'mmm&fmrsipp* *V M f y THE M'HEN^Y rLAINDEALEE, THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1929 .{ Safer- Livelier Sturdier Smarter motm &>• .i(ore: economical % ^ . I i v-"- Mr. and Sirs. William «* Chcago visited at the William Nlcholla home Sunday. Fern Nicholls of Chicago and Francis Nicholls of Elgin spent the weekend with home folks. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nordrteyer spent Friday evening in the Bauer home. Mrs. Lloyd Russel and children transacted business In Arlington Heights, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Esse Fisher stent Friday with their daughter, Mrs. Richard Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dowell and daughter, Dolores, spent the weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Dowell. Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Lusk and family and Miss Emma Bacon attended the supper given by the M. El church at Wauconda, Saturday evening. Sunday visitors at the Fred Nordmeyer home were Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kuhlman and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hornuth, Mr. and Mrs. Erving Nordmeyer and daughtter, Vergene, of Harrington and Mr. and Mrs. John Denilin and family of IJbertyvilla. G. W. Vasey and *oo, Wklter, transacted business at Waukgan Saturday. The social given by the ladies' Aid at the home of Ll V. Lusk was well attended. The evening was spent playing games, after which lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus, son, "Harry, and daughter, Ellen, were Freemont visitors Sunday. Miss Rose Hahn of Dundee spent Saturday night and Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfleld. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Vasey and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hunter and family of "McHenry,_and Mrs. and Mr*. Martin StofTel of Ringwood were Sunday gnests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dowell, daugh- | ter, Dolores, of Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. j William Knippel and daughter of Upited States Tires offered in a spe-; Carpentersville. Mr. and Mrs. Charles rial April Sale at wholesale prices! DavHn Df Wauconda. Beatrice Wilson Tins is a real opportunity to save an(j Milton Dowell. were supper monej right at the beginning of the 0f Mr. and Mrs. Roy Passfleld , season on the finest tires made. Sunday The U.SvRCHAL These are six great features of the new U. S* Royal. Safer -- anti-skid treads. Livelier--better cushioning. Sturdiersix plies of Web Cord. Smarter -- designed for the car of today. Speed* ier--freer rolling, no suction. Economical--save* 5--wears longer. Sale Prices All fresh new stock that we absolutely guarantee. These low prices are a special introductory price for April day. only. All sizes and no extra charge for mounting. Remember that yon are buying the finest tire on the market at these low ptices. Mr. and Mrs/Thomas Fisher were business callers in Libertyville Batura:,;;.,: Prices for U. S. Tires 30x3 Vi , ...$ 5.45 30x3Yz Oversise 5.75 29x4.40 SAB 31x5.00 Royal 11.85 32x6.00 Royal 15.95 30x5 Truck 21.45 WALTER FREOND WEST MUENRY, ILL, s • Phone 120-R Tfre and Tube Vulcanizing . Battery Charging and Repairing 'v All Work Guaranteed J. Schaeffer of McHenry was a call^ er in this vicinity Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fisher entertained Mr. and Mrs. 5 Arthur Kaiser from Waukegan Sunday. John Davis and Paul Burton of Crystal Lake visited at the Bacon home Monday evening. Mrs. Howard Converse visited friends in Libertyville Friday. Ed Bacon transacted „ Dusiness In Elpin Thursday. Services at the Volo A. E. church last Sunday evening were well attended. Dr. Odgers .gave a very interesting talk on the "Everlasting Now of Life," after which Quarterly Conference was held There will be services every Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock, to which everybody is invited to attend. Misses Kathryn and Marjory Moore Representative Elbert Waller, Tama ro a. has introduced a bill which will increase the school distributive fund to $18,000,000. Ever since the free school system was established there luis been surh a fund and it is now $8,000,000, which is far less than many of the other states have In such a fund. This is for the purpose of equalizing the school tax and helping school districts which cannot "raise sufficient fonds even though they levy the limit. Mr. Waller's argument is that the education of children is not only a local problem but that it is also a statewide problem. This is House Bill 'Jul and is set for hearing April 17. The bill Introduced by Senator, Eur! Iif Searcy, Springfield, appropriating 5700.000 for the construction of an addition to the Centennial building for office purposes, has passed the senate by a -7-0 vote. The bill, favored by Governor Emmerson, has been sent to the house. y , The state income tax bill, Introduced by Senator Simon EL Lantz, Congerville. is the only measure now pending before tlrt» Illinois legislature that Is designed to bring about a more equitable distribution of the tax burden, according to a statement made recently by Earl C. Smith, president of the Illinois Agricultural association. Illinois funds earned $74,831.37 In Interest during February. State Treasured Omer N. Custer has announced. The balance In the treasury April 1 was $39,429,627.29. \ Mrs. Flora S. Cheney, state representative from the Fifth senatcgjal district, died suddenly at h«r home In Chicago* April 8. The Illinois Commerce commission has authorized the Baltimore A Ohio railroad to discontinue two passenger trains between Springfield and Beardstown. An- Increase of 6 per cent over last year's tame hay acreage in Illinois Is indicated for 1029 in a joint report of the Illinois and federal departments of agriculture, according to an announcement by A. J. Surratt, state ag-. ricultufal statistician. A resolution offered to the house by Representative Homer J. Tice, Greenview, has passed. It asks the governor to request the highway department to inspect the route of the Lincoln Memorial highway from Hodgensvile. Ky., to Bearilstown, nnd to designate officially Illinois' part of the proposed hard road. Action to guard the interest of Illinois soy bean growers in getting more adequate protection "against foreign Imports of soy bean oil and so.v bean meal was taken recently by the Illinois of GraysIaiTe^ntThe w"^end~with Agricultural association Ester Lusk. Pay your State Bank. taxes at the Citizens 42 TAXES I The county treasurer has authorized this bank to receive taxes. We will a^reciate your paying them hem ' West McHenry State Bank. 42tf Warkar Nat Uadarataad who would do some great thing In this short life must apply himself to work with such a concentration of his forces as, to idle spectators, who live only to amuse themselves, looks •Ike Insanity.--Parkman. Speakiag of Noii« •Lots of people never make much noise In the world till their theories are exploded --Grand Rapids Press. CENTRAL GARAGE JOHNSBtmC , . JRED J. SMITH, Proprietor - Chevrolet Sales. General Automotive Repair Work Give us a call when in trouble , Day Phone 200-J Night Phone 640-J-2 A slash of $610,400 Jn the biennial appropriations for the divisions of pardons and paroles and supervision of paroles has been ordered by Governor Emmerson in the department of Welfare appropriation bill which has been sent to the general assembly. Lewis Q. Stevenson, secretary of state from 1914 to 1917 In Gov. Edward F. Dunne's administration and son of Adlal E. Stevenson, Vice' President of the United States from 1893 to 1897, died in BIdpmington, April 5. Pollution of the Fox river and how the state may help residents of the valley keep its waters pure was discussed in an opinion given recently by Attorney General Oscar E. Carlstrom to Henry 'H. Kohn, director of the department of'purchase*/rod construction. A resolution asking "home rule" for Chicago and Cook county » has been introduced in the senate by Senator Arthur Huebsch of Brookfield. ¥ Fresh Eggs ,a, ^lenty -fresh eggs, selected size and quality, v Buy them from the Community Dairy., Phone your order and we will deliver. |7 -v; milk and cream - «m* !te tt%taiii£d at the Central Market, Qualitv Market and Royal Blue Store. * ;.v$pTe handle nothing but Bowman's Pasteurized r and Degreed Products Community Dairy G60-J-1 Ben J. Smith, Prop. The motion by Mayor William Hale Thompson of Chicago for an extension of time until July 15 to complete his written brief and arguments in the million dollar tax accounting suit brought by the Chlcajfo Tribune has been allowed by the State Supreme court. Representative Martin B. Pekin, has Introduced a bill which provides for the acquisition and establishment by the state of a system of conservation, forest preservation and public recreation ground; the bill authorises the state to Issue twenty million dollars of serial bonds. During the last month there was $52,606,100 worth of new building and engineering work contracted fw jn the state of Illinois. A million and a half dollar Increase In the net earnings of building and loan associations of Illinois is noted in 1928 In the Building and Loan bulletin issued by State Auditor Osc4r. Nelson. Representative AUwrt JV^MancIh, Chicago, has Introduced ,a mil providing that seating plans mast he posted by theaters and public amusement places. / A|« Doe» Not Give Vain* The fact that a violin is old does not necessarily mean that from an Intrinsic standpoint, if is more valuable than a newer one. Some of the recently made violins have such exquisite tone that they can scarcely be identified when, compared with the the old violin maHer^ - " c Baekaatag Light Two lights are seen on the horizon *~one the fast fading marsh light of power; and the other the slowly rising sun of human brotherhood.---Join P. Alt geld. EipuhIm Made by lea When it becomes ice water expands •0 that 017 cubic centimeters of water becomes 1,000 cubic centimeters of Ice. •;5' British pMieiiioai • 4, ;•'* Mm British empire comprise# otf#> * fourth of the ^world's habitable surface, an area of 13.220.749 miles. square Coll Statistics It has been estimated that golf balls are used In s y< atve of those misused. Fills ia Kc4 bmm, mM •iv- Representative Willlam l^ Gilniore, Champaign, has introduced a bill which amends the school act to permit certain disbursements q£ psij. money by the state auditor. Governbr Emmerson's Tiflftjt bills providing that constitutional amendment proposals shall he printed on the main ballot instead of on extra ballots, have been passed by the house.' The bills, introduced by Senator James J. Barbour, Chicago, have been returned to the senate for concurrence on the,.amendments agged ,.&j . the house. - -• \ A 49 per cent Jump fn the preralance of diabetes which has sent fatalities from that disorder soaring, from 1,000 to 1,500 per year in Illinois during the last decade was cited recently by Dr. Andy Hall, state director of health. Doctor Hall issued a warnf» Ing against over indulgence In rich foods with accompanying lack of exercise as a preventive of the disease. " By a vote of 17 to 9 the house Industrial affairs committee has voted a favorable report on the woman's eight-hour bill which was Introduced by Mrs. Lottie Holman O'Neill. Illinois ranks third In the United States in the value of factory products and fourth in its number of wage earners, according to figures announced by the Chicago Association of Commerce. Senator Arthur A. Huebsch, Brookfield, has introduced a bill which requires motor vehicles carrying passengers fc • hire to carry the name of the bona fide owner. •The State Supreme court admitted thirty persons to the bar recently. Illinois Is one of the twelve states in the union which have thus far adopted a definite policy on landscaping and beautifying .highways. The right of railroads to operate motor coach and air lines Is'given in a bill reported to the house by 'the committee on public utilities. The bill was offered by Representative^ Chynoweth, Decatur. • „ ' First.. Tooth Deciduous teeth are the W# teeth. Children cut them usually between the ages of four moriths and two years. They ere shed between the ages of six and twelve. YOUNG LADY IS ' LOUD IN PRAISE OF NEW KONJOLA NcrMaMM MN> General Weakness Van** When New Medidae Is Given a Chance ' to Fix up T FORD £lGHT now, after winter lay-ape end winter driving, i| me time to go over your Model T and find out just vrhaf • needs in the wn of replacement porta and adjustments^ For a very small eost, you may be able to protect an<{ The bill introduced by Representative Homer J. Tice, Greenview, which provides for the compulsory tuberculin testing of cattle, has been presented to the house committee on agriculture and has been sent to a sub-coauoiUee for further consideration. MISS LULU E. QUIMBY "What a difference six weeks can make in one's life!" exAaims Miss Lulu E. Quimby, 1520 East Clinton street, Joliet. "Six weeks ago I was a nervous wreck; worn out, run down, exhausted. I bit the nails of my fingers until they bled. I couldn't help it. The least sound startled me; I was afraid to go on the streets alone for fear of fainting. Dizzy spells were frequent. Constipation was chronic; had been for a long time. "That was just six weeks ago-- before taking the new master medicine Konjola. Six bottles completely relieved the bowel trouble; my .nerves are calm and quiet; I have no more dizzy attacks and I am feeling strong arid vigorous. No words of mine are strong enough to express my gratitude for what Konjola did for me. Surely my experiences should be a guide to all who suffer as I did." Konjola is sold in McHenry, 111., at Thomas P. Bolger's drug store and 'by all the best druggists in all towns throughout this entire section. Speed of automobiles on the public highways was fixed at forty miles an hour in a bill which was read for the second time in the house a few days ago; the bill was introduced by Rep* reaentative A. O. Galvln, Chicago, Use of ipineral fertilizers Is but one step In good soil management, and exclusive attention to this feature alone leads to higher costs of production and finally .to failure because of a gradual slump in the yielding power of the. soil, the agronomy department of the college of agriculture of the University oif Illinois is cautioning farmers. «* Congressman William E. Hull, Peoria, carried the federal government's view on flood control and inland wa terways to the Illinois house of representatives recently. He urged the appropriation "of $3,000,000 for co-operation on Ahe Illinois river project. Another state police bill has been offered In the hoj^se by Representative William Z. Black, St. Joseph. It pro vides for "highway maintenance po lice" to replace the present state high way patrol, nnder a supervisor at $5,- 000 a year. The state department of agriculture has the pow£r to revoke a license to handle eggs without going to court,, Attorney General Carlstrom has told. Walter R. Klmr,ey, superintendent of fbods and dairies, Chicago. A bill introduced In the senate by Senator Earl B. Searcy, Springfield, appropriates $150,000 for improvements, alterations and equipment for the state house. The bill has been sent to the committee on appropriations. * ' • ' \ Senator Epler C. Mills, Virginia, has offered a resolution in the upper branch of the assembly to place that body on record in favor of Immediate steps by the Chicago Sanitary district to pay claims for damage done bp «ver>j flow in the Illinois river vallejr. Speaker of the House David Ifi. Shanahr.u, who has been 111 at his home in Chicago, is expecteil to return to his duties in the assembly soon. .» Erection of a more suitable memorial to Abraham Lincoln in Springfield' is urged by the Americanism commit* tee of the American Legion, department of Illinois. Director Harry H. Cleaveland of the state department of public works and buildings has revised plans for work to be done on the Tdncoln monument this year. Part of the shaft may be taken down and changes in the dls play room may be made. ' Repair of the Lincoln home is jalap conteniplated. "•,« '-V;T; " ""'.t-. Representative' Emmet* ^McOmtfr, Congress Park, hjjs introduced a Mil which provides for the election of the chief justice by other judges in the municipal court act. ' Hav« No Games of Skill Games played by American Indians may be divided Into two wneral classes. Games of chance and %ames of dexterity. Games of pure skill and calculation, such as chess, arq fptlr^t iy absent Pionesr Actress Unknown It Is believed that the first woman who appeared in any regular drama performed the part of Desdemona In "Othello." Her name Is noi known. _ G r o w M o r a A l f a l f a One Vay for farmers to avoid paying high prices for clover seed to get" legumes is to apply more lime and so^, alfalfa where It can be grown, says specialists at the Pennsylvania 8tate college. Derived From the Gaelic A corrie Is a circular hollow In the sMe of a hill or mountain. The word la derived from the Gaelic "coir," which properly means s "caldron." V. Ford desk low priee** i ,. yonr investment in the csr and est thouundii miles of additional service. 4 T* feelp ay** the falieat cae from your «ar,'fhj| VWrd Motor Company k still devoting a considerably:' **tioa of its plants to the manufacture of Model T Md will continue to do so as long as they are n< fcy Ford owners. * Theae parts are cpiiekly available tl r- in every section of the eo«ntry. Note the partial list given below t fWton and pln« - . . . Connecting Crankshaft - « . . . «r k«*<| 4. i -s a , ,, £ -p „ * : i : ; tear shaft Transmission cover • . . . . - • • Ontch pedal . . . . . (Hp and hrarjUl) f Generator - :"... « * • •; Battery . - Carburetor - Vaporiser asseadbly (wtlk Bear axle shaft - Differential drive gear » Universal joint assembly . Drive shaft pinion - • . fkvnt axle • • •1 Sjplndle ronn«etln( rod froDt radius rod - B e a r s p r i n g . . . " Badiator--less shell (1917-23) m Badiator--less shell (1923-27) ^ Hood ( 1 9 1 7 - 1 9 2 5 ) . . . . Hood (1926-27} black - - - Caroline tank < - - . • ttront fendera (1917-1928) esdt. Wont fenders (1926-1927) each$» Bear fenders (1932-1925) eaeh*w ^ear fenders (1926-1927) each** Banning board - • • - Horn (battery type) » Headlamp assembly (1915-26) pair • "touring car top (1915-25) complete - ourin* ear top ((1926-27) complete, tnehules eartaiaa : ' a n d c u r t a i n r o d s - - - - - - - - Hiese prices are for parts only, but the charge foj ktbor is equally low. It is billed at a flat rate so you know in advance what the job will cost. FORD MOTOR COMPANY, IB* warp-proof moisture-proof ALL-STEEL REFRIGERATOR. •it <1' '-v. •fy. 'MSi ' Itlltl', automatic, mam ett- ' tirely of steel... this Geneml tlectric is indeed the ator of the futnre! The engineers and scientists U# the Research Laboratories, having solved the most important problem of electric refi igi,H , tiou- that of the mechanism-- ext turned their attention to designing and building of this infinitely erator cabinet* it is a small-family model, built jen tirely of steel--as strong as a •215 at the factory with tt f anwwt wwf. All Mi joints are electrically welded ... as strong as the steel itselH The cabinet is finished ia •' -special coating that has all tha beauty and sheen of porcelain, but will not crack, chip or check. It has a new type of insulation material, used in exactly the correct amount to msintsin perfect temperature, well below the 50 degree danger point. GENERAL ® ELECTRIC ALL-STEEL REFRIGERATOR Carey Electric Shop asi Green Street PW rices Mow in Effect mi all Modele V'-'