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McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Apr 1929, p. 4

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THE M HKNSY PLAINTOMLLtt, mmwm • % '*• THE M'HENRY PLAINDEALER AY, APRIL 18, 19*9 . . - f « R V^*T/VV£ /VVVM / ' * • " * ' ^ * » • ' * * ^ # - " ^ ' • • * ' " $ « " - " ' V - rfr- V '•-* > * * 4-1* ) J " s »12*V< J&*** ' "> P r ' Published every Thursday at McHenry, Dl., by Charles F.. Renich. •litered as second-class matter at the der the act of May 8, 1879. » at McHenry, Ilk, tin. pm Six Mentha v -• Subscription Bates -42.00 ,*1.00 A. H. MOSHER, Editor and Manager WEEKLY PERSONALS)" HEALTH PROMOTION WEEK STARTS APRIL 28 COMERS AND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR CITY < • • • - . jit Seen By Plaindealer Re porters and Handed la By Our Friends Itrt. c. W. GoodeU wis it Chicago vWtor Friday. George Buss visited In Chicago over the week-end. Mrs. Jacob Steffes was a Chicago visitor Wednesday. Miss H&sel Bacon visited at Woodstock Saturday evening. Mrs. Ray Page spent Friday and Saturday in Chicago. Mrs. Ed Larkin of Elgin spent Friday. Tfith friends here. Mrs. Ellen Ensign visited friend3 nt Richmond Thursday. Miss Angela- Miller was a Wood • stock visitor Saturday evening. Mrs. H. F. Cannon of Waokegan spent Sunday with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Schneider were Elgin visitors Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hughes were Woodstock visitors Saturday evening. Mrs. Fred Kamholz and sons visited relatives at Manipngo Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fay of Elgin visited in verner Emmerfton Issues Prt~'air ttaa Setting Aside a Week For < Health Work National health promotion week >*111 be observed at the McHenry schools during the week beginning April 28. A pro^lpmatipn has been issued by Governor Emmerson setting this week aside a# ftealsh. promotion week and it will be observed throughout the state. Mrs. Rullen, the school nurse, is busy making arrangements for this health week, and is planning to make it one long to be remembered by the school children and their parents. On May 2 Dr. Harrington, of the state department of public health, \frill be here and address the pupils of the schools, and the week will be concluded with a health program given by the pupils of the three schools. A novel feature at the program will be the Sells-Health-0 Circus, which will be put on by the children of the upper grades while the children of the lower grades will also have a play oi their own. During this week special attention win be paid to the care of the teeth and the whole scheme of the program designed to teach the fundamental lessons of'diet, cleanliness and early professional dental care as the three I, i-' t! if' :0 CLASSIFIED MVEKTI5EMEOTS "M «•.* a •dan USE THE CLASSIFIED COLUMNS FOR QUICK RESULTS FOR SALS FOR RENT p6k SALE--Ford dump truck. Will RENT--Store and flat for rent sell reasonable* Ed Freund. Tel. on Main street Tel. 147-W. 45-tf £33'M"1 ^-POR RENT--Furnish^ or unfurn- FOR SALE--Potatoes, finest quality ished modern house on Waukegan Red River Early Ohios for table or street, with garden. Inquire at Marseed. While they last 75 cents a bush- 8haI1's Bakery. Phone 118-J 4etf ei A. Knell, phone 284-R, Woodstock, pqr RENT--Store with or without living rooms and 7-room flat; also 4- FOR SALE--Seed barley, free from 1W)m <Ut. Call Catherine Schneider, foul seed. John E. Kaiser* t^o miles 46tf. south of Volo on Sand Road. 46 WANTED nW^^ini^12"S'«^pTn WANTED--Vacancy now offered to A Frl^d* handle Ward's Reliable Products in 614R1 u?2 MclHenry county. Gentlemanly, steady ' hustler desired. Previous experience FOR SALE--10 tons good alfalfa hay. not necessary. Particulars on request. M. Fox, Terra Cotta. Phone Crystal Ward's Medical Co., Winona, Lake 116-M-l. 45-2* Minnn. Established 1856. 44-4 FOR SALE--Evergreens of 50 different varieties; apple, cherry and pear trees; strawberry and asparagus plants; also grape vines. The Westman Evergreen Nursery, Woodstock, 111., Frank Westman, prop. Tel MISCELLANEOUS mns ww aiter ux mgui.f --* ,Woodstock 232-R. Located one-half the John Fay home Tues-j means of preventing tooth decay and! Woodstock on South day. trouble. ~ {Street. Miss Delia Cleary of Omaha, Neb.,f V&ving under the title of the "Sells- i FOR SALE--8 45-3 k & guest of Miss Etta Powers thisjHealth-O Circus" the scheme carries I Freshman 1929 with it all the atmosphere and gla-iwainut hi-boy cabinet. $200 value-- GENERAL SEWING--Cleaning and tube, all electric, Radio, in beautiful -week. Mis* Maud Granger BABY CHICKS * from Stale inspected f l o c k s . C u s t o m hatching 4 cents per egg. MOUNT HATCHERIES Opposite Freight Depot ' Phone 084 " Woodstock, III. v, 45-2 iily •*' ji of Chicago!mour of a real circus, embracingjmust sacrifice, . _ t . . . " in«r rlnwn to ^ Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Boger Qf Chicago j lated to captivate the interest, not $95.00. Guaranteed p^ent the Week-end with home folk? j everything from a galloping clown to .neWl J. Herdan, 3937 No. Long Ave., ) the painted tent flaps and is calcu- Chicago, 111. spent Sunday at the former's home only of small boys and girls, but of their parents as well. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson Th& care of the teeth is important were Woodstock visitors Saturday 'is people are realizing more and more evening. each day. The last tew years have Mr. and Mrs, F. M. Ensign and chil-, brought knowledge of the influence dren visited relatives at Racine, Wis., o.r the teeth upon the general health Sunday. 'ot the body. Aud, as there has dawn Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Newman and led within the last generation, this Mrs. Alma Thomas w(jre Elgin visit-' realization of the care of the teeth ors Friday. !as an important factor in .health, I p0R SALE--Woodstock typewriter pressing. Anna Howard, over BoljgfeE.' S Drug Store. 38-tf FOR SALE OR RENT--Seven-room house and garage on Elm street. Phone 102-M, or inquire of W- M. Heimer. 42-tf TYPEWRrrEUS Sales and Service. Repaired and Rentals. Prompt attention to phone calls. Phone 549, hi KILTZ, Woodstock FOR SALE--Small chicken farm, be49- tf tween 4 and 5 acres, % mile from • . . . ~ McHenry on Lake Geneva cement TUNE--and keep ydttr piano tunea „) road. Mrs. Joe H. Justen, Rte 3. I Phone 611-J-l. 6-tf Tuning makes your plkho a musical instrument. Phone 274-J or write J. H. Deihl, Woodstock, I1L 27-tf I William M. Carroll, Attorney EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Estate of Helena Heimer, Deceased. The undersigned, having been appointed Eafecntor of the last Will and Testament of Helena Heimer, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the June term, on the first Monday in Jtme next, at which time all persons having claims against said estate are notified and requested to attend forj the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 16th day of April, A. D. 1929. 46-3 ^ LEO HEIMER, Executof, , -- ' fasNi "Black Shirts" • The black shirt was originally worn by the,Italian shock troops during the WortdsjWfe?, ^ter it became part of the uoffar/B ^ the legionnaires of D'Anounxio at-Flume. The Fascist! auoyieu it as a symbol of the new patriotism. The FascistI organisarlon was founded hy MussoMn! Ift March, 1910, at Milan. Common to Hnnaiily Morality knows nothing of geographical boundaries or distinctions of raefe.--Herbert Spencer. Credited to Oiwuli v t» mmruLT " f Tree* Live Many Centnrie* The Forest service says that hig trees attain an age of about 4,000 years. Most of those standing are abont 2,000 ro 2..r>00 years old. : \i ; Still UU I. ^ Ohftrto l'aper--The colony iand^ consists of aiN) acres of pleasant grove* and corpses --Boston Transcript Woodstock's Beautiful PlayHouse Miss Adeline Perkins of Waukegan j there has been a marked improvement No 5_ Has just been rebuilt at the W. MERRICK VL B. MERRICK attended the Senior class play Thurs- in dental hygiene (factory and is like a new machine in ' " AND ASSOCIATES day night. j The first of the temporary teeth • every respect. Will sell for $40 cash ' illDWEST RENDERING COi Mrs. A. E. Herrpld" visited at Pon-1 to appear are the central incisors tiac, 111., Wednesdf^ and Thursday of j which come through at the age of this week. I from five to seven months. Then Mrs. Ralph Walkup and Mrs. Anna I come the lateral incisors between the Mollohan of Ridegfield Visited friends ages of six and ten months. The first here Friday. j molars make their appearance when Dr. and Mrs. Brown of Woodstock; the child is between the ages if taken at once. Here is an oppor tunity for someone to get a real bargain. Call 170 or inquire -at the Plaindealer office. tf were guests of Dr. and Mrs. George | eleven and sixteen months, followed Hess Tuesday. : by the cuspids between nineteen and Mrs. Paul Bonslett of Crystal Lake | twenty-one months. These are followspent Sunday with Relatives and ed by the several molars. friends here. i In the care of these twenty baby Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin and teeth, or rather in the lack of care son, Rollo, were Woodstock visitors i of them, is* where many parents make Saturday night. *r'*> -• < j* mistake for they do not realize how Misses Gladys and Pamela ftietesel important they are and therefore l«t of Chicago spent Sunday and Monday!them get along the best they can all at their home here. ,of their short life. There are four George^'R^yhblds of Chicago spent j good reasons why these teeth should \Sunday with his parents, Mr. and j have good care. First, if they become A room to rent? Advertise it in of' our classified department. 'JHiii. We Pay For ! HORSES, CATTLE, HOf&S, SHEEP 1 Call 810-J-l--Dundee--815-R-4 | Prompt Sanitary Service i , REVERSE CHARGES ! ' ' ' ' ' V" " 81-tf i Vain Frivolities The age of discretion has been reached when a man DO longer wonders or cares how be would look la a silk hat--St Paul Dispatch. " ' #!wt **Sky Writer" The founder of sky writing is MaJ. O. C. Savage, an Englishman. The first word written by tbt* was "castrQl,** in June, 1922. -T" Cozy, Attractive Shingled Home ^ r With an Unusual Roof Treatment Mrs. A. r. Reynolds. Donald Gillis and Gladys Friend of Woodstock called on Miss Hazel Bacon Tuesday evening. Miss Lillian Vales at Chicago wat a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vales last week. Mrs. William Sampson of Park was a week-end guest of and Mrs. H. C. Sampson. broken down or decayed, these baby teeth cannot perform their function, the mastication of the child's food. Second, every baby tooth decayed Is a potential factor for future heart trcuble and other disease. The" effects of bad teeth in this retp:tt are similar to those of bad tonsils, r. j The last reason for caring for. baby te«th is that taking care of them is •friers'. Josephine Frett of Johflsburg j the only way to be sure of sound perspent Monday in the home of her. manent tee|h and "their proper dedaughter, Mrs. Ford Jackson. I velopment. 1 Loren Martin of Belleview, Fla., ar- j There are six factors which must rived the first of the week for a visit considered in the care of the teeth, with relatives and friends here. The first one of these is diet. Many Dr. W. C. Besley, Herbert Benneltj children eat too mucl^ candy and and Mrs. H. E. Price ot Woodstock | other, sweet food. It should be seen called • on friends In this city Friday, tlxa.t he has a supply of foods such as evening, j milk, fruits, vegetables, coarse cere- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shelton and I a is, and some meat and egg children of Highland Park were Sun-j Exercise will help to develop strong day guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. C.|teeth too Tbis can be obtained by {Sampson. j chewing coarse foods, crusts and Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thompson and coar8e vegetables. Miss Maud Granger visited in the; The third and fourth factors in the home of Mr and Mrs. Harry Alex-Icare of the teeth are re9t plenty Qf ^rider at Hebron Sunday. i i t , and sunshine. Sunshine is the Mrs. Harry-Chaubaroff of Buffalo, sure8t and be8t cure for rickel3 , JA* ' r** stBtfr' MrSl Cari'ie lilch usually go with poor teeth and ^ Johnson of Crystal Lake were ca 11-j be BUJ>plemented with cod liver ers in the home of their uncle, W»l- oIj Mam Simes, one day last'week. j . .. . . Mrs »» w u.. Cleanliness of the teeth is very im- **'• % • ' By W. A. RADFORD Mr. William A. Radford will answer questions and give advice FREE OP fltrbjerts -perta trrtrrg' to practical home building, for the readers of this paper. On account of his wide experience as editor, author and manufacturer, he Is, without doubt, Jacob K. Justen, Mrs. Hubert1 nortant the hi«^hest authority on all these sub- Freund and Mrs. Anna Meyers were „ft . , , . . . j«ct«. 'Address all inquiries to William Waukegan visitors Tuesday. --- after ^ch meal and the inside of the i. . . • when teeth and the gums given as much they callmed on Mrs. Jacob R. Justen," .? . " " a *; attention as the outside of the teeth. PatHfk BoLerBPnfUp?n & u< ' Dental attention and inspection are ^ rthe ,cb,,d r",<: .he w,nu„ j w«, ***.£££;SEZzr *moMlu'" He will be accompanied home by his wife, who has spent the winter here. i„rao, , ., _ , Mr. and Mrs. John L. May and little'1^'° C°T f,0r l^e,mo"t 1 h 1 hyg,®°e Mn of Decateur, Mr. and Mis. Rosing1, ^ ^Jldren. The of Libertyville,. Mr. and Mrs. John T ft, ""J °! Freund and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Blake'/w ® P t U,Pl? 8e T r,"e in t th® 8cho<>I was $3.82. The cost of dental exam- Peoria, Illinois, is known from were guests in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph May, Sun- 4ay. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz and sons, Fred and Paul, visited in the home of their son, George Kamholz and family in Chicago, where they attended the christening of little Mildred Lorraine Kamholz, which took •Uce at Gethsamane church Sunday Morning. Among those from MoHenry who attended the funeral of D. E. Saylfer at Elgin Sunday were: W. A. Sayler, Mrs. Alma Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Newman, Mr. and Mrs. James ination and educational work for each pu^il throsghout the grades was 13 cents, making a total cost per pupil sewed in the dispensaries of $3.95. The cost to the tax-payer per semester for a repeater is $42.75. The amount saved on each pupil kept from repeating by dental dispensary service is $38.80. For the estimated thirty eight pupils kept from repeating during the first semester the amount saved is $1,174.46. This is the actual saving per semester to the school budget People are realizing more and more A. Radford, No. 1827 Prairie avenue, Chicago, 111., and only inclose two-cent Htamp for reply. There is usually something delightfully cozy about a house finished in shingles and this is particularly true of the fiome pictured here. In addition to the efTect obtained by the shingled walls much can be credited to the treatment of roof lines which Is at once unusual, distinctive and in good taste, and to the handsome brick-, work of the steps and porch. Another item which is particularly appropriate 34-0 KlTCH HALL Chink LIVING- 2l'-0'*l3'-0 ININ6-PM IWTuM'-O' Sayler. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Wattles Jthe ^importance of the care of the teeth and becoming more intelligent as to how this may be accomplished. P>ut much farther needs to be done along this line of education in order <o bring about a still greater improvement in the health of individuals through the ber.t of dental care. sen. Glen, and Mrs. Lucy Thomas. Mrs. E. Knox and daughters, Dorothy and Genevieve; also Mr. and Mrs. Jjames Rainey of Ringwood. -- IS:,.. ,§;S' ' 1 > :, - •• ' ; Color* Mart Easily Som Experiments Indicate that such col g s-i itiors as red and orange are most ^ » k-lenrly visible at a groat distance. L Plaiodsalsrs at . m J>., First Floor Plan. to this design is the use of casement windows throughout. In spite of its effect of cosiness, a» examination of the plans of this house reveal a large amount of space provided. The house measures 28 feet wide by 34 feet deep and contains six rooms. One enters, through a vestibule, into a stair hall which gives access. through a passageway, to the kitchen at the rear. There is a most this stair hall and au uitiitrtl opening leads from lt_lnto the iiving room. A second arched opening conn&cts the living<:r&om and dining room. From the passageway between the hall and kitchen there Is an outside entrance and a stairway1! leading to the basement. In this passageway there Is also provided space for the refrigerator so that it may be served without passing through the kitchen. BED-WM IZ-Oxll'-A" HALL BED-kM ll'-O" Second Floor Plan, An Interesting feature of th# kitchen Is a large pantry, a convent^ storage space which Is none too oftei|*f$Uind in modern houses with their tendency to economize on space. Three bedrooms are provided en the upper floor. All of these rooms are of a size to accommodate the occupants in comfort. The rear bedroom is much like a sleeping porch with windows extending clear across its long, rear side. The upstairs rooms are ' all grouped compactly about. a central hall making each convenient to both stairs and bath. Each is well supplied with closets, the largest of the three having two closets, and there Is also the usual linen closet, placed In the bathroom. w»«giWr ri.|in>i.iuii|iji|i I. a -i ;iijwi. , % " * ,..... t • - • •! *•' *T 'M Evening Shows at 7 and 9 Matinee*-- On Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays, 3 p. m. SATURDAY Matinee 2:3(K--10-SSc Evening, 6:30, 9 KM)--25-50c Extra SPECIAL Extra On the 8tagiif J / Ii '• * Mike an4 y . Herman Radio Stars from WENR • IN PERSON You'll' Bust Laughing at These Two Funny Fellows ARE THEY FUNN¥f« AND HOW! On the Scree* Emil Jenning» / "SINS OF TBM FATHERS'* ALSO NEWS AND COMEDY SUNDAY - MONDAY Matinee Sunday, 3 p. m.--10-35c Evening, 7:00, 9:00--25-50c Reginald Denny IN HIS First Sound and Talking Picture HOT SPEED" Mack SenpettV Talking Comedy "THE LION S ROAR" ALSO PATHE NEWS TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY Matinee, Wed., 5 p. m.--10-30c Evenings, 7:00, 9:00--25-50c •> ISound and Talking Picture "The Last Warningn Laura LaPlante It* Picture With a Thousand ^ Thrills ^ Also A Talking Comedy AND M-G-M NEWS Herbst Toffi Boy Sho^s jl.sro* Bon Aim «. 'J e new « wearing sole Oxford "tir |tyle and the new dole costs no more than ..rather J^nd. "• FV • * "-*• >'5 % i'* •: ;,r Specials t.'l® Medium Red No. i SALMON Sweetheart Freih OARDSN PEAS| !;Z No. 2 can ...... . .. 8©# 'A Home Owned Store'-' McHenry, Illinois hi« : " » , ED. VOGEL, AUCTIONEER In order to windup our Quitting-Busines*-Sale, we will sell at Public Auction at the store, corner Riverside Drive and Pearl Street, McHenry, of 2 Beginning at 2 o'clock, -sharp, the following articles: Store Fixtures •? L Including cases and counters Sthnpson Computing Counter Scale Electric Coffee Mill Quantity of Groceries and Hardware f Toys and Toilet Articles k x About 50 cans Axle Grease . m y v / v v Some Household Furniture! And many other articles too numerous to menticq th«M articles at your own price Saturday Jos.J.Miller SUITS and OVERCOATS NEW WEAVES AND COLORS s22-5\„d *25 °°" ALL WOOL, UNUSUALLY FINE TAILORED V SNAPPY STYLES A&SO A LINE OF FINE BLUE SERGE SUITS $25 $30' $35 • ^ We can save you 15 per cent on your ' /^ ^ ^ SPRmG SUIT OR OVERCOAT we buy and sell for cash which enables us to bny cheaper We invite yon to see our line before you buy, as we want to .prove that We ^actually save you mon^y JOS. WEST M'HENRY, ILLINOIS inppip •m HP 1 •"A*:-. » ri:.' . •

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