sale at the Farmers Mill, McHenry. 45 76 Studded Tee goats free. Inqnire at the Fanners Mill, McHenry. 45 Pay your taxes at tho Citizens State Bank, McHejiry. 42tf ARMOURS PO< AKD 3 CANS FOR PLYMOUTH BOOK OOEN~l*lra BUXlda)rd, quality, 3 CANS FOIL....--...... PXTEE RABBIT PEAS--High qmttly, fine eating, 3 CANS FOR ARMOUR'S PEACHES-- 3 LARGE CANS FOR ELBOW MACROS-- 3 ONE POU»fDl»Ad«Jk«l» *0* .HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP-- LARGE BOTTLES EACfc*. aT.M OLIVE TOILET SOAP-- 4 BARS FOR ROSE TOILET S0A|£-- 4 BARS FOR IS'Ox. PACKAGES SEEDLESS fcAISINS--1 y • 3 FOR : SULK SEEDLESS RAISINS 4 LBS, FOR mr^tr m ^ ] r -- • . i^-,i Potatoes Irish Gobbler--fine eating--good for iei&d home grown--Per peck 17c •f » »M*W» M* «• ., tnfSm I. Jllummum cWasher H^E. Buch Plumbing Eiverside Drive " ; . • McHenry, A WQQpSTOCK-m-J. TOLD HAiDWAEs ' HIIMM, Gr«as« Your S*s piken wbo are troubled with tan der feet are advised by the American Magazine co follow the exnmple of soldiers during the war and grease their socks oi? their feet, before a long hike, with vaseline or candle grease. Overalls bine denim overalls, on generous pattern, 46 yds. to do*, per Men's heavy cotton work pants--«H ' JQ extraordinary value, per pair -- Bath Towels k: J M m- » , , . v HERE ARE TWO WONDERFUL VALUE* r\ -22x44 heavy pare wiiit^ turkish t o w e l s , ^ F O R . . . j ; -- , • ... : A $1.00 ggoond A mill shipment of turkish bath towels,^ , giie 18x56, colored border, 5 towels forJVU yot more %****» 5 t»we3s of each kind to a customer V" ::kC V ; BROOMS--5 sewed parlor broom-- a very good value for, each. --.--.... OIL MOPS--Ready for use-- good size. You will want one of there for.. MOP--10-os. Cotton Mop-- complete witk S9C 39C PURE WHITE TEA CUPS--0vide shape cups only PER DOZE* . , DRESS GINGHAMS--fancy "plaids and checks, Vl PER YARD u.. 7W ^ te!5 • K--K • X > * 20* MEN'S ATHLETIC UNION SUITS-- made of fine Nainsook per garment 75^ or 3 suite for$2.00 Slw>rt TIsm in Caaal 4 vessel proceeding directly throm the Panama canal without delays requires only 10 to 12 hours for passage. Of this time 3 hours is occupied In being lifted ,and. lowered through the locks. ..f": n:4'it tW- vr trMi •?. ^PXONEm •it' vir.