"Wmm (-_^j_S...,..4-i---i. it THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER, THtJRSDAY, APRIL 18,1931 *'"•><•: 4* * WAjjcom>m ••\m ,^p- ^"<1 Mrs. Herbert Schroeder of cago spent the 'week-end with lrs. Edith Peck. M Mr- and Mrs. George Case and Mrs. *p4arshall Smith visited friends in .,^Vaukegan Thursday. 1** Asa Crabtree of Cary was a pleas- •b M '4°^ caller in town Friday. _ Re*- A. C. Riley of Madison called friends here Saturday afternoon. Albert Baseley and son, Claude, fere Grayslake callers . Saturday afrnoon. - Mrs. George Walmsley spent Snny with her sister at Round Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oakes of Chiigo spent the week-end at their l other's home here. Mrs. Lou Geary of Lake Zurich ;nt Tuesday with Mrs. Alice Geary. Miss Lena Boniiv_ and Francis llanck spent Sunday at Norwood ?ark. , Mrs. George Duberville of Chicago ent Sunday here. v Mir. and Mrs. Charles Burton of L libertyville were callers here Friday. ? ;';*/• Mrs. Frank Harrison of Chicago spending a few days with cj>^per mother, Mrs. Loretta Seymour. Osmund of Crystal Lake call- • :'§& at the George Knigge home Wednesday. j'V: Frank Dickson was a Waukegan jailer Saturday. • < Mrs. George Broughton entertained r;\4•'ihe Past Matrons' club Friday after- -;^|oon. Mrs. Ray Paddock and son, James, illed on relatives at Round Lake Friday afternoon. Miss Ruby Grantham of Wauke- »n spent Saturday with Miss Maria Osgood. Merlin Hughes of Crystal Lake was « Sunday caller at the Dr. C. R. Wells i|ome. Mrs. A. H. Boehmer of Barrington •pent Tuesday evening with Mrs. Lee "Brown. Earl Shaffer of McHenry spent the eek-end with Mr. and Mrs. George f'1 roughton Mr. and Mrs. Amos Keeler and Mr. '<tjnd Mrs. Nye of Barrington called on *r. and Mrs. H. L. Grantham Sunday. 1 < Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Harris, Mrs. Hary Harris, Mrs. Ella Cady and Mrs. " Laura Harris were Waukegan callers Saturday. , • : Mr. and Mrs. Alden Werden and .*>n, Curtis,\ arrived here Friday, af- "%r spending the winter months in |few Hampshire. • i Mrs. Thomas, who has been spending several months with her daughter, Mrs. C. C. Halles, was called to spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hen ry Kruger. Mrs. Albert Maether and Mrs. Archie Foss of Libertyville attended the Tuesday Evening club at the home of Mrs. Leslie Tumbull. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Gilmer and family spent Sunday with relatives at Crystal Lake. Mrs. John Brown and daughters, Lavertie and Evelyn, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stilling at Johnsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Al. August and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Topp of Chicago spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Charles August. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Frederickson and son, Howard, and Miss Helen Campbell of Chicago were Sunday callers at the Fred Thomas home. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Seymour and Mr. and Mrs. Owen Paddock were Dundee callers Sunday. Miss Delia Kirwii) has returned to her home here, after visiting relatives in Carpentersville. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hazelton and son, Richard, of Batavia spent the week-end in the J. A. Jones home. Vernon and Gordon Shaw of Kenosha, Wis., we're callers in <tfce G. M. Jepson home .Sunday. Misses Madeline and Florence Har WEEKLY PERS0NA15 OOME&S AND 60EES OF A WEEK IN OtTR CITY As Seen By PUin dealer Reporters and Handed In Mr. and Mrs. Louis Staffs! motored to Joliet Sunday. Ben Miller and N. P. Colby were Elgin visitors Saturday. Mrs. F. E. Covalt was & Klgin \1sitor Saturday morning. . Arthur Keqnebeck of Chicago spent the / week-end in McHenry. Mr. aYid Mrs, J. M. Phalin and family visited at Hebron Sunday. Miss Leone Givens of Chicago spent Sunday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman visited friendb at Woodstock Sunday. Miss Louise Chamberlin of Chicago spent Sunday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Westermayer of Chicago visited friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Phalin were Woodstock visitors Sunday afternoon. Miss Genevieve Knox of Elgin ris and Muriel White of Lake BJuff "Pent the week-end at her home here, spent Friday with relatives here. j Mr. and Mrs, Robert Blum of River Mr. and Mrs. V. H.Johns and son Forest visited friends here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Schoewer saw the ball game ia Chicago Tuesday, Mrs. Charles Ensign and sort. Howard, visited at Richmond Thursday. Mrs. Jack Walsh .visited relatives and friends in Chicago over the Week- ! end. Miss Laura Michels of Waukegan j spent the first of the week at her Citisens; home here. 42tfj Dr. and Mrs. A. L Froehlich and daughter, Adele, were Elgin visitors NOTICE • •• +•••><**&$ i Tuesday. J Th» tiliiersigned directors '•'kflHthei Mr. and Mrs. Jack Watson Of Mil of Waukegan were Sunday evening visitors at the W. V. Johns home. Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Geary of Round Lake were callers at the home of Mrs. Alice Geary. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Turnbull and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Maether at Libertyville. Miss LaVerne Stone spent the week-eYid with relatives at Round Lake. ^ Pay your taxes al State Bank, McHenry. McHenry Building and Loan Associa- J waukee, Wis., called on friends her^ games and jokes, and also the Boy tion, of McHenry, Illinojp, hereby cer-1 Saturday. tify that said Association has wouijd up its affairs and discontinued business, and that aH claims, demands and debts for or agtfinst the associa- SPRING GROVE N. N. Weber and Joe Brown transacted business in Woodstock' Monday morning. A large crowd from far and near attended the auction sale Saturday of the late Annie Jung. Mrs. J. C. Furlong, is spending a couple weeks with her mother and sister in Iowa. About a dozen L«dy Foresters from, here attended the banquet at McHenry Friday evening. Miss Regena Kattner became a member at this lodge in the evening. The many friends of Mrs. Peter M. May will be glad to know she is able to ride out again, while not quite recovered from her recent attack of flu. Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and $Irs. Reed Carr were Mx. and Mrs. Willard Darrell and daughter, Myrtle, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Matthews and son, Robert, of Wauconda, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanders end three children, Evelyn, John and Hazel, of Hebron. Edd. Bell of Ringwood was a Tuesday caller of his daughter, Mrs. Bertha Esh, and family. Mrs. Joseph Brown returned home Friday evening from Michigan, being called there by the serious illness of her mother. At this writing she has shown a slight improvement. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Wagner are enjoying a two weeks' vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Richardson and son, Robert, were Tuesday evening callers at McHenry. Mrs. Roy Todd and daughter, Ruth, of Richmond spent Wednesday with | Mrs. Leon VanEvery. Silas Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pierce and three sons motored to Waukegan Sunday and spent the day with the former's daughter and family, Mx. and Mrs. Harold Colby. About forty-five of our citizens aR4_ . members of the Community church gathered at the town hall Friday evening and had a real social time with Scouts were entertained. After a Mrs. W. A. Sayler returned home late hour a wonder lunch was served Wednesday after spending the winter land all surely enjoyed themselves, at Bellevlew, Fla.( I Mr. and Mrs. John Weber motored Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholt and! to Wilmette Wednesday evening to tion have been fully settled, the cor-'sons, Paul and Fred, visited relatives spend a few hours "with their sister, in Chicago Sundav. J Mrs. Edd. Hoffman, whose health is Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walsh and Son,'not so good. porate liabilities completely discharged, and the corporate assets and property distributed among all the persons entitled thereto. They hereby surrender the license and final certificate issued by the Auditor of Public Accounts in the organization of said McHenry Building * j i u and k®*11 Association, of McHenry, 2r5,Lchic the serio'^u.s ^illn ess of a daughte"r. i nw°.b ,' •». «• « . «>•' ,. . . MMrr*s. HHoennrryv Horten, Mrs Glen I [ n stricken from the list of go- n"g' r I Cfcoft and Mrs. Ed. Reed of Grayslake and Mrs. D. V. Wait of Round Lake called on Mrs. Arthur Boehmer . Tuesday afternoon. ; Miss Lois Broughton and Mrs. Walter Banks were Elgin callers Satur- V**yi Mrs. Irvin Moody spent several • Ifcys last week in Chicago with her Ifcother. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Paddock of Sjund onday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kramer entertained relatives from Chicago over week-end. » i'Mrg. Lyda Dillevig,of Woodstock Merlvin J. Kent, A. H. Mosher, Bruce A. Stirling, H. E. Buch, ; , j Jos. W. Rotherm«U Roy A. Kent, Ben J. Dietz, Vi Henry J. Schaf||r». M. J. Schmidt, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me Lake called on rd..ive. her. thb ytMW *! AprU. A D. 1928. ' s V. H. THIELE, 45-3 % Notary Public. TAXES! _. The county treasurer has authorijpent the week-end with Mrs. Harfy iced this bank to receive taxes. We jffirancisco. Mrs. Emma Kruger of Long Grove here* Weet McHenry State Bank.! *" 42tf Earl, and Mrs. Charles Gibbs visited in Chicago Sunday. George A. HaiOy and daughter, Grace, of Elgin visited relatives in this city Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Howell of Chicago were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ora Colby of Chicago were Sunday visitors in the home of his father, N. F. Colby. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Howard saw the opening' game of the baseball season in Chicago Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson were Chicago visitors Tuesday, where they saw the baseball game. John Adams of Chicago is spending the week in the home of his daughter, Mrs. Frank Thurlwell. Mrs. James Beavis, Mrs. Qeorge Kramer and Mrs. Stanley Warrington vere Waukegan visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. 'Perioth of Chicago were callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mat Steffes last Wednesday. Mrs. William StofTel returned home Pay your taxes at State Bank, McHenry. the Citizens * 42tf TH E RECORD B R E A K I ^ G f t A SKI " • "Nee*'* aa4- "Fmr" Kart \ The Near Bast applies to such parts of Europe as Syria, Greece. Turkey fn Europe and other nearby countries. The Far East refers t« China, Japan, 4ndla and other Agfot lo countries. StandaN Six 4-Door Sedan DEUVKR Ullv mirrn e Salesman this Question* r^pVERY prospective motor car pmrchaser sbSuld ask every salesman be talks to, this question: "What is the pride of this car, delivered to me, fuUy yj ^quipped with all the equipment?" ^ ^V°u s^ou^ also ask what the diffef- . «nce is between the factory (f. o. b.) ; ;|>rice and the delivered price--and then ash what that difference bays. Heretofore it has been customary for factory prices to cover only the bare car. This permits the dealer to sell you your bumpers and the other accessories, at retail prices. Nash, in introducing the new "400" i§,Sedam from $930 to S2245, delivered--8 Coupt*. CabrioUU. Victorias Series, pioneered a new practice, by installing this extra equipment at the factory, at no extra cost to you. When you ask the suggested question you'll find most salesmen (not Nash salesmen) reluctant to answer. They would rather not say how much more there is to pay, or what the extta,- money buys. f And you'll also find that by reasoned the Nash policy, Nash "400" delivered, fully-equipped prices are muck lower than those of many other cars with the same factory (f. o. b.) prices, and lower than some cars wuji eveit lower factory (f. o. b.) prices. : fr«m $930 to Sltft). iAmtti •"^NewNABH 400 I rode the World in Car ralue IMPORTANT "IW FEATURES -- JVO OTHER JM« TiTMS.lt ,#t£ s-;'\ High compression motor High Turbulence Xorejoy shock absorbers {Rxci»trrr AUti I Aluminum alloy pistons < Inmr-Strmts) Newdouble drop frame Torsional vibration damper World'seasiest steering 7-bearing crankshaft One-piece Salon Exterior metalware fenders chrome plated over de?.r. *'sion froat nickel Short mraing sadios Longer wheel base pillar posts Nash- Special Deslgfe front and rear bumpers Hione 28 A. Stilling Garage Mcllenrv, ' " H- • - V . w retc.ve Sunday from Joliet, where she spent will appelate your paying them,^ ^ jn the.ho^e of her dau?h. ter. R. P. Edwards Garage . BLM STREET BATTERY CHARGING, TIRE AND GENERAL REPAIR WORK, ALSO TOWING WORK GUARANTEED PHONE 156 * • ^ Bargains in' f || Used Macliiiferf One Ford 1-ton Truck :: wrm WARFORD GEAR SHIFT AND DUMP BOX One 12-20 Crawler Type Tractor"" A GOOD TRACTOR FOR CONTRACTORS AND SUBDIVISION OR GOLF GROUND WORK Litchfield Model M Manure Spreaders, $140 for short time only One §jampso|i Tractor* m *-v, -M. ^ 30 Tractor, One E-B Adjustable Fordson Plow. SPECIAL LOW PRICES ON TRACTOR OILS :i ^ AND GREASE E« J« Sheldon :: PHONE loo GRAYSLAKE, ILL. ;: f'S" • 1 Mrs. Mary Sin>on was called to 'Huntley Tuesday morning because of the death of her brother, Joe. Coleman. Mx. and Mrs. Thomas Kane and Miss Elola Boyle attended'the Miller theater at Woodstock- Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Meyers and family of Chicago were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mat Steffes Sunday afternoon. F. W. Sayler and daughters, Viola iiii'i Joyce, of Woodstock visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sayler. Sunday. Mrs. P. H. Weber, son, Robert, and Haughter, Helen, and Miss Clara Schiessle were Elgin visitors Satur dav evening. Miss Marjory Phalin of Chicago spent the week-end in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Phalin. j | Misses Laura and Theresa Karls • and little Kathrine Marie Karls of . Chicago spent Sunday in the Fred • Karls home. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Ritter and Mr. • and Mrs. Edward Krepel motored to" J! Feloit, Wis.. Sunday and spent the • . Hay with friends. X| Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Frett and • baby of Chicago spent Sunday, with $ the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J Joseph J. Frett. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Adams and daughter of Austin were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thurlwell. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frett and family of Chicago were Sunday visitors in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Frett. Mr. and Mrs. John May visited relatives here the first of the week and attended the wedding of her father, N. C. Klein, on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Walsh and little son of EvanstQn spent the first of the week in the home of the for tuer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. , J. Walsh. C. W. Stenger and children of Wan kegan and Mr. end Mrs. Harold Smith of Chicago and Miss Martha Anderson Of Waukegan visited friends at Me- Hf-nrv Sundav. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Michels, Mi. and Mrs. Nick Freund, Mrs. Martin Smith and Mr. and Mrs. John It. ! Smith and family visited relatives at Aurora Sunday. <( Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Justen returned home Wednesday, after spending several weeks in Florida, where they vif-ited at St Petersburg and other points of interest. Mrs. Catherine Young, who has spent the past two Weeks with her daughter at Elgin, returned home the first of the week to attend the wed-, ding of her son on Wednesday. Mrs. J. A. Street, who has been with her husband, Dr. J. A. Street, since discontinuing her work at the Waukegan Memorial hospital, is nutti• n g at the Lake Fores•t hospital. '* 5. *«i ; TW. . -- t i - i n r ^ r r - M - > r r > n f y y i n i n n » t m r u - > n j x r L r r r * r r r - n ~ onhj JJOO flown < •. For a limited time only--until April 30th--yon can trade in your old gas stove and get 10 per cent discount 09 the price of any new gas range purchased at our store ... Take advantage of this special opportunity to get a beautiful new range--many with oven-heat control and other newest convenience features --at a decided saving in money .... Call in today and see our display of newly-arrived models--a wide variety of styles and prices; you're sure to And one exactly suited to your needs. GAS ^ ELECTRIC COMPANY .TEL. 167 R. F. CONWAY McHENRY, ILL.