tHK M'HI m PLAINDKALM THURSDAt. APRIL U,1S39 i R.P. Edw«4s Oarage •_- XLK STKKET ji'V'j %% S^'" CHUWDW, UTRF AN» tmnrtuu. t>- TUOLWmU, ALSO TOWING ITOKK OUASISTEKD -^•-•iwV ?• w i. , FBpHBlM lf¥HT VII GARAGE • Qemril Automobile Repairing tAtm^ v-.-, .. Jte». &OM, «S9i3 I ^A.»- V t * .r.y ^ K >;f* *rt: tr-- -\*~ " ' < • ^ • •; "Impassible" they said': < *.;,;••»*.•<• . • < * « , > • s . w 4 . x 5 « i w ^ * * f r a - i r » rpizgrmx}*% * $c, «A* RCA * si < PJ. 4 fcS. ft \A high quality * console radio set rfor $MM.SO .|| - y.:- f" v' *' With tubes and speaker $116*50 complete < • Nye Jewelry, Music irid Radio Sho|r PHONE 123-J " MAIN ST., M'HENEY | Central Market The Home (of Home Killed Saturday Specials Hams, whole or lb 1. Bacon Squares, lb. Boiling Beef, lb. „ 3Pot Roast, lb. Boiled Rib Roast, Boneless, lb. „^r Ycal Hearts, lb VeaJ Tongues, lb... Veal Brains, lb. ..... Sliced Liver, lb 29* -19* 18* 85* 38* -20* 20* 15* -15* Fresh Ham, lb. 26* Fresh Pork Butt, lb.26* Pork Shoulder, lb.. . 18^ Spare Ribs .2 lbs. 35c Pork Loin, lb. 24* Boneless Veal Roast, lb. ...„. J.„ 35* Pork Sausage, lb 25* Liver Sausage, Fresh and Smoked, lb. 20-25* Lard 2 lbs. 27* One Order to jOustoner Wp Defirer Geo. J. Eehreiner Phone 80-M A few items, stifefi m the floor ash fray similar to that shown, add much to home enjoyment of the man who smokes, yet they cost so little that every home should have them. It Yill take but a few minutes and a few dollars to equip your hom&Wby not <kr it today §w Jacob Justen & Sons ^ ITJEHITOKBAMD UNDERTAKING ^ '.%#• Hriwn 10S-R -v. - .. • • tlreeii 8t. IT?1 WEEKLY PERSONALS COMERS AMD GOERS OF A WEEK IK OXTR CITY As 8een &j Plaindeakr Reporters and Handed In , By Oar Friends Peter 11. Justrt wail i Chicago visitor Friday. Leroy Conway Wis a Harvard vis* itor Friday. AI. Krause is Mrrtng on jury in Chicago this month. Mrs. Ffrltt and son visited reiatirefi a! Woodstock Suiwiav. , - ^ A. E. Nye attended a nu)M COOTMiion in Chicago Wednesday. Paul Fagon of CSbieago was calling on McHenry friends Thursday. Fred Ferv«rd» and Frank Hughes were Chica|f(r vWtwrs Tuesday. Miss Maytne Keg" of Chicago spent lb.e week-end at her borne here. yMisa Heies SMach of Chicago visitf* d friends Gro over the weelrend. Miss Gene*W*e Knox ®f Elgin spent the week-end at her borne here. Miss Elisabeth Vogt of Geneva visited friends here over the week-end. Mrs. William Stolfel is visiting in the home of her daughter at Joliet- Mrs. Jennie Bassett spent a few days the first of the week at Elgin. Weston Bacon was a business caller at Milwaukee one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Marshall and children visited in Chicago Sunday Mts. Peter Glosson «f Waukegan visited in tke Fred Karls "home Sanday. Mayor and Mrs. P. W. Frett and family spaat Sunday with relatives in Chicago. Mrs. EL A. Jurgens ^>f Milwaykes, Wis., visited friends here over the week-end. Mr. and Krs. M. J. Schaeffer aU Crystal Lake visited relatives here Sunday. Mrs. William Bacon and eon, Lester, were Wfeukegan visitors Monday evening. * Mrs. Anna Howard' and son, Donald, spent the week-end ^ith relatives it Woodstock. , Mr. and ^Irs. Ben Banr and Mrs. Stephen Smith were Waukegan visitors Monday. Miss Clara Miller £pent several days last week as the guest of friends at Detroit, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hughes and children were visiters at Crystal Lake Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Alexander of Hebron were McHenry "visitors last Wednesday evening. Mrs. Nan Boyd of Chicago spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McEyoy. Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Freund visited m the home of her parents at Johnsburj? Sunday. , •**» "Mr. and Mrs. Louis McDonald attended the funeral of a relative at Mundelem Monday. Mrs. A: E. Nye spent Wednesday as^the guest of her etmsin, Mrs. J. W. Collins, at Oak,Park. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell and sons of Chicago were Sunday caHerh in the home of" Mrs. B. Frisby. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Colby dl Wan kegan were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louis McDonald Saturday. . Mat Steffes has returned home from Waukesha where he spent a few weeks at the sanitarium. Dr. and Mrs. BT. F. Cannon and family of Waukegan were week-end guests in the M. J. Walsh home. Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson and family were Sunday dinner guests in the John Katjtm r home at Spring Grove. Mrs. J. C. Peterson of Chicago ! spent last week in the home of her i parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo Winkel. | Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smith and son I uf Harvard visited in the honte of her | mother, Mrs. Catherine Young, Sun^ day. Mrs. Paul Bonslett of Crystal Lake 8pent the week-end at ttve home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Overton, Mr. and Mrs. V. -L. Austin of Richmond spent Wednesday evening of last week in the Dr. C. W. Klontz home. ^ ,i Mrs. Catherine Young spent a few days last week in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Arnold Reinhart, at Elgin. Mrs. F. J. Wagner and son and Mrs. Mary Sable of Round Lake we're guests of Mr. and Mrs. Theo Winkel Sunday. * Mir. and Mrs. Walter Brooks and son, James, of Chicago were calling on relatives and friends in McHenry Wednesday. Linus Newman spent Saturday and Sunday in the home of his son, Chas., in Chicago. Miss Clara Schtessle, Carl Weber and their guest, Seeley Johnston, of Champaign, 'visited at Waukegan Tuesday. » Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith were Sonday visitors in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, at Johnsburg. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Clarton, son, Will, and daughter, Mnu John Dreymiller, visited Mrs. Leta Thomas at HaiVard Sunday. Mr., and Mrs. Nugent and daughter of Austin were visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thurlwell Sunday afternoon. Louis Young, Miss Eleanor Walsh, Misses Rosina and Genevieve Young and Miss Mary Walsh were Elgin visitor^. Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peterson and tamUy of Chicago visited in the home oi the former's brother, E. Q. Peterson. and family, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank 0'Flaherty and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Frisby of Elgin were guests in the James Frisby home last Wednesday. Thomas P. Bolger has returned home, from the sanitarium at Waukesha, Wis., where he was taking ireatments for rheumatism. Robert Weber, Helen Weber and Edward Frett were Chicago visitors Sunday, v^ere they met Seeley Johnston of Champaign, wV> returned to McHenry with them. • , - ^ Clinton E. Martin was a Woodstock caller Monday evening. Earl, Glen and Bob Peterson visited the flying field near Chicago Sunday. Mrs. N. E. Barbian and Mrs. A. G. Barbiaa visited relatives at Johnaburg Sunday. Mrs. William Justen and Mrs. Ben Justen were Woodstock shoppers Saturday. Mr. and Ms. Frank Hughes and A PROCLAMATION In my Inaugural address of January 14, 1929, I called attention to the necessity of .protecting the wild life, of Illinois, and to the duty of the State Department of Conservation, noi only-to enforce the laws for the protection of fish and game, but also to establish preserves and hatcheries for the replenishment of fish in the daughter, Frances, were Waukegan1 streams and game on the lands of shoppers Saturday evening. Mr$u Agness Went worth of Lake Geneva spent several days this week the State Protection of forests and reforesta tion of denuded lands, suitable only in the home ef her daughter, lfrs. J. jfor forest growth was mentioned as J. Marshall Charles Vales and sons, Albert and Robert, of Chicago were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vales Sunday. Miss Bertha Justen, Julia Donahue and Sabina Huette of Chicago recently spent several days in the home ef Mr. and Mrs. Ben Justen. Mrs. C. J. Reihansperger and children and Miss Lena Stcffel spent; Saturday in Chicago, Mrs. John Reihansperger of West Chicago spent Tuesday in the hoiae of feer son, C. t. Reihansperger another phase of conservation which requires far more attention in the future than it has received in the past. Flourishing woodlands mean more than timber crops--they mean outdoor recreation; the preservation of animal and bird life; the protection and beautification of our hillsides and the regulation of our streams in such a manner as to reduce the menace, of floods. We have alreaiy made a beginning in conservation, but the task is stupendous compared wit\i the work done. WVe «houid not permit any feel Joseph Kubesh and son, George, inx of satisfaction over past accom- Michael Robbins and Miss Jeanette ' plishments to blind us to the magni- KrandaJl of * Chicago were Sunday • tude of the work remaining. guests in the home of Mr. and Mra,| Conservation of our natural re- Albert Vales. sources in all forms and of human life Ven. Sr. M. Severin, Sr. M. Alexia,{must be given our most complete at- Mrs. Henry Stilling and Mrs. Ben j tention in order that the gains al- Justen motored to Milwaukee Tues-i ready made may be multiplied as the day to attend the funeral of Ven.! years go on. Mother K. Alfonse. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schaefer, Jerome Schneider and Mrs. Catherine Schneider motored to Jackson, Mich., Saturday, returning home Monday. They visited in the home of Mrs. Schaefef's brother, the day being his birthday anniversary. The trip was a very pleasant one and the weather ideal with th4 thermometer registering 88 degrees at Jackson on Sunday. k COMMUNITY SERVICES; ? ^ Next Sunday, April 14th, we tnv'fte all the young people to a social gathering at p. TO., in the church. Refreshments will be served and the" young people's meeting will follow at 7 p. m. Be sure YOU are there. Come yourself and bring' a friend. Our service wiTl be held at 7:30, with special music and a sermon. Last Sunday we had a good, attendance for a wet night, and a helpful service. These evening services are for all who desire to come. We welcome' you and assure you of a bright and happy hour. We note with gratitude that a new Now, Therefore, I, Louis L.. Emmerson, Governor of the State bf Illinois, do hereby designate the period of April 15 to 20, 1929, as Conservation Week, during which the people of Illinois shall carefully study our problems as presented to them by able speakers in our schools and elobs and by special publicity articles in the press. I further urge all pu1|.c officials, editors, educators, clergymen, and the people of the state generally to unite for considering the wise use and renewal of our natural resources. • s In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused to be afTixed the Great Seal of the State of Illinois, at the Capitol, in the City of Springfield, on this, the twentythird day of March, in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-nine and of the State of Illi? nois the one hundred and eleventh. LOUIS L. EMMERSON, • Govarnot. TAXES! •/ The county treasurer "has authorised this hank to receive taxes. We roof has been put on the church appreciate vour paying them building. It was needed last Sunday, West McHenry State Bank. - 42tf -C- & iSiis, -They hold al\. world records ' •* > •; 'I- -" 4' f: GUARANTEE* ^g FOR LIFE ' '.••mi- Never Buy a Tire until yon have phoned 30, or better stiB eoane down and let us show you ,, . The Hi-Grade Standard Tire* 41 r-ti Every Tire a First and in Original Wrapper . "' " '••*» i> ,-s», w\%sfe%rs- "'•v / ~A"$ | v' - •f> * * ,«,1=4 * 1 > •* :t > -rnJ-M**/.- , FIRESTONE-OLDF1ELD Hi-Pressnre f:r ;J ?"•* 30x3Vi Regular Clincher Cord .. 30x3 Vt Full Oversise Cord . ..._ 31x4 SS Cotri % 9J« 32x4ft S8 Cai4 32x4 SS Cord 33x4^ 80 Oni < Balloon 29x4.40 Balloon _ $6,60 30x4.50 Balloon 7J5 31x5.25 Balloon <11 28x4.75 Balloon 8.46 30x5^0 Balloon 11.8ft 29x4.75 Balloon --! 8.80 30x6.00 Balloon 12.4S 30x4.75 Balloon ».1« 31x6.00 Balloon , 12.7* 29x5.00 Balloon 9.05 32x6.00 Balloon 30x5.00 Balloon 9.35 33x6.00 Balloon lt» 31x5.00 Balloon 9JM 2Sx5^i Balloon r 10.15 TRUCK TIRj^S 30x5.25 Balloon 10^0 30x5 --.HUtt .-'nm COURIER - tMV, /CORD 2S%4J» BAU/HBt ' . $4.50 • • ' v _ . $5.65 • 31x4 Cord MS ISM Corf 8J5 31x5.25 WM Our Stock Ife Complete--We Have Every Sixe • Buss-Page Motor Sales ;:i$SS Serve After WP Sell --X'; _ McHENKY; -i au-tnjyrLrun ' "• " \ . A %jl \ •. • ' ~ . •*& 'i-rfy >*;£ Plamdealers at Bolger's. Plaii^dealer Publicity Pays. f-'¥ •C' t-'fV,: ; # "V a i- »%,¥ - v - v ^ * i mm 4 ; • • ¥ Into By designing your new home with property insulated walls that ]>revent undue heit losses you can heat your home with gas at a coBt, comparable with ordinary fuels. , Remember that modern gas heating only automatic and absolutely carefree heating, but it also does away with sc^t and : ashes and outs your cleaning bilk. . . . Nay is the time to look into the many merits of gas for house heating. It can be installed this Spring for a down payment of 25%-->#» balance in easy payments after October 1st Ifo carrying charge. • ' -- Phone or write us for ftxll information i) WESTERN IMTCn WGAS ELECTRIC OOMPANYI-/ R !*• * ,>nrt£ "X _L^ ilLiLi.. TEL. 187 E. F. COKWAY •":av "M'd • J, ,1«.: MU • . •4'j % K . . . . f; "• ^V.» r a * Tiffff -rr